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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="Olive"]Well, even though no one else has posted I'm going ahead with my character. Tonight I will launch this RPG. My charcter will only have so much information. I will be making more characters that I will switch once and a while to keep the story going. [B]Name: [/B]Vincent Burnley [B]Age :[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]History:[/B] Vincent's mother died after labor, adn his father died soon after from unkown causes. Vincen't life has been paved with pain. He was adopted by his brother Jesse. When Vincent was 7 he was diagnosed as a bi-polar schizophrenic. His normal personality is a happy kid, who isn't fiull of tears for his parents death. But his other side is depressed and destructive to himself and others. His body is filled with cuts from this other side. His brother is also very like him, except he is a passive-agressive. Unbeknownst to them, they both are Blood Children. These Blood Children are those who's powers will awaken when the earth awakens. Vincent's Blood Attack is Muartyr Switch. Different form other powers, this attack comes in 2 forms, Delirium Trigger and Eternal Rest. Delirium Trigger allows him to seitch his emtions at will, thus gaining different attacks and strteges depending n his feelings. However, he can't switch to a depressed state. This attack can make enemies delirius and confsed. Eternal rest is a very chaotic Blood attack where Vincent can destrroy and re-create things at will. Something he destroys can be brough back even years after it was destroyed.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="Olive"]Yes, a new place to post at. I was running out of metal bands I knew. ^^;; So first and foremost, I will go on about Alternative-metal. It's one of my favorite genres. It has a ghost of metal, but it sides more with hard rock. Fair to Midland is one of my favorite alt-metal bands. Even though they are partly art-rock, which is an added bonus. My favorite songs from them are dance of the Manatee and Tall Tales Taste Like Sour Grapes. Breaking Benjamin is another band that I appreciate more. They put on a great show, and they have good music. sadly, i've been lstening to them less. don't have Saturate, butI do;'t plan on getting it eanymroe. They're just not my favorite. My favorite is however, Coheed and Cambria. They are just amazing. I own all three albums, and I'm syked to get No World for Tommorow. the Second Stage Turbine Blade is my least favorite, but Delirium Trigger is my favorite Co&Ca song. My av album would be Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV Volume I. Welcome Home, the Suffering, The Willing Well's II, III, IV and Apollo I: The Writing Writer. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Olive"]I'm just going to go streaking again. Everyone gouged they're eyes out last Holloween. My friend's mom found a condom costume last year. That is funny. But If I got a costume, I'd be a mid-evil dark knight. Or a little puppy. The girl's would pet me.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Olive"]...OMG I really liked these poems Mann. The titles were just plain funny. I can't give you CC. But I can give you a thumbs up. Sounds cool don't it, "thumbs up." My favorite was Hardcore Hoedown, that song was NINJ4.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="Olive"][QUOTE]The difference in health is so unbelievably minuscule. And besides, I'm the guy who eats **** off the ground, hasn't brushed his teeth in going on 3 years, doesn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom and once has a fungus growing in my hair. Health means NOTHING to me.[/QUOTE] I'd love to be trapped on a boat with you. Health means nothing to me either. If I wake up with a sweaty nutsack, I just get dressed and get the day going. But I wash my hands every morning cause I fear my sperm cells will crawl into the nearest female at school thus getting the girls pregnant. Plus I have pimples crawling down my back, on my ***, and I think I have a pimple in my[spoiler]botty-cave[/spoiler] [QUOTE]Sorry, I kind of found that necessary. Actually, it has me worried, since I've never seen porn with uncut ones. I wonder if that many women care? [/QUOTE] I have. It looked like the toirtoise got sick of the hair and went back in it's shell. Yes, i spelt hair the right way. >_> [QUOTE]Though I'm the least Jewish Jew of all time. [/QUOTE] I alwasy say that I'm t h least Christian Christian ever. I don't believe in churche, and I think most parts of it are rubbish. I believe in god, but not most of the stories I've heard about him. I hate the fact that the Christians took the image of Satan away from the pagans, and I hate the fact that Jesus was never reborn in this centuary so I could meet him, and ask him the secret of the universe. Wait, I just realized DB ain't circumsized. ROFLMMFAO!!!! [QUOTE]Besides, I always thought that that extra skin would just get in the way of a good rub. Though I suppose it would be hard to relate since it would be hard to know from both perspectives.[/QUOTE] BecauseI wasn't circumized right, I have a big lump of skin that none of my friends don't have. But it makes masterbation feel better cause it rubs against the skin. Okay this talk is getting a little raunchy![/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="Olive"]Nah, I don't get out much. I used to think Flyleaf was Christian Metal. I was [I][B]that [/B][/I]stupid. But as for what Billy said about Mastadon ripping out your ******* and making you eat it: tis' true. Mastadon is excellence at it's best. Despite hearing a select few songs, I feel the power of Mastadon while listening to them. I see why Billy practically foams at the mouth at the mere sound of the band..[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="Olive"]Delirium Trigger is my favorite Coheed ad Cambria song. with songs like Welcome Home, 21:13 and The the Willing Well IV: Final Cut constantly drilling through my ears. Still haven't debunked the lyrics that start at 4:23 into the song right before the end. That is the moment I wait for beacsue it has an epic feel in the backround As for welcome Home the lyrics are amazing and the story is great. With 21:13 it's just the lyrics and the osn's differences that keep changing. Like towards the end when it starts to sound sort of like Time-Consumer, right before the Iro-bot skit. I love listening to "Iro-bot" after Everything Evil [Demo version] With Final Cut, it's the emotion behind the playing that gets to me. And what's with almost every artist? Does everyone have a song called Wake Up? As for GAIBS4, The Willing well sogns are depic, each and everyone has soemthing about it that I love. I myself can hardly wait for Vol. 2 to come out. My *** is just getting sore in anticipation. [QUOTE]I don't give a crap what Claudio says, Coheed should have to pay Rush royalties. -Justin[/QUOTE] A lot of bands owe crap to Rush. Coheed and Cambria is a definite yes int aht dpartment. I mean 21:13? come on, ain't that hard to see. But Claudio doesn't have give thanks to Rush if he doesn't want to. I owe a lot to my parents for giving me my beautiful balls, but I don't thank them and hug them for it. I could, but I just don't want to.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="Olive"]But hey, if some can do it, I can do it too. But I'd probably lose my record deal because I suck at playing the bass... as of now.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="Olive"]What's worse than stealing an artist's music? Stealing their ideas. Now that REALLY bugs me how peopple just take ideas. I do not know the laws for covering bands at concert or local gigs though, never read anything that thouroughly explins covers. [QUOTE]Does it seem like a good idea to have someone downloading your material from their computer for free now?[/QUOTE] Well, I'd just go home and do local crap and sing with a local label. Then, I'd wait till I could find another label. Or I could go to colelge for a while since you don't neceserilly need a degree for popular music. A town near my house has a local record label called Madstop, which is the towns name backword. There is tons of other crap I could do to get back my career. Some bands stay alive by just passing by.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="Olive"]Well the polygamist mormons bother me, other than them, they are nice people. And when they come to your door and you tell them no, they actually respect you and leave. I was circumsized, but not that well.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="Olive"]NO! But if it happens they shouldn't complain or sue. Unless it gets way out of hand. I'm not evil, music is my life so I don't want any artist to really suffer. [spoiler] Well, every rap artist, but that's a different story.[/spoiler] But out of all honesty, the best time to download music is when you are under 13. The law has certain limits in some states. Try not to be tried as an adult. I mean downloading like 20 songs shouldn't have that big a penelty. You could just listen then delete the song to fufill your dream. Then download it again next time you want to hear it and keep repeating. (That's a joke, don't do that. Tht was just a little fun poker *pokes Aaryanna*) But those that download over 500 are definitly villains. Under 100 should be the limit for everone.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="Olive"]Actually if I was an artist with tons of fame and money, I wouldn't care. It's for the fans mostly. However, I believe the opposite applies with fameless/moneyless bands than filthy stinkin rich ones.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="Olive"]Well, I just heard the original Holy Diver, and it was wayyyyy better than Killswitch's version. I also heard Face Fisted (Fist Faced?) by Dethklok. I almost laughed my *** of at the lyrics. Dethklok is actually good for a TV show-based metal band.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="Olive"]Sadly, I can't partake in Agalloch, my ISP plain ol' sucks. That's why I want a DSL provider, as I can enjoy a wider plethera of music from artists. Is it just me, or does Korn's last album feel like they want to sound metal? However, they do have one song thst sounds metalish, I will Protect you. (****, I made a bad mistake, mentioning a non-metal bad. *Waits for pain.* But yeah, Mastadon kicks ton O' ***. I don't have a CD though, but I plan on buying one, unlike other albums I want to get but I procrastinate endlessy. However, I know a few songs, but each one was awesome, the next better than the last.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="Olive"]@ Avenged; I think Agalloch is folk-metal. Not completely sure. But I've never heard them, However, everyone here practically LOVES them. Well Pale [B]FOLK[/B]lore sort of gives it away. >_> [QUOTE]A band from Richmond Va is named Alabama thunderpussy.[/QUOTE] Ever hear of Pennysylvania Lightingcock? Me neither, but I don't think Alabama Thunderpussy is metal. Currently listening to Mastadon's Colony of Birchmen. Mastadon is another excellent band, that has some fair mainstream knowledge. This song further proves that they are great. Another good Mastadon song is Blood and Thunder, which is better than colony of Birchmen IMO.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="olive"]No, I'm fed up with government. [QUOTE][COLOR="Olive"]His piano plays the song of [B]polotics[/B]. Now bring me the hammer, so I may smash that damned [B]liberal [/B]sound. Guitarist plays the hated, like a drummer that smashes face. [B]Kill the terror singer already[/B], [B]stop complaining that your men find play the right fret's.[/B] [B]Fueled by the fuel,[/B] that sparked the fire to our side. Our body bent and broken, [B]but nothing to pay for the healing.[/B] So what are we to do know? [B]Smash the booth [/B]upside our heads? The riffs of all that [B]vetoed[/B], make the chords of [B]appeal [/B]seem irrelevant. Now we must find the [B]bassist, the one that completes[/B] the man. Now we must come to a decision, wheter to give or beg. Are we asured we will awake again? [B]Or will we fall atomic, by heat that goes to bed? [/B] [B]Does the king truly feel pretentious, or is he a fool to be left for dead?[/B] Tell me your reasons, and [B]debate [/B]the answers to the stands. Why not [B]conserve [/B]our saftey, and let them kill themselves. This land is falling faster, than that other among the 7. But there's still peace inside the oceans, and the hurricanes in our heads.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] When I wrote "Kill the terror singer already", I was reffering to Bin Laden and how I'm fed up wtih the bastard. The following line explains the pain others feel when his last hiding place proved empty. "Smash the booth upside our heads" was reffering to election and how we can't seem to get the right man anymore. "Bassist, the one that completes the man" was reffering to Dick Chaney, becasue he's Vice-president. "Or will we fall atomic, by heat that goes to bed?'' is reffering to Atomic weapons. And "Does the king truly feel pretentious, or is he a fool to be left for dead?" is reffering to te president. It asks if he's good or if he's a fool who's political standpoint died dduring his last couple of years as president. The other bold words are terms used in polotics. Whew, I'm done for now. >_>[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="Olive"]Yeah, Amon Amarth is very good. Wait scratch that, excellent. Actually if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be interested in their genre as much. I think we should ave a sticky explaining the different sub-genres fo all music that way we can understand what we're getting into. What Jake said about Hardcore and Grindcore could be avoided a lot beter. In fact my dumbassyness ould well eba voided. [COLOR="olive"][QUOTE]I've heard a bit of Meshugga. I'm not impressed, however. But they are good at what they do, just not my kind of band.[/QUOTE] I'm just getting even dumber. Mushugga sucks ***, I'm lucky I only cought thw last 10 seconds of one of their songs.[/COLOR][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="Olive"]I've heard a bit of Meshugga. I'm not impressed, however. But they are good at what they do, just not my kind of band. @ Jake: Thanks, and yeah, it was a misunderstanding.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="Olive"]No one notices when you give it to a friend though, so that law is an easy swerve.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="Olive"]I've decided to vent some anger by writting poetry. I like to send messages mixed with my lyrics. So if you understand them, feel free to point their meanings out. I'd love to see what OB thinks of my works yet again. Now I'm not really angry, but it's jsut I'm pissed at theworld right now, I'd like to get the grief off my chest.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Olive"][COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B][U]Presidential Residential[/U][/B][/COLOR] His piano plays the song of plotics. Now bring me the hammer, so I may smash that damned liberal sound. Guitarist plays the hated, like a drummer that smashes face. Kill the terror singer already, stop complaining that your men find play the right fret's. Fueled by the fuel, that sparked the fire to our side. Our body bent and broken, but nothing to pay for the healing. So what are we to do know? Smash the booth upside our heads? The riffs of all that vetoed, make the chords of appeal seem irrelevant. Now we must find the bassist the one that completes the man. Now we must come to a decision, wheter to give or beg. Are we asured we will awake again? Or will we fall atomic, by heat that goes to bed? Does the king truly feel pretentious, or is he a fool to be left for dead? Tell me your reasons, and debate the answers to the stands. Why not conserve our saftey, and let them kill themselves. Tis land is falling faster, than that other among the 7. But there's still peace inside the oceans, and the hurricanes in our heads.[/COLOR][/CENTER]
  21. [COLOR="Olive"]I don't care about it. besideds, isn't Limewire file sharing? it says that it's legal, but what do I know! Downloaded it, didn't work, so I deleted it. But I looked up music I couldn't obtain easily. Avenged Sevenfold's Almsot Easy and Co&Ca's the Running Free. But I don't see the big deal about it. If I get Vorizen DSL, I'll probably downoad it again and try it out. If so, yeah. As for personal copies being illegal. I say big *** whoop. So I want an extra copy! I'm not selling it for profit. And if my friend's don't have money, or just want to experiance a band for the first time without wasting money for something they hate, I say give them a copy. No harm done. And for some artists with fame in abundance, they can go without $15-25.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="Olive"][QUOTE]Listen to Rhapsody without watching their music videos. [B]They're famous for their stupid, boring videos.[/B] But the music itself is brilliant - complex song structures, advanced chord progressions, magnificent vocal harmonies, etc. etc.[/QUOTE] When I listened to Dawn of Victory I couldn't stand the video. So I went onto the school's word and wrote crap to pass the time. But yeah, Rhapsody is amazing nonetheless. I saw that video featuring the guy from Lord of the Rings (lee somehing) and I absolutely hated the video, and I didn't want to wait for the music to kick in. I stopped when he was talking about something I completely forgot. As for Blind guardian being better, I don't have anything to say because I haven't heard much of Blind Guardian. [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkOrange"]The reason I love Dragonforce is that I find it impossible to listen to them and not feel completely empowered and full of fighting spirit.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I felt the same way when I heard them the first time. But I felt more along the lines of that power that you know is weaker than it appears to be. But DragonForce should be for those who want to hear that genre the for the first time. Cattle Decapitation's Karma.Bloody./Karma is an awesome song IMO. Songs like this are what make me enjoy metal most. I feel a rush of strength with thwm. I also like Throwdown. The vocals were, meh, but I liked the playing. EDIT: Killswitch Engage's cover of Holy Driver is just great. For a metalcore band, they pulled it off. I loved the video to it. I've never heard the original at all, but I'd love to now. At first I thought it was just a different metal band I've never heard before. I was surprised that Killswitch did that. P.S: is there a melodic metalcore genre by chance? Cause I'd put them under that catagory. Unless they're still metalcore, sorry if I'm wrong. EDIT 2: There, an on-topic post, instead of my constant disrepectful smut. God damn, I'm the biggest dick ever.[/color]
  23. [COLOR="Olive"] I've just heard the worst metal band I've ever heard. Brick Bath? Ugh, like shoving death into your ears. These guys sound like their choking on frogs. They sound worse than badns like Bullet for My Valentine. BFMV is possibly the most annoying and dumbest of the metalcore groups. I bought their album, sadly, and it sucks. I should burn the CD in holy water than throw it into the ocean.God. Awful screaming, horrible skills. And what's worse is tons of kids think they rock. Awful **** if you ask me. Trivium is better for christ sakes! Whew, thank god soemthing better is on. Droid's Fueled by hate is a sigh of rilief for me. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="olive"]Boy, I wonder what a Jehova's Witness would actually say about this thread. O_o My sis is a Jehova actually, and she's pretty fun. Don't see the big deal about them. Mormons bug me more.[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE]They are not metal. Not at all. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Olive"]The Acacia Strain is metal. Heard them on an all metal music channel. Nothing but hardcore metal. [B]XM Liquid Metal XL was the nam[/B] Good channel btw. Good for new commers of the genre. Which is better than MTV2 and Fuse, but no vids. >_>[/COLOR]
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