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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[COLOR="Olive"]Coheed and Cambria is a 4-member progresive rock band. They have 3 albums out, 2 DVD's, a comic series, and a book as well. Coheed and Cambria is told through 4 albums, with No World for Tommorow being realeased in North America the 23rd. Co&Ca's released albums include The Second Stage Turbine Blade, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3, and Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV Volume 1: From Fear through the Eyes of Madess. Luckily I have all three and I can tell you a bit more about them. All songs with a * after them are singles. Each CD is followed by a quick review. [COLOR="darkgreen"][CENTER][B][U]The Second Stage Turbine Blade[/U][/B][/COLOR] [LIST=1] [*]"Second Stage Turbine Blade" ? 0:52 [*]"Time Consumer" ? 5:41 [*]"Devil in Jersey City" ? 4:47 * [*]"Everything Evil" ? 5:50 [*]"Delirium Trigger ? 4:47 [*]"Hearshot Kid Disaster" ? 5:40 [*]"33" ? 3:29 [*]"Junesong Provision" ? 5:20 [*]"Neverender" ? 5:22 [*]"God Send Conspirator" ? 6:32 [/LIST][SIZE="1"][B]Re-realesed album's Bonus Tracks[/B][/SIZE][LIST=1] [*]"Elf Tower New Mexico" ? 6:03 [*]"Junesong Provision" (Acoustic Demo) ? 5:33 [*]"Everything Evil" (Demo) ? 13:37 ("IRO-Bot"- 7:26) [/LIST] [LEFT]This album came as a dissapointment for me. The songs are good, don't get me wrong. But they just don't appeal to me. Deliruium trigger is the best song on the album, andit's one of CoO&Ca's best songs. Junesong Provision (Accoustic Demo) has a quote from Buce Cambell's Army of Darkness movie. Other good songs include Everything Evil, Timeem Consumer and Elf Tower New Mexico.[/LEFT] [COLOR="darkgreen"][B][U]In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3[/U][/B][/COLOR] [LIST=1] [*]"The Ring in Return" ? 2:07 [*]"In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3" ? 8:12 [*]"Cuts Marked in the March of Men" ? 5:00 [*]"Three Evils (Embodied in Love and Shadow)" ? 5:08 [*]"The Crowing" ? 6:35 [*]"Blood Red Summer" ? 4:05 * [*]"The Velourium Camper I: Faint of Hearts" ? 5:21 [*]"The Velourium Camper II: Backend of Forever" ? 5:22 [*]"The Velourium Camper III: Al the Killer" ? 4:15 [*]"A Favor House Atlantic" ? 3:54 * [*]"The Light & the Glass" ? 9:39 [*]"21:13" ? 9:46 (Hidden Track) [/LIST] [LEFT]My first Co&Ca purchase,a dn it was a good buy. This CD is just amazing and briliant. Track 2 is the first song on this C, and perhaps the best on it. The Crowing and The Light and the Glass are just as good. 21:13 which is after 12 tracks of silence is another great song, with the"Iro-Bot will never die" re-apearing. IKSOSE:3 also has a refference of Claudio Sancez's The Prize Fighter Inferno, which is a sub-story aout Jesse Kilgannon or the Prize Figther.[/LEFT] [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][U]Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume 1: From Fear throught eh Eyes of Madness[/U][/B][/COLOR] [LIST=1] [*]Keeping the Blade - 2:08 [*]Always & Never - 2:23 [*]Welcome Home - 6:14 * [*]Ten Speed (Of God's Blood & Burial) - 3:46 * [*]Crossing the Frame - 3:26 [*]Apollo I: The Writing Writer - 5:15 [*]Once Upon Your Dead Body - 3:19 [*]Wake Up - 3:35 [*]The Suffering - 3:43 * [*]The Lying Lies & Dirty Secrets of Miss Erica Court - 3:17 [*]Mother May I - 4:32 [*]The Willing Well I: Fuel for the Feeding End - 7:17 [*]The Willing Well II: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness - 7:28 [*]The Willing Well III: Apollo II: The Telling Truth - 7:18 [*]The Willing Well IV: The Final Cut - 7:40 [/LIST] [LEFT]This CD is a rock opera, as stated by WMP's reviews. And I must agree. Even though only some songs are good, it's my favoirte album and I feel, C&Ca's best work so far. Welcome Home is amazing, but it's *** get's kicked by The Final Cut. And the video to Welcome Home is amazing as well. Apollo's I and II are similar except the lyrics are a little bit changed. "With these lessons he might learn all the world's from here must burn" Apollo I. "With thelessons he has learned allt eh worlds from here must burn" Apollo II. See? From Fear through the Eyes of Madness is another great song. And the Suffering, is just a guilty pleasure for me.[/LEFT] [/CENTER][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]When jake was talking about better power metal than Dragonforce, he mentioned Rhapsody, Heard them today on Yahoo music, and they are great. I had heard Dawn of Victory, and it was amazing. I didn't have enough time at the school's library, but I wanted to listen to the Magic of the Wizard's Dream. I went later that day, but I totally forgot about them. But you bet your *** I'll check back later. [QUOTE]But many would argue that when metal mixes with lighter musical forms, it loses its metalness.[/QUOTE] I don't really think it matters if a band gets light at one point. In fact, when a band goes down a notch on volume and screaming and the heavy riff playing, they can end up with a good song. Plus fi tehre is a really heavy song after it, the effect is better becasue the transition from soft to hard ge's more surprising. That's how I feel anyways. BTW, I'm doing some research on the genre's now. I should get some info before going on about a band that isn't really metal.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]*Gives Odin a glare of un-imaginable hateful proportions* DB and I aren't liars dude. I know him well enough to say that. usget brimstone? Ha! Funniest post ever dude. Bravicimo! And being proud doesn't make me a perv. Maybe if you hung around men you'd understand. I'm sexually open that is all. 7 deadly sins? Give me a ****ing break. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE]Revolver, don't bring up blatantly [B][B]non-metal [/B][/B]bands in the metal thread. You've done it twice in a row now. Cut it out.[/QUOTe] [COLOR="Olive"]Sorry, I've deleted my posts, so no more worry. Question though, we [B]can [/B]talk about aternatie metal can't we? Dethklok is cosidered a novelty death metal band, And just for the record, Detklok is good. Birthday Dethday was a good, but too short song that I really enjoyed. And Dethacution was awesome. I got some if not most of the joke's from the show which is good. Als, the Acacia Strain? They are a good band. Just heard a song and they are good. (Waitng for Jake to post about Agalloch.)[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]I don't think he's done it once. But yes, leave out yor God and Hell ****. Don't get me started. DON'T BE A TYLER KOREGATEN![/COLOR]
Discuss Hall of the Mother Earth: Blood Red Summer
Aberinkula replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
[COLOR="Olive"]Hitsuzan = IN! Just make your Blood Attack and were set for now.[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE]Seriously, isn't there a better band than Trivium that people could be listening to?[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Olive"]Face the asnwer is "every other band."[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]They're not inteligent, not coherent, and no way shape or form, good.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]I like the used, as much as I hate to admit it. The Bird and the worm is an awesome song. A7X's meatalcore stuf is the only Metalcore I can stand. Now they're hard rock and metal, which is much betterfor them. Oh, rock is becoming moe numerous where I live. But it's mostly kids who think Unholy Confessions is a great song. A7X has stuff wayyyyyyy better than that. I just can't stand M. shadows. >_> Self-rightious bastard. I hold a strong grudge against rap, so I tend to bash it a lot.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]Well Gavin, knowing you were left-brained was a... NO BRAINER![/COLOR]
[COLOR="olive"]I've decided to call Nu Metal, ***** metal from now on. For reasons of my own. >_>[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]Hypothetically, even if all of those bands sucked major ***, they would have their share of followers. Mallcore kids aren't exactely evil, they could bring metal back, and then the bigger metal dudes will walk in and go "hey!" and they will also share their music. Thus, the world will finally be restored to musical peace and Hip-hop and rap can vask in a pool of shame, blood, and hemp. Than the Anti-metalists would uprise. >_> Bastards...[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]You people and your MCR! I remember my old music days. I was siluted by those kind of bands. but Helena is good, and tthe Black Parade is just meh. Today my friend, urr... Metalcore501 said that Co&Ca sucks. But obviously he doesn't know MUSIC. But I will still respect his music. The good stuff. He likes Mastadon and frankly, Mastadon is amazing. Never heard Gorgerath, but I have the feelignt hat they aren't all that good.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]Ghost Reveries sounds much better. Later on I'm going around the net to research metal and the sub-genre's of metal. On a side note... Lamb of god. Everyone I know and their mums like those guys I only like when the Palaces Burn or whatever it's called. Otherwise I tend to steer clear from them. What do you guys think of them? [size=1]Ten points to whomever get's the "Everyone and their mums" joke.[/COLOR][/size]
[QUOTE]>_> totally missed tonight's episode and now my girl friend (note: space) is going to kill me T_T We're 'Heroes buddies'. Mostly cuz we're both such Peter Patrelli fans XD (though we both hate his current story arc) So far, I think I'm a little unimpressed by the new season. Why? 3 cheese romances all at once. Peter Parelli with the embarrassingly fake Irish lady, the stupid-*** teen romance, and even Hiro is falling for a girl. At least all thee gay moments between doc and police guy make up for it XD Other than that, though, not bad. At the very least, Takezo Kensei kicks ***. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Olive"]O mi fooking god! DB watched Heroes! Now I can nag him about that. :p Heroes is by far one fot eh best shows evuh. the new season is just too amazing. Form the new characters to Docter Suresh and Matt's fatherly love towards Molly. One of my favorite twists was when Maya and her brother find [spoiler]Sylar[/spoiler] Damn, Sylar is one of my most favorte villains. I remeber whan he visited his mom adn killed her. I hope Sylar cuts people's barains out again. I mean sure that one girl, but we need more gore and voilance. Clair's new lover is weird. He's ****ing taking her away! The Premonition of [spoiler]Clair's father being killed[/spoiler] sent chills down my spine. [spoiler]I can't wait until Clair's father finds out that she's going out with one of his old subjectees. But we'll have to wati while he's gone with the Hatian.[/spoiler] I'm liking this new black girl with that kid, sadly I forgot his name. My mom thinks Mohinder is cute... ick. She says this show is confusing. She doesn't even pay attention. About Peter's story, meh. It's a nice little twist about how he wound up with that box. And will there finally be a sex scene in this show between Peter and that girl. we can only hope. I think the gropup of twelve used to try and save people, but after somethign happened they disbanded. Wiht matt's dad becoming a kid-abandoning prick, and from BOb's stand-point. he wants to "save" the heroes. I still think he has a master scheme that's conected witht Hooded man. And [spoiler]Matt's dad, whom he's going to see, has something that will finally break through the ice.[spoiler]Now If the hooded man went after Clair's boy-toy, he can have the guy. I just want Clair to be single. >_>[/COLOR]
[QUOTE]>_> totally missed tonight's episode and now my girl friend (note: space) is going to kill me T_T We're 'Heroes buddies'. Mostly cuz we're both such Peter Patrelli fans XD (though we both hate his current story arc) So far, I think I'm a little unimpressed by the new season. Why? 3 cheese romances all at once. Peter Parelli with the embarrassingly fake Irish lady, the stupid-*** teen romance, and even Hiro is falling for a girl. At least all thee gay moments between doc and police guy make up for it XD Other than that, though, not bad. At the very least, Takezo Kensei kicks ***. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Olive"]O mi fooking god! DB watched Heroes! Now I can nag him about that. :p Heroes is by far one fot eh best shows evuh. the new season is just too amazing. Form the new characters to Docter Suresh and Matt's fatherly love towards Molly. One of my favorite twists was when Maya and her brother find [spoiler]Sylar[/spoiler] Damn, Sylar is one of my most favorte villains. I remeber whan he visited his mom adn killed her. I hope Sylar cuts people's barains out again. I mean sure that one girl, but we need more gore and voilance. Clair's new lover is weird. He's ****ing taking her away! The Premonition of [spoiler]Clair's father being killed[/spoiler] sent chills down my spine. [spoiler]I can't wait until Clair's father finds out that she's going out with one of his old subjectees. But we'll have to wati while he's gone with the Hatian.[/spoiler] I'm liking this new black girl with that kid, sadly I forgot his name. My mom thinks Mohinder is cute... ick. She says this show is confusing. She doesn't even pay attention. About Peter's story, meh. It's a nice little twist about how he wound up with that box. And will there finally be a sex scene in this show between Peter and that girl. we can only hope. I think the gropup of twelve used to try and save people, but after somethign happened they disbanded. Wiht matt's dad becoming a kid-abandoning prick, and from BOb's stand-point. he wasnts to "save" the heroes. I still think he has a master scheme that's conected witht Hooded man. And [spoiler]Matt's dad, whom he's going to see, has something that will finally break through the ice.[spoiler]Now If the hooded man went after Clair's boy-toy, he can have the guy. I just want Clair to be single. >_>[/COLOR]
Discuss Hall of the Mother Earth: Blood Red Summer
Aberinkula replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
[COLOR="Olive"]These blood attacks are not, I repeat ARE NOT spells at all. Think more along the lines of a... Kakigenkai of the RPG. You can't use it to make your attacks effective. That's reserved for regular spells.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR="Olive"]Jake, I was wondering where you got genre information. But reasearch? I thought you had a degree or a person with said info. Now we know you [B]are [/B]a mythological thing on OB. I'm going to buy an Opeth Album soon. Any suggestions? And Amon Amarth's with Oden on our Side. Amon Amarth is fricken awesome. Mallcore isn't a thorn, Jake, more like a cancerous cyst on the colon of Metal.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]You made me think of Amon Amarth. But I think Jake has said that they were overtaken by the horrid fate of Hot Topic. Why do they torture us? Amon Amarth is good though. I've been told Chimaira is good, but those guys are meh. Right now I'm listenign to Contorted and Rotting by Condemned. Meh. And now, Scar Symmetry's Pitch Black Progress, which is good. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]AC/DC and all of them are metal. Just not the metal of today that's all.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]Cradle is like "me sucky moosic." I admit "Nymphetamine" is good. But the rest of Cradle sucks. No ones talked about AC/DC, Metallica, the Scorpians, and all the classics? Shame. My mom loves the scorpians. They were alive during the "Glam Rock" era I bilieve. And hell, they're still touring. AC/DC is comming out with a new album. and Metallica has become old and washed up, even though their old crap is good. I'm not sre if Metallica is metal or hard rock though. Who the **** is Misfits?![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]Anyways, has anyone ever heard of Disciple? I was flipping through the XM channels when I reached the Christian Rock station. Low and behold I heard Christian metal for the first time ever. I must say Disciple was so so but the music interested me. How can it be the devils music when it's for and about god? I mean I hear Christians scream all the time, but never like this. A good song iwould have to be the Sacriligious Scorn by Dimmu Borgir. lLve the song, even though it's not the best Dimmu song. And that gal from Arch Enemy... WHOA. wouldn't want to make her mad. But Arch Enemy is good I guess. EDIT: Your welcome DB. :p[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]Phew, at least I'm not cowarring behind a veil of self-pity, denial and urine. >_> And I figure Tool is hmmm, Alternative Rock? Alt Metal? I. Do. Not. Know. Weird, no one has ever taken the time to explain if Alternative Metal is a class in metal or not. I'd love to have tha explained for me. EDIT: For Thor's sake? Please Jake, reach higher on the pantheon. For Odin's sake sounds cooler. For Odin's Sake, good band name.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]You like to hear the Crowning O_O! DB is fascinated by pregnant girls giving birth. *Tee-hee*[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Olive"]Heartshot Kid Disaster is good. I love Claudio's bridly scream. My favorite interpretation of the story was in GAIBS4Volume:1 where it was told by the POV of the writer. That is why Apollo's I and II are some of the best songs on that album. They have tales that even I, who doesn't know much about the story, can understand and enjoy. The Iro-bot skits at the end of 2113 and Everything Evil [Demo] are very good parts. That and Junesong Provision, which another good song. even though the accoustic version's high-pitched vocals ge annoying after a while. Love the Army of Darkness quote. IKSOSE:3 their best album. It is just plain old epic. The Crowing, the Light and the Glass, 2113, The Velourium Camper II: Al the Killer, Cuts Marked in the March of Men and *huff, huff* In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth are great songs. However, the first two parts of The Velourium Camper is a bad song which should have been replaced and they should just have had Al the Killer out of the trilogy. I tried to listen to The Prize Fighter Inferno's single, but it just bugged mme. Inferno is one of the characters if you don't know, and it's supposed to be sort of a sub-story ebhing the C&Ca universe. The album My Brother's Blood Machine is either a refference or is reffered to by in Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 where Claudio sings, "sincerely written from my brother's blood machine." The whole Priz Fighter Inferno thing is a solo-act by Claudio Sanchez. The prize is an organisation int eh Co&Ca unvierse. And band's symbal is supposed to be a thing about the energy of the planet's in the story. They need to turn this into a movie so people won't read this and go "WTF."[/COLOR]