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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="Olive"]I'm in Desert's sig. Ta sweetness. But it's true, everyone needs a good whippin, I want a thread about fetishes next![/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Well, since it's whine thread I might as well complain. I want to be an Admin. This is not a joke, I want to be one. I would settle for being a moderator as well, but I'd really like to be an Admin. I'm not sure why I have no rank yet on OB. I know the rules well enough, I'm here all the damn time and could police the entire forum with more efficiency than the rest of the mods combined (that's half joke, don't get too offended) not to mention I'm probably the most important member here or something >_> [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'd better be your advisor dude, your my brother from anatha mutha! [COLOR="Olive"]I feel the same way, but hey, you just don't live up to the title. Get a fanclub and maybe the comprimise will start. But I do agree, you should become an admin. Or at least a mod.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Olive"]Yup, i'm gald to be pikecd upon. Makes me feel wanted, ya know? At least I don't listen to mewithoutYou. The best Video Game song is Blow Me away by Breaking Benjamin. Generic I know, but they made a song for the Halo soundtrack. :p Halo for christ fricken's sake. That should give you something to gloat about? Another annoying music personna, Bono. sure he's a good guy, but will he just shut up. He has soooooooo many awards I'd like to *****-slap him and throw him into a pit of Hades.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Olive"]Ha, I've got oe dude. Take that whoa, Mann. This should be OB's gloat day! I'm kidding, you need a hug dude. Okay, not really. Don't touch me... >_>[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="Olive"]As long as we don't have God-awful super orgies with fat women. >_> that's what I'm afraind of most. Speaking of S&M and Bondage, come one? Who doens't love a good whipping? I saw Tila Tequila whip a girl on A Shot at Love with Tila tequila. If only I could sleep with one of the lesbian's on that show. Alas, lesies won't have sex with me. :( Isn't that a dream that DB has too, the chance to sleep with a lesbian? Masturbation is something God gave us all. it is not a sin, rather a gift. Funny you should mention self-blowjobs Starwind. I'm able to bend down that far. I am above all, a much better organism thatn you all. Mwahahahahahha! Hey, I hear the wiccan's don't have a god for premature-ejaculation. But I hear he's comming soon! Cha cha za-ZING![/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="Olive"]With Masterbation, you don't get complaints that you suck afterwords. Cha-ching, ZING!! Db, and Metalcore, please refrain from the name calling. I have a week constitution for those things. :([/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='Jakehammaren']Behold, the Hot Topic generation. And for the record, Dimmu Borgir actually was quite good waaaaaaaaay back when they were a black metal band, but that ended a long time ago.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Olive"]I also heard the Sacriligous Scorn, and two other songs today on Yahoo. Good listens. Love to see their old ****.[/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='MistressRoxie][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Do you mean to say that if the period of menstruation coinsides with the full moon, women are more crazy?[/COLOR'] [/quote] [COLOR="Olive"]Tis true Mistress. Women go crazy during full-moon, and during the period. It's not proven however, becasuse scientists are too afraid to study women during this time. They fear for their lives.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"][QUOTE]Vamps seem to suck in my view because they're too preppy.[/QUOTE] Aww, wah. So what, they're much better than werewolves. And they don't look preppy, they look nicely dressed. Werewolves like to parade around naked, not something that shold be seen. I mean do you want some hairy animal's penis waving in your town? I think not.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="Olive"]His voice sound like the restrained chorus of 12 kittens being choked and forced to swallow 2 gallons of cyanide, whilst gargling acid, and singing to Mudvayne's horrid ****ing Determined. That is what Matt Sanders sounds like.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="Olive"]I know what it's like Billy. Dial-up is the ***** of all internet connections. the best I can do is find a link and give it to people. >_> Dimmu Birgur(sp?) , was a really good band I heard a few days ago. I heard the song was called the Serpantine something, I forgot the name. ^^;; But it was enjoyable. Speaking of bands with jerk members A7X's, M Shadows thinks he's all that. I mean just look at him and you can see the "I think I'm better, hahaha!" thing just leak from his body. Annoying I might add, especiall since there are tons of bands better than A7X. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="Olive"]Well, I'm going to start the underground thread soon. So if yous ee a thread that says "Blood Red Summer: The Trees" it's the underground thread. I will be PMing you guys soon, so stay vigilant.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="Olive"]I have yet to see Pan's Labyrinth. However, my grandmother has it and she said it was really good. I'm not big on movies though. The last flick I saw was Hot Fuzz. It was good though, took a while to get the jokes.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="Olive"]Who would she be? [IMG]http://800lbgorilla.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/hookers.jpg[/IMG] A dirty hooker.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="Olive"]4? What's that got to do with anthing, Matt?[/COLOR]
  16. [IMG]http://weblogs.newsday.com/entertainment/tv/blog/paris-hilton-picture-1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Olive"]This girl's brain jumped ship. Try reading her mind.[/COLOR]
  17. [IMG]http://www.habeeb.com/images/matador.bullfight.10.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Olive"]Silly bull, meet matador, matador meet silly bull.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="Olive"]What about me Nom? You're my organ doner after all. What about us two man?[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="Olive"]This is a story I've had for a while now, about 3 or 4 months old. I jus started to continue the story after I opened the file whilst cleaning the word program. I want o work more on characterization, rather than evil doers, plot points/twists, and the occansional violent battles I intend to write. It's a romance comedy, and I've read a bit to my friend, and she laughed a few times. if I could write sex scenes, you'd bet I'd add taht! >_< It's based on real people, and the main character Edward, is the guy I wish I was. Just read alredy![/COLOR] [CENTER] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="olive"][U][B]Chapter 1: The New Girl[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]My high school life was just wacky. After being dumped by the hottest girl in school and setting the lunch room on fire; I was ready for the worst year of school ever. I had only a few friends this year because most of my other friends gave up on me after almost getting them killed last year. Luckily the events I?m about to tell you about were from my graduation year, so I won?t have to worry about almost killing someone again. But hey at least I?m not a total loser, am I right? If your wondering my name is Edward and I?m one of the smartest kids in school. Even though I am the bad luck machine, I get rewarded through my good efforts. I?m in the honor society and I?m the schools spokesmen. Believe it or not, I?m actually a rocker by heart. I want to start a band soon with my friends but the thing is they wouldn?t trust me with their equipment even if I was their manager. If your wondering, my friends are the outcast?s of the school. No one likes the music we listen to because of that rap shit. Don?t get me wrong, I don?t hate people who listen to it, but I just want to blow when I hear it on people?s Ipod. Anyways this year in particular was the most interesting, not because I was on my way to graduating, but because I fell in love. Love doesn?t seem weird at first unless you fall in love with the new girl, well this one anyways. [CENTER][B][U][][][][/U][/B][/CENTER] The first day back at school. It was very fun, my friends came up to me and started talking about their vacation, I didn?t though. MY friend Tom put his arm around me, he isn?t ?that way? but he has always been my best friend for the past two years. He looked over at another one of my friends, Jamie, who him and I have a crush on. Her long black hair seemed to shine all the time. Bu it was just a crush that I got over during the summer. I looked around the lobby to see if anyone else had changed, some did, others didn?t. But I did notice a new person who I had never see before. It was a tall girl with light red hair and a very great sense of style. She was sitting down next to one of the other girls who was talking to her. I looked at her as she looked at me. I jerked my head back and hit my nose on Thomas? head. [B]?What the hell was that for?!?[/B] he yelled. He rubbed his cheek and sighed.[B] ?What were you doing dude??[/B] he asked me. I was trying to look at the new girl without notice, but Thomas noticed. [B]?Oh, I see! Looking at the new girl, eh??[/B] [B]?Uh? no I?m just looking at the wall!?[/B] I Blushed a bit. I had my hands in my pockets and I tried to separate them to find my lunch money. Thomas looked at my pants bulge. It was my hand, but Thomas didn?t realize that. Thomas liked to talk out loud, so secrets never stayed secret with him. [B]?Oh my god! Hey guys, Ed got a boner looking at the new girl!? [/B]Thomas laughed, he meant only for the others to hear him? but the whole lobby did. The new girl just backed away hoping not to be seen. My eye twitched and I felt like I was going to die. [B]?Thomas? I was looking for my money? I don?t have a boner!?[/B] I yelled. Ugh, I never lived that down. In fact it made me the laughing stock of the whole school for a month. But as that month went by I began to notice the new girl, Maloney, she was staring at me quite often. Probably pissed. Well after being called Boner Boy for a month; things went on. Well the Monday after the first month was actually a good day. I wore m lucky white shirt that day and I won $12 from a school contest. My jeans were frayed at the bottom and I shaved off the last few hairs that I had forgotten about the day before. My face felt rugged and I was prepared to look my best. Thomas wore his usual shorts and muscle shirt; so he looked like a thug. And my friend Jamie -the one Thomas has a crush on- started to wear tight clothes. She died her hair blonde for a while and it looked great. As for Maloney, she wore what she did the first day I saw her. Leather pants and a red T-shirt. I noticed that she was wearing a pink bra too. I know, I sound perverted but the thing was? I was starting to like her. We would catch glimpses of each other in the halls. She smiled at me and I smiled back. The thing was that she had become really popular. I was a few years back. And after coming out of the musical closet, people stopped being my friends. That?s how much rap influences our school. [B]?So Ed, are you going to ask out Maloney out??[/B] Thomas asked me sarcastically. ?She?s way to popular for me, and besides she?s not my type!? Of coarse I was lying. She WAS my type for sure. Well from what I hear anyway. I really wanted to ask her out but I never had the nerve. Jamie was behind me though, she thought I could do it and I know deep inside I can too. ?Then who is your type, the strong and masculine type?? Thomas obviously threw some sort of gay comment at me, and I didn?t work. I knew what to say. [B]?Oh, you mean like your mom? She looks like my type then.?[/B] Thomas stopped laughing and he walked away, he was mad of coarse. Well as I was getting my books from my locker I noticed she was walking towards me. I went into panic mode. I started shaking and blushing uncontrollably, I felt my pants knot up. I looked at her and she was standing right next to me. She smiled. [B]?Hey, your Edward, right?" [/B]She asked me calmly. Her body looked great and she sounded like a goddess. I was about to melt right in front of her. [B]?Ummm, yes I?m Edward? or just Ed.?[/B] I smiled back at her. I noticed her blue eyes, they felt calm. I could also feel her body heat, she was nervous. Suddenly it felt calm. Hey if she?s nervous and I?m nervous then we really aren?t that different. ?Why is there something you need?? I asked her politely. [B]?Would you like to come over to my house tonight and maybe hang out. Don?t worry about my parents they?re gone for the week.?[/B] She smiled again and walked away. I smiled too. Thomas was listening of coarse, I saw his mouth wide open. [B]?Dude, no parents! She wants to get you in her sack! If you lose your virginity I will give you five dollars!?[/B] I looked at him and walked over he was still laughing. I picked him up by his shirt and got in his face. He stopped laughing, he swallowed and he started shaking. [B]?Look here Thomas. I?m sick of you always laughing at me when girls talk to me. I really love this girl and I want you to shut up, got it?!?[/B] I dropped him right there. He frowned. [B]?I was just kidding.?[/B] he said sadly. I shook my head. [B]?Well, I?ll be over for a while before I go to her house. Bye?[/B] I said that as I left the building. School was over for the week, and I had a girl to meet.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="Olive"]God, I never realized that until now. This place needs SEIOUS help. What about a hentai forum? [spoiler] Come on guys, laugh a little![/spoiler][/COLOR]
  21. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Dragon Ball Z should have ended at not ****ing existing. Dragonball was enough and it was good. DBZ is pure, unadulterated ****. The fact that people enjoy it wounds my soul. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Olive"]THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT! The truth is out. Spongebob left me at a standstill. After his voice got higherm and he seemed even gayer than norm, hte goodness of the show flew the coop. But Spongebob can't be gay, his species doesn't reproduce with each other directly.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="Olive"][B]DB [/B]and [B]Allamorph [/B]have the best points yet. Then again, I know those two more than I know most other people in this thread, but still. EDIT: It's okay Shy. If you're ugly, we won't respect you any less. :p [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="Olive"]DB, I wish I could have banned that member for posting crap in your threads. It just bugs me, and what was worse was his grammer. "What are u talking about." Oi, even when I wasn't good at posting, I didn't dare to make that mistake. Now come on, really. "What are you talking about?" would have been a little bit better. And dude, you get rewarded for your efferts. We say good job once and a while. Now it's the little thinks that matter. :P OB is actually better without a cloud of members rushing to the place every hour. It's peaceful and much more friendly with only a few members on constantly. Even though it could use a little more people.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="Olive"]Is there anything coming out soon that you want to see? Or do you want to buy it? Tell us here. Make sure they are Movies, TV shows or albums, and give us a reason why you're watiing for it, that way this thread doesn't turn into a list-fest. [B]Albums:[/B] [B]Avenged Sevenfold - Avenged Sevenfold: [/B]The song Almost easy is just plain old awesome, and the remake of Walk is just as good. City of Evil was an amazing album, and my first real dive into Metal. [B]No World for Tommorow - Coheed and Cambria: [/B]The first three albums are pretty good, even though I was sligtly dissapointed wtih The Second Stage Turbine Blade. The sound of Good Apollo I''m Burning Star IV: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness was just another excellebt CD from Co&Ca. My anticipation peaked when I heard the song The Running Free, the latest single from the new album. [B]TV Shows:[/B] [B]Backin' Black - Comedy Central[/B]: well, I only saw an ad just recently, and it was just something on G4's The Feed under the program Code Monkeys. It said that Lewis black could have a new show on Comedy Central. Jewish comedian's are just hilarious, and Lewis Black is just too great to pass up.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="Olive"]Well, I've found out that I can agree with Face. So, how about we eliminate radio music? Unless you find somthing [size=4][B][I][U]really[/U][/I][/B][/size] amazing. So, how about I propose an idea. we post about an artist, and if people agree that said band is great, we mention them in the thread starter? So when people with not-so-pretentious taste come to this thread, they can check out some good artists. And even ecamples of generic music as a no-no list.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B][URL="http://music.aol.com/video/dance-of-the-manatee/fair-to-midland/1925928"]Click here for the song Dance of the Manatee I talk about. It's worth mentioning becasue this is a good song. Now I don't know about you guys, so I guess I'll see.[/URL][/B][/COLOR]
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