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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="olive"][COLOR="Olive"]Cool. Right now The Running Free is on. I LOVE IT. I'm buying the new Co&Ca CD. When doesn it come out I wonde? I found out that I can sorta sound like Claudio. Well, I Don't sound like I think I do. But hey, as long as I'm enjoying snging to the musci. CoCa is starting to sound more Alternative to me. It's not, but it just sounds that way. SOAD is comming up on the radio. Wait it's on. I'm getting some sugar, if you know what I mean.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="Olive"]I've told you countless times dude, my internet doesn't play videos. Even if it's not a vid, this piece of **** ISP wouldn't be able to download it, let alone the site. Maybe yahoo Music has it, if so, I'll check it out at the school library. I'll give anything a try. If If I'm ever in the loacal library I'll check back to this thread. I wonder if Firefox is any better?[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Olive"]No, don't plan on either. I'm not a big prog guy, even though Co&Ca is, they are an exeption. Sorry if i seem like a prick Db, if I ever met you in a parking lot, I'd listen to your music. Becasue it is still good music. But hey, A7X has a new song out, and it is great, way better than other songs by the. Almost Easy is the name. Better than the remake of Walk, which I thought sucked. I don't care about my music taste anymore, it'll still be better than most of my friends music collection. No offense to them. [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Olive"]Ditto on that. School sucks.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="Olive"]No Mars Volta. I'll try dredg but that's it. Dredg perfomred on Jimmy Kimmel actually. DB I'll never have good taste like you, so I don't think Mars is for me, ya know? A good song now would be Pretender by Foo Fighteres. Normally I hate this band, but this song is really good. Far to Midland isn't Prog dude. T_T Tool is the shizz BTW.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]I've been listening to Apollo I & II by Co&Ca. Soon I hope to be listeniing to Fair to Midland, and Dethklok. Right at the moment I'm listening to Supermassive Black Hole by Muse. It's more of a guilty pleasure for me. Fair to Midland has good reviews BTW, they're Art rock and Alternative Metal. If only I knew the difference between Metal and Alternative metal. >_>[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="Olive"][CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/ajl.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [font=felix titling][B][U][CENTER]Prelude to the Summer[/CENTER][/U][/B][/font] The trees became full again, the grass was now green and the flowers were in bloom once more. The beginning of spring looked so good, an amazing picture for something so deceiving. The season was looking good, but the world wasn’t feeling good. Mortals can’t feel the earth’s pain or hear it’s words; however there are some who can. Well, only once in a few thousand years can they hear the planet. [CENTER]---[/CENTER] That time is know as the Blood Red Summer. During this time, the earth slows down the process of restoring itself. While doing this, the earth can save up energy for when it is really needed. However, the last time this happened a whole civilization was wiped out. Drought, famine and depression caused wars. Countries battled over land and sea, just to gain control over the economy. The magic that bound humans together, was now used to pull them apart. Fire, water, earth and air was used to destroy each other. Darkness laughed at the world, and light found no sympathy for the humans. But the planet’s cries went unnoticed. But even after such things were over, the country’s of the world still had troubles. The death’s of millions caused much despair. Empty voids where happiness once sat were stretched to their limits. Towns, cities, and villages fell, and even more death was dealt with. But those that could hear the planet’s suffering, wanted all this to end. So a council was formed. A council that would bring an end to the torture, and rebuild the world. The Praise, a group dedicated to the earth, formed a union in every country. But how could they bring back the order of the world? By betraying the whole world, and using it’s magic against itself. They were dedicated to the earth, so dedicated that they sought to destroy all life, and leave no one to harm mother nature. But the planet was fed up with it all. It decided to use it’s power to destroy and rebuild the earth. Almost in a instant the planet returned to the way it was before the Blood Red Summer. And so the planet would wait until he earth was advanced enough to deal with the changes. Light and Darkness agreed to let the earth slumber, and so humanity went on with life. Unaware of what would become of the earth… someday. [CENTER]---[/CENTER] Underneath the ground, the worms wiggled and squirmed. In the forests the animals ran frantically. Yet, the city of New Rome was doing the same it had for the past fifty years. New Rome is a city located in New York State. The United State fell apart, and joined the Earth Alliance, a group of countries who decided to get past their differences to find piece. However, New Rome was also the capital of the American Side of the world. There have been two sides for as long as New Rome has existed. The Americas and the Australian Side. Australia was a neutral country for some time. But after the war of 3027, they decided to take action. With the help of the Country Alliance. They were able to take control of the eastern world. All laws have changed, and the almost the whole world is now in a democracy. However, this peace seems almost too fantastic. With every good, there is an evil. Many countries have decided to become either communist, or dictated. These country’s are known as the Confederate-Countries of the world, or CCW for short. Soon a war will arise between them and the allied country’s. this is however, not a good time, for the Blood red Summer, is approaching. And when earth awakens, it won’t be happy. [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/ajl2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]The War of 3027 -[/B] Fed up with peace, an unknown enemy used nuclear weapons against the world. The country or countries responsible were never discovered. But this caused much grief. Everyone blamed each other for the attacks, and soon the world became engulfed in hate. [B]The Great Divide -[/B]A scientific project that is trying to look into the earth’s past. The importance of this project was brought to life by the UCA (United Country Alliance). Not much is known because this project is relatively new. [B]Apollo Omega -[/B] before the earth’s spirit lay dormant, earth asked the gods to create a group that would awaken it in the year 3029. But due to years of waiting, the group became power hungry. Now all the good intention were tainted, and they intend to use earth as a weapon. However those who just want to awaken the earth formed a new group called Apollo Alpha. They will wake the earth soon. [B]Magic -[/B] A force that was brought back to the modern world in 2977. It wasn’t a cause of war, but it had something to do with it. Magic was used as a weapon to fight other countries. Now it can be used for defense, and home purposes. Spells can be made by fusing together symbols found in ancient text, which could be translated into Latin. [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/ajl3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Blood Red Summer tells the tale of gifted people that can hear the earth. When Apollo Alpha wakes the earth using magic, those people will also awaken. By that, their powers will come forth. Each one different from another. But the earth will soon face the imminent threat of extinction as The Praise will return to the masses as well. This RPG will be done as chapters. These sign-ups themselves are kind of a prologue in a sense. Each chapter will have a different point, or a point continuation from the last chapter. Some may be short, some may be long. Each post is called an episode. I will be taking more control than usual with this RPG. when a new Chapter is up, I will tell you what's going on. This RPG is music inspired. Blood Red Summer is a song by Coheed & Cambria. I thought the name would be able to old a theme. I will be using references to other bands and songs as well. And another note, this for this RPG I require very skilled players. If at any time you feel that you can’t do this, tell me and I will arrange something. If you do quit, your character will not be killed. [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/ajl4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name: [/B](Anything is acceptable.) [B]Age:[/B] (18-30) [B]Gender: [/B](everyone knows this part.) [B]Personality: [/B](How your character acts) [B]Weapon: [/B](This is the future, but anything is acceptable. Just not too overboard.) [B]History: [/B](your character’s past, and what’s been going on around him/her lately.) [B]3 Magic Spells: [/B](You must have at least 1 support spell. Nothing too powerful.) [B]Appearance:[/B] (If you use an anime or manga character, please make sure they don't have odd feature’s that normal humans wouldn't have.) [B]Miscellaneous: [/B](Anything else that was not mentioned above.) [B][CENTER]Acceptance List:[/CENTER][/B] Thanx Lolita, if I can get some sign-ups, I can get more people. Glad you like my stuff too. You're accepted. Lionheart, another one of my favorite Rpers, is accepted. He doesn't have a sign-up, I know. However, I know he has something good in store. Metalcore, your character has to have 3 spells. Otherwise your sign-up doesn't cut it. Dragoonreaper, I've seen you RP before, and frankly I wasn't impressed. So unless you can buckle down and get better, you won't be going anywhere in this RPG. Oh, I forget to tell you guys that if you don't have good posting skills (grammer, unctuation, 3 paragraphs, etc) you will have 1 chance o improve. If you don't, your character is mine and your out of the RPG. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="Olive"]Geneon, you've let us down, but you will be remembered. They do have some of the best anime ever in NA. Here's one last drink of beer to Geneon. May your rest be a merry one.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="Olive"]I love Breaking Benjamin for some unkown reason. They just haven't been knocked off their pedastal. It's the guy's lyrcis and voice that I love. Not really the playing. I don't think Amon Amarth is metalcore, and I think Jake will be more than Pih-hissed. genre isn't a complete label for bands. Some bands have songs that aren't in their normal genre area. It's just that way. SO maybe it does sound metalcore. But I don't think Amon Amarth is metalcore. I may lsiten to more generic rock music, but I'm very picky about it. Just becasue music I like may not be good, doesn't mean you can't be snobby about it. This kid at schools ays Papa roach is good, yeah. Whatever.I think they need to get a talent- O - Meter to test those guys out. A VERY BBBIIIGGG meter. This guy I know say's Gorgorath is good. I don't believe him. I have problem's with a lot of very heavy metal, mostly becasue of the screaming. Sometimes it just doesn't cut it. But of coarse there are artist's that scream all the time, and do it well. But if a song has the same low-pitched scream in it, get it away from me. The guy from Fair to Midland for example. He can scream high and low. Now FTM isn't pretentious, as far as I know, but that guy has a very good voice that would fit well in metal.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="Olive"]I need DETHKLOK! What would Jake would say about this album, I'm just watiing for his reply. I wonder if FYE has this album?[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="Olive"][quote name='Lethargy']Weed, unlike cigarettes, is a very social drug. The whole experience is something to be shared with by others. I never smoke alone, if you haven't figured that out yet.[/quote] That's why I like you dude. You always know what to say in these threads, and you don't cause a riot. Oh, A_M, remember what Metalcore said, there isn't enough scientific evidence to support that second-hand smoke hurts people. Of coarse every knows science is always right. [/Sarcasm] It is just as bad actually, you don't need science to prove it.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="Olive"]Yeah, I'm going to wait until the next chapter to post. Otherwise I'll just jump in and post nonsense. Sorry I'm procrastinating a lot, but I have a nasty habit with that.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="Olive"]well, not a decline in rock music, but more of a drop in appreciation. There's so much rap on. MTV hardly puts their rock shows on during day time. It's always at 11 PM, or sometimes later. Look if I want to watch Headbanger's ball, I want to watch it. But if I'm tired, I'm not wating too long. Especially on a shcool night. Who cares if there's screaming, boo hoo. I love hearinga few screas. Good god MTV. >_> That reminds me, I happen to like Amon Amarth. Well, yeah one song. Black Bird something, I forgot. But it was great, and I love his vocals. Well now that I remember, I've heard two songs, but the first one I forgot too. That Snickers commercial is kind of strange. It's like Vikings meet Chocolate.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="Olive"]Okay Metalcore, whatever. All I said was I don't mind it. So there's no bong for me, cause I'd never do it. Plus I didn't say a word about the side-effects. So there's nothing for you to shove. And if you want to die so be it, your just giving in to the addiction. But you'll regret it someday. And when that time comes you'll be saying "I wish I haden't have done that." so don't complain if it's killing you, because you brought it upon yourself. And if not, well good luck having a crappy life. I may sound rude, but it's the truth. Most know that they could die from smoking, then they complain that they are dying, it's just so stupid to hear. if anyone fo my relatives did that, I'd say don't come to me, it's your burden to abre, and it should be yours alone. I'm surprisd it isn't illegal already, it should be. Some places are just to ignorant to make ciggarettes illegal. Techniquely smoking shouldn't be called a slow suicide, it shuld be called a slow homicide.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="Olive"]Why ahven't I psoted yet? Simple. My computer kicked me off the net. I got back on, then I had to leave. I got back on... again, comp screweed up... AGAIN. then IE wouldn't work beacuse of some gay add-on. Then god screwed me with that damn add-on... AGAIN. But after all that shizz I'm back on. But it will probably kick me off... AGAIN. So if I don't get to the post, just add me in. Do whatever you want with Shalua. If I can't worm anything in, I'll get dibs of a post for the next chapter. Otherwise, I might say goodbye to OB for a while longer, cause my comp sucks. You guys are doing well though. :^D[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="Olive"]Not listening to anything right now. But I'm really interested in [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B]Nuerosonic's Drama Queen[/B][/COLOR]. I love the guys voice, and the song [COLOR="darkolivegreen"][B]Too many People[/B][/COLOR] (?) is short and sweet. I've also been listnening to some more Mudvayne. Not really good, but it's fitting when you're bored to hell. For some odd reason, all of the commericals for BODOG music, have interesting artists. [COLOR="darkolivegreen"][COLOR="darkolivegreen"][B]Vincent Black Shadow[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR] also seemes good. Nuerosonic is under their label as well.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="Olive"]He's just fricken awesome. I was blown away by Chop Suey when I heard it, I think I was about 8 or 9, maybe 10. I'd have to wiki it, but thesongs I heard on Squizz, were jsut great. Squizz is an XM radiostation. I heard [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B]Lacuna Coil [/B][/COLOR]last night, I didn't like the song very much. But people have said things about them. If any one has any info on[COLOR="darkolivegreen"] [B]Fair to Midland[/B], [/COLOR]I'd love to hear it. [B][B]Dance of the Manatee[/B], [/B]no matter how dumb it sounds, was an amazing song. The lead can go so high and so deep. Pure radio bliss. [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="Olive"]Speaking of Halo, ever hear [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B]Blow me Away by Breaking Benjamin[/B][/COLOR]? I've heard it once, and I loved it. I haven't seen many disturbed fans on OB. But this song Wishbone, was sort of good. SOAD, love these guys. And [COLOR="darkolivegreen"][B]Serj Tankien[/B], [/COLOR]has a new album coming out. It's a solo act, but the two songs I've heard were just great. Just so you knwo, if you don't already, serj is the signer in SOAD. I might pick this one up when it's realeased. But I'm also inticipating the new Co&Ca album. Well, I'm now listening to [COLOR="darkolivegreen"][B]Ten Speed (of God's Blood and Burial)[/B][/COLOR] by Co&ca. I've also been listening to [COLOR="darkolivegreen"][B]Mudvayne's [/B]song [B]World so Cold[/B][/COLOR], which is the reason I borrowed the album from a friend. All the other songs, I just don't care for.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="Olive"]Yeah, my mom will be 50 next year, so no one here should feel old. Beth being 36 is actually good. We have an older figure to [strike]nag our heads off[/strike] give us valuable information on living. In all seriousness though, I respect Beth a lot. I look up to her. And I was only kidding about menstruation. I'm well aware that it isn't pleasant. Yeah, umm what happened to Shinigami Dance? I've turned it into Hormone dance. >_> I'm going to post now...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="Olive"]Now I [I]really [/I]respect you. Anyone who thinks KH is epic, is a good person. But I don't think it's off-topic. It's pretty relevant inmy books. Mostly because KH has a manga, and that manga could be an anime some day. See what I mean? [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Over the past 5 minutes, I've got a plan. Too bad I don't have time to make a post. (Kill me later) I have school tommorow, so my comp time is limited. But expect a menstrual preformance from Shalua and her quirky familiar. I've been oddly temtpted to 'kill' off Tuko, when I say 'kill', I mean make everyone think she's dead.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="Olive"]Everything was blah, blah, blah, until I heard Sandy say "lesbian." Like DB and Charles, my interest is peaked. One of my old loce interests is like a sister to me, and she's kissed me on the cheek before. A sibling kiss too. That was last year before she went back out with her boyfriend.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="Olive"]Avenged, I do agree with DB, I kind of respect you. Your just respectable, and I did get the bullcrap thing when I was new. 1. [B][COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Cruel Angel Thesis - Neon Genesis Evangelion[/color][/b] - I would stay up till 1 O'clock just to hear this theme song. I love it a lot becasue of the lyrics, and the feel of the theme's movie-thingy. 2. The song that ain't simple and clean, [COLOR="darkolivegreen"][B]Santuary - Kingdom hearts II[/B][/COLOR] - I'm sorry to say this DB, but much to your chagrin, I lvoe the theme to KH2. Why? Becasue of her voice, and the cutscene. And the game. >_> 3. [COLOR="darkolivegreen"][B]Reckless Fire - S-cry-ed[/B] [/COLOR]- One of my favorite anime, because it's just uber cool. And the song matches, perfectly. Almost every Gundam song sucked. >_>[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="Olive"]Allamorph my friend, you may pick on me. But don't go overboard, if you did I would put my hand through this screen and... ahem. Sorry. I'm still confused on what to do, I need more formulation![/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="Olive"]Most likely the decline in a lot of rock music, is rap. Well, that's how I see it. The teenage population is with hip-hop, and they dare not listen to rock. It's really a shame, because rock is just SOOO deep. But rock's sister, country is still popular. And really without country and bluegrass, rock would hardly exist. But even so, Country-rock is just plain funny weird. [/COLOR]
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