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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Name:[/B] Jonathan (Jon) Griffon [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Proffesion:[/B] Reporter [B]Area(s) of Expertise: [/B]Conspiracy Theories, Celebrity Mishaps [B]Physicle Discription:[/B] Jonathan is a somewhat-tall man, with a light build. Jon is part Irish and part Japanese, a combination which is somewhat rare in his place of work. His hair is light orange and long. Jon wears shorts a lot, and usually he wears an 'insult T-shirt.' Like the stereotypical Irishmen, Jonathan likes to drink til he's drunk, so he wears beer hats quite often. His favorite Budweiser hat is autographed by a rock band near his home town. he has grayish blue eyes, and pale skin. [B]Brief History and Personality Description:[/B] Jon's career started when he worked as a normal reporter for a loval news program. His claim to fame: his mom was in the paper for aledgidly stealing lingerie from a Victoria's Secret store. Sadly, he was the one who had to do the reporting for the whole case. But a local paper decided he would be good enough for tehir magazine. weekly World news hired him to work for them. Now he spends his time wtih his beautiful girlfriend, whilst climing the promotional ladder at his workplace. Jonathan is a bit eccentric at forst, but once you get to know him, your stuck with him until you die. Jon is a joker, but he is also a great friend who will help his buddies in time of need. A good friend bails you out of jail, but a best friend is in jail with you. And that friend is Jonathan. However he can be clueless at times, luckily he will catch up.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]To escape the last post's bad quality, I must say this is a good game. The only thing that pisses me off is how they ruined Beast and the Harlot. And the fact that the game is $80 with the guitar. It's like, realease it with the controller for 50 dollars. I can buy and MP3 for $35 that holds 500+ sogns but it cost's 40 dollars for a game with only about 30 songs? Give me a break. And the controler, big deal, drop the price $10 because I won't waste $80 for a game.[/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Yay, we can finally say stuff like "Minato Namikaze, AKA the Fourth Hokage was Naruto's father" without having to use spoiler tags. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Oh darn, should have listened to kei's warnings. Actually it was obvious that he was Naruto's father. However, who is his mom? Was Naruto born imaculate from his father? :animedepr I only watch the anime, why? Cause I'm noobish. But I did find the manga entertaining as well. I got the beggining of the Chunin Exams Arc where we see Gaara's team for the first time. I also read the part where Sasuke fought Haku. And I cought Sasuke's fight with Gaara. That's it.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well, I intend to join a lot more RPG to get active. I have to make a character for Shy's latest Rp, Weekly World News. I know I drift away form people, mostly becuse when I have gathered with others, I ended up making their characters look bad. For example the RPG Keyblade Wieder made a year back. I used her character and I got thrown out. I just don't have luck with that. The idea behind the Star Ocean RP was that every member would be in the group together. Which ment no stand alone's in the RPG at all. that's moostly why I wanted to make a sequal to Star ocean: Till the End of Time by using the characters from the game. But it didn't work so well. The Kingdom Hearts Rp I had a while back was the one with the most interaction with the players. Specifically Tempest's character. I intend to delete my post in Shinigami Dance, and go looking for the player's characters. The RPG I plan on making next will come after I get some more experience. Oh, and I plan on joining the Silver One sequal later, I've become interested with the first RPG itself. Thank god it's going to be up in a few months, that gives me the time to get better. I join DB's RP's moslty because it helps me better than others. Mostly because it attracts the higher quality Rping members. I'm just glad that my quality has improved. I used to post like this. {WARNIING: may be harmful to the eyes} "hey i really like this RPG, I plan on joing son.KThnx bye!" But now it's just like those weight loss commercials with the "before and after" pictures.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]You don't know how happy I am right now! Thanks you guys! Shy, LolitaGoth, Hitsuzen, and mysterious voter I don't know, your making me one happy OBer.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Your humor doesn't cease to amaze me Allamorph. :p So Bill Gates and his girlfriend... that's the joke. >_> [B]Life Advice:[/B] Never go to a docter whos plants have died. [B]Girl[/B]: Mommy, Lucy broke my new doll! [B]Mommy[/B]: How did Lucy do that? [B]Girl[/B]: I hit her in the head with it. So a man dies and goes to heaven, there he sees his aunt, his uncle and Jack the Ripper. [B]"Oh my god! Jack the Ripper, you're in heaven?"[/B] Jack turned around and shrugged. [B]"I'm just as surprised as you are."[/B][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I love Ergo Proxy. The animation is awesome, and Re-L is da hawtness. Vincent Law is an amazing character, mostly because he's voiced by the guy that voiced Gaara. I haven't been watching it much recently. I left off on the episode where Vincent and his autorave companion were captured by those guys. The scene where Vince is in the cell is my favoirte so far. For a while I wanted my coustom title to be "bit by bit." Far better than Tenjho Tenge.[/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='Tetra of sound'] A rooster lays an egg on a roof. Which way will the egg roll? [/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Roosters don't lay eggs gunious.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I know I won't win cause I'm going up against SunfallE, Rach , and all of those people. But I don't want to be Priscilla anymore. Well here it is, with 675 words. [CENTER]-=-=-[/CENTER] Prem was supposed to go and have breakfast with DigitalBoy, however he felt shy and didn't want to attend. Now this wasn't the first time he's met someone in Otaku City, but it was different this time. Why you ask? Well because over the night Prem started to transform. It started when Prem woke up several times during the night with the urge to go to the bathroom. But Prem had to hold it so he could sleep. After waking up again for the fifth time or so, he noticed some changes in his body; he had transformed into a girl. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [B]"OMG!"[/B] He said looking up and down himself in the mirror. [B]"I'm a girl now! What do I do?!" [/B]Prem grabbed his head and started screaming. After the last scream, an idea came to her mind. [B]"I'll go to the community events building and see what?s going on, the finally of the Bermuda event is in seven days. I have to look like me!?[/B] And with those final words, Prem got dressed and ran out of his house as fast as he could. he zoomed past DigitalBoy by accident. [B]"Sorry DB, we'll have to meet again some other time I have to do something first!"[/B] Prem yelled across the street. After he passed DB just starred off into space, No words could come to mind. [I]Who was that girl?[/I] DB asked himself. He just shrugged his shoulders and went inside the breakfast house. Prem finally arrived at the Events building. He walked inside, there he saw a few members of the forums. [B]"Hey, first Ramona comes by, then Sunny comes by, and now we get Priscilla!" [/B]Gavin laughed. Prem ur.. Priscilla gave him a dirty look. He looked over to indifference standing at the counter. [B]"Hey Indiff, what's the deal with this!"[/B] Priscilla asked. [B]"I woke up horrified this morning. what do I have to do to change back?"[/B] Indiff just looked at Priscilla. She almost laughed when the others came by, but it lost it?s funny aftera while. [B]"Oh, Prem, I thought you were some new member. You have to look for an antidote somewhere in the boards. Sorry that?s all I can help you with."[/B] Priscilla just nodded. [B]"Okay then , well, I better get searching." [/B]Priscilla turned around and stormed to the exit. Just before leaving e he looked at Gavin, who was still chuckling a bit. [B]"Just you wait Gavin, I'll have your head for laughing at me!" [/B]After screaming her threat to almost the whole building, Priscilla turned around and stumbled through the door. her hair came around and lodged itself within her mouth. She fell down with a thud. [I]Oh, what to do now? I have no hope! I can?t go looking for this antidote by myself! But I?m to ashamed to get help. I have almost 1300 PM?s, and almost 900 posts. I?ll be searching all day[/I]! Priscilla thought as she arose. But just as she got up, she looked to her feet. Low and behold, there was the antidote! With a cheer in her step, Priscilla bent down and picked it up, then opened it and drank it. Almost like magic, she turned back into Prem. [B]"Yes!"[/B] Prem yelled. With a new understanding for women, and the proud call of manliness back, Prem walked over to have some breakfast with DB. Prem walked in and sat at the table, DigitalBoy was already eating his breakfast, and starring off in the distance. [B]"Hey, sorry I'm late-"[/B] [B]"Prem have you ever seen someone and go who are they, but you feel odd somehow?" [/B]DB asked [B]"Cause I saw someone who called my name today, and I think I'm love!"[/B] Prem just looked at him. [B]?Conrad! Snap out of it. It was me, I was the girl. I had to find an antidote to change back.?[/B] [B]?Oh, crap? never speak of this again Prem. EVER!?[/B] DB said quivering. [B]?If you never bring it up again.?[/B] The problem was resolved, but the awkward feeling was still there. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Some of those nicknames were cool Mikey! I forgot one of my old nicknames. [B]Dick [/B]-Yes, my name is Richard, and my shorter name is Rick, but please refrian from Dick. [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well, if you have any books, rip em' out. That's your first step. Also, it would help to read some manga and get an idea of what you'd like to draw. One good manga is FLCL, it's simple to draw charactera using that artist's style, then start the harder stuff. Don't be a wimp at all, just do what you gatta do and don't be afraid to go into uncharted territory. Find an artist or two, and idolize. That's all I got for you. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"].Hack Twighlight. The one with the picture of Rena and Miriel in the hot springs. yeah, that one.
  13. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Ooh, cute girls. It sounds fun. I have one question, why pink? Why not a darker pink? I can hardly see the text. And what is the anime about? All I want to watch it for is to see the girls because I don't know what it's about.[/COLOR]
  14. Fragment X: Hushabye Shalua stood, holding a crumpled note in her hand. She threw into the air and let out a furious grunt. "Damn vampires! I swear if I had to, I would slaughter them all!" Shalua swore, she picked up her scythe and threw it against a tree. "Well, what to do?" "Well, it would help if we knew where to go. And 'Death whispered a Lullaby' sounds like a clue." "I don't care about clues!" Shalua said snarling. "We need to run off and find these guys." "Well, Shalua, I hate to interrupt the flow here, but the clues are also important. we need more leads than the-!" "I can help you." a man said behind them. Shalua turned around to see a Shinigami. Her eyes focused on his face. He had dark blond hair, and wore a tuxedo. "Mike?" Shalua said smiling. "It's been a long time, a very long time. Where have you been?" "Well, I stopped doing my duties for a while. Then I remembered my promise, my promise to you. remember?" Mike was an old friend, and an old lover of Shalua's. They were always freinds, and Mike always protected her. "You said 'I will protect you' That was so long ago, but I've grown, I can handle myself." Shalua frowned and took a look at Yutuko, she wanted her to agree. "No Shalua, we need as much help as I can get. And I was there too, of coarse you forgot me. But a promise is a promise. let's see if he can keep it?" Yutuko scratched her chin with her wing. She winked at Mike. "It's good to know Tuko is still around. She has the sense out of you two." Shalua just turned her head. She wasn't the kind of Shinigami who liked help. In fact she despised help; but inside she agreed. A new mission at this level, would definitely need help. "This sunny Sunday is a good day to go." Mike said happily. The morning had arrived, and the three of them were deciding if they wanted to leave and go search, or stay and figure out the clues. "Death whispered a lullabye... could another Shinigami be held in a CD store?" Shalua hit her Head. "Well, how about we go on a search instead, and figure out the clues then?" "Well, I need a few things." Yutuko said, she needed to eat, something they haven't done in a while. "Why- why aren't you ready? We need to get going!" Shalua hollered. "If you need food, get some along the way." "God Shalua, you really need to calm down! what's wrong with you?" Yutuko said, she flew up to Shalua and looked into her eyes. They seemed to quiver, almost as if she was scared. "Shalua, there is something wrong with you? Your eyes are shakingback and forth. is something wrong?" "No it's just, I haven't slept well." Shalua said, she let a out a false laugh afterwords. "But two days ago, you slept for about seventeen hours, something is up, what is it?" Shalua turned around, she didn't want to say anything. I just want to sleep this away, I need to be hushed into a sense of security, just because of what happened, doesn't mean I have to keep it form the others.Shalua thought. She had to say something. "Well, it's just-" "I think Shalua is afraid of the vampires. But Shalua, your a strong woman, you always were, even wen you were weak, you had a strong heart. So tell us if that's the problem. It just doesn't seem like you to be afraid." Mike said encouragingly, but it wouldn't work. Shalua wanted to, but she choked. She just didn't have the guts. ***
  15. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]OI, Oi, ugh! I hate nicknames, almost all of mine anyways. [B]Rick [/B]- I finally toughened up and decided Rick was better for me than Ricky. My name is Richard and I hate the name beyond the boundaries of life. However when I'm not paying attention people will just call me Richard. [B]Keebler [/B]- Well, I'm short. That's all I to say. [B]Midget [/B]- Well, this name was given to me by my gay friends. I'm short, same reason behind keebler. [B]Prem [/B]- Short for Premonition, It's just a forum nickname. DB [strike]dragged me[/strike] suggested I go join Megatokyo Forums. Well after I posted he did, and he called me "the Premster." I just hope none of you will call me Premster. Or god help me I will [spoiler]Made you Look![/spoiler][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I hope girs don't make a circle sniff out of me.Yikes! I gut hugged by my female freinds enough. As for Axe, the reason I wear it is because it apeals to me. The body wash is way better than the cologne any day, however.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]A quick note: I've started the interview wiht DB. I've only asked two questions, but I will continue later today. Just wanted to know so A_M can expect a PM with it sometime. And I will start working on my article as well, just wanted to give a heads up. EDIT:Well, the interview is over, and I had fun doing it! I'd love to interview others throughout the paper's History. If it's alright, I'll send both articles in one PM to A_M.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I see, I always thought it was the same. I used the Gaia avatar creator months ago, and I cleared my cookies, and it ran smoother, so I just thought that was the problem. I know now! >_
  19. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]SunfallE just provided us with one of the best jokes to grace this thread. Praise![/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I think SunfallE's trying to say, "clear your cookies", if I'm not mistaken. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well, Allamorph... I need to catch up. I started a post, but someone [spoiler]Ex-girlfriend[/spoiler] called me and it booted me off the net, so I said "eh!" But I will get to it, I promise.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]1) Short, but I'm growing it out. 2) A shadow color. Shadow is a little bit lighter than black. It's a crayon color to be more precise. Crayola brand, if you have a set of the 96 crayons it should be in there. 3) Never,but if I d get it dyed, black. I have a pale complecion, so it wouldn't look ugly on me. One of my freinds dyed his hair black, and he has darker skin, looks like an idiot. 5) well, I prefer long-haried women, but only if it's a shorter long. huh? Yeah sounds odd I know, past the neck by just an inch does it for me. however, i don't like women wiht really REALLLLLLYYYYY long hair, it bugs me.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] I'm in a mood so most of them are men bashing. [/color][/font][/QUOTE] CHW is a meanie :( [B]A Man's Guide to Womanspeak:[/B] She says: I can't believe how skinny liz hurley ahs become! She means: I've put on weight She says: You know a lot of men like girls with fuller figures. She means: I've put on weight She says: You can't trust dress sizes in shops these days. She means: I've put on weight She says: Go on, it's your birthday -enjoy yourself. She means: Take me out to dinner. She says: Thanks for washing hte dishes. She means: I wonder if he's having an affair? She says: You don't think this outfit is too young for me, do you? She means: Think very carefully before answering. Your life could depend on it. She says: It's your decision, dear. She means: Provided I agree with it. She says: He wasn't a real boyfriend - I didn't like him that much anyway. She means: He dumped me She says: You're more like a brother to me. She means: I find you psysically reppelent. She says: I'll be ready in two minutes She means: Give or take an hour. If a woman's alone in a forest and she keeps talking, is she still complaining? The reason god doesn't return to eart is becasue over 2000 years ago he got a Jewish woman pregnant, and they haven't stopped talking about it since. [B]What do you get when you cross a Jehova's Witness with a ghost?[/B] Somone who knocks on your door for nothing. So a man walks into churchand says: [B]"Holy **** father, I just won the lottery!"[/B] The preist turned around. [B]"Please don't swear son. Now how much did you win?"[/B] [B]"well father, I won a million dollars." [/B]The preist's eyes bulged out. [B]"No ****!" [/B]he replied.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]How do you make a cat bark?[/B] Poor gas on it, light a match and it goes 'WHOOOFF!" So a ga walks on the beach and he hears a young woman crying. He goes to check who it is, it's a woman with no arms or legs.[B] "Why are you crying ma'am?" [/B]The man asked. The girl was sobbing ucontrollably. [B]"Oh, I just wnat to kill myself!"[/B] The girl cried. [B]"If only someone would hug me!" [/B]So the man nodded and picked her up. So he squeezes tightly around her body. [B]"Thank you sir!"[/B] she said happilly. a few minutes later, the man hears her crying again. So he goes to check up on her. [B]"Now what's wrong?"[/B] The man asked as the girl was crying. [B]"Oh, I've just never been kissed before, no one wants to kiss a limbless woman."[/B] So the man picked her up and kisses her on the lips. She blushes as the man puts her down. [B]"Oh thank you ever so much!"[/B] She said again. While the man is laying on the sand he hears the girl cying again. Now it's just getting annoying. [B]"Now what's wrong!"[/B] He yells. The girl starts sobbing again. [B]"Well, I've never been screwed before." [/B]She then continues her sobbing fit. So the man picks her up, takes her stubby arms and throws her in the water. [B]"Ha, now you're screwed!" [/B] [B]How careers end:[/B] [LIST] [*]Electricians are delighted. [*]Far Eastern diplomats are disoriented [*]Alpine climbers are dismounted [*]Atist's models are disposed [*]Cooks are deranged [*]Office clerks are defiled [*]Programmers are decoded [*]Holy people are disgraced [*]Perfume makers dissent [*]Students are degraded [*]Bodybuilders are rebuffed [*]Underware models are debriefed [*]Painters are discolored [*]Gamblers are discarded [*]Tree surgeons disenbark [/LIST] A man trained in origami for eight years opened a shop in London. But the business folded. Awoman consulted a psychiatrist over problems se was having with her sexlife. The psychiatrist aksed her a series of questions but did not appear to get a clear pciture of her rpoblems. Finally he asked: [B]"Do you ever look at your husband's face while having sex?"[/B] [B]"Well yes, I did once." "And how did he look?" "Really angry." "Now this is very interesting. We must delve deeper into this. Tell me, you say you have only seen your husbands face once during sex; that seems somewhat unusual. How did it occur that you saw his face that one time?" "He was looking through the window at us."[/B] *** Boo, that joke wasn't funny, but this one is! [B]What's green and hangs from trees?[/B] Giraffe snot. [B]"Doctor, doctor! Every time I sneese I have an orgasm!" "What do you take for it?" "Ground pepper."[/B][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][quote name='Vicky'][SIZE=1] And by the way, Chuck Norris jokes... worse jokes in the world. Sorry, they just kinda suck. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B]!~THANK YOU!~![/B] Two men were walking down the street when one spoted six men kicking and punching his mother-in-llaw. "[B]Are you going to help?"[/B] asked his friend. [B]"No"[/B] he replied [B]"Six should be enough."[/B] [B]A life question:[/B] Why do long dresses make women look shorter, when short dresses make men look longer? *** [B]Things you'll never hear a woman say to another woman:[/B] [LIST=1] [*]His new girlfriend is thinner and prettier than me, and I'm happy for both of them. [*]He hearned more than I did, so I broke up with him [*]Oh look! That woman is wearing the same dress as me! I think I'll go introduce myself. [*]That swimsuit really flatters your figure. Would you mind keeping my husband company while I go for a swim? [*]If he doesn't let me hold the remote, I go all moody.I'm sick of dating doctors and lawyers. Give me a good old waiter with a heart of gold any day. [*]we're redecoratingteh bedroom, and he keeps bugging me to help with the color scheme. [*]I just realized: my butt doesn't look fat in this - my butt is fat! [*]he talks our relationship to death! It's driving me crazy! [*]why can't I find a guy who just wants a one-night stand? [/LIST] *** The Jewish rule on coffee - Hebrews According to popular belief, when god was creating the world, he called Man aside and bestowed pon him twety years of sex life. Man was horrified and demanded more, but God refused to reconsider. then God called the Monkey aside and awarded him twenty years of sex life. [B]''But I don't need twenty years. All I need is ten."[/B] Hearing this, Man spoke up and said?: [B]"God can I have the other ten?" [/B] The monkey agreed to let let Man have the other ten. Then god called the lion aside an dgave him twenty years of sex life. The lion said that ten would be sufficient, whereupon Man asked for the other ten and the lion agreed. Then God called the donkey aside and gave him twenty years of sex life. [B]"I don't need twenty years, ten is plenty."[/B] Once again Man asked for the other ten, and was duly given them. All this explains why Man has twenty years of normal sex life, ten years of monkeying around, ten years of lion about it and ten years of making an *** out of himself.[/COLOR]
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