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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="darkslategray"]I don't use any specific type of shampoo, because girls don't run up and sniff your hair. [spoiler]Unless they have a fetish for that?[/spoiler] So I just grab the nearest shampoo bottle and squirt the good stuff on my head. I mean I put it on my head with my hands, the other sentence just sounds creepy. >_> but as for body wash, I use [B]Axe[/B]. No, not because of the commercials, but because of quality. Boost is my favorite Axe body wash, the smell drives me wild. *goes and rubs self with axe*[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Funny Newspaper Headlines:[/B] [LIST] [*]Police Begin Campaign to Run Over Jaywalkers [*]Man is Fatilly Slain [spoiler]No duh[/spoiler] [*]Blind Women gets Kidney From Dad She Hasn't Seen in years [*]Sex Education Delayed, Teachers Request Training [*]Queen Mary Having Bottom Scraped [*]Panda Mating Fails - Veternarian Takes Over [*]Iraqi Head Seeks Arms [*]Bulge in Torusers was Ecstacy [spoiler]Drugs found in a man's pocket[/spoiler] [*]Man Struck by Lighting faces Battery Charges [*]Woman's Movement Called More Broad-based [*]Red Tape Holds up new Bridge [spoiler]Must be Some Strong tape[/spoiler] [*]Eraged Cow Injures Farmer With Ax [spoiler]Farmer was holding an ax[/spoiler] [*]Stolen Painting Found by Tree [*]Kids Make Nutricious Snacks [*]Jouvinille Court to Try Shooting Defendant [spoiler]Isn't this a little harsh?[/spoiler] [*]Antique Stripper to Display Warees in Store [spoiler]I don't want to see some old chicks boobs[/spoiler] [*]Police Discover Crack in Australia [spoiler]Talk about seperated peoples[/spoiler] [*]British nUion Finds Dwarves in Short Supply [spoiler]Rudundant much?[/spoiler] [*]Milk Drinkes Turn to Powder [spoiler]O_o[/spoiler] [*]New Vaccine May Contain Rabbies [*]Killer Sentenced to Die Second Time [spoiler]Once wasn't enough?[/spoiler] [*]Organ Festival Ends in Smashing Climax [/LIST] -The spoilers were just my comentary. *** [B]Name Jokes:[/B] [LIST] [*]What do you call a woman with as toothpick in her Head? - [B]Olive[/B] [*]What do you call twomen outside your window? - [B]Kurt & Rod[/B] [*]What do you call a woman wiht one leg longer than the other? - [B]Eileen[/B], what if she was Chinese? - Eireen [/LIST][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well they want what's best for their kids. Whatever, is kicking your child out of the house for being gay 'love?' I think not! It's exactly what Sojiro said, they want their kids to be like them. But kicking them out for not being like them is wrong, understand yor kids and love them mater what. I've seen parents love their kids, even when the kid was prove of murder, so if a kid is gay, why not love them too?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I take nasal spray for my congestion, whch is horrible btw. I OD sometimes, taking more than the ammount stated on the box, however, it doesn't effect me at all. Here's a little hint, never take a pillfor congestion and then a pll for alergies at thesame tieme, you'll feel lke your slippin into a dream world. Not high, just sleepy. My mother thinks marijuana is not as bad as alcohol. This comming from a beer drinker! XD And I think the same. Don't ask why, my mind said so. I follow my instincts.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well, I haven't had a gander at every song, but I have boughten the CD, and deespite what soem of you have said, I love it. And here's my review on some of the songs which appealed to me. I Will review the rest later so don't complain. [1] [B]Intro [/B]- It's just the intro, however it sets the mood for the album, and the intro has some creepy music remenescent of a killer clown circus. [2] [B]Starting Over [/B]- A great song to start of the album, what I liked most were the sounds produced. The lyrics were really good, especially the chorus. 8.5 [4] [B]Evolution [/B]- it's not the best song on the album, even though I really liked it. The lyrics are somewhat hard to understand. Bu the beat was oddly catchy, I just want to break out and dance or some reason. 7 [5] [B]Hold On[/B]- This song won't grow on you unil after the fifth time youlisten to it, but it's a pretty good song. And the lyrics are easy to remember once you hear it a few more times. Not much to say about the instrumentals though. 8 [6] [B]Kiss [/B]- Tis is one of the softest songs on this CD, and it is pretty easy to catch. It's about someone who's lover took away those important things from him. The end was a litle bit iffy. 8.3 [9] [B]Love and Luxery[/B] - The begining is odd, owever it made me laugh, mostly because of the laugh in the lyrics. "I read your little book and hahahaha," sounds dumb, but it made me chuckle. from how i interepreted the sogn it's aut somone in denial of the way he acts, being called calm, but for wome reason his alarm is going off. I loved the lyrics, yet I despize the fact that it's only about 3 minutes long. One of the song's stand outs. 8.9 [13] [B]I Will Protect You[/B] - This is "da uber best" song on the album imo. Nothing much needed to say but lusten to it, everythingwas good about it. And the durmmer, oh ho ho! Amazin! 9.5[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]I will Protect You [/B]from [B]Korn's [/B]latest album. It is an amazing song with great sound, and the drums are smashing. Possibly one of the best drum preformances I've ever heard. And I'm also listening to[B] Hold On[/B], [B]Kiss[/B], and [B]love & Luxery[/B]. [B]The Diary of Jane [Acoustic][/B] by [B]Breaking Benjamin[/B]. This is the best acoustic song I've ever heard. It's just [B]The Diary of jane [/B]without the heavier stuff. It has a softer, yet darker mood than the original, and the cello in it is an amazing preformance. If you think Breaking Bejamin is generic, you better think again.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I don't think my school would ever even think about a Homosexuality coarse during school. We have a crappy learning system up in Norwood-Norfolk (the school I go to) My health teacher is the kind of person you look at and go "yup, hates the gays." And as for what Vicky has said, I ditto that motion. In class there is always one student laughing about sex. In my 7th grade health class, our teacher would throw you out if you laughed at one sexual theme. He was a prick anyways. However, maybe a higher level of discipline will settle down the laughing rate of students. I know my old science teacher could seh was cool but yikes! Mess with her and she will kick you out faster than you can say 'out.' [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]That's the DB I know! Well, looking forward to your next story.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]So, let's see some more DB! Don't deprive us of reading.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Because it's church sandy, they think they are the finite word in all. That's what makes poeple like him sick. Idiotic psuedo-preists passing on as god warriors when they have no compassion for anyone. The power of God has judgement over all? Face it Tyler, your 'sins' don't scare people. Tell homosexuals they are wrong all you want, it'll just keep showing how sick and disgusting the church really is. I may love Jesus, but these riligious brainwashings are a load of dog crap, no matter what you say. Changing people, that makes the church the opposite of what it teaches. Brainwashing your cousin was not love, it was hate for what he is. People like Tyler make me hate the fact that I'm Chistian. Sandy is right, stop doing this to them! You can't change the world god made. Humanity is starting to become sick, gays are humans too stop treating them like beasts. Love thy neighbore no matter who they are. I've had enough of the hate.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]So after a few bloody tissues, and a few sessions of crying, I'm ready to post in the main thread. Sorry for the wait. And DB, the faction chart sounds like something you should integrete into the first post.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I know that. I just thought one kill was enough. [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Hey, what's with the murder? And I was actually going to kill the gilr I made. Drastic? I say not. I am serious too, I intend for something to try and kill Tolletea, well it looks like GuyYouMetOnline will be doing that, eh? I don't care, I'm going on with my plans anyways. Never had the chance to off someone in The Ponopticon. So this should make up for it at least. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Tyler, I will hate you for the rest of our lives on OB, I promise you that. Error of their ways? Can you be anymore stubborn? It's the way they are, you can't say "have some god for breakfest, it'll show you you are bad." I believe in god and Jesus, and I believe he's our savior. But no way in hell do I think homosexuality is wrong. I mean "god made them that way!" from what I've learned. And god doesn't make mistakes, cause he's God. Am I right Tyler? I think it makes no sense to think homosexuals are errors, because if your homosexual, and god created you, obviosuly it isn't bad. Unless the devil is in on it, if so then run away! God teaches you to love and respect, not hate and banish. This maybe your opinion, but I disagree completely. You may have said no outrage, but I will not restrain myself from firing back about it. I may be straight, but I don't think homosexuality is wrong at all. In fact, any homosexual is cool with me, I only discriminate if the person is evil or good, cause really that's all that matters. I love god , I'm thankful for what he gave me and thankful for the earth he created, but to believe he thinks homosexuality is wrong? That is not the god I know. Anyways, I belive it should be tought to 10 year olds but I'd hold of on the sex part until they're older. Other than that, I'd be fine learning about it, even though I may get uncomfortable. [/COLOR] [quote name=' Warmside']I lolled. What you just said is the literal equivalent of "Everything you think is wrong! Everything you are is a sin! Every breath you take is fouled, the very earth you walk on shrivels and dies, so wrong you are your ideas and beliefs! Not that I mean that as an insult..." What a load of pseudo-moralistic righteous ********.[/quote] I secoond that motion. Who does he think he is? Preaching what's rright an what's wrong. Not to sound mean or anything, but people like him make me sick.
  15. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](OoC: Hope I'm not too late. I bought poekmon diamond, and haven't put it down since.) Group four was not having much luck in the search. Thomas was farther ahead due to taking a wrong path, so he stopped and waited. The forest wes silent, yet odd. the energy floated around. Maybe a village was nearby? [B]"I wonder if Chocolate is holding up at home? Hopefully the hasn't died."[/B] Thomas joked. [B]"Who are you talking to?"[/B] Someone said behind a gush. It sounded like a teenage girl. No one Thomas knew that's for sure.[B] "Hey fella, are you gonna say something or what?" [/B]The girl said as she walked out of the bushes. She was wearing a coconut bra and a loincloth, she looked oddly like Thomas' sister, if he had one. [B]"Eh, who cares!" [/B]An annoying voice shouted. Thomas looked at the girls head to see an odd looking cat perched upon the girls head. The cat looked oddly fimilar? [B]"Qiuet Coco!" [/B]The girl whispered. [B]"So, who are you?"[/B] Thomas snapped out of it and stood stern. [B]"My name is Thomas, who are you?"[/B] [B]"Why, I'm the magnificant, Tolettea... okay not really, I'm just Tolettea. But I live in a nearby vllage. Hey, don't look like you're from around here?"[/B] The girl said. She soudned very joyfull... and ditzy. [B]"I'm from earth-"[/B] [B]"Hey you, Thomas!" [/B]A female voice cried out. Thomas looked to see the others looking at the girl with the cat on her head. She glared at teh others, she was amazed. Coco rolled his eyes and yawned. [B]"Wake me up after this bore-fest!"[/B] he said sarcastically.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Damn... what's the word?! I meant shatocon... thanks Wikipedia. And it has evolved. I can't watch one anime witout something cute popping it's flipping head up. As for partial nduity in aime NGE was bad imo.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Teen Titans and their overl used japenese anime expressions. >_> I like most anime [B]Geneon [/B]has shown art-wise. The art on [B]Ergo Proxy [/B]is just amazing, as is [B]Samurai Shamploo.[/B] One of my favorite styles is that of DB's banner. I love seeing anime girls like that. [B]Tenjho Tenge[/B] has girls with HUGE breasts. Like snakes about to jump out and bite you in the eyes. But of coarse, the every-day young teenager is good. I have a thing for the younger anime girls okay! Ad DB you are wrong. Loli type stuff was in black and white anime as well. Ever see the original [B]Astro Boy[/B]? Whenever I hear "open your chest cavity" I swear they're pedophiles. Honestly, and when that scientist asked the kid to be calm he sound so secretive... dirty almost. :animesigh:[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I'm bored as usual. So why not have a good laugh or two. So why not give us your favorite jokes, quips and one-liners? A man went into the bank and asked the cashier to check his balance. So she pushed him over. A devout Catholic had 15 children by her first husband and 9 by her second husband. Not surprisingly, she died realatively young. At her funeral the priest gazed tenderly at her coffin, looked up to teh heavens and said, [B]"At last they're finally together."[/B] A man standing next to him asked: [B]"Excuse me Father, do you mean her and her first husband or her and her second husband?"[/B] [B]"No!"[/B] the priest replied [B]"I mean her legs!"[/B] What did Delaware? Her New Jersey. And one of my favorite jokes: Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Uhhh, I knew that! I just needed to have a longer post. *Hits head with frying pan* I thought that meant they suggested those articles, my bad. I re-read it just now. Well then I guess it's Signature Size then. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Okay then Aaryanna, when DB has some free time, I'll interview him. And if it's no hassle, I'll take a swing at the [B]Padded Room Party[/B]. I've read the Otakupedia article on the original, and I've taken part in Charles' little debate with Sandy.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I hate Frank Sinatra. But I adore [B]Johnny Cash[/B]. I feel that rock music of any kind has to lend some apreciation of this guy. He's Johnny Cash for goodness sake! Ahem. [B]Voices -[/B] [B]Disturbed[/B]. The first song on their first album. I love Disturbed, especially [B]Ten Thousand Fists.[/B] [B]Stupify - Disturbed[/B]. One of my favorite Disturbed songs. The beat and the music is great. This and [B]Down with The sickness [/B]are two of [B]Distubred's [/B]most greatest songs in my pov. [B]Topless - Breaking Benjamin. [/B]I love this song becase it's one of BB's heavier songs, plus it's pretty simple. I can say all of the lyrics right now if I wanted. It's also an easy song to play. [B]Blinded in Chains - Avenged Sevenfold.[/B] Don't say it, I know you hate [B]A7X's [/B]band members, but you love their music. I can't even count how many times I've heard that. Good song though! [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I've had this chapter saved on my Microsoft word program for awhile. I've abanded this for awhile because of the lack of creativity I've had. But I'd like to share this chapter with you guys. I'd love to see what you guys think before I continue. I happen to have a fragment of chapter two done that will be saved for later as it is not finished.[/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial Black"]Uprising of Chaos[/FONT][/SIZE] [B]By:[/B] Richard "Premonition" O. [B]Chapter 1: [/B]Conflict[/CENTER] [FONT="Georgia"][B][U]THE[/U][/B] people of Anagorith called it Marognar. But the people in the kingdom of Üradeel call it the [I]?City of tears.? [/I]Nothing remains there anymore. What was once the greatest city in all of the land; has become a desolate wasteland. During the War of Tranadoor a battle destroyed the city and everything inside it. The king of the land called this the battle of tears. The destruction of such a great city drove the king to suicide, leaving his throne empty. This kingdom became forgotten, as did the truth behind the war. Now the City of tears stands as a monument to the war, and all who died within the city?s walls. [B][COLOR="black"][CENTER]{-|-|-}[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] Üranorht the II, king of Üradeel sat in his throne, sitting beside him was an empty chair no one had sat I for years. The king was all alone, no one to bring him happiness. Despite the sadness, the king kept is country clean and peaceful. Yet only three years ago that stopped shortly. The death of the country?s queen shook the land. A symbol to the prosperity within the kingdom and a loving person to all...was gone. She was killed by her son. Alnagor was to be the king someday, but he was ever so evil. He seemed like a fair young man, but inside he was a cold-hearted son to a warm-hearted king. Now he is inside a cell deep within the castle?s basement. Rotting away with no remorse for what he had done. How he become so cold is a mystery to all but him. The king was reading over a piece of parchment written by another king. The kingdom of Üradeel has been bickering with the kingdom of Aquandare for some time now. They started fighting when [I]?Üradeel?s Gate? [/I]- the entrance to the kingdom - was took out by a suspected Aquandareian spy. That?s what the public was told anyways. Dow the hallways, a knight walked towards the throne room, he held another piece of paper signed by King Ashnare, king of Aquandare. He walked down the white halls while his armor clanked, an echo of the metal rang through the hallways. The man?s name was Constantine Grimsaleth. Born under poverty, Constantine was criticized by the other boys around his town. Yet he was born with a very incredible ability; the ability to use magic. An art that is only blessed to members of royalty. The king decided to appoint him head of the knight?s and he has been respected ever since. Constantine was a very carefree young man with a very high sense of justice. He was very fond of the king he worked for, as was the king fond of him. The king felt Constantine had potential. After the prince was thrown into the dungeon, the king announced that Constantine would be the next king of Üradeel. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Black"]{-|-|-}[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Constantine walked into the throne room. He looked at the king who was still reading the other letter. the king had a very disgusted look on his face. The king?s attention was diverted by Constantine?s presence. He crumpled up the letter and tossed it aside. [B]?Ah, Constantine, I see you're here. What have you got in your hand??[/B] the king asked. Constantine looked at the note and put it the king?s hand. [B]?It?s a note from King Ashnare. He?s threatening us? again.? [/B]Constantine waited for the king to yell, but instead a very discreet chuckle came out of the king?s mouth. [B]?What?s the matter my lord?? [/B]Constantine asked. The king threw the note out the window, he stopped laughing. [B]?It seems that old fool wishes to raid the kingdom tonight, with what? They hardly have any airships or dragons to attack us with. Futile effort nonetheless. But we can never be too safe.?[/B] [B]?What do you propose we do??[/B] Constantine asked. The king nodded. [B]?Get the hovers ready, gather a few troops; then stand guard. I?m sure they can?t get in any other way.?[/B] the king stood up and walked to his room. Constantine looked out the window to see a storm coming. He looked at the throne, there he would sit some day. But that day would perish soon enough.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]No one has posted in this thread for exactly seven months? Really? [I]Really?[/I] Well, Metalocalypse is awesome. It's flipping metal for goodness sake. It's a hidden gem in my towm. The drummer in my friend's band loved to talk about that Dr. Rockzo. Cocaine... priceless. As for me my favorite character is William Murderface, why? He's psychotic, he has a lisp, and he is Dethklok's bassist. Something we have in common. [spoiler]The bassist part![/spoiler] And he can play with his dick. Who can honestly do that? Huh, who? The first episode was cool. Duncan Hills Cofee is still stuck in my head. [B]Bluesklok [/B]is one of my favorite episodes. Mutilating hippies.. love it.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]While looking at the new posts, I double clicked the link to a thread. (I always double-click) This thing came up that allowed me to edit the title. I created the thread, so I didn't edit another members thread title. So how in the heck was I able to do that? It never happens with someone else's thread, only threads I've created have done this. What's up with that? Is it supposed to do this, or is this some glitch in the system. [B]EDIT: [/B]it seems that this only happens within 10 minutes of the thread being created. I created this thread at 9:40 and after 10 minutes, I wasn't able to preform it.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]What anime/manga character looks like you? [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/19/SolomonBlood.jpg[/IMG] I look like soloman from [B]Blood+. [/B]Even though my hair is a darker shade of blonde.[/COLOR]
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