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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [I][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Ressurected King Tut Arrested on Pyrimid Scheme Charges Spider-man Cought in Web of Lies! Gilrfriend has Affair With Sandman;[B] 'I didn't mean to cheat on him,'[/B] says Mary Jane South Dakota Women Gives Birth To Anti-Christ; [B]'The labor was hell!' [/B]says Mother[/COLOR][/FONT][/I]
  2. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Some games we play for a week, some for a month and some we never ever put down. Games like [B]Pokémon[/B], you know you will never stop plying [B]Pokémon[/B]. Hell, I'm still playing blue version after 6 years. So is there any games new or old that you still play? For me it would be the [B]Pokémon [/B]franchise. I've played these games for years and I can never stop playing them. It's like a curse! the games get old after awhile, yet I still play them. the graphics aren't the greatest, but it's good enough. the game play is repetitive but fun. [B]Megaman[/B], I love this franchise. even though it gets old after X6, it is still a great game with a very easy, yet satisfying story-line, and a the games are good side-strollers. The first ever 3D megaman I played (X7) was fun when it switched between 2 and 3D. the RPG [B]Command Mission[/B] was hard but it was also satisfying. plus Megaman Zero is a great sequel. I still play [B]megaman zero 2[/B]. I bought the megaman and the black zero action figures and I loved them. [B][U]So what game(s) do you still play?[/U][/B] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Little children are the worst allergy possible. All joking aside, I have pretty bad allergies. No food allergies though, thank god. Most of my allergies have been downsized because I took those allergy shots a few years back. I used to be allergic to mold, ragweed, and dust. But they don't bother me that much anymore. I used to take an inhaler for my nose and for my asthma. Luckily I grew out of that as I got older. But asthma attacks are not fun. Not fun at all. However, my nose still drives me nuts, what's worse is that I live next to a hay field, it just got cut btw. The worst harbinger for my allgeries is that damned field! A few days back I was really bad. Nose running, eyes red and itchy, nose plugged. Ugh, nothing I hate more than allergies. I do take medicine for them though. Pills only work about 20% of the time. My congestion is really bad almost to the point where I can't breath at all. So I take nasal spray. Plus allergies give me headaches constantly. Last year I had a headache almost everyday at school during the spring. Here's another mistake, never take a decongestant pill and a pill for runny nose... at the same time! I felt like a bear in hibernation. [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I have noticed, and I agree. I don't see why we need to know when our accounts were last updated either, I'm sure the mods have something that tells them this. The whole line about the MyOtaku profile is huge and it does take away from the custom title. [QUOTE][size=3]Premonition[/size] [size=1]Member Custom Title MyOtaku profile: [Sign Guestbook][Add Me as Friend][/size][/QUOTE] I find that it loooks better that way. But it could just be the way it is by default.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Do you want it to be in the style of an [B]OtakuBoards [/B]parody type deal? You know [B]Otaku City [/B]and all that.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]it were gewd! [spoiler] Inside joke btw[/spoiler][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I think you are naming each chapter after a song, I just get that vibe. Now, I can't go and close in on mistakes, [B]Allamorph [/B]does that best. But I ddidn't see any in particular. However, I'm dying to know who this boy is. Guide for Yume, rival of yume's, pervert wanting Yume, :huh:? Ahem, anyways, I'm wating for the next chapter, and I am loving what you have so far. I'm actually reading this story, all other stories I look at and go 'yup', without reading it. And I think I can spot a certain [I]'DB smell' [/I]in it. If you weren't a member and you posted this, I'm sure I'd know it was you. It just feels like something you'd make[/COLOR].
  7. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][CENTER] [LIST=1] [*]Intro ? 1:57 [*]Starting Over ? 4:02 [*]***** We Got a Problem ? 3:22 [*]Evolution ? 3:37 [*]Hold On ? 3:05 [*]Kiss ? 4:09 [*]Do What They Say ? 4:17 [*]Ever Be ? 4:48 [*]Love and Luxury ? 3:00 [*]Innocent Bystander ? 3:28 [*]Killing ? 3:36 [*]Hushabye ? 3:52 [*]I Will Protect You ? 5:30 [/LIST][/CENTER] It's all thanks to my brother, He introduced me into music. And one of the first bands I listened to was, [B]Korn[/B]. I like Korn, but not that much. But after hearing [B]Evolution[/B], I'd like to check out the new album. And of caorse, I have to come to OB for help. If anyone has this album, or has heard the whoe thing, can you tell me if it's worth the purchase? [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Prison Sex [/B]is a good song. It's one of the only [B]Tool [/B]songs I've ever heard. Wal-mart has a few of their CD's. But the thing that makes wal-mart's music ****** is the fact that they edit content out. When I heard they had a song called [B]Jambi[/B], I laughed a bit at first. But as before, it is one of the only Tool songs I've ahard, and it's good. Looking at information about Tool on the net I must say, they have some long songs. P.S. Avenged666fold you can request a name change btw. Not all tatoos are permanent.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]So when will the final round be underway? I'm dying to get this this finished. It's been more than a week .[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I meant rock music. I forgot to put before Metal.[/COLOR]
  11. Fragment C: Death has Anger Issues "Honey!" A man shouted as glass flew by his head. Floating next to him was a woman with a scythe. Sitting on her shoulder was a small crow with a cute little bow on it's neck. "Honey, I can explain!" The man shouted frantically at his crazy girlfriend. "Who the hell is this Shalua girl Tom?" A women asked as she threw a vase at poor Tom's head. "She's going to bring me to the afterlife!" He cried. "Isn't it right Shalua?" the man asked, the vase nearly hit him on the head. "She can't hear me you dope!" Shalua yelled. "I told you that the last two times you've had this fight. Listen. To. My. Words. Retard!" Shalua groaned and smacked herself across the head. "I know your sick Tom, but I know this Shalua girl is somewhere else.Stop making up the "she's taking me to the afterlife" crap again Tom. You're sleeping with her aren't you?!" Tom was sweating like a pig. He wasn't supposed to get over stressed otherwise his heart would give out. "Honey I..." Suddenly Tom stopped talking. He clenched his chest and fell to the ground. "Nice try Tom! using a fake heart attack to get away from the fact that you're cheating on me! Not a third time!" Tom gasped for breathe. He started coughing up blood. Shalua took her scythe and readied it. "It's time..." he whispered. Shalua nodded and drew back her scythe. She took it and slashed Tom through the chest. Suddenly he was out of his body, starring at the lifeless lump of a man below. A life of failure was all that Tom had, finally he'd achieve peace. "I'm ready, Shalua..." tom said smiling. Shalua took his hand. In seconds Tom faded away, leaving the world of the living. His girlfriend had finally realized that he was dead. Almost instantly, she an over to his body, and cried the last few tears a women could for a man. *** "So what now Tuko?" Shalua asked Yutuko. She looked at Shalua with evil content. A baron wasteland of fear and desolation came out of the crow's glare. Almost chilling to the human psyche. Shalua gaped into the crow's dark eyes. "Take this frickin bow off of me!" Yutuko screamed. She tugged at the bow with no avail, it was useless, the bow was stuck on Yutuko like a curse. Shalua smiled and laughed as her attention was taken by a bookstore. "Hey, Tuko, let's check out the bookstore, they cold have some interesting manga!" Tuko suddenly stopped trying to rip off the bow "Fine then, manga it is." *** "Death Note!" Shalua hollered angrily. "How dare they do this to us Shinigami! Bastards!" ''Shalua, it's just a book." "No, shut up. No one makes fun of us, what the hell is this damn 'Death note?' We won't be fooled like this." "Shalua, it's just a comic!" Yutuko tried to calm Shalua down. As this foolish little quarrel was going on, a kid was glaring at a floating manga. He suddenly ran away screaming. "Mommy, mommy, there's a floating book near the manga section!" The boy screamed. Shalua took the book and put it back, she tried to calm herself down. "Its alright Shalua, it's just a comic, there's nothing to be mad at..." Why doesn't she just go to the 'Psychological' section and find a book on self therapy? Yutuko though. *** Shalua floated around the city of New York, looking for some idiotic human. Maybe a good laugh would come out of this city, or even someone Shalua would have to pass on, who understood that others can't hear or see her. Yutuko floated around too, looking for some bugs to eat. "Shalua, you want some nice insects for lunch?" "Not today, how about some Chinese?" Shalua suggested. "I can't stand Chinese food! it makes me sick to my stomach! Come on Shalua, bugs, bugs, bugs!" She tried to talk Shalua into eating some bugs with her. The hope welled inside her. Shalua scratched her chin, she entered a deep thought. "How about some McDonald's then?" Shalua asked. Yutuko flew up to a building and hit her head against a glass window. then she tried ripping the bow off again, this time it came off. She tossed it at Shalua, it hit her on the forehead. "What's your problem Tuko?!" Shalua asked, she started yelling at the crow. Why in the hell did I get stuck as her familiar? Yutuko complained. It seemed that Shalua was making everything worse than it really is... like she usually did.
  12. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Sorry, I'll get it posted by tonight! I have a pretty good idea of what I want to post about right now, I just have to post it. Don't rush me! [B]EDIT[/B]: It's posted.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]There is more emotion in metal then there is in rap, and cuntry. Mostly because rap music is about gilrs, rims, and bling; which hardly needs emotion to write. Country is most old lovey dovey songs, songs about hardships, and songs about crappy country-side morals. Where metal and Rock has tons of subjects I've seen. Love, death, breakup, murder, confusion, drugs and alchohol, darkness, and a bunch of other subjects I won't babble on about. But, I'm just being stereoypical of rap and country. I heard the version that Blake Lewis sung on American Idol, and I quickly noticed the song when they said "Imagine all the people."[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I don't like Tool, I've never heard of Puscifer, and a Perfect crlce is alright. [B]Tool [/B]- I don't like most of their music, becasuse have't much of them. I've heard a few songs at my sister's house, and they were good, it's just not my thing. But they do have a good sound, don't get me wrong. I just don't take the time to listen to them more to form a good review. [B]Puscifer [/B]- Never heard of it. [B]A perfect Circle[/B] - I ahven't heard enough to make a thought out of them, but these guys are really good. I happen to like the remake of [B]John Lennon's [/B][B]'Imagine' [/B]whcih was epic in my books.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I've been watchiing [B]Blood+[/B] lately. Of coarse I don't get all of the story because I flip flop, miss it one week, see it the next. But it's an easy anime to keep up with. I just want to know why Haji never dies seeing he's been stabbed a bunch of times. I loved the episode where Saya discovered she [spoiler]was Diva's sister. Too bad that Saya dies later in the series. Damn you wikipedia![/spoiler] I really enjoyed the battle scene between Haji and [B]The Shiff[/B], which really heated it up yesterday on [AS]. They sent me a KHtsy vibe with their robes though. XD[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Right now, I'm watching [B]Ergo Proxy[/B] on fuse. there is a marathon on which started at episode one, currently [B]episode 3: Mazecity[/B], is on. I love this series, in fact I love a lot of things by [B]Manglobe[/B]. And I must admit, Reel (Sp?) is pretty cute.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I'm quite proud of myself, but I'm not conceited. I can see the loop-holes in things, usually when I'm arguing with my friends. I'm really smart, I only act like an idiot. I can remember things on a whim, even events that no one else I know can remember, hell, I can sometimes even remember sentences from a few years back. I'll sometimes point out other's mistakes on purpose. I've been told outside, and even on OB that I persevere even wen people knock me down. Which is a good quality that a lot of people I know don't have. I can write pretty good, not that good, but hey, I can write better than most of the people I know at school. I feel the pain of others. When my friend was crying, I almost shed a tear. So I find myself sympathetic. And, I can make people laugh. I'm just not proud of the choices I've made in life, but hey, you can't live in the past forever.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B][U]Game Boy:[/U][/B] I'm playing [B]Pokemon Blue[/B], right now as I speak. I've also discovered that there's a glitch that allows you to get Mew. It works too. I'm playing this game because I love it, it's old but it's fun. [B][U]PS2:[/U][/B] [B]Kingdom hearts II[/B]. I love this game, but I've discovered almost every secret item, and it gets broing after that. I'm waiting on a DS, hopefully by my birthday. And when it comes, I'll be playing [B]Pokemon Diamond[/B]. Then I'll buy [B]Trauma Center[/B].[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I've been listening to some[B] Avenged Sevenfold[/B] lately, specifically [B]Sidewinder[/B], [B]Blinded in Chains [/B]and [B]Chapter 4.[/B] Why, well because I need to start listening to more of my older music, lately I've been playing Breaking Benjamin like crazy, I need to give them a break. I'm also listening to [B]Down With the Sickness[/B], and [B]Shout 2000 [/B]by [B]Disturbed[/B]. Soon enough, I'll be listening to some new music, hopefully. We've been money tight lately, and I really need new CD's. But I hope to get [B]Ashes Against the Grain [/B]by [B]Agalloch[/B]. And I might be getting a [B]Coheed and Cambria [/B]album, it's possible. I'm trying my best to experience new content for me because I have not-so-epic bands under my belt. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Finally, I've been waiting for another DB story for ages. And I really like what you got so far. And by the way he looks, and what he's holding, he must be a shinigami now, right? Anyways, you gave us a good story. Well, I liked it anyways.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Really, I'd like to know the bridge in which this RP crosses over to Esper Jam! For that matter, was esper jam inspired by an anime too DB? Well, anyways, I'm really looking forword to this, seeing as I'm the only one from Esper Jam in this RP.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]We could use some more interviews with people as well. Maybe interview someone about an RPG they made. Like when the article for the Ponopticon was made, interview a player about an RPG. I know I'd like to interview DB about his last two RP's, Esper Jam and Shinigami Dance, and I'm part of both Rp's, so an article wouldn't be hard for me to make. But I'm supposed to gather leads, and I haven't been contribution as much as I could.[/COLOR][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] [I][B][COLOR="Blue"]Protagonist~[/COLOR][/B][/I] [B]Name:[/B] Fayt Leingod [B]Age[/B]: 20 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Planet:[/B] Earth [B]Bio: [/B]Fayt and Sophia have decided to join the Symbologic Research team to follow in their parents footsteps. Despite the fact that they haven't discovered much recently, they've been working well. As for Fayt he still spends his time playing simulation games, and has even decided to create one himself. He still catches up on his training, whilst taking his time to talk to Cliff and Mirage. Fayt has also tinkered with Symbology in order to suppress his destructive genetics. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Fayt.jpg"][B]Fayt[/B][/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B][I]Antagonist~[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Name:[/B] President Remaldon the VII [B]Age: [/B]271 (Looks 27) [B]Gender: [/B]Male [B]Planet:[/B] Remaldia [B]Bio:[/B] After relocating his people to the abnded planet of Golgax 4, President Remaldanon oficially named the planet Remaldia 2. After 12 years of dictatorship, the people of Remaldia haave been free tahnks to this man. But deep inside he is still corrup. Nothing more is known about him except that he is also the general of the "Remaldian Army." [B]Appearence:[/B] Remaldon looks very young and is consdered very handsom by his people. Unlike most of his race, Remaldon has greens skin and black eyes. He seems to be half amphibian and half human, most remaldian's are almost completely human. He stands at 6' 7'' and wears an all black suit wiht a white tie. He has a huge inscrition of Symbology on his back and also holds vast knowledge of symbology.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Modern hip hop pisses me off to no end. How about somone makes them artist's their ho's and beat the crap out of them. Now Eminem doesn't bother me at all, in fact hes the only one I'll listen to. And jay-Z because he did stuff with Linkin Park. even thought it was horrible.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I can not afford a PS3, but if I have to I'll get a wii or a 360. But I am stoked about the next Kingdom Hearts game comming out. [B]KH3 [/B]seems a little far away, but I'm still watiing for it. But I guess I'll have to settle for [B]KH2 Final Remix+.[/B][/COLOR]
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