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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]One of my frends wore my shirt after she got out ofthe water at the beach... I love that shirt so much. I kid of coarse, but it was the first time a girl wore my shirt. For some reason she thought I was smelling it, like I'd ever do that! And I think a girl in a guy's shirt is cute btw. I've always had more fun with a tomboy than a regular girl. My ex-girlfriend was tomboyish and I liked it, we just clicked better than the girly girl type. I hope she's moving back like she said she would, we'd have a blast as friends. My friend wore a big hoodie all the time, she comlpained that she was cold too, and I thought it looked cute on her.:catgirl: I like long-haired and short gils better than tall grils. Plus it really turns me on to see a girl in black leather. When the clothes cling on and conform to the body shape, I go nuts. And women acting as nurses are another turn-on for me. [I][B]"You've been a terrible patient; now I must punish you!"[/B][/I] But it's nothing more than a dream. As for bondage, that's a whole other story, but I do find a girl in chains, whilst holding a whip; tantalizing. >_> I digress... [/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='imike123']busy with career lol[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Obviously you've been diluted with sex. Maybe you should see a gynocologist for help. I guess this proves sex can make you dumb. What a valuable lesson this thread teaches us! As for sex and music, rockers get a lot of lovin.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I have to agree with DB, I don't see the point. I thought this was a [I]"question of what gender is better to you" [/I]kind of thread. But, no derailment from me. I don't care really as long as you find someone who loves you. But if she's butt ugly and others think you're hot, eh, you're lucky and that's really it. For me, if she's cute and has a great personality, then she's cool for me.[/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I'll use an example of what Fandom kept doing in Prem's rp he had a while ago... Every time we tried to form the plot, he had to go and change it to follow whatever he wanted so whatever we did was meaningless. For example, I might have set the stage for what our characters were going to do and then started in that direction, but then he totally destroys that plan and sends the characters off doing something else. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Yup, it's true, never trust a fandom. If Inuyasha_fandom ever signs-up for one of my RP's -even if it's the best sign-up ever- I'm not letting him in. The RP was going well until he decided to implant [B]"RPoetic doom" [/B]unto us all. DB was there, he knows of the carnage wrought by 'plot theft.' But thankfully, DB's style helps filter out unneeded RPG 'raping.' If you get what I mean. [B]EDIT:[/B] It looks like Squiggles is goen... for good! That really sucks, she was a pretty cool cat I must say. I guess I'm the only non-NPC player in group 4 then. I just hope this RP will stay active, but I don't think it will die anytime soon.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well Jake, I intend to get [B]Pale Folklore.[/B] It's best to start at the bottom and work your way to the top. So I'll start from the first album, and if I enjoy it (which by the way everyone's talking I will) I'll buy the next two in the order they were realesed. But, if the store is out of [B]Pale Folklore[/B], I'll have to get what I can find. I also intend to buy a [B]Coheed and Cambria [/B]album as well. I heard [B]The Suffering[/B], and it sounds really good so I'll see about that. But I still need to find [B]Saturate [/B]from [B]Breaking Benjamin[/B], or maybe the second [B]Disturbed[/B] album. Ugh... I need a lot more money. >_> But I should have enough to buy two albums. If not, it's [B]Agalloch[/B].[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Nice work with the latest post DB! Alas, the search ensues.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I stopped believing in Santa when I saw a present from him, the wrapping was the same for other presents, as was the purple paper inside. But my nieces still believe. I think I should just go tell them that Santa isn't real and end the Santa clause charade. I'm not very religious, but I do believe in god and Jesus. But my grandmother rambles about god constantly and it annoys me to no end. She says that all ghosts are evil, they are not all evil. I don't mind if you're religious, it just bugs me when people talk about it [B][I]all [/I][/B]the time. I believe in ghosts too, I'm fascinated by them actually. There are so many haunted houses in Northern NY, it's not even funny. Spirits, ghosts, shadows, yarp real. A lot of my friends have encountered them. Alas, I haven't... But when I do, I'll cherish the moment until I die/forget. As for aliens. Are you crazy! I've seen a UFO fly above my house before, and I'm not being sarcastic. I mean there has to be some other form of life besides us humans. Otherwise our search for alien life would be futile. And if there isn't life on other planets, then why are there other planets? It just doesn't make sense that we're the only ones in the universe, I mean come on! I also believe in karma. Screw someone and you'll get screwed back. I believe in luck, just not the thought that breaking mirrors gives you a certain number of years bad luck. I just find it ridiculous, but if you believe; hey, it's your provocative. The tooth fairy; fake! The easter bunny; stealing easter from Jesus, which is evil beyond evil by the way. Damn rabbits... >_>[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]My birthday is only 11 days away, yipee. Turning 13 was a milestone for me, plus it marked the day I became an adolescent. [B]1[/B]. I don't have traditions, but I'd like to slap cake into my dad's face for my next birthday. My mom isn't a good cake desinger. Maybe I should swing over to the food network and ask those 'ace of cake' guys to make me one. I'd love a Tenjho Tenge or an Ergo Proxy cake... yum. [B]2.[/B] My best birhtday present youa sk? A few years ago I got a Medabots action figure and stadium. But my brithday isn't like Christmas... boring I must say. Make a Chirstmas thread this year and I'll give you a story. [B]3.[/B] My 13th birthday marked my jump into music. After I turned 13, rock music appealed to me a lot more, so did women. [B]4.[/B] None of my birthdays were ''ZOMG OMG OMG liek uber total cool to da max!!!1!!11!11" But I'd have to say my 13th brithday was the best. Nothing much, but it was cool. DB, can I barrow your mother this year, she sounds Uber cool, a Charizard cake that big would make my mouth water like an ocean. [B]Oh, and happy brithday my friend![/B][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Ugh. It's still hard to decide, but I think I have an idea of what to get. Maybe someone should strangle [B]Agalloch [/B]and force them to make one huge album with everything. Urm, compilation album I should say. I'm getting some more money this week, so I'll take a trip to FYE and see if they have [B]Agalloch [/B]in stock. [spoiler]Bastards better have some, or I'll beat em.[/spoiler] God, if only I was a pretentious musician... eh, as long as a song has a story in the lyrics, good instramentals, and catchy vocals, I'm game. (Unless it's rap. I've been really hateful against rap lately. And country bugs me, except for Carrie Underwood..
  10. [COLOR=darkslategray]Ugh. I was bored, and I need to post something to take the time away.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray]Okay so, what type of MP3 do you have? It can be old, it can be new, it can even be an Ipod. I'm not asking what music you have on it, but what brand it is, and how much memory it has. If it has any other features, tell us.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray]As for me have a [B]1GB Ilo MP3[/B]. It's pretty good for only being about $37. I had a 2 GB one, but for some reason the headphone jack wouldn't work. It had a voice recorder, which I loved. But sadly my new one doesn't. It has most of the same features though. I like it, but I really can't wait until I get my Ipod this Christmas. It holds 500 songs, even though I only have 135 at the moment. When it's left on pause for too long it shuts itself off, which can be annoying, but comes in handy if I accidentally leave it on. But it doesn't have a very long battery life. It can have some sort of card but into the back, but I don't know what it's for?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]So what kind of MP3 do you have?[/B][/COLOR] [B][/B] [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=blue]Changed the title for clarification.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=blue]- Petie[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][center][IMG]http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/429/faytrpbanxx4.jpg[/IMG] [size=1]Banner by Rachmaninoff[/size][/center] [COLOR="blue"][CENTER][SIZE="1"]Star Ocean: Till the End Time: [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Ocean:_Till_the_End_of_Time"]Read Me[/URL] (May contain spoilers, use only if your confused) [/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] In SD. 772, the Vendeeni was at war with the Pangalactic Federation. Soon after, beings known as Executioners, attacked the galaxy. Fayt Leingod, Sophia Esteed and Maria Traydor saved the universe from the onslaught of deletion by the hands of Luther. Luther, head of sphere, created the galaxy as a mere toy for the beings of the 4D Space. At the end of the battle, Fayt and the others finally realized that the humans of the galaxy aren’t just data,. They can be independent, which shows they are real. One year later the destruction brought by the Executioners; was repaired. With peace restored the Vendeeni joined the Pangalactic Federation, in an attempt to make everything as it was. Hyda IV has re-opened to the public. Earth has also been restored to normal. All the other planets involved were fixd as well. [COLOR="blue"][B][CENTER]{*}[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B][SD. 773][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] Fayt and Sophia have decided to work for the Federation’s Symbology research facility. Much ahs changed for them, and the other’s which helped save the galaxy. Maria , who once lead the Anti-Federation group, has been missing for almost six months now. No one knows where she has gone to, or why she left. Nel and Adray, along with the entire kingdom of Aquios, have come to an agreement with the Kingdom of Airyglyph. Now they are both thinking of joining their land together, possibly becoming one kingdom. As for Cliff and Mirage, they have returned home. They are both living together for personal circumstances. Much has changed in the last year. A new race from a different galaxy has repopulated an abandoned planet. These people are of the Remaldian galaxy. A group of stars with only one solitary planet. But the old planet they lived on died. No one knows why they moved to the Milky Way, but they aren’t built by good intentions. But he want to attack the Federation. Nothing else is known about them. [COLOR="blue"][B][CENTER]~{*}~[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] Fayt and Sophia have decided to get everyone together and have a reunion on Elicoor II. Little do they know the fate that lies ahead of them. But one thing is certain, if a new war arises it could be the end of the galaxy, maybe even an end to the light. [COLOR="blue"][CENTER][B]~{*}~[/B][/COLOR] Star Ocean: Till the End of Light, is the untold story of what happened after the events of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. This RPG will feature the original cast, as well as some new faces to meet, and new places to see. I hope the members of OtakuBoards who read along, enjoy this RP. And to those who join, this means a lot to me. [COLOR="blue"][B][CENTER]~{*}~[/CENTER][/B] [B][I][U]Special Features:.[/U][/I][/B][/COLOR] Star Ocean: TtEoL, has a few features included. -Each player may control 2 characters. One hero and one villain. -Each player will be able to create 1 NPC for the RP main story. And they can create NPC’s for themselves. -You may choose if you want to control one of the main cast members. The cast includes: [B][I]Fayt Leingod Sophia Esteed Cliff Fitter Mirage Koas Nel Zelpher Albel Nox Adray Lasbard Roger S. Huxley[/I][/B] - Players will help in the creation of the villains. Most villains will be Remaldian. -At the end of this RP rewards will be given. Winning players will get Battle Trophies at the end. [COLOR="blue"][B][I][U]Sign-Up Information:.[/U][/I][/B][/COLOR] I have decided that if you're playing one of teh main cast, you have to make the sign-up but you only have to include information about the character's actions in the one year period described above. But I still ask that you PM me asking if you can play one of those characters. For new characters. Just use the normal sign-ups. You may create 2 characters, or you may create one. [B][I][U]Sign-ups:.[/U][/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][I]Protagonist~[/I][/COLOR] [B]Name[/B]: Anything [B]Age[/B]: 18-30 [B]Gender[/B]:Male or female [B]Planet[/B]: Elicoor II, Earth [B]Bio[/B]: Character’s past [B]Appearance[/B]: Image or text [COLOR="Blue"][I]Antagonist~[/i][/COLOR] [B]Name[/B]: Anything [B]Age[/B]: Between 18- [B]Gender[/B]: Male or female [B]Planet[/B]: Remaldia [B]Bio[/B]: Charactter's past [B]Appearance[/B]: Image or text.[/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Notes:. I will be playing the role of Fayt, just so you know. The role of Albel Nox will be played by [B]Lionheart.[/B] The role of Nel Zelpher will be played by [B]Sakazaki.[/B][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]How I found Gavin was interesting, most interesting. Clue 2- It may have been a race but who's watching? [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47196"]Gavin= found[/URL][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Personal reasons are always a factor. He could have done something to the band that effected them personaly rather than musicilly. Just because he was kicked out, doesn't mean it's because he played the way he shouldn't.[/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Metalcore501']Ehh... But it all sounds the same as in his pattern and drums he uses over and over again.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Listen closely. Maybe your just not hearing all of the drum's rythyms and beats. And besideds, can't we just enjoy the music? Someone who really loves music would put little things like that behind him. As long as it sounds good, it's no problem.[/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Metalcore501'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I agree with Sandy on this, I never liked the game and I didn't find the plot of your Rp very intriging and what's with the corny name seriously? The planet on the other side of the galexy ok abandond ok but how the hell was it re-populated? I'm glad this is only a preview, hopefully you'll fix all of the kinks out of the storyline. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Oh don't worry my freind, I will fix it all,be sure of that. ;D And obviously you haven't read the new name. The reason I didn't explain whow they got there is because that's part fo the plot. No one knows why or how they got there, only they do. Anyways. thank sto Rach, I have two new sets, They were well done too. In fact, I'm spoting one now. He also made a banner for the RP itself. I have decided at the end of the RP, I will have a reward ceremony. The players and posts which were outstaning will get battle trophies. I don't know yet, but I might invite a few people on OB, who I can trust both as members and players, maybe. P.S. I'd like to thank wohever changed the name of his thread![/COLOR] [size=1][COLOR="Green"]Don't mention it. ;P (Yes, I'm the "wohever".) For some reason, only mods can change thread titles that show on the thread list, normal edit doesn't affect them. - Sandy[/COLOR][/size]
  16. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Prem - in a frenzy - ran toward the location of Grape Ape. He felt a weird energy around the city. Almost evil and malicious. Somthing was right. Prem ripped off his false skin to reveal his robotic left arm. A bolt had gotten loose in all the comotion. After a few minutes, Prem 2.0 arrived at Grape's location. He stopped suddenly, gasping for breathe. [B]"Grape... I got here... as fast as I could."[/B] Prem looked at the gates and saw DgitalBoy. [B]"Hey DB."[/B] Prem said huffing. [B]"Prem, what's with the metal arm?"[/B] DB asked. [B]"After I got killed, I was reconstructed. I'm now installed the the best in grammatical equipment, to supress almost any error. I'm half-robot now, so my abilities have been jacked up. Great for the battles that lie ahead."[/B] [B]"Sorry Prem, but save the reunion for later. Check the members list again, hurry!" [/B]Grape Ape yelled. Prem closed his eyes and went deep inside his computer mainframe that was implanted into his brain. [B]"Sorry Ape, but Charlie is deffinitly not in the lit. The list doesn't lie. The worst must have happened."[/B] [B]"Don't talk like that, we can never lose hope..."[/B] Prem wiped the sweat from his forehead. [B]"I agree, giving up will only make victory easy for Gavin and The Beast. Wait..without Charlie, we never stand a chance against that monster. What now?"[/B] Grape Ape shook his head. [B]"I do not know..." [/B][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][spoiler] The scene where they chase the two actors was funny. It was the fastest car-chase I've ever seen. And the trivia even said it was intended to be.[/spoiler] I just want to call somebody "**** ugly" for some reason. I know that I'll be saying yarp soon, all over the place! XD. I agree with DB, the movie can't get enough praise from me. I only wish there was more. I loved the part when he just arrived a tthe hotel and the woman is doing the crossword. It was the creepiest part of the film. [spoiler]And during the fight scene where Nicholas Angel calls the old women 'hag' just busted my lungs![/spoiler] [spoiler]When Danny got shot, I was pissed. I'm glad he didn't die. And I agree with DB about the living statue showng his death pose. The blood that came out of Tim Messenger was just awesome. It surprised me too. And the splatter effect on the camera just made it all better![/spoiler] God, I can't explain how much I enjoyed that movie. The perfect cop and the bumbling cop team-up was just too funny. [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Rach, they're really nice. I'll probably mix it up as the RP goes, using one set then another. And I also appreciate the banner for the main thread. Thanks a lot Rach! Can't wait for KW's either. I won't make anyone's input a waste by using only one banner.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]No one has posted in this thead for a while. Well, how about I take the honors? I remember those bunnies. They were so cute! XD That chess game bugged the hell out of me, that mini-game was a little bit confusing. How do you find the move where Fayt gets [spoiler]wings?[/spoiler] I tried looking for it, but I never really found it. I happen to love a lot of Nel's moves too. All the bonus content sure makes the game better. The most extras I've seen in a game. I wonder if Fayt ever got hitched with Maria? I loved her gun moves with a passion. Plus she was pretty. A lot of people like Albel too, and I think he's awesome. I'd like to know if you can recruit Nel and Albel into your party, I heard you could. Albel's bonus outfits were cool. I remember a lot about the game, but I still need to find me a new copy, I'll be damned if I never get it! I miss seeing the queen of Aquios, and I miss the synthesis part of the game. My favorite extra was the battle game, The one where your character has a small humunculus as the player and you can battle them. Awww, good times. :animesigh I collected quite a few of the trading cards. And I must say Sophia looked sexy in black. I' looking forward to the RPG I'm making. "Star Ocean: Till the End of Light," which will be in the arena soon.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Much like 99.999% of all members, the first anime I watched was DBZ, and all my friends watched it too. No one was aware that DBZ was asnime. Now I'm one of the only people in town that watches anime. Some people have made fun of me, but like DB said, **** them. But I've never been isolated because a few of my freinds enjoy it.[/COLOR]
  21. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Have I ever told you guys how much I love you? XD [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Awwwww, he wuvs us! Wait a minute, he only says that when he wants something from us! *runs away screaming* Wait why do you love us?[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] [B]1-[/B]Sasuke uchiha (Naruto) [B]2-[/B]Ryoma Echizen (Prince of Tennis) [b]3-[/b]Hojo (Inuyasha) [/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"] This is as eciting as life gets for me. I am not a very interesting person whatsoever.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]What did you say DB? I wasn't very interested. My life is like a box of cracker jacks. Tasty but you can get nuts in your mouth. [spoiler]I know, didn't sound right to say![/spoiler]XD I go around listening to music, playing music, playing video games, talking to myself because I'm lonely (very lonely... [spoiler]someone please hold me[/spoiler]), going on the OtakuBoards to [strike]annoy[/strike] talk to people, and writing. I find myself boring, don't know about you guys though. Well, my brithday is the 18th. So I'm looking forword to my new DS. I'm listening to my music as I write this. [B]Reminissions [/B]by [B]Avenged Sevenfold[/B]... now it's [B]Down with the Sickness [/B]by [B]Disturbed[/B]. Yay for MP3s I guess, I spend my whole day around the house so music is my best friend, as I said before, I'm lonely. I did get Hot Fuzz the other day, and I just plain old love that movie. I'm making a Star Ocean RPG and it's going good so far. It's just that my paint program doesn't support jpg images and I'm going to kill this machine. Yay me... :animesmil[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="Navy"]Thank you Indiff. These are really better, and would make the set look even greater. Especially the picture of Fayt with those wings, amazing.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="navy"]I'm making a "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time" RP, called Star Ocean: Till the End of Light. And to advertize it, I'd liek a cool banner and avitar to go with it. I would like a Fayt Leingod banenr. Here are 2 pics to sue. [URL="http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/3811/faytwing01xm0.jpg"][U]Fayt with Wings[/U][/URL] For this picture, all I want is to see the guy with wings. If it's possible, I'd like a blue and silver backround. And could you also zoom into teh wing on the left, but still show his body. [URL="http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/7306/so1xf7.jpg"][U]Fayt with Sword [/U][/URL] For this picture I'd like to see him from the head up on the bottom right-hand corner of the banner, make sure his sword is still a little bit visable. I'd like the banner to be the maximum size for OB. As for text just make it say "Till the End of Light." As for the avi, I'd like the feathers nect to his sword from the second picture to be shown, with 'Premonition' on the corner. I'd also like the avi to be blue and silver for the backround. But if you can't do everything, just do whatever you can, alright? Thank you in advance for doing this, it means a lot. Thanks go to Indifference for the new pictures too! [/color]
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