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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. Aberinkula

    Hot fuzz!

    [COLOR="Navy"]Simon Pegg and Nick Frost star in this action parody. They were both in Shaun of the Dead, a zombie spoof. I got Hot Fuzz this Tuesday when it came out, and this movie is hilarious and action packed. Simon Pegg plays Nicholas Angel, one of London's best cops. But he gets transfered into Sanford, the Community that Cares. Well let's just say, this ideally peaceful own has it's share of murderous psychopaths. Nick Frost plays Danny Butterman, the son of Frank Butterman, who is the head policeman. Let's just say those two make a great performance. I love this movie. I wanted to see it when it was in theaters, but never got around to it. And I am really glad I bought this DVD. It also has a trivia reel that plays during the film. [spoiler]One scene is actually reminiscent of a scene from Shaun of the Dead. remember when they jumped the fence to get the Winchester? Well, they jump over a fence to catch criminal. After officer Angel jumps the frence, Danny tries to jump it. He crashed intot eh fence, and he couldn't jump that well.[/spoiler] The movie is bloody too. I don't want to keep rambling. So has anyone else seen this movie? Well, I don't know about you, but this was a great show, funny and action packed.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="Navy"]Damn it, I had hoped the lighting hit yo... ur I mean, good to see you again! we missed you. Well then, we better hurry along.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well, they end up going to Elicoor II because the king of Airyglyph has a monster problem. While Fayt is on Elicoor, the Remaldian empire attacks Elicoor II, then they take Fayt and the others onto their ship. You know, abduction. Other than that I'm working out on it. But most of the events come to mind when the first chapter is up. i always plan after Chapter 1 comes up, always have. I do it so I don't over think and lose any valuable plot points. And for the record, I will be playing Fayt. The only people who can play the main cast are those who've played the game. So anybody who discussed the game in the thread will be able to play the main cast, as well as others who have beat the game but didn't talk about it on OB. I will link the Star Ocean thread to the sign-up thread so people can get a little insight on it, as well as a few articles with information to get people started. I need graphics as well. Of coarse if any of you have graphical skills I wouldn't mind the help. I will be putting an art request up soon. Expect me to have a Star Ocean banner and avi soon as well. P.S. Good luck with those bonus dungeons Beth! Remember to pickup those cards in the game as well. Seeing the characters inother outfits is pretty cool.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Navy"]Well, I do have a little idea of the story, but I'd rather put the whole idea down at once. i will be thinking about the story all day, and it will be edited on by the end of the day. I'm a pretty fast thinker. And of coarse I will be in the bathroom again for a shower, so I'll use my brain a lot in there. XD But it won't be a pointless story-line. It did kind of drag on a bit, after a while. Well, it would be best to take a shower now I guess. >.>[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][CENTER]{~[COLOR="Navy"][B]Premonition [/B][/COLOR]presents~} [center][IMG]http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/429/faytrpbanxx4.jpg[/IMG] [size=1]Banner by Rachmaninoff[/size][/center] [COLOR="Blue"][FONT="palatino linotype"][B][U][SIZE="6"]Star Ocean: Till the End of Light[/SIZE][/U][/B][/FONT] [SIZE="1"]A Star Ocean RPG[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] While in the bathroom I was thinking about what to do next on OB. I thought of making another Kingdom Hearts RP, but decided to make one based on another game. The first game that came to mind was "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time." It was very enjoyable game, the elements worked together and it was a blast to play. And the content of this RP will be that of the game itself. But because we don't use PG-13, it will be rated PG. [B]EDIT:[/B] After a nice soothing shower, I have come to a decision about the name and story-line. I have decided to rename this RPG "Star Ocean: Till the End of Light." As always feel free to tell me if the name is bad. Here is a quick summary of the story which will be fully introduced when the sign-ups arivve, remember this is jsut a summary so not all the details will be fully discribed. There will be a spoiler of the game's end, but not that much of a spoiler. [QUOTE][COLOR="Blue"]After the defeat of Luther by the hands of Fayt leingod and the others, peace returned to the galaxy. Planets were starting to rebuild from the destruction brought by the Executioners. Hyda IV was fully restored and it continues to be a great vacation spot. The Veendini has come to a truce with the Pangalactic Federation, and has agreed to join them. All seemed to be peaceful. A year after these events, Fayt Leingod and Sophia Esteed have gathered together with their friends. the only one missing was Maria Traydor; she hasn't been seen in a matter of months. But half-way across the galaxy, an old abandoned planet has been re-populated by an alien race from the Remaldian solar system. But these people aren't peaceful and have a grudge toward the other planets in the galaxy. For too long they have steered away from the Federation. After being bugged to join, they have decided to retaliate toward the Pangalactic Federation. Fayt, Sophia, Cliff, Mirage, Nel, Albel, Adray, Peppita, and Roger will soon be tangled in this web. A new war will soon arise, threatening the existence of the universe.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] It is a littel bit shaky at the moment. I will workout all of the kinks when the final version is released. And to answer Indifference's question; yes, symbology will be brought back. You can play any of the old characters, or create a new one. You will also be able to create someone from the Remaldian system. So you can control 2 characters at once if you wish. There will also be a cast of villains that anyone who joins can pitch into their creation. I intend to introduce story plots in chapters as well. I want this to be a really interactive RPG. [CENTER][B][~]-[~][/B][/CENTER] Well, I've decided to bring some mroe content into this thread. So here are a few ships and other objects in the story. [B]Kestral[/B] - One of the Federation's space-ships. theKesral carries cargo to other planets. The ship has few defenses and one of teh best shields the Federation could buy. [B]Arc Crawnum[/B] - This Federaition ship ahs some of the best weapons, but a very weak shield. the ship has been docked at the moon base for repairs. named after teh ship's captain, Jason Arc Crawnum. [B]Federation Base Alpha [/B]- The main base for all Federation affairs. Has the United Planetarian Aliance's main dinner hall, and meeting room. Each planet of the UPA has a special meeting room especially for them. [B]Hyda IV [/B]- The galaxy's vacation spot. there are beautiful sandy beaches and huge buidings al over. Hyda IV was attacked by the Vendeeni in S.D. 772. [B]Elicoor II[/B] -A planet with technology equivelent to 17th century earth. ome to teh kigndoms of Airyglyph and Aquarius. both kigndoms were once at war, until Fayt and hi companions came into the planet. Home to Nel Zelher, Albel Nox, Roger S. Huxley and Adray Lasbard. [spoiler][SIZE="1"]And yes, I did think of this in the bathroom.[/SIZE][/spoiler][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="Navy"]Gosh this is the hardest round yet! I can't find diddly squat! Clue 2 has annoyed the hell out of me for the whole round. Thank god there isn't another 3 rounds[/COLOR].
  7. [COLOR="Navy"] [B]"I hope Japan is okay?" [/B]Prem said. he was worried about Charlie, he seemed to have lost hope. Inside Prem knew that the beast couldn't be destroyed. Shy only told him to wait and see to cheer him up, but Prem knew better. Prem had suddenly realized that something in the city was waiting for him. [B]"Hey, Grape Ape."[/B] Prem whispered. Ape looked at Prem. [B]"yeah, something the matter?"[/B] Ape asked. Prem just looked around. [B]"I need to leave for a bit, something is waiting for me in the city. Mind if I go see to it?" [/B]Prem asked. He didn't want to just up and leave without saying anything. Ape nodded. [B]"Go. Do what you have to do. When your finished with it, come find us, okay?"[/B] Prem nodded and ran off. ~~~~ Prem ran toward the edge of town as fast as he could. He saw his old apartment, where he moved to shortly after joining the terrorists. Relocating so he wouldn't bring hate into his family. He walked into his dark apartment. everything was just as he left it. he entered a closet. then turned on the lights. Inside the closet were about five guns, a few bombs and other various weapons. [B]"Why not equip?"[/B] He said to himself with a smile on his face. He picked up the guns and a couple of slings and put them on his body. "Well, better get back to the others." ~~~~ Prem went back to the others as fast as he could.[B] "Hey, I'm back. Had to get something to defend myself with. Sorry for the wait. Shall we get on with this then, no more watiing."[/b] [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="Navy"]The problem is DB is no where in sight! Come on man, we need more esper jamming![/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="Navy"]The journey went forth. Prem decided to stay close to Charlie and Grape Ape, just in case anything interesting would pick up. Prem wanted nothing more than to end Gavin and the Beast's meaningless charade. He took into context what Nomura had said. besides worrying for his future prem had a feeling of hate for the Beast more than Gavin. He wanted to be the once to kill the Beast. At least he should be there to witness that monster's gets everywhere. [B]"Prem, why are you so high-strung on the Beast?"[/B] Grape Ape asked. Prem just looked up to the sky before even answering. [B]"Well, I don't really know. I've had a strange feeling from hat thing ever since Charlie released it onto the world. For some reason I feel like I have to kill that thing, even though I can't. I feel like I should, for... Nonentity."[/B] Shy nodded. [B]"I'm sure there's more than 1 way to kill the beast, we haven't found another weakness... yet.?"[/B] [B]" I seriously doubt that Grape Ape. He's invinsible. We could distract him or knock him down on his ass, but that's it nothing else."[/b] [B]"Ah, you were paying attention I see, that's good. Just keep a close lookout for him, you might just be able to escape if your lcuky. He may have one weakness, but he doesn't necciserily have all the cards on his side."[/B] [B] "Why did you tell me there's a might be a weakness, then test me?"[/B] [B]"Ah, Prem Well, you see, if you akownledge that you can't win by killing the beast, then you just have a chance of survival. I jsut wnated to know if you knew. I've been wondering, why were you acting strange at the campfire?"[/B] [B] I felt like the others were in trouble. I could sense the Beast and Gavin near the others. When I was at your base a few weeks ago. How exactely will Charlie kill the beast anyways? Magic, using his very own mod-rod, what?"[/B] [B]"You'll just have to find out and see Prem." [/B]Shy teased. Prem smiled a little bit as he suddenlty stopped walking. [i]I don't see why I should have hated Grape Ape, he's a good person to lookup to in this world.[/i] As the group kept walking, Prem took back everything he said about his enemies. But he didn't want to admit it.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="Navy"]Yeah, but I haven't seen DigitalBoy around the last few days. Wonder what's happened? I'm sure the13thman can take over for a while.[/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I would never do that. *innocent smile* [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Quick get Aaryanna captured before it's too late! I kid! :p So who gets captured next I wonder? The [I]innocent[/I] Aaryanna? Or the [I]uplifting[/I] BKstyles? [spoiler]2 jokes in one post! Woot![/spoiler] Come on Beth, we're wating for more. ;)[/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Traitor. lol I kid. I was just hoping it would stay lost for a while longer. Heh.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Sandy gets you, and you take it out on me? Rach, I'm ashamed. :p[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="Navy"]God. I'm so glad I never joined that RPG and got as far as you all did. Sandy's one violent moderator, you guys must have a hard time[B]surviving [/B]the whole fiasco with that guy behind the wheel. [Spoiler] get it, [B]Surviving![/B] Ha ha[/Spoiler] And poor, poor Rach... But it's really a good story Beth! (Don't zap me with your mod-rod for calling you that, cause I really don't know you that much! XD) And I'll read the next chapter for sure. I just hope Tiana wins this challenge. She's the only person out of you all that I really talk to on OB. No offense to the others of coarse, I don't want Sandy's wrath to get the best of them. :p[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="Navy"]Don't worry Nomura!;D Plus there's always the Nifty Fifty! I don't hate you for it, Nerdsy is a good asset to OB.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="Navy"]Prem was still standing, wating for the command. Suddenly he felt something strange, the sensors put into his brain cought an odd transmission. Suddenly Prem hopped around the campfire. [B]"What's the mater Prem?" [/B]Grape Ape asked. Prem lookeed around him. [B]"Don't you guys feel anything strange?" [/B]Prem asked. [B]"Prem what's going on?"[/B] Grape Ape asked loudly. [B]"It's nothing, I just sense something." [/B]Prem sat back down and his arm turned back into a hand. hescrathced his chin then looked at the future Nomura. [B]"So, you're Nomura from the future, right?" [/B]Prem walked over to Nomura. [B]"Yes, I am. Why do you ask?"[/B] Nomura looked at Prem. [B]"Well, then what happens to me during this battle?"[/B] [B]"Premonition, this is not time to be asking questions about what's going to happen to you" [/B]Grape Ape snapped. Nomura nodded and looked at Shy. Shy sat down without another word. [B]"Well Prem my friend... you die."[/B] Prem looked at Nimura with a frown. [B]"I... d.. die?" [/B]Prem laughed. [B]"You were always a kidder Nom, that's why you and I are friends!"[/B] [B]"[I]Were [/I]friends you mean. You die after an OtakuBot pressed your self-destruct button. Of coarse you destroyed a few, but that didn't stop them. And so you know ahead of time, your gun won't be that useful. You should stay back in the sidelines, unless you wish to die." [/B] [B]"Okay then, guess I'll stay back..."[/B] Prem went from happy to fight, to sad and depressed in a atter of minutes. he was shoked. what if they lost the final battle? Then what would happen? prem didn't want to think of the consequences. He just put his head down and ceased the conversation. Grape Ape just sighed. [B]"No one should have to die. But this is war, of course some lives will be lost." [/B]Grape Ape looked over at Charlie. Whatever they would have to do they better do it soon. Prem knew something wasn't quite right. He just hoped the other CTU agents weren't in trouble.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Welcome to another help thread by Premontion.[/B] I've usually had trouble with my RP's. I can never attract any customers as much as others do. Now a lot of these 'unanswered' RP's have great potential. So is there any way to attract people to your RPG? Post any tips here for attracting those great RPers of OB. I could use some for sure, but this is more for the other members. [/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Yeah and let's change the Geisha style to one of Jessica Alba...Actually could we possibly get a Jessica Alba style ? Might really help with posting about stuff, you know involving things. :p[/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]All right that does it; [B]Gavin[/B] is a [I][U]genious[/U][/I]. Plus Fajita Rocker would sound odd, really it would! >P[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="Navy"][B]7- Mine approve, do yours? [/B][URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=24358&highlight=approve"]OtakuBoards survivor 4[/URL] i've found teh OtakuBoards Sruvior 4 thread, I guess[B] it[/B] survived as well.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="Navy"]Prem 2.0 stood up just after Shy announced that they had to go to the other CTU agents. After Prem got killed by the Beast, a rage welled up inside him for the monster. After that, Prem had to be put under reconstructive surgery to heal his wounds. Half of his new body is in fact robotic. [B]"I'm ready!"[/B] Prem shouted. [B]"I Won't let that bastard get away with this! Gavin and the Beast are as good as gone. I'm ready if you all are" [/B] Prem put his arm out and he pressed a button on a metal plate that was attached to his arm. His hand transformed into a small gun, he energized it and shot the air. The shot blew through the night awakening the others even more. [B]"They decided to put a gun on my hand after they reconstructed me, so if it proves useful; I'm ready to battle if necessary. Not only for Charlie, but for Grape Ape, and my other comrades." [/B]Prem smiled a big smile. he looked at the others with a gleam in his eye. [B]"So, when will this mission get underway? Because I'm part robot; I'll have fun annihilating the OtakuBots. Gavin and the beast are going to wish they never messed with us. "[/B][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="Navy"]Quick everyone hide under you desks, there's truth amung us! Calling the cettle black aren't we? Here on OB otaku is a compliment really. And part of the compound word 'Otakuboards.' And without the word otaku, Otakuboards would never be alive and kicking! Plus that and calling OB [B]FanBoards[/B] instead of otakuBoards would sound very ugly and unattracting. it would be like putting a moustache on Angelina Joelie.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="Navy"]That works! But everything I've said aside; this sounds like a fun idea, I'll be sure to check it out, if it goes trough that is.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="Navy"]It's a really good idea actually. All I need to do is bring up wikipedia and look up the words [B]'liberals'[/B] and[B] 'conservatives' [/B]first. But what would happen after someone gets eleted? Would they get some fancy shmancy title or become like a mod or something? That's he only thing I don't see. But it is a rough idea afterall.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="Navy"]Me too, the wait is murder! And really it's good that DB is the pest control of OB. It saves us the trouble of setting up traps all time. But if we ever get cockroaches, I'm not becoming [B]Roach Boy[/B]... >_>[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="navy"][COLOR="Navy"]Sorry about that SunfallE! I just didn't know. [spoiler] God I'm dumb @_o[/spoiler][/COLOR] Anyways, my friend buys containers of 'Wild Bill's Beef Jerky Chew' so he can kick his old chew habit. Now doing that is really smart. I find it better than cold turkey really. What's weird is that they even have a rehab for video gamers, heard it on the news. What can't you get addicted to now a-days? I watched King of the Hill and Bobby was doong a project with this girl. Little did he know that she had him get ingrediants for Crystal Meth. I was amazed how easily you can get such ingrediants.[/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='TherapySessions'] Hmmm, maybe you're actually just trying to be extremely pedantic. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Pedantic? Ha, funniest thing I've heard all day. Really, what you said is pretty pedantic. If anything, SunfallE made a pretty valid statement not a pedantic one. You may be trying to debunk the ridiculous, but really some things you've said [I]are [/I]ridiculous. "Shall I put you into the same group as them?" SunfallE didn't say anything about addicts being losers, if I'm not mistaken. So really putting SunfallE into the generalization with me and EvaBlood wouldn't be right because nowhere did I see him call drug addicts [I]losers[/I]. And if you search inside the words, you'll find that Hollywood addiction is relevant to the case in point; drug [B]addiction[/B]. You contradicted yourself quite a few times throughout this whole thread, which sort of takes way from your argument.[/COLOR]
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