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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[COLOR="Navy"]Where I live masterpieces like that can't be found. Things that are good, you can never find where I live. But from what you just said and what Jake has said before, Agollach sounds profound, and an essential addition to anyone's music collection. From what I gather the only bad thing about them is trying to find which album to get cause they all sound so good. >_< So what CD is the best anyways?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]My ex-girlfriend's sister is bisexual. this pervert who says he's had sex before, haha, wanted to go out wiht her just because she was bi. Now doing that would just be exploiting her sexality, which I think is totally wrong. Half the guys that have said they had sex are fibbing. My friend made out with tehsame guy and he didn't really want to make out with her, which is funny BTW, didn't even put his tongue in ehr mouth.. If he's had sex wtih a girl before before, I'm sure he'd want to make out with her seeing as he is supposdly 'striaght'. Plus the girl he dated is extremely beautiful in a lot of aspects, both mind and body. He just wanted to flaunt her off, bastard.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]Why didn't I read this thread earlier? Well here's a few misconceptions about me. [LIST] [*]People think I'm goth because I wear all black. I'm not a goth, one of my friends [i]used[/i] to be goth and that's when the assumtions began. [*]I sued to be an atheist. When I was people thought I was afraid of water for some reason. I do have a water phobia, but it's not like I melt or something. I do get into pools sometimes. [*]People used to think I was gay or that I had a small [spoiler]penis.[/spoiler] Boy are they sooo wrong. [*]When I would get this allergy shot every week this women thought I was 5. I was 9 then for cryin out loud. Some people think I'm like 11 or soemthing now. But I have started to get taller. [/LIST][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]True dat! The new banner size really makes a difference! Des deserves thanks.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="navy"]Well where I live, FOX, the channel that shows America's Most Wsanted, doesn't advertise the episode. Unless I don't pay attention to the commercials. And to cacth a predetor gets advertized in the local newspaper and TV. So really it's just lack of ads I guess. That and hardly anyone watches AMW where I live. This is just an asumption though, for I don't know if they advertize AMW where you live. They ARE ratings hungry. Catching the predator and showing it on TV is called public exploitation. If they plan on doing this, let them do it without showing it. I'm up for private exploitation against these sick people but I am against showing it on air.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Navy"]And like Rach said: humiliating them isn't going to solve jack ****.[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR="Navy"]I nominate [B]200DigitalBoy.[/B] Besides being friends and all, he's a pretty cool kid. DB released some really good RPGs recently. The Ponopticon, Esper Jam! and now Shiniami Dance. They are really entertaining and I've signed up for all three of them. Whether it's in the Music, Movies and TV forum or the otaku lounge, DB posts some very interesting sories and provides us with his views, wrong or right. He's given us plenty of info on the latest anime as well. [B]2007DigitalBoy[/B] will be rememebered. He contributes to OB, and he's a fun guy. Like him or hate him, DB is what OB is all about.[/COLOR]
[center][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/NDSB3.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][COLOR=darkred][COLOR=dimgray] [center][I][SIZE=1]“A void of endless thought once made of pure light becomes corrupt. Everything once good decays into darkness, the endless Dreamscape falls into chaos…the light… fades.”[/SIZE][/I][/center][/COLOR][/COLOR][/center][COLOR=darkred] [center]I was there again. It used to be so amazing, but it has become dark and twisted. Whenever I would sleep I came into this world. It was peaceful, beautiful, and ever so calm. But what went wrong? Why is the light turning into nothing but mere shadows? Why can’t I have a good night’s sleep anymore?[/center] [center]That thing inside the tree calling itself the all-knowing, he talked to me again while I was there. Nightmares, creatures of dark thoughts have started attacking people through their sleep, and he wants them eradicated. But what if it comes even more corrupt? Will that mean the end of our dreams? He wants me to help him, but am I just dreaming? No… it mustn't’t because it feels so real. I got attacked by one of those things, now my arm hurts. In fact, I’m bleeding, the thing bit me. What’s going on?[/center] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DimGray"][center][center]{~*-\|/-*~}[/center][/center][/COLOR][/SIZE] [center]Dreamscape… a world created form thoughts of bliss, joy, and sheer happiness. A thing called the all-knowing, a being with knowledge of dreams, was also created form that light. But dark thoughts have seeped through the shield which allows thoughts through, and the darkness has started to destroy the Dreamscape. The shield has been cracked, and not only have dark thoughts leaked trough, but monsters called Nightmares, have begun to attack people through their dreams.[/center] [center]Every thought that comes into the Dreamscape is like a cell, creating more things in the world. But for every hate-filled thought that enters, a thought that was once a cell of light, becomes dark and filled with despair and malice. The Nightmares reproduce by eating at a human’s fears. Gives a Nightmare more power. And when a Nightmare gets enough power it becomes even darker.. Sometimes they become so powerful that they are able to kill a human through their dreams. [/center] [center]The all-knowing being, or the Rhapsody, as he likes to be called. Resides in a tree which cannot be destroyed, even by the Nightmares. He controls the Dreamscape’s functions. When a human falls into the Dreamscape they enter a lucid dream where they can stay as long as they want. But ever since the shield cracked, the darkness ha started to sour the Dreamscape and the community around it.[/center] [center]The all-knowing being has summoned a group of fifteen year old teens in order to eradicate the Nightmares return the Dreamscape to it’s original state. So that anybody who wishes to escape their life’s hardship may come to relax, and enjoy themselves anytime they fall asleep.[/center] [center]The teenagers also have a special ability unique to each of them. Almost psychic-like, the powers are extracted from their personalities. The Nightmare’s have also brought humans of their own to the Dreamscape, evil hearted teens with no sense of justice. The warfor the Dreamscape lies in their hands.[/center] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DimGray"][B][B][center][center]{~*-\|/-*~}[/center][/center][/B][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [U][COLOR="dimgray"][CENTER][B]MECHANICS[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/U] This RP will be using the card system used in such RPGs as a "The Maze" or "The Ponopticon." Here is a simple rundown of how the cards will executed. [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/oversoulCard.jpg[/IMG] [B]Card Name:[/B] Oversoul Card [B]Recipient: [/B] (said person card is being played on) [B]Effect:[/B] what this card does) [B]Length:[/B] (How long the card is in effect.[/CENTER] This is just a basic card. Other cards will be released as the game progresses. Exclusive cards may become available to you as well. This game will be played two ways. [B]The first way[/B] is through the Dreamscape. Here you have to fight the Nightmares and wonder around the villages throughout the realm. You can also buy weapons and talk to the other characters without limitation, as long as it abides with Rhapsody's laws. [B]The second way[/B] is through the real-world. Just do anything that [B]you[/B] do in [B]your[/B] everyday life. You can even contact the other characters via phone, internet, etc. You have creative freedom in this RP. Later your characters will meet and try to eradicate the Nightmares. [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DimGray"][B][center][center]{~*-\|/-*~}[/center][/center][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][U][COLOR="dimgray"][B]SING-UPS[/B][/COLOR][/U][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] (Anything) [B]Bio:[/B] (Some of your character's past and what the meeting with Rhapsody was like) [B]Gender:[/B] (You know) [B]Personality:[/B] (What your character acts like) [B]Ability: [/B](Make an ability that matches your personality) [B]Appearance: [/B](Image or text, image preferred) [/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Name[/B]: Shalua Hibikime [B]Gender[/B]:Female [B]Apparent Age[/B]: 21 [B]Personality[/B]: Shalua is very adamant and rude yet inside; caring. She doesn't get heartbroken when someone makes a rude comment toward her, as she usually fires back even harsher. She will visit her shinigami buds to laugh with and play with them, but she sometimes ends up arguing with them. But she hangs around humans mostly, and loves to watch animals prounce around. Because she acts rudely toward others, she can exacerbate an already troublesome argument. When threatened by someone or something she will not cowar, and she always stands her ground. She will defend those she loves at anytime and doesn't stand for them getting abused. [B]Eccentricities[/B]: Shalua loves to eat bugs. When she finds a moth that is dead, she sticks it in her mouth and chews away, despite all the dust. She will even eat cockroaches if she finds them. Others find this disgusting except her pet crow Yutuko who will eat them along with her. Shalua likes to get hit too and finds getting slapped to be very sexy. [B]Familiar[/B]: Yutuko or (Tuko as she like to be called) is a quick to quiet crow with a very strange sense of humor. She has been a lifelong companion of Shalua's. With dark black wings and a smooth beak, Yutuko laughs at pain and sorrow often, and rarely laughs at anything that is funny. but she does tend to chuckle when Shalua is in a quarrel. despite that, Yutuko doesn't talk often because she finds no reason to, but when she does talk she calms Shalua down a bit. Yutuko wears a black ribbon around her neck that she hates, but Shalua thinks it's cute, (pronounced you-two-ko) [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL="http://media2.playstadium.dk/img/auron/DoC/karaktere/Shalua.JPG"]Shalua[/URL][/COLOR]
Let's talk about drug addiction(very serious discussion)
Aberinkula replied to FLCLrules's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='TherapySessions'] To make a generalisation myself, I'd say that these are very naive attitudes and that yous probably don't have much actual life experience. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Now what do you all think about drugs in Hollywood? Lyndsay Lohan got busted again and I've heard she's in rehab... again. whether she's in rehab or not, she still has to fix this. and tell me Therapysessions, are people in Hollywood really considered normal? Normal people are like you and me, we probably don't live in some big mansion and bugged by paparazzi nor do we star in movies and TV shows. So don't generalize addicts as normal people, because not all drug addicts are/were normal people. People in middle class or are poor usually are considered normal. Now people with money/fame/fortune are called famous/rich, not normal. Don't tell me what I haven't had. I've been asked and tempted to do drugs before, and even if your not a loser getting addicted can make you one. And dying from drug abuse/addiction does in fact make someone a loser, because they [B]lost[/B] to addiction. I've seen what happens to people that are addicted to Meth and have died, the symptoms are not pretty. Now if someone does pot or something once and never again, I have nothing against them and that does not make them 'losers'. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR="Navy"]Shnap! Sorry about that mistake, my head wasn't on straight. So are you going to post us a little info on Shiana the way you showed us Liam? This time pick Courtney Cocks or Jennifer Love Hewitt as her pic, for the sake of all of us. (expet te female members of coarse)[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]After about 6 weeks, Thomas had begun to develop his ailities farther than before. After Liam had told thomas that he could create a new planet if he wanted, Thomas began to hone his skills. Hoping that one day he could become a defender. Unbeknownst to him that would be soon. Thomas was finally able to re-create Chocolate. And this new Chocolate seemed to be much more polite. Almost like a student himself, though he rearely stepped foot outside of Thomas roomonly to get books or food. It became a much better place after Liam dissapeared. Now Thomas can create objects aside from creatures. He even managed to see Miri again, and the two have become great friends. [][] After training with Miri and Chocolate; Thomas went to get some grub beofre returning to his room. As he sat down the announcment came on, an emergency meeing was being held [B]"Wonder what's going on Tommy Boy?" [/B] Chocloate said atop of Thomas' head. His fur stood upon end and his tail pricked up. [B]"Who knows, better get there fast!"[/B] homas said as he charged out of he cafeteria. Miri close behind him. The whole place was fileld with students, Thomas could see the others from that dreadful day almost 6 months ago. The only reason Thomas got through was so he could see the world, so he could see his future. A few minutes later joe callapsed on teh stage. The whole room was chaotic; fearful even. A man who had stood up at the podeum and told everyone not to panic "who's with me?" The man yelled, Thomas thought very fast about what to do, make a difference screamed at him, so he nodded. He was going to join...
[COLOR="Navy"]DB you sure know how to entertain. My man, I'm so gald I signed up for this RP. [B]Chapter 3[/B] sounds so exhilerating. You've really redeemed yourself after your muse returned. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]Thomas wanted to know if all was okay. If he wasn't the only one who was able to use this shield. Thomas was keeping his energy in flow better than any other time of his life. He knew the key to surviving the surge was to keep his energy flow in check making sure nothing was imbalanced. but he still had his mind set onpersevering though this. Whatever te future held for Thomas, he would get through it, he had to live... for his mother. The fact that she died always pulled at him. There was a gash in his heart, and only he could fill it. He felt is energy short, almost as if he was about finished. But Thomas couldn't give up, the surge would get him if he wasn't careful. He let it all out, but is head started to hurt, the pain stung. But Thomas kept thorugh, he wouldn't let his shield down, otherwise... [i]Well Tommy boy, you have gone a long way![/i] Thomas thought to himself. hename Chocolate gave him was really fitting. But he started worring about teh toehres, if they were all right. And he thought about Joe for a few seconds. whatever was going on here, Joe had something to do with it.[i]Don't worry though, he's alright...[/i][/COLOR]
Embarrassing & Yet Fun Things That You Do
Aberinkula replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"][spoiler]Masturbate?[/spoiler] ... Well, i can't really go into detail right there XD Erm... otherwise, pretty much anything I do at home is pretty embarassing. My and my brothers are [i]childish[/i]. I spend a lot of time playing with my 9-year old bro [B]pretending to be [B]Pokemon [/B]or babies [/B](most recent personas being [B]'Munchlax' [/B]and 'Baby Uncle: The uncle who's a baby and therefor smacks you and says 'ge me ah sammich!') [B]Honestly, what about me [i]isn't[/i] embarassing?[/B] I feel sorry for the few friends I have XD Oh, and I sing and dance constantly, period at home. Good fun. I also enact action scenes to myself. [B]When I'm bored I always pace around the house incessantly and sometimes burst into a room then start slashing or shooting at air. [/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I think we were seperated at birth. [COLOR="Navy"]Seriously though, I pretend I'm a pokemon withs ome of my friends, it's funny though. I used to think I was some sort of super-hero. In fact not a day goes by I wish I was part of this big destiny with magic and stuff. you know the cool anime ****. I want to become a swordman soemtimes. And I attack the air at random. I talk to myself a lot as well. I take vitamins A, B, C and THC. XD I tend to sign when no one is in the house. In fact I was singing to Breaking Benjamin while my father and mother were at work. I will act out scenes form one of my stories. When I was five I'd do a Kamehameha aorund my house at random. Goku was my idol. I used to read articles from Cosmopolitan so my future wife might be able to expand her sexy powers. Really I'm surprised a girl would even carry my offspring. And when I squek while talkin my friends laugh at me... I BLAME PUBERTY!:p[/COLOR] -
[quote name='Tombstone'][color=gray] [b]People who talk through movies[/b] - Especially the movies (or shows) where you're trying to catch the story. The moment when things start to pick up, or there's some type of deep conversation going on where you need to listen to every detail, someone just have to open their mouth. You tell them once, that you're watching this and they say "ok, my bad". 10 minutes later, they come back talking, so this time you tell them to shut up, and then they want to get an attitude with you.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I saw the Excorsism of Emily Rose with two of my friends and one of them ruined almost every part. "And he dies, this part is creepy.' He wouldn't shut his trap, even after he said "I won't do it again." Wanted to take the DVD and break it.[/COLOR]
Anime Parents And Anime: Do They Approve?
Aberinkula replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR="Navy"]The busty women in anime/manga is to attract readers. I know the only reason I watch Bleach is to see Orihime's huge boobs. [spoiler] actually Bleach is cool because of the story, but her boobs are interesting too.[/spoiler] And a lot of anime like G Gundam and Digimon had those parts where it showed the tamers naked and the part where the guys in thr gundams put on that ugly spandex. Or Sialor Moon's transformation sequece, whcih is another naked transformation sequence. You see it everywhere inside anime.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR="Navy"]I've snapped my SP in half because I got pissed off by Mario & Luigi Superstar saga. Damned turtels are hard! who knew that a crawling reptile could make me want to do a 360-head spin.[/COLOR]
Anime Parents And Anime: Do They Approve?
Aberinkula replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR="Navy"]That's why we love you DB. :p Hentai, a part of DB's balanced breakfast. And I just might get into it soon, seems interesting. My parents deal. My dad used to watch DBZ with me, and my mom put up with FMA and InuYasha all the time. But i don't give a **** what they think about anime, I love it. My friends like it, except James who thinks it's awful. My friend brittaney loves InuYasha. Her mother watched Advent children and she thought that a lot of the male characters were cute. But I don't know if Advent Children is considered an anime film.[/COLOR] -
[quote name='Rachmaninoff'] Besides... *poke* Go and post in Esper Jam if you're bored. I've been following along and considering your muse, reading what you posted would be entertaining. XP[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]You guys love poking each other a lot now a days. You could break your finger you know. I hate it when my fingers get sore, I can't do things that involve fingers a lot when they hurt. I r a wine arse.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=navy]English teachers bug me. when I was in 6th grade our teacher would bug us for saying me and my friend. it's like, big deal we aren't writing are we? Besides every one says me and my friend where I live. So what if we don't say my friend and I? It's not like Jesus will come down and punish us.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][I]Other things that grind my gears:[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Heelys[/B]: They got banned in the malls where I live. PWNED biatch! And the improper grammatical spelling; caca! It should be heelies not heelys.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]People who think I'm goth: [/B]I wear black shirts and black pants, doesn't necessarily make me goth! Kids, it's not Gothic! Where I live you either dress like a prep or you're gothic or something. People at my school are dueches.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Homophobs:[/B] Get a fricken grip! So they don't like women/men, doesn't make it bad! If it doesn't hurt you than deal with it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]People who blame ciggarete companies:[/B] It's not their fault that people are dying! It's the people who get ciggaretses/cigars that are bad. "Smoking is going to kill me!" Should have thought about that when you lit the damned thing.[/COLOR] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=navy][B]Rap:[/B] Nuf said....[/COLOR]
[quote name='Billy Shears'][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"] Breaking Benjamin, Taproot, Linkin Park, P.O.D., Mudvayne... so on and so forth. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Breaking Benjamin[/B] - I love Breaking Benjamin, people say it's Metal, but I really don't consider them that at all. They have some pretty good lights though. tought I'd get a seizure at they're concert! I've gotten a little more into Disturbed recently though. BB just might become a number two for me. My friend loves Mudvayne, but I only like two of their songs. World so Cold and Happy are The only two good songs. Linkin park has always been one of my favorite bands. but I've sorta abonded tehm after MTM came out. Didn't like that album much.[/Color] [B][COLOR="navy"]Nickleback... Worst. Band. Evuh![/COLOR][/B]
[quote name='Jeremiah'][size=1][color=indigo] Fact of life: Peoples music tastes change, it's no big deal. [/size][/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I meant when people love a band sooo much and about 1 or 2 days, tehn later they change for just 1 song. As for people who talk on cells as they drive, who here would like to take somones phone and trow it on the freeway/highway? Me that's who![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/8/8d/250px-Noein.jpg[/IMG](Promotional poster)[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Noein is a brand new anime on the sci-fi channel airing mondays at 11 PM. Followed by two other anime, Tokko and Street Fighter II. And this is a fine piece of anime. There is 24 episodes in this series. I didn't notice any familir voice acting, but it was very ejoyabe. Even though I saw episode six. But the animation was great and from the story line was fascinating. Here is a simple summary, don't worry it doesn't spoil anything. [QUOTE=Wikipedia]Plot: Fifteen years in the future, a violent battle using fictional technology takes place between two "timespaces": La'cryma, that protects humanity, and Shangri'la, that plans the annihilation of all space-time. The key to stopping Shangri'la's invasion is a mysterious object known as the "Dragon's Torque." A group known as the Dragon Cavalry is being sent through space and time to find it. In the present, twelve-year old Haruka and her friend Yuu are contemplating running away from home when they meet a member of the Dragon Cavalry named Karasu. He believes that Haruka has the Dragon's Torque and claims to be Yuu from fifteen years in the future. Concept: Noein thrives exceptionally in the many theories of quantum physics. Particularly, it puts forth the concept of Everett's Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI), which is seen that the universe is branching off into a series of infinite probabilities. However, Noein also includes the theory of the Copenhagen Interpretation, which suggests that an observer or measurement is important to determine the decoherency of the probability. In the anime, Haruka, the lead character, has the power of "observer-status" in the multiverse, thus enabling her to determine the outcome of an event just by "looking" at the event itself. While the Many-Worlds Interpretation suggested the idea of a diverging time-space, the anime also featured a probability where a converging time-space occurs, as has been deliberately induced by the main antagonist, Noein. [/QUOTE] Here is an image of the main character, Haruko Kaminogi and her friend Yuu Gotou. [IMG]http://www.animeforces.com/animes/l_noein.jpg[/IMG] (haruka is cute) So, has anyone watched it, and what do you think? Personally I want to see the first 5 episodes of coarse, but this is a really interesting show, as is Tokko; but that's another story.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="1"][CENTER]WARNING: repeat thread.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] [B]So what pisses you off most in this world? Do you have a pet peeve? If so what is it.[/B] For me it's people who fall in love with a band then abandons them. A couple of my friends have and I'm like WTF? I've loved Breaking benjamin for a few months now, and I always will. I wonder if they'll be making a new album anytime soon. All I need to do is find Saturate and my collection is complete. Also I hate it when my friend says, "your girlfriend has a nice ***" in front of the guy and his girl, who are other friends of mine BTW. Keep it to yourself. If I like her ***, I sure as well wouldn't say it in front of the guy. [B]So what grinds your gears? Post your gear grinders here.[/B][/COLOR]
Let's talk about drug addiction(very serious discussion)
Aberinkula replied to FLCLrules's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='FLCLrules']Haveing 2 parents that were raised in the same neighborhood in Baltimore i was alaways told no matter how much pressure is put on me don't smoke drink or do drugs now i don't know how you feel about this but it [B]grinds my gears[/B] cause i have seen the effects on people:animeangr i would like to know your opinion on this problem and if you wish to discuss this more PM me at my site[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]OMG! I loved making that thread. Ahem, anyways. I think it's wrong. Drugs are for losers. And drugs make popular people losers. Also it makes dogs talk. Watch your TV. I know someone who thought that he was a pot head and he only did pot once. Im like, huh? Once doesn't make you a pot head. As for OTC drug addiction, it's just plain weird. But I have grown a dependence for nasal spray, my allergies make it so I can't even breate right.[/COLOR]