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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [quote name='Metalcore501'][COLOR="DarkRed"]Here's some more poetry for you guys. Anger- The anger rushes in, like the water on a ship, It takes a while to compleatly fill, but eventually in will sink. Like with anger, it'll build up, slowly at first. But then when you least expect it, you'll blow up on everyone you love. To ruin every relationship you ever made, to blow away everything you ever knew. Falsly Accused- Why does love end in such tragidy? Maybe it is false love, Like the sustaining years of adolesince after the S.R prom. Losing their innocence in the elegant night, and gaining nine months later the one thing their not ready for, Parenthood. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Better than teh first 4. As for teh second one, have you been watching family guy or the Girl Next Door? Anger was pretty well writtin. But remember to make teh number of words around the same. Otherwise it just seems to run on.[/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='Billy Shears'][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Buckcherry. Seriously? Trying to score some "edgy shock" points huh? Don't forget the song about being a porn star with a huge penis. Substance lol? Lemme guess, the next hit single is "Goddamn I Love Cocaine" from the album "All of Our Songs Are Explicit and Have the Same Stupid Riffs and Cocky Lyrics: Don't Forget to Say ****"[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Best. ****ing. Post. Yet. Crazy ***** probably points out the fact that he never had any action, that's why he dreams about it allll night long. Never heard GWAR before but some people I know say thier good. As for Linkin Park, they're going on tour with MCR, Taking Back sunday and HIM. I hate HIM...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Navy"]These weren't the greatest poems I've read, but they do have passion. I can't help you much, but I can say that your at a start.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Navy"]Well, my name is inspired by the movie Premonition, no I kid. Well my first name Ålpha-Æpsilon was inspired by the Megaman game "Command X" when I started playing it. Next up was Splitkeyblader because of my everlasting Kigndom Hearts obsession, plus it was around the time I met Keyblade Wielder and joined her RP, which I failed in! >_< I also met Acheron, who is now tekkaman. So all three of us were big KH fans. My third name was Forgotten-Hero, I never really knew why I named myself that.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="Navy"]I've also seen an improvement in your atitude. Much more giddy to say the least. It seems that both of our muse's are back I guess. I just finished the first poem in about a month so I'm happy. And another RP?! Your sure making this place fun that's for sure![/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="Magenta"]Well, Takuya has planned out the stretch of this arc, and then I've planned out where to go from there, so this rp will live long and prosper :catgirl: I don't know if he's working on it now or if he's waiting for me to progress it, but the action should start shortly :animesmil Despite it's length, this rp has mostly been fondling with introductions and stuff so far, so after this arc I'd like things to really 'get started' so to speak. If you've been having fun already, then you're sure to enjoy what the future has in store ;) *pets muse* you adorable little hellion![/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"] Does that mean that our little ol' creator is getting back in action?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="Navy"]Icky Thump is a really good song, I absolutely love it. The female member is beautiful too. He plays really well on that guitar. I've alos fallen in love witht eh song 'Bird & the Worm' by the Used. The video is creepy and the music is beyond great. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="Navy"]Aside from the house, thats what's been going on around me lately. Whenever some sort of bug comes around I get into a dog-like mode where my hair stands up on end. I've been going to sleepa round 4 AM every day now and two days ago I didn't get to sleep until 7 Am. I've been really tired. Tomorrow I might be going to the beach with my friends. yet I'm happy [B]
  9. [COLOR="Navy"]We had practice for the band I'm in... finally. And my friends have admitted that I've gotten better at playing. In fact I have blisters of my fingers because I've been playing for hours. I''ve also learned that guitar Hero 2 makes me go nuts... addicting. I have also learned a couple new things and I've been trying them out. I feel that the bass is finally growing on me. I'm getting better by the weeks, and I hope I can get really good in the next few years. I am self-tought though, it may take longer.[/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='Charles']I sent out a new PM. If you did not receive it, as always, let me know.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I don't think I did >_
  11. [COLOR="Navy"]Lately I've been unable to formulate a good story/poem. I'm not the only one with this problem tough. DigitalBoy has put Esper Jam! on hiatus, because his muse has left. Which is very sad because it was a really good RPG. Lately I haven't been adding new chapters to some of my stories because I'm out of ideas for any of them. [B]So does anyone have any tips on how to fix a broken muse? Post anything that could help people break their writer's block. you can even post stories abot your writers block if you wish.[/B][/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='James'][color=#606060]I'm not superstitious...I think all of this stuff is based on perception more than anything else. I mean I think that if you start the day genuinely believing that you'll have bad luck...you probably will. And vice versa. You can go through horrible things in a day and end up reflecting that the day was positive overall. [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I believe that if you wake up and you think your going to have a good day, you have a terrible day. And if you say the day will be uber ****, usually you have a good day. Well it happens me at least. Same goes for games, believe that you won't win and you just might. [/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"] Anyway, I personally try not to hold my opinion toward the members of a band in regards to how I think of their music. I hate [B]M. Shadows [/B]with a complete vengeance, especially because they even made fun of [B]Coheed[/B], my favorite band, who is much better than them technically and just in general. I can ignore this, though, if I think their music is good, and it is pretty good, so I can enjoy it. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Coheed & Cambria[/B] is a really good band. Despite only hearing 'Suffering' and 1 other song. They are really good, and they also have one of the longest CD titles I've ever seen. "Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume 1: From Fear Thorugh the Eyes of Madness." Something about he vocalist's voice attracts me to the band. He has crazy hair too. >_< The video for Suffereing was pretty cool too. I plan on getting one of they're CD's. Whichever is the best one![/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="Navy"]I'm in no way shape or form, a guitar know-it-all. Half the terms said in this thread leave me at a "what?" the only way I know what you guys mean is if you told me. Well i myself am a bassist. I have a black Fender bass guitar which I bought in a set. (bass, amp, video, cord, etc) I practice a few times a week because it helps me develop the skills faster. I let my mind settle down so it can take in the stuff I read and play. But I'll be playing a lot more as my summer vacation progresses... a lot more! I spend most of my time playing it when I listen to my music. I like to play in solitude, usually when no one is around because that's when I can get creative. If my friend was a member and he saw this thread; he would swoon to it! He broke his guitar a few months ago, and now he has a new one which he feels it's his baby. He is the lead vocals and lead guitar in the band Death Vapors (I loath that name!!) We are hardly working at it because he never tells any of us "there's practice tomorrow be there or else!" We plan it but I never see it done. Next time I get a hold of him I'm going to give him a piece of my mind. I want to get this done so bad! I want to become a great music artist when I grow up, and I'm sick of waiting for my chances! If I don't start somewhere I will go nowhere. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day. Currently I'm thinking abouts selling my bass and getting a regular guitar. I feel like I'd be better at that than the bass because I hate the bass, the only reason I got it was so I could be in a band. Maybe if I play my cards right, I'll get a band going. Now I don't sound very loving of my instrament, I like playing it, but I just hate it! I've played a regular guitar and it feels very nice to play, the bass gets a little boring becasue you can't really do that much with it and the low sound makes me droopy. But I spend a lot of my time playing Breaking Benjamin songs like Topless. I have a few tabs on my computer's word pad program, this XP of mine is my music sanctuary. BB's Topless is pretty easy for beginners, I love the song because I can sing every word anytime I want and it has a deep soothing sound which I love so much. Once I can play teh whole thing at once, I'll be playing and singing topless at my house. the next song of their's I want to learn is Uknown soldier, that song is beautiful. Breaking Benjamin is my favorite band and Ben Burnly is my idol.[/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Jakehammaren']Wow, I've missed so many chances to be pretentious and correct people during this thread, I think I could cry. Dangit! Oh well. I'll just have to come in at this: Synth Rock is not a genre. At all. Ever.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="navy"]At the rate this thread was arguing, it would be hard to keep up anyways.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Synth rock is a descriptive phrase applied to the work of a variety of musical artists. Principally, these artists share in the use of intentionally artificial sounds, produced through synthesizers, samplers and drum machines.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]That pretty much sums Synth Rock as a phrase not a genre, so Jake is correct, yet there is someone reading this and going "nuh-uh, no it ain't sir!". I hope I can get into college for modern msuci history. I wanted to become a video game programmer, but my dream changed when music became bigger in my life. [/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]In all honesty, though, I think The Dillinger Escape Plan said it best: (2006)[/font][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]M. Shadows had no right at all to say that. If they think the Dillinger Escape Plan's music is shity that's OK, but they shoudn't have announced it on national TV. [/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]lol, you just said "punk rock" and "The Killers" in the same paragraph. And really, you should just stop talking about genres and just stick with naming bands, because Sum 41 isn't punk, either. I hate doing this, but damn.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I just read that sum 41 is Pop Punk and Alternative rock, sorry I missed 1 word. I'm just [I]sooooo[/I] damn sorry! and the Killers are synth rock. And if you hate doing this then don't do it! Pop punk fuses punk-rock and pop elements. [/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]Because he's with Good Charlotte. A [COLOR="DarkOrange"]dead cat[/COLOR] would sound good next to them.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Huh? I hope you know Good Charlette was great back in the day. Unless your just reffering to M. Shadows? Now I've lost all interest witht eh punk-rock genre. I don't like Sum 41 anymore, nor do I like most of the bands I used to. I must admit though, the Killers is a really good band. I like some of those guy's songs. I've gotten into some of the older rock bands as well, Nirvana is really good. but as for as classics go Scorpians, AC/DC, and Metallica are really the gretest in my eyes.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="Navy"]Actually the first pic from Eps. 2 reminds me of the Deperate housewives theme song with Adam and Eve. But not as ugly. Yes, I think that picture is sexy. This show looks interesting, that "Pantie Revoloution" really dragged me in. >.> If I ever find the perfect video quality that doesn't take years to load on my computer, I'll probably check this out. DB your making me a pervert, ya know that? [spoiler]Like I'm not already >_
  20. [quote name='I'm Not Nomura'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"] And prem....Do you mean to tell me that because Matt stopped screaming a little, A7X suddenly became better? City of Evil was a pure good album. Hands down, Matt didn't even have to sing at all, it was all in the band. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]His screaming was so bad it distracted me from the rest of the band. And they are amazing! As for M Shadows voice, I thought he sung well in the song River, with Good Charlette. I agree with DB, their other albums are bleh fro me. Waking the Fallen sounded like crap, except Won't See you Tonight PT1 where he didn't scream.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="Navy"]That new hip-hop song with the rock inside it is really good. I forgot what the album is called though. The song is "Party Like a Rock Star" and it's a pretty hip-hop osng. I don't Jay-Z or eminem it's just the other artists I dislike. I used to adore rap music, but I grew out of it. Some songs I put up with. I don't listen to much Death Metal because constant screaming bugs me. However some bands go away from their sound.(I.e Linkin Park) And it turns out either horrible or great. In LP's case their music wasn't as good as the other albums, but it wasn't crap at all, it was rather good.. A7X changed a bit when City of evil was realesed. without all of that screaming they became better. Compared to waking the Fallen which I think is a couple steps below CoE. I used to lsiten to music like say anything, now don't get me wrong, they can play really good but I don't like the lead's voice for some reason. Some country I like because of the soothing voiceces, it's a vacation from the rock I listen to. The first time I listened to "wow... I can get sexual too" I loved it, but it's turned icky to me after the 15th time. If I ever get an Ipod, I'll download one of their songs and see if I can have a change of heart. I like Ozzy Ozbourne's old music, but I was put at a distance by his latest CD. I loved Chris daughtry's music when it came out on CD, but after a while i didn't like it anymore. Music taste, is liek your taste buds. They change as you grow, as does the way you like your music..[/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]That is correct. But to help make it clearer I have highlighted and underlined that part of the rules in the main post. Only one answer per round is allowed. ;)No worries. You'll still earn your point for the first answer you found. And thank you for editing out the second answer you put up. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Thank you! And your welcome! Good luck to everyone else! What if all the clues are solved before the week's end?[/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="goldenrod"][SIZE="3"]Prem! You can only answer one! Get rid of your second answer ASAP! [/SIZE] And speaking of answers: [B] 6 - Opinions are not allowed. Or are they?[/B] Is this thread. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50517[/url][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"][B]>_< SORRY! :( I just forgot under all that hype![/B][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="Navy"]Clue #7 I forgot. Good thing there’s something to remind me. [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57300"]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57300[/URL] I have found DB, my friend isn't lost! And those damned rats are in trouble![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]
  25. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] I know a genre that I hate... Children's music.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Sometime's I wish mother goose would get her tail cooked. Children's music is a lot worse than any other genre you could think of. Sometimes I wish the wheels on that damn bus would fall off thus causing mass panic, that'll teach kids who are under the driving age aboutthe harm busses cause.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://warnerkirby.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/the_more_you_know775718.jpg[/IMG]
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