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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [quote name='Sloth Girl'][SIZE="1"]Oh. Where to begin? Let's take out the media player shall we? Most of this is due to my rap obsessed brother who blasts music 14 hours a day. Probably the most hated, [B]Lil Wayne[/B]. I'll admit, his rapping is a little more original and something more of what I actually consider "rap" but I can't stand the way that he sounds. It's like he's still going through puberty or something. He matches his music really well but I can't stand listening to any of his songs but one. And I'll rarely listen to that. Next, [B]Snoop Dogg[/B]. Somewhat the same. I don't like his voice. It's scratchy and not very deep. But his freestyle is ok with me. Nothing that's been recorded though catches my ear. [B]Kanye West[/B].....He tries too hard, he's too determined to give himself all the credit, and I've never heard a rapper talk about himself so much. Even if that's all they ever talk about. He takes it to the next level. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I used to like rap music, but now, it's just a waste of talent. All they do is scrutiize blacks and black women. It's our word? Screw that, if you can say that we can too. But the thing is most of us don't because we're not racist. And hen white eople dress "gangsta"... bouy I'd like to rip off their pants and reveal how shameful they look.[/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='Starfire0567']I said sterotypical.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I was reffering to the word you said a few posts ago. You said typical too.[/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='Starfire0567'] I'm the ignorant one? Haha funny! You're one who's getting all ***** about this.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]He could say the same thing, ya know? So what if he's a metalhead, he's proud of it, and I'm another proud [I]typical [/I]metalhead. If you do't like it, deal with it and stop arguing! Your not phasing him![/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='I'm Not Nomura][COLOR="bright pink"']Does...anybody actually know what emo is? It's screamo. [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR="Navy"]I love you man! And G_F, ummm, I made this thread so I have the right as a member to post here. Capeech? :wink: If I'm misinformed I'll delete it, Kay? Just. Drop. It. Either way, I still think they're bad, and they should be forced to play thw virtual boy for 5 days straight. Now that's even worse than SA .[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Starfire0567']*Cough Typical Metalhead Cough* It's obivous CHW doesn't like metal that has growling so why get on her case? Just like you don't like MCR (who would?) she doesn't like that type of metal. So back off of her. I honestly think anything emo is terrible so all emo artists.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I hate it when people think MCR is emo, I have read something on them, and it did not say emo rock at all. The band, Say anything is utter trash for that matter. From what I've seen in the commercials for the Virgin mobile festival, they are crap! "Wow... I can get sexual too!" that has to be the most ridiculous songs ever made! They have the nerve to associate themselves with the emo genre. They say we adore emo bands and we sometimes think of ourselves as an emo band even though we don't sound like it. Well even if that's not what they said, thats what it sure sounded like to me. Plus his voice is like 1,000,000 nails grinding a CD to shreds with all of the nails pointy ends. So what [B]grinds my gears[/B] to the point of uber madness? Say anything, that's what! The wannabe band that thinks they're emo. If you don't have anything that sounds like that genre, than your not that genre. If only I was Lewis Black, I'd be all over this like a conservative![/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="Navy"]I've heard Trivium and they're about as metal as the skin on my ***! I hate their music. revolver is good in terms of adds, but calling bands metal is what they suck at. I like evenescence, but they never struck me as metal in the first place. And Revolver knows there's more metal women out there, the probably just say that to reel you in. The girls are pretty but a lot of them are hardly Metal. But what about that Vivian Slaughter gal, is she metal? Hell, is Disturbed a metal badn at all? I like disturbed. >_> Bullet for my Valentine is considred Metalcore by a few people I know. And didn't someone say that metalcore isn't really metal? I bought the CD, and all of he songs are horrible except #4 and #6. Some people just call them Metal so they have can decieve themselves into thinking they have metal. Where I live you can't find the good stuff. We do have 1 F.Y.E. in thw mall. But down in Watertown NY, that mall has a huge F.Y.E. I better save up some bucks for the next time I go there. [B]@ DB:[/B] I hate Marylin Manso's music sooo much![/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I see... where I live, there's this large group of goth kids who listen to... well... goth crap. There are a few metalheads, but they're all a bunch of freaking pricks who think that [B]Cradle of Filth [/B]and [B]Marylin Manson [/B]are like the ****ing gods or something. Blegh. Adding onto that, a good 25-50 percent of them claim to like anime, when really they just like [B]Naruto [/B]>_> bastards. @ Moderation - friends are kind of like family, right? oh yeah - that brings me to my friends. My brother's friend is like... completely unaware of music XD the only band he knows he likes is [B]Avenged Sevenfold[/B], though since he started hanging out with us he's become a huge fan of [B]Dragonforce [/B]and [B]Ayreon [/B]and some other crap... Then there's my friend who loves [B]Rammstein[/B], [B]Tenacious D [/B]and [B]Static X [/B]and any kind of comedy song, especially ones in languages that are or sound like German.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Well as for claiming to like anime but only watch Naruto... I watch Bleach, Blood +, Astro Boy (black and white), Tenjho Tenge, and One piece now. My brother got me into music. I first started listening to Korn with him and ICP. But thanks to I grew out of rap music. THANK GOD I DID! XD[/COLOR]
  8. [center]:laugh:[FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][FONT=shaun_of_the_dead][B][I][U] L a s t C o m i c P o s t i n g:laugh:[/U][/I][/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=1][COLOR=#000080]Produced, hosted and judged by [B]Premonition[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/center] [COLOR=navy]Welcome to the last Comic Posting! This is an RPG based on the hit show "Last Comic Standing." The member who survives the challenges ahead will be crowned OB's Best Comedian. but in order to become one of the final 8, you must pass these auditions.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]I won't be putting you through any excruciating obstacles in order to pass on. The sign-up is easy and simple, so there's no need to worry. now by the end of these sign-ups, there will be 20 people joining. [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]But in order to give this title to the OtakuBoards funniest member, we have to get through these auditions. good luck to everyone who signs up. [/COLOR] [B][center][COLOR=navy][—:laugh:—GUIDELINES—:laugh:—][/COLOR][/center][/B] [center][SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]Before you sign up here are a few guidelines and rules.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080]- The 5 judges will decide who foes to the finals. 3/5 judges must say yes in order for a member to go on to the next round.[/COLOR][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080]- The 5 judges may change their mind before the final decision. If 3 of the judges says yes but one decides to chance his answer to a 'no' that will be his answer.[/COLOR][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080]- If any of the judges can't fulfill his/her duties he/she may get a friend to decide for theme. these guest judges will only be able to vote once for the original judge.[/COLOR][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080]- After the final members have been chosen the judges will vote on a scale of 1-5. here are the meanings of each number[/COLOR][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080][B]1[/B] - You totally lacked any comedic skill or you didn't execute your jokes properly.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000080][B]2[/B] - You didn't completely lack your skills, but you didn't do your best either.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000080][B]3[/B] - You were fairly good. But you were average.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000080][B]4[/B] - Almost perfect! But you need a little more oomph![/COLOR] [COLOR=#000080][B]5[/B] - You did the best you could this round. Your performance was perfect.[/COLOR][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080]Now because there is 5 judges the maximum number of points is 25. If someone gets 13 points they must joke for their lives. After that is done the judges will go back to the yes/no process. You must get 3 yeses to proceed.[/COLOR][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080]- You may drop out at any moment of the game.[/COLOR][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080]- When a member has lost the game he/she can show off his skills before going his way. Sort of like when an American Idol contestant loses he/she preforms one last time.[/COLOR][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080]- The contestant with the highest score can not be voted off in the next round.[/COLOR][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080]- The second highest score gives that person 2 extra points for the next round.[/COLOR][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080]-The person with the second lowest score gets 2 points deducted automatically in the next round.[/COLOR][/center] [COLOR=navy][center][B][—:laugh:—Sign-ups—:laugh:—][/B][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000080]This is the sign-up you need to fill. It's not the traditional style, instead I just want you guys to answer these questions[/COLOR] [center][COLOR=#000080][B]1:. Do you think you're funny? [/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=#000080](yes/no)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000080][B]2:. Do others think you're funny? [/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=#000080](yes/no)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000080][B]3:. What kind of jokes do you tell? Dirty or clean jokes?[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=#000080](dirty/clean)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=#000080]4:. Tell everyone your favorite joke![/COLOR][/B][/center] [center][COLOR=#000080][B][—:laugh:[/B]——[B]:laugh:—][/B][/COLOR][/center] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy][B]NOTES: Want to see the list of current judges or want to ask questions? Check out the underground thread! (link in signature)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [quote name='Sandy']Maybe you could open this idea up a bit more to those of us who have no idea what the show is about? That would really help, you see. ;D[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"][B]oops, sorry!>_
  10. [COLOR="Navy"]A great MMO has secret weapons you know? ;) maybe like a special spell book exclusive to the anthology archipelago for magic based users, or even a special magic reflecting armor? Eh, whatever right now we need more missions. Well then here's 1 mission. [B][U]Mission:#4 Get Me My Money![/U][/B] [B]Location:[/B] The Creative Docks; Merchant's Sore [B]Prerequisites[/B]: Lv1 [B]Description[/B]: Damn thieves! Always stealing form my shop instead of the other ones! I don't care anymore, but you can get back my money right? I'll give you a reward if you catch that darned thief! - Lagrame the Merchant [B]Goal:[/B] Catch the thief and bring back Lagrame's money. [B]Reward: [/B]Leg of Meat, 5 exp, 20 otakubucks The leg of meat can distract monsters stronger than you thus giving you a better chance to run away. Well, it's a start. and I don't know if you want missions that any member can do, but I made one. If there are any problems just tell me Sandy.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="Navy"]Hey, bathrooms are convenient for reading! Plus with metal babes inside your bathroom... I'll just stop right there, no one wants to get their mags all sticky and junk. :P My favorite magazine is Mad Magazine, so I don't collect rock mags anyways, I borrow from friends. Friends are liable sources for entertanment. But never ask them to define a music genre. >_> Where I live there is only 4 people who like rock music in our grade. I'm one of the four. I'm also the only one who likes anime, no one else at school pays attention, so its cool. Except when your friend calls you a dork for watching Naruto, but hey, I love that show![/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="Navy"]On the subject of metal, revolver is a pretty good magazine. Especially their hottest babes in metal issue they had recently. You never really know how sexy Amy Lee is until you stare at her picture for a while. i find metal to be the most confusing of all rock genres. I also find soft rock to be a cursed hing to mankind. I also hate Mute math,or any rock band along their genre. but I must admit Gackt - which is J-rock- is pretty good music. Yes, J-rcok, the words I can't understand, but the instamentals are amazing in Japan.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="Navy"]Thomas awoke from his sleep. His head was back to normal. Yet he felt a sight energy disturbance from Esper Hall. Joe's energy wasn't in the building. Something must've been wrong. Liam's power was also gone. Thomas got dressed and exited his room. [][] Suddenly the whole budding was gone and the only thing there was a group of ruins sitting ever so gently on the ground. Thomas looked around then he heard an oh so familiar voice. he looked ahead and saw that old man, Liam. [B]"What am I doing here?" [/B]Thomas asked Liam. [B]"Why your here about your powers are you not?" [/B]Liam asked. he stood next to the buildings looking even more suspicious. [B]"No, why am I in this place with you?" [/B]Thomas asked aggravated. Liam took a few steps to his right. [B]"You could create a whole other planet with your powers. Truly remarkable. But if you want to learn more, meet up with the others."[/B] with those last words Liam left without a trace. [B]"What did he mean by "create a whole other planet?" I've never thought of doing that in my life."[/B] Thomas wondered looking for someone, he could feel a faint energy. And soon others came into view. It was the other nine students. [I]Well, there they are. [/i] Thomas thought. He looked inside his mind and thought about those words. If he could create another planet using his powers, what would he do with it? Maybe he could save humans from extinction with his powers. besides that the rest just put Thomas at awe. finally he had reached the others. Thomas looked at his black clothes and thought a bit more. but he didn't want to waste his time. Liam was still bugging him hough. what does Liam want? why does he need me? Those questions flew across Thomas' head like images on a movie. he had thought of chocolate. he had never really thought of Chocolate's hidden powers. Chocolate was always able to sense benevolence within a human. recently Chocolate grew sick after meeting Liam. Could Chocolate's powers have awakened, this sensing Liam's mysterious goals? Only Chocolate would know. But he as dead, now Thomas would never know if Liam's intentions were good or not. But he had a idea. Anyways, now would be the chanch to find out more about the other nine students. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]((OoC: Thomas made chocolate so Thomas can give them esper powers. No, I won't go too far with that when creating his monsters. BTW if anybody wishes to talk to him, you may! sorry if my grammer is shaky, I'm very tired.))[/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I noticed that you can now apparently use harsher words in the Anthology whereas they used to get bleeped as far as I remember... it took me by surprise becasause I typed '****' fully expecting it to turn into '****' but it didn't...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]It helps to know what the word was DB! XD[/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Suck it up Rat Boy. ;) Besides the only thing I was really wondering about was that reference to Liam liking young dark women. Since I was wondering where your perverted mind was going with that. lol [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Indiff the real question is where [b]isn't[/b] it going?[/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='Sandy']Hey, it's a really good skill. ;P It's automatic, and it makes the otherwise physically weak Occultist have at least some chances in solo-battles. And of course you can assist with the missions, I'd be honored if you would! ;D If you do, be sure to make missions for Occultists involving the Voodoo-Priestesses.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Actually, I'm really flattered. It's a great skill to have with your character. And thank you for letting me help with this, it just reeled me in like a fish, I had to help![/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Sandy'] Are you talking about what the skill does or the fact that it's named after Prem? ;P[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Am I supposed to be flattered or appalled? Seriously, and hey, I've become better at posting ever since the spell check came along, capeeche? :p But actually, I'd probably pick that job! Anyways, I've been under the radar for awhile, and I must say this sounds like the best idea I've see for the time I've been on OB. I'd definitely join this without second thought. The missions sound amazing, and the job system is very unique. You should make a skill called "pseudo-intellectual" which allows the player to talk an enemy to death about idiotic ideals. I kid. >_< I wouldn't mind assisting with the missions for the Anthology Archipelago, after all I love to post my stories there. Tis my favorite place on OB.[/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Prem, get a dictionary and look up the word "JOKE" and stop overreacting to every little thing that someone posts in relation to you. I've read the [B]Da Vinci Code[/B] and [B]Angels and Demons[/B] and found them to be decent books of fiction, and nothing more. But I suppose when there's a billion damn Catholics on the planet, a few of us were bound to get a little riled up.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]I've always wondered what group was bigger, Catholic or Protestants? Sorry if I came off as jerky. I've just been under pressure lately, family troubles. But overreacting is not the word, something more strong would explain my behavior. [/COLOR]
  19. [quote name='Sara'][color=#db2007]As far as I'm concerened, Honey Crisp apples are proof of a loving and benevolent God. Even though they were engineered by horticulturists, haha?there must have been some divine intervention going on there. Red Delicious taste like month-old, stale carboard in comparison. (Not that Red Delicious need a lot of helping tasting like cardboard...) I'll sometimes buy a kiwi for a snack. I just rub off most of the fuzz and eat it with the skin, which a lot of people think is weird. But the skin is so tangy! Mmm. It totally makes the fruit. (If you get a really ripe kiwi, you can take a little bite, and just [i]suck[/i] all the insides out, like a spider or something.) I also love raspberries, with a deep, abiding passion. And wild strawberries are pretty much the best thing you could hope to come across during a walk in the park. Ten kinds of delicious, they are.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Sorry Sara, I must disgree, oranges are proof of a loving and benevolant god. OJ is the nector of the gods. :p I used to love kiwi's, but I haven't had any since I lived in a trailer. Which was almost 9 years ago. But they were good, now the only time I taste kiwi is in candy where it's just an imitation. Which is very sad btw. Raspberries are good too. As for strawberries, I hate eating them directly, but I don't mind the flavor of the juice they leave behind. Plus the smell is enlightening as well. But my favorite fruit is oranges. It's just the juices is SO good. What I do is i cut them with a knife and suck the juice out, plus I eat some of the fruit. I just love my oranges! [/COLOR]
  20. :animesigh[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Prem, you might want to look away now, because I'm Catholic and you might find my opinion annoying... [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="navy"]Didn't I just apologize for my ignorant statements? Let me explain something. Most of my family is Catholic, I chose to be Methodist because my mother is, my Grandma is Catholic. I don't find your opinion annoying Gavin, for Christ's sake can we just move on with our lives? I said they can get annoying sometimes. I didn't say "I hate Catholics with a passion they all annoy me all the time" now did I? Its just that some of them have over reacted toward things when other Christian groups haven't. from what I remember my friend's parents who are Catholic complained about "The DaVinci Code" and there was even something on the news about how it started to enrage some of the Catholic people. I'm sick of explaining this, why can't you just drop it, becaue your just exacerbating the argument. Anyways back onto the topic...[/COLOR] [QUOTE] In the end, if people are going to keep getting it done, because criminalising it is just going to lead to back alley abortions which are much worse, then I hope they at least come up with some way of killing an unborn child in as humane a way as possible, rather than as convenient a way as possible.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]That's probably a better thing to do, maybe the government should spend some time finding other solutions to aborting an unborn child. Or, if the baby isn't causing any harm to the mother during birth, they can just put it up for adoption. Either way, if I were a mother, I'd find both abortion and adoption a hard choice to make with my child. I myself don't think it's the most justified thing to do, I've heard about the procedures and I must say it is very disturbing to listen to. But it is a choice after all, and I respect that. And just so some of you know, I've seen [B]EWTN[/B] (I think that's what it is) and they make some pretty valid arguments on their interviews. That as well as the nun on the channel, god bless her soul. I've always thought nuns were better than priests on every level. Please don't patronze what I just said, I've already had enough of the arguments.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="Navy"]Galian was started to get giddy almost like a school girl. But he just smiled back a dawn, then gave her a soft hug. [B]"Okay, well, I better prepare for tomorrow. Goodbye Dawn!" [/B]Galian shot away. dawn smiled. [B]"I'll be there, okay!" [/B]Galian looked back with a smile, then he waved as he took a turn down the hall. To his room he would go! Just before Galian reached his room he saw Trevor and Sakura. Trevor ran straight for his cousin.[B] "Are you alright, Gal?" [/B]Trevor asked. he picked Galian up and let out a sigh of relief. [B]"Thank god your alright Gal!"[/B] Trevor said smiling. Galian looked agitated. [B]"Gal? I told you when we both came here not to call me by childish nickname! But you did, it's Galian not Gal."[/B] Sakura huffed as she went over to Trevor. [B]"So Trevor has anything happened lately?" [/B]Galian asked. Trevor looked at Sakura, she looked at him too. [B]"Well, Galian" [/B]Sakura spoke up. [B]"Me and Trevor are Dating now." [/B]Sakura smiled as she clung to Trevor like static. [B]"Well, congrats eh? what do ya know, in fact me and Dawn are going out too."[/B] Trevor jumped Galian and gave him a big hug. [B]"My cousin is growing up!"[/B] Trevor was about to shed a tear. [B]"Trevor, I'm older than you by 3 months, if anything I should be saying that to you." [/B]Galian brushed himself off. [B]"Well anyways I gotta go prepare for tomorrow, I'm going to be fighting Ryoku. Hope you two have fun!" [/B]Galian walked off. [B]"So Sakura what do you think about Galian and Dawn?"[/B] Trevor asked. [B]"Well, they make a good couple. You do know that Galian is a wimp and would never ask out a girl in his life, so this must mean he's foudn someone he can share his feelings with." [/B]Trevor nodded. [B]"Remember in school when that girl asked Galian out? He fainted and they had to bring him to the nurse's office. He's made some stepping stones thoughout the years here."[/B] Sakura nodded and smiled. [B]"Well, good luck Gal!" [/B] [][] Galian fell onto his bed with a thump, his heart beating from the adrenaline. [B]"Oi, I hate Gal sooo much! People might think I'm a girl if they heard that! I hope my strength is back, I'm going to need it to fight."[/B][/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='Jakehammaren']Nu-metal actually is not a form of metal in any way, shape, or form. The term "nu-metal" is very misleading, and was actually a term coined by the metal community as a joke ('nu' literally means 'not', hence "nu-metal" = "not metal"), and for some reason it stuck. So you probably actually listen to very little actual metal, if any at all. I'm not attacking you here or anything, just letting you know the difference. This a very common misconception, so no worries. A good way to check if a band is metal is to look them up at [url]www.metal-archives.com[/url]. If they aren't on that database, they aren't a metal band. Wikipedia is a very, very bad resource for researching metal, as any metalhead will be quick to inform you. If you're ever interested in checking out some true metal bands, hit me up with a PM and I'd be glad to introduce you to a few.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Jake it never crossed my mind to think your attacking me, in fact that is probably more helpful than intended. Now I can talk to my friend and tell him how wrong he was for telling me about Nu Metal in the first place. Here's the list of the bands I listen to. [LIST] [*]Breaking Benjamin [*]Disturbed [*]Mudvayne [*]Bullet for my Valentine (not so much because they grew old too fast) [*]Evanescence [*]Linkin Park [/LIST] My Windows Media Player has Disturbed, Mudvayne, BFMV and Evenescene catagorized as Metal. But I know BFMV is notconsidered metal by many, yet they are. But I think they are posers, now I want to trow their CD out the window light on flames and dance around it. Most of them are related to Metal, but not a particular genre. however I'm trying to expand my list. I need to find some really talented artists to listen to, so I just might take up your offer. As for wikipedia not being hwlpful, it does have links to sites with good information.[/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='Sara'][color=#db2007]But just think of the stories you could tell! [i]Twenty years ago, at this very lake...[/i][/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Well, if he had the stories are you sure he'd be alive to tell?[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Anyways, I myself don't believe in bad luck par say, but I'm not entirly non-supersticious. If that's the right word to say? [/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='Sara'][color=#db2007]Well, sweeping non sequitur statements about your "not being able to stand" members of a large religion?while in the same breath thanking God that you're a member of a [i]slightly different branch[/i] of the religion?do sound pretty ridiculous. Retri wasn't attacking, or even directly insulting you. He was pointing out that what you were saying didn't make a lot of sense. Not in the [i]kindest[/i] way, but he certainly wasn't being uncivil.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]There, you said the statements sounded ridiculous, you never called me ridiculous directly. Now that I'm fine with, it's just Retrbutuion sounded like a jerk to me at the time. But now I'm just putting word in the fire, maybe I should get out the extinguisher eh? So let's end this conversation because it will get to out of hand. even thought it probably has already. I do apologize to you all for ny hostility I have caused. And I apologize for being very stupid and ignorant.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="navy"]Who said I'm trying to be intellectual DeathKnight? [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Honestly, Prem, you baffle me. Most of the time you simply agree with whatever other people are saying. When you dostrike out on your own, you make vague, confusing, or simply antagonising posts and then get defensive and deride people for disagreeing with you.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Ugh. I'm just getting pissed when people say things like this:[/COLOR] [QUOTE]You sound ridiculous, just so you know.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="navy"]And obviously statements like that make this OBer angry. That's coming off as being rude. Now if you disagree with me that's fine, but you shouldn't insult me at the same time. [/COLOR]
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