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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="Navy"]Now, don't get me wrong! would never do pot, ever, but you kind of get that desire. I just don't get some people. They try to get something by sniffing sugar. Usually pixie sticks. NOTHING HAPPENS PEOPLE! Ugh...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="Navy"]All this talk is making it so I want weed as well! I think White has sent subliminal messages though his posts. [/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Actually my anti-drug isn't Coke... I hate Coke! Really my anti-drug is hitting m head on the table over and over, it makes it so I won't think about drugs. But after a while, I began to lose my motor skills, so I quit. But, after a while I will start again... sadly. Actually I've built a dependence to nasal spray!>_> Sounds kinda weird, but I usually spray it into my nose once a day. My father says it can mess up the membrane in your nose. But picking it probably did that before the nasal spray. In fact, I love Vix products, the feeling inside your nose is soothing. I bring it into school even though I'm not allowed to.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Navy"]Galian walked toward Dawn. Inside he knew she would not fight. Just like he had planned, she as looking for him. Galian finally saw Dawn. he tapped her on the shoulder. "You're looking for me aren't you, Dawn?" Galian asked. "Yes, why did you tell me to fight in your place?" Dawn looked at Galian's face, he seemed nicer than before, he smiled delightfully. "Well, I wnated to see you in private, so I told you to fight. I know what your thinking Dawn, and I want to talk to you about it." At that moment fear struck Dawn. Could Galian know what she was thinking about, her worries about him? Could he... like her? "dawn... I know what happened yesterday scared you. That man and all." And that cleared her worries. "Uh... yeah I know. But why do you want me to fight Ryuko?' "No, I will tomorrow. And I can tell your thinking about the Sakura thing. If you like me, tell me. It won't change anything between us. remember, I love Sakura. There's nothing to worry about..."[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Name[/B]: James Griswold [B]Codename[/B]: Hatebreed [B]Age[/B]: 20 [B]Appearence[/B]: Wears black clothing all the time. Has atatoo of a black dragon on his chest. Very muscular due to the absorbed power of his. Stands at six feet tall. His eyes are a deep blue, and can pierce your heart so to speak. Has long hair and wears a headband. [B]weapon[/B]: Kunai knives with wire attached to them. [B]Personality[/B]: James is very cold-hearted and mischeivious. James can be very controlling, thus he has many friends. Well to him more like servants. James' mother died whilst giving birth to him, and his father left him for dead. Thus, he acts very untrusting of others around him. [B]Power[/B]: Can minipulate people's actions just by looking at them. He can also turn someone's hate and anger into pure energy for himself.[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I don't think pot makes you selfish >_> In fact, when you're high, you'll prolly love those people even more....[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"] Actually when your high you love Cheetos. My friend proved that fact. One thing I've always wondered,can Striex pads ake you high? My brother said they can, so did his girlfriend.[/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I agree. I like A7X's music, but they need to watch the insults, since they seem to not realize where they fall in in the heiarchy of bands... First, [B]Artists i despise[/B]: Rhianna (there's only one freaking 'e' un 'umbrella'), any generic RnB singer, T.I (I will shoot this man), Gwen Stefani (I have yet to hear a song of hers that didn't make my eardrums bleed), Hilary Duff, Lidnsay Lohan, Kelly Clarkson (eww...), that one slut who's always on the news who's name escapes me, um... every crappy pop artist in history... the greater majority of rap artists.... [B]Bands I despise[/B]: Fall Out Boy, The Used, My Chemical Romance (someone throw them in a volcano, please), Hawthorne Heights, 30 Second to Mars, Dashboard Confessional, Underoath, Angels and Airwaves, As I Lay Dying, Atreyu, Between the Buried and Me, Blink 182, Bullet for my Valentine, Chimaira, Demon Hunter, Every Time I Die, From Autumn to Ashes, From First to Last, HIM (someone kill Ville Vailo please...), Killswitch Engage, Mudvayne, New Found Glory, Norma Jean, Papa Roach, Plain White T's, Radiohead, Staind, Taking Back Sunday, The Academy Is..., Thrice, Thursday, Yellowcard ( I can't believe they have the nerve to cal themselves 'unique') That covers all the ones I particularly hate. There are plenty of other bands I don't like who I just don't know the name of/can't think of any songs by XD[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Hey I hope you know, Kelly Clarkson is cute! I admit, I've seen the video to Never Again, and I must say, I'd kill to see her get out of a bathtub! My Chemical Romance. The music''s good... but the band! My friend thinks the lead singer is so damn sexy! But guess what? he's ugly as hell's ***! i agreee with every band you hate DB, except: Mudvayne, Killswitch Engage adn Bullet for my Valentine. HIM... :blowup: That's all I have to say about them. [B]Rap artist's I actually do like: Jay-Z and Eminem. Rap artist's I do hate: VERY ONE EXCEPT THE TWO!!![/B][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="Navy"]Music to me is like breathing. Without it, your as good as dead! i used to like rap with a capital L, but now I just want t strangle whoever made this genre of music. A lot of teens like it, but I don't. In fact all of my friends are really the only people in our grade who like rock music. music influenced my clothing choice. I dress the rocker way, no way else. Besides who wants their pants to fall down and everyone see their underwear? Not me that's for sure. I've already said this, but I [B]love[/b] Breaking Benjamin.They're to me what AFI is to Clurr. I had ironically bought their latest CD "Phobia" when about a week later I find out that the band is having the opening of their latest tour near me. I was mad because I found out my brother was going. But he came to my house about 11 P.M. (I was on OB at the time too) He told me if I had permission I could go. Well I woke up the next mroenign and my parents said I could go. And I did! The first band was Selflyfe a band formed in Rochester NY. I got their autographs. But now I want to go to another concert and see Breaking Benjamin. It's my new life goal. [/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"][SIZE="1"]plus the shirt that I got is badass! XD[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Thank you both for your replies.[/B] The hand is just a simple image from Google, that's all. I'd say it only took me a minute to feel right with it. [B]Flagg[/B]: I really don't want Photoshop to hep me because MS Paint is simple to use. [B]Sara[/B]: Thanks for the advice! The banner for my set really wouldn't cooperate for some reason. When I tried to use a different color it just came out that color. As for the avi, I'm going to re-do it and leave out the text. [quote name='Sara']Also, I don't know what your RPG is about, but your banner indicates "slasher film," except for the little red tagline at the bottom, which indicates a sort of spooky, surreal vibe.[/quote] The PG itself is mixing realism with fantasy. I really want it to have a gritty feel. So is the RP I'm spending most time on. In fact I'm going to write a few back stories and decide which one is better. And I plan on posting more pic's as I make them, once the RP's banner is "complete" in my eyes, then well, that's it!>_
  9. [COLOR="Navy"]Okay here's the contents of my man purse. Or murse to be more precise. Well, it's more of my book bag, but whatever! -Binders -Ruined journal I use -Another journal my friend gave me that I never use -Bass guitar how-to book that I never use -Old key I never use -Walkman -Crushed MP3 that I [b]can't[/b] use -Idiot's guide to sex (seriously) -FMA books -Pens -Old gum wrappers -Old dreams that were shattered -Old songs I never liked that [B]I [/B]made I don't have a wallet because I always lose them, I'm an idiot when it comes to wallets.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="Navy"]I'm in the midst of making an RP, and I've made two banners for the RPG, and a set modeled after the RP. all of these images were made in MS paint, and I'm also not a graphics wiz. For the images of my new set, I just want your opinion's on them. As for the RP banners tell me which one is better. Thank you all for your thoughts. [B]Avitar[/B] [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/premhand2-1.gif[/IMG] [b]Banner[/b] [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/Premhadn1-2.gif[/IMG] [center]-=-=-==-=-=-[/center] [b]RPG Pic 1[/b] [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/.jpg[/IMG] [b]RPG Pic 2[/b] [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/348.gif[/IMG][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="Navy"][B]After reading the best music artist today thread and posting in it, I've decided to post it's counter-question. what are the worst bodies of music today? [/B] [B]The Hip [/B]- My mom loves these guys, but I don't. I love rock, doesn't matter what kind of rock, but the Hip... ewww! His voice agitates me to no end, but the guitarist is good at his job. [B]James Blunt[/B] - Blunt isn't the word, horrible is! His voice is like one-thousand nails having a party above a quiet apartment. i feel sorry for him almost. yet, the girls flock him like seagulls to a French fry. But one of my friends sung his song "beautiful" by saying, James Blunt is gay, instead of your beautiful. No that's mean to say, but when a girl like her doesn't like James Blunt, I worry that he is horrible! [B]Now, what music artist(s) make you shudder, cry in agony and make you wish you were deaf?[/B][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="Navy"][B]What was your favorite book as a child? It can even be a few years ago for those members like I, who are 15 years old.[/B] Well for me, I loved the book [u]The Day my Butt Went Psycho[/u] by Andy Griffith. I loved this book because of it's butt-theme. The book was rated G for gross and gave explicit warnings to parents. parents aren't allowed to read this book! Or it's sequel. The book was about Zach, his butt was rouge and wanted to take over the earth. While his parents were going around the world doing orchestra, he went and saved the planet from a buttocylypse. [B]So what was your favorite book when you were young? it can be about anything. As long as it was a book![/B][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="Navy"]Coke is my anti-drug, cause I can't stand Pepsi. I mean come on, does Pepsi have a "zero" cola that is better than Coka-Cola Zero? I think not. Vault, the Mt. Dew substitute has a very sweet Zero. The flavor gets icky after a while, but it's refreshing cold. Even though nothing beats regular vault. Plus what soda put a little amount of cocaine into their soda decades ago? None, besides coke that is. Cheers coke, keep on popping![/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="Navy"]The word Jihad, never looked so good Charles! Piece da la resistace.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="Navy"]Don't even get me started. The beach is horrid for me! First of all, I'm afraid of big bodies of water. A regular pool, I'm fine. plus I can't swin, I was afraid of water most of my life due to my lungs. This sunday I stayed the night with one of my friends. He threw me into the water, but besides that I stayed on the rim of the pool. As for teh beach water, it make my "you know what" very itchy adn my skin wil peel, I hate that. Someone threw a dead fish at my friend, so I hate going iot the beach water because of what's been dead in there. Also my friend threw me into the beach. I'm very throwable. As well as the fact that I'm short, so water isn't my friend out there. But the view is an "ooohhhh" and "aweee" type of thing were I live. I like to chase the seagulls too. >_> But I hate the beach with psssion!!![/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']I'm glad to hear that you like me. ;) My reasoning however was that since you already wrote the first one it would be unfair to turn around and give the assignment to someone else. :catgirl: [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]He gets attached pretty easily A_M, once you get to know him, he isn;t that bad.:p As for me, I really need to get crackin! But I don't know where to find leads, or how too! But I'll try my best! And if there is anything interesting that needs an article, I'll try and tackle it. That is if you allow it, I don't want to do something without your permission. EDIT: I'm up for reviewing a game I have around the home.[/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='I'm Not Nomura']Muahaha...Here it is.[U] [I][SIZE="4"]THE LIST.[/SIZE][/I][/U].... [SIZE="1"](of..doom?)[/SIZE] [COLOR="HotPink"]Yeah anyway. Tis a long list...in a way. [B]2007DigitalBoy[/B]- Good writer, fellow fan of Tenacious D and Coheed and Cambria, PLUS, he's got a cool mustache. Yeah. [B]Preminition[/B]- Well, I am Preminition's official body guard...and kidney trade-person. O.o...other than that, he's fun to RP with. Umm...I can't think of many other members...lol but basically, I wouldn't mind meeting every member of the OB lol. Now, count how many times I said xD or O.o lol[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Yup he's my body guard! He's pretty loyal. But if you met me, I'd probably be listening to my rock msuic. Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, and perhaps something else. Well, at least the headphones keep my ears warm! Hopefully if we met you'd tell me about Coheed and Cambria, I've only heard one song of theirs, and I want to listen to more! Beides the fact that I really want to see tenacious D! So we'd make good friends. And DB would make you get the soda, cause I'm too lazy. >_>[/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"][CENTER] [IMG]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b269/MetalSonic700/doujinworkb.jpg[/IMG][/center] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]I'm already hooked.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="Navy"]Seems interesting actually. If I'm ever in a place where video works on the damn computer, I'll search vids of it! Najima's friend is cute! And no, I do not know what [B]Doujin [/B]is! But I think it's a hentai artist, pure guess.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="Navy"]After a few smiled Thomas lay down to sleep. H heard the pitter patter of feet around his bed. He looked below to see one of his creatures.[B] "What are you doing out?" [/B]Thomas asked. The monster jumped onto his bed. the creature's beety little eyes staring into Thomas' soul. Or maybe it was the melted chocolate on his lips from a candy bar that night. The monster licked Thomas'' face clean. Then he jumped into Thomas' head. [B]"What the hell was that about?"[/B] Thomas asked himself. Maybe a monster had came out so it could replace chocolate. As long as that thing was out, and licking things, Thomas would have to keep it in. Maybe it was just some random event that just happened to happen. Thomas fell asleep, not realizing the hole on his head. he must have got it after using his powers, they could have possibly put a strain on him, thus, causing a mental hole on the outside of his head. All he needs to do is wear a headband, and no one will notice. or tomorrow his had could go haywire and all the creatures could come out ad agitate the hell out of the students. Who knows. As long as Thomas keeps his head straight. thmas just shrugged and went to bed. ((OoC:Don't worry, his powers won't go koo-cooo, that tounge monster will just embarrass him!))[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="Navy"]Sorry [B]Indiff[/B]! Okay, I'll go to bed... if I have to. Actually all I want is to get the action going! Well, see ya guys then... goodnight Squiggles. I'm going to edit my post saying that Thomas went to bed early, m'kay?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]You know I just thought the song [B]One-X by Three Days Grace[/B] could be the perfect theme song for Esper Jam! >_
  21. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"] Also around that time was when I assigned myself to criticising Prem, and when Prem unwittingly assigned himself to being my lackey! I remember when I was doing my story about the princess of prostitutes and he was doing his lame story that was a total rip-off of mine XD We always commented on each others work - I gave him good advice, and he said 'those chicks are whores.' Good times. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]And we'll still be mega-pervs I guess. Well mostly you and your lolicon addiction! But transvestite DB? I just hope you don't write a biography called, [B]The Life and Times of a Teenage Drama King[/B]. But then again if you did, I'd probably read it... >_> But I think I can recall he first time I met you, here's a summery: your writing is crap, you need practice! there we go. I also remember your heart felt apology after going to far in one of the stories. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="Navy"]Well let's get this show on the road DB! These two have a world to see! Plus, I've added a female into the mix, but she's not in the story now. Are we going to have a "magic" system or what? Unless this is completely melee. Ff you want, I can make a map of the reagion where Joe and Desmond reside.[/COLOR]
  23. [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple]Desmond was still sleeping, when a knock came from the door. Desmond, who was a light sleeper, woke up. He staggered to the door and opened it. He looked up and down at the body standing before him. [B]"Hey Joe." [/B]Desmond said. his black hair was a mess, and his clothes were riddled with wrinkles. Joe gave him a look. [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple][B]"You look ready for the day!"[/B] Joe said. Desmond looked at him then walked back into his house. [B]"So what are you going to do today?"[/B] Joe asked.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple][B]"I don't really know, I might to hunting. I might not. Either way; it doesn't matter." [/B]Desmond walked to the kitchen sink, he picked up a comb that was set down on the counter. Joe looked at his counter, dirt everywhere.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple][B]"Don't you clean this place?"[/B] Joe asked. Desmond shook his head. He moaned.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple][B]"I don't complain that your house is dirty, do I?" [/B]Desmond asked. Joe sighed loudly.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple][B]"Probably because... you never go to my house!" [/B]Joe hollered. Desmond smiled.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple][B]"Exactly my point!"[/B] Desmond chuckled. Joe was practically twitching. [I]Exactly!!!![/I] Joe thought to himself. Desmond twirled around, he did a few disco moves then sat near the table. [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple][B]"WOW! Nice moves Desmond!"[/B] Joe said sarcastically. Desmond stuck his tongue out at Joe. [B]"Okay look, how can you be giddy after what we on a few days ago? She has moved and she won't be coming back... ever."[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple]Desmond's face turned sad and cold. [B]"Delila, I'll miss her. But that's n excuse for not being happy. I know she was the one that saved me a few years back, but just being sad won't help."[/B] [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple]Delila was an old friend of Desmond's. When he was mauled by a monster in the wild, she saved him. Soon after, they became friends, and their relationship grew into something bigger. Then out of nowhere and for no reason she had to move. After heart filled goodbyes, Desmond swore that he'd fight for her, and hope that he'd meet her again someday.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple][B]"Well, besides, I still think of her, hell I'm almost always thinking about her. you've known me for how long Joe?"[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple][B]"A few years I guess. But even though it's been a few years, your still a goof-ball, so nothing has changed much. well, your not the only one who's had a girlfriend that has moved, so they must feel your pain as well, right?"[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=purple][B]"I guess Joe."[/B] Desmond said softly.[B] "I guess so..."[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1]((OoC:Well, your turn DB.))[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR="Navy"]Recently serious conflicts have arose. Copycatalyst's ban, [B]Charles [/B]and [B]Sandy's [/B]debate. So we need to revert our minds toward the great side of [B][U]OB[/U][/B], not the bad side. So what has been your favorite moment on [B][U]OB [/U][/B]ever? It could be something funny, dramatic, or it could even be a thread! Well for me, my favorite moment was when I found out that [B]2007digitalBoy [/B]was Tical Blue! Tical didn't like me that much, but after we met we became friends. When I found out I checked the details. [B]DB [/B]would always post in my stories/poems. Plus, he seemed to have that Tical attitude that I knew. Plus he wanted to string my organs, that made everything obvious. [COLOR="navy"]Also a character in [B]EsperJam[/B]!, an RP, I named my character Chocolate. (NPC) Well today I made him turn evil. I just happened to put that he turned into Dark Chocolate. Then I realized there was a pun in there![/COLOR] Anyways, what was your favorite moment on [B][U]OB[/U][/B]? Doesn't matter what it was.[/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR=goldenrod]Naw, we'd be disappointed that you got away before we could shock you first DB. :p Besides I almost hate to say it [[SIZE=1]and I'm kidding by the way, about the hate bit[/SIZE]] But you're starting to almost grow on this place. ^_~[/COLOR] [/quote] [COLOR=navy]See [B]DB[/B]! Your not in the same league as me! In fact your getting higher in the ranks! [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Now that I re-read that, I really need to become a better person on OB. Damn it all, I don't have any[B] E-flowers[/B]! >_
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