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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. Aberinkula

    Extreme Music

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Oh yeah, At the Drive-In... they're Post-Hardcore aren't they? Alice in Chains is grunge however, but still good. As I Lay dying is great, but they can be really generic at times.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]@ Ledzepplinrules, yes my name is after the TMV song, TMV is secks. But thanks for the advice so far... yeah get this, shes talking to us two again >_> These things solve themselves, huh?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. Aberinkula

    Extreme Music

    [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Hmmm, Underoath is pretty cool. Is't the new CD Survivce, Kaleidoscope already out? Or is there a different new CD, cause I saw it in Wal Mart just a few days ago... eh. But for some reason Norma Jean bugs me, I think they're good, it's just I can't get into them and I think they're awesome... I wanted to buy Oh God the Aftermath, but it's not at wal Mart any more >_> You know, for some reason I find hardcore songs with small sections of very melodic singing make the song amazing... for some reason I just love the transition from heavy to low to heavy again :confused: [quote name='Whoa, Mann']For once, I wish face was here, because this subject is easily agreed with between him and I.[/quote] Yeah Kevin was awesome, even though he hated me, but I think now he wouldn't so much. As for the new CTTS album, they better hurry... oh god. On FYE's site it said they sold As the Roots Undo, and I hope they do now cause I waaaaaaaaant that album soooo bad... it's just ugh... the wait. [B][U][SIZE="4"]THE WAIT[/SIZE][/U][/B] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Right now I'm lsitening to [B]Medicine Wheel[/B] by [B]Between the Buried and Me[/B], this isn't a screamy or even a heavy song, its completely instrumental, it's the break between Backwords Marathon and The Primer. These three tracks make up one song almost, and it is my favorite part of the album Alaska. I just can't stress this enough but... LISTEN TO BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME! :animesmil[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. Aberinkula

    Extreme Music

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I'm just glad we can tell people they're wrong about genre's without clashing into a neverending battle! But I have to admit, screamo or not, the old BFMV wasn't that good, and the new stuff is better. But still the 'scene' kids still prolly think they're real metal >_> As for BFMV not being metalcore, still whether right or wrong, I don't think they could care less. As for Circle Takes the Square... omg orgazm! Kill the Switch is just... the best. But grind sounds or not, they are still screamo at it's finest. Converge is the ****, they are more grindy than CTTS by far. No More Heroes is my favorite song by them. Another awesome screamo band is [B]Our Last Night[/B], the frontman is only 14 years old and he is amazing for his age imo, they don't have much pizazz, but they do have valuable assets. However I haven't listened to them in a while so I forgot, anyways, yeah the lead singer is 14 and everyone else is over 18 lol... but check them out... if you can. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. Aberinkula

    Extreme Music

    [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]There's something about Job for a Cowboy I really don't like. I don't really know, as for Bring me the Horizon, Hunter has talked about them, and I'm going to check them out soon. The Black Dahlia Murder kicks mad *** as well, I just love the vocalists voice, something about that kind of screaming just gets me pumped, also, while more Metal than Hardcore, Cradle of Filth's Nymphetamine is an awesome song, and TBDM's vocals seem similiar to Dani Filth's inho.[/size][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]Oh that's okay, but hey, if this challenge goes unanswered I still have a shot ^_^... *waits for Allamorph*[/size][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]While I will take the challenge, I can't finish it tonight. But I'm must say Sabrina, this is just wow. You've showed us that you can make an amazing event, sorry but I think you should be the new event master lol. But seriously, you are an excellant host, you are happy, upbeat and fun, everything that makes a great host. Look forword to doing this more often.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. Aberinkula

    Extreme Music

    [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][QUOTE]I personally think "Alaska" by Between The Buried And Me is by far their best album. Listen to "Autodidact" and tell me that song, and the majority of the other ones on that CD aren't pure genius. Oh, and btw, listen to ALL of "Autodidact." That last breakdown is complete and utterly epic secks. "Colors" is alright in my opinion, I respect the technicality to the album, and do see it as genius, I just think their sound lost something that they had in "Alaska." Plus, there are just some completely off-the-wall and random parts to some songs, hah.[/QUOTE] I can't argue with that... period. For me both albums were an amaszsing experience. Another amazing aspect of Alaska is the two 'soft' tracks, most importantly 'Medicine Wheel' that seperated Backwords Marathon and The Primer, it calmed down the music after an epic song, and The Primer became the ending of what seemed like 1 whole amazing song. The great thing about The Primer was that it captured BTBAM's ability to just be... awesome. I mean ****. I do however disagree with you to some extent, the whole band is pure secks. That and the 'hillbilly-bar' in Ants of the Sky was pure funny. Also Whtie walls is just one of the best conclusions to any album. Plus their cover of Queen's Bicycle Race was pure awesomness. Anyways, onto the ridiculous stuff YAY! Cattle Decapitation and Cock and Ball Torture... yes these are real bands. I mean, extreme music is awesome, but when it gets to this point, its just stupid. C&BT is jus tplain WtF? It's so extremely well dumb, it's just groaning, moaning and the sound of crap. As for Cattle Decapataion, they are an excellant Grindcore band. As for Atreyu, their new stuff isn't extreme, but some of tehir old stuff is, in a way >_> Anyways, do yourselves all a favor and listen to them... just ****ing do it. [B]EDIT: [/B]Yes I am a huge fan of these guys, so here's a link to a review of Alaska that sums up the experience perfectly... [URL="http://www.stylusmagazine.com/review.php?ID=3408"]Alaska Review [/URL][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Hey Chibi, I don't like bringing the past back more than I should, plus the owl is just that awesome, god pay attention. Anywas, wasn't this thread about Leap Years?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [size=1][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]...Oh, CrimsonKnight is a 'she' O_o I never payed attention to those details >_< Hey remember Chibi, you're in Ace's story and so am I... *rubs hands together*[/COLOR][/size]
  12. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Umm... uh... DeathKnight was here first, he had red font first and he had Knight first... I think YOU ADMIRE HIM! [I]sssssssssss[/I] *burn*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='CrimsonKnight']aberinkula, shut up. you freakin' stalker. and if ken is older than me, i still ain't scared of him. hey, i don't always respect my elders, ya'know. i'll take him on anytime, anywhere. he's a big punk , happy now? *backhand* how do you like me now, facepalm person? *curses* [/quote] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]This is proof of "Sarcasm: The Lost Art." First off, I was joking around and I'm not stalking you >_> Second of all, I've been put to my knees by DeathKnight, hes too awesome, and I don't expect you to be afraid of him, Ken's just a fluffy owl. And third of all... *facepalm* :p[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]well, just a few hours ago the craziest stuff happened. What's worse is that one force is driving the problems, secrets. It seems every secret me and my friend have are connected. My friend has a secret about my best friend that she can't tell me, and she has a secret of mine she can't tell him! Anyways, as you all know, I had this girlfriend, we were still friends. But suddenly she tells my friend (the girl with the secrets) that she is being used by him (the guy who can't know my secret) and that everyone jumps to him and stuff like that. And then my ex stopped talking to my friend, deleted her off of myspace than told me she never wants to talk to me again. Anyways, that inspired me to ask, what was it like for you in 8th grade? How much drama was going on, what happened (if you want to tell >_
  15. [quote name='Lady Asphyxia'][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]I wish I knew. I've tried everything to become a moderator...I even tried to bribe Desbreko with sex, and it still didn't work. I did get this gold star, though. :p[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]O_O SO THAT EXPLAINS THE STAR... what would I get if I had a one night stand with him :confused:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I second that notion. Am I cool yet :([/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]He's not a little punk, he's older than you [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]You need to have good spelling and grammer, and a very good respect of the rules here, meaning, a good track record. But if you ask Admins to be a mod, you'll be less likely to become one. Believe me, I want to become a moderator, but beggers can't be choosers. So just improve and improve and improve, and the possibility grows.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]OMG I cant believe I missed the story I requested! But it was better than I expected, way better. I loved how it ended, it wasn't a funny story like it would seem, it was gloomy and it went so well. So, I have another request, we all know about The Final quest for Glory, so we all know that The Beast didn't get killed, but since he's banned once more, I say we make a story that shows the way to kill the beast, and his death. The rest is all up to you, every minor detail.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. Aberinkula

    Extreme Music

    [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Right now I'm listening to The Autumn Offering, these guys are amazing. I guess I should throw out a quick list of the bands I really enjoy. [B]As I Lay Dying[/B]* Atreyu [B]The Autumn Offering[/B] [B]Avenged Sevenfold (first 2 albums)[/B] [B]Between the Buried and Me[/B] With Blood Comes Cleansing Bullet for my Valentine (New stuff) Circle Takes the Square [B]In Flames[/B] Heaven Shall Burn [B]A Plea for Purging[/B] All Shall Perish The Used Bold font means I own a CD from them. I'm sure there is more, I don't know if Nu Metal could be considered Hardcore in a way, so if so I'll add them later. Anyways, onto the recommendations, for people who enjoy technicality and plenty of tasteful breakdowns, than Between The Buried and Me is perfect for you, they have some pretty kick *** songs, Colors is an EPIC album, especially White walls, over 14 minutes of hardcore awesomeness. Alaska is another good album, with stand out songs like Selkies: The Endless Obsession, Backward marathon and The Primer. Backward Marathon has a very soft interlude, which is the music's epic climax. With Blood Comes Cleansing, Heaven Shall Burn and All Shall Perish are also really good, probably the heaviest on the list. The Used is for people who are a bit novice to the genre, but I like them, especially The Bird and the Worm. A Plea for Purging is a bit odd, and they are Christian metalcore of the like with xDEATHSTARx and stuff like that. As I Lay Dying is meh, but they have good things about them, the lead singer has a great voice. Bullet for my Valentine is A LOT better than they ever were, in fact they have improved on what The Poison failed at, which was almost everything lol. Circle Takes the Square is however, the best group on that list, well 2nd best imo, but they are still wicked good. In Flames is awesome too, but they are close to death metal a bit. But not as much as their earlier albums. Atreyu's new material isn't like their old stuff, if you've heard The Crimson and Falling Down, you can tell. I don't really think they are one of the best, but they satisfy enough. As for A7X, they have some pretty good stuff, but I wish they'd return to the style of Waking the Fallen, cause I know they could improve that and make it their own. [b]EDIT:[/b] The Autumn Offering is also a very excellant band, they are signed to the same record company (Victory Records) as Between the Buried and Me, Atreyu, Darkest Hour and sadly Hawthorne Heights, so they aren't hard to find, but they are great, the songs may be a bit small (on average about 3:30) though. Currently I own "Fear Casts no Shadow, but they also have Embrace the Gutter. To check out their awesomeness, I suggest you find the song [B]Silence and Goodb[/B]yes, which isn't all screaming, but it still captures how great they are. The vocalist's screams are a bit death-metally, which isn't bad at all. [B]EDIT 2: [/B]With Blood Comes Cleansing is also signed to Victory Records... imagine that. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [quote name='Gavin']Anyway congratulations on your win, you certain deserved it, and really, it simply cements your position here in the Anthology as it's almighty creative overlord. Heh.[/quote] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Now if only he'd hurryup with that damned story of us he has thought of! Just kidding Alla, but it would still be interesting to see.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][quote name='Zen']It being illegal is just clogging our already crowded court systems and prisons. Jail and the courthouses should be reserved for rapists, killers, robbers, and the like. Not a bunch of confused, harmless pot-heads.[/quote] Quoted for truth. He proves a very great point, pot-heads aren't anything compared to rapists, killers and robbers. Also, in my opinion, rapists and murderers put on the death sentence should be treated to the same deaths as their victims, seems a bit unhuman, but I think it will justify their crimes. [quote name='Zen']Or we could just adopt the Canadian system and be like "whatever... who cares?"[/quote] Yup, and then eveyrone would probably get health insurance too.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I just got back from Wal*mart and today I bought The Bedlam in Goliath by The Mars Volta and Fear Will Cast No Shadow by The Autumn Offering, both are extremely great bands. TMV is of coarse psychodelica and progressive rock and The Autumn Offering is metalcore(?). And on Thursday I boght Indesrtuctable by Disturbed. Okay, let me just say Indestructable is very destructable, it's not very good I only like Inside the Fire and Haunted, the rest sucks. I'll give my opinion on TMV and TAO later.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I'm both for it and against it. Honestly, it's statistics are not as bad as cigarettes and alcohol, yet it can screw up your life. I think if it becomes legal that you need an extra law stating that in order to legally smoke pot, you must have no criminal record, and other jazz like that to ensue you can safely use pot. I don't like talking much about it, I do however have a friend who was able to quit Pot cold turkey without problem, and just recently she quit smoking as well. I also have another friend who regularly smokes pot daily, but she never skips out of school. (Actually, she hardly misses a day and even when she isn't there on time, she ends up coming anyways.) Legalizing marijuana is a double-edged sword if you really look at both sides.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Congradulations Allamorph! You did a great job. And kudos to A_M and Indi, you guys did a great job as well. Sabrina, you did a bang-up job as the hostess, you should do another contest sometime. And Allamorph, I read that you don't really like poetry, but you should still keep going, you have talent in that field as well.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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