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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[COLOR="Purple"]Oi, I don't understand why people continue to join Froums that they hate. I just never really got that. Really the more you post while you hate it, the more arguments that person might cause. And right now, OB just isn't in the mood to be hassled by arguments . I admit I've been part of a few, but I've been trying to stray away from quoting people unless its on topic. A perfect example of my idotic ramblings was in the thread where pictures of ourselves were posted. some of my posts were deleated.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]So in context, OB is really a great place. Other sites I've been to had rude staff, rude members, and a bunch more crap. Whenever mods would tell me to buckle up here, they treated me with respect. When we have fun, it's [B]really[/B] fun. me and DB like to ramble about crap through PMs a lot more now a days. Currently we're running a project in the arena which I think is going to be fun! Plus the music/movies/TV forum has got me into much more diverse though about what I listen to. I've also started to visit other parts of the site. and they're also fun! I've noticed my posts are becoming better as the months pass. Really OB is my home away from home, and possibly the greatest forum on the web by my standards. [B]Cheers OB! you've made a fine, fine site![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]I'd like a new avi and banner please! I'm going away from my normal likings and going for a more comedic feel. For the banner I have a pic of Jiraya the pervert from Naruto. Here it is! [URL="http://yoshikunirukawa.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/naruto_jiraya0027.jpg.w180h135.jpg"]Jiraya[/URL] I also have a picture of a cute girl from Tenjho Tenge. [URL="http://www.anime.com/Tenjho_Tenge/images/02.jpg"]Cute Girl[/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]I'd like Jiraya's face in the front, along with the girl in the back. I'd like the colors to be blue and silver, much like my old theme. In text I'd like it to say: [B]I can see your future. It is filled with WOMEN![/B] In any color which will blend in with the theme. For the avi, I'd just like a pic of the Jiraya's head with my username [B](Premonition)[/B] on it in the same color as the text in the banner.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Thanx go to whoever attempts this![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]I hate to be a sour-pus, but I absolutely hate Slipknot! Although, I must admit, I do like [B]Stonesour[/B]. I'm not the biggest fan ofscreaming metal, there are exceptions of coarse.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]I sort of made a funny in the main thread! But after PMing[B] DB[/B], he said he didn't mind. And I thought it was corny!!! So DB about chapter 2. What's the main idea for it? Is it going to be about that druid story? Or is this info confidential? [COLOR="Indigo"]P.S. We better have awards after this RP! [/COLOR][spoiler] I kid![/spoiler][/COLOR]
[COLOR="navy"]Thomas thought a bit more, hoping that chocolate just might say something stupid. He was hoping... Soon after he heard a strange voice resonating form his mind. The sound was familiar. After a few more seconds Thomas could hear Chocolate calling his name. [B]"Thomas...."[/B] Chocolate said over and over, almost like he was in a trance. [B]"Thomas!" [/B]He yelled. his voice didn't have a sarcastic tone anymore, he almost sounded evil. [B]"You're hopeless aren't you? You will never see the light... EVER! why you ask? because... you killed her!" [/B]Chocolate laughed at Thomas. He was becoming dark. He was turning into Dark Chocolate. No pun intended. [B]"Killed... who?"[/B] Thomas asked. chocolate laughed once more. [B]"You know... her!"[/B] Chocolate replied. Thomas entered himself into his thought. he was able to control his powers now. "I don't know who the hell your talking about!" Thomas yelled. Chocolate shook his head. [B]"You mean you don't know? Your mother. You murdered her... YOU KILLED HER!!!!"[/B] Chocolate chuckled, his eyes were soulless. [B]"No... I didn't! I loved her even though I never met her! I know that deep down she loved me! I'm not going to take this anymore!"[/B] With a last ounce of power Thomas used his thoughts to destroy Chocolate, the darkness flew out of him. Chocolate turned around at Thomas. The light returning to the cat. [B]"Goodbye... Tommy boy."[/B] The darkness that shrouded Thomas' heart had manifested itself within chocolate. those evil words made Thomas snap. Could the darkness have disappeared? Could Thomas finally smile a wide smile. It seemed that way. Every speck of hate for the world disappeared. Thomas looked for it, but luckily, he couldn't find it. Just then Miri's words came to mind. [B]?But after I discovered my powers, I used them to heal my broken heart. It took a while though, but I?m sure you can overcome it. You seem strong to me.?[/B] Thomas thought about that last sentence. [B]"You seem strong to me."[/B] Maybe Thomas was strong. He had to find Miri, he had to tell her that he is okay now. The darkness around his soul was dead. Thomas looked out the window. He finally felt...warm.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="1"]((OoC: I didn't know that the Cocolate thing was going to look wrong at the time. Dark Chocolate, yeah. that's why I said no pun intended.))[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]Okay, I see. Well here's my character. Recognize the name?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Name: [/B]Desmond Sykes [B]Age: [/B]17 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Alignment: [/B]Nuetral Good [B]Role: [/B]Intermidiate Swordsman [B]weapon(s):[/B] Knife & Gunblade [IMG]http://www.robinwood.com/LivingtreeGrove/BOS/BOSPages/Altar/AltarGraphics/Athame2.GIF[/IMG] [IMG]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/8/8a/100px-Ffviii_squalls_gunblade.PNG[/IMG][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]I love [B]Rocko's Modern life![/B] I remember heifer, he was funny as hell. But I never want to see another naked male cow as long as I live! And [B]DB:[/B] I loved [B]Ed, Edd, n' Eddy[/B] so much. I can actually imitate the way Ed runs. Me and my grandmother loved [B]Reboot[/B]. I miss that show, along with [B]SD Gundam[/B]. Yes I liked [B]SD Gundam[/B]! >_>[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]Well, I have started to becme desensitized to[B] A7X[/B]. For 1 big reason... I love [B]Breaking Benjamin![/B] Can't explain thr obsession, I blame my first concert ever. The first concert I went to featured [B]Shelflyfe [/B]and [B]Breaking Benjamin[/B]. [B]Shelflyfe [/B]is from [B]Rochester NY[/B], so not many have heard of them outside of NY, I think anyways! [B]Bullet for my Valentine[/B] is another good band, I bought their CD recently. And I must say, they are da bomb! Now I haven't heard much of [B]Cradle of Filth[/B], but they're good. Yet it's hard to find anything from them around here, go figure! [/COLOR]
[COLOR="navy"]I like Gackt somewhat. My anime driven friend gave me a copy of one of their CD's. I must say, they're an awesome band from what I've heard. She loves Miyavi, in fact she [b]wants[/b] him! >_< Utada Hikaru is pretty good. I like Sanctuary from Kingdom Hearts. But her genre isn't my piece of pie. Jesum, I'm picky![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]I don't mind them that much. In fact they're a Alternative/grunge band. But they just don't suit me well. I'm a more post-grunge/metal kind of guy. But I have heard a few of their songs, and they aren't bad at all.[/COLOR]
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"] Appearance, background and personality will be detailed in the story itself. Also, Prem, since I haven't had the chance to discuss this with you - our weapons can come from any era. It would even probably be better if you had melee weapons or whatever you prefer.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]You'll probably see me using a sword. Hell maybe a gunblade! We really should discuss this in depth. For instance I don't know what [B]"Alignment"[/b] is.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Plus, you won't have to worry about me spelling crap all the time! I have spelling pretty much nailed! This will even help me become better at Rping.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Sandy'] Anyway, I'm sure that your Padded Room Party could have it's place in OB [I]somewhere[/I], but that place is not Adventure Square in it's current form. Maybe you should opt to revive Newbie Lounge? You know, [I]the one you pulled down[/I]? Because that thread would fit there like a monkey to the zoo.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]If I recall, the [B]Newbie Lounge[/B] was a failure. Wouldn't that just make the situation worse? Plus from what I read, the Padded Room Party's newest installment had hardly anything problematic with it. Unless I read the wrong way.[/COLOR] [quote name='Charles']I mean, as Semjaza said, your Survivor RPG violates everything you've been arguing against and I haven't stepped in and closed that, so I think I'm being more than fair here.[/quote] [COLOR="Navy"]You don't need to worry about that. [B]Des[/B] closed the [B]Otakuboards Survivor 4[/B] thread. So I guess that was justified. So in reality this argument brought more bad than good. Am I right? I'm all for fixing the problem, but obvioulsy the maid blew the dirt out of the vacuum and into the house once more.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Copycatalyst']I always hated titles until they were nighted. Thyme is a spice, yes, of course. At this point the words don't even matter to me; they're just a toy I employ to make new images and new functions of themselves in order to get across a message that goes beyond the words. Thanks for your reply. I appreciate.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Your very welcome Copy. Once you think about it, words are what you make of them. But deceiving titles sometimea draw attention. It did to me anyways! XD[/COLOR]
[quote name='Sandy'] However, if you're thinking something really drastic, which would change the whole definition of the Adventure Square, you might want to check your idea first. Arena Underground is the perfect place to do that, I might add.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]That is a great idea, Sandy proves a point. In fact I put one of my ideas in just today! But I think that even if something doesn't have a back story, it can live. Invertebrate's have no backbone, yet they can still move! Se what I mean?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]I think that RPGs shouldn't be discriminated, if they become spam, then you should use the judgment that is moderation.[/COLOR] [quote name='James']So yeah, I do agree with Shy really. We should not be too rigid in how we define collaborative works like RPGs. RPGs can take many forms and there are many types of collaborative creative writing ideas that aren't RPGs but aren't necessarily fit for Anthology either.[/quote] [COLOR="Navy"]Viola! That's a perfect example of what the Adventure square should be like![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][B]Copy[/B], I don't know what to trust more. The title or the words! I was reading the title thinking that this poem was about chickens and the relevance of[B] "what came first?"[/B] But I got something else. Yet, I liked what I got. Pretty good poem. I really like the first stanza. But what exactly is [B]thyme[/B]? I always thought it was a spice! >_< Eh, like it matters. But I've also noticed that you don't exactly get feedback, so I decided to this thyme, but as I read more of your work, I get what you think a lot better. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=navy]Welcome to [B]Dreamscape: Nightmare. [/B]I am putting up this thread so people will have the chance to think about joining the finished product. If anybody wishes to comment, or give their ideas, feel free to post.[/COLOR] [center][COLOR=#000080]_________________[/COLOR] [B][I][U][COLOR=indigo]More details below![/COLOR][/U][/I][/B][/center] [COLOR=navy][center][SIZE=2][center][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=purple][B]CONCEIVED CONCEPT[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/center][/SIZE][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2]This is a new RPG idea that is based on dreams and thought. My idea spawned soon after posting in the [B]Dream Experiences[/B] thread created by, [B]Clurr.[/B] This new RPG will be using the [I][U]card system[/U][/I], that was used most recently in [B]The Ponopticon.[/B] But the cards aren't only for use on other players, it is also for use on your character.[/SIZE][/FONT][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][SIZE=2][center][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=purple][B]THE STORY[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/center][/SIZE][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2]The story is about normal people who live normal lives, that is until they fall asleep. Huh? Seems normal to you. But the thing is this time their sleep won't be the normal sleep they've always had. As they start to sleep, their dreams grow into a real world. While they are in this world, they can interact with other people and their dreams. they also have new psychic powers within this realm. [/SIZE][/FONT][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][center][SIZE=2][center][FONT=Palatino Linotype][B]THE 2 WORLDS[/B][/FONT][/center][/SIZE][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2]In this RPG there are two different worlds you can interact within. The real world and Dreamscape.[/SIZE][/FONT][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][SIZE=2][center][FONT=Georgia][B][U][COLOR=indigo]Real World[/COLOR][/U][/B] - Earth. he normal everyday life is experienced here. Supernatural things do happen though, but no one can control everything in the world. the rest is self-explanatory.[/FONT][/center][/SIZE][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][SIZE=2][center][FONT=Georgia][B][COLOR=indigo][U]Dreamscape[/U] [/COLOR][/B]- When a person's spiritual energy is high they fall into this world by dreaming. Here they can mold the world around them to their liking, they can even contact people through thoughts and dreams. But laws have been created by an all-knowing being, that stops people from messing up the normal world through other people.[/FONT][/center][/SIZE][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][SIZE=2][center][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=purple][B]THE ALL-KNOWING[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/center][/SIZE][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2]This being knows all that there is to know about Dreamscape. He/she also picked the humans who were going to defend Dreamscape from entities known as [B]Nightmares.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][SIZE=2][center][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=purple][B]NIGHTMARES[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/center][/SIZE][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2]Beings born from hate. these creatures of malice, fury and rage are born from the darkness within people. Nightmares eat away at a Human's heart through their dreams, soon creating more hate. Which in return creates more [B]Nightmares.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][SIZE=2][center][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=purple][B]CARD SYSTEM[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/center][/SIZE][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/oversoulCard.jpg[/IMG] Oversoul Card - Gives the player more energy as well as allowing them to summon a dream spirit. Dream spirits are Monster's that help to defend the owner as well as allows the owner to battle at higher power. [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/comacard.jpg[/IMG] Coma Card - Allows the player to stay in their dreams as long as they want. also helps the mind to be more imaginative. [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/nightmarecard.jpg[/IMG] Nightmare Card - Allows the player to turn another players character into a nightmare. That player will stay in the nightmare state until someone defeats him/her in battle. [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/jailcard.jpg[/IMG] Jail Card - when someone violates a "Dream Law" they are put inside a nightmare where they must face their worst fear until they either learn the error of their ways or wakes up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][SIZE=2][center][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=purple][B]CHARACTER CREATION[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/center][/SIZE][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][center][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2]I'm not finished with this part of the project. More will be released soon![/SIZE][/FONT][/center][/COLOR] [center][COLOR=indigo][B]=?=?=?[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]?=?=?=[/B][/COLOR][/center] [LEFT][COLOR=navy]If anybody wants to post ideas for cards or character creation, do so. This is open for discussion.[/COLOR][/LEFT]
[COLOR="Navy"]Honestly, one of my favorite villains from [B]Transformers [/B]was [B][U]Sideways[/U][/B]. I always loved his evil ways. Especialy when [spoiler] he made them think he was an Autobot![/spoiler] Unless he's in the 1st movie, I hope they put him in next one![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]Prem 2.0's return was indeed a surprise. He saw The Boss, who was shocked to see who it was. [B]"Hey! Prem is back!"[/B] Nomura yelled as his eyes trailed away from his book. [B]"Well, [I]it's Prem 2.0[/I] now. But what are two numbers for, eh? Strangely, I wanted to quit and join the CTU before I got snipped. yet, I decided that my enemy will [i]always[/i] be my enemy. So no worries about betrayal." [/B]Prem turned around and looked at some members he hadn't seen before. He didn't see Nonentity at all. Prem 2.0 just nodded and walked on. [B]"Well, I better go see Charles to see what's happened in my absense. I can't wait until I can taste the CTU's fear again. But where is Charles for that matter.?" [/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=navy]What is OB? Well OB is great, but now, I just don't know.[/COLOR] [quote name='James']If some of the attitudes I've seen lately don't improve - from multiple members - I'm really not going to hesitate to block several people from OB. In all honesty, it's just not worth the hassle if some of you can't be respectful of one another - there's no room for that crap on OB and I've put up with it for long enough.[/quote] [COLOR=navy]Personally I'm starting to get afraid of posting myself. I feel that one of those members may be me. Despite me never really meeting [B]James[/B], I respect him. So if I'm one of those members I don't want to disappoint him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]But OB is a place for fun, and we have had fun. But I kind of feel like I shouldn't be here, I don't know why though. So for me OB is great, but I don't feel welcome.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Well obviously I need to add anyone who wants to meet me as well. [B] 2007DigitalBoy[/B] - Because once we are done electrocuting Prem he's next. Just read his post before this one to see [I]why [/I]he needs to be shocked. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Rach[/B], you are officially on my cool list.;) Sorry [B]DB[/B], but he got you [I]good[/I].[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][B]Copycatalyst[/B] - This guy's views are very well thought out. From what I've read he has deep understanding for things. I'd love to have a debate with this guy! [B]Indifference[/B] - A good friend of DB's, and obviously one of the many who wants to eloctrocute my mind until I can process right. [B]Allamorph [/B]- hH's been helping me become a writer much like DB did. But now his style is on a more deeper level. Plus he's random. Random people make others feel smart. Well at least me. >_> [B]BKstyles[/B] - He's a fan of Breaking Benjamin, but not only that he's a very fun person, from what my ol' friend Tekkaman told me. [B]Aaryanna the dog[/B] - Well I rememeber seeing her dog for the first time. She hapens to be my favorite breed of dog. My aunt and uncle had one that was very nice. It had babies... I think?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Oh Boo, I didn't know![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]My dreams all have meaning to me. After some dreams I fantasize on what was going to happen next. I love doing that. I'm not very religious, I do believe that Christ is our savior, but I don't like to think of the life here-after. I love Kingdom Hearts so much because the whole dark and light thing are spiritual in my views. I've never really tried these things before. I'd love to be able to control all of my dreams so I can make my own story, but that is a very hard thing to accomplish and I doubt anyone could possibly master that. But sometimes I feel that my dreams are meaningless and are just a way for my mind to occupy itself while sleeping. I feel that dreams have both scientific and spiritual meanings. A lot of things are explainable like blood flow in our bodies. but the true mysteries are our brains. B I'm siding with Einstein on this! I love to write fantasy stories because you can control the fantasy world around it. the story "Gates of Ruin" which is in the anthology, is based on the dreams and thoughts of those deceased. But you'd have to read it to find out. Maybe dreams are completely bumkus. If so, I don't care! My dreams are what I make of them. I'd love to find a site on the web that has a "Dream Dictionary." that's a book that explains what dreams mean. I'd go on a rant for a looong time but this is it for now! Another way to control your dreams is by playing music during the night. When you have a dream and music is looping inside the visions your more likely to realize your dreaming. Thus, you might gain control of it. It happened to me anyway >_< During some of my dreams I'll move slowly and sluggishly. Never knew why though, same thing happens to my mother.[/COLOR]
[FONT="papyrus"][CENTER][SIZE="3"][B][U][COLOR="Purple"]CHAPTER 1// The Relic[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [COLOR="Navy"]Trevor, Leo, and Chloe all walked inside the run-down ruins of Lowville. The ceiling was about five foot over Trevor’s head. He stood at five-foot, seven inches above the ground. Leo was shorter than him by about three inches. Chloe was the same size as Leo, but she tilted her head al the time, so she didn’t look the same height. But Leo weighed more than the others, most of his muscle was in his legs. The ruins themselves were getting moldy, and some of the corridors were blocked by fallen rocks. Spot’s of sunlight shown through the top of the ruins. Puddles of rain on the ground leaked through the roof during heavy storms. Luckily paths they took were still stable, unlike most of them. After about 20 minutes of walking around they all came to an intersection. All of the three paths they could take were still in good condition. In the middle of the three paths, was a little window-like structure above their heads. The sun shone on Leo’s blonde hair. But Chloe’s hair lacked the luster it used to have, after her brother’s murder she became depressed, and her body got weak. Trevor had black hair, he was always happy so his body was still in good shape. [B]“So where should we go?”[/B] Leo asked nervously. Trevor looked at him d nodded. [B]“if there’s a way to pick one out of the three without argument, we should do that first. Or we could just split up!”[/B] Trevor’s eyes went right to Leo’s. Leo wasn’t looking too happy about that. [B]“Okay, then how about we just go through all of them, if we reach a dead end, we go back the way we came and take another path!”[/B] Leo looked at Trevor with a smile. He was hoping that his friend would agree. [B]“No, we can take more ground by splitting up. Leo, you can take Chloe with you. We can come back later and look through the last path. Leo, you’ll have to suck it up. We’re seventeen, not three, I‘m sure you can take it.”[/B] Leo shook his head. As Trevor took the middle path, Leo and Chloe took the left path. Trevor’s path wasn’t smooth, it was rugged. The walls had rocks protruding form them. It looked fine from the outside, but the halls were horrible. From the distance a bright light could be seen. Trevor ran towards that light. [SIZE="1"][CENTER]***{*}***[/CENTER][/SIZE] Outside of the ruins Æsir, and Loki were standing outside of a portal that they had made. Æsir’s purple skin didn’t exactly “fit in” with the other humans. But they weren’t around them to care. Loki’s skin was a tad brighter than Æsir’s, but they were both the same height. They looked like they were in their twenties, despite them being over three hundred years old. Loki wore black cloth that wrapped around his chest. He also wore black pants made from cotton. Æsir however didn’t wear clothes, he wore silver armor around his body that was light and very comfortable. [B]“So, master, where is the relic?” [/B]Loki asked. Æsir looked at the opining of the ruins, he smiled evilly. [B]“My brother, I will use this portal to get inside, so you come with me!”[/B] Æsir and Loki went inside the portal. The other side was the intersection where Trevor and the others had just conversed. [B]“Well, were here, this machine around my arm should tell me where the energy source is. That source is here the relic is.”[/B] Æsir and Loki walked down the center corridor. [SIZE="1"][CENTER]***{*}***[/CENTER][/SIZE] Leo and Chloe had secretly followed Trevor. They were being sneaky. But after a while they heard a strange voice coming from behind them. They both decided to run after Trevor. [B]“Clo, we just tell Trevor that there was a blocked exit where we went and that we couldn’t go farther, okay?” [/B]Chloe nodded.[B] “Good.”[/B] They ran down the hall fast as lightning. Trevor who had stopped to take a brake, saw them and halted their movement. [B]“I thought you guys were going through a different hallway?” [/B]Leo just nodded. [B]“We had an excuse lined up too. But we decided to follow you. I don’t know why!” [/B]Trevor just shook his head. [B]“It’s okay, just follow me.” [/B]Trevor smiled at the other two. After that quick talk, they advanced forward. As they walked farther, the ceiling got lower and the building grew more moldy. Just few minutes later they reached a door. The light that Trevor had saw was indeed powerful. He crack in the door was very small, but the light shined through it. Trevor closed his eyes as he searched for a handle. After a few seconds they could hear voices just as they opened the door.[B] “Well guys, just enter this room, we can hide in there.”[/B] At that time it seemed like a good idea, but that was going to go sour pretty soon. Inside the light faded, the room had nothing wrong with it, the room looked brand new. Trevor looked forward to see a sword that was stuck inside a pedestal. Words scribed in a different language were all over it. Strangely Trevor could read those words. Leo and Chloe were standing at the door looking to see who was coming. Trevor crouched down and started reading the pedestal. He wasn’t even paying attention to the others. [B][I]“Only the one of black and white, can remove the sword of dark and light.” [/I][/B]Trevor whispered the words on the object very slowly, the language was new but for some reason Trevor could read them. He stood back up from his crouch, just when Chloe and Leo walked over to him. [B]“How could you two not have noticed this when you came in?” [/B]Trevor asked. [B]“Noticed what, all I see is some old stone with a sharp object inside it.” [/B]Leo replied. Chloe nodded, she hinted of her agreement. She may not talk, but her silence speaks volumes. She doesn’t try to talk at all, but she’s easy to read just by her actions. The last time she talked much was at Trevor’s birthday party a year ago when he turned seventeen. [B]“Well, I can see a very shiny sword, unless it’s just a trick of the light, I’m going delusional.”[/B] Trevor didn’t believe his eyes. Leo scratched his head. He jumped up. [B]“Well, grab onto that long pointy stone, and take it out of the one on the ground. See what happens then!” [/B]Trevor looked behind him, footsteps could be heard reaching the room. Trevor nodded without a word and put his hand onto the stone. Without trouble he removed the stone sword from the larger boulder on the ground. As the sword’s removal was complete a shining light engulfed the room. The sword became silver with a hook on the end. Red stones on the cross-guard stood out like black on white, a small line from the center gem went to the top of the blade, red light flowing through the blade could be seen through the trail. The blade was five feet long and very beautiful. Trevor smiled as Leo and Chloe stared in awe. [SIZE="1"][CENTER]***{*}***[/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]“So, Æsir, are we there yet?” [/B]Loki asked. Æsir looked ahead, he noticed the light that had shown just a while ago. A fwseconds later they both reached the door. [B]“We’re here, and the relic… is in there.” [/B]Æsir opened the doors to see the three teens standing in awe at the blade Trevor had just pulled out. “What!” He shouted with fury and hate. [B]“A stupid child got his gritty hands on the relic? I’ll kill him !” [/B]As soon as the last word was spoken, Æsir charged forth as he cast a fireball spell. He punched Trevor in the jaw. Trevor, Chloe and Leo were surprised at the sudden entry of Æsir and Loki. [B]“Who the hell are you?!” [/B]Trevor yelled. Æsir picked him up by the shirt. Trevor’s face fell from serious to scared, without a seconds notice. [B]“Who the hell am I? Who the hell am I! Why I’m Lord Æsir, leader of the Einherjar!”[/B] Trevor laughed. [B]"What the hell is the 'Einherjar'?" [/B] As Æsir opened his mouth Loki shut him up [B]"Remember Lord, no one can know about our group!"[/b] Loki reminded Æsir. [b]"He has the relic! Just leave him be, we can obtain it from him once he finds out what the relic really is. he's teh one fromt hose sotries. The legend! he'll find out fromt ehancients what everything is, then when he goes to our world, we jump him and steal the relic. We shold just go before this gets out of hand!"[/B] Æsir nodded. [B]"Okay, but you better be right."[/B] Æsir bowed to Trevor. [B]"Oh umm sorry. We've made a mistake you see. We are looking for somthing else. Sorry about that, and uh... the Einherjar; just forget you heard anything! Alright?"[/B] Trevor just nodded. Loki opened a portal and off they went. Trevor was still on the ground. Leo and Chloe were at his side. [B]"Wonder what that was about?" [/B]Leo asked. Trevor just lowered his head. [B]"I don't know. But what the hell is this sword?" [/B]Leo and Chloe just blinked. Trevor looked at the pedestal. He thought of the words on it.[B][I] "Only the one of black and white, can remove the sword of dark and light” [/I][/B]Those words ran through his head. Was he this person talked about on the stone? And what was the Einherjar for that matter? These question plagued Trevor, but all would be told very soon.[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"][SIZE="1"][CENTER][][][][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]I put in a little foreshodowing into the end there. The answers will be answered in the next chapter, so don't rush your thoughts. Thank you for all the help Allamorph! I hope to see your critique on Chapter 1, that is if you decide to.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="Navy"]I can't wait to watch it. I've loved transformers for a few years now, one for my brother's fav cartoons back then. I first got into TF when I started started watching "TF Armada." My favorite Transformer was Hotshot and Starscream. Absulutely hated it when Starscream [spoiler]died![/spoiler] But the American take on TF looks PHENOMINAL, for me. As long as there's action I'll watch.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]Last year there was a thread much like this one, which was started by [b]Boo.[/b] I wanted to make this thread earlier this year, but I decided to halt on that until the other thread was more dead that it was then. But now it's back! So it's pretty simple, just name a member you'd like to meet in real-life, then post why you want to meet that member. [COLOR="purple"][B][I]Well, here's my list to start off.[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][b]2007DigitalBoy[/b][/COLOR] - My best friend on OB. He's always been there, whether it be for my stories, moral support, or just to poke fun at each other. Lately I've been in a few of his Rp's and he has been pretty creative with them. He even made an Otakupedia entry about me. [COLOR="Indigo"][b]I'm not Nomura[/b][/COLOR] - I met him only recently, but he's pretty whack. XD He PMed me asking if I was ForgotteÑ-HerÖ or not. A couple of weeks later we were in the same Rp together. [COLOR="Indigo"][b]Keyblade Wielder[/b][/COLOR] - I haven't seen her a lot on OB, but she's still one of my best friends on OB. Second to DB of coarse. We got mad at each other, but we made up. That was about a year ago, I think. But we've been friends ever since. [COLOR="Indigo"][b]Tekkaman -[/b][/COLOR] I haven't seen this guy hardly at all. But I miss him, he had nominated me for Nifty-fifty, and I felt proud. I hope he returns some time. [COLOR="indigo"][b]Fyxe -[/b][/COLOR] I don't know her that much, but she's a nice person. I feel sorry for her having married DB and all. [spoiler]joke![/spoiler] We bot have similar views on gay marriage too. I bet we would get a long well. Just a hunch.[/COLOR]