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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR=Navy]Jesum Db, at the rate of sex based posts, your going to top the 400 and over mark that the Ponopticon Underground has. Where ever you go chaos goes too. You two are made for each other! Over AIM DB gave me a lcteure on how Nomura and Ace are my slaves, but I'm slaves of DB, Fyxe and Indiff. I just wanted to dance. I was [B]soooo[/B] happy. [CENTER][B](>O_o)>
  2. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=Magenta] Oh, and caiomhe, i'm a guy, though that's not the gender I prefer to be ~_^ *points to avi* I wanna be like him when I grow up.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Wait. So you want to be a male like your avi, but you are a male. your confusing DB.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][B]WOW[/B], lesbians. DB this RP is utter gold. GOLD do you hear me?![/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Yes! l am read to get goin people, yee-haw! I think DB means around 3 A.M. believe me, it gets [B]empty[/B] then.[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]As much as the mutual masturbation you two are doing is amusing, being an annoying dick doesn't make you a superstar. Making ad infinitum methods to define yourself as such makes you even less of a superstar and more of a D-Grade horror movie actor, that one guy everyone including the paparazzi always avoids on the red carpet. Exposure isn't superstardom, [i]respect and admiration[/i] is superstardom. [/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]If I'm on OtakuBoards' D-list, [B]so be it[/B]. That's where I am, and I'll show it with [I][B]pride.[/B][/I] Just remember, when the years come and go, the members that haven't been here long, will be senior members much like you, Dead. This brings me to a real method. [B]I'm sick of joking around.[/B] [B]Method 31:[/B] Be okay where you stand If your not popular, and people know that, be okay with your rank. Soon after resuring yourself that being you is good, people will begin to notice you. Soon you'll become more known around OB, as "the guy who just doesn't give a crap about popularity."The process may take long, but it's worth it. [B]Mentors:[/B] Premonition[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy]Thomas walked into the cafeteria. It didn?t appeal much to Thomas, nothing does anyways. He went over to the food. Didn?t look good either. He went around the lunch line looking for something interesting. He was like goldilocks, except not blonde and retarded enough talk to a bear. But with his power, Tomas could talk to a bear. Thomas could hear Chocolate telling him what was good and what was crap. [B]?Tommy, take the Jell-O!?[/B] Chocolate whispered. Thomas hit his head. [B]?Stupid fly.?[/B] he said, not trying to look stupid. Don?t you have some friends to annoy? Thomas thought. Yes, but your much more fun! with a laugh, Chocolate disappeared into Thomas? mindless abyss. Thomas sat at the lunch table, he checked his surroundings. A gothic esper -who was a girl but dressed as a man- sat next to him. Thomas was talking to one of his creatures. The girl had on a hoodie with leather pants and guy?s haircut. When she saw Tomas talking to what seemed to her like himself, she walked off. [B]?Freak?? [/B] she grumbled as she walked off. Thomas walked over to the class-sign-up sheet. He looked for classes on telekinesis, and he found it. With his pen, he marked his name on the ;list. A sheet next to that one, was for the guidance counselor. It was for people that had double-dealing with people or life, Thomas checked that off too. Thomas went back to his room. On is way there he bumped into another esper. He looked at the person and it was... Joe. He wasn?t happy. [B]?My coffee!? [/B] he screamed. He scrambled around he hallways. He had is hand on his pants. [B]?You made me drop my coffee on my lap!?[/B] Joe hollered. He gritted his teeth together in pain. [B]?Sorry sir!? [/B] Thomas apologized. Joe shook his head. [B]?Fine, I?ll let you of the hook. Damn where?s your secretary when you need her!? [/B] Joe cried as he walked down the halls. Thomas went into his room, he put his head on his pillow. [B]?Nice one there, Tommy boy. I managed to laugh my ass off.?[/B] Thomas swatted at Chocolate. [B]?Funny to you maybe!?[/B] When Joe got back to his office, he practically hit is head on his des. He swore. [B]?Damn, why do we always get the crappy espers!? [/B] he yelled. (OoC: Needed to make it so Joe hated Thomas more. Sorry if it's nerdy, I'll edit at your request DB.)[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy]Cat to plushie: I said shake! Crap it's really hard to teach this cat tricks.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy]Thomas woke up a few hours later, Chocolate by his side. [B]?Hey man, bout time you got your ass up!? [/B] Chocolate yelled. Thomas shook his head. ?Can you ever be quiet?? Thomas asked. Chocolate shook his head. [B]?I don?t know- HEY, you made me loud so shut yer trap!?[/B] Chocolate sighed as he jumped into Thomas? head. He could hear the voices of them all. It was annoying. The buzzing in his ear was unbearable. He tried to calm them down, but alas, it was no good.. [B]?well, maybe I should see what this Joe guy is all about.?[/B] Thomas said as he got off his bed. He fixed his tie and shook off all of Chocolate?s hair. A little while later, Thomas found himself trudging the halls, looking for the office where Joe was. After a while of searching he found the door. He swung the door open. Inside he saw Joe dozing off. [B]?Umm, sir, I?m Thomas Arthur.? [/B] Tomas was nervous. [B]?Huh, uh? wha! Oh, um? hello!? [/B] Joe scratched his head. ?And your probably the one who can materialize his mind?s thoughts, correct?? [B]?Yes sir, I am.? [/B] Thomas sat in the chair near Joe?s desk. [B]?Okay, welcome to esper hall. I?m going to give you a map of the place.? [/B] Joe handed a map over to Thomas. ?[B]So you can make your visions real, eh? I must say that?s pretty interesting.? [/B] Thomas just nodded and walked out. [B] ?Well there goes another.? [/B] Joe said as he checked off Thomas. [CENTER][][][/CENTER] Thomas looked at the map, e found the cafeteria.[B] ?Well, better get some grub.? [/B] He said as he walked away. Chocolate jumped out of Thomas? ear. ?[B]Damn kid, ever clean out them things?? [/B] he asked sarcastically. [B]?Well, that guy's a charm, ain?t he?? [/B] Thomas shrugged. [B]?maybe?? [/B] Chocolate rolled his eyes. [B]?Okay pal, we need to get you a friend. If your going to the cafeteria, you better sit with someone. Tommy my boy, you?ll never go anywhere here without friends.?[/B] Thomas rubbed his eyes. [B]?whatever...?[/B] [/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']No need to be too hasty! I want to make sure I understand all of your characters to an extent before I pull them all into an action sequence. In any event, I used this opportunity to fully excentuate my intention for this rp. Now that all of us are on the same page, I'm going to let a little more adventure happen before I curve us all into an oddity. Perhaps you'l meet new people, maybe meet each other, get yourself scheduled to a class or club, start making friends, or just observe some of the crazy stuff going on outside. C'mon... mingle![/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=navy]See, it's more of a socializing project than an RP! :p Finally, I've been waiting to post something![/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=taperson][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][strike]Pasta, hands down. I would make chocolate pasta. Plus, cranberry juice is the nastiest of all the juices.[/strike] I'd suck up, hands down. Sucking up totally gets you places. That's how I got to be drum major. :D Would you rather... [FONT=Arial Black]1.[/FONT] Never be able to use any other writing utensil other than a yellow crayon? [CENTER][I]or[/I][/CENTER] [FONT=Arial Black]2.[/FONT] Drop out of every important conversation you will ever have because of a sudden urge to pee?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][B]Number 1: because I like to talk.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Would you rather... Tape yourself to DigitalBoy's back and live there with him for all eternity while he hits you with a baseball bat. or... Tape yourself to a pedophile who sleeps naked for the rest of eternity.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]"Unique. Well, I don't watn you in just because your unique. My posse is filled withstrong people. Me, kenso, Dawn we're all strong. Prove yourself first. Then ydo shall help us." Galian walked over to Ryoku. "You may have the ability, but you don't neceserilly have the strength." Galian looked over at Dawn, he winked then sneered. "If you can defeat Dawn, then I'll allow you to help us." Galian ran inside the building. "Good luck, Dawn!" He shouted. Dawn's face went purple, and her jaw fell to the ground. "Wait!" Despite her efforts, galian was gone.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy]DB, you don't have to worry about being a rat/hobo. I'm in a lower rank than you, just ask everyone else in this thread, they'll probably tell you the same.[/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']Yeah, I'm basically with M on this one. Jsut ignore his damn poetry. Darren, I don't know what you're basing your allegations on. The only other people to post recently were paid attention. Ink got reviews all around, Clurr got reviews, Prem got reviews a few times, but I also ignore him sometimes on purpose until his next wave. The only post to go 'unnoticed' was Wet's short story - and like I said several times in the therad, I don't have time to read a short story cuz they don't interest me.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy]What do you mean by wave? The next time I put up a poem? Hey Copy. I didn't lash out by insulting you, so what gives you the right to be a whiny pissant? And second of all, I don't have ADHD. I read almost everything DB posts, beacuse I have time. If I read every poem of yours I'd get booted of the net. If my internet connecton worked properly, yes, I'd read more of your stuff. In fact I liked the last one you posted. Very nice, Now see, shorter is sometimes better. The reason is because when an argument goes for a long time, the reason behind it goes to mush. But yes, it is your right to post so, you have that point. But sometimes you just gotta go shorter. No one is trying to force you, just trying to get you to try it. There, now can we just get on with the poetry, hm? I will post my poem here tommoror, I don't have the mind or time right now.[/color]
  13. [COLOR=Navy][B]Method 8: post sapmmy-ness for about 10 posts, then show them your skillz.[/B] If you post complete stupidity then later show that you can post, you just might find stardom. This example can be seen in the past where members that post excellent today, posted really bad a few years back. Just don't get too overboard, or the mods will have at you. [B] Mentors: Tical blue, Charles (from wat otakupedia told me)[/B][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Is there a limit to the number of posts we can make a day?[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]If there is something you didn't like about my post DB, tell me. I don't want to get thrown out of this RPG.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Why, is there something I did to you Darren if so I'm sorry. But I must agree, I never hear criticism from Copycatylyst. DB gives me some sometimes. usually when I post something, Mitch posts something, and my posts never go with notice, except once or twice. I've already gone unnoticed plenty of times with my story's. DigitalBoy is mostly there for me, but a lot of people view and leave. I go to this thread almost every time I log on to OB. And I always see something new from Copycatalyst. Maybe only once from DB, but not as much as him. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]And copy, I don't even attempt to read your poems. Because to me they're Just unbearable to read. Make more smaller poems. Three stanzas aren't hard to make. [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Glain went outside in the rain. As it poured down on him, his black hair moving in the wind. "I should go into the Shop buildign on the other side of school and get a haircut." he thought. He smiled as the rain hit the ground."m It was a depressing day, witht the darkness seeming to kill everything once happy. Life was draining of the last yearof school, a dark feeling of war gloomed overhead. Until now, Galian had never thought of teh war. "We aren't acting like there isn't a war at all. Soon we will all just be pawns to the light. I thought that I could make a difference, but now I know, none of us will." "What's wrong?" Dawn asked. galian turned around He ssmiling. "hey Dawn!" He said cheerfully. "Galian, is something wrong with you?" Dawn said. "no, why?" "Well, you've been acting so happy. It's not like you at all." "it's just tht the darkness is sapping mine. hose heartless are feeding off of my dispair. It makes me happy. Troobadore, he's aslo feeding off of that. My father alwasy has." Dawn frowned. That sentence flared inside her again. "Galain, do you like me?" "Of coarse, we've been friends for a while now." "No I mean-" "Well, I better get going. Oh and Dawn." Galian gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for being there. Maybe if you weren't there, I would have done something stupid. I defended you, so I didn't make a stupid choice. And if your wondering, I like Sakura."[/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=Neko][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I'm gonna have to second that statement, though I have [B]absolutely no intention[/B] of dropping. And while I actually do have time to check the Otakuboards pretty much every day, that still doesn't help the fact that either we're pulling about 8 posts a day or we've just been feeling really hyper over the past few days. Might I request that we take things down a notch? Like put a limit on how many posts can be added to the story in a day? That way we (or at least I) won't get lost as much, and we can put more thought into constructing well-thought-out posts than trying to get in the next add. (Which is not to say, of course, that we're [I]not[/I] putting thought into our posts, because I know we are.) Oh, and by the way yes, I actually AM typing up an add for the story as I'm typing this. So Nephilim will be back in the story soon. :catgirl: [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Okay. people can only post 3 times a day. [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Thomas stumbled into his room. With a thump, he landed on his bed. With a sigh he dug his head into the pillow. He took out a candy bar from his pocket, he ate away. The chocolate crumbs rolled onto his chest. He picked them up and ate them. Without a word he got up and went to the bathroom. After about 30 minutes of bathroom time, he got out with a towel on is body. He took out some black pants, and a black T-shirt with a white tie. He wasn?t going to a special even or anything, but he wanted to look nice. He sat back on the bed and turned on his radio. [B]?Damn, this place is boring??[/B] Thomas complained. A small creature jumped onto his bed. Thomas had brought back his friend Chocolate from his mind. Chocolate was a catlike creature. Thomas wanted to make him bigger, but he couldn?t. Once Thomas? powers wee much stronger he could make Chocolate real. But that was far away from reach. Thomas had no friends, so he conversed with the monsters. [B]?Tommy, what?s wrong?? [/B] Chocolate asked. [B]?Nothing, I?m just lonely that?s all. Too bad you?re not real, otherwise I might have a friend.? [/B] Thomas sat up. [B]?Oh, bid deal! Tommy, my man, maybe you should go out there and find some esper who can help you. It?s worth a shot.?[/B] Thomas nodded. [B]?I can?t, I?m not a people person.?[/B] [B]?Then why do you complain about having no friends? If you don?t like people then don?t complain that you don?t have someone there for you. It?s common sense.? [/B] Chocolate jumped up. [B]?Well, I gotta go, the others are throwing a party!? [/B] Chocolate jumped back into Thomas? head. The force was so great, he got knocked back onto the pillow. [B]?He hits hard.? [/B] Thomas said painfully. Chocolate said that there was a party. Inside of Thomas? mind all of the creatures he had made were living. Sometimes Thomas can even hear them. His mind was empty of love ad friendship, so they had tons of room to live in. Thomas has had nights where he couldn?t sleep even an hour because of the racket inside his head. But Thomas could also project himself inside of here using his powers. It was an ability he just learned. But he can only stay inside for 10 seconds. Not that long at all. Thomas fell asleep, a nap would refresh him.[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy](OoC: Thomas's voice is like Chad's off of Bleach. Vey deep.)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=Navy]Lennon made the songs "Working Class Hero", and "Imagine." Btoh songs were redone by rock artists and were sung on Amreican Idol. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Untitled [E] Embrace that in which you hold. Hope that you and I will never grow old. I breath the breathe of 1000 cries. I piece together 1000 lies. We were all once aggresive. We were all once obsessive. but us two, we row tired of this harade. While we see the failed bands of the dead parade. We see life as 1not 2. Well at least that's me, but, do you? It doesn't matter anymore. soon I'll close this ateful door.[/COLOR]
  21. [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/DB.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy]I had a journal years ago, when I was about 7. I discontinued it because writing hurt my hand. God, I'm a whine-***. But I want to start a new one because the voices are telling me to do so. But I never ake the ime to, I procrastinate a lot.[/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange] Then again, I talk about gay sex with my friends, so I might just be crazy.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Metal is a sub-genre within the genre of rock. just so you know. Well DB, I'm even more crazy... heeeeeeee heeee! wicky wicky woo!![/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]EDIT: I must admit though, I like country. In class last year the teacher's radio was playing "Honkey Tonk Badonkeydonk" and I sang to it. Country is pretty good, Teardrops on my guitar = good.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy]Me too. If I did tell them, I would also tell them that most of those anime nerds love rock music. Not poiting at anybody though. *cough2007digitalboycough* My friend Brittany knows because without her. my EX-friend wouldn't have found out about theotaku, where we both signed up and found the OB. Phew![/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy]No argument there Shy. I should have posted something a little more different. Good point. Without opinions writers would never write the best books now would they? I should have said, And Des proves a point, how you can some people say bigger is better, when they post small font? A question only the one who posts knows, I guess. How come Sara can read my mind, when we hardly even know each other? Am I that easy to read?[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy]Here's a take on the old posters where it asks if you have seen someone's pet.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/lsot.jpg[/IMG]
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