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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR=Navy]Ha, that one was funny. Not laugh out loud funny for me, but liked it. The animation was cool too. Here is one I made just last night. It's not funny at all.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/AOB1.jpg[/IMG]
  2. [QUOTE=James][color=#808080] So the short answer is, I won't be taking any public requests on design (unless something is actually not functioning). Having said that, things aren't finished and are still being updated. Please be patient.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Personally I feel that paientce, which I don' have, is what I need for the new skins. i say as long as we get new skins, we shouldnt' cart about tht wait. why? Because, platic surgery doesn't happen in a *poof* does it? Neither deoes graphic design! So James shouldn't be put into a hurry by anyone! [/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='indifference][COLOR=indigo]Premonition...Seeing that DB had[I] this[/I] in the sign up thread:I'd say there's a limit. [I]Obviously[/I']. That and if you start off by God-Modding and messing with other characters...Don't be surprised if mine burns your character from the inside out and does him in. ;) [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][QUOTE][B]indifference:[/B] Prem, you have god-modded past the specified limits! Do you know of your punishment? [B]premonition: [/B] I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I swear. [B]indifference:[/B] You shouldn't swear! *zaps prem with mod-rod*[/QUOTE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]So your right about that then. Never judge thr Uber knowledge of a moderator! :animeknow [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy]"Dawn..." galian said sofly to himself. "what is this feeling I have?" he asked the ai. he fell to his bed, yaning. "I can't worry. It's nothing anyways!" Galian was obviously in denial. He had feelings toward Dawn. Probably just a crush... for now. Galian went to his fridge. A note sat on it. "Sorry about missing our spar today galian! Me and Trevor will see yall tommarow! Bye!" Galian smiled. "I'm getting happy...." A weight was startign to lift off of Galian's shoulders.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy]I always spell the big words correctly, but not the small ones? I thought it was a poem because of the unit we did it in. Eh.... And sara, I think [I]DB[/I] is[I] that[/I] kid! :p [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][U]The Thief[/U] As I slept; my face on a book I rose my head to take a look. There I saw a darkly dressed crook. A thief he was of 6 feet tall, running dwn the moonlit hall. With fright I ran... into a wall. "Ow, my head!" I yelled real loud. The thief he turned: not looking quite proud. Soon from the doors of the hall out came a crowd. It was my family, my mom my dad. they were looking very mad. Especially my brother Chad. He had on him a most insidious grin, as he punched the thief right on the chin. Surely my bro would win! But then the thief he charged away. had my brother saved the day? I looked down and shouted, "No way!" On the ground was a tiny mouse. he was't just any normal mouse, because he scared that man out of our house.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy]Yes, Tempest is right. If we want this to keep for a longer time that the original, I suggest you guys type correctly. Now, a few mistakes aren't a problem, but we can't have a ton of them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]From what I've seen from yesterday, I have a lively bunch of posters here![/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=Magenta']I don't think that would really work, seing as how the commute would be crazy. Like I said, this place is out in the middle of nowhere. To train for esperism (yes, I coined that just now) you must have full dedication.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][I]You're right. Plus being an esper you could just hypnotize someone to give you your diploma. :p So we can god-mod freely througout this RP, or is there a limit?[/I][/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=Fyxe][size=1][IMG]http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/6282/tag20body20spray20singliv1.jpg[/IMG] One spray before class should do it.[/size][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=Navy]I tried that and it didn't work!>_O DigitalBoy, your life partner is lying![/COLOR][/B]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Your last poem DB, that one is my favorite out of ll of them here. Why? I don't really now. The words attracted me. they were big but I understood them. (i've been told I speak in complicated words)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][U][I]Doomsday[/I][/U] Doomsday breaks a new dawn. Death brings forth new light. Humanity's failed attempts, to prove ts worth. Rottig carcase filled with lies. World terror cracks your tries. Failing to win the seeminlgy neverending war, you try to mask the sideffects. Dead forevermore. [I][U]Alas a Lie[/U][/I] Powerful. Deadly. But alas, a lie. Weak. Lively. But alas, a lie. [U][I]Spitefulness[/I][/U] Sheer force of spitefulness. Derived from terror spasms. Ghosts of peridition, posess the heretic laughs. Angels fall from heaven. Demons rise from hell Dark days of our lvies. A forcast of blood filled clouds.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]And DB, if you critisize my pomes I'd like you to tell me if I've goten beter at writing poetry.[/I][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy]Who's your favorite villain form any game in the world? List your top three, and why you love them.it can even be the hero who's not so hero-like. This is my list! 1. Saix from kingdom hearts 2. He's just plain awesome! his voice actor is great. I lvoe the bersek theme of his his well. 2. Albedo form Xenosaga. Why? Because he's the perfect nut-job. The good villains are crazy and thirst for blood. 3. Magashi form phantasy Star Universe. I like him because he's calm, evil and his final form as just plain awesome![/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy]I've got a question DB, is there a regular collage that we could go to? I mean like Yale or somehing like that. [/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Malkav']Purpose for seduction is mainly to get an A. I made a "D" last semester with a different teacher.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy]A"D"! How did you get your teacher to bend backwords like thst? I've never seen a women bend like )! I mean "A" position is easy.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Give her an apple with some estrogen. the hormoans will fly![/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/chatper2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Galain walked up to Dawn. [B]"ready to go back?"[/B] Galian said with disdain. [B]"What about Domsu?" [/B] Dawn asked. Galina nodded. "He's with the darkness now. I can't help." Dawn slapped him on teh face. "What your just going to act like nothing happened?" Dwn was angry for sure. [B]"well, want me to bring him to life?!" [/B] Galian yelled. the place went silent. [B]"Well, dawn, we should bring Fuza to the infirmiry, he's going to have a mental breakdown if he's not treated." [/B] Dawn just nodded. When they got to te school, Sakura was waiting at the dor. [B]"Hey Galian!"[/B] she shouted. Galian just waved as he entered the building. [[[]]] [B]"Master, I'm back." [/B] Troobadore said. He entered a room with tubes everywhere, bodies inside were infused with darkness. In front was a gigantic comupter, nd on that computer a body was inside of a gigantic tube. [B]"CCU process the data I've colected. initioate Data Scan 5739." [/B] troobador sat at the computer. [CENTER][I]CCU detects virus in central nework. the attack on data is imminent CCC will shut down momenarily[/I][/CENTER] [B]"Damn machine!"[/B] troobadore chanted."[b] Initate failsafe. procesor shut down in 5 hours."[/b] [CENTER][CENTER]Input Suported [/CENTER] [/CENTER] troobadore sat bcak. [B]"Great. Now I have to wait until the CCU is repaired before I can go back.gives me time to collect more hearts. [/B] [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]"Dawn look! Your very cute and interesting. But this guy is bad! He's decieving you! This man... he's... my father. He killed my mother!" Galian started to tear up. "I had... no idea..." Dawn said. A russel ebhind teh bushes could be heard. emergin form the bush, Domsu came out. "MOVE GALIAN!" He yelled. He took his knife and propelled it into the Troobadore's chest. "Futile..." he said laughing. Troobadoresamshed Domsu into the air. "GO MY HEARTLESS!" he shouted. From nowhere 3 heartless jumped onto Domsu. They tore at his body with their claws. Blood gusing like a foundtain. When Domsu fell back onto the ground the heartless started ripping him again. "What the hell are you doing to him?!" Galian shouted. Troobadore srugged. "Having some fun. Now my heartless devouer his heart! Drink his blood!" Without merdy the heartless started to tear at Domsu's chest. "Galian your just going to wacth?" Dawn yelled. "I can't move." Galian shouted. Dawn was also struck with fear. She to couldn't move After a while of terror Domsu's dead body was sulking in his own blood. Then a pool of darkness srrounded him. he was transforming into a nobody. Troobadore's eyes were red. "Well, goodbye for now Galian!" He said lauging as he dissapeared into the darkness.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy] [I][CENTER]So Ushima's character was the one to die. But you can still use Domsu, he's just nobody. [/CENTER] [/I] [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]I never study or take notes. I find that they are useless. And if you study for a big test you usually bomb because your nervous. I've never ever ever studied, yet I'm on the honor roll almost every marking period.[/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]You could like... go to Adobe.com and see for yourself. It's not hard to find you know. You look in the menu for "Downloads", select "Trial Downloads" from the slide menu and voila, a whole list of trial downloads. Adobe [b]Photoshop CS3[/b] is one of them. The only thing you need to do is sign up for the Adobe website. Why didn't you come up with this yourself? :confused:[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=navy]Thank you.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura put her legs together. "I hope Galian is okay!" She said. the boy next to her put his hand on her back. "Don't worry Sakura. I'm sure he's safe!" the boy said. It was Trevor LeMont. A friend of Galian as well as a cousin. "Hey Trevor, do you think this evil threat is from galian's past?" Trevor shrugged. "Well theonly person I can remember is this man named Troobadore. He's very evil. Maybe that's the man?" Sakura nodded. "Possibly. Well we better get going!" Sakura said. She was trying not to cry.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]Sakura is an NPC. Trevor is my second character.[/B[/COLOR]]
  19. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I would say I'm best at the social sciences (psychology, history, government, current events). I enjoy learning about the past and how it influences the modern day, and I find human interactions interesting (both at the personal and political levels). My skill is in my ability to link the information with theory and modern context in a pretty good paper. This sort of bleeds over into English, but I'm not that great about picking apart literary themes and analyzing them. [/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]I just had my finals last week. For the socia essay I had to do the cotton gin. I wrote how the Cotton gin helped influence the future of clothing. During that test I turned my head around and tried te check my shirt, to see if it was made of cotton. It was embarresing![/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy]Galian's eyes opened. His headache was gone. "Dawn, I'm okay!" Galian shouted. he looked up at the man. "No it's you!" galian jumped out of the man's arms. "Dawn, where did you meet this guy?!" galian asked. "If you dn't get away from here fella, then I'll kill you!" Galian jumped in the air. His keyblade twirled like a frail leaf. His power was gone. The man put his finger up and Galain fell to the ground. "Well, I never thought that would have remembered me galian." tha man said. He chuuckled evily. "How could I forget your face?" Galian spat. Dawn ran up to Galian. "Who is this guy Galian?" She asked. "Him? He's the guy I was talking about. his name is Troobadore. He is a strong heartless controller. He knows a lot about the ways of heartless." Galian stood up. "Well galian. What do you propose to do?" Troobadore laughed. "Dawn, by chance could you lend me your power for a bit? I'm sure you can do it. Or summon something and get rid of him. I don't care just do something!" Galian's stomach twisted. he clentched his chest. "His power is makingme sick." Beind the bushes someone lay in wait.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy][B][CENTER]Note: If this question gets answered just lock the thread.[/CENTER][/b] I was wondering, can you get a free trial of photoshop on the adobe site? I want to know because I'd like to make myself some grahics to see if I have a knack for them. Thank you in advance. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy][I]My theme song has pop stars talking about hangng me by my bottom lip from an airplane. Actually my theme son would be Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin.[/I][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy][b]Well what's your best subject in school? Pretty basic question. 1. what subject in school are you best at? 2. What subject at school are youthe least best at? For me I'm best in scoial. Nothing like learning about your country. In sixth grade we acted like we lived in mid-evil times. It was a fun year. We had to act like Chinease studetns. When we answered or asked a question we had to stand up. Same with reading. i was really nervous. In seventh grade it was broing. Except when we played bingo for toosie rolls. I won like 7 that year. My worst subject is enlgish. Something about boring books just got to me. But I di like Edgar Allen Poe's poem about that guy who murdered an old man, then hid him under the floor board. Really Creepy![/b][/COLOR]
  24. [I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I like that last one M. The poem was true in it's rite. Well here are two more Which I hope people will critisize. [CENTER]Polymorphous [PG][/CENTER] Polymorphic monstrosities Coagulate underneath The tables of the inhumane. Breeding death into the world. Greedy little tyrants. Without purpose, or life. Transparent to the universe Invisible to the world. Polymorph beyond the limitless And grieve underneath the ground. Nevermore [E] Love Hate Death Life Black White Less More Opposite Nevermore[/COLOR][/I]
  25. [COLOR=Navy][I]My Hadouken is so strong it can shoot out of my *** at random. No lying ether. It's [B]that[/B] strong![/I][/COLOR]
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