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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [quote name='Tempest][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Sweet immunity rocks, reminds me of Surivior. And creepy random person coming out of nowhere. OMFG, really bizzare. And don't worry I'll keep on going like the pink bunny.[/COLOR'] [/SIZE][/quote] [CENTER]>_
  2. [QUOTE=Sandy][color=DarkGreen]Hey, everyone! Sorry to come burst your fun again, but you need to put more effort to your posts in this thread. More length, less typoes, please. It's not that hard. ;D - Sandy[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][B]Sorry Sandy. I expect at least 3 pargraphs from them. So everyone keep your chins up![/B][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][I]Damn! Why now? I wanted to abondon my life from before! Now my past is coming back. Why is He here?![/I] Galian wanted to cry. His spirit fell ill. His soul felt weak. [I]But something about Dawn is calming? But I don't like her like that. Well, whatever's going on, I don't have time![/I] As galian clentchd on Dawn's hand faster he fell to the ground. [B]"what's the matter Galian?"[/B] dawn asked. the crimson blood left the veins of her face. [B]"MY FUCKING HEAD!" [/B] Galian shouted. "[B]God damn it! Damn it to fucking hell! The pounding won' stop!"[/B] Galian was going mad. He started to cry. [B]"Why mother? Why now?"[/B] Dawn hit Galian upside the head. [B]"What the hell are you talking about?" [/B] She hollered. Galian just shook. he hugged onto Dawn tightly.[B]"Why?"[/B] he chaned into the air. [B]"Shit. this world is just too unbearable!"[/B] [I]Does he think I'm his mother? [/I] Dawn thought to herself. She just hugged him. [I]He's getting delusional. I need to get him to the infirmary, and fast! I just need to act like his mother[/I] [B]"Well. He's about to break..."[/B] Said a deep booming voicea bove them.[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Tempest][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Oh, its been taken baby. But who be Sakura? Just some random NPC? Or a second character of someone? Oh, and I like how this RPG has suddenly taken a dark twist, it makes things all the funner. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=Navy]Tempest my daer, that's only the layer of skin on top! And guess wht? it's almost time to kill off a charater. So who's immune? Well i'll tell you. Tempest! Congrats! You've become immune to any death effects. Keep it goin girl![/B] [I]And for eveyrone check out my new RPG in the Inn. It's called The Transparent Society![/COLOR][/I]
  5. [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/TTS.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=2][CENTER]Please click link below[/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Transparent_Society][color=red]The Transparent Society[/color][/URL] [/CENTER] [COLOR=dimgray]Somewhere in the world people are being watched. Someone could even be watching you. Whoever it I could be lusting for you right now. Your windows might have blinds but they?re still watching. Whoever it is has been there for a while hiding the bushes. Waiting for you to come out. But for some people that person is hiding from them, waiting to pounce,. They could hold secrets that you might need. Somewhere out in your world people that may look normal, sure as hell aren?t. Those people are what we call ?Transparents.? This group of people have been under watch by us, ?The Transparent Society.? Transparents have powers that normal humans only dream of. Flight, psycho-kinesis, super-strength, etc, etc. Most of who don?t know that they have it. But we do. And we will be looking for you. ?The Transparent Society? is composed of regular and transparent humans. Only the smart, and strong-willed may join us. We have tons of members, and our agents are looking out for you. But if you?re reading this now, you?ve been invited. Well you?re already here so you must join, or you could go home. But if you do join I will tell you this: [CENTER]You are the future of earth and every living being in this world. The fate of our planet rests on all of your shoulders. We are counting on you. [/CENTER] Welcome to the main lobby. Here I, the owner, and founder of TTS, will guide you through our facilities. Because this is just a tour, we can?t sow you all of the important places. But here?s a quick overview of our many buildings around the place [B][CENTER]The Lobby[/CENTER][/B] Here is the building where you may register or ask questions regarding TTS. Or you could check out one of our many vending machines. [B][CENTER]Research Lab[/CENTER][/B] Here we check into the people of TTS. If you have accounts of murder on your profile we will not allow you to join. And if we find that you have murdered another member while staying here and we catch you? you will be killed on sight. [B][CENTER]Simulations/Game Arena[/CENTER][/B] Here you can train for battle, or play games. We have battle games, puzzle games; well we have almost every game here. From simulations to the consoles, our high-tech games will leave you feeling refreshed. Or if you train, you will feel stronger. [B][CENTER]Laboratory[/CENTER][/B] Some parts of this facility are off limits in the tours. But this part is where we study on genetics. When we find DNA from a person and they test positive for powers we find them. [B][CENTER]Living Quarters[/CENTER][/B] Well this place is self-explanatory. Treat it like home. You can go to our local market place to buy furniture or decorations for you homes. You can even buy food, power amplifiers, and weapons. [U][B][CENTER][][][][][/CENTER][/B][/U] So are you ready to join? Well first I must give you one more bit of info before you start. Never, I repeat never, tell anybody, who isn?t a member of TTS that you have powers. Some humans out there know what you are and are willing to kill you for your powers. So never invite a human into our facilities. EVER! Here are some penalties for crimes committed. We have the abilities and the technology to remove your powers for a little while or for you entire life. But I will not give you all the rules. For you must discover them yourself. But that doesn?t mean commit any crime you please, we just wanted to let you know. Oh and our computer generated security system can see all that goes on outside of your home or in private areas. (Bathrooms, etc.) Now go back to the lobby where you were and if you wish to join, sign the requested forms. Thank you for agreeing to enter the tour. And we are not forcing you to join. But we strongly encourage you to. Only those who join will be told of the plans in store for them. Goodbye?[/COLOR] [CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][COLOR=silver]Sign-ups[/COLOR] [B]Name:[/B] anything [B]Age:[/B] 18 - 29 [B]Gender:[/B] M or F [B]Blood type: [/B] A, B, AB O [B]Personality:[/B] what your character looks like [B]Biography: [/B] tell us what happened before you were asked to go to TTS. If your character was aware of his powers before had tell how they found out. [B]Powers:[/B] What powers does you character have/ or what powers do you want them to have. [B]Appearance:[/B] what your character looks like. [B]Other:[/B] other info [B]Your thoughts: [/B] tell me what you thought of the RPG. If you want to see any changes just tell me.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy][I]I'm willing to join as well. anybody who can write great stories can also have good RPs.[/I][/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]Hve you heard the one for GX? It's about gang warfare. Chillin out with my crew at the schoolyard findin trouble but never lookin too hard back in class they never tought us this some things you gotta learn hit-and-miss come one, it's so obvious (don't ask why I know the lyrics or why I walk arround my house singing this from time to time >_> I'f I ever start a gang, this will be our song)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][I]Do your brother's do stuff like this? Well I hate the one pice theme song. But the beat is catchy! But I have always hated the theme song to Shinzo. it was in my head for years!!! [/I] [/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=Tempest][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Sweet freedom in dress! Anywho here's an idea I pitched to Forgotten-Hero: This is just an idea I'm throwing in to the air, one that you can either catch or let fall. But I think it would be intresting to have a bit of a love triangle between Galian, Kenso, and Dawn. To break it down, Dawn has already established a liking of Kenso and he has shown little intrest. Yet your character Galian has yet to make a desicion so I was think maybe, since Dawn doesn't really have an intrest...yet...that Galian could show some intrest whilst Dawn keeps going towards Kenso, somewhat unaware of Galian, as Kenso is unaware of Dawn's feelings. [/COLOR] [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [I][COLOR=Navy]Well I posted a variation. Dawn asked about Sakura so she could get more dirt on Galian. But galian *** if Dawn like him. out of emberasment Daawn interupts and says no She mans it of coarse but it's rocky. Then she bluhs because she just thought what she did was bad. And in secret galian likes Dawn. But for now, tempest take it away! :catgirl: [/COLOR] [/I]
  9. [I][COLOR=Navy]Galian turned around. "Dawn,I have to ask you a question. will you promise not to tell?" Dawnwas surrised. "yes, what is is?" she replied. "Well it's just that someone from my past is trying to haunt this schol. he can control the heartless without them taking him over. Come with me." Galian took dawn's hand and ran into the forest. "okay somewhere i this forest..." "Do you have a crush on sakura?" Dawn asked out of nowhere. galian turned around. "No, why? Unless you li-" "No never have, Galian! I mean you are cute but-" "Well we better get going!" Galian ran off again, Dawn blushed a little.[/COLOR][/I]
  10. [COLOR=Navy][I]Galian stopped. he looked behind himself. Domsu covered up Suza's mouth."Quiet or he'll find us!" Domsu tried to keep himslef hidden. galian sighed. "I know you guys are following me. For your safety leave.. or else I'll get you myself. And if I don catch you two, I will fght you. I won't hesistate..." Galian ran ahead once more. The power he had sensed was getting stronger. What was this force of power?[/I][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy][I]I'll ask my friend to e-mail a pic of me that she has. Then you may join my fanclub. but be forwarned, I have a "baby face!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]Well here's a pciture of what I[I] wish[/I] I looked like.[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://the-point.com/myspace/modules/friendfinder/members/uploads/1146356582/Brad-Pit-02.jpg[/IMG]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][I]As galian sat down on the bleachers, a pounding headache fell upon him.HE put his hand on his head, the pain was intence. I have to bear through this until the assembly is over. Galian tried best to think of something to do but his mind fell blank. The darkness screeched inisde his head. Somewhere teh darkness had grown too strong for galian to take. the heartless that was cuasing this was more of a threat to Galian. Galian made a decision. He ran out of the auatorium before the assembly started.[/I][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy][I]Cop 1: Okay fella, time to go to the slammer! Ronald: I didn't touch her I sware! Cop 2: yes you did you sick pervert.! You would've tocuhed those other girls too! Ronald: I don't touch girls! I hve't since high school! Take on Scary Movie 3! Couldn't resist![/I][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][I]Actually I found out the problem. It wasn't the symptoms, nor was it the disease. It was the host. I deleted a bunch of unwanted crap and made a new account and moved the needed files of mine (pics, story's, etc.) into this new account. Now the internet is running faster, more precise, and best of all more proficiently.[/I][/COLOR]
  15. [I][COLOR=Navy]First I must say. Inkstitchling, you are very creative. I'd love to get to know you more! When I read a poem I don't look for words or sense. I look for story. If I can sense an image, then the poems good for me. ( A good name for your untitled poem could be "Sweet Toothe." hey I tried. )[/I] Well here's two new poems I just mustered up. The second one is werd. [CENTER][U][I][B]Tainted Waters[PG] [/B][/I][/U] Tainted waters of black and white. Flowing Into the still of the dark. Drowning the dreams of the light. Never ending torrents of pain. Hold me back from jumping in. There I will find myself. Hiding beneath all the sin. Without you by my side. I will surely won?t win. Guide me in the murky deep. Lead me not into temptation. For I will find myself there. No longer me anymore. Down the drain I fall to my hell. Lead me out of the sewers of pain. [B][U][I]Nothingness [E][/I][/U][/B] White black No Light No dark. Lead me out Lead me in. Bleeding out Bleeding in. Constrict Let free. Hold until I can?t breathe. Release Take in. Step back Step in No love No hate Nothingness. Nothing?[/COLOR][/CENTER]
  16. [I][COLOR=Navy]Same here. Are their going to be new features on the posts? I saw an X that had unread and one that said old.[/COLOR][/I]
  17. [QUOTE=Fyxe][size=1] Oh... my... SaiyanPrincessX... you wouldn't mind if I kidnapped you, would you?[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][I]Not if I don't get there first! Why are almost all of the girls on OB cute?[/I][/COLOR]
  18. [I][COLOR=Navy]Kenso had just realized that galian had summonded a second keyblade while he was distracted. Galian lunged forward, his blade almost hit Kenso. just then an alarm went off. "Attention all students. Report to the audotorium for some anouncments on this years activities." All three of them stoped. they put their keyblades away and ran towards the bullding. "Damnit!" Dawn swore. "Well guess that's over!" Galian walked in, but somehow the whole bulding looked empty. Soon galian realized that he had just entered a strange realm. Visions passed him fast. Soon he came back to reality. People were walking towards the gym for assembly. "weird.." he said as he went forward.[/COLOR][/I]
  19. [COLOR=Navy][B]I don't have a picture of myself yet. But I must say, Fyxe! Your beutiful![/B][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][I]Experimentation is normal. It's only between to trustworthy friends. So I don't suggest doing it. I've been through what's called denial for a while but I've found myslef. Focus on girls right now and if you move to a town that can excepte people, think about it more then. It's really confusing and hard to get through. But due to experimenting my friend found who he really was. I'm not going to name anybody. If you are really confused and you can't think about girls that much than still say your bi. Because if you say your gay, then it could be too late by then.[/I][/COLOR] When people ask what I am in terms of sexualtiy i say I'm an it.I mean that i don't care what I am. [B] [COLOR=Navy] But I consider myself straight because I'm so into girls. But like DB I find some guya litle cute. Hey women do it all the time. "Hey Jade look at her she's cute!'' that's a prime example. In my eyes everybody has a little gay in tehm. [/COLOR] [/B]
  21. [I][COLOR=Navy]Actually, despite warnings from friemds, AOL hasn't given me any problems. I can use other search engines, it's just the AOl search. plus we can only get AOL where I live. Wwe could probably get PeoplePC but my mom's always no on that. We used USA datanet before, and I can tell you that they were worse than AOL by a longshot. Plus this computer has always sucked. It's a compaq from Wal-Mart. I only get problems when I look up guitar tabs. I have a few on the favorites tab but I can only look at them for a short period too. Is firefox a cable internet provider? Where I live I can't get cable internet. And by my experience, cable internet isn't cheap![/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=Navy]I guess AOL is the tumor that won't couse prblems... for now anyways.[/COLOR][/B] Disregard that question. I'm downloading firefox as I speak!
  22. [I][COLOR=Navy]Sould we get banners for each of us? I think so, its a good idea! Let's have a little contest1 Whoever creates th3 best color shcemes for the banner is the winner![/COLOR][/I]
  23. [quote name='Tempest][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Hell yeah. I'm getting bored of just sitting and making up useless posts.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Time to get our FREAK ON PEOPLEZ! Now's the time we started this sharade! We will make this go for over 100 posts! That is if your devoted enough! let's hear it...[/B][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy][I]I'm searching for stuff on Breaking Benjamin. Whenever I get to a site AOL restarts itself. I don't know why that's going on. Does anyone here know? If this isn't in the right forum, sorry! I only stick around these places and never get around much! >_
  25. [I][COLOR=Navy]Anyone up to a classic saved by the bell assembly?[/COLOR][/I]
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