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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [I][COLOR=Navy]I think we should end the spar. It isn't allowing for story development and it's chaos. Plus people aren't posting much.[/COLOR][/I]
  2. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]Oi. I'm glad for this finally being under way, though I will say that I'd prefer we all be one group. It'd be easier to manage and keep track of, as well as we all get to work together. Having people seperated [I]always [/I'] ends up a mess - the last 2 rps I was in proved that. [/COLOR][/quote] [I][COLOR=Navy]I'm one of those prime examples from the Ponopticon!>;P I completely agree.[/COLOR][/I]
  3. [I][COLOR=Navy]Well boo frickety hoo. I believe in jesus and god but that's plain stupid! Did they sue sony for releasing a game that debased god! Star Ocean stated that our universe is fake! it used christanity against the whole planet with those aliens.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]t'm sorry but to that church, well oooh ****** dee![/COLOR][/I]
  4. [QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray] 1) I read [url="http://www.thesuperficial.com/"]The Superficial[/url] regularly. Yes, you can shoot me now. 2) I have a giant secret crush on the Korean singer Bi (Rain), even though he only has about five good songs out of 5 albums or so. 3) I have Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne on my iPod. Now that I've already been shot, feel free to do it some more. :| 4) I'm planning to write a Harry Potter general fanfiction after the seventh book comes out. I get really into plotting out and thinking out what I'll write and coming up with some sentences. :][/color][/QUOTE] [I][COLOR=Navy]My friend has that song on his Ipod. He loves teh song because Avril is hot! Well she is![/COLOR][/I]
  5. [I][COLOR=Navy]If I'm listening to heavy or sad music. I'll reanact or create new scnees or concepts for my stpories or RP's. Plus I'll have fights with the air. Those go hand in hand with the talking to myelf. I'll aslo make new songs that way. it's not crazy, I think it shows talent. I could be an actor someday if I can curb my abilities. Do you find all of that stuff weird? I hope not! >_
  6. [COLOR=Navy][I]Old woman: This is a picture of my old cats! naps, scruffy, and jingles. Old woman 2: Well Shery I must say! You have very well groomed *****![/I][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy][I]No, this is not a thread towards S&M or bondage, That's a different kind of pleasure. I'm asking if there's something you love to do/watch/listen that you don't want people to know. (For the OB it's safe!) Well, I have three guitly pleasures myslef. 1. I just recetntly got back into the big anime scene. Along with that i fell in lvoe witht the music of "Gackt." This J-rock band is amazing! 2. I love to watch pokemon. Yes I said pokemon. Who doesn't watch this show anyways? Even the pope is watching it in secret. Hell, it's probably Jesus' favorite sanime. 3. I will talk to myself as iI plan out my stories/comics, much like an actor plays out his lines. It helps me develope story plots and characters. Seems weird to you? It is! So tell me, baby. what's your guilty pleasure?[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]Sorry if my spelling is a tad bit shaky, but I'm tired.[/B][/COLOR]
  8. [I][COLOR=Navy]G Gundam was my favorite Gundam. the others were just plain stupid for me. SD Gundam was cool. Those Chibi gundams were so cute. Also Gundam Wing was good, but I can only remember that masked guy. And yes "this hand of mine is burning red" as indeed corny. But I loved Burning Gundam.[/COLOR][/I]
  9. [COLOR=Navy]Those ****ing dnosaurs pissed me off so bad! Bastards got what they deserve. hey made fun of my teeht. Oh, and during sex, my ex-girlfriend would get set on fire, whoops...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]I use mine to cook food. I usually end up burning don the kitchen but, oh well![/I][/COLOR]
  10. [I][COLOR=Navy]Here's the new sign-up. DB's already approved of it. And I'll be good this time around.[/COLOR][/I][COLOR=Navy][B]Name: [/B] Thomas Arthur [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender: [/B] male [B]Appearance: [/B] [same as one in thread] Biography: Thomas was put into a daycare center when he was three. His mother was on her way to get him when she got into an accident. The single mother of 1 died on the spot. Little Thomas didn?t know what death was at the time. His first words were? Mommy?s gone.? After he was adopted he saw something weird things pop out of his head.. He could make monsters come out of his head. They were only projections at the time. He didn?t have any friends at his elementary school, so he talked to hose monsters. As he grew so did they. They were cute creatures, but not real at all. Thomas couldn?t touch them or hug them. He just talked to them, and they talked back. Almost like robots. One day when he was experimenting with his powers his head grew tight, it felt like it had burst, then he fell to the ground. He woke up in some weird community. Now at the age of 16 he has learned that he can control his powers. Now his powers have grown to some extent. But they?re not too powerful at the moment. [B]Powers:[/B] Project-kinesis Thomas can project creatures. He hasn?t tried, but he can also project objects as well. [B]Affinity:[/B] ... [B]Other facts: [/B] Thomas has a detachment disease due to the fact that he really had no one to love. He can?t get along well with others. Loves rock music. Preferably J-rock. Writes stories to get away from the mundane. Doesn't believe in god or Jesus. Loves spicy food. Steers away from ove so that he doesn't hurt his heart much more [/COLOR] [I][B][COLOR=Navy]I added a couple of things and changed those grammer mistakes you told me about in the PM.[/COLOR][/B][/I]
  11. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']The word was mature, obviously her mom was yelling at her for not cleaning her room (and I say her because I image a 5-year old girl saying this poem). In any event, Prem, I'd like to see you try something of this style. Funny and cute instead of funny and completely crazy and stupid, lol.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][I]You've trapped me in a bubble my friend, you have trapped me in a bubble. But I will try. But I'm listening to gackt right now. Yes, I said Gackt![/I][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][I]Well I'd hafta say Evangelion. And of course wo can forget Ronin Warriors?! I just loved the characters and storylines.[/I][/COLOR]
  13. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]ah, mitch. Always with your heisting of the popular poem-glomp threads. :catgirl: Anywho, here's a childish poem I wrote. The only line I don't like is the end of the second stanza. [CENTER][B]Look it Up! - [E][/B] I heard a word spoken aloud; From mother's mouth it was avowed, But I didn't quite catch the meaning; Didn't know what it was about. So I opened up this big book, Found the right page, and took a look, And what I saw was so revealing That a thought began to cook. I found my mom and said to her, "If you'd allow me to infer, If it means I'll have to clean my room I'll never be mature!" [/CENTER] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [I][COLOR=Navy]I've read this somewhere before? odd. But I just don't get it. What was the word that the mom said? But strangely I thought this poem was cute. DB you've made a cute poem. That's not like you at all. Okay where the hell is DB?![/COLOR][/I]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][COLOR=Purple][B]Name: [/B][/COLOR] Thomas Arthur [COLOR=Purple][B]Age: [/B] [/COLOR] 16 [COLOR=Purple][B]Gender:[/B][/COLOR] male [COLOR=Purple][B]Appearance:[/B] [/COLOR] [URL=http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i1/ryu_of_the_gods/tenjoutengewallpaper.jpg]Thomas[/URL] [COLOR=Purple][B]Biography:[/B][/COLOR] Thomas was born into a family without morals. His family was a group escaping from the law. When his mother stole 5,000,000 million dollars, and his father stole a priceless gem from a museum, they were put onto the wanted list. After about 10 years of running their dead bodies were fouund, scorched to death after a fire burned own their house. They were all presumed dead. But no one could find the body of 10 year old Thomas. He was put on the missing list. He was found by family who saw him on the side of the road. about 2 years after those events. He can?t remember how the fire started, nor who his real parents were. When he discovered his poweres he didn?t know how to use them to their fllest extent.. He can only make small fires. Lighting candles, matches, and wood objects on fire. The secret to controling his power would be the so called ?Esper Community.? There he wants to train and hopefully one day learn the truth about his past. [COLOR=Purple][B]Powers:[/B][/COLOR] Pyromaniac - can start fires at random. Starts with only the ability to light wax and wood objects. [COLOR=Purple][B]Affinity: [/B] [/COLOR] Straight [COLOR=Purple][B]Other facts: [/B] [/COLOR] Thomas has two personalities. When he is angered his second person comes out. Thomas has a crush on a popular girl who doesn?t acknowledge his existence. He has had a crush for about 2 years, but he thinks it?s true love. Loves Italian food. Listens to rock music day in and day out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]P.S. Tell me if it's better DB![/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][B] [I]This is going to be a story much like the ponopticon and the maze. A bucnh of teenagers will be trying to survive in this weird dimmension. This place is called VeRtIgO. Please give me some feedback. I hate it when I waste my time and don't get replys. I know it's writer's luck, but still.[/I] [CENTER][][][][/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=Navy]My hometown was always bleak. I would do crazy things with my friends to find enjoyment. The streets that were paved had cracks the size of whales in them. Not really whales, but hell, he cracks were huge. I had about 2 friends. Our school was so small due to the size of our town. There weren?t that many kids to hang out with, so I and my friends were together constantly. We loved our parents to death, but we never hung around them unless we were waking up. Oh, sorry I didn?t introduce myself before, I just started this story, so don?t rush me people! Ahem, well my name is Conner. I?ve lived in the town of Micaville for as long as I can remember. I took my first steps at my grandparent?s house when I was 1. Ah, the memories. My friends Jonathan and Lauren would do anything for me. Hell when I lost my first girlfriend I threatened to jump off a bridge. They were in the water and they caught me. But the water was only 1 foot deep, so it was totally in vain. Jonathan is about 5 inches taller than me; he is quiet and only breaks silence in front of Lauren and me. His room is dirty and filled with AC/DC posters. He loves classic rock, but I don?t. My favorite band has to be Breaking Benjamin. Lauren loves Evanescence with a passion. We started a band once with a couple of others at my school. It was fun but short lived. Well you?re probably sleeping already so let?s get the story on the road. It?s filled with comedy, quirks and laughs? actually it?s pretty terrible. For us anyways, but I hope you don?t think the same as us. [CENTER]~~~~~~[/CENTER] I woke up on New Years Eve. We had a green Christmas, so we didn?t play in the snow that much. But now a fresh blanket of white glitter glistened on the ground. I called up Lauren to see if she wanted to do something. I dialed the number. ?Hey Lauren!? I shouted happily. I didn?t get an answer. I heard a sob over the phone. My smile quickly turned upside down. ?What?s the matter Lauren?? I asked. She didn?t answer. ?I asked, what?s the matter!? I knew I shouldn?t have shouted, but I wanted the answer. I heard a click on the other end. She hung up on me. I called Jonathan, I go an answer almost the same. Something was going on and I didn?t like it at all. So I went over to their house. My parents were on vacation in Hawaii so I was home alone. When I got to Lauren?s house I noticed no one besides her was there. When no on would com to the door I went to Jonathan?s. There It was the same. No one there and no one answered. I walked to the park when I saw them sitting in the snow. They looked bored, or maybe sad. I waked over to see them crying. ?What the hell is going on guys? No one?s home, why?? Lauren?s head peeked up first. She didn?t say a word. Jonathan looked at me in the eyes. ?Check over the ridge?? he said. His voice was crackly. The ridge was a cliff outside the town. It hung over a big hill, there we would look at the stars and dream about nonsense. We had fun there, as well as our first kisses. The memories we had were always great. There was also a meadow that was always in bloom, even during drought. We loved to watch the deer eat. But what I would see wouldn?t be those beautiful animals I came to see. I looked at the cliff to see desolation everywhere. It seems hat the whole meadow was burned. But the burns didn?t look scattered, they were isolated in groups. Each group had three circles. It was pretty strange. Behind me Jonathan and Lauren came up to me. Lauren put her head on my shoulders and sobbed. I didn?t feel like asking anything. But I had to. It would kill me if I didn?t. ?What?s going on?? I had asked a pretty dumb question. Everybody in town was gone. I knew because usually a bunch of people are outside. The blue sky seemed awkward compared to the setting. Was our town just the target of a prank? Was some idiot trying to scare us by burning the meadow down? We had to get to the bottom of it. But what we would find we didn?t like at all. [CENTER] ~~~~~~[/CENTER] So what do you think of my story so far? I know it doesn?t seem too deep, but you?d be wrong. Now you?re probably expecting me to say something about the story. And you?d be right. I might as well give you a preview of our current predicament. It seemed that the whole world had the same problems. Only few people in a town or city, the nature was burned down, and all that jazz. It was odd because now, after the story people don?t believe what we thought. We had found out secrets that would change the town forever.[/COLOR][/I]
  16. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#5d0b08][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Welcome to the business world my friend. Its all a thing known as supply and demand.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]That is correct. If people want it more and they don't get it, when they do get it, it's complete chaos. People who get what they want after waiting for so long will be so hyped after they get it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]P.S. First, DB, ugh Just ugh. :p [/B] [/COLOR]
  17. [I][COLOR=Navy]Now a days anime has been a big hit. From Japan to America, anime has hit waves across the globe. The Fuse channel is getting anime onto it. They are showing Ergo Proxy, and Tenjou Tenge, which I have never seen. So now I will be watching it. I had read the Naruto manga in Shonen Jump, and just when I started to read those things, they've popped up on TV. I read a preview for the anime in Shonen Jump "bleach", now it's on cartoonnetwork and I've been watching. So it's safe to say, anime is absorbing all of our TV. Now Sci-fi has anime for god's sake! So what are you thoughts? Do you think anime in America has been great, or has it sapped the fun out of the anime tree? For me I love anime. I've watched anime since I was 5 and I've enjoyed every sow I've come to watch. I miss a lot of them. My favorite anime that I've seen that aren't around anymore are NGE, Gundam and Ronin Wrriors. Now the anime around has lost it's touch. But I'll be happpy watching the new shows on Fuse and Sci-Fi. I'll be the judge of them![/COLOR][/I]
  18. [QUOTE=Phenom][font=comic sans ms] Like most of the other games I play, I don't pay attention to the story. I have a short attention span as is, so I don't even bother trying to piece together things, unless it really intrigues me. [/font][/QUOTE] [I][COLOR=Navy]That's a problem Phenom. part of enjoying the game is to get into the story. What I'd do in your case is play a game youve beaten whle paying attention to it's plot. That will make it more enjoyable and it would train you in getting interested in the story of other games old and new. Good examples of compelling story-lines are Shadow Hearts:FtNW, Kingdom hearts I and II and most of all final fantsay VII.[/COLOR][/I]
  19. [COLOR=Navy][B]I only like given Up, What I've Done, No More Sarrow, and the litle things give you away. The other songs on the CD are horrid. And so people know, LP is not emo in this CD! get a grip people! Just becase the lyrics are sad doesn't mean it's emo. I can't stress that enough![/B][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy]I didn't know nads held the power of destruction. Tis not real, it musn't be! And I thought DB's power was chaotic. We must castrate Des as soon as posible, or he'll get women and spawn a race of ''Supernad'' children! We can't have kids with nads better than mortal men like us! WE JUST CAN"T!! I might poop myself from fear![/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy]Here's a new one of mine. Like it or else! :p [/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Purple][B][U]Beast Inside[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Look at me, what do you see? Is it a man, or is it a monster? This beast inside feeding the hunger. Lusts for blood every day. No one comes close to the anger. It can't control itself, breeeding the illness. Eats your sins, tastes your blood Loves to eat your heart, devours your soul. Misplaced, about to be erased. Nothing can killl it. Demons die deep inside. This creatures mouth tasting the bloodd. Freeing it, killing it. What would you do if It ate you? Would you die, or would you just melt? I can't tell you the truth, your to weak to know. Get bold, grow old. Then I'll tell you about the chaos. Never fear, it can smell your despair. Living within us. Don't look back, or in front. Look to the heavens above you. There you'll find peace of mind. but you won't find it here, just leave this place. Don't feed it food that it finds rude. If you do it'll eat you up, spitting out the bones. your fate is seale forevermore, don't try to run away. Gone for good, nothing left. It cannot eat, it faints from hunger. Bleeding soul, made it whole. Breeding hate, every which-way. Don't be fooled, it's still cruel. Dont find it weak, or it might kill you. It may be gone away, but deep isnide, it resides within you.[/COLOR][/CENTER]
  22. [B][COLOR=Navy]Here's the definiton of Hentai on wikipedia. This could stop some of the arguments. I will bold the important parts.[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple]Hentai is a Japanese word that can mean [B]"change of shape", "abnormality" or "metamorphosis". [/B] However, in slang situations it often means "perverted" and is subsequently used in many other countries to refer to anime, manga and computer games with explicit sexual or pornographic content (see Japanese pornography). [B]Commonly used terms also include "jū hachi kin" (18禁; prohibited for sale to persons under 18), [/B] "ecchi/H anime" (sexual/pornographic anime), the prefix "ero-" (derived from "erotic"), or "seinen" (成年; adult, not to be confused with 青年 young adult). [B]The term "hentai" is also commonly used (outside of Japan) to refer to pornographic animation in general that is not necessarily anime or manga.[/B] This is most often the case if the said animation is an imitation of a pre-existing cartoon or character (e.g., Princess Jasmine hentai).[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Navy]We can see nudity in edited anime too.[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple]Each culture will have a different understanding about the line between pornographic content and mainstream works. It is important to understand ways that the Japanese line might be different from that in other cultures.[B] Children's anime can depict nude characters, for example in Sailor Moon it is implied that the girls are nude during their transformation, and in Digimon Frontier and Digimon Tamers, Zoe, Jenrya, Takato, and Ruki are nude during spirit evolution sequences and bio-mergance, respectively. Many artists add nudity as fanservice. On the other hand, H material tends to use explicit erotic content.[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Navy]Don't be confused, this isn't hentai. But stuff like it is depicted throughout culture. So what you ask? Just deal with it, it's a form of art, just like pin-up girls or the naked decapitated statues around museums.[/COLOR][/B]
  23. [QUOTE=Dagger]1. Light (Death Note) 2. L (Death Note) 3. Roy Mustang (FMA) 4. Kyouya Ohtori (Ouran Host Club) 5. Yuuko (xxxHOLiC) 6. Integra (Hellsing) I should add that, even on a hypothetical level, I disagree with most of these choices. But at least I have two women. :) ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]No argumanet there. Be careful of Roy, he cold becomome ruler of the worl if he tried. [/COLOR] :p
  24. [quote name='Nonentity']Undecided? Oops >_< just put me as freelance. I want to cover all kinds of things.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy][B]Yeah me too. I need something to do now that I can't have some fun in the arena...[/B][/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='Nonentity']I don't. Other than still images I have not seen any more than a clip here and there, nothing much. Honestly? I could care less about a hentai forum on OB. As a mater of fact, a hentai forum here would suck. You guys are the biggest buzzkills on the internet XD. I have plenty of other places I can talk about porn. I'm just doing this as part of the game. If that means Charles is going to cut my head off now, so be it. I'll go along with my friend to hell ;)[/quote] [B][COLOR=Navy]Now that's what I call "Independant"! I'm glad to hear that. Charles was making us go with the argument. He told me, no ordered me to delete my post saying I was against it. Now I'm sorry Charles but just because we are your terrorists doesn't mean we couldn't be independent. I hope your reading this... If that was unrelated, I apoligize, but this is getting way out of hand...[/COLOR][/B]
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