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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR=Navy][B]Aaryana stop yelling at your brother. kidding![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]But if this keeps up, everybody who wants the hentai won't get diddly squat. I may not be legally 18, so A_M don't yell at me. But if you all keep fighting like kids, then hentai is out of the question completely. If you guys can't handle it maturely don't handle it at all. Now, I know that this coin hast wo sides, but your all acting like there's a third side.Wwhich this side is the part where you all fight over something so stupid. How about we can discuss hentai, but not post it! We have to stop fighting over this. Yes I acted immature before, but this is getting ridiculous. CONTROL YOURSELVES!!![/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Navy]We are just becomming enemies when our views get too out of hand. We should all just get along. Look at me and Non. I don't want hentai on the boards, but he does and we aren't trying to kill each other like dogs.[/COLOR][/B]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][B]Even though I've already got one at home... I love my mommy![/B][/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='Nonentity]Hentai is not illegal for minors, is it? They aren't real people or anything. If anything, it should be illegal for people [i]over[/i'] 18, considering the ages of most of the girls. Anyway, as stated, it's not like i can't find the porn elsewhere, so there's no excuse not to put it here when this is an anime board. least I didn't throw any random links in there :p[/quote] [I][B][COLOR=Navy]You have the freedom to look at hentai. But I think she's saying that here souldn't be any on OB. If James got into troble, goodbye OB. And we all know that no one wants that. I think it's okay to look at it, but it's not okay to risk such a great place for one pic of a naked anime girl. SO I agree with our faithful mother. After all with age comes wisdom, and hell! She's wiser than most of us![/COLOR][/B][/I]
  4. [B]We should leave this whole thing up to our mothers. personnaly as much as it seems cool, it's actually not. Yes this is my final decision, but I'm for it. No hentai, we should leave OB as it is. But as for sig length, well that's up to the mods and admins mostly. So for the hentai, I say nay.[/B]
  5. [B]I'm only kidding! I know what should be. its freedom of speech right? We can say we want it, and we can have it. The way I see it freedom of the press inncludes porn as well. So I say bring on the hentai, as long as we don't go overboard. That's pretty reasonable.[/B] [I][B]P.S. Nonentity, I was kidding. That guy's pretty awesome if I do say so my self. In fact without him, I wouldn't have mustered the courage to keep on writing.[/B][/I]
  6. [B]Joken in shoc:k Lord Sesshoumuru is a... transy! Rin run away quickly! Rin: I can't stop staring master Joken... so juicy...[/B]
  7. [B]So Engel's a traitor is he? That makes two people here that are or were traitors. This is bad! Soon someone else will come and betray us too! [/B] [B]You want me to tell the CTU to kill Engel or what? I'll sick the blue beast on him if I have to![/B]
  8. [B]I didn't want to admit my obsession with naked chicks. Hell my dad has that stuff and when he's gone I look at it. I didn't want to sound like some mega-perv. But hell, just give us the hentai already![/B] [B]Non your da bomb. Wait your a bom! RUN!!!!!!!![/B] [COLOR=Red][B]Edited out swearing--Charles.[/B][/COLOR]
  9. [B]Okay then... I didn't want to sound like a perv. But I'd actually love Hentai on the boards. Hell when I found out about the secret hentai forum, I flipped. Yes I'd be the one to sign-up as an 18 year old, yes I'd beg the password to it from a friend. I'd visit it whenever my parents aren't home. Then as I was looking at it I would [spoiler] Ha! made ya look! [/spoiler] my you know what. There I said it...[/B]
  10. [QUOTE=Aaryanna_Mom]Honestly, all of you are almost acting like no Hentai at OB would mean it would cease to exist. It's ridiculously easy to find on the Internet. Much to the dismay of many parents of young children. We don't need a Hentai section at OB. Following the logic I've seen so far, not including it won't change one's ability to find it one bit. [/QUOTE] [B]I completely agree. We shouldn't fill the boards with useless smut. Yes I admit, I would like to see a pic at least once. I don't know how they draw a manga [spoiler]vagina![/spoiler](KIDDING) Mmembers under 18 would feel hormonally absent and jealous that members over 18 could look at the hentai. Plus there's ways to get past that. Finding the password from a friend on OB who's over 18, or joining as an 18 year old. I don't care if it's hot or sexy, I don't want **** like that on these mother ****ing boards![/B]
  11. [B]what was the point in fearing the blue beast? He could smell that fear anyways. I walked the cave pondering another question. I rose his head up to a lantern. "Why did Charles ressurect him in the first place? When the hell will he announce his plan?" Nomura came rushing down the halls, he stopped in front of me. "So Prem... have you see that thing yet?" I shook my head. "Only pictures of him. He looks furious at something, wonder what?" Nomura nodded. "Probably no one. Except maybe the CTU!" I nodded. "I guess so!" I laughed then continued down the halls.[/B]
  12. [B]Oh come on Non, even terrorists have some fun once and a while. you need smoe herble tea. Hell! what am I saying? [/B]
  13. [quote name='I'm Not Nomura']Non, Nom and Prem are officially the coolest minions of Charles. Totally. Don't worry, I won't kill you...But he might. Points at non*[/quote] [B]I'llj ust you as a shiel... Ummm, yeah! We're the greatest! Hell yeah we are! How about we call ourselves the Fearsome Three?[/B]
  14. [B]Nuh uh you didn't NON! I'm not your ho! I'm nobody's beyotch, sistah. :p [/B] [B]But on a side note, will the mssion be very brutal?! [/B]
  15. [B]I could help with the story a bit. Just give me a command and I shall execute that command. Or I could help create extra characters.[/B] [B]Non, that would leave a horrible mark... I vote we do that![/B]
  16. [B]A meeting of minds you say? Well, I'll check it out for the sake of our goals.[/B]
  17. [B]What should we do with the poster? Use it as a distraction like the pic from earlier? You know premote the future.[/B]
  18. [B]While I was spying on those CTU bastards I found something that could throw us off coarse. They've decided to recruit a "Savior." that's what Nerdsy himself has said. We must counter act before they get the advantage. I'm not lying... Thanks [I]White[/I], it's the shiz. [/B]
  19. [B]So... that blue... WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!! Woo, we'll win this war yet![/B] [B]To ressurect that man is madness! But we all are madmen...[/B] [B]Turlly a being of his status must be kept in chains. He's a blue dog ready to pounce on CCTu's agents like a savage monster. Surely their blood will boil, and their minds will become a desolate wasteland.[/B] [I][B]P.S. I'd ike a banner with the colors black and red uses. They are da bmb of the color world.[/B][/I]
  20. [B]What's that suposed to mean nonentity? Huh huh huh? Well actually he's right. So yes, you may use me...[/B]
  21. [B]I struggled a bit. But my decision was based on Engel's demands.[i] "Fine, for you Engel; I will leave. And never come back. But I tell you that monkey is goin down!" [/i] Engel sighed. [I]"He's not really a purple ape! He's SHY!"[/I] I turneda round agast. [I]"Wait he is! l didn't take my medicine today did I?" [/I] I was completely clueless. My disease kicked in. When I didn't take my meds I'd halucinate.[I]" Goodbye all, but never forget what hell you must pay. Rai shall be victorious, and Engel will be ours. But for now I make my exit...."[/I] As I kept blabbing Engel sighed. [I]"Just shut up and go!" [/I] He yelled at me, I turned around and rushed out like a little girl.[/B]
  22. [B]I'm on the same boat as Nonentity. I'll withdraw like a turtle in the face of danger.[/B]
  23. [B]Nonentity had grabbed my hand and swung me off.[I] I like him as a friend![/I] I thought. But he was just taking me somewhere. My suspicions were wrong. We stopped att the location where that butt-wipe, Gurt was. His face gave off the stench of love not hate. I spat on the ground. I looked into my pocket for a gun, but it was only a water pistol. I had been tricked! I checked my other pocket and found a grenade, I threw it at that bastard Gurt. [I]"Now what are you going to do?" [/I] I asked while sneerig. He smiled, then picked it up. He tossed it back at me. I threw it back, then he threw it back. We were getting nowhere. Finaly I threw it behind me. BOOM, it set off with a bang. I saw Engel behind him, I ran forward. I found a gun inside my phany pack, why I had a phany pack, I will never know. [I]"Now free Engel or I'll shoot... Engel!"[/I] Engel turned at me and yelled. [I]"DUDE!"[/I] [I]"Urrr, I ment I'll shoot Gurt!"[/I] A silence fell over the interogation room.[/B] [B] [i]"But if you join us, we'll make sure you are safe from deat.. so what will it be?"[/i][/B]
  24. [b]Transformers looks like the shiz! Yet to see shrek three.[/b] [CENTER][IMG]http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/4926/mitchslapns1.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [b]But my parents saw pirates, they loved it![/b]
  25. [B][COLOR=Black]Yes, Raiha is right. Who in the right mind would name themselves Ploopy and Gurt? I shall be called I will be... Spock Hawk! Wait... damn can't think of one...[/COLOR][/B] [B]My new siggy premotes the evils of the CTU.[/B]
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