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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [B][COLOR=Black] I remembered looking at the purple abomination. He was trully more hideous than I imagined. He was wearing this classy hat, which as we all know, was out dated in it's time.It sickens me to seethat man's purpe face. I turned on my intercom link.[I] "We should have reinforcemens you know! Only me and Rai Al haswiri are here! I need backup... and quick!"[/I] I jolted forth, I needed to find engel. But what could I negotiate? I have yet to decide...[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Black][B]As I got closer to Engels location I saw Rai. He was chatting with the CTU bastards. I wanted to talk to him, but I had a mission. As I turned around I saw one of the agents... I knew then and there that I was screwed.[/B][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Black][B]Reminds me of the time I peed on the teacher. Wait no! I peed my pants during Library because I was afraid of the bathrooms. 1st grade was a *****!!![/B][/COLOR]
  3. [B][COLOR=Black]We have to become smarter than we have been. Sure, we have grace, but do we have cunning?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Black][B]We need to find a great tactic to lower the CTU's guard, then attack the innocent. Threats, we need threats!!![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]We should have nicknames like them too, some of us have already changed our names. Or codenames more than nicknames. I'll think of one for me, just wait![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]Also when we ruin things we should use something that they can't counter... But how?[/B][/COLOR]
  4. [B][COLOR=Black]I'm rooting for ya Raiha![/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Black]So how's your luck with the negotiations?[/COLOR][/B]
  5. [CENTER][IMG]http://prettylab.com/images/grape_ape.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=3]Down with apes. Down with apes. Down with apes.Down with apes. Down with apes. Down with apes.Down with apes. Down with apes. Down with apes.Down with apes. Down with apes. Down with apes.Down with apes. Down with apes. Down with apes.[/SIZE] Don't trust this man! He'll steal your crops and belittle your people. He's a menace to society. now here's a big rant on pruple apes. They're so boring your head will melt. Can't stand them? Well join us!! Sign-up and join the side dedicated to the eradication of this man and is affiliates. [SIZE=4][CENTER]DOWN WITH THE CTU![/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [b][COLOR=Black]Don't fall for his false justifications. he says he'll restore peace to this place. Alas he will fail. We, the terrorists of OB will make sure his reign of peace falls![/COLOR][/b]
  6. [B][COLOR=Black]Sure we all love baked goods... but does anyone like cooked meats??? Hamburgers are da best!!!![/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.txbeef.org/images/products/6_EMS_Hamburger_Patties.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Black]See the orafice of beuty? The sweat-like grease just begs to be licked off! Ha! I don't have a job etither. But at school this strange thing happened to my mother. She ate burger! BURGER ALL AROUND!!! Everyabody happy![/COLOR][/B]
  7. [B][COLOR=Black]Negotioate? How about we bomb the hell oughta them and get back engel by force? Were terrorists, not puff balls! I'm about to go off and ruin countless threads around OB! If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they'll get![/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]Oops I slipped... Strange work experiences my butt! Now they've been invaded by hamburger on a patty. Check it out!!!![/COLOR][/B]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]I've always procastinated. Because of it I had to take 1st grade a second time. No ****! Well I have a story to tell... I'll post it later.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]Maybe we could have researches look around the boards to see what's up. I could help with that actually. My writing skill are still in development, but I coulld do some looking to se what's up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Now that I think of it, maybe you could add a section where members give others tips on stuff. Say a member puts tips of how to make a good story.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]1. Rurouni kenshin 2. Samurai Champloo 3. Bleach I agree with Dagger.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkred]3 cheers! Hu-za! Hu-za! Hu-za! Maybe we should have a cool moto or something... it's just a thought. And it's good to be working alongside DB too.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]Great! I have my molotav cocktail ready and waiting...[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Ethan Hurley [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]gender:[/B] male [B]Appearence:[/B] [IMG]http://www.pojo.com/yu-gi-oh/PriceGuide/Joey-Wheeler.jpg[/IMG] (Instead of a yu-gi-oh card he has a pokeball.) [B]Personality:[/B] Ethan hads a high sense of justice. He treats his pokemon with love andd care. If they don't want to fight he respects that wish. but that never happens with his pokemon. He won't give up until his dreams are fufilled. [B]History:[/B]Ethan lived in Pallet town. He mvoed to Carulean when he was 3. Both his parents were too bsuy to see each other. His mother worked in the Indigo Platue, so she worked more than 6 hours a day. And his father ran a gym almost 24/7. Thier relationship started to seperate. Ethan's family spli when he was 5. He started getting into pokemon when he visited his father's gym. His father's favorite pokemon was Cyndaquil. This made Ethan form a love for fire type pokemon. And his dream is to catch the legendry Moltres. Whilst a member on Pokemon Virtual, he met professor Willow. the professor helped him become a pokemon traner. Ethan's friends want him to fufill that dream, so they bought him equipment for his journey. pokeballs, great balls, and ultra balls. hs father gave him a master ball that he had when he was a kid. Ethan has seen Moltres in books and on TV shows. Said pokemon fascinates him to no end. Now he travels with his pokemon, Chimchar. Chimchar has trained hard with hiim, and they are ready for their journey. [B]Pokemon:[/B][URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9f/Chimchar.png]Chimchar[/URL] ([i]OoC: i've been in an RPG along side you Nefertimon, so it would be a great experience.[/i])[/COLOR]
  14. [CENTER][IMG]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/4713/briefcasekz5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=Orange]Welcome one and all to the remake of "lake of Blood." The first story I posted on the boards was scripted. But this one is different. Enjoy![/COLOR] [SIZE=4][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkOrange][B][CENTER]Chronicles of the Dark Blade[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkRed][B][CENTER]Chapter 1// Alternate[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Rain was pouring down, a cold feeling hidden within the mist. Concealed within the shadows lay a single human; waiting for the night to end. An insecure feeling surrounded him. Wrath?s grip holding on, blood dripping from the man?s mortal fangs. He was trying to crawl into a cave, he was dying. Slowly the feeling to sleep overcame him. His mind slipped away from existence. With one last breath he shot a curse out into the cold, dead night. But alas, no one could hear it. Next to his dead body was a sword, perched on the wall of the cave in which he died. The next one to see the sword would have better luck than the man before him. [CENTER]/*\[/CENTER] The bell rang out. The doors opened. People flooded out like a herd of cattle to a hay field. After all was done one person walked out more than an hour later. It was the day before vacation had started and Tyler, a young man from the slums, got out of detention. As he walked out he scratched his head and let out a yawn. He held his books at his side. Tyler wasn?t a poor kid actually. It?s just the neighborhood he grew up in. His house was the biggest, and the most beautiful. Despite it being in the ghetto of Los Angeles? southern sector. Tyler had black hair which was like a crow. His face was rough but looked calming. He walked with an attitude in his step; a flare in his eyes gave way to heroic ambitions. Despite this seemingly great looks and attitude, he was a trouble maker. E had few friends, but they stuck by is side through thick and thin. Tyler had to get home quickly, his TV shows were on but one thing about Tyler was different from most teenagers. His parents were both dead, killed when he was just 5. His father was a famous scientist, very respected in his field. That was given to Tyler during his time in the womb. He felt alone for a while but got used to the fact that he didn?t have parents. But he had a family? somewhere. His two friends Lucien, and Cleo respected him very much. They practically lived with him, even though they had parents. As Tyler ran through the park he saw someone who looked quite rich. But Tyler didn?t have time to stop and move he ran into the man. Their books went flying into the air landing on the different sides. Tyler got up. ?I?m so sorry sir, forgive me, I?m in a hurry.? Tyler gave the man a book ?That?s okay, I should have paid attention.? the man smiled back, bowed, and then gave Tyler a book. A few minutes later Tyler was backing home. He went inside the house. It was very plain inside. The walls were cream white, nothing special. But the living room was lively. The sofa was red and blue. Curtains hung over the window most beautifully. Tyler sat down and opened the book. Expecting to see math or geometry, he saw a mysterious language that he had never seen. As he read on a light flashed, and he was gone. The next moment was a blur to Tyler. A weird distorted realm brought him into a strange new world. The colors that engulfed him were bright and a screeching sound could be heard coming from the end. Tyler woke up that next moment to see a white sky and blue clouds. Next to him lay the book that he was reading earlier. He looked at the words to see that they translated to English almost like magic. *His voice was week, and his ears popped. ?What? the heck happened to the book?? he asked the air. He sat up. He put his arms on the ground to feel around. A few of his senses were shot, he couldn?t hear or feel. Soon after they came back. Tyler felt well again. He stood up, staggering he walked forward. He looked around to see a cave, blood had dried up inside it, hew went to check it out. He looked inside to see a dead man; next to the man was a sword that shone in the light. He picked it up and held it towards the sun. It was pure black, and a red energy was flowing form the middle of it. It was about a yard and a half long. The handle was shadow colored, cloth was wrapped around it. Tyler saw the language from before, on the blade. Then in front of his eyes, the words turned into pure old English. ?What the hell is up with this?!? Tyler hollered. He walked out of the cave and sat down on the ground. He looked up at the strange sky before him. ?Where am I anyways?? Tyler shook his head and looked around again. The rest of the place was normal. But that wasn?t much relief for him. ?So I guess the books were switched when I accidentally ran into that guy.? Tyler cracked his neck and drew a large breath. About 10 minutes of sitting around went bye and no sign of anybody. Suddenly a voice rang from behind him. ?Hello, who are you?? Tyler jumped up and turned. He jerked forward almost falling down, ?who are you?? Tyler looked at the person he was talking to. It was a small man with a white wing on his back. He was holding a wand behind his back. ?Why my name is Huru, I?m the sage of a nearby village. ? ?Well, I?m Tyler, nice to meet you. Hey Huru, do you know where I am?? Huru laughed, ?You don?t know do you? Well this here is Gaia, a land forgotten in the shifts of time. You must be a human from earth, are you not?? Tyler nodded. ?Yeah I am.? **Huru nodded. ?You?re in a different dimension child; it?s much like earth though. Except the sky and the people are different. Not to mention the technology isn?t as updated as your time.? ?Wait, you know about earth?? ?Yes I do you see we use magic to see the world you live in. We copy some of the technology used to advance ours, but end up at a stand-still. The planet is an exact copy of earth. The landmasses all look like the ones found on earth. Plus the waters are as well.? Tyler put his head down, and then he walked towards Huru. ?Can you take me to your village to ask a few questions? With your permission of course.? Huru nodded. ?You may. We usually don?t let outsiders in, but you aren?t of this world, so as a guest of honor you shall enter.? Tyler smiled. ?Thank you Huru, I appreciate it.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][CENTER][~-~-~-~][/CENTER] [CENTER][Mistakes faixed][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Each star (*) means that I fixed a mistake. If a star has more than one that's how many after the first mistake I found. So if you see "***" it means that's the third mistake I found.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]*Fused 2 sentences together. ** Took out the word 'No'.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]Pilot: Ummm, I just spilled hot coffee all over my lap. In a ditch effort to miss that rock back there, I sort of landed in this tree by accident.... don't worry we'll be okay. Hooker: There I'm finished, now pay up.[/COLOR]
  16. [CENTER][IMG]http://faqsmedia.ign.com/faqs/image/article/746/746878/image002.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][B][CENTER]In a far away galaxy, a brilliant sun is orbited by three planets. The Gurhal ystem is inhabited by humans and their creations: CASTs, Newmans and Beasts. For 500 years, there was war among the races, then finally... An era of peace ad prosperity that has lasted 100 years. But now, a darkness threatens the universe.[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ehtan Waber, a seventeen year old human held hatred for the GUARDIANS. A group dedicated to the protection of the Gurhal system. After the SEED attacked the GUARDIANS colony on which he lived, his P.O.V. about the GURDIANS changed. Now he has became one of them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Characters:[/B] Ethan Waber, Lumia Waber, Karren Erra, Hyuga Ryght, Lucaim Nav, Tonnio Rhima, Leogini S. Berafort and Lou are the characters you can call to play with. PSU comes in two modes: Story Mode and Network Mode. Plus an extra mode that you can obtain by accomplishing some of the story. [B]Story Mode:[/B] The story of Ethan is told in this mode. There are about 12 chapters in the Gurhal system. You can also go on free missions as well. [B]Network Mode:[/B] PSO is an MMO which has gained fame. It isn't compatible with the gamecube's earlier PSO. It's a diverse community with a bunch of stuff. There is also an exansion pack being released. [B]Extra Mode:[/B] After CH4 you get this mode. You can play for any amount of time as a character [B]YOU[/B] created. You can pick from the four races. It's like online mode without the payment and the contact with others. This game is great. The graphics are up to par and the game play is both easy and complicated. The alien threat is known as the SEED. I'm not going to spoil it for you, so get the game and play. What I have said is just the basics. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]So has anyone played this game yet? I just got it a week ago and I'm amazed. it's a really great game.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]I will update this thread later with more info as the discussion unfolds. I will only give out information that doesn't spoil the game. I'll probably link photos to some of the characters and some screenshots.[/COLOR] [size=1][color=red]I merged your thread with the original. ~Phenom~[/color][/size]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed]Actually now that I rethink the voice acting wasn't all that bad. nel's assistants had anoying voices. I obtained all of Adray's skills, and Southern Cross is my favorite technique. After finishing most of the secret quests I was left feeling more. For some reason the game feels unfinished for me. it's liike eating pizza, it's great then when your finihsed you feel like something wasn't in ti that would make it better.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]SunfallE, your an awesme person! I thank you for the help!1111!!![/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]does anybody know if their still selling the greatest hits copy of the game? the original was discontinued, then I saw the game for greatest hits. My Heart puonded at that moment. The same when I saw that KH2 is on the greatest hits list. I'm at the highest level for my characters, level 255. It was a breeze. Currently i'm playing Phantasy Star Universe for the PS2. It has an odd Star ocean feeling to it. the music and futuristc objects gave me that vibe. It's a good game if you like star Ocean, but it doesn't fare that well towards it. Star Oean is my all time fav RPG. KH is catagorized as action adventure so you hought it was my fav, but it's not. even though it is my FAV game of all time. Albelsmy favorite character. but nothing beats Fayt's dimmension's dor, which is my favorite attack of his. My stomach rattled when you find out that [spoiler] The galaxy is actually a simulation. But the indepedent thought's give it the hman feel.[/spoiler] fayt's right on that one.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Star Ocean's voice cast wasn't the greatest though. I always love Luther's evil words![spoiler] Especially when he chants Die! Die! Die! during the cutscene. I like wallow in despair too.[/spoiler] :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]Another weird thread on the lounge I see. Thankfully it's from someone who's equally weird. :p 1. I'm Sort of happy. My friend is going through troubles and I feel her pain. 2. There's a steering wheel below my belt. It's driving me nuts.[/COLOR]
  20. Big Sumo: who ate the last danish? Child 1: It wasn't any of us, it was someone else, we're innocent? Child 2: Tommy did it...
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]I'm with DB on this one. i'm just plain old embaressing. my fourth grade pic was a disaster. My hair was all over the place. Plus I smile like I'm smoking something I found on the streets. Ine thing I find embaerrassing was what happened today. We were doing fitness tests in gym today. (Sit-ups) When I let go of a fart... I had to stop imediately. Even thought it's not from my childhood; it was embarrassing. But yes, I've got a story. In 1st grade I had a problem in school. iI would sing... in the bathroom. One time soemone told the teacher on me and I got in trouble. Plus I'd talk to myself. Hey I can't gnore the voices can I? [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed]I support the idea. Honarable metnions would be a good idea too. Like Namura said maybe a member of the month could be added as well as list of those memebrs who are intersesting. it's just a thought. Maybe a cool banner would set things off a bit. Usually appearences get more rave-reviews. If there was a cool banner that was on the top of the thread. Maybe a cool font much like the newspapers of today. Even an art of the month where someone with a great picture that they drew was showcased. Along with information of it's creator and the drawing itself. Good ideas will keep coming. If the newspaper looks and feels great it will not be ignored. At least that's what I think.[/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='Neko][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]After a slight grounding extension, I'm back. Premonition, did you ever get my submission for my second character? When I sent it last week, something...interesting happened, and my computer rebooted itself while it sent the PM.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Welcome back little miss trouble-maker. And no, I didn't get the second character. Speaking of which eeryone must send me the sign-up of your second character the deadline is in 1 week. And a change of the three-some spar rule. after the challanged person goes first it doesn't matter who goes next.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed]Gator: MOM Jeff's being the leader again! Mama Gator: Jeff let your little brother be leader for a day! Gator: But Maaaaaa!! Parachuter: Okay if you land quietly they won' know your here... [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed]Viva le RP revoloution! If it's new, I'll try it. Count me in as well, I look forward to something new.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]You can always trust older members with good RPs, it's just obvious![/COLOR]
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