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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[COLOR=Blue]We all have soemthing that pisses us off. Some people hate it when you don't chew wtih your mouth closed. thers hate it when people laugh all the time. (Usualy girlfriends.) But what get's you off? [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Is there something that just makes you mad? Or just annoys you? There's gotta be, otherwise your very nice. In the creepy way too. As for me I hate it when people talk all the time, and talk out of turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]In my school there is this really scrawny kid who won't shut up! In health class he always raises his hand to talk. His favorite thing to say, suicide. If our teacher asks why people do drugs he'll say "suicide." It bugs me and the two girls I sit between. In fact one of them passed a note to me of her strangling him. And yes, I do feel that way about him sometimes. Plus he'll blurt an answer after the teacher has called on me or someone. Just recently he got punched in the face because of his mouth, and the teacher didn't care about it, she just sad "I told you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Now that folks, is what grinds my gears.[/B] So the question is, what grinds your? Tell us what and give an example of a real life event where something/someone ground your gears.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Here's a story that's only for the OB. Yay! It's my first attempt at a non fantasy/sci-fi story. I hopeyou like it. The spell check pointed out no grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. SO it's pretty clean. (but it's still violent!)[/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=72][FONT=Vivaldi]Trigger Happy[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=engravers MT]A ForgotteÑ-herÖ exclusive Characters[/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT=Times New Roman][B]Maddox (The Killer)[/B] - The protagonist. His contract with his boss has just been renewed. But now he must kill the mass murderer, Jonathan, before he kills Brittany. If successful, Maddox will be put into the ?Top 10? along with his best friend and mentor, Harley. [B]Harley (The Jester)[/B] - Number 5 of the ?Top 10.? He has known Maddox since they were very young. He can?t give assistance to Maddox, but he usually pops up from time to time. If he does it?s usually to give Maddox a lecture. Outside of the business, he?s a comedian. Thus the name, the Jester. [B]Brittany (The Temptress)[/B] - The agent with the most flare among the women. She was kidnapped recently and must be saved. If she dies Maddox will be fired. As well as hurt, for he is in love with Brittany. They too have known each other for a long time. [B]Boss[/B] - The leader of ?Trigger Happy.? TH was made to keep the peace by killing criminals for money, and to give a little competition to the agents. Boss was once a criminal himself, until god shown his light on hi. He relies on both his guns, and his god. [B]Jonathan[/B] - The highest rated criminal of the ?THCL.? (Trigger Happy Criminal List) He?s been on the run for 5 years until recently he was presumed dead.[/FONT] [SIZE=4][CENTER][FONT=rockwell extra bold]Chapter 1: If you can?t beat them, shoot them[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] [center][FONT=Georgia]I rolled around the ground dodging bullets. They came at me like hail from above. Soon I hid from the shooters, behind a garbage can. I couldn?t shoot all of them at once, but I could try. So I ran out from hiding and I shot at one of them. It hit right on the mark. But I wasn?t out of the kitchen yet. I heard the ricochet of a bullet. It was coming towards me. I just moved my head slightly without moving the rest of my body. Then I put away my pistol as I ran . I didn?t think straight. That was the problem. During my training I always kept on task, never missing a target. I crouched down and aimed at my next target. I shot at a man standing there with his gun. He was pacing like an idiot. But I knew better. As it twirled around, I turned and shot a second man behind me. They fell at almost the exact same time. ?Another great kill.? I said as I went forward. A staircase kept me 1 floor away from my target. Jonathan was a dead man. Yet I couldn?t help but think something was wrong. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow. It darted in front of me. The shot at me. I did a back flip, ten I spun 360 degrees. ?Who?s there?? I asked. I heard a very familiar laugh. I smiled and plunged forward. I drew my pistol and shot a bullet at a tall man. Soon I felt the cold touch of steel along my neck. It was Harley holding a knife to my throat. I just stood there, waiting for him to sneak something at me. ?Planning on shooting me?? I asked him sarcastically. He put his gun to my back and he dug the knife in closer to my skin. I felt the warmth of blood down my neck. ?1 wrong move and I either cut your throat or shoot you.? Harley gave me no choice. I kicked him on the shin and then I flipped forward He shot at me as I came into contact with the floor. I was on a staircase for Chris sakes! Did he want me to jump off? He walked up the stairs a little ways. Then he stopped and put his gun down. ?Okay, shoot if you want Maddox.? He told me as he lifted his hand. I wasn?t thinking at all that day so I just did the first thing that came to mind. I shot. The bullet came into contact with his head. [I]I had just killed my best friend![/I] I thought. Then a plank fell. It was one of Harley?s tricks. He stabbed me in the back too. literally! He stepped back and so did I. I hunched forward to stop the blood from dripping of the stairs. Harley had grabbed my left wrist, and my left ankle. With the knife in his mouth, he flipped me onto my back, then took the knife and put it into my leg. As I cried in agony he sat on me. Gently he kissed me on the forehead. ?Sweet dreams, my dear friend.? He said as he pushed back. I went down the stairs like a sled. The glass from a window I had shot, was getting into my stab wound. It hurt like a bitch! Then my mind finally got working. I put my hands onto Harley?s pants. Over his penis. Then I raised them up. I paused for a second then chopped him right on the crotch. He fell forward. His foot stopped me hitting the stairs. I put my legs onto his from underneath. Then I flipped him off the stairs and onto the ground. As I was going through the air, I shot all of my machine gun rounds at the ground. When I landed I smiled. The bullets that hit the ground spelt ?BANG.? When I got up and turned I saw Harley was gone. Just then I was stabbed. Again! On the same spot too. ?Sorry dude, but I have to give your wound a little kick.? As Harley reached into his belt, I gulped and rolled my eyes. I heard a very quiet rip. Harley had opened a pack of salt and put it on my wound. I screamed in pain. Then I fell on the ground. Harley walked away and just spat on the ground. ?I always win!? He bragged. But the sneaky bastard didn?t notice my hand. I picked up my knife slowly and I aimed it at Harley?s right ass cheek. I got out a bottle of sleeping poising and dipped the knife into it. I aimed once more, then like a dart, I threw it at Harley?s right butt cheek. It made contact. He wobbled for a bit then muttered a sentence. ?Holy fuck, he actually beat me.? Harley cursed as he fell to the ground. ?Perfect drill, Maddox.? Said a man from behind the wall. It was Boss. I rose to my feet and pulled fake bullets from my body. ?Thank god it was just a drill.? I said, as I walked towards my boss. ?Great work. The nurse will take Harley to the infirmary for a check up you just rest for now, your big mission is tomorrow.? Boss said as he smiled. I walked out of that building towards my at-work house. I thought to myself, [I]wow! I actually beat Harley today![/I][/FONT][/center]
[COLOR=DimGray]Personally I think you should re-do chapter 1. Here's a couple of mistakes I found.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]A cold dark day in the life of Matt Sprig. He was at his parents funeral. Matt?s parents had died a week ago in a car crash, Matt was devastated. The court had told him he must go to his aunt and uncle.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]See. Your sentences need periods and commas in the right places.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]He was filled with sadness and hate. He had to move into a house with people he hated, that wasn?t even big enough for two people! (the next day) ?Ashes to ashes, dust to dust may you rest in peace,? Matt?s head kept cycling those words that the priest had said, Matt couldn?t take it. The pain was just too unbearable. He had to realize that his parents were dead. So he covered his sadness with anger, anger for what the court has ruled in favor.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Same problem as before. plus you would need to reword that. it's kind of hard to read. The next sentece, I saw nothing I couldn't understand. Just add a comma between 'pai' and 'to'.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]A week later. Matt woke up that morning angry and sad as ever. He just lied there and started getting visions of his Parents, but he kicked them out of his mind. The pain was to alarming, the wound was still to fresh. So he began to stare at the ceilingm it was white with yellow fade spots. And he began to wonder, what did the churches ceiling look like? He couldn't recall.? Matt yawned, ?Well I better get up got to go to school? as he threw off the covers to go get dressed[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Spot the difference?[/COLOR]
[IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/Tidus-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=Blue]The old RPG[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=dimgray]It was 2006. My first year on the OB. I was maturing in my writting skills. It proved worthy one month when I launched The Keyblade War: Academy. It had failed one time before, and was copied by a member. Despite it's rocky start, I launched it again, this time, it was succesful. About 6 or 7 members joined it. Most of them were very new to the boards. I had a lot of fun. The first week was a tad bit slow, but it ecxelled. For 50 posts we were fighting for our character's future. It was stopped short though. Yet I'd like to redo it, hopefully atracting the same or different members.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Timeline: 08-22-2006, 01:39 PM - First post of the RPG 08-23-2006, 05:43 PM - I decided to shut this irst attempt dow. 09-08-2006, 10:42 PM - The second try went up, it was succesful. 10-20-2006, 05:13 AM - The last sign-up was posted. 09-21-2006, 03:00 PM - The underground thread was made. 09-21-2006, 09:07 PM - The thread that started it all was put into the Square. 12-05-2006, 07:37 PM - The last post in the Square's thread.[/COLOR] Sorry to bore you with the details. Just thaought I'd tell a biography of the RPG. [FONT=copperplate gotic boldl][U][B][COLOR=Blue]The Keyblade War: Academy V2.0[/COLOR][/B][/U][/FONT] [COLOR=Blue]This story isn't about Sora. This story is about a distant battle?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] /\ || || || \/[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]In a distant group of worlds far away, there was a war. This war lasted for years and seemed to never end. Heroes fell and Villains rose. Great warriors were put to shame. The fight was between two opposing groups of Keyblade Wielders. The dark side, and the light side. Great generals have been trying to call a truce, yet it seemed pointless. But as the numbers of soldiers dwindled, the number of heartless and nobodies increased. No ?sparkling soldiers? were left either. It seemed that both sides were at a standstill. So what else could they do? They invented an academy. After 50 years of schooling teenagers, the school must close. Thus, causing a mass panic in the armies. But let?s go back to the start, what about the sides? Well that is for the tchildren to decisde. Aftr graduation, they may lose friends. Their choices in the academy decides their fate. Lately the chanceller has been hiring more staff. It?s mysterious to the students. Could the faculty and staff be hiding something? Or could it just be coincidence? No one truly knows.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Academy Grounds[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Academy Square - The plaza in the front of the building. It leads to various places around the academy. It leads to the training center and other buildings. Shops are in placed within the fountain?s frange. The fountain is a fountain of coarse. The pathway leading to the building is blocked by a perimeter in front. It keeps from people getting in or out. Training Center - A tiny forest set up about 50 yards from the main building. It?s pretty wide and has a small creek in the middle. It is open until midnight and is free to everyone. One rule: don?t kill anyone. Petrified Forest/Mansion - A part of the forest were a magic spell was misused. It caused a wide effect that mad the trees turn into stone. A mansion which used to be the dean?s house, rests on a hill. It too is stone, yet it?s parts work normally. Both palces are used for contests. These contests test bravery, strength, and teamwork. Both places are filled with various heartless and nobodies. Dorm rooms - The place where the students live. It is filled with things from their homes. They are complete duplicate?s of the person?s real house. The rooms are: kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Worlds[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Mauryo (Ma-rye-O) - The world where the academy rests. It looks like the normal planet would. Water, land, and creatures. Spinakk (Spin-akk) - This world contains a lot of different monuments. It?s a vacation spot, but since the war it was turned into a war zone. Left behind recently, it is used to fight heartless. Only the academy uses this place. Raqueraz (Ra-kwar-us) - The world with the most danger. The worst battle was held here. Every soldier that diesd was turned into a heartless,or a nobody. It?s a dark desolate world with no plants or animals. Oddly enough the air is filled with pure oxygen and moisture. It?s odd in terms of pollution, for it never gets polluted by machines. That?s what makes it so ideal. Arabiaus (air-ray-bee-os) - The desert world. It?s the only world in hte system that has peace, but it?s only a vacation world. Et it has a few cities that are massely populated. This is where the Grand World Alliance Committee (GWAC) got into a fight about world order. It was broken up ever since.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Keyblade Ranks A.KA Battle types[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Fighter - The battle type soley based on fighting. There are many skills to be larned. The skills ae combos of bery powerful magnitude. Magic is mixed in with the skills. It isn?t very popular but is still bery strong. Due to the new ?popular? vote it is the new ?cool?. The user can?t wield magic outside of his/her weapons, but can duel wield. The user must emphasize strenght and defense. Gunner - the battle type were the key blade is used as a gun. The skill list is limited to only gun use. It is pretty useful at long-range. He kind of skills are that of powerful bullets and gun shots. The user must be agile, and very accurate. Drive - probably the most hard of the battle types to master. It?s very diverse and complicated. This battle type is chocked ful of skills, but only few are processed. It doesn?t matte what your skill level is, but your intelligence must be high.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Keyblade Magic Ranks A.K.A magic Types[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Black - This magic is elemental and full of curses, hexes, and enchantments. It?s used by those who like to hurt others. The user may develop a sense of blood-lust. White - the magic of healing. The user may also use protection, or skill increasment spells as well. It?s used by those who care for themselves or others. Chaos - The magic of mischief. The user mya transform himself or others, teleport to various places, or just pull pranks on others. For those immature people. Summon - the ability to summon monsters of the three basic magic types. Female students must take this coarse along with another.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Sign-ups[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Name: Anything. As long as it's not a Disney character. Nor can you be sora or any of the regular KH characters. 1 exeption though. You can be a past member of organization 13. But you must be killed by a heartless during your senior year at the academy. Age: How old your character is. He/she may be from age 18 to 20 because that's about how old seniors usually are. People past the age of 19 have been held back or weren't able to be in the academy that year. Blood type: a+, a-, o+, o-. Or any other blood type. As long as it exists. If you become a member of organization 13 you can put none for a blood type. battle Type: Any of the 3 stated above. magic type: Any of the 4 stated above. Women characters must have a second magic. Summoning magic. Weapon: What's your keyblade look like? Is it shaped like a katana? Does it have a design made just for it? And if you want a new one later on PM me about it so I can give you the OK. Abilities: What magic and keyblade skills does the character have. Fighter type characters must have two for now and two for later. Gunner type characters must have 3 for now and 2 for later. And Drive types must have 3 for now and 3 for later. Personality: What he/she is like. Is he/she nice or mean? History: What happened to let him/her into the academy? Did something change them? The characters past is all here. Appearance (image, or description, or even both): what he/she looks like. What clothes does the character usually wear. Biography/character snippet. (optional):[/COLOR]
Request Kingdom hearts 2 Saix banner and avatar
Aberinkula replied to Aberinkula's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE=Kitty][size=1]Dibs! I'll have a set up for you soon. ^___^ [b]edit ::[/b] Here they are. :3 [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/ForgotteN-HerOavatar.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/ForgotteN-HerObanner.png[/IMG] [/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue][B]Thank you sooo much. The're beautiful![/B][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]FOr those of you who don't know, sex relieves adrenaline. So a lot of adreniline means. A massive case of bonage![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Don't you see? [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Sex is hereditary. If your parents didn't have it, neither will you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]But all joking aside, nothing's wrong. In fact your chances of NOT becoming a sexual deviant is pretty high.Yet masrurbation takes a debate. Is it really a sin? I heard from a sopa opera that rape isn't actually losing your virginity. Because if you say no, it means nothing. It only means something if you have sex with someone you love. Curse "As the World Turns"...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Shy][size=1][b]What changes (if any) do you think the forum structure needs?[/b] Otaku Media - Anime Lounge - Hardwired - Music, Movies, TV and Books Otaku Community - Community Events - Otaku Lounge - Suggestions & Feedback Otaku Creative - Literary Square - - The Underground - Otaku Games - Art Studio - - Art by Request Otaku Archive - Anime Archives - Gaming Archives - Arena Archives [b]What new sites would you add to the OB Network?[/b] I think fleshing out user profiles some more would kind of kill the need for dedicated pictures site. I don't know if we really have the option to do something like that in VB, but just allowing members to upload multiple photos for their profile, and making the profile itself more detailed would be great. Maybe you could have one central profile for the network, which anyone could access via OB, myO or the fan art sites. As for dedicated sites, I think something along the lines of what 'The Nexus' would be interesting, especially since so many consoles are pushing for online stuff. We could organize forum-wide Halo battles or something, I dunno... I've always had a lot of fun playing Mario Kart DS against my fellow Otakus. At the very least I'd like somewhere to leave my Wii number on my user profile. [b]Should OB Network provide a free hosting service to members for their own personal sites? If you have your own personal site, would you consider having it hosted by OtakuBoards?[/b] I don't really see a need for this, and it seems like it would create more headaches for Adam, Justin, etc. than anything else. If there are people actively looking over these sites, and watching out for illegal or adult content, sure. Obviously 'adult' myOtaku sites sites are few and far between, but I'm still cautious to see what that community could do with more free web space. [b]Comments/Suggestions[/b] [list][*] More skins, obviously, but this is a complaint that people have had with the site for as long as I can remember. Perhaps our various artists could work together to come up with a custom skin, or we could have teams create competing skins. That seems like a really cool idea for an event, actually. White should take note. [*] More frequent rotation of staff members. Nobody is doing a bad job in their current position, but nothing spurs activity and interest like a new set of moderators. There are a lot of great members out there who deserve the opportunity to step up and take a leadership position within the community. Why not give them a shot? [*]Dump the jukebox. Does anyone actually use it? [*]More connectivity/interactivity between theOtaku and OtakuBoards.[/list] Beyond those my other suggestions are kind of vague. I'd like to see a renewed focus on 'fun' in the forums, which I feel the addition of a games forum would help. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Wow, Shy proves a very good point. I completely agree with his idea.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]For the skins, OB has pretty bright ones. Maybe a red or an orange would work well. I mean why not put in a dark theme?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][CENTER][][][][][][/CENTER][/COLOR] [FONT=papyrus][CENTER][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Blue]Chapter 3: The Odd Ransom[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [FONT=copperplate gothic light][CENTER][SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue]Trachos woke up and got out of bed, slowly his body cracked from the bottom of the spine, up. He walked over to the bed Ilo slept in, his feet making no noise at all. ?Ilo, wake up.? Trachos said softly. Ilo?s eyes opened. He let out a yawn. ?Five more minutes.? He ordered. Trachos? head shook. ?We have to find Jed?s grandson, Alvosh. You have to get up now.? ?Trachos, we ?ave no weaponry to bring with us, we could get killed, or worse.? ?What?s worse than death?? Trachos asked. Ilo sat up rolling his eyes. ?Don?t know, I wasn?t thinking on the right note.?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [center][font=copperplate gothic light][SIZE=2][COLOR=DimGray]The rooms blue walls were very light, due to the rising sun. The light got into Trachos? eyes; he was forced to back away. ?Just get up!? He commanded. The boom from his voice made Ilo?s ears shudder in fear. ?God darn it, you?re a little loud there, Trachos.? Ilo ran to put on his shirt. ?Fie we?ll get moving. But first we ?ave to see ol? Jed for a minute.? ?I know Ilo, sorry, I?m just in a hurry that?s all.? The two walked down the spiral staircase. Jed was standing near the fireplace loading wood; he turned to Trachos and Ilo. ?I see you?re up boys. Please, sit down; I have something I want to talk about.? Jed sat down on the chair, as so did Trachos. Ilo just stood, scratching his left cheek. ?I told you guys I?d tell you more about the kidnapping. Well here goes. He has a ransom on him, twelve thousand dollars. But, the town doesn?t pay taxes to me or the country. It?s a measure during times like this or town took. Yes, the government does know they signed a petition about it.? Ilo nodded at Jed. ?On with it already, we?ve ?eard enough about the town.? Trachos smacked Ilo upside the head. ?Quiet, don?t be so rude, got it?? Trachos demanded. Ilo nodded ?yes?. ?Well if you need to know more, this note has the information.? Jed said, as he handed Trachos a letter. Trachos read it aloud. ?Dear mayor, We have your grandson. If you want him back pay us 20,000 dollars in cash. Our location is the old saw mill at the gates of west Eastren. If you don?t we will abandon your son at your residence within the next month. He will be safe and sound till the end.? Trachos looked over the note carefully. ?That makes no sense. There going to return him within the month, unharmed. What kind of criminal would do something so, so? dumb. Unless something here?s missing.? Jed took back the note. ?Yes but we need him within the weekend, or the town will be evacuated. It?s another agreement from the government. This has gone on for a week now. Plus the new mayor will be chosen that same day.? Trachos nodded. ?Okay we?ll go, but we don?t have anything to defend ourselves with, let alone fight.? Jed went over to a closet and put a key in the door. It opened showing a hallway. Trachos, Ilo, and Jed walked through. The interior was steel yet golden. And the walls had nothing more to show. The ground was steel and gold as well. The walls had weapons lined up and down them. Swords, axes, knives, staves, whups, anything you could utilize. Jed walked up to them. ?You may choose a weapon, each of you.? Jed gestured them over. ?Ilo, you have any skills with weapons?? Trachos asked. ?Yup, whenI was a kid, my friends and I would fight each other with toy sword or anything.? Trachos nodded. ?Okay, well I?ll choose?? Trachos looked around. He saw a broadsword shine in the right hand corner of the room. ?I?ll choose htat broadsword.? He said. Jed brought it to him. Ilo pointed to an ax next to Jed. Jed knew what he wanted, and handed it to Ilo. ?Hey Jed, I?ve been eaning to ask you. If it?s alright with you and Alvosh, may he help us on our quest?? Trachos asked. ?Well under the circumstances, it is possible. I can pick someone else to be the mayor. If it?s alright with him.? Trachos nodded. ?Okay, well we better get going.? Trachos and Ilo left for the outskirts of town, the first headed to the west gates.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/font][/center] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][][][][][][/CENTER][/COLOR] [SIZE=3][CENTER][FONT=papyrus][COLOR=Blue][B]Chapter 4: the first battle, and a memory reborn [/B] [/COLOR] [/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=copperplate gothic light][CENTER][COLOR=Blue]Trachos and Ilo walked down the path as the sun shone in their eyes. Yet from the blue horizon gray clouds were astir. The cave was a few more miles west, but once in a while the two stopped to rest. They also scanned the area for animals. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Soon they got to the cave. It was pretty dark inside, but luckily Trachos had matches to light a torch. They heard from inside, a couple of voices. The kidnappers no doubt. Trachos was ahead of Ilo, but their distances weren?t that far apart. The voices got louder and the two got even quieter. Soon they were in front of a light room. The voices stopped. And footsteps replaced them. Trachos? heart pounded as Ilo?s did too. The door opened and Trachos trampled down a man, He looked down to see the person get up. The man had a flail in his hand. Ilo fell to the ground suddenly and Trachos, of guard, was pushed back. ?I see we have two maggots. Which one to kill first?? The man said. He chuckled manically. Two men beside him came closer to Trachos. ?But who are you?? the man asked. ?Never seen your face before? Are you her for the blonde?? Trachos smiled evilly at the man ?Well what?s your name? Not very much ?gentle? I see!? Trachos sneered at the man. ?ha-ha! Foolish aren?t you.? The man bowed. ?The name is Hugo.? Trachos burst into rage and slashed one of the man?s helpers. The power of the slash was brutal. No one could survive from such a blow. Yet instead of dying on the spot, the man flew across the room and slammed into the wall. ?What the hell was that!?? Hugo yelled. He looked at Trachos? arm. His wrist was golden brown. And his fist was glowing red. ?Well, I could asked myself that!? Trachos laughed. ?You think it?s funny? Don?t be stupid. My power might not be able to challenge that.? Hugo stepped back so did his helper. ?Sir,? the man said. ?I don?t think we will survive this one!? Hugo jumped into the air and picked up Trachos from the hand. He tossed Trachos to the ground. Hugo put his foot on Trachos. Yet the young adult wouldn?t give up so easily. He got up from under the kidnapper?s foot. Trachos grasped a shovel, probably used to dig through the cave by the kidnappers. He smacked it upside Hugo?s head, full force. Hugo jerked back and fell onto Ilo. Ilo just regaining conscience. ?Wow man, you smashed this bloke upside the ?ead.? Ilo laughed out loud. But Trachos approached the other man. ?D-d-don?t k-kill me sir!? the man cried. Trachos? eyes were blank. In a flash of power, Trachos punched the man in the stomach, Trachos knuckles burst with a red light. He soon picked up the defenseless man by the neck. Trachos started chocking him. Trachos laughed ominously. ?Stupid fool, you can?t defeat one from the Domega kingdom!? Trachos sneered and pulled back his fist. He punched the kidnapper 5 times before tossing him into the air. Like the speed of a bullet, Trachos kicked the man. The air cut the guy in half. And Trachos punched the man?s torso, straight of his legs. The dead corpse lying in a pool of blood. Trachos stepped behind him, looking at Ilo. ?What are you doing Trachos?? Ilo asked. Trachos let out a sigh and pulled his fist back again. This time at Ilo. Just then a ball of fire hit Trachos on the back. He fell to the ground, while his eyes turned back. Standing behind him was none other than Hughes. The sage Jed told them about. Plus Alvosh stood next to him chained. Trachos was having a dream. A kingdom stretched around the landscape. A battle below the blue. A solitary man, or child to be more accurate, was standing in a meadow. He pulled his fist back and smashed men into the dust. Ripping them in half and throwing them around like dolls. A sneer across the child?s face. The kid took a man off his stead and tossed him into the air. The child jumped up and smashed them man downward into the others. Blood drenching the child?s clothes. It was Trachos when he was 10. Trachos awoke in Jed?s house. He was covered in crimson. The soul of the man he killed was also drenched on his clothing, and his mind. Trachos remembered everything that had happened. He was shaking, crying. He had his arm in a weird binding object. He looked around the room. What the hell have I done?[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][][][][][][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][FONT=papyrus][B][SIZE=3][CENTER]Chapter 5: Melony. Domega, and some new answers[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=copperplate gothic light][COLOR=Blue][CENTER]Trachos woke up later that day. He wasn?t weak at all, but he was still a little bit achy in the head. But that didn?t stop him from seeing the others. Ilo was talking with a girl. Blonde and scarlet, her hair color, eyes: blue. Yet she looked younger from the others. She was wearing a shirt like Ilo?s. Could it be Ilo?s sister[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT] [center][COLOR=dimgray][font=copperplate gothic light]?Hey Ilo, who?s this young girl?? Trachos asked. Ilo nodded his head and stood up. ?This is my sister, Melony. She?s only 13 so don?t say anything bad in front of her.? Ilo walked over to the kitchen and was talking to a gray haired man. It was the local town sage, Hughes. The man Ilo and Trachos were looking for. ?Hey Ilo? Who?s this man?? Trachos asked. ?Sorry, I forgot, this is Hughes. E?s here to talk with you.? Ilo informed. The man was tall and his shoulders were broad. ?Eh,, so your Trachos. I hear your searching for you old girlfriend?s killer. Well I?m sorry, but the information you got was misleading. But I do know where a girl quite like her was spotted. People say she?s in the kingdom of Domega right now. But it?s just a superstition .? Hughes sat down at the kitchen table. ?Well, that?s prefect. I just needed something to go for. Now that I remember it, Domega is my hometown. My brother s the heir to the throne.? Hughes and Ilo stared in awe. It was as if Trachos was some kind of monster. ?Your from Domega?!? Hughes scrambled around the kitchen. ?don?t mean to kill the mood there Trachos, but Domega?s been. Well, turned into a graveyard.? Ilo put his head down. ?So your that Trachos. Don?t you know? You?ve been labeled as missing for about a decade. After your father?s hanging, you were found knocked out by a friend of mine. He took you to Rssencronce, a small town in the countryside.? Ilo nodded his head. ?So you also don?t know the other thing, do you Trachos?? Ilo asked. Trachos just stared off into space. He shrugged, ?No.? Ilo didn?t want to say it but, what else could he do? Let Trachos go unknowing? Perhaps even to his death? ?Trachos your brother Prince Diacen, was also labeled. As a mass murderer. When he witnessed your father?s hanging, he went nuts. He killed everyone in the kingdom. Except for his younger brother, Trachos.? Trachos shook his head. ?That makes no sense. I don?t have a brother. I know my father was hung but-? ?You?ve lost your memory Trachos. It seems that after the incident you gained it back, partially.?? Trachos nodded in disbelief. ?What incident. All I remember was waking up recently covered in blood. I cried because I was confused. But what happened?? ?Well Trachos, your ?and went all red and you cut a guy in half, with your leg.? Trachos looked at his hands. ?But how?? ?I know that answer.? Said a voice from afar. ?Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I?m Alvosh Renue, the guy you saved.? Alvosh walked into the living room. Melony?s ears pricked up. She blushed by the sight of Alvosh. Alvosh was by the looks, a pretty boy. He was just like his picture, tall and handsome. ?Trachos is it? You?re the one who is supposed to be the heir to the battle throne in Domega. Your power to fight with your hands are extreme. You see the people of your kingdom, including Diacen and your father, are filled with a special ?Husangeneia.? It?s a big word for, genetic power. It?s Domegian language.? Trachos looked at the ceiling. ?it?s a big world, isn?t it?? His rhetorical question rang through his ears over and over. He wasn?t effected by this new information at all. ?Trachos, your not effected by this news are you?? Ilo asked. ?No, because to get this information I?m going to Domega. It?s a long ways away, but luckily my mind is somewhat refreshed. I know exactly where to go. Amazing isn?t it? One little slip of the fist and were going to my homeland. ? Ilo looked at Trachos as if he said something awkward. ?We?re going now, pack your bags. Alvosh are you coming with us? We could use a magician for our quest.? Alvosh nodded. ?Why not, Jed is sleeping still and it?s best to let him stay mayor. Who knows? Maybe Hughes will become the new mayor. Plus I could use a little sight seeing. For a while at least? ?Well, Hughes, tell Jed that we left okay?? Ilo asked. ?Will do.? Hughes replied back. Trachos mumbled a little. ?I?m afraid were in for something longer that ?a while?.? Melony stood up and jumped in front of the others. ?Don?t forget about me!? She hollered. ?We can?t have a little girl with us. First of all ,why are you here anyways?? Trachos asked. ?I?m running away from the academy I went to. But just my luck to run into you guys.? Trachos nodded and smiled. ?Hughes, she?s staying ?ere for a while okay?? Ilo asked. ?Sure thing there, have a safe trip.? For some reason it seems that Melony won?t stay behind forever.[/COLOR][/font][/center]
[COLOR=dimgray]Could someone please make a banner and a signature using these pictures?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue](BANNER)[/COLOR] [URL=http://kh2.ffsky.cn/pic/char/13/saix01.jpg]Saix Picture[/URL] [URL=http://www.electricferret.com/battle/cbub_cats/cat7/jul16-0050572006.jpg]Axel Picture[/URL] [COLOR=DimGray]I'd like Saix to be in the front with axel in the backround. For the color scheme blue and silver would be great.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]And in text put ... "You are my pray."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue](AVATAR)[/COLOR] [URL=http://www.finalfantasyworld.co.uk/khextreme/kh2/images/artwork/KH2_Org_Artwork_Saix.jpg]Saix Picture [2][/URL] [COLOR=DimGray]I'd like my name under that. Plus a silver and blue colored backround.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B][CENTER]Thank you.[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR]
If You Could Fly, Who Would You Spit On?
Aberinkula replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DimGray]Who would I spit on? Well for me it's "who would I **** on." Everyone who's made fun of me at school. Four score and one year ago, people called me gay.[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue] Well here you go fella! A brown little pile for your hair![/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray][CENTER](White ,I know it's me.)[/CENTER][/COLOR] -
This is what happens when you google "Otakuboards"
Aberinkula replied to Roxie Faye's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Blue]Last year there was a thread about the clone. It was one of those 15 minutes of fame things. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue]Her's a song I wrote for my band. They liked it, so why not bring it over to the Ob t see wht you guys think. [CENTER][FONT=papyrus][U][I][B]Never Dig the Darkness Out[/B][/I][/U][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=copperplate gothic bold]Chained to the lies for hours on end. Brocken, scatered, shattered again. I may be healing but like athe rest of the world. I'll never be whoe again. Chaos takes away the happiness, as I start to digress. Torn to the grain, out comes the pain. Without the truth in my eye, I'll never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. My bed of spikes, toruring my every movement. As I drag my blood drenched coul into the light. Fighting my way into the night. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Chained to the lies like a freak on a leash. Waiting to come out. Blades in my heart, tearing me apart. From the joints, I start to bleed. Falling down at high speedds. the darkness starts to corrode me. I'm not long for this world, wait and see. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Trying to dig out the premise of darkness. But it's stuck in my world, pushing the stress. The horns of my sleeping spirit pierce my soul, ripping it apart. As the blood starts to drip. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. I can feel my body rot in hell. the death bringer call my name, as the darkness doees the same. It's no longer a game. My spine twists into unseen shapes.Filling the gaps of my once lit soul. I feel the chaos grip at my heart. Tearing my soul to shreds. I can feel the darkness sprout. Never dig the darkness out. I can't get it out, from my soul. As I reach for the light. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Never dig the darkness out. Chained to the lies for hours on end. Brocken, skattered, shattered again. While I'm diging my grave, i'll never dig the darkness out. [/FONT] [/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DimGray]THe old man flew at Adrian, his speeds topping over fifty. Yet, to Adrian he was slow, why? it was because of Adrian's power. He could control lightning. a power that made things fast, oddly slow. But arian's power was just budding. He never used it until yesterday night. Adrian took out his scythe and swiped Ryuma. UIt gave the old man a large mark almost instantly. Oddly though it healed before Adrian's eyes. [i]What the hell?[/i] Adrian thought to himself. [b]"You need to control the lightning as if it were a seperate limb. Others have bigger advantages over you. Such people As Joe, Adam, or Zeke."[/b] The old man knew more than he seemed to. This made Adrian ponder. [b]"So first order of training. Magical energy focus. Use your spirit, and you weapon's spirit power to focus lightning to you fingertips. his will allow you to put more power into you scythe. Your weapon amplifies by your standereds."[/b] ryuma's knowledge was phenomonel.[b]" But how?"[/b]Adrian asked. [b]"Easily, Have a firm griop on you scythe and close your eyes. Invision the electrons in your cells burmning with electricity. Imagine your body's fluids boiling."[/b] Adrian closed his eyes and did just what Ryuma told him. He opened his eyes to see a blue aura envoloped around the scthe. [b]"Now Adrian, I want you to shoot that energy towards me. I will heal using my magic. Just go ahead."[/b] Adrian hesitated for a mment. But soon he shook his head with acceptence. Hespun around twice, then made a bolt of lightning charge towards the old man. The energy erupted into an isolated storm. Trees witin yards of the P.O.I. were chared and destroyed. A stain was showing where Ryuma was standing. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]I feel like I'm an intelectusal now that this argument is growing. Leave Adahn alone. I think some of his threads are a little droll, yet that's no big deal. Tink of all the dumb things I've posted!!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]That next day Adrian was working strong. But he fell a sleep. His head slammed on his keyboard. Information that he shouldn't get into popped up. He awoke to find information of Alpha Afflictus' past. ews on scandels, conspericies or anything about the company. He also found information about the birth of the second wing he was the boss of. The name Kaja Kajokora came up. During the 80's he sued the company stating that they performed experiments of him. After winning ht demanded that he was the boss of the new wing. While reading, Adrian's computer sudden;y shut dow. Along with the electricity. Suddeny he heard a voice call out to him. [b]"Adrian meet me at the the boiler room in 5 minutes."[/b] The odd voice said. Adrian looked around to see that none had heard it. Everyone went to the meeting room to light candles. The room was big enough to fit all of the workers. But instead, Adrian went into the boiler room. He saw an old man sitting on the workers desk. SOmehow, the room was light. [b]"Who are you?"[/b] Adrian asked the old man. [b]"I'm a sage, I saw you in the forest yesterday. You see me and you have something in common."[/b] The old man approached Adrian. [b]"Oh, you did. And what do we have in common?"[/b] Adrian looked at the old man's eyes. He was blind. [b]"Me and you have powers that some others have as well."[/b] Adrian nodded at the man. [b]"forgive me my name is Ryoma. I'm a great sage. I want to train you in ruin magic. Why? Well, a great threat is upon us."[/b] [b]"What is that?"[/b] Adrian asked confused. [b]"In time my boy, in time. Meet me in the forest at the same meadow from before."[/b] Suddenly the old man dissapeared into the abyss. The boilers turned back on. It seems tht the old man used lightning to stop the energy. That night, Adrian went into the meadow. He trusted the old sage's words. He saw Ryumo at the meadow sitting, and eating an apple. [b]"I see you came Adrian. Are you ready to train?"[/b][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Adrian sat down at his office. He spun around, legs and arms flailing. [b]"Havn't had fun like this."[/b] adrian laughed. He saw his assistent's eyes blaring.[b]"Okay..."[/b]She said as she rushed away. Later on, he packed up his things and headed for home. On his way there he found a detour. But the detour was a haunted forest, so liuck wasn't with him. Adrian has "fears", that he doesn't want others to know. He, deep inside, is afraid of the aterlife. He wouldn't go to his great-grandmothers funeral. He thought that spirits would come and kidnap him. He strolled along clutching his chest, and legs sometimes. he stopped and ooked around once in a while. The dark forest seemed endless. And the trees seemed like they were going to pull a fast one on Adrian. But soon he was almost out. When sudddenly a shadow swept across the meadow near the exit to the forest. Adrian took out his defensive knife. HE always keeps it around him, just in case. [b]"Who's there?"[/b] He asked. Suddenly the shadow threw Adrian to the ground. Adrian got up clenching his arms. He slumped over and made a ball of lightning with his fist. [i] I didn't think I'd ever have to use Ruin Magic in my life.[/i] Sudden;y the shadow took Adrian by his shirt and tossed him into the air. Adrian's shirt was ripped off, showing his "ripped" abs. The ladies loved him. Adrian lifted his leg and shot the bolt from under his hamstrings. The bolt flew into a tree, knocking off a branch. The branch landed on the shadow. Adrian apprcoached the dark being with his arm covered in sparks. Just then a new shadow apeared behind Adrian. The shadow kicked Adrian to the ground. Then, it picked him up and tossed him behind. Adrian got up as the two shadows came near him. In a last ditch effort Adrian suddenly summoned a scythe from lightning. [b]"Wow, this oughta help!"[/b] Adrian took the weapon and tossed it between the two dark shadows. In a flash Adrian jumped onto it. The scythe spun him around into a tree. Adrian formed a gigantic ball of lightning. He shot it at the two as he picked out the scythe from the tree. In a flas of bolts he appeared in front of the two. Holding the ball of light. He tossed it at them and put the scythe away. He actually had slashed the men dozens of times before appearing in front of them. THey were destroyed. A manin the trees walked away on the brances. [b]"I see, my son's abilities are powerful. But mine are greater."[/b][/COLOR]
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']Sarcasm has escaped you entirely. And also, you don't know that. [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Blue]Well, you could be right. Why do you always have the philosophy that works... [/COLOR] :animesigh
[quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Idiot. If you were born a woman, and had always been a woman, [i]your own breasts wouldn't be a sexual object for you[/i]. Do you take photos of your balls everyday? Did you get off from fondling and looking at them? No. Use some common sense.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] [COLOR=Blue]That was sarcasm. If I were a girl i'd leave them alone.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]I'm in a band called Rantrax. We're a rock band. Well we don't have a myspace yet so little is known much about us. But here's the players.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Richard - That would be me, I'm the bass player. James - The lead guitarest and singer. Nick - Drums. Kyle - Wel he's the other guitar.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]We have only 1 song in the buil right now. The band was put into another once. But because of a certain somebody, the bands dismembered. So we're Rantrax again.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Tekkaman][font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=black][/color][/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=black][/color][/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=black]Wow... really?? I can't believe i'm saying this but I think i'd do the same.
[B][CENTER][COLOR=Blue]A ForgotteÑ-HerÖ RP original[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=Blue]~=-[/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray]The [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Melody[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]of[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Chaos[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]-=~[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][COLOR=Blue]=-Prologue-=[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR=DimGray]Adrian Corbel fell asleep on his desk. Before he was reading text from ancient times. He was dreaming of a black area, where nothingness resides. Creatures were walking around everywhere. It seemed like a void. Adrian awoke, yawning and stretching. [B]"Whew. Nice sleep. But what was I dreaming about? Ah, doesn't matter."[/b] Adrian flipped open his book. Je read about a secret oragnizatoin hundreds of years old. They were called "Zero Covenent." For years they have presued answers to life's biggest questions. Yet they were also murderers. They killed people and researched their organs. Plus their brain waves, and thought patterns. [b]"Man, these people are freaks. Thank god I'm working here at 'Alpha Afflictus.' free dental insurance. And hell, I'm only 17!"[/b] Just then Adrian heard an elevator beep. He turned to his his assistent walk into his office. [b]"Sir, Omega Strain's boss is here to talk to you."[/b] She said. A smile went across Adrian's face. The leader of "Omega Strain" wsa his mother Antenella. The two companies were once one. Because of the company split, Adrian's parents filed a divorce. They still have a relationship, but thought it would be best not to live together. The two are friendly rivals. [b]"Mother, what's going on?"[/b] Adrian asked his mother. [b]"Son, I brought you some books to research. I heard that you were head of the 2nd research department.And also, there's soemthing about 'Zero Covenent' I thought you'd enjoy."[/b] Adrian looked them over, smiling. [b]"Thanks mom, and do me a favor?"[/b] [b]"What Adrian?"[/b] She asked. [b]"Well I'd like youi to find some files about Omega Strain's research. I know the companies don't relate that well, but still. I need something to compare with my research."[/b] Adrian looked at his mother. She shook her head. [b]"Alright son, I will. But it might be a week or two before I can get it to you."[/b] Adrian turned towards the door. [b]"Fine by me. Love you bye!"[/b] [b]"tell your father hi for me. And I'd like to bring him to lunch soemtime. I have some important news for him."[/b] Adrian shook his head yes, as he entered the elevator.[/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][CENTER][COLOR=Blue]Thus begins Melody I: Destiny's Arrival[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DimGray]hello everyone. Here is a new game to play, It's called [COLOR=Blue]"The game we call fear."[/COLOR] It's a game where you ask us which sdo we we fear more? You play by putting down three thing. You ask us which one are we afraid of most. The person who posts next, puts what they fear most. But they must explain why in 1-3 paragraphs of detail. Here's an example to show you.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]What do you fear most? 1. Losing a friend 2. Death 3. Killing someone you love.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Now the next person who posts puts something like this...[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I fear killing a loved one most. I do because well, it's killing a loved one! That's pretty bad you know. I fear someone I love dying. I always have. plus, I'd be afraind to go to jail. I mean I don't want to kill someone but I also don't want to go to jail![/QUOTE] [COLOR=DimGray]Now there's your example. As for the first question, it's up above. But here it is again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]What do you fear most? 1. Losing a friend 2. Death 3. Killing someone you love.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Wellcome to Alpha Afflictus. Here you may find our database on the characters of the story. Also you may find the rules to the RPG[/COLOR]. [COLOR=Blue]Database: (soon to be updated)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Rules: [/B] The power can't go overboard. Don't makee your character the ultimate character. That means NO GODMODDING!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Post 3 paragraphs per post. Quality counts![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Treat others with the utmost respect. Have fun![/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]If anybody has a question, or would like to donate banners, charcter illustrations, etc. Please [B]PM[/B] me or post them here.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]THe illustrations are for the villians and other characters in the story.[/COLOR]
Sign Up Arc: The Threshold of Destiny [PG-VL and some sexuality]
Aberinkula replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Blue]I'm sorry, but this RP's not goig anymore. I have another.[/COLOR]