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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[COLOR=dimgray]Okay everyone! Whoever signed up...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]YOUR IN![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]2007DB I'm glad you signed up! Your character is dark. I love that.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]I will put up Both the square and underground thread up later this mornig. I as that if anybody ahs pictures of their drawing or any off of google, yahoo, etc. Please donate them for the RPG. Thank you all for the wonderful sign-ups. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Ready for the adventure?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Well well, we seem to have 5 peoplei n this RPG.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Konske - Accepted. Inufandom - accepted (your character is odd But fits in well.) [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]I shall wait a while. More sign -upas plese. Thank you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Lionheart - Your accepted Keyblade Wielder - Your accepted.[/COLOR] [CENTER][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=DimGray][COLOR=Blue]Name:[/COLOR] Adrian Corbel [COLOR=Blue]Age:[/COLOR] 17 [COLOR=Blue]Gender:[/COLOR] Male [COLOR=Blue]Type of magic:[/COLOR] Ruin Magic Weapon: Scythe of Ruin Second Weapon: Scythe of Pure Justice [COLOR=Blue]Signature move: [/COLOR] Destruction from the Tainted Lightning Slash of the Inverted Thunder [COLOR=Blue]Personality:[/COLOR] He?s laid back and very picky. He will befriend anyone quickly, and loses friends hardly enough. He can be angered very easily, but won?t fight anything unnecessary. Yet, he will fall into odd circumstances. His nickname is Reaper due to his weapon of choice. He is great in terms of magic power. [COLOR=Blue]History: [/COLOR] Born into a rich family. Adrian?s father IS the head of ?Alpha Afflictus?, while is mother is head of ?Omega Strain?. They divorced when the company split. Adrian is a prodigy due to his IQ. He passed the 12th grade when he was 15. Due to his abilities, his father asked him to join ?Alpha Afflictus?, and willingly Adrian Joined. Head of the 2nd Research department, Adrian studied Pure and Ruin Magic under his own circumstances. When Adrian was sixteen he heard of the ?Void? where the magic was sealed. He studied and came up with only one thing. The Void is a portal for evil and good. That?s all he found. When he discovered his powers the co-workers began to study him. Soon he was fed up, he fired the 15 people who did those studies. [COLOR=Blue]Snippet:[/COLOR] ?hey son, did you fill out those 722?s yet? We need them for tomorrows meeting.? Adrian looked at his father. ?Yes, they?re on your desk.? Adrian?s father nodded and walked away. Soon after his best friend, Riana came in. ?I see our busy.? She said. Adrian looked behind himself. ?Hey, what brings you to Double A?? He asked her. ?Well, I got a job here.? ?Congrats. What wing?? He asked. ?I?m your assistant. Your father didn?t tell you?? ?Oh,? Adrian turned his chair. ?Well he only comes here about once a week for papers he doesn?t get updated much. Probably because he doesn?t work in this department. He works in the ?head? department. He doesn?t get info of the new people until ater about a week of service. He?s a busy man after all.? ?Okay, well I better head to the office. Bye.? ?Bye.? Adrian lifted his coat from the rack it was on. He started to leave. Later, he ended up in a traffic Jam. Adrian left slowly and then a car stopped in front of him. He smashed the car into pieces, it exploded. He awoke miles away from the freeway. He also saw his car, in flames. He had used Ruin Magic. He knew because he saw fire from his fingertips. Adrian still doesn?t know whey the magic awakened. But he doesn?t really care. Now he works in the office, while his underlings poke fun at him. They don?t understand.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][/CENTER]
[QUOTE=James][font=arial]Quick question - and I apologize if I've missed something obvious - what's the difference between the Repliforce and the Maverick Hunters? I am only familiar with the Maverick Hunters series of RPGs developed by Flash and Warlock. But those RPGs took major liberties and were only loosely based on the videogames. I'm interested in joining but I was a bit confused about those two groups.[/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DimGray]Well the Repliforce, is an army of reploids. While the Maverick hunters, well, fight mavericks. In Megaman X4 the Repliforce was labeled as mavericks. Thus The hunters fought against the repliforce. that should fill you in James.[/COLOR]
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']I'm trying to figure out if that was sarcasm or agreement, but in the end I'll just write it down as poppycock. Either way, I think I said that just to make a point, friend. Off topic statements: 1 Forgotten-Hero: a puzzled expression.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DimGray]I agreed. As for a freaky preson. Well I'd sy 2007DB. Why, read above.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]People who make points: 1 2007DigitalBoy: A freaky good person.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]And that was sarcasm. Except for the good person part, that much is true. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange] Thank god there's video games to sustain some of us, or we might be dangerous. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Boy, can't argue with that logic.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Hey everyone. A lot of people know about ourfamous members. James, Desbreko, Dragon Warrior, Aryaana, and her mother. Plus all the others out there. But still, thos aren't neceserily everybodies favorite people around here. For me my favorite members are Tekkaman, Keyblade Wielder. and Dragon Warrior. So here are my two questions, that of coarse, I'm asking every member.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Who's your favorite member and why? [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]And...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]What members have gotten popular?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]As for me I already told you who I like. And here's why.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Tekkaman -[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]He's very cool to talk with. plus he gives wise words Also, he really enjoys the stuff around here. So he's very apriciative. We first met during an RPG, amd since thenwe've been friends.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Keyblade Wielder -[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]She's a very great girl here on the OB. I met her during the RPG I met Tekkaman on. I was kicked out, but she forgave me. And now she's earned a place in my siggy. Plus she's a fan of me too.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Dragon Warrior -[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]I don't know him as a friend. But He's awesome. i've read his stuff. Dead and Living it Up, Slackers in Slacks, and a couple of his Daily Comic. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][B][CENTER]A ForgotteÑ-HerÖ Production. With The Expertice Help of Keyblade Wielder.[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=dimgray]Many years ago 7 elders created a magic. Only few could use it. After crimes such as murder, theft, and destruction. The magic was sealed away. Yet, 100 years later their grandchildren unsealed the magic. But as before the magic was abused. So six demigods were born to stop this magic. Each one harboring two elements.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Fire and Death. Water and Despair. Earth and Anger. Air and Hatred. Ice and Ruin. Lightning and Disease.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Each one killed a grandchild. But one was left. So the last grandchild decided to seal himself away, along with his magic. He foretold that generations later, a foolish mortal would bring back the chaos he put asleep. But while the demigods were out murdering the other 6, a new magic was formed within the darkness of the void. Now the year is 2039. And a mad man, who researched the magic, has brought the darkness back. But two groups of people are trying the keep the magic sealed. Alpha Afflictus and Omega Strain. Once a big group now they are enemies. But the good magic or pure magic was seeping from the gates of the void. Now children born in the years of 2021-25 were blessed with this pure power.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Yet the six demigods have returned as well.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Ifrit of Fire. Leviatheen of water. Elephantus of earth. Breeya of air. Chillus of ice. And Thundress of Lightning.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]?The story shall unfold.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][U][B]The magic and sub-magic of the world.[/B][/U][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue]Ruin magic- The magic of horrable power. People who have studied it were givin ultimate fortune.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][list][*]Black Magic - Elemental magic. The abilities to give pain to the innicent. [*]Ritualistic Magic - The ability to summon horrid creatures from the void. Circles of magic are made to give forth such creatures. [*]Chaos Magic - The magic of chaos. Whether it is mischief or bad deeds.[/list][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Pure magic - The magic born from the leftover power of Ruin Magic. Those who research it are brought to madness.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][list][*]White Magic - The magic of protection and power. Shields can be created to protect, or spells are given to those who are weak to increase their power, [*]Summoning Magic - the ability to summon monsters of good from the void. Chanting is used to summon these creatures. [*]Life Magic - The ability to heal. Mentally of Physically.[/List][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][U][B]Organizations and other groups[/B][/U][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray]Alpha afflictus - This organization studies the ruin of Ruin Magic. It?s very large known around the world. But to those who tell people of it?s meaning, they are never seen again. Rumors are that those people are brainwashed to become slaves at the corporation?s building. Omega Strain - This group focuses more on the Pure Magic. Unlike ?Alpha Afflictus?, people don?t know about this organization. Probably because they were once part of ?Alpha Afflictus?. Their combined group was named ?Beta Creed.? Zero Covenant - This group is very secret. The 5 big leaders are completely weird and morbid. Little is known about them. Blackened melody - The 6 demigods made this group so that those who are born with the Pure magic may be guided to light after death. Plus they offer free coffee and other drinks along with donuts on Tuesday.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][U][B]Sign-ups[/B][/U][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray][COLOR=Blue]Name:[/COLOR] Anything American. No made up names. [COLOR=Blue]Age: [/COLOR] What age? Must be between the ages of 14-18. [COLOR=Blue]Gender:[/COLOR] Male or Female. [COLOR=Blue]Type of magic:[/COLOR] Can be either Ruin or Pure. But those who use Ruin magic must be turned good. If you want to be a villain just PM me. [COLOR=Blue]Weapon:[/COLOR] if any besides magic. [COLOR=Blue]Signature move:[/COLOR] The best magic spell in your characters inventory. [COLOR=Blue]Personality:[/COLOR] What your character acts like. [COLOR=Blue]History:[/COLOR] what has happened to you character.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]The sign up won?t be the simple Normal one I use. But instead you will incorperate the info in a small story of how their life was before and after their power were found. If anybody has any questions on the RP, just send me a PM.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Thank you, Tekkaman. I really apreciate the help and feedback. Now the hard part is what others may think. There are people who are way beyond us two in matters of storywriting. I'll wait to see what happens. Here's chapter two. it took me an 45-60 minutes to type. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B][CENTER]Chapter 2: Eastren, and the Kidnapping of Alvosh Renue[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]During the night a small suburban town came into view. What Trachos thought would have been there, it wasn?t. He expected to see small homes for only six to twelve acres large. Yet the town only had three houses. Ilo stood up after taking a nap. He scratched his butt and proceeded to yawn. ?Ey? what?s the matter with this place ?ere? If it?s Eastren, the place is smaller then my Aunt Gertrud?s garden. ?Ell it?s smaller than my ?ouse.? Ilo sat down on the train?s bench.[/COLOR] [COLOR=dimgray]Trachos? eyes were still staring at the homes. ?What a minute. Here has to be more. Maybe this town has two parts to it?? Trachos sat down as well. He saw that Ilo had dosed off once more. ?Hey, Ilo, you should wait a while. Maybe this place has an inn?? Ilo?s eyes opened wide. He jumped in shock. ?What?s going on! Is there a monster in the train? I?ll kill it!? Ilo was never good with waking up. The simple yell of his name startled the living hell out of him. The train came to a stop and Trachos got off, while Ilo followed. They walked around the town for about a minute when suddenly buildings popped up from nowhere. ?What the heck just happened?? Ilo hollered. Soon a little old man came up to the two. His back hunched and his arms like noodles flailing around in soup. ?Ah, I see you?re not from around here. That was the town?s defense barrier that made the housed disappears. Only good people see what?s beyond the walls.? The old man informed. Trachos spoke up. ?What?s you name?? He asked. ?Sorry forgive my rudeness, I?m Jedyuert people just call me Jed. If you need a place to stay you are more than welcome to come over to my home. It?s almost midnight and I was just walking back from the market.? Trachos nodded. ?Thank you Jed. We would be honored. ?Oly? crap, man! That?s one big house.? Ilo yelled. ?No shit!? Trachos replied. The house in front of them was golden-brown. The pathway was covered by flowers. The house stood three stories. ?I forgot to mention young men, I?m also the mayor.? Jed announced. The three walked in to a warm house. The living quarters was brick and wood, furnished very well. Lying in the middle of the room was a table that connected to the dining room. Obviously the dining room was important to the living room. The hallway leading into the living room had pictures of Jed when he was a baby, all the way to his current age. Then fallowing that was the picture of a young man. His blonde hair was spiky coming from the sides and his bags were well trimmed. He wasn?t smiling, more like pouting. His eyes were oddly red. ?Wow old man!? Ilo yelled. ?You have a pretty nice place here.? Trachos hit Ilo upside the head. ?Don?t call him old man, Ilo that is rude.? Jed chuckled loudly. ?That is okay, that too is a nickname giving to me, from my grandson no less. I take it as an honor, not an insult. Now shall we sit down in the living room?? Jed asked. ?So boys what are your names?? ?My name?s Trachos Arthur. I?m just a teenager from the town of RioHeim.? Ilo sat down and smiled. ?The names Ilondercraft Van Randem, and that?s just my first name! But just call me Ilo, there Jed.? ?So what took you two fine men out to such a quiet village like this?? Jed asked. Trachos frowned. ?Well we were told there?s a person here that used to work at a kingdom in the south. He was a great magician too. You see my first love; Cassandra Bellings was killed by the kingdom?s knights. I want to know why. She was the princess.? Jed looked at the ceiling. ?Ahh you must be talking about Hughes Travestra. He?s not here right now, but he will be back next weekend.? ?I see. Hey Jed, who was that young guy out in the hallway? He was the last picture in the hallway.? Trachos asked. Jed wiped his eye and shifted around his chair. ?That?s my son?s son, Alvosh Renue. His father was killed in a massacre. As for Alvosh, he was recently kidnapped. We only know the person used to be in the crusades twenty years ago. I miss him dearly.? Trachos stood up firmly, his eyes broad with both anger and bravery. ?I?ll find him for you. I don?t want others to lose loved ones like I did.? Jed nodded. ?That?s alright; he?s a master magician, trained by Hughes. He can defend himself.? Trachos patted the old man on the shoulder. ?Who cares of he knows master magic. He?s your grandson. We?ll save him just hold on to your beard tightly.? Trachos smiled at the old man with trust sparkling from his face. ?Fine then, sleep here for the night. I have more details for you in the morning. If you want to make food for yourselves, you?re welcome to. The guest rooms upstairs have kitchens. Make yourselves at home. Ah, I shouldn?t forget. Take the bag with you. It contains potions for healing mana and health.? Trachos smiled again and walked upstairs onto the room. Ilo followed, ?Nice of the old codger to give us a room for the night. ?E?s sure a good fellow.? Trachos nodded as he turned off the lights. ?Goodnight Ilo, we have a journey ahead of us.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][][][][][][][][][] Does anybody see improvement with my writing skills in this piece? I do.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][B]Prologue[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][FONT=copperplate gothic light] My life was stopped sort when I was but a teen. At the age of fifteen, I saw a tragedy unfold before my very eyes. My love, Cassandra was the only thing I had. She relied on me, as did I rely on her. We were living alone in the outskirts of the city. The kingdom, unbeknownst to us, was searching for my beloved. She was actually the princess of the kingdom. She denied going back to the kingdom. The knights grew furious and soon... they killed her in front of me. Why did they? I still don't know for sure what the true motive was to kill her. Yet, I vowed to live long enough to find out. So I will persevere through life, as I will soon avenge her. [/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B][CENTER]Chapter 1: Ilo and Trachos.[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=copperplate gothic light][COLOR=DimGray]Trachos walked around in circles waiting for a signal. He was at a station waiting for the airway train to pick him up. His blonde hair swayed in the wind, is blue eyes wondering around, searching for the train. Sitting on a bench, Ilo sat watching Trachos pace around. Trachos' cape was draped over his right shoulder, and his collar was big for his shirt. Ilo shook his head as he scratched his left cheek. Ilo was the 19, the same age as Trachos. Yet he had much more facial hair, he wore shorts and a small leather jacket, while his shirt was a white tank. He didn't look like the fancy type as Trachos did. "Shouldn't you stop pacing," Ilo said with a raised brow." I mean, you won't be making any difference in time. You?re no magician." Trachos rolled his eyes. "I know but still my next clue is in that town. Eastren, her birthplace." Trachos raised his arms as his tension grew larger. "I can't take it anymore! Why has it been so long for a stupid train?" Trachos thought aloud. Ilo shook his head once more. "We've only been ere' alf' an our', why can't you be more patient?!" Ilo yelled in a tongue, he wasn't able to say his H's very well as the first letter. No one knows why, not even him. Suddenly over the horizon, the train came into view. Trachos' eyes flared like two gigantic flames. "Finally, the train! Come on Ilo. I need to get this info about her. ?Ilo walked over to Trachos. ?I?ve been meaning to ask you, why do you call your old girlfriend, 'er. What's her real name anyways?" Ilo asked. "Oh her name, was...ummm, Cassandra Bellings. I don't like saying her name that much." "Oh, I see then, to many bad memories about the girl right? Don't answer that, wouldn't want you to tear up like when we were at that other town yesterday." Ilo walked towards the end of the platform. ?Well, we better get this gravy train a moving. Wouldn't want to waste any time." Trachos nodded. "Yeah, I guess so." Soon the two entered the train. The sun set beautifully, the scarlet rays grasping the horizon like fire. The skies were pink like hearts scattered across a blue piece of paper. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][][][][][][][] I got word from Tekkamon that it was really good. I fixed the seperation/joining problems. I hope chapter 2 goes this well.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Something quite like that happened to me todya. Being that I'm happily dating the girl I love, two girls were hitting on me. Thank god they were ugly or my friend would have seen the end result.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Believe me ,Hot chick + Hormoanal teen = one bad day near the other girls at school.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Ahh, a look into the heart, soul, and past of Tekkaman. Wonder how this story will erupt. Either sadness or happiness. Questions will be answered. But first I'll have to think of a question after I read the first post. But the anticipation is causing my legs to chafe uncontrolably. I'm sorry I'm nervous.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Oohh I found a question. How do you pronounce Blaque?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Here's a poem I'm just wrote. I'm practiing ryhme skills.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray] [CENTER]1,000 Memories down memory lane 1,000 memories down memory lane. Hoping that my soul will stay sane. As I remember the times of the sad, and think of the days that just made me mad. As the sun set's on the street. Old days past, I soon come to meet. As the darkness starts to get plain. I walk down the streets in the warm summer rain. I think of the days, of glee and pain. Realizing there's more to gain. As the sun sets down, losing it's rays. I come to the bend. To the street's end I see. While my mind wonders from me, My heart starts to and mend. 1,000 memories down memory lane. Thinking of happines, and pain. A symbol of hope, and strife. Walking down the street for the rest of my life.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]What do you think? Personnaly it is my best poem on the OB.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Richard Ramone[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]awoke on a dark and cloudy, sunday morning. His house was far too hot for him to get dressed in. Yet, he put on light red shorts and a dark blue tank top on. He sat on the table as he sipped water from a glass. His 23 year old body could not stand the imense heat form the sun. He got out of his hhouse and went outside. He thought maybe the shade would ofer some respite from the blazing hot sun. Yet he succame to heat exhaustion. His black hair was moist and his blue eyes were tarnished by redness. He didn't seem to care though. He's had heat stroke by gum! Yet this time was different. He was so weak he could hardly take a simple gasp of air. He crawled onto his porch. His skinny body sort of blew in the breeze. Even this slight wind gave him a cooling feeling.He rose up on his knees, still hardly breathing. Soon he put his hand on his head.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"What is going on? I don't normally get this hot. My body can't seem to hold."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]With this thought, Richard Ramone fainted.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Rick woke up again, yet he shivvered. He looked around with shock. On, around, near him, there was ice. During his time of unconcience did he perhaps, shoot ice on himself and the ground. He didn't care how or why, he just sighed and said,[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Well at least it's a bit cooler."[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Blue][CENTER]* * *[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black] As the days past he began to use his new ice powers. He became somewhat skilled after a month or two. He also took up martial arts during his spare time. This made him honorable and strong. His careless attitude got him into trouble sometimes, but he was great nonetheless.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Soon he moved from is suburban home into a dark and spooky setting of a house. He was all set up. He entered his new room and fell asleep. He awoke aroubnd 2 A.M. to hear a shriek. He looked around the room to see a witherly old woman near his bed. She had black hair and a scrawny body. The exact opposite facial disposition than Richard. [COLOR=Blue]"M..may I help you?"[/COLOR] He asked the ghost. She reached over touching his cheek. As he looked down himself he saw blood soaking in his blanket. Ice was climbing up the walls. Blue, yet stained with blood.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]He woke up with a horror. It was all a dream. Soon he heard his phone ring. He answered.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Hello this is Richard Ramone,what is it that you want?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Ah, hello Richard I have a job offering for you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Said the voice on the other end.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Richard's eye looked around the room, he opened his mouth.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Sure, what's the job?"[/COLOR] Richard Ramone:[URL=http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/bleach/images/story01.gif]Richard (Rick)[/URL]
[COLOR=DimGray]Okay in my last OB Anthology thread I asked if researching book styles would help my writing. I was also pointed out to make a poll asking about people's favorite genre of stories. So Lord of Terror I've decided to do just that. Everybody, what genre do you favor most when you read on the OB, or in real life? Answer truthfully by poll and post. Explain what genre you like, and why you like it. Plus if it's alright with the mods, tell me the genre of RP you like to play in the Creative Writing forum.[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]Thank you![/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue]Even though I didn't win, I feel like a winner. Hey, at least I got nominated. Thanx Tekkaman, and kudos for winning as well! On that note I will strive to become nifty or at least partially nifty this year. You never know what may happen. I could improve more this year!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
Writing Book research: Can it help? [PG13 related material]
Aberinkula replied to Aberinkula's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DimGray]Thanks for the help so far. I really apreciate it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]To DigatalBoy, my mother just happens to have [b][COLOR=Blue]"To Kill a Mockingbird."[/COLOR][/b] So I'll find it and stat reading it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]The current book I'm reading from is[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][b]"Fullmetal Alchemist, VOLUME 1:Land of Sand."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DimGray]It's an FMA title that's actually a novel.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]A book that I might use is the [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Dot//Hack[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=dimgray]novel I own. It has good cred, and the genre is sci-fi/fantasy. So it's in my department.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]A new question.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]How can I check if anybody would even be interested in my stories? Heck this would even help my RPs in the adventure inn, lol![/COLOR] -
Writing Book research: Can it help? [PG13 related material]
Aberinkula posted a topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DimGray]Howdy yall, tis me again. I have a questoin to ask. Will reading and studying bokks and how they are written, effect my ability to write? I mean, my time here on the boards has been filled with ups and downs. Especially with my writing. Her are two examples of what was bad and what was good.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]MY BAD: [QUOTE]As hijar, Tala, and DC came back to te castle the queen spoke to them. "Mom what do you need?" Asked Tala. "Well daughter, son. your sister is inaprostitution ring." Replied the queen. "that is why I wanted you to look for her. Find her bring her back. She must be brought back. your sister Yulian will be joining you. She is waiting outside. First go to Valnar city and find directions to Stranthea Kingdom. My advisor has found that your sister resides there. Now go get your weapons and go to your sister. good luck." The 3 went to their rooms and got their weapons. They walked to the area of the castle where Princess Yulian was located. The clouds grew dark with resentment. "Well are you guys redy?" Asked Yulian. "Ya we are." Replied Tara. "Good then off to the city you go." "But sis I thought you were going to come to?" "Mom always wants me to come with you." She replied. But I'm going to just give you a map." Their sister was always dressed in pink. She was always lazy and gave crap to noboby. Her eyes were always angry. but she wasn't rude, just lazy.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DimGray]Notice the bad? Now here's a sample of my godd work[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]GOOD WORK: [QUOTE]Galbor awoke on a bright Sunday morning. As he peered out the window he could see the birds fly away into the distance. The sun caressed the horizon with the blazing passion to rip the skies asunder. The trees swayed as the wind blew softly. Touching the houses with a slight chill on what was a warm July morning. Galbor, embraced by the day?s beauty decided to stay inside that day. His mother was sick, and his father was helping the knights as they went on a crusade to the nearest kingdom. Galbor got dressed in his normal attire. He sighed slightly as he sat on his bed for a moment. ?Will mother be alright?? he asked himself. Laying back he felt something soft touch his head. His kitten Sapphire had touched him with her paw. Galbor picked her up and started to pet her slowly. ?Well at least I have you.? He smiled at his cat. During that time alone with his cat, miles above him a small meteorite was falling fast. Through the skies it caused a small fire to shoot against the currents. It started to fall so fast the impact could kill the town. Falling, falling, and falling like a frail flower seed being planted. The townsfolk ran away screaming. And soon the meteorite had impacted with the ground. The earth shook as housed blew apart. Suddenly 3 men emerged from the meteorite. They wore silver armor and had swords.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DimGray]It's not be flawless, yet it is my latest greatest work.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]So would reading books and studying the styles help my writing? I'm thinking that First person, third, and foreshodowing types should be read. Should I give it a rty? And would there be anything else that would help me in my development?[/COLOR] -
Sign Up Arc: The Threshold of Destiny [PG-VL and some sexuality]
Aberinkula posted a topic in Theater
[CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/arcbanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT=papyrus][COLOR=Blue]Humans walk around, wondering things a lot a lot. Questions that have no answers. Who made us? Are we the only ones? Where do we go when we die? These questions have no real true answers. But an artifact in a different world may have those answers. This place is the area in which gods and make their homes. They don't want people in the human world to know about them. But sometimes items from their world fall into the human zone. One object in particular that can change the outcome of anything. "The Årc of Desiny'' is said artifact. A simple sentence written in this paper book is capable of changing ones destiny. Few people have ever been able to vent this item's true power. Until now. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Copperplate gothic light][COLOR=black]In the human world creature's rome the lands, forests, deserts, and seas. Humans live in their homes, whilst a distant battle rages on. Crusades between two religeous groups. Jenoustranism and Dentracca. Mainstream and pagan. For a random bunch of teenager a simple book can change their lives. These crusades have torn the homes of many. These two religions have seperated families for generations.Nothing can be said to stop this battle. Unless you have some teenagers, with hope in their dreams.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=copperplate gothic light][CENTER]-------------------- [COLOR=Blue]Items and Terms.[/COLOR] --------------------[/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue]Jenoustranism[/COLOR] - [COLOR=black]A monotheistic religion which a goddess blesses her children with equality and prosperity. This religion has strict views on what may happen, and who may be together. Jenoustaians believe that everything that happens was set since the day you were bor. The goddess Jeneousia rules the symboligy of the church.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Dentracca[/COLOR] - [COLOR=black]A polytheistic religion that has about 10 gods and goddesses. They love nature, and will do anything to defend it. Unlike Jenoustranism, the views are loose. Destiny is made by the choices made by the person. The symbol of the church is called "The 5th Impliment." The symbol is a 3 pronged hook with two prongs on the bottom.[/COLOR] [URL=http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/Rpg.jpg][COLOR=Blue]The Fifth Implement[/COLOR][/URL] - [COLOR=black]The symbol of Dentrcca. Each point stands for something different.[/COLOR] [URL=http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/Rpg-1.jpg][COLOR=Blue]The Rave Star[/COLOR][/URL] - [COLOR=black]A star that symbolizes the equality of every human, creature, and artifact within existence. Some say if you look closely the star seems to frown. This may show that if any one of these balences are broken, the world becomes sad and begins to hate those on it. The symbol of Jenoustranism[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]The Årc of Desiny[/COLOR] - [COLOR=black]A book that can change the destiny of one, or the outcome of many. There are tons of rules and guidlines, that are put into the holders mind once the book is touched. The book belongs the the world of Årc. The in-between point of the two religion's wher all the gods and their children live.[/COLOR] [CENTER]--------- [COLOR=Blue]Sign ups[/COLOR] ---------[/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] Name: Age: 13-18 Gender: Religion: Weapon: Personality Biography: Includes information how he/she found the Årc of Destiny. Apperence:[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[COLOR=Blue]Yesterday was my first fight.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]I had just entered 7th grade homeromm and put my stuff down on the register. One of my fellow home-mates, Spencer asked if anybody wanted gum. Being me I always want gum when people offer it. So I couldn't stand up this chance. One of my friends, Dillion also wanted a piece. So the gum-offerer told us to fight to the death. Of coarse he didn't really mean death. But Dillion has a bad reputation in terms of fighting. He's one tough customer. So I said "Hell no!". Just then my friend Nick said "I want a piece." But he just entered soll he knew was that gum was up for offer. So we started to fight. Of coarse it wasn't because we wanted the crud beat out of each other but... Anyways I didn't exactly land the first punch. But he did, or slapping if you will. I got mad and kicked him in his "happy place" or maybe it was his shin. I'm still wondering. THen I puched him in the eye. He forfeited. Spencer threw the gum towards me, but it landed on the floor. Behind Nick. He grabbed it on me. Ihe sat on the homebas teacher's chair. I grabbed him and we just wrestled instead of fist fought. No one of coarse was hit. Well I did punch him once, sorry I didn't say it a sentence ago. :animeswea Nick threw the gum and Matt picked it up. I got off the chair. With Nick hanging of my back. He denied this though. And I got the gum. So I was the victor. We're still friends though.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]here's a song I wrote. It's complete nonsense in terms of reality. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Enjoy![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER]Rubbuh' Chicken and the Drummer[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]Seeing a rubber chicken on a drum. Drummer sittin like a bum. Tiddling with his hair. As the rubber chicken starts to stare. (CHORUS) Rubbuh chincken and the Drummer. Started a show through the summer Soon would fail, what a bummer. Rubbuh chicken and the Drummer. Going down to Northeshore. A town which hsa many doors. AS the chicken walked down the town. he just stared as Drummer frowned. (CHORUS) Rubbuh chincken and the Drummer. Started a show through the summer Soon would fail, what a bummer. Rubbuh chicken and the Drummer. An old enemy with sharp eyes. Brought a setting of despise. It was Plushee and the Singer. Just coming from a dinner. (CHORUS) Rubbuh chincken and the Drummer. Started a show through the summer Soon would fail, what a bummer. Rubbuh chicken and the Drummer. Drummer picked up the chicken, and he just started swinging. Hoping that he'd be winning. Singer took out Plushee. Started slaping like a husee. (CHORUS) Rubbuh chincken and the Drummer. Started a show through the summer Soon would fail, what a bummer. Rubbuh chicken and the Drummer. The end would soon fall. Rubbuh had to lose it all. The two-some were on a ball. Then their careers hit the all. (CHORUS) Rubbuh chincken and the Drummer. Started a show through the summer Soon would fail, what a bummer. Rubbuh chicken and the Drummer. The fall of Rubbuh and the Drummer. Spelt the end of the summer. [COLOR=blue][/][/][/][/][/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Weird, huh? Well what'ya think?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Her's a short story I made. It's my fisrst S.S so give me feedback please.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DimGray]/|\[COLOR=Blue]/|\[/COLOR]/|\[/COLOR][/CENTER] [FONT=copperplate gothic bold][SIZE=3][B][CENTER][COLOR=DimGray].:[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]An Alien Secret[/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray]:.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]Samuel Norton was training with his sword. His friend?s eyes were moving around slowly. Samuel Norton is no normal fellow. His destiny isn?t the same as a regular person?s. The Norton family has kept guard a secret. A secret which if leaked to the world would cause catastrophic results. Each 2nd son born from the last generation?s 2nd son has stood guard of it. The Norton family would be called strange by those who didn?t know. I bet your dying to know the secret from the reading. Well you must promise not to tell. The Norton family is not from this planet. They are from a galaxy far, far away. Not star wars far, but far enough. Sam took a drink from the water bottle he had brought with him. He set it down and sat. He looked over to his friend Nathaniel. Nat was falling asleep. ?Hey Nat, you shouldn?t sleep in the forest. Bigfoot might come up and eat you.? Norton joked. That?s real funny dude.? Nat sneered at Samuel. A deer slowly stepped in front of the two boys. They were only 13. So they didn?t know much about wildlife. ?Hey cool, I think it?s a doe?? Sam guessed. ?Actually Sam, it?s a buck.? Nat answered the unasked question. ?How can you tell?? Sam asked. ?Look under it.? Sam looked under the animal. ?No wonder.? The deer ran away into the forest. ?Well Nat you better go home. I?m doing just that.? Nat stood up. ?Fine I will. See you tomorrow.? ?Ya see you!? Sam replied. Sam walked down a small path. He came to a stop near the steel bridge. He threw a rock into the creek below. Why do I have to protect our secret? Can?t I just be a normal teenager and not some guardian? Samuel walked into the door to his house. Sam?s mother was cooking dinner. The kitchen was 5 rooms in size. Sam walked into the living room placing his book bag in the closet. ?Good at school son?? His father asked. ?It was good. Thomas and Cedric got into a fight today. They?re both suspended.? Sam?s father turned his head at Sam. ?You were gone a while. Where?d you go?? Sam sat on the coach and took his Gameboy Advance SP out from his pocket. The noise from his game ?Final Fantasy V advance? blared. ?I was hanging out with Nathaniel, why?? Sam asked. ?You know son, you must be careful. If they find out they and the whole town will chase us out. Maybe report us to the government.? His father?s words weren?t new. He?s said just that before. ?Dad, do I really have to become this? Mom is human and she accepts you and me for what we are. Why wouldn?t they?? ?Because son, were not human.? Sam jumped out of his seat and stood in the doorway. ?Dad, I want to be a normal teenager, not a guardian. You don?t understand.? Sam ran off to his room. He put his pillow onto his forehead. He looked out to see the sun fall into the ground. The flames of destiny blazed with tenacity. The sky was lit scarlet. It looked as if the sky was bleeding. Invisible sorrow shot from the air, He watched longer as the sky turned from red to black. The stars were as bright as the day was short. They looked faint through the window. A tear trickled down Sam?s face. It wasn?t long before his initiation was to be performed. He fell asleep. The next day he returned to the house from school depressed. ?Hey mom.? He whispered as he walked in. ?Good afternoon honey.? She replied. He walked into the living room. He waited for his father to say something. But before that, Sam thought of the initiation. The initiation was a ceremony in which the 2nd son was declared the guardian to the secret. The guardian just keeps the secret in his head and doesn?t ell a soul. During the initiation a branding iron with an alien signature is burned on the top of the head. During this time the person may not leave the house until their hair has returned. Sam?s thoughts made him nervous. ?Hey dad?? ?Son.? His father looked up. ?I?ve decided to stop the family secret. Don?t tell your son. I asked your grandfather and he said it was alright.? Sam?s hopes were answered. ?Thank you dad. And I love you.? Sam?s father smiled. Love you to kid.? Sam ran into his room and sat on his bed. Outside a storm was raging, lighting shot from the skies. The thunder shook the ground like an earthquake booming in god?s presence. The sun started to peer out of the darkness. As the clouds cleared and the sun set a tear of happiness ran down Sam?s face. ?I knew this would happen.? He said to himself. Samuel Norton fell asleep.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DimGray]/|\[COLOR=Blue]/|\[/COLOR]/|\[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue]So was it good? If there's a mistake just try to get over it and read on. If there are sentence priblems, please, tell me Thank you.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Hmmm....I think I would probably rather drink a load of coffee and be hyper. I mean, I drink like 2 gallon's of sweet tea every day, so i'm pretty use to the rush.:p(And the pissing...) Would you rather eat raw salmon? Or.... Would you rather eat raw flounder?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Raw salmon. Why? I don't know. Would you rather?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Marry someone the same sex or... Marry a blind, deaf, and mute person with no limbs and an I.Q,. of 50 and he/she can't make children. [/COLOR]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/afflictusterra.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT=OCR-A II][COLOR=DimGray]Earth, a planet in the milky way that is abundant with human life. Water and land surrounds its crust. For years humans have walked around and discovered more about earth. But around 5000 years ago during the great human war, things changed. The years of 2187 - 2260 were years of terror. The planet?s crust had shifted and changed. And our waters expanded due to global warming. As these events happened humans have gotten smarter. Raising land so we would not flood. And new inventions have improved the way humans live. But around the year 2187 a war started that involved the whole world. Nations against nation. Nothing was safe. So what did humanity do? They moved themselves to a new body of earth. Mars. For 73 years the armies of the abandoned earth fought with each other. For every death more sadness was brought. Yet after 75 years of war earth faced something greater. Extinction. A meteor collided with earth. His meteor had intelligent life forms within it. These sentient beings fused with the planet making it bigger. The oceans grew , as so did the land. The earths canyons were shaped different and became gray. Trees and other plants became weird and misshapen. Forming spikes instead of branches. The left over animals evolved as well. For for 300 years it changed. And for 300 years the humans have watched there once beautiful planet become still. The waters became stagnant, and the land became decayed, For 1500 more years the planet perfected it?s new form. After such time the unit of years changed from ?A.D? to ?E.E? or ?Earth?s Extinction.? Thus the current year is 500 E.E. No longer earth the planet was named Nova. The current countries of earth are now Gurensy and Yordovaan. A new sport was born called Air riding. Skateboarding, surfing, and snowboarding have been combined. The armies now use mech suits. These robots have built in Air riders the tool of the skies. The creatures of the sea and land that were fused with highly intelligent life forms, these beings are known as Planteniens. [CENTER](As you can see this RP has similarities of Eureka Seven.)[/CENTER][/COLOR] [SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Type Of Mechs[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=DimGray][COLOR=Blue]Fighter Type-[/COLOR] This type of mech fights with it's fists. mechs of this type specialize in speed, defense, agility and power. Equiped with just their fists. [COLOR=Blue]Blade Type-[/COLOR] This mech type specializes in any type of blade. Wheter it be made from light energy or from a raw material. These mechs specialize in Speed, Agility, and strength. [COLOR=Blue]Gun Type - [/COLOR] This mech type specializes in long range weapons. From guns to missles. These mechs specialize in attack, aiming, and defense. [COLOR=Blue]Flight Type - [/COLOR] Ths mech type flys. THey can use any from of weapons. They aspecialize in few skills. These skills are speed and agility. [COLOR=Blue]Sheild Type - [/COLOR] The ultimate mech of defense. This mech has the highest defense rating. These mechs acan use only guns. They are also slow. [/COLOR] [SIZE=3][COLOR=Blue]Air Boards.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=DimGray]Air boards are comprised of very hard metals. These ones are specificly desinged for mech suits. They come in all kinds of varieties and colors. Make one up or take one from an image search engine. (EX: Google). It's all up to you.[/COLOR] [SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Sign - Ups[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=DimGray][COLOR=Blue]Name: Gender: Age:[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]Country of Birth:[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]Mech Suit:[/COLOR] (Can be anything) [COLOR=Blue]Mech's Model #:[/COLOR](two letters and 3 numbers. EX: ZS-596) [COLOR=Blue]Weapon:[/COLOR] (From Guns to lightsabres. Anything that's a weapon.) [COLOR=Blue]Personality:[/COLOR] (1-2 Paragraphs.) [COLOR=Blue]Biography:[/COLOR] (5 paragraphs. minimum number of words 300. Maximum number of words 1000)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Plus, I need you to PM me a post from any past RPG or any story you've made. That way I can see people's writing skills.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DimGray]Here is a poem I wrote yesterday. It's a little morbid as it deals with suicide. Don't worry I'm not basing it off me or anyone, so don't worry. You could say it deals with our thoughts on life, or maybe something different. Who knows.[/COLOR] [CENTER][U][B][COLOR=Blue]Nothing but Pain[/COLOR][/B][/U] [COLOR=DimGray] = She wants to fell nothing but pain. = = She wants to feel the blood run through her veins. = = She just wants to feel sorrow, and nothing more. = = She wants to see her own gore. = = Yet she remembers a time of happiness. = = A time of no regrets. = = Yet she still digs deeper to create more pain, = = but her body begins to fade, as the pain starts to set. = [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] [U][B]CHORUS[/B][/U] ♣ She wants to feel nothing but pain. ♣ ♣ She wants to feel the blood run through her veins. ♣ ♣ She just wants to feel sorrow, and nothing more. ♣ ♣ She wants to see her own gore. ♣[/COLOR] = It?s not her time, = = Yet she repeats the rhyme. = = It?s like a never ending song. = = One she knows that?s wrong. = = But she still bleeds, = = and cries herself to sleep. = [COLOR=Blue] [U][B]CHORUS[/B][/U] ♣ She wants to feel nothing but pain. ♣ ♣ She wants to feel the blood run through her veins. ♣ ♣ She just wants to feel sorrow, and nothing more. ♣ ♣ She wants to see her own gore. ♣[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]= She may never, ever stop. = = Yet her life clock is about to drop. = = She can?t deal with her life, = = It?s causing her strife. = = While she tears apart, = = Within she?s killing her heart. =[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] [U][B]CHORUS[/B][/U] ♣ She wants to feel nothing but pain. ♣ ♣ She wants to feel the blood run through her veins. ♣ ♣ She just wants to feel sorrow, and nothing more. ♣ ♣ She wants to see her own gore. ♣ -X2-[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray] = Tired with life, = = as she hold the knife. = = She stops dead cold. = = Realizing that it?s all over for her. = = She falls down without a thought in the world. = = She?s no longer alive, deep inside. = = But the sorrow stays in her heart. = = It?s over for, she can?t go on. = = She dies as the night hits dawn. =[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]So what do you think?[/COLOR]