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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR=Blue]Yipee!![/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]After waiting it's finally happened. I'm no longer single. Long story short. I asked the girl out when I started this thread. But, not the girl I'm dating now. You see I thought it would never happen. Me and my love, Brandie, together. I asked out the girl this thread was made to get advice for. But I no longer need to hold on to [COLOR=Blue][B]that[/B][/COLOR] dream[/COLOR]. [COLOR=Blue]My other one is no longer a dream.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]As of 2:51 this afternoon I am no longer needing to ask for help. Thanks for the help though.[/COLOR]
  2. Okay then, maybe chapter 2 will be better. Questions will be answered. [CENTER][color=dimgray]/|\/|\[/color][color=blue]/|\[/color][color=dimgray]/|\/|\[/color][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][FONT=copperplate gothic light][COLOR=Blue]Chapter 2:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]So what's going on?[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR=DimGray]Golber Stopped talking and looked around him. ?Wow, how the hell did this happen?!? he yelled suddenly. Tyron walked towards him and kneeled down. ?My lord, it?s great to meet you.? Tyron said as if praising Golber. ?Lord? What the heck are you talking about? And if you?re calling me lord then, well, I don?t really know.? Golber was confused, not very traumatized by the meteor, but more from these three buffoons. ?So that?s why you did what I said?? ?Why of course.? Kelgoray interrupted. ?We?ve been searching for you a very long time. It feels as if we?ve been looking for decades.? Golber raised his brow. ?Well gosh, how long?? Tyron pushed Kelgoray back. ?Why what seems as decades, it has torn us apart looking for you. Rocks, houses, towns. Our search of 2 hours sent us everywhere.? ?Two hours? That?s not long.? ?Well where come from that?s equivalent of ten earth, months.? Golber paced around still confused. ?Oh, shiatsu! My mummy! Be right back. And ummm, master, lord?commands you to stay, sit, roll-over, something!!? As fast as lightning, Golber rushed to the aid of his mother. Luckily the house was still together. Yet that still went unexplained. He ran upstairs to his parent?s room. His mother was suffering from pneumonia. He opened the door slowly and crept inside. His mother looked healthy. Why I fact, she was cured completely. It seemed as if, beyond the carnage, the meteor cured her. But Golber shouldn?t burst to conclusions. He ran downstairs and went back to the knights. They were playing cards. ?Got any three?s?? Tyron asked Reidar. ?No, go fish.? Reidar replied. ?Oh, you think it?s funny huh? Well you know what? Screw you and this game. You always cheat!? Kelgoray patted Golber?s back. ?Don?t worry about these two. They always fight while playing cards, As if living with my brothers isn?t enough.? Golber shook his head. ?Hey umm, Kelgoray? my mm is sick, but she is cured completely. Did that meteor do it?? Kelgoray sat down. ?Everybody who is sick during the meteor impact is cured of what ails the, But ironically the town?s buildings get blown to pieces. ? ?And why is my house still in tact?? ?Well you?re the chosen one. So are we. Actually we?re brothers. All three of us. We are all 13.? ?Oh. Why are you so taller then?? ?Oh that, well gravity does stretch us out. It lasts awhile.? Golber had many more questions indeed. But he saved them for later. ?Okay well can you fix the town?? Golber asked as if they could do something. ?Well actually with a couple pints of magic powder and some repairing spells we can, no we can?t fix it. But hey, at least you still have you mom.? Kelgoray smiled and looked to his left. ?Oh yeah, as for that kitten, the meteor sort of made her dizzy.? Golber frowned. ?That?s my cat!? [U][B][CENTER]END OF CHAPTER 2[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B][/U] [/FONT] [COLOR=Blue][B]Story Thus Far:[/B][/COLOR] 13 year old Golber was having a normal day until a meteor destroyed his hometown. He went to check out the rubble only to meet 3 knights. They called him lord. Golber?s mother was miraculously cured from pneumonia. After witnessing the three knights, Tyron, Kelgoray, and Reidar get into a battle he was told part of his past. Yet how can he be related to the knights? And what are they there to do? [B][CENTER][FONT=copperplate gothic light][COLOR=Blue]Chapter 3:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Past, Present, Future[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR=DimGray]Golber sat down next to his cat and picked him up. ?Oh! Sapphire Skittles Magee!? He shouted in agony. Kelgoray?s eyes were staring at Golber. ?You named your cat, Sapphire Skittles Magee?? he asked. ?Well my first idea was Cocky Big Peanuts, but mom said no. Anyways tell me. Why?s my house still standing?? ?For one thing your body?s energy created a shield. Because you?re not from here you had a special power.? ?Why am I here anyways?? Kelgoray stroked his hair. ?Well when we were just 2 our mother had dropped you from the ship we were on. She was drunk and was staggering to close to the edge of the meteor we were on.? Golber was stunned. ?Drunk? Well, beggars can?t be choosers.? ?But Golber don?t you see? His is a good thing. If you hadn?t dropped here we wouldn?t be able to come here. So if we were all at home we wouldn?t be able to save earth.? ?Save earth?? Golber was again stunned. ?Why, what?s going on here?? Tyron leaped into conversation. ?It?s true. And we too are the ones. We are going to help you on your new quest bro!? Reidar hugged Golber. ?It?s true man.? Golber punched the three to the ground.? A new quest! I?ve never been on a quest. And lastly, I don?t know how to fight?? Tyron chuckled. HA-ha! Well here?s the thing. Our race of humans, are born with the know-how to fight. So you?re in luck.? Golber shook his head. ?That?s cool. But what are the details?? Tyron stopped laughing. ?Details. Well ummm. There?s evil in it. And peril. Don?t forget new love.? Golber turned towards the others. ?You have no idea, do you guys?? ?No we don?t.? Kelgoray admitted. Golber sighed. ?Well if we don?t know we can?t go on an adventure. Plus I don?t have a weapon like you three do.? ?That may be true, Golber. But we have found an energy source. There lays a legendry sword foretold of in lore. The Conduit Blade, Berserk Talon. A sword capable of cutting the skies to pieces.? ?Okay I need to sneak out of town. My mother wouldn?t let me go with three guys who claim to be my brother.? ?Yeah, you might want to tell her you?re going out with friends.? Golber shook his head. ?Okay. I?ll be back.? Golber ran back to his house. ?Damn it Tyron. We should have told him that we coming here made everybody get amnesia.? ?Well, Kelgoray! It still won?t matter.? As Golber returned with some new clothes on he spoke up. ?She said ?who are you?? and threw me out.? Tyron smiled. ?About that. Nobody has there memories anymore. When we landed the evil being on earth wiped everyone?s memories clear. Only those you are really intertwined with know about you.? Golber fell to the ground. ?Oh that?s great. The only friend?s I know are in the next town. We go to school together though. One?s a girl named Reina, and the other one is male. His name is Angelo.? Tyron grabbed his brother?s hand. ?Well best get going.? With no time to lose the party advanced to the next town, Xenozine. As they entered the town two teenagers were sitting around a well. ?Hey, Angelo, Reina! It?s me, Golber!? Golber yelled with joy. The two teenagers advanced towards Golber. ?Hey man!? Angelo shouted. Reina smiled and hugged Golber. She started to talk. ?The town?s people have lost their memories. But we haven?t. Do you know what?s going on Golber?? Reina asked confused. After a while of explaining, the six headed for the gates of town. ?So, you want us to go with you four, correct?? Angelo asked. ?Yes. But first we should stay here overnight. Stock up later then head out.? Golber?s voice sounded a little unsure of what he was doing. He yawned and looked up. ?I don?t know what will happen. In fact I don?t know what?s going on still. But we have to go with the flow or a while.? The other five nodded and went towards the inn. [U][B][CENTER]END OF CHAPTER 3[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B][/U] [/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]Ahh, love. It grips the heart of the young fools, and gives chances to find that perfect person.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Yet when your a teenager [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue] (like most of us at OB are.)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]love doesn't go as well as we planned. Yet dances are sometimes the best time to be a teen-lover. Next month at my school we are having the sweetheart dance. So as the male teenager I am, I'm trying to woo a girl. Yet if I get a successful hook-up there is one problem, [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]messing up! [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]As said before in my other posts my luck with women is bad. If I get a girl it's from sheer dumb luck. So tomorrow I'm trying to dress up great, and get my hair in fine shape, all thanks to my friend who's a girl. [COLOR=Blue](She helps a lot really. Why just today I talked to her.)[/COLOR] Earlier today a girl I wanted to ask, asked a guy out. He said no. Yet not watching my mouth I said and I quote "Well there's this girl I want to go out with. But she's taken. Well he said no but still." that screwed me up so bad it's not funny.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]So if you've ever had a dance coming up at school, what did you do to get a girl? Did you do the most stupid thing you possibly could? If you did get her what happened afterwards around the school? Rumors? And how did the dance go? Horribly, or perfectly? [/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Sandy]You know, I have a strong belief that it takes two to tango, so there must be [I]something[/I] in you that irritates your friend - no matter how small an issue that is. I think you should do a little self-searching before confronting your on-again, off-again friend. Who knows, maybe you'll find something that you could try to improve in yourself... (and I'm saying this as a person who does not know what you are like to the least, so I'm not trying to offend you, ForgotteN-HerO.)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Oh Sandy, I know what you mean. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Maybe if I just stay away for a little while I will stop anoying him. Or maybe if he ever callls tommorow I can talk to him privately.[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']I have a hard time believing a true friend would treat you like that. If the story is as you say it, then there's really nothing you can do to restore it, considering you did nothing to destroy it. I would suggest confronting him about his behavior and just talking about how you feel.[/size][/quote] [COLOR=Blue]Thanks, I'll try.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Last year we were tight. But hey sometimes things change. So what ere you supposed to do about it.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DimGray]Recently one of my best friends has become one of my worst friends. It all started when he got a girlfriend. She was great for him, and she was my friend as well. Yet he changed. His attitude got worse towards me. Then a couple of weeks ago we become friends again. We were playing in a band when he suddenly hated me again. Now we are still friends but more of acquaintances. He kicked me out of the band for no apparent reason.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]But right now I?m trying to right any wrong that I have committed to become friends with him. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]So have you ever had a friend one day, then him/her hated you the next?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Plus is there any tips for anybody to help restore the friendship?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue]Sorry about the clothing. It will say what he is wearing now in chapter 1.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Red]Here's a little warning for the story. It breaks the fourth wall. Which means it will refere to the real world. (Talking about the readers, complaining of pay, etc, etc.)[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=blue]/|\/|\[COLOR=DimGray]/|\[/COLOR]/|\/|\[/COLOR][/CENTER] [FONT=Copperplate Gothic Light][CENTER][B][COLOR=Blue]Chapter 1:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Who are these idiots?[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray]As the knights emerged from the meteor, they took off their helmets. ?Finally, some fresh air.? One of them chanted with joy. ?Sure is, Tyron. But still, it?s not that beautiful, I mean it?s just rubble.? The last knight peered at the second. ?Well who knew an impact from a meteor doesn?t cause geological damage. Kelgoray I think you should think more.? Tyron sighed. ?Okay you two stop fighting.? The second knight demanded. ?Okay then, Reidar.? Golbor picked up a piece of house from on top of him. As he looked around he saw that the houses were torn apart like paper, and the ground was simmered from the heat of the impact. His red and blue jeans were torn. And his black pants were cut at the legs. ?Wow lots of damage. But what?s up with this? My house is still standing. Then how did I get out here? Probably fell from the window.? Galbor walked to the center of the town to find the three knights punching and kicking each other. ?You dumbass! Maybe she wouldn?t have dumped you if you hadn?t kissed that girl!? Yelled Kelgoray, ?How?d we end up talking about this, you retards?? Tyron chanted. ?Well it was your girlfriend who kissed me!? Reidar hollered. ?Jackasses! Calm down!? Tyron yelled as loud as he could. ?All of you shut up!? Golber said furiously. The three men stopped and went single file. Wow, they?ll do anything I?ll say! Golber thought. ?Now men go on all fours!? The men did. ?Jump up and down!? The men did that too. ?Spank your butts towards the computer screen!? The men did that too. Golber stroked his chin. ?Well this could be interesting.? Golber smiled mischievously. [CENTER][U][B][I]END OF CHAPTER 1[/I][/B][/U][/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DimGray]Okay my last story [COLOR=Blue]didn't[/COLOR] work out so here's another one. I used my word processor. So it might be an easy read. I'm getting better at grammar. And y time on the boards will be longer, if I keep at it. Anyways enjoy.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER]/|\/|\[COLOR=DimGray]/|\[/COLOR]/|\/|\[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][B][FONT=Engravers MT] Knights [COLOR=DimGray]of[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Yore[/COLOR]: [COLOR=DimGray]The [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Conduit[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]of[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Amnesia[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER] [B][COLOR=Blue][FONT=copperplate gothic light]No body remembers the day they appeared. Hell, nobody knows why they were here. Yet they were. The people knew who they were, but something caused them to forget. It was a vessel, of dead memories. A conduit of amnesia.[/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial ]Galbor awoke on a bright Sunday morning. As he peered out the window he could see the birds fly away into the distance. The sun caressed the horizon with the blazing passion to rip the skies asunder. The trees swayed as the wind blew softly. Touching the houses with a slight chill on what was a warm July morning. Galbor, embraced by the day?s beauty decided to stay inside that day. His mother was sick, and his father was helping the knights as they went on a crusade to the nearest kingdom. Galbor got dressed in his normal attire. He sighed slightly as he sat on his bed for a moment. ?Will mother be alright?? he asked himself. Laying back he felt something soft touch his head. His kitten Sapphire had touched him with her paw. Galbor picked her up and started to pet her slowly. ?Well at least I have you.? He smiled at his cat. During that time alone with his cat, miles above him a small meteorite was falling fast. Through the skies it caused a small fire to shoot against the currents. It started to fall so fast the impact could kill the town. Falling, falling, and falling like a frail flower seed being planted. The townsfolk ran away screaming. And soon the meteorite had impacted with the ground. The earth shook as housed blew apart. Suddenly 3 men emerged from the meteorite. They wore silver armor and had swords.[/font][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][B][FONT=copperplate gothic light]Who are these men you ask. You?ll find out soon enough.[/FONT][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  9. [FONT=Impact][Color=blue][CENTER]Cursed Lands: Slumber of Ancient Earth[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=Blue][FONT=copperplate gothic bold][CENTER]A man stands near a graveyard. He remembers the heroes he looks upon. 50 years ago these people helped save a world that was going to die. [/CENTER] [/FONT] [/COLOR] [FONT=Papyrus][COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]This Earth or ?Atlas?, was falling under despair. It seemed as if the planet was crying. People were believing that the ?Apocalypse? was drawing near. Yet, little did they know it wasn?t Armageddon. The planet was losing its power. For you see, this earth isn?t anything like ours. Atlas is dependent on a magical core. Their planet?s core is made of a mystical material knows as Xandamite. Xandamite has been drilled from the planet, making Atlas start to die. But the people on the surface don?t know that it?s killing the planet. Also they are unaware that the planet?s leading company for Xandamite drilling, Zangra is using it to create a super warrior. Not only are they a company but the president of the world Hiabata Zangra is the company?s creator. So far he?s committed crimes against humanity. Secretly. But just recently word got out that the Xandamite drilling is killing the planet. Currently protests have stopped. But one organization is trying to stop it. Requiem is a secret resistance consisting of only 10 members. One of the newest members, Alvash codename: Zero has just joined after quitting the president?s company. The resistance?s leader, Ezekiel codename: The Tesla has decided to take their plans further. His next plan is to attack the drill within sector 3, district 5. This is where the story starts. Alvash looked around after being let off the bus. His comrades, Louise and Jerry were standing at the drill?s gate. ?So this is the 5th district drill, eh?? Alvash asked through his handkerchief. Jerry nodded. ?Yes it is. Plus this our first drill to take down. Personally I thought we would have disbanded a month ago.? Alvash turned back to see Ezekiel get off the bus. ?Damn fools, always asking for bus fare to get out! Why?d the bastards past a law that you have to pay to get off, the bus. Pathetic!? Alvash entered the door with the others. As he entered he saw an amazing site. the drill. He may have worked for Zandra but he was just a secretary. ?A beauty, right? Heh not for long!? Ezekial chuckled. Alvash looked up and down the structure then proceeded on. [/CENTER] [/COLOR] [/FONT] [CENTER][COLOR=DimGray]Alvash went into a room where an elavator carressed the hallway and lead the way to light. As Alvash, and Ezekial went further down the hall the farther they were from the exit. "Jerry and Louise aren't coming?" Alvash asked. Ezekial nodded. "There planting a bomb. We have to destroy the drill. "I see. So what do you have to defend yourself?" Ezekial laughed. Why my hands of coarse. " Alvsah sighed. He took out his sword and cut through the door. "Well we might just be seeing stars on our way up. This elevator spins." Alvash walked into the elevator. Ezekial slumped and walked on. The elevator started. It automaticly went down a couple of stories. Alvash closed his eyes, and Ezekial threw up. "Don't be such a chicken. Close your eyes and just wait." Alvash tried to calm him down. "Up yours dumbass! I'll do what I want." Alvash rolled his eyes. Finally they reached the drill. [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
  10. [COLOR=Blue]Welcome to Requem. We are a resistance getting back at Zangra. In order to do so we must carry out missions for our cause. Here is the base in which we discuss our plans. If any questions should arise ask here.[/COLOR] Heer is the story so far... [CENTER][FONT=papyrus][COLOR=Blue] This Earth or ?Atlas?, was falling under despair. It seemed as if the planet was crying. People were believing that the ?Apocalypse? was drawing near. Yet, little did they know it wasn?t Armageddon. The planet was losing its power. For you see, this earth isn?t anything like ours. Atlas is dependent on a magical core. Their planet?s core is made of a mystical material knows as Xandamite. Xandamite has been drilled from the planet, making Atlas start to die. But the people on the surface don?t know that it?s killing the planet. Also they are unaware that the planet?s leading company for Xandamite drilling, Zangra is using it to create a super warrior. Not only are they a company but the president of the world Hiabata Zangra is the company?s creator. So far he?s committed crimes against humanity. Secretly. But just recently word got out that the Xandamite drilling is killing the planet. Currently protests have stopped. But one organization is trying to stop it. Requiem is a secret resistance consisting of only 10 members. One of the newest members, Alvash codename: Zero has just joined after quitting the president?s company. The resistance?s leader, Ezekiel codename: The Tesla has decided to take their plans further. His next plan is to attack the drill within sector 3, district 5. This is where the story starts. Alvash looked around after being let off the bus. His comrades, Louise and Jerry were standing at the drill?s gate. ?So this is the 5th district drill, eh?? Alvash asked through his handkerchief. Jerry nodded. ?Yes it is. Plus this our first drill to take down. Personally I thought we would have disbanded a month ago.? Alvash turned back to see Ezekiel get off the bus. ?Damn fools, always asking for bus fare to get out! Why?d the bastards past a law that you have to pay to get off, the bus. Pathetic!? Alvash entered the door with the others. As he entered he saw an amazing site. the drill. He may have worked for Zandra but he was just a secretary. ?A beauty, right? Heh not for long!? Ezekial chuckled. Alvash looked up and down the structure then proceeded on. [/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER]So any questions?[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue]Well here are the ground rules.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray]-All posts must be 3 paragraphs or more. No less. -Everybody's character must find a way to conjoin the story. For a look of it, refere to [COLOR=Blue]The Keyblade War: Academy [/COLOR] on what this system should work like. To see this thread just click it in the signature located below the post. - Use language sparringly, and to give a taste to the RP. Don't swear excesssivly. And keep sexual content to a minimum. As for violence this is soomething most used. - Have fun and enjoy the adventure. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Here is the cast. [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue][URL=http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a157/Jung-Woo/RPG%20Pics/guys52.jpg]Alvash[/URL] [URL=http://chaos.frankenmafia.info/albums/Anime/warriors_soul.sized.jpg]Asra[/URL] [URL=http://www.jeuxfrance.com/Webmasters/Images/3024320050427_073753_0_big.jpg]Seo Baitos[/URL] [URL=http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b18/Sagethefiend/Background.jpg]Asavar Kul[/URL] Asavar wears a vest with the insignia of his elite unit on the left side and the cloak he keeps close. He doesn?t wear the helmet and has black pants [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]that are semi loose. And his hair is cut short, to keep from getting in his eyes.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DimGray]Okay evgeryone. We have some members and we'll start now. We have to wait for X Fallen Angel, but we can start witout her. I'll be leaving the sign-ups open in case others want to join that didn't get the chance to sign-up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] So these are the ins.[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue] Tekkaman Lionheart The Spartan[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Blue]Yes we all know about "Pirates versus Ninja's". But another question gripping the handle of my mind is...[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/NinjaOrSamurai.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=DimGray] I've always wondered who would win in a fight.HAvn't you?[/CENTER] So now, it's time find out![/COLOR] [CENTER][b]Debate rules:[/b][/CENTER] [COLOR=blue]-Who do you think is better th Ninja or the Samurai? Let's say you chose the ninja. You explain why you think he'd beat the snot out of a samurai. -Give an example, anything to back you up. -it's a debate, so get out there and tell them who's boss.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Fo me as much as I like the nnja I'd say samurai. Samurai, because they have armor so a ninja's weaponry might fail.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue](EX: Kunai getting reflected by armor.)[/COLOR]
  13. [CENTER][COLOR=Blue]Ninja's wipe the floor with pirates.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray]Ninja's have kunai, and shuriken. Plus they have the power to hide in the shadows. As for pirates they only have swashbucling swords as well as hooks.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue]Example why ninja's rule...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Ninja's can kick a pirates sea-faring ***![/COLOR][/CENTER]
  14. [COLOR=DimGray]Well let me see. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Ah-ha! I bet 50 otakubucks on anomaly to place second, and 50 otakubucks on white to place 1st.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]I know they'll win for sure![/COLOR]
  15. [CENTER][FONT=papyrus][COLOR=Blue]Wow. So far the sign-ups have been AMAZING!!![/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray]As Tekkaman has said it has a Final Fantasy feel to it. The story is kind of like FF7. Yet during the making, I hadn't noticed. Here are the credits so far. [COLOR=Blue]Tekkaman[/COLOR] - Small and simple layout makes a perfect character. Asra's histroy seems to flow well with the others. [COLOR=Blue]Lionheart [/COLOR] - Great sign-up too. One things a bit rough. You left off the intrument(S) Seo uses. [COLOR=Blue]The Spartan[/COLOR] - Great character. The sense of a 'roman' theme is a pretty idea. Being the Museican army is the strongest in the world.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue]A few more sign-ups and we'll be on our way to the square.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/font]
  16. [FONT=papyrus][SIZE=2][COLOR=DimGray]Well here goes nothing. I mean something. Urggghhhh![/COLOR][CENTER]/|\/|\/|\[/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue][B]Name:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Alvash Remora (All-Vash.)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Apearence:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][URL=http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a157/Jung-Woo/RPG%20Pics/guys52.jpg][color=dimgray]Alvash-(Normal)[/color][/URL](Curtousy of Sinistra for the pic.) [URL=http://www.jvrpg.com/image_dossier/dossier/ff7doc/nero3.jpg][COLOR=DimGray]Alvash-(Buster Mode) [/COLOR] [/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Age: [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]26[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Gender:[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray]male[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Continent of birth:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Eastern Continent. Tekkamon[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][b]Weapon:[/b][/COLOR] - [COLOR=DimGray]Definite Breaker [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][b]Current Job:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Swordsman/ Ex- secretary and tacticle soldier. [COLOR=Blue][b]Personality:[/b][/COLOR] 'The Emo-like Fighter' - His attitude is always quiet or unoticable. While he fights for justice he also fights for a different reson. to ease pain of a past event. Always talking in one tone of voice, people don't often get him. Yet he must fight to do anything he enjoys. (So that's probably why he joined 'Requim' in the first place.) But if your his friend you'll get a membership bonus. Someone who is often quiet and unoticable.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][b]History:[/b][/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray] Born in the town of Tekkamon, he grw up around a peaceful place. He has seen Asra a few tiimes. He was born into a war family. His parents were soldiers. And his other relitives were either dead or veterans. When he was five his parents were killed. His fathers blade 'Definite Breaker' is an army grade weapon that's fully customizable. When he was 10 he learned about Xanamite in school. He researched on computers until he found a job at age 18. He joined the Musica army after his 19th birthday. As a tactical expert he was in a lot of simulators. Yet unlike college he wasn't very good. He was forced to become a war secretary. His silence was also a problem. Executives would nag him to work better. After learning what Xanimite drilling was doing to Atlas he quit and joined Requiem. Nothing other than that is known about him. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][b]Abilities and spells:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]-> [COLOR=blue]Se'led Finarshre Hllsvar[/COLOR] - This attack focuses on a spliting cut. After the attack is exacuted, a combo can be preformed with extra strength. It also allows him to enter 'buster mode' His face and back change. His new wings allow him to fly. -> [COLOR=Blue]Fignared Helvstra Joinevar [/COLOR] - An elemental attack that can stiop the enemy cold. It may only last ten seconds but it allows charge time for his next attack. -> [COLOR=Blue]Kevosh Jajorge Hetyurore[/COLOR] - This attack takes ten seconds to charge. When usable Alvash takes a ball of energy and infuses it with his sword. The sword will become 10 feet longer and will cut almost anything. It allows aan unlimited set of combos.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][b]Gigantic Ability:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]-> [COLOR=Blue]Yavash Gavash Favash Revash Gongeneovash[/COLOR] - This is a very geat attack when used right. Alvash generateds a gigantic ball of all the elements. During this time he becomes invincacble. Alvash can use light-speed sword slashed to dominate the playing feild. Plus it causes the opponent to be struck with Holigun. The most powerful white magic spell. It contains all the effect of white magic for him, but destroys his enimies at the same time. [/COLOR] [/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. [COLOR=DimGray]Other message boards I'm on[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue](EX: Gaia online) [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]abolish M-rated RPG's. So this is the most mature of sites I've been on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Yet censoring us would be a great idea. Normally I'd say "What the hell? No swearing" But in this case censoring the words is good. Yet not many have been said. [/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]Over 1100 isn't all that compared to the counts of threads.)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Sandy[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]said censoring a.s.s would be stupid. As hell, damnl, and a.s.s are real definable words. (So is the F and S word but not all dictionary's have tem.)[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DimGray]Once you think about it swearing has went from not so bad to horrable to kind off not bad again. (Horrable grammer I know.Trying to pass a point) Even Pg-13 movies have been known to say the F or S word a couple of times in a movie. So maybe swearing should be removed all together from PG-13 movies (Just the F and S word.) So hell and damn shouldn't be filtered. Because lot's of people use them. [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DimGray]I love the idea all-together. I've noticed if someone has an interesting story sometime's nobody reads it. So putting them together woul increase the number of replies. If this makes out perfectly, I see the Arena's popularity[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]skyrocket.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Maybe some people just put the [M-VLS] ratings just to attract people. Since not many people say[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]'huraa'[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]to [E] or [PG] rated threads.[/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=Shy][size=1]Kill 'em all. Being the creator of Thread Ratings, I have to acknowledge that they once served a very important purpose. With Kill Adam and the various rip-offs, writers were pushing adult content into their stories and RPGs like never before. We had expected that these ratings were going hand-in-hand with a new level of sophistication and maturity in the forums, but that day never came. Years later The Arena has become a joke; a place where not even established members can launch a successful [PG] or [E] RPG. Everything has to be [M-LSV] although actually reading most of the crap proves that its' anything but mature. I agree with Charles that this expectation for [M] RPGs ultimately hurts the forum. Simply removing thread ratings isn't going to be enough, though. Tastes have changed on the boards, and our method for organizing creative writing feels outdated. The Anthology forum and Underground are basically dead, and The Square seems to become decreasingly active as time goes on. In the olden days we combined all of these things into a 'Games and Stories Forum.' Currently game threads have proven to be incredibly popular, and it would be irresponsible to continue letting them clog in General Discussion. I propose closing The current Arena and Anthology, replacing it two new forums (minus Thread Ratings, of course...) [indent][b]Arena Games and Stories:[/b] RPGs, Games and creative writing will go here. Old threads will be archived in 'Classic OB,' although currently active threads can be moved to the new forum. It will have an active moderating staff and a swear filter to help enforce the rules. Adult content can still be presented in the forum, only it must be done [i]tastefully[/i]. Sign-up threads for games and RPGs can be placed in a new Adventure Inn. [b]Arena Discussion:[/b] Underground threads and creative writing discussion can hand-in-hand with broader literary threads from Anthology. Old Anthology threads will be archived.[/indent] Only by starting over can we really hope to change anything. I'm not proposing killing off RPGs as a whole, I simply think we need to reevaluate what we want from these forums. Currently The Arena is an eyesore to the entire boards. Poor implementation of the original rules have degenerated the forum into the mess that it is. This is not meant to slight the current moderating staff, I just think our expectations and standards in these forums need to change along with the rules. A new Arena G&S can be a fun, welcoming place to meet new members and participate in games and stories - just like The Arena was supposed to be. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DimGray]I myself, just made a new [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]RPG[/COLOR].[COLOR=dimgray] It took me about an hour and a half to make. May not seem long but that's the longest I've ever taken to make one. And I'm proud of myself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]As for the subjesct.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Blue]Shy's[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DimGray]idea is a good one. One question though. Will these subjects be in subforums? Aside from that the drop of ratings is a good idea. Because hardly andybody cares what the rating is. They just read it or join it.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Blue][B][CENTER] [FONT=Copperplate gothic bold]Cursed lands: [/FONT] [FONT=papyrus]Slumber of Ancient Earth[/FONT][/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER] [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Copperplate gothic bold ]A man stands near a graveyard. He remembers the heroes he looks upon. 50 years ago these people helped save a world that was going to die. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=papyrus] This Earth or ?Atlas?, was falling under despair. It seemed as if the planet was crying. People were believing that the ?Apocalypse? was drawing near. Yet, little did they know it wasn?t Armageddon. The planet was losing its power. For you see, this earth isn?t anything like ours. Atlas is dependent on a magical core. Their planet?s core is made of a mystical material knows as Xandamite. Xandamite has been drilled from the planet, making Atlas start to die. But the people on the surface don?t know that it?s killing the planet. Also they are unaware that the planet?s leading company for Xandamite drilling, Zangra is using it to create a super warrior. Not only are they a company but the president of the world Hiabata Zangra is the company?s creator. So far he?s committed crimes against humanity. Secretly. But just recently word got out that the Xandamite drilling is killing the planet. Currently protests have stopped. But one organization is trying to stop it. Requiem is a secret resistance consisting of only 10 members. One of the newest members, Alvash codename: Zero has just joined after quitting the president?s company. The resistance?s leader, Ezekiel codename: The Tesla has decided to take their plans further. His next plan is to attack the drill within sector 3, district 5. This is where the story starts. Alvash looked around after being let off the bus. His comrades, Louise and Jerry were standing at the drill?s gate. ?So this is the 5th district drill, eh?? Alvash asked through his handkerchief. Jerry nodded. ?Yes it is. Plus this our first drill to take down. Personally I thought we would have disbanded a month ago.? Alvash turned back to see Ezekiel get off the bus. ?Damn fools, always asking for bus fare to get out! Why?d the bastards past a law that you have to pay to get off, the bus. Pathetic!? Alvash entered the door with the others. As he entered he saw an amazing site. the drill. He may have worked for Zandra but he was just a secretary. ?A beauty, right? Heh not for long!? Ezekial chuckled. Alvash looked up and down the structure then proceeded on.[/font] [/CENTER] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][U][B][FONT=Copperplate Gothic bold]Locations within Atlas Eastern Continent:[/FONT][/B][/U][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER][B][FONT=papyrus]Museica City: [/FONT] [/B] [FONT=papyrus]The capital of the eastern continent. It is dark gloomy, yet the place always has sun shine on it. The dark shade within is caused by the sun-shield that covers the city, It consists of 12 sectors with 5 districts within. Each sector is represented by a number, in a clockwise turn. 6 of the 12 are very polluted due to the use of the drills. Yet it is named the safest city. The army resides within the towers in each sector. With shops galore, it is one of the biggest cities in the world.[/FONT] [B][FONT=papyrus]Tekkamon Town: [/FONT] [/B][FONT=papyrus]One of the many towns located on the continent. Famous for its pea[ceful conditions. Alvash was born here. He had many friends. There aren?t any homeless. Plus it?s near a beach where the waters are very clean. It?s also home to the Rezevle Bazaar. The satisfaction of the inhabitants is above normal for a town?s popularity.[/font] [B][FONT=papyrus]Dalsavoor: Farm housing and village: [/FONT] [/B][FONT=papyrus]This big open space of 500 square miles is home to the farms within the east. Plus it is home to the village of Dalsavoor. This village is famous for being the only place in the world that sells ?mystic corn?. A very nutritious food. The farms here not only ranch food, but they house Cacanasours. A ride able dinosaur.[/font][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][U][B][FONT=copperplate gothic bold]Middle Continent:[/FONT][/B][/U][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER][FONT=papyrus][B]Raltad City:[/B] [/FONT][font=papyrus] Capitol of the middle continent. This city is much cleaner than Museica. It is much the same though. For it too has a sun shield. But this one has holes for the sun to breach. Not much differences beyond that. [font=papyrus][b]Big Bridge Of Braabados:[/b][/font]This bridge is roughly 60 miles long. So to ensure a complete trip a few towns and gas stations are located along it. It bridges to the eastern continent. [font=papyrus][b]Gondare Town: [/b][/font]: This town has a few ups and downs. The town is big and filled with homes. Yet it has a bunch of homeless people, and trash. This town is dominated by gangs and felons. But it does have a very great vacation spot. Luckily it?s 10 miles away from the town. The weapons aren?t cheap either. So anybody who wants weapons better have some gold with them.[/font][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][U][B][FONT=copperplate gothic bold]Western Continent:[/FONT][/B][/U][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER][B][FONT=papyrus]Vonagare City: [/FONT] [/B] [FONT=papyrus]This is a very balanced city. But has a fairly raised crime rate. But it is a great city, and it doesn?t have a sun shield so the heat is as it should be. The town has tons of travel agencies. Plus its home to the worlds biggest structure ?Atlas?s Tower?. This tower is also the number date destination. [B][FONT=papyrus]Dragon?s Ring Theme park: [/FONT] [/B] This is the most fun you?ll ever see. This theme park is from the ground all the way to the top off the sky1 So to speak. Lovers come here to love. And kids come here to be kids. With tons of rides it?s a great vacation spot. [B][FONT=papyrus]Ruin?s of Halmarn: [/FONT] [/B] This is the archeologist?s favorite location. Within it dark secrets are kept. But artifacts are found near there all the time. The rest about it is unknown.[/font][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][FONT=copperplate gothic bold][U][B]Sign-Ups[/B][/U][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][FONT=papyrus][B]Name: Age: 25-30 Gender: Continent of birth:(east, middle, west.) Weapon: Current Job: (where he or she works.) Personality: History: Abilities and spells:(3 different abilities for now. Three for later.) Gigantic Ablility: (biggest attack. 1 for now 1 for later) [/B][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [U][FONT=copperplate gothic bold][B][COLOR=Blue][CENTER]Notes[/CENTER] [/COLOR] [/B] [/FONT] [/U] [COLOR=Blue][B][FONT=papyrus][CENTER]Exepted:[/B] [B][COLOR=DimGray]Tekkaman Lionheart The Spartan[/COLOR] [/B] [B] Declined:[/CENTER] [/FONT] [/B][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Blue]First I'd like to say a few things. My 1st year on the boards have been fun. I thank anybody on my buddy list. Your there for a reason.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]What is it?:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Tekkaman [Person][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Why is it Nifty?: [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]He's been a good friend since I met him. He shares much loe for my favorite game. But that's not why he's nifty. He can come up with cool things. His characters in the RP's he gets into are great. Why I've only seen about 2 sign-ups that he hasn't gotten. I've always wanted to RP with him. But I've never gotten the chance. Plus he's been in the army. So he's a great nominee for the nifty fifty of 07.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]What is it?:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Otakupedia [Thread][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Why is it Nifty?:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Well I havn't read the whole thing, but so far it's interesting. Some of the other members really caused a stir back then.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]What is it?: [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Moderators [people][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Why is it Nifty?:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Well besides the fact that without them we'd have an internet D-day. They kept on nagging me about grammer. I know sounds like I'm being mean. But they helped me get in gear. I've found my 'word' and I've come to use it. Plus because of that my post quality has improved.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]What is it?: [/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray]Boo [Person][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Why is it Nifty?: [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Well he's the only one I've seen to report a post because its "way too sexy". But he's not only funny but he kind of makes me feel stupidier. So hat's off to you, I guess.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]What is it?: [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]What is this Clone? [Thread][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Why is it Nifty?:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Well it gives us backsite on well, the site. I'm not going to explain how it started. Because i've explained my "past" on the boards. Remember one of most moderated members? GUNmanZERO7, why he was kinda dumb. Or shall UI say i. I'm going to PM either Dagger or Desbreko (unsure) if he/she can merge that profile with mine. But on another note. The clone was a little bit of a funny. I mean whsat I read a couple of people weren't completely sure on what they were posting. That's what I think personnaly.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]What is it?:[/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray]Aaryanna_Mom [Mother/member][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Why is it Nifty?:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Well lets see. As said before she's a great member. But also she's one of the coolest mothers I've heard off. A mother that posts on a message boards directed for anime loving nerds? How cool is that. (Sorry about that nerd thing. It's a medafor.) Aaryanna, you have a cool mother. So Aaryanna_Mom, keep on a rockin'.[/COLOR]
  23. [CENTER][COLOR=Blue]August 5th, 2585[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray] A war was started during such date. The Dalth Republic faced off with the country of Futara. The republic's meeting with the other nations of our world was a place where all contries were at peace with each other. Except Futara. Believing that the world would be best as one country started many political battles. 1 month after those battles Futara decided to stop their shananigens. They decided to break off of the ties with other nations. Still the Dalth Republic wanted to show Futara that spliting would cost them. The Dalthan army shot 50 missles at the Futaran border. Thus a war started. Five years of sensles violence was brought to an end by the Futaran's deciding to name themselves not a state but a teritory. Their laws stayed the same but they were no longer a country. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]An underground organization within the Dalthan country. The D.A.F resistance was formed. This group of roughly 30 million people attacked Futara, and started another war. Soon the whole republic attacked Futara again. For 10 years the war has torn us into five different conroled 'states'. This is the story of a hero that rose from the ashes of defeat to stop a war dividing 2 nations.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Trebuchet MS]TeChA FuTaRa[/FONT]: [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Impact]The Silent Beyond [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]Chapter 1:[/B] [COLOR=Blue]Sidewind 1/|\1 dniwediS[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]A baron wasteland. Humanity is just like this place. Nothing but dust and sand, in the midst of a stupid conflict. But every once and a while a person is born who can change the world. 1 man can make a difference. No matter what he's told. believe what they may but he is the next savior, to a much bigger conflict. This is that man's story. A meer 18 year old graduate who's a genious in technology. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]18 year old Baan Rawvenson was on a mission to check on the enimies advancement into the Futarian territory.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"I see, so D.A.F is planning on attacking us with airplanes. We might need air mechs for this." [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Baan said over the intercom.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"But they only have one mech suit. The stingray XX485, A weak mech suit. Something big is unfolding."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Sidewind 2 sighed in his hand. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"So Sidewind 1, ur.. Baan. Why aren't you going to college?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"I hate the experience. Why? How old are you anyways?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Baan asked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"I just thought you had a reason for it, so I asked. And by the way I'm 24."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]'Sidewind team head back to base. Your mission is complete.' [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]The voice was the Colonel.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]On there way back they cought a glimse of another enemy mech that was about 6 miles from the others. Baan's eyes glared in a most horrified manner.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Th...that's the One-wing! Model 1W-Y675,the most latest of commanding mechs. Their Colonel coming towards the base!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Don't worry SW, we can take care of it. Wre just need some blades. Sidewind 3, and 4 are also heavy hitters. So we can take them down, easily." [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]SW2 was more boasty than usual.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]When they returned to the base the other 2 members came up to them. Sidewind 3, Jenoa. And Sidewind 4, Vincent.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Well our mighty heroes return." [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Jenoa laughed in a hateful manner. Baan gave him a look.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"We don't have time. We have to get equiped with blades, guns, anything!! Their Colonel, Kadan is headed towards us. We have to mobilize quickly."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Baan spoke with disdain his his words. Kadan isn't just the colonel, but he killed Daan's father, Ruthefar.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Okay we'll believe you for now. Unless the base gets attacked I don't think we should do anything." [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Jenoa's attitude got him into a lot of fights. Baan's eyes showed anger.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]In a fit of rage Baan punched Jenoa in the stomach.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"shut up and just get ready. We can't just fuck around, we need to get ready!"'[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Vincent grabbed Baan and pushed him to the floor.[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue] "Maybe we should just listen." [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]He started to speak up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"So Jenoa, shut you damn mouth and get in gear. Even if he's lying we can't just sit here." [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Vincent ran off, and in a fury Jenoa stormed off along.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Sorry I didn't help you Baan. It would just cause a big fight." Sidwind 2 or rather Zeke, turned around. "If it's like last time though you could get in trouble. I was right there yes. But.. it could of been a diversion."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Baan rubbed his face. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Go I'll meet up with you." [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Zeke shook his head and walked away.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=Blue]Damn. Again they think I'm lying. If it was a diversion. Then I'm going to get punished like before.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=DimGray]Baan thought as he arose. He too walked off.[/COLOR] [CENTER]+-+-+-+[/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue]So what do you thing so far? Any critisism is fine. If you think there's something I should get fixed tell me as well.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DimGray]Here's a question for you people who like the simple things in art. Do you draw stick figure comics?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Well for me, I do. I'm not the best manga artist out there. So why not draw little stick men. If you can draw great backrounds it can still go good. Right now I'm [/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray] working on a comic called [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Sword Of Might"[/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray] The characters are simple stick figures.So it cuts production time in half![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue](Bad joke)[/COLOR] Plus I make a comedy comic called [COLOR=Blue]"Super Twins". [/COLOR] It's to racy for the OB, but my friend's enjoy it. [COLOR=Blue]So do you make stick figure comics? Do you plan on making them sometime?[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm....I think i'm gonna have to go with the Las Vegas trip. And the reason is simple, it's not too far from Reno, where many bowling event's occur. Many of which, I would like to be in.^^ Would you rather eat your favorite fruit? Or.... Would you rather eat your favorite vegetable?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DimGray]I'd rather eat my favorite fruit, Why? Duhh who honestly loves vegatables? [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue](don't answer that)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Would you rather[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]get breast implants the size of watermelons?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]or...[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Get genital implants?[/COLOR]
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