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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]My voice is naturly high-pitched, I've noticed that my voice is similiar to Anders Friden of In Flames, which is one fo my favorite bands at the moment. But I sing along with my new In Flames CD. But water helps, and cough drops.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]So will the Von Braun be like a small town? Some very fun and pleasureful places. Some very rich and uptight places with a strict dress code? You know, stuff like that. I mean, I don't think the Von Braun is some kind of gigantic rich place with no parties lol. Also, I was wondering if they're could be a music stage or something where our characters could sing-up to sing, like a karaoke bar? Because some of the people on Von Braun are surely artists.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Last night I finished Lord Loss. in one fucking night I tell you! I love this story, right now I'm half way through the secopnd book of the ten part serious calledo [B]Demon Thief[/B] which takes place 30 years before lord Loss. I plan on finishing it tonight too. And today I bought Twlighlight by Stephenie Mayer, I heard from a friend that's it's really good. Then when I get back to school on monday, I'm checking out [B]Slawter [/B]and Bec, parts 3 and 4 of the Demonata series. Slawter is the sequel to Lord Loss, and Bec takes place like 1600 years before the first three books. THan after those two, it's 2 more books, than I have to wait until they release the alst 3! Something creepy, I'm writting a story now with the names Grady and Annabella. And I wrote about them before I read Lord Loss and Demon Theif, the creepy thing is they're both character names in these books too. I guess it mean reading the Demonata series was, destiny.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I hope my sign-up is okay. I decided to use a real person (Christina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil) to make my Sign-up more realistic. If there is any problem let me know, but I think i did a pretty good job making my characer. I made it so she can be childsh with mature problems, I did it to make the adventure different for her and so she can grow into a more adult person. So when something that needs an adult choice comes up she might make the wrong decision. I just wanted to know if that's fine. EDIT: Is it alright if I add a quick bio of Jonathan onto my sign-up? It'll just be something quick so you know what he looks like. But only if it's okay with you guys.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][B]Passenger Name: [/B]Annabella Eleanor Nichole [B]Age: [/B]23 [B]Identification:[/B] [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/AnnabelleCrump.jpg[/IMG] [B]Occupation and Backround:[/B] Annabella, or Anna for short, is a singer for classical opera and for a local rock band. During her last concert, a fan gave her a ticket for the Von Braun. Her fan, named Jonathan, asked Anna to take him with her in exchange for the ticket. But unknown to Anna, Jonathan is her brother. Anna goes to college with her friend Briana, who is also going to ride the Von Braun. However, due to an argument a few months before Anna's last concert, the friendship between them crumbled. Anna grew up in an unstable household, her mother was often abused by her father, and one day her mother retaliated while Anna was asleep. She murdered Anna's father and admitted to the accusations in court. Anna had hatred for her father, so she tried the best she could to save her mother. But sadly, she didn't have the money they set for bail. So she decided to use her voice to get money for her mother. For about seven years now, she has been trying her best to raise the money needed to bail her mother out of jail. Her voice is very elegant, and called angelic. Her voice for the rock band she's in, is just as powerful as her voice in Opera. Despite the hardships in her life, she always tries her best to smile. She can however, be childish at times that are deemed inappropriate for such attitude. Now she is going on the Von Braun's maiden voyage with her long-lost brother. But she is really going to fulfill her mother's ambition of being in space that was cut short by the murder of Anna's father. [U][I]~NPC~[/I][/U] [B]Passanger Name:[/B] Jonathan Bentley [B]Age: [/B]23 (Born along with Anna) [B]Identification: [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/1jonathan.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B]Occupation and Backround:[/B] Jonathan works as a security guard for a local museum, where he actually has paintings of his own on display. He is a very polite person, but can be tongue-tied and can say rude things by accident. He treats everyone that he knows with respect, especially Anna. Jonathan is Annabella's twin brother. His mother put him up for adoption because he was diagnosed with a mental illness. She didn't want Jonathan to suffer anything from her abusive husband. Later on after he was adopted by the Bentley's, his mother discovered he was misdiagnosed. She contacted his adoptive parents to tell them to tell Jonathan that he has a sister. The Bentley's, knowing why his mother put him up for adoption, told Jonathan about his sister. Anna, however, was unaware that Jonathan even exists. Jonathan tried searching for his sister years later after learning that his mother was jailed for murder. He tried to cantact her to comfort her. With his attempts failing, he gave up. But one day a commercial for one of Anna's concerts appeared on the television. Jonathan bought two tickets for the Von Braun with the money he obtained from his job and from his paintings, adn he also obntained extra mney from his adoptive parents to buy a ticket to Anna's concert. There he gave her one of the tickets in exchange for her bringing him along. Jonathan doens't plan on telling Anna about him until later on in the trip. but as far as Anna is concerned, Jonathan is just a polite fan with a dream of meeting his favorite artist. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Nerdsy, you're such a friggen' nerd. But me, I get called it by my friends, but I'm no nerd. Well, Rock Music nerd could fit me, but that doesn't exist. The only nerdy thing about me is that I LOVE video games, but not so much these days.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Right now I'm reading Lord Loss, book Number 1 of the [B]Demonata [/B]Series, by Darren Shan. Darren Shan wrote the Cirque Du Freak series, and he is an excellent author. I also got book two: Thief Lord from the library as well. Despite the fact that it was from the school library, it's very macabre and it swears a lot. But it's one of the most compelling stories I've read. I'm already to page 100. The story sort of runs like a journal in a way, it's told by Grubbs Grady and it follows his story. He lived normally until one day when demons [spoiler]kill his parents and his sister. The demons are called Vein and Artery and their master's name is Lord Loss. Anyways Grubbs gets admitted into a nut-house because of the demon's he saw. Being that people thought he was lying/crazy. But later his uncle Dervish adopts him and he ends up living an even more kooky life.[/spoiler] The thing is, the author writes so well that you get trapped, but he doesn't use large words, and his approach is simple. The descriptions of the demons are gruesome even the murders are gruesome. I just love this book and I know for a fact that at I might finish book 1 tonight. My favorite scenes so far are the ones that describe the demons, and the one scene where he can hear demons laughing. I almost cried during that part because I could feel his sadness. You have to get this book to really understand what I mean. But it is excellent piece of fiction.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Ahh Panache, hearing you talk about Chevelle makes me happy lol. Midnight to Midnight does have a nice intro, but imo, Bend the Backet off of TTOT(CDUI) has the best intro, but the song is still really good. Anyways, today I bought Soundtrack to Your Escape by In Flames... the Quiet Place is an awesome song. In Flames is one of the bigger bands of the Gothenburg Metal Scene in Switzerland, from what I've read. A lot of people are more familiar with Take This Life, that's the song by In Flames that's on GHIII. BTW Panache idk if you know, but Revolver magazine has a special Tool issue that is just as its should be, ALL TOOL. You'd love it, I suggest looking for it. It has the cover of Lateralus on the magazine. Just thought I'd let the fellow Tool fan know. It covers all the albums to date, as well as other **** like a Q&A with the artist, who btw, has BRILLIANT mind. Just look at the video for Vicarious.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Sabrina, here'a hint to help you... THINK THINK THINK. Just use your noggin and think long and hard and I'm sure you'll come up with something. Or if you really want, make a quick fanfiction, join an RPG, it helps, or, even start one if you can. And you of all people should have no problem executing that, from what I think of you.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"] [SIZE="1"]If this ever happens, I'd like to be either Judge or Prosecutor, preferably the former.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Tell me this is a good thing?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]For soem reason I feel that there is going to be DigitalBoy murder case... with me as the prime suspect. >_> But so far, bravicimo. Too bad one of my friends has my DS, cause if I had it I'd be able to finish Phoenix Wright! I miss Larry and The fake Masque D Mask's hot wife... *sigh*...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Sir Allamorph is a [strike]sexy beast that deserves many kisses[/strike] very honorable man with a very great writting talent. And, he has given me a few details of this story-line, and I'm not going to tattle, but it looks like a good story is brewin' in Ally's head. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]The thing is, where would the Nffty Fifty and other Otaku Award Events go? Major events like that could be hosted here, because they don't necesarily involve a lot of the subjects that the different forums are used for. And would we be able to turn the Main Event thread into a sticky in that forum, just until it's over, than it can be un-stickified, that would save inactivity without causing too much harm. And, this may seem silly, but it's possible there could even be a MRC (Member Run Commitee) and a MARC (Moderator & Admin Run Commitee) That serves to regulate the events, supply graphics and stuff for events, and help members with their events that they have planned, as well as various stuff for events. Sort of like congress. The MRC could talk about plans and go to the MARC for approval. The MRC can be run by strictly members, and the MARC could be run by all the mods and admins. But no president, if there had to be one though, Des would have to take the stand
  14. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][B][U]Bermuda Triangle[/U]: The Sequel[/B]. I want to defend my title, or at least pass it on. But I want to add something else to make it harder. Besides finding things on OB, a wikipedia thing would also be cool, like give hints to find articles and stuff like that, or maybe if possible, even edit Otakupedia articles so someone would have to find stuff there. I think it's only fair that we pass on this title every year or so it would be fun. Plus, it was a very fun event and it made OB a little more active.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Well I write... duh. But I'm both very good and very bad at the same time. I can think of a story in a matter of minutes, and go from there. But my good ideas are sullied by my bad writting skills. Not that I'm bad but more like I make careless mistakes, just ask Allamorph >_> Right now I'm in the midst of elaborating on [B][U]Midnight Falls on Amethestice (check ma sig)[/U][/B], my new violant demon story. I'm adding romance and vampires to the story. Generic a bit, but I'm going to add a twist somewhere. I might even throw in a few character crossovers for a bit of a gag to get people going. I'm also going to start an RPG soon, and hopefully if his interest hasn't dropped, Whoa Mann is going to be my partner in crime. It's a mix of war, adventure, and guitars. The story is still strong too. I have an obsession with mythology too, but not in the way Darren is. I have the necesity to always have some Mythology in almost every one of my stories. I blame KH.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Huh, I never knew A_M had two other children, you learn something everyday. Well as for me, no duh I'm not a mother, but I figure it must be hard for some of them to juggle this stuff daily. But thanks to our moms, cheers![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Holodeck's are cool because you can also have sub-stories within the stroy. Like you can play role playing games in the holodecks, of coarse the RPG itself won't permit that due to time and the focuis on the main story, but it's a nifty idea, because you can create different stories within the story and give the RPG diversity. Like, hmmm, in Star Ocean Till the End of TIme when the characters enter that Holographic thing and play RPGs.[/COLOR][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]I have returned... yes. I was grounded for the pasty few days, that's why I haven't been on. Anyways, because the only thing I had left was TV, I've been listening to some killer music. My newest fav at the moment is 'Falling Down' by Atreyu. I can't stand this band's newer stuff, but this song is actually pretty catchy, I just love the chorus. And earlier I heard The Crimson, which is another good Atreyu song. Also, the newest song by In Flames, The Mirror's Truth, which imo isn't as good as Take this Life or The Quiet Place, but it was good. And the video was weird. Another song I heard was Silence and Goodbye by The Automn Offering, which was WICKED! And in other news, Circle Takes the Square is working on there newest album, YAY! I love these guys ever since I heard Kill the Switch. I already know it's going to be a masterpiece. Plus, Dream Theatre, Opeth, Three and Between the Buried and Me are going on tour, sweetness, even though I'm never going to go >_> EDIT: Dio's son is actually a weatherman in Binghamton NY. So lol for you guys. I thought that was pretty cool when I heard it.[/size][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][B]TITLE[/B]: The Desoleora Chronicles [B]GENRE[/B]: Sci-fi/action/post-apocalyptic [B]SETTING[/B]: Earth after a great war, mainly the country of Desoleora [B]SUMMARY[/B]: Alvosh Aiden, son to a great war hero, discovers his father's old weapon at his Grandmother's house. He's on his way to a nearby town with his friends when he gets attacked by a monster in the desert. In exchange for part of his soul, he is granted powers that will awaken later. Than he becomes wrapped up in a battle between good and evil. He must fight his way through the Band of 4, and than defeat the opposing country of Leostrea that lost in the war. On his way he meets other who are sharing the same views as him. He also meets up with the Band of 4's Leader's brother, Keal and is trained under him. Soon they all become wrapped up in a rebellion from the losing country, and it will soon escalate even farther. The idea is up in a thread, but unless I see some interest from others, It's over.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Right now I'm jamming out on Guitar Hero 3. I'm getting REALLY good at it. I'm playing Expert right now, but earlier I obtained 5 stars on Cult of Personality on Hard mode. I'm getting really good at the hammer-ons and pull-offs. Later on this week, or next week, I might be getting Rock Band. Only two words can simplify the joy it brings me... **** YEAH! I can't wait to start drumming and playing vocals. Oddly enough I obtained the first two GHs and I started on Hard immediately. So I think I might do that for the guitar on Rock Band. But I'm going to have an orgasm when I play Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria, I practically melt just THINKING about that.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Here you can make limericks. Limericks are a type of poem that follow a pattern. [B][CENTER]A... A... B... B... A...[/CENTER][/B] So here is an example, [CENTER]Someday I will go to Peru, when there I will poop in a shoe. But perhaps I will find, some other funny rhyme. But this for now, will have to do.[/CENTER] So have fun! And remember the pattern. Here are some I made. Oh my god I just ate like a pig. And soon I will have 20 figs. Soon I'll be fat, and than I'll eat like a rat. But for laughs I will wear a fox wig. "Ha" I said to the maid, "These limes don't make lemonaid." But then she spread open a door, and soon something flooded the floor. And there lime lemonaid laid. There once was a young lady of ten. Who layed eggs like a hen. She layed fifteen underneath the cankles of her feet, and she named her stomach roll Sven. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]My most beloved mistress, [B]Mt. Dew.[/B] I have one once daily. Otherwise I drink energy drinks. I love Amp, especially the cherry flavor, and regular Amp is just as good. But more love goes to [B]Monster[/B]. M-80 and Assault are my favorite flavors. Assault tastes like cherry, and oddly enough, coke. There's this new energy drink I get at the smallest store in town that's run by family. It's called [B]Savage [/B]and it tastes like Monster, but even better. It's not in a can which imo, is why it tastes better, things taste different in a can :/ Also, Savage steams when you open it; which is very entertaining to me. :p Oh, btw, I'm drinking MT. Dew at the moment.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Orochimaru [/B]- Naruto [B]Shinji Ikari [/B]- Neon Genesis Evangelion [B]Rei-L[/B] - Ergo Proxy [B]Vincent Law [/B]- Ergo Proxy [B]Claire Bennent [/B]- Heroes [B]Sylar [/B]- Heroes [B]Sora & Riku[/B] - Kingdom Hearts 2 [B]Dr. Who[/B] - Doctor Who [B]Leon Squall [/B]- Final Fantasy IIIV Well that's all the ideas I have... hope you think they're serious enough, cause I have no idea about serious characters >_
  24. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]HAHAHAHAHA, If I leave, OB falls apart. You need a member that makes everyone feel smarter than they really are. Plus, you all love me, even a little bit.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]Right now I'd make a witty comment that could immasculate Ace... but if only I could understand what in the hell you meant?[/size][/COLOR]
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