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Everything posted by Aberinkula
What if anime was real. I mean we all were in a big anime. I think that the world would be better. You could cook food using your eyes, shoot energy from your fingers, or even fly over the OCEAN!! All that would be cool If life was an aniime I would be on pokemon. I mean summon monsters from balls and fight other monsters. Anyways. What anime would you want this world to be? Post your ideas here!
I found an awesome interview. It's between Tetsuya and some interviewer. If it's okay with the moderators I will post a link. When you take out the X in ORG. 13 members name you get a word. Take out the X in Xehanort and you get "no heart and "anothr." Plus something else amazing. But can't tell you (Want it to be a surprise.)
Discuss Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Fate [M-LV]- Headquarters
Aberinkula replied to Riku's topic in Theater
guys I'm completely sorry for being a total *** jockey. I apologized to KW. And we are still friends. Acheron I'm Heavenly sorry that you have to make a new character. Can you forgive me as KW did? I will even take the fall for Deathseye too. So is my apology acceptable? My IQ is 130. So I can comprehend what you all feel. (Believe me I act like a retard sometimes) -
[quote name='Doublehex']Hmmm, an interesting concept. I'll sit this one out, though - I'm too busy with two RPs, two summer books to read, and a novel to work on.[/quote] Okay. I get your point. you do have your hands full. Come back on it.
Writing Princess of Blue [M - SL possible V]
Aberinkula replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Creative Works
I love chapter 2. I wouldn't change it. Some wording mistakes. Reread you'll find out. But it doesn't mess up the story. Chapter 3 will be good I know that. -
What OtakuBoards members would you like to meet?
Aberinkula replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
Oh Tical Blue! it was nothing! :) Your princess blue is an awesome story. Couldn't get past the character's Appearance. Some other members I would like to meet. Scratch them off. So to speak. -
Discuss Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Fate [M-LV]- Headquarters
Aberinkula replied to Riku's topic in Theater
Fine then I will. Oh I have found some spelling mistakes of your own. Not going to tell you where. S-u-p-e-r-c-a-l-i-f-r-a-g-i-l-i-s-t-i-c-e-x-p-i-a-l-i-a-d-o-c-i-o-u-s. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Spell that. I-n-t-e-r-f-e-r-e. Interfere. Throw the words at me! -
What OtakuBoards members would you like to meet?
Aberinkula replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
Sorry KW! I accidently forgot the S. So I will edit that. Plus here's an add on of the people I'd like to meet. Acheron- He loves KH. A lot. He has crazy ideas to. Acheron the forgotten keyblade. Good keyblade actually. He sounds like he has an inner funny side as well. -
Okay I have a new idea. I know that KW has a Kingdom Hearts RPG out already. But What about an RPG about the Keyblade War. Honestly we need one. Who really needs to have a character from the keyblade war when there wasn't one. If there could be one it should be completely different fro the current story. people have probably asked themselves "What's this keyblade war people are talking about. Make the story about the people of the past. Who was the master of the keyblade before Sora? Take most of the disney characters out of it. No destiny island, or Twilight town, or even disney castle. Of coarse it would have to be made after the RP Im working on. And KW RPG. So if you think the idea is good tell me. Or if it's bad tell me. Also if you think something else would be better tell me too.
Discuss Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Fate [M-LV]- Headquarters
Aberinkula replied to Riku's topic in Theater
I'm sorry but I don't have microsoft word. Plus to download it I need more MB. I do not have enough megabytes to download it. So what do I do? I use hotmail. Believe me I always had my spelling grades over 90 in school. If I need a new character I will make him/her. But you could have just ASKED me to redo my posts. I would have done that without problem. So if I have to make a new character, so be it. Now it feels as if someone is putting rusty nails and screws in MY eyes. Maybe a few swords as well. Sorry but it's true. -
What OtakuBoards members would you like to meet?
Aberinkula replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
Well I'd like to meet some of the new members and give them a print of the rules here. But All joking aside. Dragon Warrior- The king of pop? Screw that. This guy is the comedy king. SIS is funny. Nut. Wonder what his new project is about? The one in his signature. Keyblade Weilder- He makes good RP's. He's a fanperson of KH like me. Fangirls. What a funny word. But he bows a lot. All the moderaters- Why? I don't know why but it would be cool. Tical Blue- He's cool, calm, who knows about collected. He is usiually in an up or down mood. He posts a lot in the lounge as well. madwitch5- actually he's my best friend. I know him to. He rides my bus. ne of my best friends too. 5 feet taller than me though. -
Discuss Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Fate [M-LV]- Headquarters
Aberinkula replied to Riku's topic in Theater
how many times can we post a day? Plus, can there be a boss that's conneced to your character? -
[QUOTE=Revelation][color=#1874CD]My goodness, I?ve only been gone for four days and already people have forgotten their manners! I?m completely taken aback by what people have written here, not because they?re saying something with ?honesty? but because of the way it?s written. If you wanted to be honest, at least be gracious! I mean, didn?t your elders teach you any manners? You don?t just tell people ?You SUCK!? and not give them a proper reason or even for that matter just say ?YOU SUCK!? Sure enough, Split Keyblader?s story isn?t the best but there are other ways to criticize someone?s work without having to flame them! I mean, goodness gracious, as the moderator of the OB Anthology, I am appalled that people have what [B][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48241]Constructive Criticism[/B][/URL] is and also just appalled at the way people?s acted here. Just because the entirety of this story isn?t ?up to par? with other stories that others have read doesn?t mean anyone has the right to destroy the author and what they?ve written, regardless of [i]anything[/i]. Like Retribution said, ?You may hate the story, but at least be civil?? since the majority of the people here?s forgotten what criticism?s all about, I am telling you to read the sticky before posting as of now! If you've already read the CC sticky, READ IT AGAIN; if you've yet to read it, READ IT! I won?t stand for anymore of these posts that I?ve seen.[/color][/QUOTE] Thank you Revelation. What you said is all true. people saying that they had to gore their eyes out is kind of rude. Some of these guys even said they couldn't read the first paragraph. Who said it was all horrible. Just read it THEN criticize it. If you would like to see my better writting just go the story of dark blade a little farther down. See if that's good.
Manga Poll: Your favorite thing to happen in a manga.
Aberinkula replied to Aberinkula's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Red]First of all please use something like word to spell check your posts as we have pretty high standards here at OtakuBoards.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna][B]On topic:[/B] I like a little of pretty much everything you have listed. Though there are exceptions to each one. For example the cliffhanger, I don?t mind it so long as it?s not the end of volume one and you?re left wondering until volume two. If I know that I?ll just avoid it altogether until both of them are out. Big fights are nice, but not where your favorite character dies and magic fights in manga are boring. I like them much better when the special attacks are animated. Comedy is a must as it keeps things from being too serious, yet one?s that are nothing but comedy and never take themselves serious get old real quick. Characters being cornered is almost a basic for some types of manga as it?s the only way they grow as it?s often a grow or die situation. Though again, if that sort of thing is overdone it?s no fun either. Also, one thing you didn?t really mention is a good villain. Especially the type that at one point they seem so real to you that you can?t wait for them to die. I really hate the wimpy villain who is just misunderstood.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Thank you indifference. That is some great adivce! I sometimes can't wait for a villain to die myself. As for word I don't have it. But I'm going to see about installing something like it on my computer. -
Albireo walked away. "Hey wait up!" Yelled Eidolon. She ran with him. "Get some faster legs!" Damanded Albireo. "Just kidding." Snorted Albireo back. Albireo looked to the corner of his eye. a ghost had caste a shadow. A crucifix was found under Albireo. The cross was formed by two steel pipes. Albireo looked at the apparitions once more. He felt a presence. The presence of his parents. 'What's wrong?" Asked Eidolon. "I thought I saw my mother!" He jumped. "Wonder why?" Eidolon asked herself. They entered a gate. In american it said "Government Restoration Committee." This government program was made after the war to help restore the planet. next to it was another sign it read "Japanese Prime Minister is inside. Know your manners!" Eidolon heard that this prime Minister was a furian. He split off the government world group. or GWG. So this jolly fat man was polite to furians. "Well maybe the Prime Minister can tell us bout' the war." Said Albireo. Across from them was a portal to the japanese space station "Etuquenu" It is a nonsense word the PM made up. But it wasn't just a space station it was also a Furians only resort. The Japanese area was completely hit by a NEWK. So the states or America outlawed every human from entering the country. "it's hard to believe evil bastards like the government could break a treaty like they did." Albireo was angry. Psychotic! So much anger rushed through him hat he "shorted". When a furian shorts it tells people around the shorted person to get help. In any case this causes temporary loss of the Psychotic ability. Every furian gets this. It"s actually as common as a common old. Eidolon rushed him to the space resort. ______________________________________ OOC: For all members of the RP. If your character is a furian he must short at least 1once during the RP. the time of year it is in the story is the time fr this illness to form. The sickness causes the person to get angry for no reason. Only make the sickness last for 1 post. No longer.
Does anyone now about hauntings near their home? Or has anybody here encountered something they will never forget? I have encountered minor things myself. At school I was walking upstairs when I felt a pushing feeling on my back. Not a harmful one but a gental presence. A girl did hang herself near the bomb shelter. Also a couple of my classmates got out of the girls bathroom. When they saw a couple walk down the hall. they then dissapeared. The girls ran back to the library. As for rumers there's this house in Norwoood. (near where I live) And there a woman was stabbed by someone. With a shovel. The guy saw a man with that shovel. The shovel had blood running down it. Also there was a teenager at the side of a bed with her younger family members. When suddenly it looked as if the room was spinning. Well anyway if anything along the line of [U][B]CREEPY[/B][/U] or [U][B]WEIRD[/B][/U] has been seen tell it here. Believe me i know some strange ones.
This story is based on the aftermath of Dark blade. For some of you, you might know it for my old manga Lake of Blood. I also added a character. her's the story cap: [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=51368]Dark blade (lake of blood)[/URL] Chapter 1: [FONT=Verdana] Sister[/FONT] A couple of months ago Deltokden Mishima saved the universe using a mysterious spell book. Plus a sword. Finally destroying Zeke who was the evil embodiment of Zet. The god of hell in a world known as Zetzon. Zara Lablank died in a fire. But thanks to a ritual she was brought back. They all live normal now with their friends Dante Danson, Graden Starta, and Paige Romana. The story starts at Deltokden's mansion. Where him and Zara are alone. Deltokden woke up with Zara on top of him. Her feet on his face. Her hand on the blanket didn't let Deltokden get out. This is the fifth day she's rolled onto me. If she's gonna get on top she could at least kiss me! Whoa! Yelled Zara! Del this is the fifth day you've crawled under me. At least kiss me! I've been doing nothing! You are the one rolling on me. Yelled Deltokden back. Del jumped in the shower as Zara shaved her legs. God at least take that thing to get a silencer! Said Deltokden. I am always trying to clean my face when you shave. It distracts me and I end up getting soap in my eye's. the bickering seemed to never end. Del was lucky to find out he would soon be a father. He didn't want a kid. He has always thought that if only he had his car he could go to the pharmacy. Even though he's the richest man in town. Zara took a hot bath with Del in the hot tub. They went to sleep. When Del awoke he noticed Zara's arm on his lap. She had rolled onto him and fell of the bed. Later that day Deltokden went to see the others while Zara went to go get some pills. Deltokden saw Dante at the door. His house is in sections so everyone lives there. Hey man! Yelled Dante. Dante is gothic. He is a Black Magician. But he returned to the average Christian he was. Paige wants us to go meet her sister. Come on. So off they went down the courtyard. The yard was beautiful and majestic. it was embroidered with the Mishima family signet. Daisies lined the hallways. Hey guys! yelled Del at the spur of the moment. When he opened his eyes he noticed a girl standing near him. the girl was Del's dream. She had long hair that fell to her hands. her eyes were clear blue. Her chest was Del's main focus. BIG ONES! He yelled. What? Asked the girl. I said Sig suns. They are new cigars. He he! Deltokden still stared at her. Her shirt was see through. She had earrings that were beautiful. her thighs were Sensual. As so was the rest of her. Nice to meet you um...what;'s your name? Asked Del as he shook. I'm Heather. She said. Deltokden fainted. A fantasy flew through his head. He awoke to hands slapping him. he then saw Zara. You are a pervert! She yelled. Del looked down. laughed than was slapped once more. _____________________________________________________ Chapter 2: running for wha? Del, Del. wake up! Yelled Zara. She took a bucket of water and threw it on him. WHAT I I'M UP!!! Del woke so fast that zara fell backwards. Oh Zara sorry 'bout that. Mits mockay. Zara said in a muffled voice. Well I'm gonna get on the internet. Muttever. Said Zara muffled once more. Is he always like that? Heather asked. Dante got up and walked to Heather. You have no idea. Paige put her hands on her head and ran towards Del. Wait up Del! she yelled. Del finally got back to his room. Paige raced in. Del what were you doing? She asked. Your sister is ho, ho, HOT!! Del fell on his bed. Zara is going to kill me. You bet I will! Zara rushed in slamming the door behind her. That was just sick! I've seen that once from you but that's all I want to see of it! Del backed away to the corner of the room. He looked to see his magazines. One of them said "Mayor elections coming soon Eligible people are able to enter." That gave him an idea. Since he saved the universe the city would probably let him run. Okay, Zara to make it up to you I'm going to. Run For Mayor!!!!!!! Well, well, your enthusiasm shows. Said Zara in a snotty tone. Aright if you think they will let you run then so be it. Okay then Honey I'll be at the town hall! Del got into his car and left. He returned. How did it go? Asked Paige and Zara. Well it went good. Del replied. So what did you enter? Asked Dante. YES I DID!! To be continued... ___________________________________
Writing Princess of Blue [M - SL possible V]
Aberinkula replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Creative Works
I like the story. Is Kiala a skank? :animestun Anyway, the story needs a lot of time worked on it. Buyt I like it so far. Can't wait to see what's next. -
name: Artharious Age: looks 18 but in reality is 16 Side: Darkness but will fall into the light. Story: He lived to only be 22. he was killed by an ancient keyblade master. He was resummoned by Maleficent. That was before Sora was born. But he stayed at age 1 for 2 years. the reason was because Maleficent cast stop on him. He was made to kill the next Keyblade master. But he decided not to. Instead he searches for away to seal Maleficent away. For good. He may be on the dark side. But when he will hear of Riku and Sora he will help them try to destroy maleficent. He thinks they will be confronted by maleficent. in the other life he was in the keyblade war. his keyblade was Path to hearts. A keyblade that could search for lost ones and find evil hearts. being killed by another keyblade weilder he lost the privalege of the keyblade. But being reborn a new keyblade chose him. Oblivion's Oath is his weapon. It is not a fusion of Oblivion and Oathkeeper. But it shows the alliance of the darkness. he will find a new one when he becomes light. As in when he joins the light side. more about these keyblades later. [U][B]Seal the darkness that has ingulfed your heart.[/B][/U] He never did listen to that little spark of light left inside him. [U][B]It's your destiny to help others find the path of light. Using your keyblade to guide the darkness away. Do as Sora is doing.[/B][/U] Oviously his old light blessed soul knows about the keyblade master. Will he find his light as Riku and Sora has? Or will he fall into the clutches of darkness as did Ansem? We will find out. personality: He is good to others and will defend his friends. If he had some. Thanks to Maleficent he has become cold and ruthless. he knows what he was supposed to do is evil. So that shows he doesn't forget easily. He is strong. Willing but shrouded in disgust for his creator. He is filled with thoughts of revenge. He defends being on the dark side. he is defensive but as well offensive. Weapon: Oblivion's Oath. This keyblade holds dark energy that coarses through the weilder's body. So only someone of a lot of dark energy can control it. But he has found away to use heartless as that soarce. This keyblade is 6 feet long. But it ways 50 pounds. So its hard to lift. Dark streaks run through it. The blade is white and silvery much like a regular sword. It has no keychain attachesd to it. instead the keychain is found on the blade's hilt. It is a heartless symbol with an arrow going through it. The handle is shaped like kingdom key. But it is red with spickes coming out. The other keyblade will be told about when Artharious obtains it. but sorry to say this but I'm stumped on what it looks like. Magic/ Ability: Storm delay. This is a spell using wind magic. it does not work on the spot. But when it's used it blocks almost all attacks. Mega Ragnorak. This attack is a really powerful form of ragnorak. Using this with storm delay creates Mega Storm Cannon. But as for the attack alone the combos are greater and faster. Plus the energy is shot at all enimies. Plus it takes less more MP than regular Ragnarok. Darkness Threads. This attak is simple. It is just an effect of the keyblade. It shoots threads that alows Artharious to jump farther and more acurately. Destruction Raid. This attack creates multiple keyblades to fotrm in the sky. All the keyblades are different. When they fall they form around Artharious he then turns invinsible and unleashed End Creation. This added attack throws each keyblade at a chosen target. But as for the first step it's kind of random so not all enimies are hit by it. Plus it can even hit Artharious. Image (Just a description): His body is quite not developed as a regular teenager. His body has less hair. And his shoes are smaller than Sora's shoes but not that small. His hair is black and red. Red on the sideburns and black on the top. His hair is shaped like leon and Riku's together. So his hair is long and kind of back. His face is normal complexion. A white scar is found on his forehead. That is where he was stabed when he was in the keyblade wars. But his hair hides it. His eye's are Blue but staring into them actually causes a sence of protection for others. His eyebrows are black like his hair. his nose is shaped like Sora's by comparison. His sideburns are short so not that visible. Hius lips are visable up close. They are not big like other peoples. His chin is flat as his head is round. As for his torso he has a Red buttondown shirt with fire. His white shirt is a tank top. His neck has a neclas with the nobody symbol. Why is a mystery. But his arms are strong. And he has cuffs much like Sora's but with extensions. On the cuffs are the heartless symbol. On the inside there is a crown. So oviously his jewerly is showing that he has been around a lot. He colects them. his hobbies include colecting weird emblems. His waist has a belt that has even more symbols. These symbols are unkown though. As for his theighs and hips they are normal teenager shaped. He wears shorts that go baelow his knees. These shorts are blue. He wears ankle high socks. As for his shoes they are black, red, and blue. The soles are golden. His shoe's tounges are blue and red. But as for the rest of the shoes the color is black. ___________________________________________ OOC sorry if it's a little long. I wanted it to be so long on the apearrence so you could get a better feel for the charecter. If there is any problem you are comletly free to PM me. I will change what needs to be changed right away.
:animenose you have problems. That's not even a story. It needs more emphasis. No smilies. To much :sleep: :animecry: :animedepr :catgirl: :animeshy: :animeswea :animeblus :animesmil :animenose smilies. Grammer needs work. Tell more about Red & Black. Dude you told me about this at school. Frankly it's not funny. It is real life. And those lessons. Everybody here knows that. Except excesive hentai watchers.
My grammar does suck. It has more mistakes than Tical Blue has account changes. (His avatars banners and his other stuff.) Sorry Tical Blue just needed something to compare. The name of the story is pointed at the three charecters. It is no way insulting this story. Now that thats cleared People can reast in peace. I do have another story with another forums. maybe that could show my writing critiqe.
[SIZE=2]Okay. Thanks for the answer. If you want to close this thread you may. ;) [/SIZE]
Thanx. (I really need to pay attention in class.) I thought nifty 50 was something else. HAHA. :animeswea Well these things happen. Why's it called nifty fifty?
I just thought of an idea. Why doesn't once a year the moderators hold an award ceremony. For example say littlebilly7 created an Rpg so great that everyone on the OB was talking about it. Well then say a moderator of the Adventure square gave him an award. There could be other awards as well for best RP of the year. Greatest Rp of the year for first time RPers. Award for very discriptive writing. And finally award for outstanding charecter creation. If anybody thinks this is a good idea post what you think. Ubless of coarse they already do this. But I just came up with this idea. Who knows maybe we could go for a shot at this. Just post Yay or nay. And a reason why you like or dislike the idea. Thanks in advance for ypur thoughts.