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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [quote name='chaos Alvis']Wow. ALot of u guys are kh2 fans :D . well i havent died yet *lvl 62* and i still dont have ultima :animecry: . i just need one more +orichulcum. any hints anyone?[/quote] One hint is to fight lots of enimies and raise your moogle levels. Spend no orichulums at all until it's finished.
  2. [QUOTE=NashvilleDream][spoiler]I did find sephiroth, couldn't beat him though T_T hey, umm, what does the Keyblade look like? Cuz there's this one that I keep seeing, but have no idea which one it is... Another question I had heard that you can get final form "randomly from driving in The World that Never Was" However, when I got it, I was in Radient Garden, after having reached the way to the final battle... Is this normal or a glitch or what?[/spoiler][/QUOTE] Its no glitch. I got it at agrabah. So I would think not. Sora's voice change was better. The other one was girlie. I don't have 100% of the games but I have defeated all of them. If KH3 comes out I will get it beat it and yell yes. I heard on a different board that the creator is not that interested in the franchise much anymore. I am A FANNNNNN! (Nashvilldreams, does your banner suggest that Sora and Riku are gay? I like the banner though.)
  3. Albireo charged with all his might. He brought out the grand cross. He jumped and walked on the creature's back. Suddenly it threw him to the ground. Albireo threw his sword at the monster's face. Blinding it. "So Eidolon. What happened to this beast's suicidal roar?" Said Albireo. "It hasn't even yelled yet!" Yelled Eidolon back at him. Suddenly a roar broke out. Albireo covered his ears. He formed a disk like energy around his wrist's. Suddenly he kicked his leg and shopt at a giant spore on the back of the creature. Its popped. The disk had torn it. Blowing the creature away. "So much for horrable creature." Said Albireo. he then put out his hand. A psychotic attack grew. but the weird thing was that instead of fire, black energy gapped from the palm of his hand. Well it seemed that the area around him was being forced to the ground. As if gravity had grew stronger. "Guess i have a new power." Said Albireo. "Gravity Impulse!" Yelled Albireo. Suddenly the monster callaped into itself. Dissapearing into the abyss.
  4. [QUOTE=Acheron]//snip// [font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][b][i][u]Two years later[/u][/i][/b], we broke up and I figured out that she had sex with every friend that I [b][i][basically][/i][/b] knew. :animedepr Talk about [b][i]'used up and thrown away'...[/i][/b] I couldn't believe she had done this to me and [b][i][u]I lost my virginity to her[/u][/i][/b]. [b][i]Gah![/i][/b] That made me [b][i][u]so[/u][/i][/b] mad! I, ultimately, fell into a state of [b][i][serious][/i][/b] mental depression because of this act of [b][i]'betrayal'[/i][/b].[/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]I'm over it now, but those are one of the many stories that I have. I'm [b][i]sooo[/i][/b] glad, though, I got married, because all of my pain and anguish concerning crushes dissapeared. I'm just glad that I don't have to go through that crap anymore. [/size][/font] //snip// [/QUOTE] Well that's just plain rude! And your friends too! i had a girlfriend once and I broke up with her because of things like that. (Plus it was my friends idea.) It was my first relation ever. Longest too. If that happened to me I would freak! Sorry for your loss. (If you catch my drift.) but as you said marriage made you forget. Or whatever. Marriage kind of blocks those things from happening. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkgreen]Ålpha-Æpsilon, there's no need to quote Acheron's [b]entire[/b] post - it's only just above yours, after all! Just quote the relevant bits. It saves both screen space and readers' eyes. -Raiyuu[/color][/font]
  5. This poll is to see what you like more in manga. 1. A cliffhanger that leaves you hanging. 2. Big fights were your favorite charecter dies. 3. Funny things in a dramatic event. 4. Twists that get you wondering. Or even- 5. Story plots that leave characters cornered. This poll is to tell me what people like more in manga. This is for when I do my manga Dark Blade. SoI know what to have happen. Also post why you like that sort of event.
  6. Simpsons is not Freakin sweet. ZMy views are it's a good show. But for me it pales into comparison to family guy.
  7. TBPM The big plates mouthwash. SHADOW-
  8. Suddenly the ground shook. Out popped a head. The head appeared. It was a furian. And the furian could control earth element. The furian had a second head growing from the it's spine. Its legs were covered from toe to waist in blood. And as that wasn't enough, the furian had two arms that were covered in a moldy residue. Two more bodies were conected to it. The sheer look at it would provoke people to vomit at it's appearence. "God damn! That thimg is awful." Said Albireo. The creature roared. "Albireo, this book I have tells legends about mutant furians." Replied Eidolon who wasn't even shocked by the creatures appearence. "I found the book lying by the entrance into the city." Eidolon found a page with a creature that completly resembled the creature. "It says here that this is the earth elemental creature." Said Eidolon. She read on. "In my research I found that the bio chemicles have caused people to become angered. The state of New York is were it all started. I was born in the year 2070. This is my study book. Anyways the creature that I have captured a picture of is indeed craeated from nuclear energy. What it's doing in Japan I don't know. I have had to put up with t's screams. Its body is changed from a regular human into a creature of pure hatred. The government has labeled it a furian. Furians live but they are regular humans with a strange ability. Well as I was saying this creature is a monster. It is called spored back Dynamus. Or as the new twist of words mean. Rotting anger. This creature can use earth as a weopon. It is the anger of people that it encounters that causes it's power. It's sheer power of anger and anguish drive people to suicide. Believe me I've seen it myself." -Professer Steindarm. May 3, 2094 "This journal could really help us out. Maybe it could be the key to the mystery of the planets destruction. And us" Eidolon stopped talking. "Whoa, that means we have to kill this thing. No matter what." Albireo said that then he charged forth.
  9. I had a girlfriend who hated it when I talked to this other girl. She only let me see her for 5 minutes at school. This girl I dated is a selfish *****. And guess what I found out later? She was with 2 other guys. I mean snap! That is not why I dumped her though. Most of my friends told me she was a liar. And she was. Now there is another girl I'm in a tizzy over her. Her name is Brandie. And boy she is purty. She came from utica. She also rides my bus. She loves anime and manga. Like me. And the best part is she is my type. Her sister is kind of gothic. My friend or madwitch5 (That's his otakuboards name. likes her sister. So that is kind of a doubvle whammy right there.
  10. Thank you guys for the answer. Thats all I needed.
  11. [QUOTE][color=crimson][i]No[/i], it isn't. War is one of our fortes, it's something humans do [i]well[/i]. It's an art, it's something you practice and perform, something you dedicate yourself into learning. War brings advancement, it forces change, it forces progress. Controlled violence is one of the most potent forces humans have at their command.[/color][/QUOTE] Thank you Deathknight. Thats the answer I needed.
  12. As the name states what is DeviantART? I have seen in in peoples SIG's but I've been wondering what it is. I myself think it allows you to show art that you've made. I decided to post this question in this forum because I think it has to do with art. So a nice reply would be fine. If a moderator could tell me that would also be good. Because they know what to do almost all the time.
  13. Hell ya!!! But I'm glad it's going to be back too! TPBM is into the dark arts.
  14. No I havn't. Huoy! TPBM knows 5 languages.
  15. No I won't. TPBM thinks that the next statement is true and the last statement is false.
  16. Eidolon carried Albireo into Tokyo. The city was new to them. But the famous Japanese city was as dead as a doorknob. "Well we are here." Eidolon said out loud. "Sure are!" Eidolon looked over her shoulder to see Albireo consience as well in health. "Thanks for carrying me here. I coulda done it myself but." "But what? And you could of walked!" Yelled Eidolon as it finaly dawned on her. "Ya but to lazy plus it was good sleep." Said Albireo. Eidolon frowned in deceit. [I]"He could have walked here? Boy I am a blonde."[/I] The 2 walked down the Tokyo highway. Cars were biogeneticly stuck to the ground. Vans were pumping energy into themselves. Almost like a human eating a meal. "Why are the cars feeding from the earth?" Asked Albireo. "I guess we will find out." Replied Eidolon. "Whoa check the map!" Yelled Eidolon in shock. Albireo looked. "It seems we are in the bad part of town. This what must have been Pitsburg." Laughed Albireo. "All joking aside, this map must mean we are in the unatural part of the city. The japanese call it Xadnokai Gnosidou. A made up word but it's the name." "Hay Eidolon look! It also says that furians live here. Or wait a minute, failed bio chemicle experiments." Albireo looked at the backround. Something was in their presence.
  17. False. 80 degrees for us. I watched Pee Wee's playhouse yesterday on Adult Swim. Paul reubens is going to make a new movie about his show pee wee's playhouse. He made the script heard about this on the tonight show. TPBM does the can can on a regular basis.
  18. Eidolon restored the damaged body of Albireo. He then again went after Rajaha. Next was his leg then his arm then again his leg. Psychotic power was being formed. Suddenly black fire formed around his hands. He then shot Rajaha. Rajaha fell dead. As Eidolon looked to the northe nature suddenly grew. What was going on was a mystery.. "What was with that Albireo?" Asked Eidolon. "Na...nature...retur...ning...to normal." Albireo's last sentance before he fell unconsience.
  19. Hey. I like the idea. And for some reason the link goes to the RPG your in that I made. Psychotic Enigma. What is up with that?
  20. Huh? TPBM thinks brittany spears should be 1 of baskin Robins 31 flavors. (Curse you larry the cable guy._
  21. OOC:Mushrumluver try making longer posts. And I will post better spelling. "So reveal yourself!" Yelled Albireo loudly. "Damn it. Fine the name's Rajaha. The president sent me to kill you." Those words didn't please Albireo and Eidolon. "Well then prepare. Grand cross!" Yelled Albireo. Just then a cross transformed into a sword. "Been training while out here." Said Albireo all up into himself. He jumped forword and stabed Rajaha. Blood dripped on Eidolon. She then created a shield with spickes. Rajaha fell on it. "Damn you 2!!" Rajaha yelled in anger as he took out a knife and ran towords Albireo. He stabbed Albireo. But Albireo was not happy. Suddenly he took his blade and slashed off Rajaha's lef hand. "Asshole." Albireo grinned. Albireo threw Rajaha back. He jumped at Rajaha once more. He lunged himself blade and all. He sliced of Rajaha's left arm. "Challenging me was no mistake." Said Albireo peacefully. "It was a death sentence." OOC: Check out the underground for story plots or anything about the RPG. I need to post rules.
  22. Good to go get a girlfriend, or good to go get money! TPBM Slurs while talking. Sometimes.
  23. Albireo and Eidolon reached the half way mark between Tokyo. "Damn. This place IS decolate. Tokyo is still far away." Said Albireo. "It has been 2 days I know." Said Eidolon . "But at least no Furians have tried to kill us." But just then Grusinskaya apeared again. "Its that girl again." Said Albireo. "Yes but Albireo, her arm is different." Replied Eidolon. "It has to be a furian ability. The ability to copy other people exactly. By fighting them r just looking at them." "Well then Eidolon a fight is going to break out." Replied Albireo.
  24. ust did about 2 a.m. TPBM has gotten sugar high. Like too much mountain dew.
  25. As Torch grew closer so did his anger grow worse. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Yelled Albireo. Grusinskaya stood behind Eidolon. Torch looked at Eidolon. "I thought you were dead. I killed you at the ground. No pulse." Torch was surprised. Albireo glared at Torch, then stared at Eidolon. "So you did invade the grounds." He asked. "Yes but how can somebody die and be back to life. Was it the nature that has been preserved for 13 years." Torch stoped his mouth. Suddenly he knew what was going on. "Her psychotic attack is the ability to stop the heartrate." Said Torch. "It's true. I call it heartstop." Albireo stared at Eidolon. "Damn you! I can't fight you unless she's gone. She will just bring you guys back. Fine then I will leave, for now." Torch walked away. "So Grusinskaya are we gonna go to Tokyo now or what?" Asked Albireo. But just then he looked where she was. And she was gone. "Who was she?" Asked Eidolon. "A mystery to us. Let's head out. Albireo and Eidolon walked away. "So Rajaha did you meet the survivors?" Asked a weird voice. "Yes president Rayusa. But Torch failed." "Torch is strong but somethings he must not do." Said the president in disgust. But the info from that Albireo, that is quite useful. The president grinned as he stared out the window. "Plus the ability to transform is great for my syndicate. Use that Furian power wisely." "Yes...Master" Said Rajaha as hiss voice started to change.
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