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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. KLTMSUV Kim likes Tim My Sevant Under Violation, SASGMBPS Sargant A Ship! Get My Brown Pants Private. BBRIMSD
  2. *Eats OB brand food* Yes TPBM loves a girl that does not love them back. I know it hurts.
  3. The story thus far. In the year 2100 a war ended the planets nature life. Leaving only the government and the people of Earth on the planet. The world is corrupt and the government is lying to the people of the world. He says that the world will be fine as long as we are here. In the end he caused his people to betray all govenrment facilites and bodies. The president sent his army to decimate the people of Earth. But his arny died due to a mysterious creature. Lying dormant after the war he finnaly arose. Gaarana. A furian. Furians are mutant due to chemicles from the war. They live in secret. A furian is also a Psycho. They are easily angered and can unleash abilities that normal humans can't use. But soon they too will revolt. But saving the planet? Who knows. They live in the only place on earth with trees and plants. They call it "Grand Grounds. It stretches thousands of miles. But humans call it " Natural Hell" For any human that comes in the place is never seen again. What let this natural resevoir of life live is unknown. But it is also the only place where technology is found. Other than Japan and U.S. cities such as New York or Los angelas. But only little spots have even small amounts of life left. But the people of "The Grand Grounds" don't even care. They never leave the ground. Unless of coarse, the government invades. Our story begins with 2 people on the ground. They both live a good life unaware of the soon to be consaquences of living there. Albireo lives in the groundwith no one but himself. He wonders what it would be like outside of the ground. He is unaware of what truly is out there. He was only 4 when his parents were killed. They were bruttaly murdered. Memories haunt Albireo's miond. It was a cold night. He was to bed. But the government entered the ground. And as luck has it they entered his home. Albireo's parents got off of the couch and walked toword the man. The man brought out a knife and threw it at Albireo's father. His mother blocked the knife. The knife gored her and caused a hemridge in her brain. Albireo got up to get a drink when he saw what happened. Still it was going on. His father was also gored by a blade. Blood was everywhere. Albireo was shot as well. He fainted. Now Albireo is still thinking about the person who did this. Furians are usually haunted a lot by memories due to the mutagens in their bodies. But that is also another cause of a psychotic fury. One morning Albireo woke up to hear screams. Heat was beating on his face. When he steped out he saw the ground on fire. Army men were around walking. He then saw his friend Eidolon. A girl who knows Albireo quite well. He ran toword her. He picked her up and left the ground. Unable to return he left for a small oasis that is quite cherished at the grand ground. They slept for a couple of days. The two now travel around trying to find information. But no luck. What will become of them? They don't know. _________________________________________________- Currently they find themselves at the peak overlooking the ground. Lovely Eidolon isn't it. That is truly all we ever had. My dream was to see the world. But this is what it looks like. A baron wasteland. Albireo walked away dow the mountain path. Eidolon closely behind him. Well how come you didn't know the way it is out here. I mean I was told. Because I have no parents Eidolon. But a question. Why didn't you tell me about it out here. asked Albireo. He dug his arms into his shirt for wormth. Buut I want to know. Why the ground was not affected by the war you told me about. I mean really. It's strange. Plus why are we the way we are? Well we would have to go to a city that actually stands and ask. Replied Eidolon. THe closestis Tokyo, lets go there. Sure Eidolon, lets head there right now. They stormed off. As they walked they saw a women walk toword them. Whothe frig is that? The woman rose her head. She walked toword Albireo and Eidolon. Charging with fury in her eyes. You government bastards! She yelled. Albireo stood still. Eidolon activated one of her techniques. A shield guarded them. Whoever the hell you are, we are furians. Okay then I won't attack. My name's Grusinskaya. I too am furian. We get thhat. But what are you doing out here? I thought everyone in the grounds were killed. No I used to live in a village. I found I was furian. And I was banished. By chance have you ever heard of a man named Torch? Albireo looked at Eidolon with wonder. No I havn't but we're going to Tokyo to ask about the baronness of the land. As well as the war. Okay then I'll join you. Besides, I need to be around my kind. Replied Grusinskaya. Sure, the more the marrior right. But Albireo how do we know she's not a spy? Asked Eidolon questionably. Well her eyes are red. So she's a furian. Thank you guys. As they walked away a figure steped up. Hey you three. I''m under the idea that your furians. Ya so. Said Albireo. Well then taht means I can kill you. The names Torch. That's the guy who I'm looking for. Said Grusinskaya shockingly. HE is the presidents guardian. One of the only furians allowed in human presence. Torch had fire come from his hand. He was heading toword Albireo and the others. A sence of anger reached them.
  4. Okay we are good to go. If anyone else wants to join I'm willing to except two more charecters. Thanx. And enjoy.
  5. Hell ya TPBM thinks spongebob is gay.
  6. sign-ups are doing swell. Just a cuople. more. About 3 or 5. And we will start up. Mushrumlover has an evil furian. We could use more villians. They first part of the RP is a fight against Torch. An evil furian that is also the guardian of the president. More about him later.
  7. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Horribly organised octagonal bands aught stay tuned and nominate keepers. SQUARED[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Super quers underestamate a radicle estimated denomanator. ROUNDED
  8. The Dumb, the Stupid, and the Just Plain Retarted. [M-VLS] This is rated M-VLS for lots of swearing violance and maybe some sexuall material. It is a comedy. Not real life Mature people only. 2 people are having a standoff. Runescape style. Then out of the blue they get an e-mail. From an old friend. Dear dudes, Whats up? I'll meet you two at the otakuboards. From- Your beotch. Kyle. Well lets go meet this beotch on the OB. Goerge his names Kyle. Well I knew that. Animelord650: Hey Kyle. It's been years. Hellman's_own_anime_show: See Naruto lately? Animelord650: Ya good show but what do you want. Hellman's_own_anime_show: I want to make a comedy movie. The dumb, the stupid, and the just plane retarted. Animelord650: How the fuck ya gonna make that. Hellman's_own_anime_show: I don't know cameras tinsle and a man that can grow excesivly and reach 50 feet.I can't believe you didn't know dumbass Animelord650: I know someone meet me at the bridge in NYC I'll bring him. 123Kakashi: Hey guys. Guess what? I became a dentist. Hellman's_own_anime_show: Burn in hell man. 123kakashi: Just kidding. But I heard about the movie. Jokopoco: I'm closing your thread. You are also getting banned. This is the 100th time I've warned you. Literaly. And plus this is the arena underground. Crud! Yelled Kyle. See you at the bridge. Hey why were we talking on otakuboards anyway. This is a public library. That was a dumb thing to do. But see you. 2 hours later. Kyle it's you. Said Goarge. This is my friend. Apache chief. Well you've outdone yourself. Replied Kyle. I need him to put up something for a scene I'm workig on. Come to the house. So off they went skipping throught the woods with their red baskets. Oh crap wrong story. They were strolling through the slums in Bronx. They finnaly reached Kyle's house. Inside was a room filled with props, and movie scripts. Oh no those fish are going to hit those rocks. Damn!? I'm sorry I didn't mean to shave your fathers back. This is not funny at all. Said Goerge. Oh shut up. Replied Kyle. Hey apache chief put this balcony up there. Yes I will. Apache chief grow. Well that was grand and all. I'm going to a casino to gamble. Apache chief stormed off. Leaving a trail of buildings falling behind him. Well Kyle you ruined my day. Yelled Goarge. I'm leaving. Suddenly maniacle laughter was booming from a near bye taxi. I got you! This is fun park money! Muahaha! The man said as he got out of the cab. Well anyways I'm the all powerful Hentai!!! What's your name! Yelled Kyle at the top of his lungs. Master your name's Shentay. Said Shentay's evil servant. Hentai is anime dipictions of por- No it's not. Its a tie with hens on it. Said Shentay. CUTT!!!!!Yelled Kyle. That was half-ass perfect. 4 fricken stars oughta 5. So this was a movie scene? Asked Goerge. Yup! and a good one at that. Replied Kyle. CRACKHEADED F ER!!!!! Yelled Goerge as he puched the hell oughta Kyle. Damn you I thought he was an evil deranged maniak. Hey don't talk about Kio that way Goerge. Said Kyle. Hey Goerge. Haven't seen you sice the library. Replied Kio. Great Kio say the new spell! Fuck off shorty!!! Yelled Kio. Well we have a new scene tommorow. this time it's fast food meats final fantasy. Said Kyle, As the 3 walked through the sunlight. TO BE CONTINUED... Hope you like it. Post what you think.
  9. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Hah, that got a lot of responses :P And yes, I do like Johnny Depp. He's a rad actor. The following comic is for you good OB folk ;) [img]http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/7184/slackers1151oj.jpg[/img][/QUOTE] that is pure genious! FUNNY!!!!!!
  10. Real funny. I have a dyslexic one myself, here goes The dyslexic guide to walking into bras
  11. This game is based on the TV show whose line is it anyway? I will post a couple of words and you make up something funny. In other words it is a scenes from a hat game every 5 posts or so I will post another "Scene". To start it off here's a scene: Books that never sell hot. Belemic diet tips.
  12. In the year 2100 a war ended the planets nature life. Leaving only the government and the people of Earth on the planet. The world is corrupt and the government is lying to the people of the world. He says that the world will be fine as long as we are here. In the end he caused his people to betray all govenrment facilites and bodies. The president sent his army to decimate the people of Earth. But his arny died due to a mysterious creature. Lying dormant after the war he finnaly arose. Gaarana. A furian. Furians are mutant due to chemicles from the war. They live in secret. A furian is also a Psycho. They are easily angered and can unleash abilities that normal humans can't use. But soon they too will revolt. But saving the planet? Who knows. They live in the only place on earth with trees and plants. They call it "Grand Grounds. It stretches thousands of miles. But humans call it " Natural Hell" For any human that comes in the place is never seen again. What let this natural resevoir of life live is unknown. But it is also the only place where technology is found. Other than Japan and U.S. cities such as New York or Los angelas. But only little spots have even small amounts of life left. But the people of "The Grand Grounds" don't even care. They never leave the ground. Unless of coarse, the government invades. Our story begins with 2 people on the ground. They both live a good life unaware of the soon to be consaquences of living there. Albireo lives in the groundwith no one but himself. He wonders what it would be like outside of the ground. He is unaware of what truly is out there. He was only 4 when his parents were killed. They were bruttaly murdered. Memories haunt Albireo's miond. It was a cold night. He was to bed. But the government entered the ground. And as luck has it they entered his home. Albireo's parents got off of the couch and walked toword the man. The man brought out a knife and threw it at Albireo's father. His mother blocked the knife. The knife gored her and caused a hemridge in her brain. Albireo got up to get a drink when he saw what happened. Still it was going on. His father was also gored by a blade. Blood was everywhere. Albireo was shot as well. He fainted. Now Albireo is still thinking about the person who did this. Furians are usually haunted a lot by memories due to the mutagens in their bodies. But that is also another cause of a psychotic fury. One morning Albireo woke up to hear screams. Heat was beating on his face. When he steped out he saw the ground on fire. Army men were around walking. He then saw his friend Eidolon. A girl who knows Albireo quite well. He ran toword her. He picked her up and left the ground. Unable to return he left for a small oasis that is quite cherished at the grand ground. They slept for a couple of days. The two now travel around trying to find information. But no luck. What will become of them? They don't know. __________________________________________ This is the offiacial underground thread for this brand new RPG. This is the place to ask questions, tell about the charecters, and even learn about events. I will answer the questions needed to make this RP fun. Here are a couple of hypotheticle questions. I will give answers. Anymore questions can be asked. Can I have a human charecter? Yes but it must hate the furians so most humans are kind of bad. How many posts can I have? maximum is 4 a day. ____________________________________________ Okay everyone the first event is already in progress. During this time everyone is either tryink to kill Torch or halp him. Here is his info. Name: Torch Age: 18. Thats his apearence. The war 13 years ago put him into a coma. It was the first ever Furian that caused it. AS for Gaarana his time will be later on. Gender: Male Apearence: 6 foot male. His face has a scar. His hair is black. He has red eyes just like all furians. He wears a black raincoat. But from all the blood he has tooken it looks red. He has black jeans. His furthermost information is a mystery. ____________________________________________ Here's a couple of rules. 1: at least post 2 paragraphs. 2: don't ruin the fun.
  13. [quote name='cancer][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I believe LARP refers to Live Action Role Play. I am somewhat of a geek : p I mean, I love to play Halo 2 online, I like MMO's if I can afford them and they're quality. And I am into Ninja if that makes me a geek, too. I haven't gotten into Magic or D&D, but only because I know of no one else who is personally, and it's expensive, lol. [/SIZE'] [/COLOR][/quote] Give the man/woman a prize!
  14. If global warming is affecting us then why in't t affecting more than small parts of the US. Soon people are going to say breathing CO2 is afectting the atmossphere. Apocylyps. It was supposodly supposed to happen last year but no. So GB will probobly appen to kill us by accident in te year 4000! People have been fearing about global death for decades. So if people would just shut up about World wide death all of us would live life a little more peacfully. I myself beleive everything about GB or apocylyps. I only believe it can happen. We are indeed an inferior race. Hell animals setle things faster than us. But one thing all of us should agree on is that THIS will all end THAT t will all end WE will all end. It's kinda the universal truth. And don't get me started on the Government. The US is not all that Free as we think. And for god sake please use your money for greater things. There are lots of people withrering away of hunger of poorness. And weopons aren't all thats avalible. Invest in bigger and better things. Money = Greed = Hatred = War= Death, and then Death = more Money. Won't that start again. And if that's god's plan. Why is he making this happen. Anyone have an answer?
  15. I don't know. I think. I watch...TOTALLY SPIES! I love RPG's. MTG is great. I really want to one time...........LARP!
  16. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Hah, yeah, it's a shame what public believe. But I have to abide by it. You guys said it yourself, I should have 'em in the newspaper. And if I ever do, it needs to be newspaper appropriate. In fact, our cartoony violence may even be a bit over the line (like the mention of corpses). And I'm proud to be an American ;_;[/QUOTE] I completly agree. And I've started a witty comic mself. All thanx to inspiration. From you know who. I called it Fools. It's about 2 ideots practicly. The charecters are Jake and Douglas. Jake is the stupid one and Douglas is always mad. I made one called "Fools genesis Evangelion." It has Jake in an Eva. While an angel is destroying the town Jake is at a Mcdonalds ordering something. But if it wasn't for SIS I wouldn't have made it. Its my own personal comic. But I don't want to post it.
  17. Ezekial, [QUOTE]Yes. I'm sure. All those starving children in Africa actually being happy would be a terrifying thing[/QUOTE] Didn't mean it like that. But feed them already. Why doesn't the government just create a ray gun to make food bigger. And I'm not kidding. And global warming probobly won't cause mass hysteria in this generation. If it does happen it will probobly happen when most of us die. HEaring a news advertisenment it mentioned and I quite, Getting warmed up to the new weather patterns? Well get used to it. Studies show of permanent weather changes in the climate. It might not be global worming. It could just be NATURE not human resources.
  18. And medicine today. This is a fake advertisement but still. NEw Hydodop for dry eyes. Sideafects include breast cancer, larangitis, alzheimers, flu, cold, arthritis, and pooor gas milage. I mean why geet sa medicine for something then get something worse. Here's one thats weird. Eggs come from real chickens, beef come from real cows, but sausage comes from jimmy dean. Havn't seen it but it is kind of stupid.
  19. Besides a bunch of koreans came to my school. Nothing bad happened.
  20. My favorite moment was on shadow hearts-from the new world. It had a male charecter. (Jhonny Garland) He was talking to shania when arrows went from his eyes to the girls boobs. It was halarious!
  21. If any of you OBers could go back in time what would you do or change. It can be from past experiences or anything historical. I myself would go back and time and find a way to stop Osama Bin Ladan from ever being born. Or I would try and prevent AIDS from ever being created. And I could stop people from killing each oter. Its a good thing. -Martha Stuart.
  22. The world is a great place. War is bad I know. But i think without war and sadness and destruction we can not truly live. we need those thing so we can be together and make peace. As Kharma stats bad=food, and good=bad. I mean that war brings people together when they need to be. Without discord and chaos life is dull. I'm really trying to put this in a way everyone can understand. If people are happy all the time what good is life. We'ed actually probobly be saying things like: I love that carebare i love you all. Or When people make a difference everything is good. It would actually be creepy. Speaking of war. End it already G.W! I'm getting sick of it. 3 years n Iraq and about 4 in Afghanastan. Kill Ladan now!!!!
  23. Psychotic Enigma [M-VLS] This coontains Blood and violance In the year 2100 a war ended the planets nature life. Leaving only the government and the people of Earth on the planet. The world is corrupt and the government is lying to the people of the world. He says that the world will be fine as long as we are here. In the end he caused his people to betray all govenrment facilites and bodies. The president sent his army to decimate the people of Earth. But his arny died due to a mysterious creature. Lying dormant after the war he finnaly arose. Gaarana. A furian. Furians are mutant due to chemicles from the war. They live in secret. A furian is also a Psycho. They are easily angered and can unleash abilities that normal humans can't use. But soon they too will revolt. But saving the planet? Who knows. They live in the only place on earth with trees and plants. They call it "Grand Grounds. It stretches thousands of miles. But humans call it " Natural Hell" For any human that comes in the place is never seen again. What let this natural resevoir of life live is unknown. But it is also the only place where technology is found. Other than Japan and U.S. cities such as New York or Los angelas. But only little spots have even small amounts of life left. But the people of "The Grand Grounds" don't even care. They never leave the ground. Unless of coarse, the government invades. Our story begins with 2 people on the ground. They both live a good life unaware of the soon to be consaquences of living there. Albireo lives in the groundwith no one but himself. He wonders what it would be like outside of the ground. He is unaware of what truly is out there. He was only 4 when his parents were killed. They were bruttaly murdered. Memories haunt Albireo's miond. It was a cold night. He was to bed. But the government entered the ground. And as luck has it they entered his home. Albireo's parents got off of the couch and walked toword the man. The man brought out a knife and threw it at Albireo's father. His mother blocked the knife. The knife gored her and caused a hemridge in her brain. Albireo got up to get a drink when he saw what happened. Still it was going on. His father was also gored by a blade. Blood was everywhere. Albireo was shot as well. He fainted. Now Albireo is still thinking about the person who did this. Furians are usually haunted a lot by memories due to the mutagens in their bodies. But that is also another cause of a psychotic fury. One morning Albireo woke up to hear screams. Heat was beating on his face. When he steped out he saw the ground on fire. Army men were around walking. He then saw his friend Eidolon. A girl who knows Albireo quite well. He ran toword her. He picked her up and left the ground. Unable to return he left for a small oasis that is quite cherished at the grand ground. They slept for a couple of days. The two now travel around trying to find information. But no luck. What will become of them? They don't know. SIGN-UPS Name: Age: Gender: Good or bad: Psychotic attack: Apearence/image: Personality: Other minor techniques: other info: ___________________________________________________________ For an example I will give you the information of Albireo Name: Albireo Randonai Age: 18 Gender: Male Good or bad: Good Psychotic attack: Flaming solid. Its an attack that can unleash massive damage to enemies. It raises attack power and burns object. even objects that can't burn. He takes his sword and flings it furiesly taking down all that he can. It also has psychic abilities. It can trace enemy movement. And destroy land masses in order to gain more power. Malice of destruction: An attack that unleashes unperaleled power. When unleashed nothing is safe. This attack transforms Albireo into a monstrosaty. He shoots black rays everywhere. While in this form he can unleash Flail of malicious hell an attack that destroys the surronding land and somehow revises the nature that once stood Apearence/image: Black hair. His eyes are red as most furians are. He is not easily angered like other furians. His pants are black. And his shirt is white. His shoes have spickes. His shoulders have armor. As well as his chest. To survive extreame weather conditions. Personality: Upbeat and sometimes cuddly to the girls. He can be persistant to the point of annoyence. When he battles he battles greatly. Other minor techniques: Grand cross, Destuction disk, and Tornado buster. Plus gravity Impulse. other info: Loves to eat spicy foods. Is comediac. And loves a great fight. _________________________________________________________________ This info must be submitted in order to join. Some info may be neglected such as other minor techniques or other info. I you want to keep some info secret just put unknown next to the sign up sections. After 1 minute of thought I've decided that there can be a maximum of 2 psychotic attacks. If you havn't read this I will PM you about it.
  24. [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]I don't remember that one, but do you remember the one and I think they were doing a Godzilla thing or something, and Wayne Brady went out and grabbed an audience member and went to pick her up and accidentally lifted up her skirt and she flashed her undies LIVE! It was sooo funny but horrible at the same time. Must have been so embarassing! made for some good television though XD[/QUOTE] I saw that episode just last week. Maybe a whose line game sometime? You know here.
  25. Men like that are jackasses. They should keep themselves in line. or at least burn in the pits of hell. I myself wasn't taught to respect women. (Well a little bit from my brother.) And it came natuarly. But some girls I hate. Because they hate me. But I'm weak. But there's this girl well make that girls, that I would always protect. Its just some guys don't apreceate them. All sexes should be honored. But men like the one at the bowling alley are scum. Complete packaged scum.
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