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Everything posted by Aberinkula
Discuss The Darkblood Project [Idea discussion ] [M-LVS]
Aberinkula replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
It is a great idea. I myself wanted to play DDS but I'm not old enough and I just can't find it around. But anywho you should include how the Junkyard was formed. As well as what happened in the game. It would help give more information on the game and halp us get a feel for it. But for me though it sounds like a great idea. I'd join if you'ed ever get it up. -
My friend told me about it. Well myotaku.com anywa. Buy we saw a link to a message boards. So thats where i'm at today. I used to go to a yugioh forum. But when I joined here I never went back to that site.
Well I have two ideas. The first one is an idea I came up with today. This is it. IDEA 1: Psychotic Enigma Its about this group of people who are good and evil. But even good guys get psychotic. Thats the idea. A bunch of normal heroes try to save the planet. But the heroes have an ability thats authentic for themselves. But it is only activated when they turn attitude into power. The villian is a man who can utilize this power at anytime. Thus he plans to rule the world. He has every ability. When another person is born who has the psychotic personality he gets the ability. These peope are called Furians. But anyway thats that story. It is rated PG13-VLS. Here's what sign-ups would look like. Name: Age: Gender: Good or bad: Psychotic attack: Apearence/image: Personality: Other minor techniques: other info: And I also have my second RP to tell about. IDEA 2: Megaman X: Reploids of the last generation. Technickly its a megaman X game. It is based on the story that maverick hunters X and Zero have become mavericks. But reploids are going extinct as well as the humans of neo arcadia. (From the megaman zero games.) But over the years of the las megaman zero game X returned and the 2 started a new maverick hunter buisness. But they were infected by the dormant sigma virus. Thus becoming mavericks. And a band of reploids want to fight them and rebirth a new utopia for reploids and humans. Axl is in this as well. HEre's the sign up apearences: Name: Hunter or maverick: Age: over 50 years old. (They are old reploids after all. 8 Attacks.: 2 giga attacks: Apearence: Personality: Armorand what the parts do.:( Head, torso, legs, arms) Please tell me which one is better. I really need this info. It would take a load off my back
Name: kadajaha Uchikada Age:19 Gender:Male Appearence: Yyellowish hair in spickes. He has green eyes and a red headband with a mysterious symbol. A made up aymbal he himself tatood. And an earing on the left ear of a shuriken. His pants are black. He has a belt that holds all his ninja weopons. His shirt is green with an eye on the middle. Instead of blue sandals his are blask. He has two wristbands that are 7 pounds each. as well as protective gloves. (Fingers still show.) Personality:Strong and funny at the most. He has a place in his heart for Sakura and her arch rival. He Is strong mostly at his fists. He will save any damsel in distress. When he is down he will jump up and flex his muscles. But only when woman are around. Technickly he's a playboy. (Guy who has too many girls at his side.) But all in all he's polite and sometimes will find the quickest way to fight. Or he will beat the crap out of people who diss women. Aliance: Village of sand. Biography /snippet: "When a lady is stuck between 2 evl ninja's from some other village be evil or not. I'll be there." Those were his last words. Before he left anyway. He put on his suit and ran off. As he ran he noticed a bandana from an unfamiliar village. He chased after the person only to get lost. He went back to the village and his comrads were gone. "Hey anyone here?" He asked. Nobody answered. He ran after the others. he then saw a dress hanging on a store window. "Perfect for Ino!" He shouted. But he never left the window. He failed his mission missarably. The man in the shop that Kadajaha had left was in a daze as he saw Kadajaha's effort to buy a dress and catch up with the other Shinobi. '' What did that boy say to me about village people?" Asked the o;d man. HE was still watching Kadajaha. Wasting his time away. kadajaha was always in a hurry to help the village and the women. When ha was only 5 he left home. He graduated the ninja achademy at a extrodanary age of 7. He blazed through the ranks like a fire. His stop was at Jhonin. At age 18 he went on a great mission where he met Sakuira and Ino. He loved them ever since. Now he goes on small misions. What will become of him?Deadly charisma jutsu: Launches into the air and sends lihgtning at the opponent. Sandy love beach Jutsu: Captures enimies into cacoons of sand. The he draws energy from them. As well as any charismatic skill. Maelstrom of leaves jutsu: Kadajaha jumps into the trees and attacks with 10.00 leaves. The leaves how ever have blade like properties and can chop down a tree. And last but not least. Red flame cannon jutsu: As the name states. He shoots fire from his mouth. He can control what it hits and what it burns. He can also cover himself in fire armor and then shoot the armor at enimies.
the show is great. I have seen it since I was 5 years old. Still watch it. Hoedown's are funny and my favorite game is scenes from a hat.
Art Slackers In Slacks [UPDATED DAILY]
Aberinkula replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
These comics are instant hits. Love every one you you make. How'ed you come up with this stuff? -
I'd have3. The ability to manipulate and make fire. As well as be able to restore or create anything and have it work. And time control. Time control because I could make a person look stupid and put them next to a road. Draw a moustache on them dress a guy in a dress. Just imagine seeing that poor loser on the sidewalk.
[B]Name:[/B] YAMAGATA MASAKAGE (one of the 24 generals) [B]Nickname: [/B] The Double Psycho, Busted soul, the Twisted Torcherer, and Leaking Lucifer. [B]Gender:[/B]Male [B]Age:[/B]20 [B]Apearrence:[/B] The Double Psycho: Has red hair. HIs eyes are jet black. He has a flat torso with big muscles. His pants are Black as well as his shirt. Thats his 1st personality. His second is a full blown deadly form that comes out when he's mad. His eyes are all white. His cloths are the same. He has 2 horns, and White hair. [B]Weopon of choice:[/B] Katana of persona [B]Fighting style:[/B] HE has his own which he named Persona Personality Arts. He blocks with his sword and counters with his sword as well as with his legs. [B]Personality:[/B] He is nice and shows mercy only to his alies and other men who respect him. H has two personalities. The first is calm cool and colected. He will not give up and he fights as gorey as he is able. His second personality is dark and evil. This form will stop at nothing to reach his goal. Even kill his troops just to get to his enimies. Thus the Name The Double Psycho. His men are dressed in red armor. Before battle he wqill yell "Gore them and we will gore a party into you." This ment that a celebration would be held if hhe and his army prevailed. At age 5 he was thrown from his home. He then met the Emporer. The Emporer was kind enough to train Yamaga to become his faithful General. And guess what? He did it. He now becomes easily angered and his humor really makes other troopers POed at him. But all in all he's kind caring and compashinate. Only if he's not mad. He has 2 more sayings, the fisrt one is: "My personal haven is the battlefield...where I belong." and number 2 is: "If no blood is shed in battle, it means the men of the enemy army has no courage, but only cowordess and no self-esteam." He has 3 main attaks: Drink the Bloodshed. He takes his sword and stabs enemies. He then tears out their hearts and takes a bite. He spits it out and says: 'Eating a heart gives you the persons courage." Sword of the devils entrails. He dashes around collecting his enemies weopon. THen he stabs himself. The blood trailing behind him mark where his enimeis will be torn. he then uses the weapons to kill them. Peace of mind. He enters his second personality and kills everyone in his way. And I mean everyone. He then converts back. The silence brings peace to his mind.
I had the same problem once. They only do it because their stuborn, retarted, and inconsidorate. Plus they fell like they are not axcepted by everyone and tries to creat an images for themselves. To *********g hell with them. My problem was also verbal. dumbutts all of them. Some even feel that they must be feared or even intimadating of tough. Some are but thats just touching the suface. I had that D.A.R.E program last school year in 6th grade.
I think its a multi dimmensional Chunin exam but it's not an exam and there are no chunins.
I have noticed. For instance Nekosama always makes the charecter's name NEko. Weird I try my best to very charecters.
We hardly new ye. But what're you gonna do about these people who don't read the rules.
I would love to join one. I have seen lots and lots of Zatch Bell. I would definitly join. OH and bodhidharma Don't forget the people who are striving to become king. Like Milordo Z. And the last time there was a momodo fight most of them were turned to stone. SO Milordo Z is an important charecter.
Here's a story based on a book I've written. The origanal is The Legend of Sephalon. BOOK 1: the legend of eternia. (eternia is from he-man but I didn't know that when I named it.) In a land far away a goddess let out her anger on the peaceful soil of her creation. A boy named Loch who fell into a coma which lasted about 20 years. When he awoke he met someone and started of with him. Many adventures rose and he destroyed the goddes. Now over 100 years later they will arise from a slumber indused from the battles. Awake I order you. "who the? Who said that?" "Ahh that voice is it Loch?" "Yes, whoever you are." "oh how rude! My name is Vendortai." "What kind of language is your name from?" "That is of no importance." (a chamber reveals a woman. It is Monaca. Loch's love.) " Loch where are we?" "Don't know." "Why your in my laboratory. Its in the capital of the the east continnent." " So we are in Baczater?" "What the hell is that? THis is no Baczater boy it's Neilahem." "HOw many years has it been since the battle with the goddess?" "100 years." "Huh then why aren't we dead?" "THat's simple you've been fozen. Because you were on the virge of death we saved your body." "Whoa. Burrr! I'm cold." " oh!!! I forgot your clothes." "THanks." "OH those won't do. There's a hole on the front." "Well hide it!!!" " Wait a second boy I will find you new clothes." "Stop calling me boy. My name is Loch." "Not anymore. If they knew you were here they would kill me." "Who would kill you?" 'THe Virgin crusaders." " You swore!!" " They are named that because they are pure worriors." "Why would they kill you then." "Well they are no longer pure. Due to Unholy water they are demonic." "Unholy water?" "It is a chemical in the water that destroys all humanity left in a person." "but what is my new name. You mentioned my real name is not real." "That is for you to decide.
Art Slackers In Slacks [UPDATED DAILY]
Aberinkula replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE=Dragon Warrior][img]http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/5392/slackers865op.jpg[/img] [center][size=4][b]SLACKERS RETURNS![/b][/size][/center] Sorry, guys. Lots of stuff prohibited me from doing these. Now I'm graduated and basically everything that stopped me is out of the way. Here they come again! [img]http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/5319/slackers870ry.jpg[/img] -------- [img]http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/4499/slackers881pa.jpg[/img] -------- [img]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1723/slackers892zk.jpg[/img] -------- [img]http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/387/slackers904gd.jpg[/img] -------- [img]http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/8198/slackers919eh.jpg[/img] -------- [img]http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/6396/slackers925of.jpg[/img] -------- [img]http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/1504/slackers935yu.jpg[/img][/QUOTE] All of these are funny. I read every one of them and they are comical genious! I read the far side and some of the comix can actually pass up as one. So keep up the comedy! -
What do you do when the power goes out?
Aberinkula replied to CyberPandaLove's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Kanariya][size=1][font=georgia]I wait. Then wait more. Then wait even more. If I'm tired of waiting, I'll wander around the house and drift along, sometimes bonding with my cat. When I get sleepy enough, I go to bed and go to sleep. It's usually in the evening my power is out, or late at night/early in the morning, so it's basically dark as hell and sometimes I get so nervous I nearly suffocate myself under my covers. Once I was so freaked out and I believed someone was actually by my bedside my imagination conjoured up some ugly looking female standing right beside my bed. Didn't sleep very well that night. >>[/size][/font][/QUOTE] Know how you feel. One time I heard weird voices in my head. And I remembered an EVP (electronic voice phenomonon) from Ghost hunters on Sci-fi. Darn my love for everything supernatural! :mad: -
[QUOTE=GUNmanZERO7]Nomad Tical Word scramble: gfyn atliedo Hint. Video game charecter from a famous RPG.[/QUOTE] It's Fayt Leingod from Star oceon: till the end of time Scramble: braan schotocid Hints: Famouse game with 10 different titles. sister is coco. Gets help from a mask. Collects fruit.
I want to make an RPG but I first want to know what kind people like better. For example I like RPG's that are fantasy or sci-fi, I want to know what people would rather have as a genre. And what rating of rpg's people join. I need this info so that I can make an RPG to what peopple like most. So say you like Mystery RP's, Say you do and what rating of threads you usually join. Here's what I usually like. Sci-fi, Comedy, and Fantasy. And the ones I like are usually rated PG13-LVS. I'll let this through for a while so post about the RPG specifications you like.
I got the game yessterday and it is kinda fun. Its about a guy who's in a fake body and is phycick. The game is rated t for teen. I'm not that far in the game. There are a lot of familiar anime voices in there. But has anyone played it and if so did you think it was good?
What do you do when the power goes out?
Aberinkula replied to CyberPandaLove's topic in General Discussion
Well for me I just sit down at the table with candles sweat my butt off and complain that the powers out. And I usually bond with the mom. We get more talkative for some reoson. One time I got up when it was pitch black and went to my binder. I made a fan out of paper. Then when the power came back I yelled yes. (in my head) -
Tommy t.: So there's a guy on here who's a preacher? Ruth: You bet yor sweet patootie. Tommy t.: Thanxs TTFN! Tommy t.: Preacher whats your name? Gregory: Gregery son of god. Tommy t.: Um preacher I've sinned. Gregery: Tell me the sin. I promise I wont tell. Tommy t.: I slept with your doughter. Gregery: I swear by god I'll kill you. And my doughters child!!!!! Tommy t.: Dude don't get in my grill! Gregery: God smite this man! Tommt t.: No no ahhhhhh! LIght- Gregery: Uh Oh. Weird I'm not a real preacher. ______________________________________________________________ Next time: the dead man from channel 7. Hope you liked it. The thought just popped into my head. The dead man from channel 7 Fran: Hi are you new? C7 guy:uggh Fran: you sound hot. C7 guy: ugh ug oooghhh Fran: I'm a wha? a street work- the nerve of you! C7 guy: OOGGG UG UG uG oogh oogh oogh! Fran: Timmy is stuck in the well? I"ll save him. Kyle: Well she's gone. Finnaly C7 guy: Ug UG. Kyle: My momma does not wear army boots. C7 guy: oooo ha gug uugh Kyle: Do what with my what? C7 guy: yughh ooh aughhhh Kyle: You want me to slap my but with a fish and scream i'm an idiot? Already did but whatever. C7 guy: UGGG? Gwen: Don't people understand that he is from italy? C7 guy: I'm actually a dead man who worked at channel 7 news. Gwen: So timmy jake and jill are all stuck in a hollow log? I'll save them!!! C7 guy: Okay then that was weird. _____________________________________________________ Okay I know it wasn't that funny but it was supposed to be stupid. NEXT TIME: 8 simple rules for dating my teenage he she.
Could somebody please make a banner and an avatar with epsilon and my name. Its the epsilon from Megaman Command Mission. If somebody could that would be great. But i'm a noob at this stuff so ya you should get me. You were a noobie once.So anywho a banner and an avatar or if you cant make both just make one or the other. Remember Epsilon from Megaman Command mission.
Maybe our particles get scattered across the cosmos. Or heavin or hell. Who knows. First of all if god is real who created god and who created the god that created god and so on? Really its like the universal question.
[QUOTE=The Boss][color=dimgray][size=1] I actually really like the second and third ideas. I'm really into the both ideas presented. I'm not a big fan of Dr. Who or sci-fi. But I'm all for comedy and the supernatural. I'm a huge fan of [b]Shaun of the Dead[/B] and [B]Ghost Busters[/B] and I'll help ya through any plotting problems you may have. I'd really like to be a part of either of those RPs if you go through with them. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] I completly agree with you.
A new idea from my head of many wonders. :animestun The idea is that demons have come from hell and take forms of humans. Sooner on they find out that they are stuck in their current forms and have a set time to transform back. They find out that vampires and lycan are trying to find them and kill them. So they half to destroy the races infirior to them. Well anyways they turn good because they find out that the humans are weakless to go against the Vampires and Lycan. So the demons band together to find the secret base. But end up going back to hell and must get out first. So when they get out the humans wll be wiped out and the Vampires and lycan will mate to create a mega-race. And the Demons will find the Lypires that don't think the world shoul just be the two races. (the lypires will be the people that join. Or they will be demons. Whatever the player sees fit. So thats my Idea. Please reply if you think it should be made and if so would you make a charecter? Thank ya all! :D