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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I think I forgot to mention that the only instruments you can use, are stringed ones. But any kind works. And yes, you can use magic with a bass ax, but you have to make your character stronger with magic more than the usual because it takes more energy because the Bass Ax is weaker with magic.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]This is a story that I suddenly came up with and I went along from there. It's neither a novel, or a short story, in my opinion. But so far, I think it may be one of, if not, the best work I've had so far, story-wise. Instead of chapters, there are segments. I don't think the first Segment is long enough to be called a chapter (4 pages) so I thought, segment will work. Anyways, here it is, enjoy. BTW, it will be in size 1, but if anyone wishes to have it in normal size, do tell me, I'll gladly change it for you readers.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] [CENTER][B]-----}------------------------------{-----[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]WARNING: [/B]This story will contain graphic violance and language. Sometime harsh of crude, and sometimes mild. But discretion is advised.[/COLOR] [B]-----}------------------------------{-----[/B] [COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Felixtitling"]MIDNIGHT FALLS ON AMETHESTICE[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][B][U][CENTER]Segment I: Leonard, Mrs. Dooley, Oliver Grady and the Vermin of Hell[/CENTER][/U][/B] The clock struck Midnight, and it was time for the streets of Amethestice to close. At midnight, the town became dark and a feeling of desolation swept along the cobblestone paths. People closed their windows, locked their doors, and forced their children and other family members to be quiet. The town was cursed by demons, that would only appear at Midnight, they would feast for an hour on anything they could find. Humans, cats, dogs, plants; anything that could be eaten. Amethestice sent out people to try and kill the monsters, but alas, no one has even killed one, nor has anyone seem one before dying a brutal death. But to some townspeople, one hour was no problem. But to everyone else, it was a nuisance. The sound of people screaming and animals squealing as their immanent deaths loomed near, was annoying. And the sound of a human's bones cracking as they turned into lowly carcasses, was nauseating. The clock struck one O?clock, and the sound of demons growling, and flesh being torn apart: ceased. The sound of silence struck Amethestice... but the silence was only just a foreshadowing of the future, because one day the demons would be able to stay out all day, instead of just the usual one hour daily deal. [CENTER]---[/CENTER] The next morning, Mrs. Dooley was outside, sweeping the ground and mopping her stoop. The body of a dead weasel lay on the ground next to her. She sighed, and stomped on the ground. Leonard Treader, a teenager from down the road, was walking next to Mrs. Dooley?s house with groceries when he turned to see her shaking her head. [B]"Mrs. D, is something the matter?"[/B] Leonard asked putting his bags on the ground. Mrs. Dooley smiled. "[B]Oh, good morning Leo. Oh, it's just those damned creatures that keep wandering into town. This is the fifth day in a row that I've had to clean my steps because some dead animal is on it." [/B]Mrs. Dooley put down her broom and sat on the bottom step. She sighed and took out some change from her pocket. [B]"Leo, boy, can you do me a favor?"[/B] She asked. Leonard nodded and took the change from her hand. [B]"What do you wish of me to do ma'am?"[/B] He asked. She pointed down the street at the tool shop. The sun shone on the streets, and while they were stained with blood, they were still beautiful. The trees were blowing in the wind and kids were playing in the streets as if nothing had been slaughtered that morning. But Amethestice has gotten used to the daily routine. But the routine is still annoying to a majority of the townsfolk. The tool shop was run by Oliver Grady, a man who served in the military, before moving to Amethestice. He was a general, and one of the most revered men in the country he served in. Countless times before, the townspeople asked him to kill the demons, but he would just shake his head and go into his office in the back of the shop. And oddly enough, he was never in his house at Midnight, ever. And what was even more odd was that ever since he moved into town, the demons had started coming out at night. What was worse was the fact that Oliver was a strange man. He never smiled, and whenever people asked him a question about his past, he just shrugged and walked into his office. He was a very strange man, but he was very experienced with combat so the townspeople respected him. Sadly, Leonard didn?t like Oliver Grady, not at all. The man sent shivers down his spine like a crack of cold lightning snapping the ground. [B]?I?d love for you to go to the shop and buy me a new broom, if you don?t mind. I know you don?t like Mr. Grady, but I?d love the favor. And I?ve also got fresh cookies cooking, and I know you love them Leo.? [/B]The woman shook her head and smiled. [B]?It?s okay Mrs. D, I?ll do it. You make the best cookies after all, and I?m not going to say no to you.?[/B] Mrs. Dooley smiled again. Despite being in her 80?s, she was a very healthy woman. And she was one of the best bakers in town, however, she never ran a business and she never sold her baked goods. But she never hesitated to give away to the kids and needy in the town. No one hated her, and she hated no one. [B]?Thank you Leo, I always appreciate your help!?[/B] Leonard nodded and walked to the shop. [CENTER]---[/CENTER] Leonard stood, staring at the tool shop like he was staring death in the face. He could smell the odd aroma of smoke and cinnamon coming from the chimney. It was calming scent of both bitter and spicy that was always inviting. But despite this, Leonard didn?t like Oliver Grady, not at all. He gave off a very, vicious and evil aura that Leonard hated. It bared down on him like an anvil falling on one thousand pounds of pudding. A few minutes ago the sun was out and shining, but now the clouds shrouded the sun in a blanket of darkness. The clouds were dark, almost black, and an ominous wind blew across the street. Leonard could sense that familiar, dark aura, this time it literally spilled from the building and onto the boy?s feet. [I]Fuck the cookies![/I] He thought in fear of being devoured by the darkness that seemed to flood from the building. How could a man so respected seem so devilish? Leonard turned around with his eyes closed. He was deep in thought of being killed and eaten by Mr. Grady. Suddenly, lightning struck and thunder boomed. And out of the blue came the scream of an old woman. Then the sound of bones cracking shot through the air like a speeding bullet, and the sound caressed the town like a tornado. Leonard could recognize the voice, even though the harsh scream was covered with the sound of gushing blood, the sound was clear. Leonard didn?t want to open his eyes, but the curiosity got the best of him, and slowly he opened eyes. He saw who the scream came from, the body of Mrs. Dooley fell to the ground with a thud. And above her body was a demonic thing. The creature?s face looked as if it was chewed by a dog for hours on end. The figure was about eight feet tall, and it had razor sharp claws that looked as if they could cut through brick. It?s body was red, and it had white eyes, no pupils, just an empty void of white. Leonard noticed that there was only one, thankfully. But this didn?t give him relief. He turned around to escape the horror and he could see Mr. Grady behind with a pair of shears that he had brought out from his shop. Leonard stepped back in fear, he thought Mr. Grady was going to kill him or something. No, this can?t happen to me! He thought with tears dripping down his face and onto the ground. But he could feel something different coming from Mr. Grady?s body. His aura was much more cooler and more peaceful. He was still sporting his normal blank face, but his aura gave him a loving feel. And his eyes were filled with a sense of justice. [B]?Don?t worry child.? [/B]Mr. Grady said patting Leonard on the back. The man that he hated was now a man he adored. Leonard could tell that he was there to help defend him. This distracted the boy from the monster that was creeping up behind him. The monster?s body wiggled and it?s bones cracked with each step. He couldn?t stand the sound and Leonard fell to the ground and held his ears shut. [B]?Don?t worry child? I will take care of my abomination.?[/B] Mr. Grady walked up to the monster and dug his shears into the creatures chest. It growled than it slapped Mr. Grady, knocking him to the ground. The monster licked its mangled lips and crouched down onto Mr. Grady. But he was too fast for the creature, and he was able to pull out his shears and cut off the monster?s head. Like cheap paper, it split in half and it?s body disintegrated into the air. It was dead. Mr. Grady walked over to Leonard and picked him up off the ground. [B]?You?re all right child, that beast can?t harm you, or anything anymore." [/B]He actually smiled a bit, before he started walking past Leonard. [B]?Wait, Mr. Grady!?[/B] he said quickly. The man turned around and looked at the boy. He nodded, [B]?what did you mean by, ?my abomination??? [/B]Leonard asked. The man lifted his head and looked at the sky. [B]?Child, come by my shop tonight, ten minutes before midnight, and I will explain. For now, call the constable to take Mrs. Dooley away.? [/B]Mr. Grady turned around and walked away. But Leonard, who had forgot who had just been killed, turned around when tears suddenly poured off his cheek. He ran toward an unnoticeable cadaver, and he fell to his knees. [B]?Mrs.? D? I?m so sorry I wasn?t? able to help??[/B] Leonard said crying. He put a tarp that was lying next to him, onto Mrs. Dooley?s body and he got up. He put his hand on his chest, and than he could hear the footsteps of someone behind him. It was Constable Simon, he knelt down next to the body and looked at Leonard. [B]?Hmm, I saw the whole thing from across the street, I?m sorry I couldn?t help, but I was so shocked I-?[/B] [B]?It?s okay Constable? I need to leave.? [/B]Leonard walked away slowly. Constable Simon looked at him. [B]?Wait, Leo, you?re parents are dead and you?re still living alone, why not come to my office and stay for a bit, hmm??[/B] [B]?Okay, I need time to think, Mrs. Dooley was great woman, and I don?t know what to think at the moment.?[/B] Leonard nodded and walked off to the Constable?s office. [B]?I?ll be there soon, I just need to get this body moved.?[/B] Constable Simon returned to the body, as Leonard looked back. He remembered how when he was five, Mrs. Dooley gave him cookies after his parents were killed in an accident in the corn fields behind the town. He was crying that day, and she was the first person to help him out. Now he was fifteen, and he felt like she was his grandmother. He was saddened. Suddenly as that memory passed Leonard's mind, his heart skipped a beat, and he could feel something inside him snap. A great hate burst in his heart, and he could feel himself grow angry at the creatures that were plaguing the town. He had to see Mr. Grady, for the hate inside him was festering like an infected wound. If he could get Mr. Grady to fight against those things, he could avenge the death of Mrs. Dooley. As he continued forward, he clenched his fist so hard, blood dripped from his hand onto the ground into a small puddle. [I]Those bastards will all die. Those vermin don?t deserve to live here in our town, they don?t deserve to eat or breathe or anything![/I] Leonard thought to himself. The grudge was on, he was ready to find a solution to killing the creatures that were able to kill him and everyone in town. The demons were the door, and Oliver Grady was the key.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Writing The North Star Is Nowhere to Be Found (album lyrics)
Aberinkula replied to Nomurah!'s topic in Creative Works
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I liked it, dun know bout anyone else, but I thought it was truly good. If only, I could obtain a copy of the album, than I'd be able to see how it matches with music. And I'd fucking hug you too. But my favorite one was Track 5, as I assume it is. Very good quotes at the end of the verse.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]Sorry guys, but this is an old thread. The newer version is up though. It's titled [B]'The Desoleora Chronicles.[/B]' Please redirect yourselves to that thread, and could the mods be gracious and close this one, please? Thank you.[/size][/COLOR]
Anime My Mama Always Told Me Stupid is as Stupid Does...
Aberinkula replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]You know maybe I should go to this guy and pull out the stick that's shoved firmly up his ***, and put it into his mouth. Anime, bad for america? Anime has values deep down inside, and I have to say this guy has the mind of a girl putting a baby in a dumspter durning Prom. In fact, this guy is treating anime as an abomination, as the Catholic church thinks of Abortion as an abomination. This guy probably think Death Metal is about killing people too >_>[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]The number one thing for any 14 year old boy... [strike]masturbation[/strike] MUSIC! Actually, masturbation yes, but it isn't the number one thing for me. My [B]#1 [/B]relaxer is music. Sometimes, like now, I'll deliberately depress myself so I can write and listen to music and get a deeper feeling. Weird, but it makes me happy ironically. Masturbation is a stress reliever in a way. But other than that, I come on here and talk, or I just surf the net.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Hunter, you do know that from those two cinqaans and your thread of lyrics from your band, I think you're a really good poet... if it was you who wrote the songs tho. Really. In fact, you'd probably be a good story writer too, that's my opinion anyways. Rage Temper, anger A feeling of hate flies into our arms A powerful look into it's eyes... Savage Bleeding Dripping, crimson tears. This courage I held has died in front of me. I can't seem to stray away. Tourniquet Cancer Multiplying, dreadful. I can feel my heart erode It doesn't matter if I fade away as long as she's there. Tumors I don't know if thats what I was supposed to do, but I forgot what to do exactly lol. BTW, last one is inspired from my Grandfather's death, he died of Colon Cancer.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Hate you? Why would I hate you for that. For some reason I thought you left... I forgot about you, you're another person I'd miss. You're a good RPer and really fun to talk to.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Aberinkula replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Or you could stop spamming the thread since, like me, you clearly have no intent of posting your picture. (^_^)[/FONT][/QUOTE] Oh, you've cursed us all... [I]Oh how you've cursed us all...[/I] [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/Sexiness.jpg[/IMG] Sorry it's so blurry, but my gf took it with her cell. But that's me... the mystery is solved. Imho, I find myself, sexy >_> I'm wearing my Avenged Sevenfold T-shirt, and the wristband that I bought at Spencer's.[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Aberinkula replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]Oh Ace... if I could give you a high-five for pwning me, I would >_>... like 'The Todd' Scrubs style high-five[/size][/COLOR] -
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Aberinkula replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]I'm just picking Ace > _> Honestly, you live the way you live. And as long as your happy, I'm happy... which in theory could be much, much coooler. It could be the bases of a movie.[/size][/COLOR] -
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I've finally got my new RPG fleshed out the way I want it. Now the weapons system is more refined and the magic system will be easier to understand imo. I've also got a few settings nailed down to describe here. As well as a very different character creation. So first, here's the back story of the RPG. leading up to 1 year prior to the RPG. [QUOTE=BACKSTORY] [COLOR="DimGray"]In the year 2012 humanity was forced to stay underground, while above, a meteorite destroyed the land. For 400 years, humans spent time rebuilding, as well as checking the meteorite for outer-space. Inside the meteorite they found a weird material, and 350 years later, they rebuilt weapons, known as Axes. But 20 years later, a war broke out between the countries of Desoleora and Leostrea due to disputes over territory. For 24 years, the war waged. Now, after the war, the countries have to rebuild themselves. But a treaty was signed that demanded peace. Some people of Leostrea disagreed with the treaty, and a rebellion has been building ever since.[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] I won't reveal much more, besides the fact that the RPG will be about, well, the rebellion and such. Here's a bit of back round on the settings and the land of these countries. [QUOTE= COUNTRIES] [COLOR="dimgray"][B]Desoleora [/B]- The country of Desoleara, is dominated by vast deserts, and has various jungles throughout it's land. The Teslear (Tes-lee-air) desert, is the biggest in the country, and it is also one of the biggest 3 deserts in the world. The towns of Desoleora usually have fans outside of town that blow sand away. Desoleora is also one of the biggest steam-powered countries, in the world. [B]Leostrea [/B]- The country of Leostrea is a grassy land. It too has deserts, but not so many. Leostrea is abundant in Xarcarium. Xarcarium had absorbed into most rocks and spread to other rock throughout the world, and it still continues to spread. Leostrea is one of the biggest suppliers of Xarcarium in the world[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] The reason of the war will be revealed in the RPG, but I'm sure you can get an idea of what the war was about. Next up to bat is the weapons system. As promised before, Guitars will be used as weapons. Here's the back round on that, as well as some links to some diagram's I've made for the RPG. [QUOTE=WEAPONS] [COLOR="DimGray"]Xarcarium is used to make Axes. Axes are like guitars, but they have blades, and are used to cast magic, as well as to cast other various things. Spells are activated with the frets and neck. Simple notes can cast small, simple notes. While whole chords and songs can produce higher leveled spells, as well as rituals. Here are some simple diagram's as to the 3 basic forms of Axes. [/COLOR] [URL="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/BasicAxDiagram.jpg"]Basic Ax Diagram[/URL] [URL="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/BassAxDiagram.jpg"]Bass Ax Diagram[/URL] [URL="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/MagicAxDiagram.jpg"]Tech Ax Diagram[/URL](The diagram says Magic ax, but the term in the RPG itself that everyone uses is, Tech Ax. [COLOR="dimgray"]These Axes are used by a lot of people, and are the most common form Axes that people use. Overdrive Mode is a a mode where the user just has to press a fret down, to play a certain spell. Also, when all notes are played in a slide (sliding the finger down the string) a special Overdrive Attack can be used. Overdrive Nodes (which are the nob's) can activate overdrive when they are maxed out. The whammy bar amplifies how much force and speed is used in a spell. The tuning pegs change how much energy is used for spells.[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] Also, guitars won't be the only string instrument used. You can use Ukulele's and even Banjo's if you wanted to. Any string instrument works perfectly. But other than guitars, use your imagination. However, if you are using other stringed instruments, you have to think up what to do. If not, all you need to do is post one for the three types above. If you want, you can even make a diagram like I did. And now, we head into character creation. Here will be the sign-up sheet. [B]Name: Age: Gender: Orientation: Blood Type: Personality: History: Weapon Choice: Appearance: Other Information:[/B] The difference between most Character sign-up sheets, is that in this RPG, I'd like your character to look like the member of a band that you listen to. For instance, my main character could look Jimi Hendrix. So that means, no anime pictures. If you can only find whole bands, just point out which person your character looks like. And I do want an image no descriptions. Anyways, other than that there will also be a Chapter & Map system. To finish a chapter, certain objects must be met to continue. I will be making a map of the land. So I will post certain objectives in list format, and once all of those objectives are met, I will post the next chapter. The only left I have to say is, I hope this gets off the ground. Thanks to you all for support. P.S. Whoa, Mann , might be helping me out with this RPG, but I do not know yet.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size=1][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I can bake too, I make great brownies, my secret? I put in a little orange juice to add a bit of flavor. And I'm good at making cookies, when I can be patient with them. BTW, I'd love to try Aaryanna's cookies... if only she wasn't half a country away from me >_> I too would miss these hilarious moments we have. OMG, I just realized that Aaryanna is only older than me by a year, and two months. If we had an OB Get-together, I wouldn't have to worry about people 5 years older than me.[/COLOR][/size]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Aberinkula replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Who's the girl Ace? You're mother? Just picking, but yeah I pretty much see what I see in the mirror, a curly haired dork. >_> Really though, I see more of me in you than I see anything 'sexy.' Cuase I've hit cute, tops. :p And I"ve still got a girlfriend, either way I pwn you.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]:p The jokes on you Ace, I've laready got a girlfriend. And yesterday we got Girl Scout Cookies, and guess what, a GIRL brought them over. Who wins now? :p [quote name='Aaryanna']What?!? *laughs*[/quote] I'm beginning to think that deep down, you're plotting something, lol. [quote name='Aceburner']Then again, I'm just so darn sexy that I cause mass turmoil whenever I try to pick just one girl, so I stay single in order to keep the peace. It's a sacrifice, but I'm willing to make it.[/quote] Okay Ace, if you're so darn sexy post a picture of yourself. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]It's funny, cause I have the same book at home where you found the dragon. :p But those were really nice drawings, very nice. I espiecially like the first one and the last one. So for now, you're really good. Keep reading that book, than get a new one soon, that one compliments well with other How to Draw Manga books. So yeah, when you make more, put them on here, I'd love to see some more![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]It's just that I've been raised on the whole 'respect women hella lots' stuff, so I didn't want to offend you by calling you older. Btw, Allamorph probably lives in a solitary cabin on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, waiting for the day a women will come by his home with Cookies...or just waiting for a women to meet him face to face. :p I jest, I jest.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Well, this time of year is the time to choose what you want to major in, in high-school. Luckily for me I've had all vacation to worry about what to choose, but I've come to now decision. I will be taking the advanced courses, and I will be putting more effort into school. For the last two years I've lost the will to work in school. Well, homework wise anyways. I never get assignments done, and I've been getting the after school homework detention a lot these past two years, when in 5th and 6th grade I didn't get it once. I am a very smart student. [spoiler]A few of you probably couldn't tell.[/spoiler] And I'm done wasting it. The biggest problem I've had was stress from these last two years building up. But I've decided to be more laid back, and I've ignored the drama my friends seem to make. Alas, last year when I went through my whole school year thinking I was bisexual. Angsts, plus the depression I fell into just led to the loss of will to work for school, cause I hated the place, because it's filled with more ******** than G. W. Bush's cabinet. [spoiler]Sorry to anyone who likes these guys, but I'm Democratic so Republican's are open to my judgment.[/spoiler] And last year, my best friend was dating another one of my best friends, so having to deal with those two got me down too. And also, the lack of friendly-support during my phase of denial just pissed me off. So that's why I've screwed homework and shoved it aside, cause I don't' care about that place. But because my life is falling back on track, and my old self from 2 years ago is back, [spoiler]I have been a complete prick to everyone I love for the past 2 years, but I'm finally back to my old self.[/spoiler] I've now decided it's time to buckle down once more. So next year I have to do a very excellent job in school. But over the years, I've decided on a few career paths to choose from. Drawing for TV and Video Games, Graphic Design, Music, and now Criminal Justice/Forensics are two jobs I'm interested in. (I'm still all for music, but that will be secondary of coarse.) My mom went to school for those things, so I'd like to do that stuff as well, being that I could ask her to help me through it. But the problem is, one of my friends is going for forensics, and he's the kind of person who would think I'm copying him. But that's not the case, so I'm paranoid about that. And I know, I can still change my path for college, but I'd rather not so... I'm at a loss. Anyways, I'd like to know, from you guys, what it takes to enter those two professions, Criminal Justice and Forensics. How many years of college will I have to go through, what classes I'll have to take next year, what I need to qualify, and what mentality I need to walk into class with, is what I'd love to have help with finding. Thanks guys, and sorry if this thread feels a bit too ranty.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Give or take the next few months 'til you hit fifteen....genius. :p Back to Queen![/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]Didn't you think that maybe I had knowledge of that prior to posting? :p Last night I tried to listen to Fully Alive by Flyleaf, but to no avail. I hate my coimputer and it's ISP sooo much.[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]Just don't call me Keebler, thats my other nickname, cause I'm short. >_> Anyways, I'll check it out and download it if my comp will let me. And btw, just cause I'm 14 doesn't mean I'm small. Physically yes :p but otherwise, not that tiny. I"ll be 18 in 3 years gosh darn it![/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]Actually, as they say, with age comes wisdom. I don't mean that in an offensive way, but I'm saying shes one of the oldest member so really she's one of the wisest members. Don't take offense to that please A_M >_< I mean it in the best way possible! And shes also made Aaryanna a very polite and well behaved girl... at least I think she's well behaved. [spoiler]If anyone makes a 'Prem's lookin fur a date LOLZ!!!!!!!!111!!1!'comment, I"ll break your face!'[/spoiler] I've been tought by other women how to be a gent, so, nyeh :p[/size][/COLOR]
[QUOTE]One in particular came to mind, that Prem would love, done in the style of The Mars Volta: listen.[/QUOTE] [size=1][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I'd **** myslef if I heard it lol. But my computer sucks magical monkey nuts, so I can't... wah! I should tell DB next time I talk to him, he might enjoy it. Lately I've been jammin to my stuff, I've discovered a few new Chevelle songs on the CDs that I have, that are awesome. 'Emotional Drought,' and 'Midnight to Midnight' are pretty rad songs.[/COLOR][/size]
[quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']It's already been addressed, but it's more of a case of my being twice his age. Someone that young is someone I would see as a kid. No offense James. ^_~ And yes, I've heard people refer to me as OB's mom... I think of that more like adoption than actually being a part of the site's beginnings. Though I think the adoption happened from the other direction. o_O[/QUOTE] [size=1][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Think of it as adoption?! Boy if we really were your kids you'd be go nuts :p Luckily my mom is 50, so she has years of experience... no offense to anyone. Just saying.[/COLOR][/size]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]Yeah it's true, the lead singer of A Plea for Purging is bigger than Kirsti Alen was, and his voice is awesome, low, growly and deep. And last year we had this fatass music teacher who yelled a lot, and he had a yelly voice so yeah. Which means I'm lucky, cause I got's da chubz. HAHA![/size][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well I don't know much, cause I just started training my voice. So I don't have a hella lot of tips. But I feel that cough drops help a lot. Also, it sort of helps to try soft growling first, like a dog growl. Than go from there into the harsher stuff, so you can grow into it. Also what I do, is I listen to screams, growls and yells of artists. Than I compare myself to them to see if I could change to sound more like them, then I try out again and so on. Right now my voice is weak, but I'm improving bit by bit.[/COLOR][/SIZE]