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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
[quote name='Sandy;806809]I hope you liked it, anyway.[/QUOTE]No, I did not. Not her death but rather the impression I'm getting from the posts here. I'm referring to this:[quote name='Shy'][size=1'] Please don't kill off anyone else I'm writing.[/size][/quote]Did you even talk to Shy dear? Because it sounds like you didn't. She may have been an NPC and therefore you felt like she was fair game to kill off to advance the plot. But if you didn't talk to Shy... I know that if I was one of the people developing her personality, I would be very offended if someone killed her off without asking me first. I'm not trying to cause drama here, I'm honestly confused why you did it Sandy, especially if my impression that you didn't talk to Shy first is correct. It really does confuse me to no end.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/donner-avatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine was already exhausted even though the morning had only just begun. By the time they had gotten her to where Leonhart was last night and Donner Stark had made it clear what would happen if she did not do as told? it had made getting any form of sleep next to impossible. She had wanted to talk to Leonhart or at least attempt to, but he had been so exhausted himself that after a brief discussion he had been unable to stay awake. Catherine had tried to rest, but the conditions of the cell didn?t lend to one being able to sleep. The thin blankets and sleeping pallets were hardly enough to ward off the cooler temperature of the cavern and after waking up repeatedly she had finally given up, electing to study a close up picture of the letters on the cannon. It pained her to realize that she actually did know what it was, though translating it was another story. She had a notepad along with something to write with, they had already been in the cell with Leonhart, but she was having a hard time bringing herself to actually try to determine what the message meant. After hearing how Callisto Prometheo had been ruthless killed, she didn?t know if she could help them learn how to use a weapon that would be used to kill who knew how many people. It could end up being used to destroy High Czenoble, did she have the right to trade so many lives just to save a few? She turned from where she was sitting at the sound of Leonhart stirring, waiting for him to sit up before speaking. ?[B]This is more than a simple problem Leonhart,[/B]? she said rhetorically, not expecting him to answer, he would know what she meant. He moved until he was sitting next to her, his voice low so as not to carry beyond their shared cell. ?[B]I know what you are thinking Catherine.[/B]? He sighed gently, tugging at his torn and dirty suit looking down at his hands. ?[B]The dilemma this choice presents. Do I save those closest to me? or do I try to save everyone else?[/B]? He looked up, ?[B]The psychology behind such a choice is something I never thought I?d have to actually face. I feel as if I have come up short, as if I have failed what I resolved I would do if ever faced with it.[/B]? He couldn?t hide the pain he felt, not from Catherine. ?[B]You?re human Leonhart,[/B]? tears formed in her eyes. ?[B]There?s no shame in that.[/B]? She tried to find words to somehow comfort him, but the awkwardness of their situation made it hard. ?[B]You?ve always done everything in your power to take care of the family, it?s not possible for you to fail.[/B]? She finally finished, feeling like she had failed him as well, with not knowing what to say. She shook her head, wishing she could say something, anything to make him feel better. Instead, she tried to change the subject. ?[B]Do you remember what this is?[/B]? She held up the picture with the letters that were on the cannon for him to look at. He shook his head. ?[B]It does look vaguely familiar but I don?t know what it means.[/B]? Catherine lowered the picture, leaning back so her head was against the wall where she was sitting. ?[B]It?s from the Xear Culture.[/B]? She said tiredly. ?[B]Remember it now?[/B]? But his look was still slightly puzzled. ?[B]I guess I shouldn?t be surprised. Some of our current magi technology comes from studying this culture; though what few remnants were found were translated long ago. No one really studies the language of the Xear anymore, only a handful of people bother since there hasn?t been any new discoveries in quite some time.[/B]? She gave him a sad smile, ?[B]It?s only briefly mentioned in the history of magi technology that all students are expected to learn, so it?s no surprise you don?t remember it.[/B]? Leonhart's expression became pained. ?[B]Please tell me you don?t know what it means,[/B]? he almost pleaded with her, his look somehow haunted. Leonhart moved so he was sitting cross-legged and facing her from the side, taking her hands in his and squeezing them tightly when tears started to flow down her cheeks. ?[B]I?m sorry,[/B]? she finally choked out. ?[B]I?m far from fluent and it?s been quite some time since I read the books I have on it, but?[/B]? Her throat constricted painfully as she tried to control her emotions, not wanting the others there to see how upset she was. If the Starks knew anything about her at all, then they would know she had an interest in things like that. It was unlikely she could lie and say otherwise. Leonhart let go at the sound of someone approaching their makeshift cell, scrambling to his feet before helping Catherine stand up as well. It was Donner Stark again, along with four others. Without a word one of them opened the cell motioning for them to exit, something Leonhart simply did. But when Catherine moved to follow him, Donner blocked her path. ?[B]You and I need to have a little talk first,[/B]? Donner stated, causing Leonhart to stop, bringing those guiding him towards the cannon up short. The four merely tightened their grip and pulled him away. Surprising Catherine with the level of restraint they were using, at least for a brief moment until she realized it was only because they still needed him alive. Once they were well out of hearing range, Donner turned towards her with a knowing look that made Catherine?s heart sink. She stepped backwards without even thinking about it, brought up short by the cave wall behind her. [I]Why can?t you just leave me alone? [/I]She thought, despairingly as he entered the cell, moving until he was only a few feet away. Not knowing what to do she looked down, refusing to meet his gaze. ?[B]Tell me what you know about the language on the device, keep in mind, lies will not be tolerated.[/B]? His voice was deceptively gentle, unlike the colder tone he had used when she first arrived. Catherine choked a bit, feeling sick to her stomach as a faint feeling came over her. She could feel tears running down her cheeks, she did not bother to reach up and brush them off. [I]Is this how Leonhart felt? When he realized? [/I]She jumped when Donner grasped her chin lightly, using just enough pressure to make her look up at him and nothing more. ?[B]You know what it is.[/B]? It was a statement not a question. It was more than the threat of harming the family if she didn?t cooperate, it was the utter coldness behind his eyes, a sense of looking into something that had lost a part of itself. It terrified her in a way she didn?t understand. Catherine wondered if she was seeing things as she felt herself begin to tremble in fear. A slight narrowing of his eyes prompted her to finally whisper a single word. ?[B]Yes.[/B]? He let go of her chin, ?[B]What does it say?[/B]? ?[B]I?[/B]? She faltered a bit. ?[B]I need time, I haven?t studied it in quite some time.[/B]? He watched her expression as if gauging whether or not she was telling the truth. ?[B]Don?t take too long.[/B]? He finally said before leaving the cell, locking the door behind him. Once he was out of sight, Catherine sank to her knees as a wave of nausea came over her. Followed shortly by a bout of shaking and more tears as she cried silently. Then once she had managed to compose herself as much as she could, she picked up the picture and tried to remember, to figure out what it said. It really had been quite some time since she had studied it. But hours later, when she was finally done, it made no sense. [I]?This weapon shall bring an end to misery though only an Almagest can wield it. But one must do it with pure intentions or everything will end in misery.? [/I] Catherine set the notepad aside leaned back against the wall of the cell. Never had she felt such utter despair. She didn?t even try to stop the tears as she cried silently, wishing she had the means to destroy the weapon. When she had finally exhausted herself, Catherine shifted until she was lying on her right side, her back up against the wall, the rattle of the chains from the shackles on her wrists only serving to remind her of how hopeless her situation was. A moment later, with one of the thin blankets covering her, she closed her eyes. Though exhausted or not, she did not expect to actually manage to sleep.
[quote name='Shy'][size=1]I'll be having Fonty stay in Rosengard for now, so that he can run into Victoria Ann when she returns home to Rosengard. From there they can head to the summer home (although knowing Victoria Ann that's incredibly unlikely.)[/size][/QUOTE]Extremely unlikely I would say. ;) Anyway, I tried to give a reason as to why both Leonhart and Catherine would even consider cooperating. In my mind, Leonhart has been portrayed as a bit of a wimp in that he didn't seem to have any real reason for doing as the Underdogs wished. I can't imagine someone like that just doing as he was told, after all, he would know just how many people would end up dead if he did. Also, even though I didn't state it, I'm assuming that they are in Camp Rottweiler since that is where Leonhart was when Callisto Prometheo was killed.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/donner-avatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine had no idea where she was being taken, at least not the actual physical location. It wasn?t hard to guess why though, Hugo Black?s mention of the Starks made it clear that she was likely being taken to where the other missing alchemists were being held as well. She could see it with frightening clarity in her minds eye and she only hoped that what she was thinking was incorrect. She had her own theories as to why top alchemists were being taken, it didn?t take much to figure that one out, anyone with a little bit of logic on their side could. The trip itself was a bit odd, switching from walking, to riding in something that had to be open since she could feel the rush of air as they moved along, and then back to walking again. With the blindfold on, she could only assume they were using some sort of old fashioned pump car, probably attached to a smaller car for carrying things like coal or other materials. If they had been using something that required steam or alchemy, she would have recognized the unmistakable noise that both types of transport would have made. It had to be a pump car, the odd noises she heard fit and the speed was fast enough for her hat to be blown off and left behind. Something a pump car was capable of doing. A short argument over retrieving her hat ensured and was dismissed with a laugh that where she was going she wouldn?t need something to shield her from sunlight. She thought perhaps that it indicated she would be kept in the tunnels, though that could also mean a building of some sort, where all the windows were covered or there were none to begin with. She said nothing during the trip, not even when it was apparent that she had been handed over to another group of people. They were more harsh and unforgiving when she stumbled from time to time on account of not being able to see properly. Getting her going again with harsh shoves that nearly made her fall altogether. Catherine just said nothing, refusing to give into the taunts and jeers being tossed her way. Finally after what seemed like forever, the sound of their footsteps changed, the lack of an echo indicating they had entered a much larger space. She could also hear the sounds of others moving about and the odd mechanical sound or two as well. A moment later and the group halted, someone untying her hands only to pull them to the front and put something cold on each wrist, the metallic sound of it closing making her think it was shackles, a guess that when they took her somewhere else, stopped to open something before ripping the blindfold off and shoving her inside, turned out to be true. She was in a makeshift type of cell along one of the walls of an enormous cavern, one that contained what seemed to be the ruins of an older city. There was a massive weapon that had others who were in shackles working on it, probably the other alchemists who had been kidnapped. It looked like a type of cannon, but of a design that Catherine had never seen before. Her theory as to why the alchemists were being kidnapped was confirmed. But that was not what horrified her the most, no, what did that was the other occupant in the cell; Leonhart. ?[B]Leonhart,[/B]? She said, her voice tight with suppressed emotion, uncertain as to what to do. He was different somehow, she could see it in his eyes. It was more than fatigue, it was if some part of him had died. [I]What have they done to you?[/I] ?[B]I?m sorry Catherine,[/B]? He finally said with tears in his eyes. She knew what he meant and she felt tears gathering in her own eyes as well. Catherine knew what he must be feeling - she felt the same - glad to see him and yet wishing more than anything it was someplace else. She wanted to collapse and cry and yet some stubborn part of her refused to do so, she wasn?t even sure what she was feeling. And having a guess as to why she had been brought to this place didn?t amount to actual knowledge. The question now was why. Did they expect her to help? Or was she merely there to put more pressure on Leonhart to cooperate? Catherine didn?t want to know why, but the sound of approaching footsteps told her that she was going to find out whether she liked it or not. It was Donner Stark, she recognized him from the wanted posters that were up in High Czenoble, he was approaching the cell the two of them were in, a long plain envelope in one hand, a rifle with some sort of lens for seeing further away in the other. As he came to a halt just outside of their cell, Catherine began to feel the stirrings of true anger, her expression hardening into something far more stern as she met his gaze with a sharp one of her own. But he was unfazed by it and seemed to be amused instead. ?[B]I already told Hugo Black that I have no interest in meeting you.[/B]? Catherine said sharply. ?[B]That has not changed. Nor do I intend to help you.[/B]? Donner just gave her a half grin of amusement. ?[B]You?ll do exactly as you are told, just like your brother here.[/B]? He waited patiently while Catherine gave Leonhart the tiniest of glances before looking back at him, the hesitation and confusion in her gaze evident, but not for long. He would see to that. ?[B]You see, I have a little something for you,[/B]? He held the long plain envelope through the bars, waiting for her to take it. ?[B]Go on, take a look.[/B]? Catherine opened up the envelope in order to pull out the contents, wondering what in the world Donner Stark was talking about. She didn?t have to wonder for long, there were photographs inside, curious she took a look. [I]Photographs? How could photographs? [/I]Her hands began to shake as she realized what she was looking at. There weren?t a lot of them but it didn?t matter, and the content made it clear that they were recent too. Harrison and Victoria out on the front lawn at Chaos the day the wasps had been set loose in the Head Master?s office, Victoria and Gustave as they were riding Lucy towards Rosengard the other day... They were watching the family! Taking pictures of them, keeping tabs on what they were up to. A horrible cold feeling came over her as a quick glance showed her that there were similar envelopes over in the corner of the cell. Catherine fought the shaking, tried to fight the despair that began to weigh on her mind, turning her attention back to Donner when he spoke. ?[B]You see that tiny little bottle over there?[/B]? He pointed to a small crate that was a good fifty feet away, an empty liquor bottle sitting on it. Once he had her attention he turned, took aim using the scope on the rifle and fired, shattering the bottle. The pictures slipped from Catherine?s fingers and fell to the floor. If not for Leonhart catching her by the shoulders, she would have collapsed to her knees. Donner Stark just smiled knowingly at her reaction. ?[B]You?ll start by translating what?s written on that device. The choice is yours, fail to cooperate and I?ll select someone from one of those pictures and either have them shot or brought here for a more private execution for your benefit.[/B]? He smiled maliciously at the pair and then turned and left.
[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]And guys, please...chill out. The frequent objections and outrage are really starting to wear thin. We're all adults here and this [i]is[/i] just an RPG. There's no reason why issues can't be raised in a completely calm and mature manner on all sides. And that, folks, was my public service announcement for today. :catgirl:[/font][/QUOTE]Here's mine, next time I'm going to just say, could you please take my character out of that post? And nothing else. I'll just keep my irritation to myself next time. It's not worth the hassle. I want to have fun, not get annoyed. All I ask is that when doing something that portrays one's character in such a profound manner... please talk to me first? I think that's reasonable to ask.
[quote name='Sandy']Well, if this is about me living on a different time zone than the rest of you, then I don't think it can be helped. I don't use AIM much, but I'd appreciate if those PMs were flung at my way too, every once in a while. It doesn't help that you collaborate amongst you players, me and Josh as the game-makers need to know where you want to go as well. But when it all boils down, this [I]is[/I] just a message-board RPG, so it would help if some of us were a tad less perfectionistic about it. I know I'm guilty of it as well from time to time, but I think I've loosened up since we began.[/QUOTE]How about you actually try sending them yourself? Do you know what it's like to have one member leading the rpg say, this is what we are going to do, you do it and the other posts and utterly contradicts what you've been planning? It's not perfectionism, it's surprise that those who are supposedly leading the rpg aren't on the same page. So what it boils down to is why the hell are we still doing this? If we need to be sending you the chat logs, then would someone just say so? I'm at my wits ends here since honestly... I worked hard to get things just right. I can't help that you and Shy don't seem to be on the same page dear. To borrow a phrase from other players... *bangs her head on her desk and leaves the room to come back and discuss it later* :animesigh
[quote name='Sandy']I just don't seem to do anything right, do I? ;P I deleted Catherine from my post, but the Landmark is still in effect. So please, have a go with it![/QUOTE]No, you just don't collaborate enough hun. I'm sorry, but that's all there is to it. That's an unbelievably huge event in Catherine's life and part of this rpg. I've been inserting hints into my posts for quite some time now so of course I'm going to object if that is messed up. I've put a lot of thought and work into it. It's important to me that it's done right. Most of us spend a certain amount of time using pm's or chat services to talk to the other players to help make sure we get their responses correctly. You can't just post and ignore that, not for major events. I'm sorry to give you grief, but that was so not Catherine. I had to.
[quote name='Sandy']To add another twist into the bunch, I think my latest post will clear up on what exactly the Underdogs want with their kidnappings. Catherine's capture gave me a perfect chance to elaborate on that, so thanks for that. ;D And I hope you don't forget to post about the previous riddle to the game, because you now have another puzzle to solve. Yes, the text in the latest Landmark does mean something, so have fun finding out what it says! ;D[/QUOTE]I have a serious objection to your post and I have sent you and Shy the reasons as to why. To put it simply... I am not amused. Catherine is not amused. And drama or not... I want it known that I utterly object to how that was handled. :animeangr
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalusavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Of all things, Catherine could have never imagined coming back to Rosengard to find the military there, the troop carriers sitting on the normally tranquil grounds of the estate was a jarring sight. A short inquiry as to what was going on resulted in her being escorted to where their commanding officer was, which was none other than Daedalus. A fact that had both relived and alarmed her. Relief that it was him and yet alarm over why he would have brought them to the estate in the first place. Such a drastic move was not something he would have done without good reason. The resulting news in regards to Macey?s assistant Gadget had been startling to say the least. She waited patiently, taking in everything thing that was said, filing it away for consideration later. For now, it was to be frank, shocking and hard to take in, so much had happened that it honestly felt like one of those drama novels that she occasionally read just for a good laugh. Only it didn?t feel very funny to her at that moment. A soft chime from one of the time pieces on the wall reminded her that it was seven thirty, the time spent by Daedalus getting things explained having taken up the time she had planned for dinner. ?[B]I?m sorry to interrupt,[/B]? She smiled when Daedalus turned to look at her. ?[B]But I?m afraid I need to get going or I?ll be late for the parent teacher meetings at Chaos.[/B]? She moved over until she was no more than a few feet away, reaching out and taking his hand in hers for a moment. ?[B]Take care of yourself brother,[/B]? She said softly, squeezing his hand before letting go. ?[B]Don?t work too hard alright?[/B]? Not that he would do anything differently, it wasn?t like him. Given a task, he had always been driven to do his best and more. He just gave her one of those tiny half smiles of his, ?[B]Me, overwork? Never![/B]? Catherine chuckled and then turned to leave, she didn?t have much time if she wanted to catch the train. And she was never late for something as important as the parent teacher meetings. Like Daedalus, she was the same, never shirking her duty as a teacher. Doing what was required and more. In that respect the two were very much alike. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine had arrived in time for the parent teacher meetings, something that had turned out to be a good thing. Not that the Head Master Lector Moebius was a problem, he just wasn?t much of an asset. Or rather to be fair, he was in the wrong place for his skills. There was no shame in realizing a job wasn?t suited to you. Take her for example, she would be out of place serving in something like the military like her brother was doing. The same could be said of Moebius, he was more suited to gathering information. Even his annoying habit of prying only showed that he had a love for getting the information and circumstances surrounding people and events. Ironically, in her opinion, if he could only lose a bit of the arrogance and ego he seemed to hold so dear; someone like that could be a rather effective history teacher. Potentially instilling the desire to learn about one?s past into students. In her opinion, he would be far better suited as a teacher than as a Head Master. Though she doubted he would ever see that. The evening was going well, something that had Catherine pleased since she had worried a little that people would skip the meetings in an attempt to learn more about who had been named as the new ruler of Czenoble. But since the announcement was not open to the public until the official coronation tomorrow, there had been no reason for any of the parents to not come. Now, as things came to a close, Catherine was wondering what was going to happen. Leonhart was alive and she couldn?t help but wonder if she would ever see him again. She sighed as she started to put things away in her office on the second floor of Choas, the halls empty other than a few others who were already on their way out. Catherine just focused on finishing up since she would be the last one it seemed. The others had already said their good nights before heading out, other than the security and the night guard who would be at the front door. Though depending on which exit she used, their presence didn't matter since the night guard only focused on making sure no one broke into the school when it was not in session. She had just finished closing the curtains to her office when Catherine was surprised by the sound of the door to her office opening. She turned to see who it was only to be surprised even further by Hugo Black along with several other men who she did not know entering her office. ?[B]Can I help you?[/B]? Catherine was puzzled. She had never met Hugo Black, though she knew of him from following the Chimera Cup as well as having seen him from a distance on occasion. More importantly though, to the best of her knowledge he was unmarried and had no children. [I]Why is he here?[/I] ?[B]Actually dear, it is you who can help me.[/B]? He looked rather amused, though at what Catherine did not know. ?[B]Are you here on behalf of one of the children?[/B]? Catherine was beginning to feel a bit of disquiet over the odd situation as the others casually approached her. ?[B]On the contrary, I am here for you.[/B]? He smiled at her obvious confusion. ?[B]You see... The Starks are very interested in meeting you.[/B]? Catherine took an involuntary step backwards, her heart catching in her throat at the mention of the Starks name. She barely had time to realize something was terribly wrong when the others who were with him pulled out pistols, pointing them in her direction. With a tiny little gasp of fear she froze, her mind racing wildly as Hugo Black approached, closing the gap between them. ?[B]I have no interest in meeting the Starks,[/B]? She finally managed when he was no more than a foot away, looking down at her. Her heart was pounding as she realized that with the others with him? she was trapped. Catherine flinched when the others with him moved to take her arms. She could feel a scream starting to build and faltered when Hugo Black took her chin in his right hand, forcing her to look up at him. "[B]Now don't be like that.[/B]" He admonished her as the others secured her hands behind her. "[B]There's no reason to make this more unpleasant than it has to be.[/B]" He let go and turned to leave her office, the others pulling her along. Catherine's thought that someone would realize they had been there was shattered when she realized they were taking her to the entrance to the tunnels in the basement of the school. A moment later, when they were at the bottom of the stairs and facing the different directions one could take into the tunnels; her heart raced even faster when they blindfolded her before forcing her to go with them.
[quote name='Malkav']Some people may not agree, but I think the day is taking entirely too long, especially since it's like a buffer until the real deal on the next day. So I pushed to the next day. If anyone had anything to do, let me know and I'll drop the post under there's after they post.[/QUOTE]Oh I agree that the day is taking too long, however, we are waiting on the landmark of a new ruler that was for sunset of the previous day. Plus, I did want to do something with the parent teacher meetings at Chaos which were also the previous day. I've got something in mind and moving to the next day and skipping it just won't do. So I say we poke Shy or Sandy for that landmark so I can post my bit at Chaos and you can then move us to the next day.
[B]1. What have your experiences with rudeness on the internet been?[/B] Not very many really. I imagine that's because I really don't visit many sites where I actually do any posting. I've gotten a few rude comments, but not much. [B] 2. Do you get affected by them, generally?[/B] Not really. The few times it happened, it was usually by someone who in my eyes is still a kid. It's kind of hard to get offended when a child is attempting to tell you off. Being laughed at for doing something like rpging at my age as they put it only served to make me laugh a bit. After all, you don't grow up and suddenly lose interest in discussions or storytelling or other things you found fun when you were younger. [B] 3. Have you ever been deliberately rude to someone over the Net, and why?[/B] Not deliberately. I've been sharp and to the point, but It was never my intent to be rude just to be rude. It just seems pointless really. When someone is too annoying or treats your comments with thinly veiled scorn by the ridicule in their replies, at that point, I simply use a function like the ignore one here. I come online to have fun, not get into silly I'm right your wrong arguments. I don't need the last word. [B]4. Do you think there are times when it's justified?[/B] Being rude? No. Being honest? Yes. If someone really is being a jerk I'll tell them so. [B]5. Why do you think people feel the need to make unnecessary comments online?[/B] Lots of reasons I imagine, the most prominent being insecurity on their part. Some inner desire to make themselves feel good by putting others down. And being hidden behind a screen makes it easier since you know you won't be facing that other person ever. I believe the saying is, if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything. Wise words really.
Looks like Daniel is trying to get himself into trouble by heading planet side. My understanding is that there is more involved in that for Kreid and that Beth will be getting that to you shortly Blayze. Should be interesting I'm thinking.
Tarika Zaidin's mind should have been focused on the battle to secure sector four, but even though she was on the bridge as Commander Landers directed the battle, she found her mind focusing on her investigation of Greydon Kreid instead. On the surface it seemed that there was nothing to worry about. It was true that part of his story could not be verified but with the lock down on all public records due to the war, that was true of a lot of those who were serving in the military for the New Alliance. Even the obvious discrepancy in regards to his current skill could be explained by an undercover agent erasing his own records in order to better blend in, to avoid exposure. Just as his obvious skill could easily be dismissed, but at the same time, that more than anything, made her nervous. He was too good, something that as she watched him lead the assault ships to take out the sector defenses really showed. There was no deviation from his approaches, there was no movement that was wasted when he went from target to target. He moved like one who had spent decades in the Elite Task Forces, not as someone who would have been currently being considered for such a promotion. Her and Landers had discussed it just the other day, though Lander's had been unconvinced that there was a problem. If not for the fact that she couldn't find any records of him even existing at all, she probably would have dismissed it as well. It was with a start that she realized the battle was over, the assault ships under Kreid's command returning to the [I]Liberator. [/I] Mentally she kicked herself for not paying attention, even though her job was only to see to Lander's safety, it wouldn't do for her to get sloppy. From the look of things, most of the forces there had surrendered instead of forcing Commander Landers to destroy them. Once Daniel had had sent the appropriate forces over to secure the ships that had surrendered, to Tarika's surprise he got up to leave the bridge once the [I]Liberator [/I]was in orbit around the main home world of sector four. [I]Where in the world is he going? [/I]It was at that moment that it hit her. [I]He can't be serious![/I] "[B]Please tell me you are not considering what I think you are sir.[/B]" She moved between him and the door leading off the bridge. "[B]Ms. Zaidin, the representatives have agreed to surrender without a fight provided I accept that surrender in person. I understand your concern, but this is my call to make.[/B]" He moved to go around her but she countered, shaking her head. "[B]I have my orders sir.[/B]" She gave him a measuring glance, unwilling to bring it up in front of the rest of the bridge crew who were all watching with curiosity at this point. [I]Don't make me force your hand... [/I]she thought furiously in his direction. "[B]Yes you do Ms. Zaidin and those are to see to my security so gather the rest of the squad and meet me in transport room one.[/B]" He placed a hand on her shoulder and then moved past her and out the door. [I]Damn! [/I] She opened up a com channel and contacted Kreid to request a full security detail for Commander Landers as per procedure required. If she was lucky, he'd move to stop the Commander or at the very least insist on more than a simple squad to accompany Landers to the surface.
Seems like Daedalus showed up at an excellent time. I wonder what Catherine and the others will think when they return only to find Rosengard essentially under siege. I would imagine finding the military there would be very alarming. At least until she realizes that it's Daedalus who is with them. ;)[quote name='Shy'][size=1]Having said that, I'd like to see the announcement for the new Dynast ruler put up soon. There are some things I'd like to do with the princess that I cannot until Agron announces who their new King is.[/size][/QUOTE]I would like to see it as well since I am curious as to how the Princess is going to react to the news that she was not selected to be the new Dynast ruler. I can't imagine her taking that news very well at all. That and once the announcement is up I would imagine it would be time for the parent teacher conferences to start at Chaos. It's going to be a long evening for Catherine with everything going on.
"My being different to you still makes me a man."
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Justin's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Justin;805785]This thread is about being "different." I'm going to cover some specific areas--ones that pertain to me, for example--and I'd like you guys to discuss those areas. However, feel free to expound on being "different." [/QUOTE]I would say this thread is about [I]looking[/I] different, not really [I]being[/I] different. [QUOTE=Justin']See, now, I know a lot of people with a lot of body mods. A lot of those people are good people. They are sound-minded, generally gainfully employed, non drug users, non violent, and very sociable people. So, while I understand the apprehension of people not raised around that, I just want to see your thoughts on the subject. How do you see these kinds of people?[/QUOTE]I do think it?s wrong to judge based on appearance, however, I won?t lie. I?ve been raised to think such modifications are not appropriate. I have also lived in an area where it?s not seen a lot, so naturally it draws a lot of attention. Is there any apprehension? No, I simply don't care for it, nothing more. -
[quote name='Sandy']I'm sorry, Kathy, but since the clues ended up with Bavaria and Gadget (not by my choice, really, as I tried to hand out the other clue to James), and the other characters are scattered across High Czenoble, it really [I]was[/I] most convenient this way. Or would you rather have them send the clues to Catherine, without any apparent reason to do so? I can still edit my post if you have a better suggestion, though.[/QUOTE]Oh honestly hun, what would have been so wrong with Bavaria asking the others at dinner time? So everyone could work on it? You?ve missed what I was saying. I find it hard to believe that the code for the Underdogs would be so easily broken.[quote name='Sandy']My point is, [I]you[/I] didn't waste your time, even though your character didn't participate in solving the riddle. The riddle was obviously meant for you [I]players[/I] to solve, not for the characters (since there were numerous other ways they could've found out that something was hidden inside Mount Grail). The kudos still belong to you, Kathy. ;D I wish the characters could just come together to sort of "compare notes", so that they would actually know about these things happening to each other. That's why I'm not moving Gadget or Bavaria anywhere from Rosengard.[/QUOTE]I?m going to take exception to your implication that I didn?t waste my time and excluded the others. I know that?s not what you meant, but still. I talked to Beth, my daughter, Crystia and thus also learned that Gavin can?t read music. So there was more than just me solving it. Anyway, I?m not going to argue over it anymore, I am still disappointed. Because you still could have posted asking us if we had any ideas, you?re still going on what YOU think would have been the best way to do it. *sigh*
[quote name='Sandy']I apologize if it upsets someone that I wrote Bavaria as the one who solved the riddle. It just felt most convenient that way. You guys did a fantastic job in solving it, nevertheless. Now it all comes down to finding out just what it is that the Underdogs are forcing Leonhart to work with beneath Mount Grail. I can give you a hint: it's not "Let's All Live In Peace And Harmony"-potion. ;P[/QUOTE]No offense dear, but you could have asked us if we had an idea as to how we would have liked to see it done. Especially since we took the time to solve the puzzle in the first place. I realize you along with Shy created this rpg, but it is a bit frustrating to spend one's time on something like that without giving us a chance to implement it into the story. I find it disappointing that you did that actually, and far to convenient really. There is something to be said for collaboration instead of only doing what you think would work. If that was going to be the case, then why bother having the clue for us to solve in the first place? I feel like I wasted my time now and I'm not happy with that feeling. :animesigh As for what's under Mount Grail, considering what Daedalus does... I am quite sure it's not nice. If it was, the underdogs would not be wasting their time on it. [B]EDIT: [/B]And before I forget, Catherine and Victoria are on their way to visit Gustave and Lucy. I left it open for either you James or for my daughter to follow up on that.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine was not surprised to see Victoria Ann's sullen look when she reluctantly showed up in her office once classes were done for the day. True to what she had told her, she had some books ready for her to help her with. Catherine had been meaning to move a few books given to her by Leonhart but had never gotten around to it. It was from the last time he had visited her office and though she had already read the books, she had been meaning to take them home and do some cross checking with the books she had there. "[B]Here you go Victoria,[/B]" She handed her three of the five books she had ready. "[B]I've been meaning to take those home for some time now so you'll be doing me a big favor by helping out.[/B]" Victoria frowned a bit as she cradled them in her arms. "[B]Wouldn't it be better to keep them here? For when you'll need them?[/B]" "[B]Those were given to me by Leonhart, they are not text books for the students.[/B]" Catherine explained as the two left her office to head for the train station. Victoria Ann looked at the title of the first book, Systems, Organizations, Analysis & Management: A in-depth review of Gadgetry. The second one was similar only it was for Weaponsmithing . Victoria frowned upon realizing what she was looking at. "[B]Grandfather gives you boring books Auntie Catherine.[/B]" She finally said, causing Catherine to chuckle. "[B]I'm a teacher Victoria, how can I tell the students that learning is important if I am unwilling to learn myself.[/B]" She stepped into the waiting train and took a seat, Victoria following along, doing the same. "[B]So that's why you have so many books and read every night.[/B]" Victoria Ann gave her an odd look. "[B]Do I have to do that too when I get older? Keep studying?[/B]" Catherine smiled a bit at the question, for her it was more than just for teaching. She had always enjoyed learning new things, ever since she could remember. The fact that it fit neatly into her current occupation was just a bonus really. Though she was certain she would have found the time even if she wasn't a teacher. Now, the question in her mind was how to help encourage that desire to learn in Victoria. "[B]No you don't have to, but I can guarantee you that you will.[/B]" She smiled mysteriously at Victoria Ann's puzzled look. "[B]There are a lot of things in alchemy that though they work, we don't understand how or why they work. Take Lucy for example, by studying Chimeras we better learn how to care for her.[/B]" The train came to a halt and both of them got off and started heading towards Rosengard. "[B]Auntie Catherine, can we go see Lucy before dinner? Please?[/B]" "[B]I don't see why not, it will only take a moment to drop off the books and then we can take a carriage over. It's a little hard to see her when she's so far away.[/B]" "[B]Yeah, I mean, I do have a picture since Uncle Fonty took one for me, but it's not the same.[/B]" A moment later they were at Rosengard and making arrangements for a carriage once Catherine had handed over the books to one of the servants to put in her room. As they were getting into the carriage a thought occurred to her, since any teacher knew that the best way to encourage a student to learn was by finding what interested them. "[B]There's something else to keep in mind Victoria Ann, something that makes studying worthwhile even if you are no longer attending school.[/B]" "[B]Oh?"[/B] Victoria tilted her head to the side a bit as the carriage pulled out of Rosengard. "[B]What would that be?[/B]" "[B]Your picture of Lucy is tied to another one of the mysteries of alchemy. You see, there are a few devices that are capable of seeing across great distances, some even believe that it's possible to take pictures of the future.[/B]" "[B]Really?[/B]" Victoria smiled at the thought of actually being able to see Lucy from a great distance. Though the idea seemed a little odd to her. "[B]Yes dear, and that's why studying is so important. To find out if it's true or not.[/B]" She smiled as Victoria's face took on a serious look. It was the truth that there were many things that worked and yet they didn't truly understand how they worked just yet. But more importantly, getting her mind off of the idea of hunting through the tunnels under Mount Grail was a must. If there was one thing Catherine knew, it was that Victoria Ann was very determined. If she didn't keep an eye on her, one of these days, she'd find out that she really had taken off into the tunnels. She was a good kid, but her curiosity often got her into trouble.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It had certainly been an interesting morning at Chaos, working to keep the attention of the students when it was clear that it was elsewhere, Catherine had certainly done her best though. And considering the news circulating around High Czenoble, it was more than understandable that the students were having a hard time focusing. When the last class before lunch finished, Catherine made her way to where the teachers had a private room for lunch. She always made a point of joining them several times a week so she could keep up on how all of them were doing. And today, she was certain that just like the students, a little bit of talking to them would be in order, not that the teachers weren?t capable, but rather she could understand why the news would make anyone feel a little panicked. Catherine entered the room and took note how many of the teachers glanced her way once she had entered the room. She took care to find a place near the center of the room and thus the easiest for one?s conversation to be overheard. Sometimes, listening in to someone else?s conversation worked better than a direct talk ever could. The teacher already sitting at the table, Stephanie Jackson smiled politely at her as she took a seat, only waiting long enough for one of the servers to take Catherine?s request before speaking up. ?[B]Lady Almagest, I was wondering if I could ask you something.[/B]? ?[B]Of course.[/B]? Catherine replied kindly since she had been expecting it after seeing the uneasy look in the teacher?s eyes. ?[B]Well it?s about the parent teacher meetings for tonight and tomorrow, I was wondering if we were still going to hold them.[/B]? It was just as Catherine had expected, with all the rumors running around, a certain amount of panic was setting in, something that she was sure the Head Master had done nothing to head off. And in her opinion, unless something more official came up, there was no reason not to hold the meetings as planned. It was after all how Chaos operated, one did not cancel studies or standard procedure at the school unless there was a genuine need to do so. Parent teacher meetings were important as they gave those parents who wished to keep a close track on their children?s progress a chance to work closely with the teachers to address any concerns that they had. They were only held twice a year so most parents planned their schedule around it in order to make sure they would have time to attend. ?[B]Of course,[/B]? Catherine answered. ?[B]I see no reason why we shouldn?t.[/B]? She pitched her voice so it would carry through the room and yet not be so loud that the others would realize she was doing it. ?[B]I can understand why you would ask that, since the rumors and news is rather alarming. But at the same time its important to make sure we aren?t allowing such rumors to affect our judgment.[/B]? She smiled at the serving girl who had just arrived with her lunch and tea, thanking the girl before turning back to finish the conversation. ?[B]Unless you know of a good reason why we should cancel them.[/B]? ?[B]Oh! Uh... of course not! It?s just that?[/B]? She hesitated. ?[B]Well?[/B]? Catherine waited patiently for her to finish. ?[B]The Head Master hasn?t said a word and with all the stuff going on, we weren?t sure if they were still on or not.[/B]? ?[B]They are,[/B]? Catherine took a sip of her tea. ?[B]I will be heading home for dinner, but I?ll be back in time for when the meetings start at eight o?clock sharp.[/B]? She smiled to herself as she noticed how the others were going back to what they had been doing before the conversation, and then she frowned inwardly at how the Head Master continued to disappoint her with his utter lack of skill when it came to his position. Normally she wasn?t so judgmental, but it didn?t help that he kept coming up short. [I]If this continues, I really will have to bring it up before the board, the children deserve better.[/I] With the tiniest of sighs she focused on her lunch and moved the conversation to more everyday topics, at least as much as was possible considering the circumstances. Fortunately the other teachers seemed to be settling back down again. Though how the Head Master could be so clueless was at times beyond her.
The OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty of 2007 (Final)
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Horendithas's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Anyway... even though it was kind of funny that Aaryanna was in there twice the first time around, I do have to admit I like the presentation with the graphics a lot better. And congratulations to those who were also chosen now that the outright duplicates are gone. I mean seriously, Shy not nifty? Impossible![/QUOTE]I'm glad to see them with the fun graphics and presentation now. Just as I'm glad that the duplicates gone as well, but most importantly because you are correct. The idea that Shy is not nifty is just positively absurd! ;) Congratulations everyone, and thank you again for considering me to be nifty. :catgirl: -
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/lector-avatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine stepped off the train at the stop before Chaos, with Victoria Ann in tow. So much had happened the previous night, it had been startling and upsetting, making her glad that Alexander had been the one to handle it. He had been quite through in talking to everyone, gathering all the information he could that might shed light on the mysterious photograph. She had been pleased to see how through he was, not pointing fingers but merely gathering facts in a very logical manner. It was clear that he took his job seriously. Now, this morning, she tried to shove the image of the horrible picture out of her mind as she headed to the main gates of Chaos. It was both an encouraging and discouraging thing to know about. If it was an accurate photograph time wise, it meant that Leonhart still lived. But that would also mean... Once again Catherine shoved the thought aside. She needed to be focused for the students since it was clear that rumors were spreading like wildfire throughout High Czenoble. Something that as soon as she entered the school, she could see would be a problem. "[B]Wow,"[/B] Victoria Ann stopped as they entered the school, it wasn't outright confusion, but it wasn't far from it as the students were clearly thinking of other things and no one was getting to their classes as they were too caught up in gossip. "[B]No one is going to class or even paying attention![/B]" She looked to Catherine as if expecting her to fix it. "[B]Lady Almagest![/B]" A voice caught their attention, causing Victoria Ann to groan since it was the Head Master Lector Moebius, scurrying in their direction. She would have taken off except that Catherine was holding her by the shoulder. "[B]What can I do for you Head Master Moebius?[/B]" "[B]Surely I don't need to tell you! No one is going to class and none of the students are listening![/B]" He looked at her, his eyes narrowed, his look one of disdain as if it was her fault. Something that Catherin just suppressed a sigh over. "[B]No Head Master you do not.[/B]" She started heading towards the main office just inside the main doors of the school, nodding at the receptionist who was already at her office behind the large desk for greeting anyone entering the school. "[B]Good morning Lady Almagest.[/B]" She said politely when the trio arrived. "[B]Can I help you with anything this morning?[/B]" "[B]Call an assembly of the students please.[/B]" "[B]At once.[/B]" Catherine just smiled when the announcement resulted in the students making a run for the main assembly hall. It was no surprise to her since it would take very little for them to realize that it would only be called if there was something important to be said, and there was, but not what they were expecting. Catherine made her way to the head of the room, and then shooed Victoria Ann to one of the seats and waited patiently for the students and teachers to gather, all of them eager to hear what she had to say. A half smile played across her face when it was clear all of them were there and she moved to use the tiny little mic, a product of magi technology that would relay her voice a bit louder, making it easier for everyone to hear. "[B]Good morning everyone,[/B]" She waited for them to respond in turn. "[B]Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I've called you here.[/B]" She could see many of them nodding to her words, just as she could see the hopeful and expectant gazes. "[B]Let's start with a little history lesson shall we?[/B]" She hid her smile at the swift looks of disappointment and pressed on before their attention could wander. "[B]About the Paterson family.[/B]" As if turning a switch, all of the students became quiet, their expressions more serious and abashed. Catherine let it sink in, after all the Paterson family was famous or rather infamous for one of their ancestors choosing to make decisions based on gossip and rumor instead of waiting patiently to receive verification. Every student knew about it, since the family head, back in his time had nearly destroyed his entire family. "[B]I think I don't need to explain why I mentioned this.[/B]" Catherine said sternly. "[B]So long as you are within the walls of Chaos, you are expected to uphold to the standards and ideals held here and that includes not responding to rumors because...[/B]" She paused waiting for the students to finish for her, which they did. [I] “[B]Rumors are rumors because they are not true![/B]”[/I] "[B]Exactly.[/B]" Catherine finished. "[B]Now, I promise you, we will keep you updated with news as we receive it, but in the meantime... All of you are late for class![/B]" She smiled a bit as the students got up and headed for their classes. It wouldn't stop the rumors or the gossiping of course, but it would at least ensure that they attended their classes like they should. With a tiny nod to the Head Master who had been standing to the side, she too left to head for the class she needed to teach.
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I meant 'find it on mount grail' was vague. Not the actual plot clue itself, I thought that was very well done, and fun because I actually figured it out. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I see. ;) And yes that part is very vague. I agree. I thought you meant the clue hun. Sorry about that, but then as a teacher, I was admiring how simple and yet fun the poem and sheet of music fit together. So I thought you were referring to that, since it was what I was thinking about.
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Too bad that's like the most vague clue ever.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]No, it's all within very basic music theory. Simple and to the point if you understand it. Be nice dear. Someone put a lot of work into preparing this surprise for us and I enjoyed it. I had my answer to the clue before I signed in just now, since I made a copy this morning and didn't return online until I had the answer.
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]From the middle of the sea translates musically into 'Middle C.' Which is the center note on a keyboard from whence most musical training begins. A half step is a space down directly from one note to the one immediately next to it. Whether a sharp [black key] or otherwise. Down means to the left, but turning back up means the exact opposite...obviously. The significance of 26 is still unclear to me, but there are only 6 musical notes in all. C, D, E, F, G, A, B. Unless it means just 26 half steps upwards. But as far as minim goes, it's just another word for half note. And that's as far as my musical theory training [12 freaking years of piano] will go.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I've been looking at this all morning and I believe I've figured it out so bear with me here. As you said Raiha, the first line is referring to the middle C on a piano. The steps indicating that one goes down and then turns and ascend, alluding to 26 is something I take to mean the alphabet, literally. That you are to assign a letter to each key starting from just below middle C. A half step at a time. Which of course means each key, including the black ones. Then the final line, with minim glory leading the way, means that using that scale, only the half notes are to be counted when it comes to being a letter in the alphabet. Since minim is just another word for half note. By doing this... I get the following message out of the sheet of music. [B]Find it in Mount Grail[/B] So unless I am wrong, this is what I believe the message to mean. It took me a while to realize that the other lines were indicating where to assign a letter of the alphabet to the keys, in place of the normal letters assigned to them.
Look.... are you insinuating something?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Allamorph's topic in General Discussion
I have to admit, I was looking at the forum and going... what the...? Good heavens! What a hilarious Valentines Day joke! This is just too much fun! :catgirl: