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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/ladybavariaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henryavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine had slept later than she intended, worn out by the recent events and unavoidable disputes and disagreements between the family members. Even now as she got up and took advantage of the bath that was waiting for her, she wondered if the family would ever be right again. So much hostility and distrust as well as jealously and greed. With a sigh she finished up, taking a moment to dry off before heading out to start getting ready for the Chimera Races. Though she would rather not go, it would be better than sitting at home and worrying over things she could not change. Catherine had barely pulled out one of her fancier dresses, a soft lavender affair when her personal maid came in to help her get dressed. ?[B]Good news ma?am! We?ve just received word that Lord Almagest has woken up![/B]? Catherine smiled at the news, even though she had every faith that Daedalus was strong, it had worried her that he had gotten hurt in the first place. [I]I?ll need to go and visit him before I head to the races [/I]she thought as she stood still for the maid. ?[B]Any other news I should be aware of?[/B]? ?[B]Lady Harriet has gone with Harrison to pick him up and head for the races ma?am and Macey, Eva and Victoria Ann have already left.[/B]? Catherine turned to take a look at herself in the tall mirror once the maid finished tying up the last of the laces to her dress. Making sure everything was in place as she took a moment to fasten her hat after deftly doing her hair up. Even now she always took care of that herself. Satisfied she grabbed the matching parasol and went down to snatch a bit of breakfast. It didn?t take long even with her taking a moment to read The Chronicle, the headline making her sigh a bit at the tackiness of it all, since it was clear that even a Wake was not free of the gossip and information prying that often went on. She set the paper down and got up to head for the front of Rosengard since a quick look at her watch indicated that her escort would be arriving soon. She was almost there when she ran into Lady Bavaria. Jack and Morphia were there as well though the latter two were already heading up the stairs towards the guest rooms. ?[B]I have good news for you Catherine.[/B]? Bavaria said once she was close enough to hear her. ?[B]If you are referring to Daedalus, I have already been informed.[/B]? Catherine moved to go around her. ?[B]If you?ll excuse me dear, I?m on my way to the races.[/B]? ?[B]Of course, I?ll be along later as well.?[/B] Bavaria moved aside since she was blocking the doors and then gave a half startled gasp of outrage. ?[B]What is going on here?[/B]? She demanded upon seeing who was getting out of the carriage that had just arrived. ?[B]I would have thought it was obvious Bavaria,[/B]? Catherine said as she paused to turn and look at her. ?[B]You may insist on having the two of them barred from Rosengard, but who I attend the races with is none of your business.[/B]? Catherine turned and went to greet Henry who was hesitantly coming over to get her. ?[B]I?m sorry we?re late Catherine.[/B]? He said politely as he offered her his arm. ?[B]There?s nothing to worry about,[/B]? Catherine said kindly as he helped her into the carriage and got back in himself. ?[B]Thank you for accepting my invitation Dame Anna,[/B]? She said kindly as the carriage pulled away from Rosengard. ?[B]You shouldn?t do that, you?ll only make her angry with you.[/B]? Dame Anna replied, indicating Lady Bavaria who was looking furious as the carriage pulled away. ?[B]Nonsense![/B]? Catherine said with a wave of her hand.
[quote name='Sandy;804073]PS. Doesn't anyone really want to try to solve the riddle on the landmark?[/QUOTE]As others have said, it would help if the other characters even knew about the riddle. [QUOTE=Shy'][size=1]As for the Landmark, I know a couple of players are working on it. [B]But it's going to be very difficult to solve without the next piece of the puzzle.[/B] Expect that up in a future post. But if anyone can solve it now, that's very impressive. I'm sure at least one of you has an idea of what the poem might be referring to. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE]I had wondered about that actually, since other than one thing that seems a bit odd, and even that makes no sense as far as the rpg goes, I have absolutely no clue what the puzzle is referring to. Which had led to me thinking there had to be more to it.
[quote name='Sandy']Not that this matters anything, but I beg to differ.[/QUOTE]I really hate to do this but at this point I will. Sandy... *[B]THWACK[/B]* would you stop nitpicking so much? Honestly dear, at times you just grate on my nerves. If it does not matter anything then don't mention it. Yes the original day was the seventh, yes the day was switched to the eighth by Sakura deleting and reposting to better match what James indicated. But for the love of... could we all please [B]STOP[/B] correcting one another over minor technicalities such as which day it was? Honestly, this is making me appreciate a format like Silver One where one isn't so anal over the times a whole lot more. And it's starting to turn me off on this rpg as well since I'm sick of seeing the tiny snipping over little details. The format here is rigid enough that it's stifling to a degree and we certainly don't need to add to it in this manner. And I do mean all of you. And since I'm now royally annoyed I'll save my post for later least I have Catherine run around spanking everyone for behaving like children.
I'd like the plain section to be about three fourths of the total space. The words on the example are just that an example. I'd like for the finished product to have nothing on it at all since my daughter will be adding the text to match the article the banner will go with. So for this I want no text at all. Also, if it helps this is the main banner for the newspaper: [IMG]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/3185/timesjq3.jpg[/IMG] However, the colors or scheme do not have to match that. Oh and the plain area can have a light texture so long as it wouldn't interfere with text showing up when it's applied later.
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Right now I'm listening to [URL="http://rach877.vox.com/library/audio/6a00e398d4faa3000100e398d5abae0001.html"][U]Gypsy Tango[/U][/URL] by Gary A. Edwards. I didn't see a clip over at youtube that I liked so I uploaded one to my Vox account. Anyway, I've played the cello part for this but the music I've linked to is actually a version of the Gypsy Tango arranged by accomplished touring pianist Scott Mayfield. It's a fun lively piece to play and to listen to.[/QUOTE]Goodness, that's a fun piece. I'm going to have to hunt down a copy of the music to this so I can play it. It's wonderfully fun and as you said quite lively. And of course it's now what I'm listening too. :catgirl: Oh! Wait a second! It's the same music that's in your signature! Even if I can't play the Cello I can still read it just the same. Fun!
I'd like to make a request for some thin banners, ones that I intend to use as article headers. To give you and idea, here's an example: [IMG]http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/7971/theotakutimesox2.jpg[/IMG] Basically they need to be about 550 x 20/25 and have a section that is plain so I can simply edit it by adding the text for the name of the article. I'd love to have lots of different ones to choose from and I don't plan on sticking to the same one each issue so the more the merrier. Depending on how many we get it's likely that we'll use them by rotating what we have for each issue. If there are any questions or if you have a slightly different idea those are welcome too. Basically they will be used as actual links that lead to the thread in question that is being reported. Anyway, thanks in advance for the help. :catgirl:
Actually I am interested in still using the banner links so I'll start a thread in the art studio to that effect, to get something that is plain and simple and easy to simply add text to for each edition. If there any other ideas for a new feature, I'd love to hear it. Also, now that my vision has improved, I signed up for MSN messenger, the details is in my profile so if you want to use that to talk to me as well, then just let me know. Also, I'll start looking around for stuff and if anyone sees something they think would do great in an article, you can just post your intent to write up a short one here. Though be sure to simply e-mail it to me instead of posting the finished results.
Discuss Idea: Ridiculously Over-powered and Mature Kiddies RPG Anyone?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to AngryBarista's topic in Theater
[quote name='Satori'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Over-reaction much?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]On both sides really, so lets not move into martyr mode please? You've admitted how your post could have been taken wrong and others have indicated that it wasn't their intent to give you too much grief. If anything you could take it as an excellent lesson in being more clear on your ideas since I would imagine that running an rpg won't work if your players are not understanding what you are getting at. ;) Perhaps you could clarify a bit more as to the actual scenario or storyline where these overpowered kids would be placed? It's an interesting concept, but it would help to know just what type of story you have in mind, or did you have anything beyond the general idea itself? -
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/vincentavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The bomb had been taken care of but at what cost? Did this mean that she was going to lose her other brother as well? A heavy weight settled on Catherine's heart, making her feel like collapsing and giving up and only her sense of duty to the family kept her from doing so. Catherine was debating what to do next when movement caught her eyes as Jack came back over to where she was standing with Vincent, his look questioning. "[B]Where's Macey?[/B]" He asked up on looking around and not seeing her. Vincent looked a little uncomfortable as if realizing for the first time that she had not followed him outside, "[B]She's still inside I believe.[/B]" He finally replied. "[B]What's that little fool thinking? She needs to go and get checked at the medical center as well."[/B] Jack exclaimed, he looked to Vincent. "[B]What the hell were you thinking? Leaving her back there in that state?[/B]" Catherine started to say something only to halt when Jack stalked off into Rosengard and return with a clearly dazed and upset Macey. Catherine couldn't help but give off a startled gasp at the sight of blood splattered all over her clothing. Catherine couldn't know that it was from the bomb and not someone else. With a start she hurried over to her side. "[B]Macey! Good heavens child! Are you alright dear?[/B]" She grabbed her hand in her own, noticing how Macey's hands were icy cold to the touch. "[B]Vincent![/B]" Catherine turned to see that he was already anticipating her by getting one of the remaining Guard cars to pull over to take them to the Medical Center immediately. "[B]I'm fine Aunt Catherine, I'm not the one who's hurt.[/B]" Macey said a bit dully. "[B]Why don't we let the medical staff be the judge of that dear.[/B]" Catherine said kindly as Jack helped her into the back seat of the car before Catherine climbed in with her. Macey tried to protest, but it was clear she was too tired to really do so. "[B]I need to check on my assistant,[/B]" Macey protested weakly as Vincent moved to close the door to the car. "[B]There's no need to worry, I'll make sure he's taken care of.[/B]" Vincent assured her. "[B]Catherine is right, please go and get yourself tended to.[/B]" Macey looked at everyone who was watching her, obviously concerned as to her health and then finally nodded in agreement. Vincent closed the car door and with a quick order they were off, heading for the same medical center where Daedalus and Fauntleroy were being taken care of.
Beth will be updating the main post but I'll go ahead and mention it here. The NPC Tarika Zaidin is a member of a branch of the government known as Special Investigations. It's a group that specializes in checking out cases that baffle local authorities in different sectors. For example, someone like Dr Mikhail Phantaxian would warrant a Special Investigations Agent being sent to help track him down. They are a step down from Elite Specialists in that they handle less sensitive cases and situations that don't require the expertise of someone like say Kiva or Kreid. Anyway, in other words, I'd say Kreid has a problem on his hands since her mission is to fully clear him and that's just not going to possible. ;) I'm thinking it's going to be fun since even if she is supposedly providing security, Kreid will know what a Special Investigations Agent does.
[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Sorry, I didn't notice that. The last thing I read was her comments while at Rosengard itself. I can change my post if needed. Edit: I [i]did[/i] just notice that she was in the carriage on the way there. Oops. I will edit my post as soon as possible - realistically I could substitute another character for Catherine.[/font][/QUOTE]Ah, but Beth indicated in her post that Catherine decided to return to Rosengard so there's no need to change it. ;)
Daniel would have loved to have known how Valencia managed to get her hands on the crystals needed for powering a flagship. He knew just how next to impossible such a feat really was. Though now, thanks to that it wouldn't be long before the repairs were finished, bringing the [I]Liberator[/I] back to full capacity. And with the extra crystals that she had obtained for them as well, it would make any future repairs much easier, at least for a while that is. What was more important at the moment was talking to the newest personnel assigned to the [I]Liberator[/I] who would be answering only to him instead of their head of security Greydon Kreid. It was something that Williams had put his foot down on with the Representatives for the New Alliance, insisting that Daniel be assigned someone who was not only fully cleared but well versed in doing investigations. If anything it would please Kiva to know that someone had been assigned to do a complete and totally check of Greydon Kreid. Not that Daniel was worried himself, but he wasn't about to turn down the agent who had been sent to the [I]Liberator[/I]. Oddly the message he had gotten from Special Investigations Agent Tarika Zaidin had clearly specified that he was to inform no one of her primary assignment besides tending to Daniel's personal security. She had insisted that other than the official story that she had been assigned to see to his safety by the New Alliance, there was no need for anyone to know what else she would be up to. And as Daniel looked at the young security officer sitting across from him at his desk in the observation lounge, he found him self wondering just how skilled she really was. She didn't look all that imposing with her small slender frame, jet black hair and silver eyes that missed nothing as she surveyed the room. Her movements gave her away ever so slightly as it was clear that she was no pampered civilian, moving with the sureness of one who was trained. "[B]So how long have you been an investigator Miss Zaidin?[/B]" Daniel was asking her as they wrapped up the initial interview. "[B]Twenty years sir.[/B]" "[B]And you're sure it's best to keep quiet about what you're really here for? I find it hard to believe that Kreid won't know why you were assigned to me.[/B]" "[B]Suspecting and actually knowing aren't the same sir, I'm not really expecting to find anything, but if there is anything to be found. It's best they don't know that they are being looked into.[/B]" Daniel stood up, bringing the meeting to a close. "[B]Very well then, I'll have the quarters master make the necessary arrangements.[/B]" Tarika stood up as well, "[B]Understood sir, as soon as I'm settled in I'll inform Kreid that I've been assigned by the New Alliance to see to your safety and that I am to be your primary escort whenever possible.[/B]" "[B]He will put you though a complete and total exam, both in terms of procedures as well as a physical test of your abilities. Are you sure that won't be a problem?[/B]" Even though Daniel knew that unlike Earthlings where size often did indicate a lack of strength... Among Versilans appearances were deceiving, and yet he still found it hard to believe that she was capable since even for a Versilan she was on the small side. "[B]Not at all, before I moved into special investigations I worked for the Internal security forces in sector two sir. It won't be a problem.[/B]" "[B]You're dismissed then.[/B]" He watched as she saluted and then turned and left to head for the office of the quarters master so she could settle into the quarters directly across the hall from where his were located. Once she was gone he sat back down and pulled up the plans for their next move since it would be one of their biggest moves yet. One that would hopefully make up for the ground lost when both sectors seven and eight were reclaimed by the High Council. Then he moved to review the reports of the crew on leave and the ones from sub-commander Spencer showing that the re-supply was nearly finished. There was a flag indicating that Kreid was dealing with some security issues planet side, but Daniel was sure he would be finished before it was time for them to head out.
Right now I'm listening to Huey Lewis & The News: [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFdtS8pwctY"][U]The Power Of Love[/U][/URL] I've always love the music by this band. This song has always been one of my favorites out of all the songs they have done. :catgirl:
In this case, the question should be... what haven't I forgotten? lol Over the years I've forgotten switch the clocks for daylight savings time, forgotten it's a holiday and gone to school just the same. Forgotten where I put my glasses, etc. The list just goes on and on.
I'm with Crystia on this one, I like the picture she suggested for the Head Master. It seems like a much nicer balance between the other two. So I say we go with that one.
[quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]And then there's B The Cinematography. I was watching the previews in various venues and every time I felt the beginnings of motion sickness. As in I had to either avert my eyes or clamp my right hand firmly down on my mouth while I used the other to massage my temples.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I won't be seeing this for the same reason, even though I think it would be fun. But the parts where everything is shaking in the preview just made me feel sick as well. Which was odd since I don't usually get motion sickness.
I was not impressed with the movie at all. To be honest, I felt like I wasted my money by going and seeing it. The whole thing, even though some of the special effects were fun, lacked anything to truly drag you in, it was to be short, flat and stale and only because I had never seen it did I bother to finish. Now based on how the movie came across, I figure it was one of two things that made it far from stellar in my opinion. It was either edited heavily, something I would not know since I have not read the books, or the storyline was watered down based on the expectation that you would have read the books first, making it more of a movie for fans instead of a true movie. Kind of like that Final Fantasy one... that was a joke if I ever saw one, for us non gamers and non fans that is. Anyway... All I know is that I have no desire to read the books so I'll know just what in the world was going on. Not because of controversial material, but rather because it just doesn't interest me and if they do make more movies, I won't be going to see it. I will say this though, it was worth seeing once, if only for the steampunk aspect in the beginning of the film, but that was about it.
[quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]*laughs at the idea of x-rated material in a thread that Kathy is a part of* :laugh: Seriously, that would be like doing so for my own mom, in other words, hell would freeze over first. Heh.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]And that my dear, makes three. :catgirl: Anyway, I wasn't really planning on posting again until the next day, Catherine has essentially retired to her rooms for the day. She's too saddened by the events to even consider going down again. She's of the opinion that Leonhart would not have approved at all and won't openly support Bavaria's decision to toss Dame Anna and Henry out.
Daniel had sent off Valencia's request to Williams, but when he got the reply, he couldn't help but groan a bit. Williams was going to authorize him to give her the other thing that she wanted, something that he wasn't sure he agreed with. Though at the same time, he wasn't going to argue either since Williams had time and time again been ahead of the High Council, proving he wasn't a fool. But still... He reached over and opened a communication to Valencia's ship the [I]Stykera[/I] which to his surprise answered immediately. [B][I]-So she was right, you did call before the day is over. I hate how she does that.- [/I][/B] "[B]Excuse me?[/B]" [B][I]-Right, sorry about that, you want to talk to Valencia right? It's simple she says you're to meet her at The Broken Spear, I'll send you the coordinates so you can transport right to the door of the place. I'm sure you won't want to get your nice military uniform dusty or dirty either.- [/I][/B] "[B]Who am I talking to?[/B]" Daniel was a bit perplexed, Valencia had told him to contact her ship, referring to the computer by the name Cassandra, but this sounded more like a real person than a computer. [I]Does she have a crew member I don't know about?[/I] [B][I]-You're not to observant.-[/I][/B] The voice said even as he got a chime indicating that the data for Valencia's location had arrived. [B][I]-Valencia told you who I am, I'm Cassandra, now if I were you, I'd get going. Valencia isn't exactly the most patient person.-[/I][/B] Daniel would have said more but the computer terminated the communication. [I]Valencia isn't the only one who's impatient,[/I] he thought as he got up after transferring the coordinates to his hand held computer and motioned for the two current security personnel to follow along. With so many personnel on leave on Gallana there wasn't a need for more extensive security. And having some of them do a quick check of the area showed that there was nothing he needed to worry about. He shot off a brief message to Kreid to inform him of his whereabouts and then headed for the nearest transport room. Stopping only briefly to make sure his disruptor was fully charged. He did not bother to change out of his uniform, if Valencia was going to make an issue out of meeting at a place like that, then she was going to have to deal with the fuss that would occur with him showing up. It helped that the area of the market she was in though a bit rough was still ill equipped to give anyone with any really military training an issue. If anything she was more likely to be given grief than he ever would. Especially if she was still wearing that outfit of hers. [I]What is that little fool thinking? [/I]He wondered as he stepped through the door along with the two security personnel after briefing them on the situation. After raising an eyebrow at the seedy appearance of the place he pushed the doors open and entered, pausing while his eyes adapted to the dim lighting and then spotting her over in one of the corners he moved to join her. He almost laughed as a number of the patrons at the bar upon realizing who he was, took off, exiting the bar hastily. By the time he got to where she was, a huge space had opened up around where she was. He motioned for the security to hang back and then walked the rest of the way over, noting the illegal equipment she had. Daniel shook his head as he leaned over and helped himself to one of her earrings, earning an amused smile from her. Daniel took a moment and toggled her equipment off and then offered it back. "[B]Turn off the other one please,[/B]" He frowned at her while she merely smirked and turned the other one off after taking the one he had and putting it back on. "[B]You're no fun at all Commander. It's not like I was going to do anything with our conversation.[/B]" She smiled broadly as he finally sat down. "[B]I just have a poor memory.[/B]" "[B]Don't play stupid Miss Sabina. Now why in the world did you insist on meeting here? You could have simply come to the[I] Liberator[/I] after all.[/B]" "[B]And risk having your mole overhear what I have to say to you? Don't be silly.[/B]" She surprised Daniel by suddenly turning all serious on him, even her carefree manner had been dropped, reminding him a bit of how Kiva looked when she was working on an assignment. Daniel couldn't hide his surprise at that statement, nor at her sudden change in demeanor.[I] How does she know about that?[/I] He was working out a response to that when she spoke up again. "[B]Come now Commander, you don't think I've managed to work so long as a pirate without getting caught by being stupid do you?[/B]" She leaned forward a bit. "[B]Now lets get down to business, I'm assuming that you were authorized to give me what I want or else you wouldn't have bothered to come down here at my request.[/B]" Valencia paused, looking past him as someone approached the table they were at, causing the security to move to intercept the stranger. There was something familiar about them and it took Daniel a moment to realize what it was. [I]What the hell?[/I]
[quote name='Malkav']I have a slight problem with the slew of posts that have cropped up between yesterday and today. That problem manifests itself in how Bavaria's siblings sit idly by as their sister is insulted. I simply have a hard time believing they would just watch. No matter how wrong she was, they're not going to let her get spat at and 'watch apathetically' or simply do nothing. I'm sure that you put alot of effort into your posts and for the most part they're good, however I can't suspend my disbelief that far. I may come off as rude, but I mean no offense. I'm also not asking for an edit, but rather in the future to be more thoughtful of the fact that there is a flip side to the coin and she does have people on her side. I didnt expect the dinner to be done before I had a chance to post, but I will be posting in the next few days. Can Jack give Henry a proper thrashing?[/QUOTE]I'm afraid you are out of luck hun. In my post Bavaria and Catherine were alone, so naturally her siblings said nothing because they were not there. If they were I would have indicated as such, but Raiha indicated that Macey and Eva were talking to her alone hence my post was only the two of them.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/ladybavariaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine Sara was tired in so many ways and to hear her sister-in-law behave so spitefully towards Dame Anna and Henry by making a public scene like that just made her sad. Normally she would have done something, to perhaps intervene when Alecia lost her temper and chewed Bavaria out in front of all the guests, but a part of her agreed with what Alecia said. And so, she said nothing, even though she knew the gossip surrounding Dame Anna and Henry along with the reprimand from Aleica would be all over High Czenoble before the day was over. As she gathered her skirts and entered one of the waiting carriages to head back to Rosengard, she felt deeply disappointed. She had known that Bavaria was jealous of Dame Anna, but she had honestly thought she was above such petty concerns, after all, the fact that Leonhart had given both Dame Anna and Henry a home meant that he cared for them and on some level expected the rest of the family to accept them. And though some of his children did not care for her, they at least had the decency to not make a public spectacle of themselves. She had not been back at Rosengard for long when she overheard the exchange between Bavaria, Macey and Eva and once the girls had left and Bavaria realized that Catherine was there she turned to her still angry over what the two of them had just said. "[B]Surely you're not going to stand by and allow that?[/B]" She said incredulously, making Catherine even more sad. "[B]It pains me to say this dear, but you brought this upon yourself.[/B]" She ignored Bavaria's startled gasp. "[B]Not you too Catherine! It is my duty to my love to remove the blight on his family! Surely you can see that![/B]" Catherine sighed and did the only thing she could, took the expression she often did when a promising student failed when there was no reason for them to have failed. It was a look that even Bavaria recognized as Catherine spoke up in ringing tones of disapproval, her expression stern. "[B]You said it yourself dear, [I]that anyone who wishes to dishonor the great Leonhart Almagest is definitely not welcome.[/I][/b]" She tossed her own words back into her face. "[b]Alecia was correct, Leonhart would have never, [I]ever [/I]addressed such a concern in public and humiliated someone he cared for. If you truly love him, you would have respected those wishes of his instead of doing what you just did.[/B]" She held up her hand when Bavaria started to defend her actions. "[B]Please don't, stop embarrassing yourself by clinging to the[I] lie[/I] that you were[I] honorable[/I] when you most certainly were not.[/B]" She shook her head. "[B]I'm not saying you don't have a right to object, I'm saying that you should have behaved like the lady Leonhart believed you to be and handled it delicately and with common decency.[/B]" She finished with a snap. "[B]Now if you'll excuse me dear,[/B]" She moved to leave. "[B]I'm afraid you'll have to attend the wake on your own. Out of respect for Leonhart I cannot.[/B]" Bavaria tried to object, but Catherine ignored her as she headed towards her rooms in Rosengard. She knew that Leonhart would approve and part of her still refused to believe he was dead since they still hadn't found a body. There was another reason as well, if she went to the wake, she was likely to do the same as Alecia had nearly done, slap her for her behavior and that was something she did not want to do.
I hope the next chapter doesn't move us past the wake since I wish to post Catherine's reaction to what Bavaria has done. I plan on doing that shortly actually. So I guess I'm saying I wish to get a post in before that happens. [B]EDIT:[/B] And posted. Catherine is definitely not amused with what she perceives as behavior that is most unbecoming of a lady. Also:[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Well now, why don't we make it interesting and let Bavaria think she's "won" and actually inherited everything, including a large stake in Magitech only to reveal that Leonhart made no will and throw everything up in the air, inheritance wise. It would definitely make for an interesting set of scenes.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]I think it would be more fun for her to think she got everything only to realize that his will didn't leave everything to her and evenly divided it up among his children and family. That would be supremely ironic and I think it would fit Leonhart's character better if he had a will. I can't imagine him not seeing to everyone and just think, wouldn't it frost her cookie so to speak to realize that Dame Anna and Henry were included in his will?
I decided to weave a bit of conversation between Landers and Kried in my last post in regards to Kiva's clearance. If I accidentally contradicted anything that the two of you had in mind just let me know and I'll edit it. Oh and if I got that bit about what happens to those left behind at Earth wrong, just let me know Beth and I'll fix that too.
Once he was done issuing clearance for Valencia Sabina so the Gallana space forces would stand down, Daniel took a moment to see what her terms were for additional payment. As he read through the file he was torn between cringing over how it would only make it easier for her to steal things as well as the fact that she was actually selling things to the New Alliance. When he had still commanded the [I]Tempest[/I], he had heard the reports on how Valencia was known for playing both sides, though at the time he had found it hard to believe. Usually such a thing was next to impossible due to the utter conflict in interest as well as the fact that she wasn?t referred to as a pirate for nothing. Valencia had a habit of simply stealing from the wealthier merchants instead of negotiating a purchase. Most notably Daedalus, Nagendra and Baldomero shipping, which ironically were the same three companies who?s owners had been found guilty of treason for illegal profiteering. One of Darren Anderson?s first moves upon being named the Shipping Expert for the High Council. Daniel pulled up the existing files on Valencia only to be surprised to see that she had been actively involved in the acquisition and selling of cargo and information for nearly a hundred years. The more he read, the more he was both surprised and impressed that she had managed to slip though the cracks for so long. Like anyone else he had assumed that most if not all of what was known about her was a rumor, but if she really did have the cargo in question, that would indicate that there was far more to her than public knowledge. [I] Just what was Williams thinking by hiring someone like her to obtain the cargo?[/I] It was a question he knew he was going to ask him once he arrived. Even if she had the necessary skills to obtain the items in question, there was no getting around the fact that they would fetch a handsome price on the black market. Which was a lot more than what they were going to be paying her. Though if she got what she wanted, that could explain why she agreed to do it. It would be easier to simply have someone give it to her instead of tracking down the few ships that would even have what she had requested. [B]?Sir, may I ask you something?[/B]? Daniel?s thoughts scattered as he turned to one of the deck officers. ?[B]Yes?[/B]? ?[B]I?m sorry to bother you sir,[/B]? the young man said. ?[B]But what will happen to those who were left behind?[/B]? He was surprised by the question, until he realized that the one asking was human and not Versilan. Daniel sighed inwardly, [I]I need to clarify what?s going to happen before the rumors get out of hand.[/I] He thought. ?[B]When the fleet reestablishes Versilan rule, one of the first priorities will be to check each slave to verify their identification number that they were issued when Earth was conquered.[/B]? ?[B]You mean those data chips they inserted into everyone?[/B]? The man asked. Daniel nodded. ?[B]Yes. You see by doing so, they?ll know who is missing as well as identifying anyone who came from the fleet since a fair number of humans work for the Resistance.[/B]? Daniel sighed inwardly again, wishing he didn?t have to answer the question. ?[B]Those who are from the fleet, both human and Versilan will be shipped back to sector one for interrogation.[/B]? ?[B]You mean torture,[/B]? The man said flatly, his eyes narrowing in anger and disgust. ?[B]Correct, that?s exactly what will happen. Once they learn all that they can, they?ll then either be used for further experimentation or executed for treason.[/B]? ?[B]That?s just sick sir. No offense.[/B]? He added on hastily as if realizing that Daniel himself was Versilan. ?[B]None taken. I agree with you.[/B]? He took a deep breath and then let it out. He was debating what to say next when a chime sounded indicating that he had an incoming message. A brief glance showed that it was from Greydon Kreid. ?[B]What is it Kried?[/B]? He asked upon answering the call. ?[B]Sorry to bother you sir, but there?s a woman here in the brig visiting the prisoner in cell 3A. She claims to have special clearance from you.[/B]? Daniel paused for a moment, running though his mind which prisoner would be in cell 3A and then replied. ?[B]You must be referring to Kiva Salqarian. She is correct, she does have clearance to be there.[/B]? ?[B]I see, thank you sir.[/B]? ?[B]Not at all Kried. I was going to discuss this with you later at our next meeting, but since this came up I?ll simply tell you now. Kiva Salqarian is always to be given clearance or assistance for any request that she makes. Any thing else Kried?[/B]? ?[B]No sir.[/B]? "[B]Carry on then.[/B]" Daniel ended the communication and then smiled a bit to himself, pleased that Kried was so quick to be on top of what was going on. With that kind of alertness and attitude, it wouldn?t be long before the mole was found and dealt with. And then, because Williams would be arriving soon, Daniel started going over all the reports and details that he would need to go over with him.
Interestingly enough, I feel the same way in regards to some of how the story has gone and the only reason I said nothing was the slower plot pace made it easier to keep up while I recovered from my surgery. I know I'll be pleased to see things move along since I'm eager to see where it goes. ;)