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The OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty: 07 Edition(Nominate or Die)
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Justin's topic in General Discussion
I'm sure I'll have more later, but I'll at least get started on my nominations for this year. :catgirl: [B]Who is it?[/B] Rachmaninoff [B]Why is he nifty?[/B] Because he sets a good example in so many ways, from having good points in his arguments, to treating new members with respect when they have repetitive questions, to starting threads and being active in so many areas of the boards. Ever since he joined, he's been an exceptional member in all that he does, making him more than nifty in my opinion. [B]Who is it?[/B] James [B]Why is he nifty?[/B] [quote name='James'][color=olive]The site doesn't [i]need[/i] hentai, pure and simple. If you want something sexual, there is plenty of stuff out there to service you. I'm obviously never going to debase OtakuBoards like that.[/color][/QUOTE]That quote says it all. His devotion to keeping OtakuBoards a quality site open to all ages speaks for itself, making him one of, if not the most nifty member here. [B]Who is it?[/B] Shy [B]Why is he nifty?[/B] [quote name='Shy'][size=1]I'm Shy. I'm a 21 year-old college student who has been living on my own for almost a year. I created Thread Ratings while also participating in one of the most graphic RPGs to date. More to the point, I regularly consume alcoholic beverages and have engaged in irresponsible sex countless times. I DON'T WANT CURSING IN MY GODDAMN ARENA, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT IT OFFENDS 8 YEAR OLDS. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE]As the quote shows when he was part of the campaign to remove swearing from the boards, everything he has done has always been with the good of OtakuBoards in mind. -
It sounds like honesty is not one of your ex boyfriend's traits. The question in my mind is why is he even asking you when as Rach pointed out, getting tested is simple. Did he even bother to explain if he had gotten something? If he had, then it might make sense to track down where, but otherwise, as sad as it sounds I'm in agreement with Rach on this one. He's looking for a scapegoat, or rather it certainly sounds like it. Why else would he even bother to mention that his new girlfriend has a latex allergy? Such a thing would be meaningless if he had no STD's. I've no advice in regards to clobbering him but it really does sound like you have every right to be offended.
[quote name='Rachmaninoff'][B]EDIT:[/B] It seems that this case is far from over since I just ran into this. [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22567550/"][U]Article[/U][/URL] Puts a whole new spin on online harassment should anything come out of it.[/QUOTE]Well even though that raises other concerns, I am at least pleased to see that they are trying to look into it. It just seems to me that we've had the attitude of it's happening and you should just accept it for far too long. Since that smacks of a lack of accountability for one's actions that I don't care for. Even if attempting to regulate or pursue something like that would be next to impossible it shouldn't be dismissed.
[quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="1234"]I removed it, I was just really shocked that you said that. You seemed like the kind of person who wouldn't resort to that, so I decided to highlight it because it seemed different. Sorry if you were offended in any way by it ebing in my sig.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]You misunderstood me Prem... I was not offended, I was merely explaining that even I get annoyed at times. I rarely call anyone names, but I'm certainly not perfect. ;) Also, did I miss something here? I grew up with the understanding or rather seeing that word used in the context of someone really being like the animal. Stubborn and balking even though the path before the creature is clear, in this case, my point was clearly made and I didn't appreciate it being tossed back in an illogical manner that made no sense whatsoever. If there's another usage or rather it's evolved to mean more than that, I can't help you there. Honestly, Allamorph covered it better than I did.
Hmmm... only a few points to cover here since it seems that Allamorph covered it already. [B]One[/B] - As Beth said, and it seems I did not clarify this, but I was referring to laws that pertain to consenting adults. I'm not even going to touch the unspoken implication that I would be [I]okay[/I] with '[I]underage rape[/I]' as you put it. Mainly because I was not clear enough. [B]Two[/B] - Did we mention that Allamorph covered the utter illogical nature of your argument? Sailing in and going on a rant about people saying prostitution is necessary, when they had not, and then attacking my stance instead of clarifying your own? As Allamorph said this is making it less likely that I'll even consider listening to you. [B]Three[/B] - Prem, in regards to your signature, even I am not above getting annoyed and calling someone a name. Mind you, it usually does take having someone illogically turning your statement into a vision of a world that accepts murder. And then claim it's [I]your ideal world[/I] on top of that. :rolleyes: [B]Four[/B] - Crystia, I thank you for seeing what I was trying to do. Perhaps it takes being outside of religion like you are to even see that. I spent most of my life blindly following all that I was taught and all it did was close my eyes and allow me to shun others who are different instead of allowing me to look at distasteful practices and at least try to understand them. And by distasteful I am of course referring to acts that are considered immoral. That is also part of why I absolutely refuse to stand against homosexuality anymore.
[quote name='AzureWolf']Ok, so in your ideal world, killing should not be illegal, because it's based on a moral bias that people should have the right to life. All laws are based on bias and some morality, whether it is yours or mine or someone else's. Some people believe that they are superior to others and therefore have more rights and the right to kill others. You are assuming too much and not looking more logically at this. Either you assume nothing and allow everything, or you can admit that laws actually are based on morality.[/QUOTE]Don't be a jackass and make such silly assumptions as to what my idea of an ideal world would be. Nor make silly claims that I'm assuming too much and not looking logically at this either. Morality in law requires careful consideration and that includes determining if you are stepping over the line and forcing your ideals on others. Murder doesn't even come close and you know it. There's a huge difference between someone choosing to go and pay someone for sex or to chose to go and murder someone. The first involves some level of consent if it is two adults where the second usually involves taking away someone's life when they would not have consented to such a thing. It's painfully clear which one is a true problem. As much as I find prostitution distasteful, at the same time, as an adult I have to recognize when I am going too far by assuming if such an act truly is demeaning to the parties involved. In other words, there is a time when one grows up and starts to accept that others see things differently than they do. Just as they also accept that fact instead of moaning and whining and attempting to make others choices for them. Now lets stick to comparisons of the morality surrounding sex instead of pulling in comparisons so out of whack that they can't possibly be the same. Lets start with sex out of marriage, it happens and quite a few people see absolutely nothing wrong with it or they probably wouldn't do it. We have laws against it but they aren't even seriously pursued, ever wonder why? How about being gay or lesbian? Should we attempt to force people like that to never have sex either? The main difference between those and prostitution is that they exist and happen usually without some form of payment happening for the encounter. And again, even though there are laws against it, as a society we are moving away from criminal punishment. The laws against being that way in Utah are pretty much never enforced because the law is impractical and silly. Each one of them is something I consider wrong because of moral issues instead of a clear cut case of how degrading, damaging or harmful it is to society. Just as people can argue that prostitution or sexual practices bring in more crime, drugs and other potential problems. One can also argue that we've never had a real system with good regulation to see if that were really true, so lets stop whining about it being degrading, stop accusing others of having ideals that they don't and really look at it logically here. You could start by following the link to Wiki that Rach provided as it has links to different things on the history of prostitution in Nevada. [B]EDIT: [/B]You modified your post while I was responding so I didn't get to this part.[quote name='AzureWolf']If anyone is assuming anything, it is you. You have to accept that man-made laws are not 100% objective, or your assumptions that people should have equal rights should be thrown out the window too. Ultimately, with your line or reasoning, we could do nothing and say nothing. You're going too far with it, seriously. And as far as going into it willingly, you can't hold me to a double standard. You don't have proof that people would go into it if they have other equal options. There's no job that has such high pay for such low qualifications. So, again, you have to hold yourself to your standards. The burden of proof is on both sides, but don't think it's only on mine.[/QUOTE]Again, don't make silly assumptions as to my intent or as to what I think about man-made laws. I never once said that the laws were 100% objective and I see nothing wrong with working on the assumption that we should try for equal rights. Stop assuming that I'm saying we should or couldn't do anything. I'm trying to say it's important to look at what others think instead of selfishly thinking only our own views are correct. Also, you have missed my point, I was saying you're arguing that they wouldn't do it if they had the choice and I'm saying that until that actually happens, neither one of us really knows. So that argument against it is silly since neither side can prove their point. You can't prove they would chose something else and neither can I. You can't claim equal burden of proof when neither party can prove their claims. It's an empty argument at that point.
[center][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/img] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/ladybavariaavatar.jpg[/img] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/fauntleroy-chronicle.jpg[/img] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/harriet-chronicle.jpg[/img][/center] When Catherine had first learned of the incident between Lector Moebius and the children, she wasn?t quite sure why she had sent off a message to Daedalus before going to see about the matter herself. It was more of an instinct really, one from meeting Moebius the other day, the impression she had gotten that he was more concerned with the prestige the position offered instead of a genuine concern about the education of the children who attended CHAOS. It was a feeling that had been correct when she had come upon him as he attempted to discipline the children. It had not been easy to not lose her temper with the Head Master for behaving more like an immature child than either Victoria or Harrison. Even if they had been rude, they were correct, such concerns should have been brought up with either her or their parents instead of with the children in front of everyone else at the school. He had no business prying into their affairs like that or to make such silly assumptions as to their behavior. It had been with great relief that she had been able to simply let Daedalus handle the matter. But now as she got off the train stop near Rosengard and made her way up the street, she couldn?t help but feel just a tiny bit tired. It had been hard enough dealing with all the condolences sent her way over Leonhart, the last thing she needed was to deal with a pompous fool like Lector Moebius. Not that she would shirk that duty though, she had been teaching for a very long time and she wasn?t about to stand idly by and allow them to be guided by such a fool. She would keep a close eye on him from now on, even more so than she had planned. Upon arriving at Rosengard, it became clear that someone was visiting with the small carriage out front. She entered the estate and headed down the hallway to find out, but before she could wonder just who it was, though she imagined it was Lady Bavaria, Fauntleroy came sailing along the hallway, a small look of irritation on his face. ?[B]Aunt Catherine.[/B]? He said politely even as he moved to simply go around her. ?[B]Not so fast young man,[/B]? She moved ever so slightly, causing him to stop by virtue of being in his way. ?[B]Someone is here and seeing how quickly you?re taking off I?m of the belief that it?s likely that Lady Bavaria has finally arrived.[/B]? A fact that was confirmed by Fauntleroy?s look of distaste that he quickly hid. ?[B]Why don?t you go and find out?[/B]? Fonty said as he gave her a bit of an impish grin. ?[B]Now if you?ll excuse me, I really do need to get some things taken care of before dinner.[/B]? He sidestepped around her and was off before she could raise an objection. ?[B]Oh that Fonty![/B]? Catherine sighed a bit, she had always hoped that him and some of Leonhart?s other children would finally come to accept Lady Bavaria, but so far that hope had been in vain. She shook it off and started heading through Rosengard, following the sound of voices that she could hear until she finally found them, smiling warming as she moved to greet them, catching first Harriet in an embrace and then Lady Bavaria. ?[B]You don?t visit often enough dear, Rosengard has missed your presence in its halls.[/B]? Catherine turned and also gave Agron a brief hug as well before stepping back. ?[B]It?s good to see you as well. Will the two of you be staying for dinner?[/B]? ?[B]I?m afraid not dear, I will be having dinner with the Dynasts tonight.[/B]? Lady Bavaria replied. ?[B]The Mirror Palace is beautiful, but I hope you?ll be able to find the time to join us for either lunch or dinner as well. There?s so much we need to catch up on.[/B]? Catherine said kindly. ?[B]I?d like that.[/B]? Lady Bavaria said warmly as the group continued through the halls of Rosengard.
[quote name='AzureWolf']That was just my opening paragraph and pointing out one of the many reasons why this thread is making less and less sense. The rest of my post is about something people do when they have no other choice or "this is their best choice" because of their situation. People are forced into it, and no one has proven that it's a choice that isn't done when they don't have equal-paying but less degrading options.[/QUOTE]Your opening paragraph still made no sense. Also, please give actual examples of a place where it isn't done because they actually have equal-paying options. Until that actually happens to say that no one would actually chose such a job if given the choice of doing something else, is inaccurate. I'm assuming you meant to say that it wouldn't be chosen if they did have other options. You're also still making the assumption that because you or I think it's degrading, it must therefore[I] be[/I] degrading. That's stepping into morals and forcing your beliefs on someone else. And not to burst your bubble, but the perception that people are forced into it is also misleading. Yes people are forced into it, but there are also plenty of people who actually chose to do it. It's a nice sentiment to think that no one would actually chose such a profession, but that's simply not true.
[quote name='Shy'][size=1]Some players were given information on portions of the story in advance, since it dirrectly impacted their characters. More information about the Underdogs will be revealed in the next Chronicle, which you should expect tomorrow or Monday. Sorry about the confusion. :whoops: -Shy[/size][/QUOTE]Thank you for clearing that up hun. Because I didn't recall a reference to The Underdogs. Now that I know that about others knowing, which makes sense, I'll just wait for the Chronicle. ;)
While I won't argue that Nevada does at least [I]try[/I] to enforce regulations, like you said Darren, it's far from perfect. If anything, all the problems with that or rather from what I have read over the years only shows that for an industry that is barely legal, those who work in it still have next to no protection at all. Nevada could be argued as a case for better legalization as well as doing away with prostitution altogether. Though to put that in prospective, you could say the same about a lot of progress over the years. Working conditions in the first half of the previous century are proof of that. I suspect that if it were to become legal, it would then start the road of constant battles to protect those who actually chose to work in the industry and not just those who are clients. In the end, I'd rather not see it at all, prostitution becoming legal that is.
[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Basically, the Underdogs (presumably) knew that Vincent's steam car would be travelling near the center of High Czenoble and they caused a major traffic jam, which allowed them to detonate an explosive right near his car.[/font][/QUOTE]The Underdogs? This rpg is moving so quickly that if it's been explained that they are the group that left the message during the party I missed it. Perhaps someone could bring me up to speed on that? Or will that be explained later?
[quote name='Sandy']Anyway, his powers are strictly related to the main story, and are an important part of it. Now if all characters suddenly start having superhuman powers out of nowhere, t[B]he purpose of this main story will be quite frankly [I]watered down[/I][/B].[/QUOTE]I agree, the idea of having actual powers would in my opinion, ruin a perfectly good rpg. Catherine will not, in spite of being well versed in teaching the different fields of alchemy, be doing [I]anything[/I] that doesn't have some basis in science, much in the same way real fires are started using compounds in our world. Like matches for example. That is how I understood the alchemy in this rpg to be, after all, only the very wealthy would learn about such things so to others in say New Czenoble, it would appear as if it were magic even if it were not.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine waited until the children were clearly gone before she entered Lector Moebius's office and closed the door behind her. She could see the uncertainty on Moebius's face as he hastily put the cane away and moved to greet her properly. But Catherine was in no mood for false pleasantries that would be nothing more than a means for him to attempt to cover the fact that he had lost his temper in her presence. He hadn't realized she was there as her visit was unexpected, but still, that did not matter to Catherine. Before he could even take two steps she spoke. "[B]Sit down Head Master Moebius.[/B]" When he hesitated she spoke more firmly, using the same tone he had with the children. "[B]Now![/B]" Startled he did as she said. "[B]Lady Almagest, surely you understand that it is important to uphold discipline and order here at CHAOS.[/B]" He said nervously as she took a seat herself in one of the rich leather seats across from the desk. Catherine ignored him in favor of getting her dress just right to avoid creases before she finally looked up, noting how he looked nervous. "[B]Our methods of discipline may differ, but I assure you I have always upheld order here at CHAOS.[/B]" She raised her head a bit. "[B]Let me ask you a question Head Master, in your opinion, do you think it's important for a historian to be observant?[/B]" "[B]Of course. One must give their full attention to the matter at hand if they are to do history justice."[/B] He said importantly. "[B]I'm glad to hear it Moebius, so tell me what are your observations in regards to Harrison and Victoria Ann? After all, I understand you looked into why the two of them were gone yesterday, based on that, what did you observe about them today upon meeting them.?[/B]" She waited patiently as he hesitated, still unsure as to what Catherine was getting at. "[B]To be frank Lady Almagest, they were unruly and ill mannered, something I find surprising considering your claims as to maintaining order.[/B]" He leaned forward, placing his hands on the desk. "[B]Perhaps your methods of discipline need reviewing?[/B]" Catherine smiled at the challenge in those words, "[B]Or perhaps your powers of observation aren't as keen as you think they are.[/B]" She ignored his indignant start. "[B]I asked you what your observations were and though it is true that they were unruly as you say, it is also true that Harrison has cuts on his face and Victoria Ann has bruises on her arms. Do you know why? Or did you even notice?[/B]" Lector Moebius started to say something and then stopped, causing Catherine to sigh as if she had just realized that a student had disappointed her by failing an exam that should have been easy. "[B]It's quite simple Head Master, if you had truly taken the time to find out what happened yesterday instead of prying into the affairs of my family.[/B]" She silenced his objections with a glance, knowing full well that he was a nosy gossip. "[B]As I was saying if you had truly found out you would have known that the two of them were caught up in the unfortunate mess in New Czenoble, the minor injuries they sustained came from being to close to one of the explosions. The two of them are fortunate that they were not seriously hurt.[/B]" Catherine stood up, prompting the Head Master to do the same. "[B]I had no idea Lady Almagest!"[/B] "[B]Of course not, I'm sure the standard rumor that wealthy families beat their children was more than enough for you to not look further to discover the truth of the matter.[/B]" She said icily causing him to look chagrined. "[B]I'm sure you can understand how the trauma of not only being hurt themselves and possibly losing a dear relative that they love is more than enough to make any child unruly or out of sorts for bit.[/B]" "[B]Of course, but surely you don't think...[/B]" Catherine cut him off. "[B]Oh they'll be disciplined all right, but not by you Head Master. I will see to it myself. Even if they had a terrible experience yesterday, there was no excuse for such rude behavior. It does however warrant leniency as to the nature of the discipline they will receive.[/B]" She turned to leave not giving the Head Master another glance as she headed to the door to his office.
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Oh, and Victoria and Harrison, don't think just because Daedalus and Catherine are standing up for you that you're getting away unpunished when you get back home. :p[/SIZE][/QUOTE]Oh rest assured, they'll be in trouble alright, they just won't be getting whipped. Catherine disapproves of whipping and prefers other methods of discipline. ;) Anyway, I'll get started on my post since I already know what I want to do with it. I'll leave it open so you can have Daedalus show up either right after Catherine left the Head Master's office or just as she is about to leave, whichever you prefer Gavin.
Never had Daniel felt so old as the fleet finally pulled into orbit around the main home world in sector eleven. Though they had been able to avoid any unnecessary entanglements in sector fourteen thanks to the reconnaissance data Kiva had gathered, it didn't change the fact that the [I]Liberator[/I] was down in efficiency by a full twenty percent. It would be necessary to stay in sector eleven for a bit while repairs were taken care of. "[B]Sir, I've made the arrangements for all crew to be on rotating leave, was there anything else you needed me to do before I head down to the surface to start securing the supplies we will need?[/B]" "[B]No Spencer, go ahead, contact me when your ready for the final approval.[/B]" Daniel stood up as he got ready to head into the side observation and conference room off the bridge. "[B]Understood sir.[/B]" Spencer bowed slightly and then left the bridge to head for the nearest transport room. "[B]Wait here,[/B]" Daniel told the security as he entered the observation room and then sealed it from inside. No one could get into the room without clearance and even if the members of the security were considered one hundred percent safe, no one needed to be present during his communication with William. Once the room was secure he sat down at the huge ornate desk and sent out the signal and waited for William to answer, to his utter surprise it was immediate. "[B]Daniel, good to see you back in one piece.[/B]" William said. "[B]That was quick, I was expecting to have to wait for a bit to hear back from you.[/B]" William just laughed, "[B]Actually I have a surprise for you, though no one needs to know about it. You see I'll be arriving in the sector shortly, to go over some new developments that will be coming up in the next week.[/B]" "[B]Are you sure that's wise sir? We still haven't found the mole in the fleet. Plus we lost key personal during the battle when we left sector thirteen, as well as quite a few personnel that we were forced to leave behind at Earth.[/B]" Daniel wasn't even sure why he objected, William had never been one to change his plans based on anything that Daniel said, making him wonder why the High Council was so determined to catch him. Even if he knew a lot about the Resistance and New Alliance operations, his knowledge of Williams was severely limited. "[B]Let me worry over whether it's wise or not. It will be a day or two before I arrive so I suggest you focus on replacing those key personnel that you lost as well as getting the repairs to the [I]Liberator[/I] underway.[/B]" Daniel cringed unconsciously, "[B]I'm sorry about that sir, allowing the ship to take such a beating.[/B]" "[B]Don't be, I read the report you forwarded to me, it was an unfortunate but necessary tactic to allow the ship to be damaged to prevent Commodore Brian from being able to stop you in sector thirteen. If you had fled immediately he would have given chase, forcing you out of hyperspace. The probability of the damage from such a maneuver preventing you from re-entering hyperspace at that point was unacceptably high.[/B]" "[B]I know sir,[/B]" Daniel sighed, "[B]I'm still sorry.[/B]" "[B]In any case Daniel, I'll contact you once I've arrived, Williams out.[/B]" A moment later the communication line closed. At that point, Daniel pulled up the lists he had been going over during the trip back, most of the key personnel that had been killed when the [I]Crescent[/I] attacked would be easy enough to replace, it was the head of security Franklin, who would be the hardest. For now he had Greydon Kreid serving as the head of security on a temporary basis but now that they were in sector eleven it was probably time to make it permanent as he could think of no one else better suited to the job. Kreid had worked hard since coming on board and it was hardly his fault that Sara Sanders was no where to be found on Earth. Daniel only hoped that she was still safely in hiding instead of being dead or a prisoner somewhere else in the Versilan Empire. Even Williams knew nothing of her whereabouts. Daniel hailed the security office. "[B]Kreid, I need you to come to the observation room on the main bridge.[/B]" He commanded when Kreid answered. "[B]At once sir.[/B]" he closed the communication and went back to reviewing the lists, once he talked to Kreid about taking over as the new head of security, they would need to talk about the arrangements for security while they were in sector eleven among other things, including finding a way to track down the mole in their midst. If not for the attack, they would have caught whoever was responsible already.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/beatrist-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/harrison-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Like most members of the Almagest family, Catherine had gotten very little sleep. It did not stop her from getting up as she always did to get prepared for yet another day of teaching at CHAOS. She quickly took advantage of the bath that had already been drawn for her and then went back out to get dressed only to halt at the sight of black clothing that had been carefully laid out on her bed. [I]That just won't do[/I], she thought as she moved to fetch one of her brightly colored dresses, choosing a light red. Catherine was pulling things out of the tall dresser against the wall in her bedroom when her personal maid finally spoke up. "[B]Miss! What are you doing? Dame Anna is wearing black...[/B]" Catherine whirled around impatiently, speaking in the tone of voice she always took with a student who had failed at an assignment. "[B]You can read can you not?[/B]" She waited for the maid to nod, confused as to what Catherine was referring to. "[B]Then I suggest you re-read the report from the Royal Police Guard, six people are reported as missing because no body was found. Now why would they bother to search for the missing?[/B]" "[B]To recover the bodies?[/B]" The maid asked timidly as she helped Catherine into her outfit. "[B]To determine if they truly are dead or not, and I for one will not abandon my brother so easily when there is hope that he still lives.[/B]" Catherine finished tugging a few creases into place and then with a swirl of satin she was out the door and on her way to the kitchen to get some breakfast. She was almost there when she ran into Beatriste who couldn't hide her surprised expression. "[B]Aunt Catherine, surely...[/B]" But Catherine cut her off before she could say something that she really shouldn't, "[B]You are correct, I have not abandoned hope that Leonhart lives.[/B]" She reached out and patted her on the left cheek as kindly as she could before lowering her voice to a whisper that only Beatriste could hear. "[B]And neither should you dear, the children need their mother to be strong and set a good example for them. Give the Royal Police Guard time to do a though investigation before you move to mourning someone who may still be alive.[/B]" Catherine left her standing there and continued to the kitchen and then out to the veranda where both Harrison and Victoria were already seated having breakfast. She took her seat and waited patiently for one of the servants to place her usual breakfast of toast and eggs along with coffee in front of her. "[B]Auntie Catherine, do I have to wear black? Dame Anna says we have to,[/B]" Victoria pouted a bit. "[B]I don't want to! Everyone is acting like Grandfather is dead, but even I know they didn't find a body so how can they be sure?[/B]" "[B]They can't dear,[/B]" Catherine said kindly. "[B]The moment both of you are done go and change into your normal school uniform and meet me at the gates, if anyone objects you tell them that I told you to get changed.[/B]" She smiled at Victoria who started chatting like a mad thing as she often did. A moment later she left and took off at a near run to her bedroom. "[B]Are you sure it's really alright?[/B]" Harrison asked her as he too got up to leave. "[B]Of course dear, now run along, I'll be waiting for both of you once you're ready.[/B]" She smiled again as Harrison also left to do as she told him to. Once the two of them were gone Beatriste joined her a look of disapproval on her face. "[B]You're setting those two up for more heartache this way.[/B]" Catherine lowered her cup of coffee and gave her full attention to Beatriste, "[B]I'd rather not argue with you dear, but I could also argue that you're setting them up to experience pain that is unnecessary. Children need hope and it is our duty to give it to them. If the time should come, I will explain it to them myself if need be, I assure you, if Leonhart really is dead, he would be happier knowing that the children didn't give up on him so easily.[/B]" She got up and moved over to give Beatriste a gentle hug before letting go and leaving to head to the gate to wait for the children. Today and probably every day for the next week or two, she would make sure they got to school safely.
I don’t agree with prostitution, plain and simple. I was taught and raised that sex was something between a married couples only. However, it’s not that simple when it comes to what others do. If the majority decide to make it legal then I will simply say nothing other than to insist that good regulation is implemented. Though if challenges to said legality were to arise, I would most likely support them. [quote name='Chabichou'][COLOR="#004a6f"]Personally, I am getting sick of this growing mentality that people can do whatever they want as long as they're "not hurting anybody". It's really quite sad that our current society's idea of freedom is simply the lack of morals and dignity and respect.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]As much as I agree with you here, I am also compelled to disagree due to the lack of respect towards others different morals and viewpoints that this statement seems to be saying. I say this because even though I think it is wrong, I am, as you put it, sick of the attitude that would place something like this as our society’s idea of freedom. It is but one part and hardly a case of lack of morals, dignity and respect. Our freedom entails far more than being able to question whether or not something like this can be legal, it is but one part, and the moment we strip people of the right to question and chose to make something like this legal is the moment we truly will have sunk into a lack of morals, dignity and respect. It goes both ways, you can’t claim freedom and deny certain aspects of it, especially when there are so many different religions, including beliefs that do not acknowledge the existence of God. [quote name='Chabichou'][COLOR="#004a6f"]Prostitution should remain illegal. It is a a disgusting, immoral act and harms the dignity of all parties involved. I will not sit here harping about the religious perspective of sex (like the idea that people should be married in order to have sex), but I will at least say that sex should only be done by those in a relationship who love each other. Simply using other people's bodies for pleasure (whether they are paid or not) is disrespectful and immoral. Why should we promote these kinds of ideas by making prostitution legal? Our laws should not only protect people from physical harm, but should protect dignity and morals.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]This is a moral fallacy, to make statements as to what it does to the individual involved. Though I would agree, it is still even more disrespectful to force one’s moral values on someone else. It is something they need to learn and accept without someone forcing it on them. You or I might think it’s disgusting or immoral but others obviously do not.[quote name='AzureWolf;801633] Will I judge them for it and think of them less? Yes. I'm entitled to my opinion. [/QUOTE]I believe the phase would be let he who is without sin cast the first stone. The idea is to think less of the sin, not the supposed sinner.[quote name='AzureWolf'']The only excuse for prostitution here is you are too lazy.[/quote]That assumption is also lazy and makes me wonder if you are aware of the deep levels of poverty some families and people are in. Obviously if that is true, the deeper problem is the political corruption that allows such deep poverty to even exist. But to blindly state that someone is doing it because they are lazy, overlooks the very real possibility of economic instability in the area that could contribute to someone becoming a prostitute. Now obviously, something like prostitution isn’t going to go away, the fact that it’s been around for so long only proves that point. The only reason I would accept it being made legal is because of the potential benefits to those who chose to do it. The argument I often hear is over the crime involved and obviously part of that is that if someone choose to do it illegally, they have no recourse should they be beaten, robbed, raped or intimidated into sexual slavery. They have no means to seek protection since doing so would mean they are prosecuted. I find it hypocritical to claim that the profession is the problem when the law is so one-sided when it comes to protecting them.
How Did You Come Up With Your Screenname?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to duorocks17's topic in General Discussion
[I]Lifts the text from her last response: [/I] As many of you know, my user name is simple. It's based on my daughter's user name Aaryanna. Since I'm her mother, all I did was add _Mom to the end, since I'm Aaryanna's Mom. ;) I'm not very original when it comes to names. But then other than OtakuBoards, I've never joined a forum before and I really have no plans to join another one. Keeping up with one is more than enough for me. Overall the name has no special meaning beyond what I just explained, and if I did change it, it would be to something reflecting what I am. A mother. But for now I see no reason to change it since I like it. Though if people prefer to call me by my given name Kathy, that's fine too. :catgirl: -
I sincerely hope you take the time to actually pm James and Charles. Once you've done that, do yourself a favor and go and do some reading on actual law before you toss out silly claims about taking things to court. If you had taken the time to educate yourself on the process you would have known better. I'll spell it out for you. [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] [B]Question: [/B]Can an ISP or the host of the message board or chat room be held liable for defamatory of libelous statements made by others on the message board? [B]Answer:[/B] No. Under 47 U.S.C. sec. 230(c)(1): "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider." This provision has been uniformly interpreted by the Courts to provide complete protection against defamation or libel claims made against an ISP, message board or chat room where the statements are made by third parties. Note that this immunity does not extend to claims made under intellectual property laws. [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] [B]Question:[/B] Must an ISP or message board host delete postings that someone tells him/her are defamatory? Can the ISP or message board delete postings in response to a request from a third party? [B]Answer: [/B]47 U.S.C. sec. 230 gives most ISPs and message board hosts the discretion to keep postings or delete them, whichever they prefer, in response to claims by others that a posting is defamatory or libelous. Most ISPs and message board hosts also post terms of service that give them the right to delete or not delete messages as they see fit and such terms have generally been held to be enforceable under law. [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] [B]Question: [/B]May someone other than the person who originally made the defamatory statement be legally liable in defamation? [B]Answer: [/B]One who "publishes" a defamatory statement may be liable. However, 47 U.S.C. sec. 230 says that online service providers are not publishers of content posted by their users. Section 230 gives most ISPs and message board hosts the discretion to keep postings or delete them, whichever they prefer, in response to claims by others that a posting is defamatory or libelous. Most ISPs and message board hosts also post terms of service that give them the right to delete or not delete messages as they see fit and such terms have generally been held to be enforceable under law. [CENTER]************************* [B]And most importantly...[/B] *************************[/CENTER] [B]Question: [/B]What's the statute of limitation on libel? [B]Answer:[/B] Most states have a statute of limitations on libel claims, after which point the plaintiff cannot sue over the statement. For example, in California, the one-year statute of limitations starts when the statement is first published to the public. In certain circumstances, such as when the defendant cannot be identified, a plaintiff can have more time to file a claim. Most courts have rejected claims that publishing online amounts to "continuous" publication, and start the statute of limitations ticking when the claimed defamation was first published. [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] Your antics are not amusing. They are uneducated as well as misinformed. And [I]no one[/I] with even an ounce of sense would believe the empty threat you are presenting here.
The moment the fleet exited from hyperspace, Daniel knew they had a problem. There was no mistaking who was in charge of the Imperial fleet, only one man was known for using the tactic he was seeing. Usually it was standard procedure for the battleships to exit first, closely followed by the flagship if one was currently present. The ships were too damn expensive to make and maintain to risk putting them in the main line of fire. But instead the flagship exited first with the battleships right behind it. The placement and timing was perfect for the drones to attack the battleships but the flagship? It was out of the zone and in position to make a run for the [I]Liberator[/I]. “[B]Damn.[/B]” Landers swore softly as he watched the battleships attempt to scramble and avoid the trap they had prepared. “[B]Sir![/B]” “[B]I know.[/B]” Daniel sighed. “[B]It’s the [I]Crescent[/I]. Hail them.[/B]” “[B]How did you know?[/B]” Spencer asked, but Daniel did not answer as the [I]Crescent[/I] opened fire, hitting the [I]Liberator[/I] hard, causing the ship to rock violently as the Commodore of the ship took immediate advantage of the area’s in their shielding that had not been fully repaired yet. The crew shifted power to the port side but not before the ship took several direct hits. Daniel held on to the armrests of his chair as the internal gravity systems cut out just long enough for people to be tossed about. The lights flickered briefly and then stabilized as the screen showing the bridge of the [I]Crescent[/I] came to life. The Commodore a tall older Versilan with dark brown hair that was starting to turn gray at his temples stood up upon seeing Daniel. “[B]It’s been a long time Brian,[/B]” Daniel commented. “[B]I see you’re still as reckless as ever.[/B]” He ignored the tremors running though the [I]Liberator [/I]as the [I]Crescent [/I]continued to press the attack, attempting to disable the ship instead of outright destroying it. “[B]And you are still a disappointment Daniel, I thought I taught you better than to throw your career away like that.[/B]” Daniel laughed. “[B]And I see that like any other dog on the High Council’s leash, you still blindly believe everything you’ve been told. Otherwise, you would know that the only one who threw my career away was none other than the High Council themselves.[/B]” Daniel shook his head, ignoring the continued fire directed towards the [I]Liberator[/I], in just a few minutes they would be gone anyway, all he had to do was keep them from following. And though it would require taking a beating, he knew just how to achieve that. “[B]Why should I believe anything you tell me? Your father was a traitor, you are a traitor, your mother…[/B]” “[B]Wrong.[/B]” Daniel interrupted coldly. “[B]The only one who was a member of the Resistance was Nathan. If your ability to determine the truth has atrophied that much since you took the position of Commodore then there is nothing I can do to make you see otherwise.[/B]” “[B]Then prove it, stop your ship and we’ll discuss it, one Commander to another.[/B]” “[B]Don’t you mean stop since you have orders to take me alive?[/B]” Daniel stood up. “[B]Please tell me that you can do better than that.[/B]” He laughed at Brian and then smiled at the hint of irritation in his gaze. “[B]You assume to much,[/B]” Brian countered. “[B]Perhaps I’m simply giving you the chance to live instead of destroying you and everyone on board. After all, even if you make the jump to hyperspace, my information indicates that you’re operating at a fifteen percent power drop. You can’t get away.[/B]” “[B]Only if you manage to stop us before we get back to New Alliance territory. Provided you can actually pull us out of hyperspace. Please, stop with the melodramatic nonsense unless you’d like me to quote your orders for you?[/B]” Daniel started walking back and forth as if remembering them, speaking up when Brian did not respond. “[B]Ah yes, I believe it went something along the lines of capturing me alive in order to learn more about Williams the new head of the Resistance and Co-Leader of the New Alliance. Just as it included a bit about using me as a bargaining chip to ensure the cooperation of not only my daughter Celestia but son-in-law Jason as well.[/B]” He stopped and gazed directly at Brian. “[B]Just as I know your orders even include doing everything in your power to protect me as well. Why else would you be using less than fifty percent of what you are truly capable of? Why else has your agent failed to assassinate me when such a task should have been simple?[/B]” Daniel looked away. “[B]You won’t follow us and risk destroying the[I] Liberator[/I] when the current level of damage to our ship indicates a thirty percent chance of doing so if you try to force us out of hyperspace.[/B]” Daniel laughed at Brian’s look of irritation. “[B]Surely you didn’t think I delayed jumping to hyperspace and talked to you just for old times sake did you?[/B]” He bowed mockingly. “[B]Thank you for the additional damage you’ve done as well as ensuring that in order to comply with your orders you can’t do a damn thing. Goodbye Brian. Next time do some research instead of following along like a good little dog.[/B]” He gave the order and a few seconds later, the transmission had been cut and the ship had jumped to hyperspace. With a sigh of relief Daniel sat back down and then relaxed a little more when it was clear that the [I]Crescent [/I]was not following them. “[B]All right Spencer, start assessing the damage and seeing to the wounded.”[/B] “[B]Yes sir.[/B]” Daniel started going through the reports, sighing inwardly upon seeing that there had been causalities when the ship had taken direct hits. Even more so when one of the first names came up, making him feel old. Franklin, the head of security, was on the list. [I]I need to find a temporary replacement,[/I] but his first thought, Kreid was listed as being in the infirmary. He took a quick look at the notes from the doctor… minor electrical burns. Burns that had been most likely obtained when Franklin had been killed by what seemed to be a short in the system when the ship had taken the direct hits. Or so the doctors notes indicated. Daniel just sighed yet again as he contacted the infirmary to speak to the doctor there, unless his injuries were serious, he needed Kreid to take over until the arrived in sector eleven and could find a permanent replacement for the head of security for the [I]Liberator[/I]. While he waited for the doctor to reply he started looking through the list of the missing, those who they had been forced to leave behind. The list was far longer than he would have liked, and he couldn’t help but notice how some of them, like Marc Nazarian, were from Earth in the first place.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine didn't need to hear Daedalus's explanation of everything that he knew, she didn't need to look up to know that he believed that their brother, Leonhart, was dead. His expression and the way he carried himself as well as his reception of Harrison when he entered the dinning room; all if it told Catherine in a manner that was unshakable, he believed that Leonhart was gone. It didn't matter that no body had been recovered, though she knew not the nature of the work being done at Prometheo Labs or rather any of the current experiments. Catherine knew all to well that it was possible for an explosion to occur that was capable of destroying a body. And yet at the same time a part of her refused to accept it, not death of course, but to accept her brother's death without further proof. There were too many unanswered questions in her mind, such as where Macey had been in relation to Leonhart when the blast occurred, or who had gone missing besides Leonhart. She had been a scholar too long to abandon all hope. It would make dealing with things harder later on but as she looked up briefly and caught Daedalus's gaze and the pain he so carefully hid, her resolve only hardened. For now, she would believe that he was missing like the other alchemists who had vanished. Though the idea of him being kidnapped wasn't much better. But as she looked around at the frightened faces around her, especially those of the children who were obviously confused by what Daedalus was saying... She realized that she would do like she had when her finance Joseph had died, she would put those feelings behind her as best she could and move on. If Leonhart really was dead, the last thing Daedalus would need to deal with was a sister who fell apart. She would save the falling apart for when she was alone and even then, that would come later. So Catherine, as she had before, shoved those feelings of grief as far from herself as possible. Doing her best to sit up straight and look forward without dissolving into tears. Though no amount of pretending or trying to be brave could change the fact that she felt sick to her stomach and had no appetite whatsoever. Tomorrow she would do like she had when Joseph had died. Catherine would make sure to eat, to get up and do as she always did, go to work and teach the children. In spite of her resolve, some tears escaped just the same. Tears that she carefully wiped away with her handkerchief before anyone would notice. Other than Daedalus of course who missed nothing, but everyone else was to busy watching him as he went over all that he had learned since he first found out about the incident at the labs.
"[B]Alright Dr. Rhodes,[/B]" Brianna spoke up once the Argo Navis had made the jump to hyperspace. "[B]We're on our way to Telvaris, so start explaining.[/B]" She crossed her arms and leaned back until she was half sitting on the console behind her. All eyes other than Kendra who was focusing on the controls of the ship turned to Nakeisha who looked at each of them in turn before starting. "[B]I don't know about the rest of you, but while we were enroute for the Creid Capitol I was reviewing the data they gave us in regards to the gate, including the scans and technical data from when the gate is operating. Data that I am now positive indicates that though the gate for the most part taps into dimensional rifts that are stable, ends up also connecting with ones that are not stable.[/B]" "[B]Why didn't you say something sooner?[/B]" Brianna questioned her. "[B]If you knew the gate was taping into dimensional rifts you should have said something.[/B]" "[B]But I didn't know, at least not until I was able to scan the rift directly. It was then that I realized that some of the signature traces were identical to the data in regards to the gate.[/B]" She pulled something up on her CBC and showed it to Brianna. "[B]The structure of the gate alters the readings, making it look like it's something else altogether, so only a small part of the readings match.[/B]" Catherine spoke up, "[B]You think it brought people from the past to the present?[/B]" Nakeisha nodded, "[B]It would explain why they were using an older form of the Creid's language and yet had only died a few months ago.[/B]" "[B]That would explain the odd readings I got as well.[/B]" Catherine stated, explaining further when Brianna looked at her. "[B]The scans Major James sent to me were distorted in one area, the carbon dating indicating just how long they had been dead. The medical symptoms indicate less than a few months, but the other is distorted and I was not able to determine an exact date.[/B]" "[B]That's all fine and dandy, but it doesn't explain why you think we'll be able to retrieve Marcus and Bishop.[/B]" Kendra said without turning around. "[B]It's not that easy to explain to one who has no background in quantum mechanics. It has to do with the cycles or rather strength of the energy in the rift. It indicates, if my hypothesis is correct, that operating the gate at a set frequency could possibly tap into that rift.[/B]" Michael shook his head, confused. "[B]Wait, I thought the rift was closed.[/B]" "[B]Technically yes and technically no. There are lingering traces of it that will stick around for a few days. Once those fade it will be closed for good.[/B]" Nakeisha explained. "[B]Which is why you insisted that we head there first.[/B]" Catherine stated as she stood up. "[B]Dr. Henderson, I'm going to go and study the readings on the inhabitants of the space station. As well as prepare for treating both DeSouza and Bishop should we manage to retrieve them.[/B]" She waited only long enough for Brianna to nod and then left the bridge to head for the infirmary.
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I've always been a good cook, for the simple reason that I know how to follow directions. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Same here. I've spent quite a few years cooking since I enjoy doing so. I don't do much in the way of fancy preparations or things like that but I do have quite a few recipes that I make. Probably the one thing I'm best at is a couple of barbecue recipes that come from when I was little and living in Texas. My mother had a number of recipes that she learned from her mother and in turn taught them to me. Everything else I use a cookbook to remind me of just what to put in it. My favorite things to make are usually southern dishes, blackeyed peas, country fried steak, hush puppies, greens and blackened catfish along with the different barbecue recipes I make. Though there are a lot of other things I make as well. In the end, the only thing my microwave ever gets used for is to heat up leftovers. I don't eat out much either. Not only is it too expensive, but most of the food I can't really eat anyway.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalusavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine just looked on sadly at Prometheo Labs as the police force did their best to quell the fires and attempt to hunt for survivors. Had it only been last night that she had hosted a gala in honor of her brother's birthday? Somehow, standing there, wondering just what had gone wrong made the events of last night seem like an eternity ago. She could only hope that both Leonhart and Macey were unharmed. After awhile she shook her head and placed her right hand on Daedalus's arm, indicating that she desired to speak to him as soon as he was done talking with one of the member's of the police force who was going over their progress so far. "[B]I think it's best if I return to Rosengard Daedalus.[/B]" Catherine said once he gave her his attention. "[B]I can't do anything here and I'm quite sure that there is a certain amount of confusion back home.[/B]" "[B]You're right, let me talk to the police a bit and then we'll head back.[/B]" Catherine shook her head. "[B]There's no need for you to return as well, I'd feel better if you stayed and sent us word the moment you find out what happened.[/B]" She smiled sadly, squeezing his arm gently before letting go. "[B]The Royal Police Guard have offered to escort me to where your airship is docked. Once the pilot has taken me back to Rosengard I'll have him return here.[/B]" Daedalus nodded. "[B]All right.[/B]" Catherine gave him a half smile, a gentle hug and a soft whisper to take care and then she turned and left, going with the guard who in no time had her safely delivered to the aerodrome. "[B]Make sure you keep my brother safe.[/B]" She said to the guard as they prepared to leave. "[B]Yes ma'am.[/B]" The closet one said with a nod and then he was gone. Catherine turned her attention to the pilot of Daedalus's personal airship. "[B]I need you to take me to Rosengard and then come back here to pick up Daedalus once he's ready to return.[/B]" "[B]Understood.[/B]" He nodded and then as they headed for the small ship. "[B]Have you heard any news about Leonhart or Macey?[/B]" "[B]I'm afraid not.[/B]" Catherine said as she climbed up the small steps into the ship, heading towards the main control room as she was interested in seeing the city from the air. A moment later the pilot joined her, saying nothing as he readied the ship and then took to the air. "[B]I hope they find them.[/B]" He finally said as the damage became apparent, for it was clear from the air, that it was far more extensive than it had looked from a ground view. The building was in all honesty, a mess as black clouds of smoke were still spilling into the air. Catherine was glad when the view of the labs was lost as the ship turned to make it's way up the mountainside. And though the view was as beautiful as ever, with the palace higher up and High Czenoble shining in the sun as she always did. It couldn't quite still the heavy weight resting on her heart at that moment.
[QUOTE][COLOR="Indigo"] Some have experienced that in a more [I]profound[/I] manner... you know who you are. :p [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Personally, provided I'm correct in my assumption as to who you are referring to... I think those two are cute. :catgirl: Now as for myself, you wouldn't think that being at a place like this would improve my writing, but it did. After all I haven't had an English or writing class since before most of the people here were born. So my skills in that respect were rather rusty and still are really. Though I do read a lot, I just never had a need to do much in the way of writing and it's painfully obvious to me just how much my grammar and spelling skills have atrophied over the years. As for the other thing that affected me, as a parent who was use to only hearing the horror stories of what kids run into online, being a member here helped to reverse that negative image. Especially since I've picked up friends since I've joined and met people who are no different than I am. I certainly don't mind having my mistaken belief that online people were dangerous disproved. I'm positive that negative people online do exist, but I'm also positive that there are a lot of good people as well.