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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Anyway, the Christmas album really does have some of the best in my opinion: [B]We Three Kings of Orient Are: [/B]The American carol written John Hopkins Jr. in 1857, retelling the legend as it's known. [B]Bring a Tourch, Jeannette, Isabella:[/B] A beautiful old 17th century French carol. [B]The Coventry Carol:[/B] Originally from the mid 1400's but I understand that they did later version of it from 1591. [B]Wassail:[/B] An ancient English carol done in the renaissance style. [B]Carol of the Birds:[/B] I believe this one is an ancient old French melody about a flock of birds that flew to the manger to bring gifts, again done in the renaissance style. [B]I saw Three Ships:[/B] An English carol of 15th century origin I believe and also done in the renaissance style. [B]God Rest You, Merry Gentlemen:[/B] I believe this one dates to the 15th century and the different wording is because the Old English word for "merry" did not mean gay and lively, but rather merely pleasant or agreeable. [/QUOTE]You'll get no argument from me over this list, the songs done in a more renaissance style are simply beautiful and I never get tired of listening to them. They make a nice addition to my collection of Christmas music that I listen to. Plus I think it's fantastic how they went to the effort to use a real Harpsichord, Clavichord and Toy Piano instead of relying on modern technology to recreate it. There's just no getting around how wonderful a real Harpsichord sounds when you play it. I speak from experience on that of course. ;)
I have only one question about the new theme and that is to know if the previous one OB Standard will still be around for the duration. As much as I think the new theme does look nice, it simply does not agree with my eyes at all and is difficult to read. Nothing personal against it but I would be very frustrated if the easier to read OB Standard were to eventually be retired.
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]So Aaryanna_Mom and GuyYouMetOnline if the two of you want the members that Kiva captured to actually be Council members that's fine by me. Or they could be Representatives as well as what's known as a Council Candidate since all members who eventually become a member of the High Council are required to serve as a Candidate first.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I was just about to ask you about this since I noticed the mix-up. It would be more fun in my opinion to have them be Council members who were visiting the area instead of Representatives. So I'll simply edit my post to reflect that. I can always have the Representatives picked up or indicate that they were also taken into custody in my next post.
[quote name='Sandy']It's great that you decided to sign in as a "brat", Crystia, but isn't you character a bit too young to be a son of Daedalus? I would see him as his [I]grand[/I]son, rather, if that's alright with you (and Gavin, of course). Just trying to be consistent with the ages here, since it's not very believable that Daedalus would've become a father in the age of 53... ;D[/QUOTE]It seems that someone is not familiar with or rather has not done much in the way of genealogy work. Otherwise, you would not have made such a silly statement young man. ;) Which brings up the reason why I'm posting, did you or Shy want any assistance with making a reverse genealogy tree to keep track of all of the characters? It's something I am well acquainted with I assure you. It would be a simple matter for me to make up a simplified chart for the both of you. Well it might be a few days with the holiday and all, but still it would probably help to cut down on the confusion to have such a chart for everyone once the rpg starts.
I'd like something similar to this: [IMG]http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/3343/0316jl8.jpg[/IMG] I've always wanted different flowers or other plants painted on my ceiling. Though I'd settle for sky lights as well. Even if I couldn't block out the sun.
Groups like that church and to be frank any declaration of being right and the other's view is wrong... That always brings out the stubborn side of me that would love nothing better than for all of us to get to heaven and find out that everyone was wrong. Including the religion I belong to. Why? I don't know, It's just a side of religion that I find distasteful in the extreme. Having the arrogance to think you are correct when no one really knows, no matter how much they might argue otherwise. Though that group protesting at the funerals take that attitude to the extreme and I hardly consider them Christians in any sense of the word.
"[B]That was uncalled for brother.[/B]" Raone admonished Jachym when he returned. "[B]Don't be such a bore Raone, if we are to ever get to the end of this tedious game we must take whatever action is necessary to ensure that.[/B]" "[B]That's not what I mean Jachym.[/B]" Raone was displeased. "[B]I was referring to how you tricked Charlotte by only showing her a fragment of the conversation held by the other souls.[/B]" Jachym just smiled. "[B]Oh come now Raone, don't you trick them as well? Granting them truth by taking their memories from them? How is that any different?[/B]" Bellanna sighed dramatically. "[B]Don't start the tedious explanation as to how one must earn the truth Raone, and you Jachym.[/B]" She turned to glare at him. "[B]Don't start the tedious one of how only the powerful survive.[/B]" Raone started to reply but Bellanna cut him off. "[B]You can see the truth dear brother, so you know I'm not lying when I say I am sick of hearing the same endlessly boring speech from you and the others.[/B]" Raone shook his head sadly and turned back to give his attention to the few remaining souls. It was only a matter of time now. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-charlotte.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Charlotte was trying to fight off the sense of doom she felt, even if Naomi had told her she could trust no one, how could she know if what Jachym had shown her was true or not? Since she had come here, one by one those around her had died, even she had nearly died and would have if not for Ian finding the cure for the poison that had afflicted her earlier. And if what Jachym said was true, then even if she and Kenneth were the last ones, she could not leave with him. For the first time in her life, Charlotte didn't know what to do. What good would it do her to find Kenneth if she could live to raise him? She already knew that to even think of harming her own child was out of the question. Charlotte collapsed and cried if her heart was breaking, despair filling her as she searched her heart and mind for an answer and couldn't find one.[I] Even if I get Kenneth out of here, who will take care of him? [/I] It was a thought that haunted her and pained her to no end. What good would it be to get Kenneth to safety if there was no one to take care of him? "[B]It's not fair![/B]" Charlotte cried out loud, even though there was no one to hear her. "[B]I didn't choose to come here![/B]" With a sob she forced herself to get up, determined to at least try and find Kenneth and the others. [I]If only I was from the present instead of the past, then I would have the right to live instead of the others.[/I] But even as she thought it, she crushed the thought. Having more of a right to live wouldn't help anything, she would still be forced to die just to give her poor baby a chance. [I]I can't win,[/I] she thought dully as she continued blindly through the maze of rooms and doors, barely paying attention to where she was. But at the back of her mind she couldn't help but think that dead or not, Kenneth had more right than anyone to live, after all he hadn't lived long enough to even have much of a life and Charlotte was certain that he would grow up to be a fine young man, if given a chance. Charlotte continued along her way, going back and forth between wanting to simply curl up and give up and thinking that the only one who truly deserved to make it out was Kenneth.
[quote name='Sandy;797720]I'm just saying that people shouldn't be afraid of playing as someone who is over 30 years old, or under 15. I'm not forcing anyone, just encouraging. ;D[/QUOTE]I was already planning on it. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium']I've also got to find a suitable picture. I'm having trouble finding solid resources for the style I want, heheh. :catgirl:[/font][/quote]Same here, finding a picture for this was a pain. I finally had to get Beth to help me. Since I was looking for something rather specific to fit the type of character I wished to play as. Anyway, my sign up is done. I realize the picture is realistic, but it fits my character perfectly so I chose to go with it. I'm sure I'll be back with more questions Sandy and Shy, but for now I'll just wait to see how things go and to see just who you finally decide on choosing for this. :catgirl: Looks like fun!
[B]Name:[/B] Catherine Sara Almagest [B]Age:[/B] 49 [B] Your Position inside the Almagest family: [/B] Catherine is Leonheart's younger sister. [B]Your Portrait:[/B] [URL="http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/5889/catherine01ru6.jpg"][U]Catherine[/U][/URL] [B]Your occupation:[/B] Catherine is a professor at Czenoble High Academy of Sciences. [B]Your Story:[/B] Catherine grew up with a keen interest in most fields and yet could never settle on just one. Weaponsmithing, Potionism, Gadgetry, Transports and Chimaera Creation, all have equally fascinated her since she was a small child. As a result, Catherine has a firm grasp on the basics and theory behind a lot of different fields of Magitechnology, especially Potionism as she also has a keen interest in the health and well being of the Almagest family. At one time Catherine was engaged to be married, but before they could marry he was killed in an accident at the Artemis Air Transport facility where he worked. Catherine never speaks of the incident and since then has gone on to teach introduction and basic theory classes for the different technologies at CHAOS. In the last twenty five years, Catherine has become a bit eccentric in that much to the dismay of some of the more [I]proper[/I] members of the Almagest family, she openly dresses in flamboyant colors and dyes her hair to hide the many gray hairs she now has. She is often heard to say that appearing older is meaningless. Catherine is unfailingly cheerful to everyone, regardless of station and yet stern and demanding as a teacher. Her motto is simple, if you earn the grade you'll recieve it and if you don't... then you deserve to be flunked out of school. Though she is well liked by the students, those who would attempt to use their families influence to get by have learned to their dismay that when it comes to learning, there is no short cut with Catherine. After all, she remembers all to well how a [I]short cut[/I] claimed the life of her dear finance. So long as she is teaching, there will be no short cuts.
“[B]You’re certain of this?[/B]” Daniel asked the group leading the liberation of the former capitol of Australia. “[B]Yes Commander Landers. Even though the data is incomplete the only match for the emissions of the ship that attempted to take off under full stealth is that of a Messenger Ship. With the two High Council members visiting Earth missing…[/B]” Daniel shook his head. “[B]It’s likely that they were on board. In the case of an invasion such as this, it would not be unusual for an Elite Specialist to attempt to get them out of the area.[/B]” Daniel pulled up the battle data from when the incident had occurred. The timing for when the ship attempted to take off from Earth fit with what an Elite Specialist would have done. Choosing the moment when the confusion was the highest with the battle in space and all of the energy emissions on Earth as a result of the fighting. If not for a stay shot hitting them during their take off, it would have worked. They would have managed to slip out during the confusion. “[B]Sir, what do you want us to do? Even though we concentrated our fire on the wayward readings we were unable to stop them from getting clear of the planet.[/B]” “[B]Nothing, I’ll take care of it. Continue securing your area. Landers out.[/B]” He pulled up the rest of the battle data that had been sent to him by the team on Earth, taking a moment to examine all that had happened. The data indicated that the ship had taken serious damage, enough that it was unlikely that it would still be able to enter hyper space. And yet, it had still managed to slip away. The question was… How? It was then that Daniel realized what had to have happened. They had taken the only route open, the one going in the opposite direction from Sector One. Until things calmed down their stealth systems would be good enough to hide them and by the time it wasn’t they would most likely be running silently until they could repair the ship well enough to escape the area via hyper space. Unless Daniel found them first. But even with the flagship the [I]Liberator[/I], that would not be an easy task and it was possible that they wouldn’t be able to detect them. However hiding from a ship like the [I]Catalyst[/I] was another story. Daniel hailed Kiva who hopefully was finished transferring from the [I]Transcendence [/I]to the [I]Catalyst[/I]. He certainly hoped so, the last thing he wanted was for the two Council members to get away, his orders were to secure their capture if possible. “[B]This is Kiva,[/B]” Daniel looked at the screen built into his chair. “[B]Kiva how close are you to being finished with transferring to the Catalyst?[/B]” “[B]I’m almost finished.[/B]” “[B]Good, I need you to hunt for a Messenger Ship that attempted to slip away during the battle. Our data indicates that the ship was damaged enough to prevent it from entering hyper space, but it’s entirely possible that they’ll be able to repair the ship and still leave the sector.[/B]” Daniel paused to send the data they had on the ship as well as the two High Council members. “[B]I need you to find it since it is either running under stealth systems or silently as we have been unable to find it. It is likely that the two High Council members visiting Earth are on board and if at all possible, I need them taken alive. I’ve sent you the details from when they made the attempt to leave Earth as well as the information on the two Councilors.[/B]” Kiva turned away from the screen momentarily at the sound of a chime indicating she had gotten the file and then she turned back. “[B]Understood, as soon as I’m finished I’ll get started immediately. Kiva out.[/B]” Daniel turned back to the incoming reports from the various sections on Earth, wondering just how Greydon Kreid and the search for Sara Sanders was coming along. It was too soon to know if he had found her yet. Though they were probably close to being finished. “[B]Sir, the distortion shields are down in the USA and though we’ve transported teams to the location where the ships were shot down, other than those who did not survive the crash, the rest are not with their ships.[/B]” “[B]Did they join the other units Spencer?[/B]” Daniel asked. “[B]No sir, some of them are missing.[/B]” “[B]I see, I’ll take care of it then, carry on.[/B]” Daniel pulled up the contact for Greydon Kreid’s group, even if they weren't finished with checking the safe houses, sending them to check into what had happened to those who were on the transports would be the perfect task. Daniel would have rather sent someone in sooner, but for now this would have to do. He pressed the button to hail Greydon Kreid.
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Just a heads up, for those of you waiting on a new objective I'll have that to you in the next day or two. I've just been on the busy side lately. So if there are any loose ends you'd like to tie up, now would be the perfect time. :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]My apologies for not getting to it sooner. GuyYouMetOnline and Blayze, you will be receiving your next objective in my post from Daniel. I've just been busy the last couple of days and didn't have time to write it up. I'll have that post ready either tonight or first thing tomorrow. Also, inwardscream, take it easy and get better hun.
Although all of you have already worked this out I will address this part since I don't agree.[quote name='Sandy']But I'm glad that you edited your post, so we can move on. Honestly, it would've been quite difficult to continue from where you left the game earlier.[/QUOTE]Rubbish! Upon thinking on it, it would have been a simple matter to interfere as a different god and reverse what Shy's god had done, leaving it open to Paraxis to declare that further interference would result in the offending god being evicted from the game. In other words, it could have been very dramatic and involved the gods a lot more. So if you think it would have been difficult to continue, you are mistaken or you don't have much faith in our ability to be creative. I assure you when given the chance we can be very creative. ;) More importantly though. There are only four souls and five gods, so someone at this point should be out of the game unless something is played to keep them in. I wonder just who is out this time?
Well even if it is confusing... if the power cards work I'm fine. And it is true that any other god could simply step in and interfere with what happened. Since unlike Aaryanna's god their powers would not be limited since they haven't been ruled out from the Ragnarok yet. In other words Sandy, I have no problem with things going either way.
I'm confused by this idea of yours Shy. Sorry hun. But Sandy indicated that he wanted us to have the souls realize where they were and if they aren't in the Ragnarok, that just isn't possible. So I'm inclined to agree that the plot twist does not fit what we were doing. And that's my input on this. Also, I'm guessing that you didn't realize it Shy, or it's been long enough since we started that you forgot.[quote name='Sandy']Just to make things clear, the actual RPG takes place in contemporary time, but in an imaginary place created by the God of Death for the game?s purposes.[/QUOTE]Sandy made it clear from the beginning that the setting of the game would be in the Ragnarok and nowhere else. If I remember correctly, it's been the same with all of the death card rpgs, only the host can put souls elsewhere, usually at the very end of the game when only one is left. Anyway, I'll hold off on posting until you all get this figured out or resolved.
That's easy to answer, completely straight. I know that for some when growing up it's a question or a concern and they wonder just what they are, but honestly. I never had any doubts. I always knew. It's hard to explain and I've no interest in attempting to do so. I was also a boring kid in that I never had any really awkward moments with my parents or anyone else for that matter. I probably did have friends who were not straight, but when I was growing up, it just wasn't discussed. And since most of us have long since either moved on or gotten married and moved elsewhere, I've no idea what most of my childhood friends are up to. Now if we're going to talk about awkward conversations... There's just no getting around that realizing your kid knows all about it already is a bit startling. But then it's just too easy to remember when they were just tiny little things who couldn't even crawl or walk yet. lol
"[B]Don't think that you've won brother.[/B]" Illyria was looking at Raone. "[B]The game is far from over, no matter how clever you think you are.[/B]" "[B]Of that you can be certain.[/B]" Raone said cautiously. "[B]Though it is clear that there is still not enough truth to be had. And in the end it will still be decided by fate no matter how much you or I fight against it.[/B]" Bellanna just rolled her eyes. "[B]Oh do as the humans would say, [I]put a sock in it Illyria[/I], and you with your never ending speech on truth, do the same.[/B]" "[B]That is hardly necessary Bellanna and...[/B]" Raone paused when Celesta put her hand on his arm indicating he should be quiet. "[B]Please, don't you think we've bickered enough?[/B]" She asked him. Raone nodded, "[B]You are correct.[/B]" He turned his attention back to the souls when Celesta moved back to where she had been standing. The bickering really was pointless. It would change nothing, and in the end fate would decide just who would finally win the Ragnarok. Still, it did not mean he could abandon his duty or his responsibilities and in light of certain changes, it was time to once again bestow his power of light upon one of the souls. And he knew just which one it should be this time. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-patrick.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-charlotte.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-naomi.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-marta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-lightofaxiomcard.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Charlotte was beside herself, attempting to run to catch Patrick who for some unknown reason had simply grabbed Kenneth and ran with him. But she couldn't keep up, and neither could Naomi who was still tired nor Marta who lacked the youthful energy that Patrick had. "[B]I don't understand![/B]" Charlotte sobbed while she paused to catch her breath. "[B]Why would he steal Kenneth? He seemed like such a nice boy too![/B]" Marta started to say something and then halted when for the briefest of moments she lost sight of where she was as a vision of glowing gold colored irises and a feeling as if light was entering her entire body, overcame her. It reminded her of when she had been cursed by Death, only instead this time the feeling was comforting and calming. A deep male voice echoed through her soul impressing itself upon her. [I]You may call upon my light of truth as needed, however doing so will require slowly giving up your memories in exchange.[/I] The voice faded and when Marta's vision returned to normal and she could see Naomi attempting to comfort Charlotte, as she stood there wondering if what had happened was real or not the same feeling of light she had just encountered surfaced. Responding to the question of wondering just why Patrick would have stolen Kenneth. Curious she did as it asked, letting go of the memory it showed her would be required and then choking on what it told her in return. "[B]He's been cursed with madness.[/B]" She whispered. "[B]What are you talking about?[/B]" Charlotte pulled free of Naomi and came over to Marta, reaching up to grab her arms and get her to look at her. "[B]It's what happened to Ian, that thing that let him see the truth, somehow it ended up with me.[/B]" Marta looked straight at her as if seeing her for the first time. "[B]It's how he lost his memories, you have to give them up in exchange if you wish to know the truth and by giving one up it told me that Patrick has been granted a power by a god that is slowly driving him mad.[/B]" "[B]Lovely,[/B]" Naomi groaned. "[B]Don't tell me that I'll have to try and stop him too.[/B]" "[B]We can decide what to do when we find them so lets get going![/B]" Charlotte urged both of them. But when they finally did find Patrick lying face down in his own blood, Kenneth was no where to be seen. "[B]Hurry Naomi! Heal him.[/B]" Charlotte begged. "[B]We have to find out what he did with my baby![/B]" "[B]Why should I? He's going mad remember? Do you really want to risk what he might do to you too?[/B]" Naomi shook her head. "[B]It's probably best to just let him die.[/B]" "[B]I think you should heal him Naomi,[/B]" Marta spoke up from where she was kneeling and attempting to stop the bleeding. "[B]I've stood by long enough and let people just die, I can't do that anymore.[/B]" "[B]Oh fine![/B]" Naomi threw her hands up and got down next to Patrick. Gritting her teeth in pain as she took Patrick's wound upon herself and then collapsing while she waited for the power to heal her. "[B]Patrick![/B]" Charlotte helped Marta turn him over and then shook him a bit. "[B]Wake up Patrick![/B]" Several minutes later, slowly he opened his eyes. "[B]Charlotte?[/B]" He asked, clearly confused and then seconds later fear entered his eyes. "[B]Jeanne! Where is she?[/B]" He tried to look around but Marta and Charlotte pushed him back down. "[B]There's no one here but you Patrick, where is Kenneth?[/B]" Marta demanded. "[B]I don't know. Jeanne attacked me from behind, demanding to know where you guys were.[/B]" He grimaced at the memory. "[B]I don't know what happened after that.[/B]" He reached up to where Jeanne had shot him. "[B]Naomi took care of that.[/B]" Marta answered the unspoken question. "[B]She healed your wound.[/B]" "[B]Not that you deserved it you ungrateful little twit."[/B] Naomi growled at him from her position of lying on the floor. "[B]I swear, if you don't tell us what the hell you were thinking, I'll kill you myself once I recover from healing your worthless hide.[/B]" Patrick just grimaced. "[B]I was trying to fix everything, to get the Kaijin to reverse what had happened.[/B]" "[B]You idiot![/B]" Naomi growled. "[B]The Kaijin is dead![/B]" "[B]Jeanne has him.[/B]" Charlotte finally spoke up. "[B]She must have taken Kenneth with her.[/B]" She looked at Marta and Naomi who was starting to sit up. "[B]We have to find her before it's too late![/B]"
[quote name='SunfallE;797013][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Also, all in favor of forming the take down Kathy campaign say Aye! :p[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Oh dear. Uh, how about a take down Shy campaign instead? [QUOTE=Sandy']Okay, the time has come to remove the Life Points, since everyone are collecting Death Points currently. So from this point on, no actions merit Life Points anymore. It's now a race towards the finish line. But if you're worrying about automatically losing after all of your characters are dead, you should know that there are some special card not yet put into play that can be used to get you back into the game. ;D[/QUOTE]Well it wasn't intentional, I just couldn't see the meeting between the Kaijin and Ian go any differently. But now that you've declared this it seems I must now move for those death points. And since I've not tried to get them in the first place, I just hope I can actually earn them. As for other cards, I'm quite sure that Shy has others, which is why I made the counter suggestion of a take down Shy campaign. I'll make cookies! ;)
If the price was right, what would you do?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]I'd delete OtakuBoards for $1 million. Drop me a PM if you're interested.[/color][/QUOTE]And I'd offer you several batches of homemade cookies to not delete OtakuBoards. Considering that it's unlikely that any member even has a million dollars to give you, I think that's an offer that you would be foolish to overlook. :p Anyway, there really isn't much that I would do for money. I realize this thread is just for fun, but no. I'm just boring that way. -
I enjoy Thanksgiving more for getting to see all of my relatives than I do for the food. But at the same time I do enjoy making lots of tasty food for everyone. Even if it can be rather tiring. I no longer do much beyond the dinner and simply hanging around the rest of the afternoon catching up on things, seeing how much the grandkids have grown, checking out all the new pictures of said grandkids, etc. It's just a fun and crazy time and I enjoy it quite a bit. I'm already picking up the necessary items for what I plan on making this year. I've got a couple of new recipes that I want to try out this time around. If there's one thing I am good at, it's cooking.
[quote name='Charles']Also, you should be more sensitive with your language toward women.[/QUOTE]Seconded, honestly, that was so unnecessary DEM. If she's a bully, report her, but for heaven's sake, don't go saying such nasty things to her and them come crying foul when she smacks you for that. Honestly, I'd smack you myself for some of what you said. That's no better than the hitting since even though your not physically hitting her, you were verbally abusive. I'm not saying it's okay for her to be rude either, but being rude back doesn't exactly make me feel sorry for you either. Try to avoid that and simply go to the teachers if she won't leave you alone.
[quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] You can't expect me to not reply when you argue against what I said in my post, and my 'lazy' part was one of the least important aspects of my original argument.[/font] [font="trebuchet ms"]Things I take time to argue and write about on a forum are things I care about, so pulling the "lighten up" thing doesn't help. This will also be my last post on the matter, as it really has nothing to do with my original argument. [/font][/QUOTE]I never expected you to not reply and you can't dictate to the person debating what's important in your argument. It was the part that interested me so therefore I addressed it. It's the same with candidates you can't gloss over or ignore something just because you think that part of your argument isn't as important as the others. Also, you're just reaffirming my statement of lighten up here. You take this so seriously that honestly I wonder at times. So it stands, go play video games, read a book or watch TV. I'm not pulling anything on you other than to say if you can't simply say we disagree then in my opinion you need to lighten up. So we disagree, so what? That's the very heart of politics and part of what makes them fun. I don't expect you to suddenly see my point of view so it's only fair that you don't expect that of me either. ;)
[quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"] I understand Beth and Rach plan on signing up playing as a couple[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Now that sounds cute. :catgirl: And fun at the same time. But before I would even dream of considering something else I would want some idea as to what to expect rating wise. After all I do like knowing what I'm getting into and would hate to have to leave like I did with the FQFG. Also, gunslinger, for heavens sake, go and smack yourself upside the head and wash your mouth out with soap! Or at the very least leave out the swearing until you figure out when it's even appropriate to use it.
[quote name='Sandy']I know that a certain someone will not like this at all... XP[/QUOTE]Well I can't imagine that they would actually like what I did. I know if the position were reversed I'd be going... :o Still, I'm sad to see my daughter gone from the game. Also, good heavens! I should have signed back in after posting and signing out yesterday! You kids went to town while I was gone. Rachmaninoff sailing in with that dual death card, though shocking, those are always fun. I remember when you used the very first one in the death card series when Rachmaninoff gave you one Sandy. Anyway, Aaryanna being written out and now Jeanne on a murderous bent and Patrick losing his sanity? It's living up to what one would expect from one of these insane death card rpgs. The only thing I have to wonder is should I go for death for a change since I lost life points or should I still keep going for life even though I'd have to cancel out one death point? In other words, do I attempt to eliminate the remaining gods as quickly as possible or not? I'm going to have to think about this as well as watch my back I would imagine. ;)
[quote name='Sandy']There are still plenty of Life Points to be earned, but I will remove them from the game when enough players have been defeated. That time can be soon, or it can still be ways ahead, can't be sure at this point. It all depends on you guys. ;D[/QUOTE]Well, I think I may have snagged some death points with that post, but at the same time... I couldn't see the meeting between Ian and the Kaijin going any differently. Anyway... new card on the scene! The real fun will be to see just what is done in response to that card I just played. :p
Raone shook his head in disgust, once again Illyria the trickster was dealing things in an underhanded method. Leaving him with no choice but to work around it, to take away the advantage that Iyllria was most likely depending on to win the Ragnarok via deceit. It was, without a doubt, time to make his move. And as he stared at the pool showing the souls, he knew just how to do so. [center][img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-ian.png[/img] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-charlotte.jpg[/img] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-chohee.jpg[/img] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-patrick.jpg[/img][/center] "[B]Oh Ian! What are we going to do?[/B]" Charlotte sobbed when it became apparent that Marta and Kenneth really had disappeared. They had tried entering the lattice doorway with the faint glow surround the wooden archway with vines running though it. And though it did take them somewhere, it was not where the others were. "[B]Don't worry Charlotte,[/B]" Ian gently brushed her tears away. "[B]Marta has taken good care of Kenneth all this time, she'll keep him safe until we can find them.[/B]" Charlotte tried to be brave, but she couldn't help but worry about the crazy woman who had tried to kill her before, what if she found Marta and Kenneth? It was a thought that worried her greatly as she and Ian hunted through the maze of rooms and corridors they found themselves in. It hadn't been long when they heard voices, and when it was apparent that it was not the horrible woman who was after Kenneth, hastily they headed towards whoever it was, eager to see if perhaps they had seen Marta and Kenneth. "[B]I can sense them, the son if Raone is drawing near.[/B]" A male voice was saying. But as Ian and Charlotte came into the next room, where Patrick, Cho and the Kaijin were, Ian halted. Placing himself between Charlotte and the monstrosity that was before him. It was nauseating to look at, as the creature's form shifted endlessly from monster to something beautiful and then back again, it's form never staying the same. And though he hated to lose even more memories Ian called upon the light for help once again. "[B]We have to leave Charlotte,[/B]" he whispered urgently to her. "[B]We're in terrible danger, that creature...[/B]" Charlotte gave out a gasp of terror as the tall and handsomely dressed man suddenly moved to grasp Ian by the front of his tunic, lifting him off of his feet and holding him in place. "[B]You would do well to hold your tongue son of Raone.[/B]" The Kaijin hissed at him. Ian struggled to pull free, "[B]Run Charlotte! This thing is only interested in using us to break free from being imprisoned by the Gods! To gain revenge...[/B]" Ian choked as the Kajin grasped his throat and then squeezed just enough to keep him from talking. "[B]You must not be fooled by this man, he too is being used by the Gods.[/B]" The Kaijin said persuasively to Charlotte who was frozen in place. "[B]I will not harm him Charlotte, but I cannot allow him to poison your mind if we are to save your baby.[/B]" "[B]Kenneth?[/B]" Charlotte said hesitantly. "[B]But Kenneth and Marta vanished, we don't know where they are.[/B]" "[B]Patrick, Cho, see to Charlotte, I must free this one from what has been done to him.[/B]" The Kaijin took Ian and left the room, only letting go of his throat once they were far enough that the others could not hear them. Ian struggled harder to get free but could not. "[B]There is nothing to free me from,[/B]" he declared, his voice but a harsh whisper after what the Kaijin had done. "[B]I see you for what you truly are monster.[/B]" "[B]Then know this son of Raone, if not for being blessed by his power, I would have already dealt with you. Just as I could deal with Charlotte who is not blessed by any God and thus has no protection.[/B]" The Kaijin smiled a twisted smile when Ian stiffened in fear at his words. "[B]You will keep quiet and in return I will not harm the mother, after all, I have no need of her anymore, now that the baby has been born.[/B]" The Kaijin waited patiently for it's words to sink in and then smiled even more when Ian finally nodded reluctantly. "[B]Good, I knew you'd see things my way.[/B]" The Kaijin released him and then headed back to where the others were waiting. "[B]Are you alright Ian?[/B]" Charlotte said as she rushed over to him. Ian just nodded, not trusting himself to speak. What else could he say? From what the light told him, he knew that the Kajin would do as it threatened and he lacked the strength to stop it. The best he could hope for was to wait for a chance to make a run for it with Charlotte. [CENTER][img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-ian.png[/img] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soulswapcard.png[/IMG] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-charlotte.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [B]OCC:[/B] This card gives you the power to swap the owners of any two souls, regardless of who owns them.