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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
[quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] I'm saying this after studying it in my class with a teacher and recent textbook, so no, I'm not pulling all of this out of the air. I'll ask you to stop making assumptions about me. For a 10-year-old census, I'd say the odds that 'Don't care' have jumped even higher; the 'No time off/busy' leads by 4% from ten years ago. Also directly from your source: ?It appears a significant proportion of those who are registered are more apathetic about the political process these days,? Casper said."[/font] [font="trebuchet ms"] You're right, I must not use the teenage population to conclude on the American public, but just because we can't vote doesn't mean we shouldn't care about politics. So what if I can't vote? I still think it's important that I know what's going on.[/font][/QUOTE]At this point I think you are dragging this out more than is necessary, my point was that the implication that most people were lazy was inaccurate. You seem to want to focus only on the aspect of people who are not really interested and I was trying to point out that it was far more than that. At this point you seem to be missing that since you keep knee jerking back to it. Also, I never said teenagers shouldn?t care, I said don?t think that because teens are uninterested means that the rest of us are not. And the fact that they can?t vote is a big factor. It?s hard to have much of an interest in something when you don?t have a voice yet. So it?s only natural that the disinterest is so high. And don?t start thinking that I?m saying you or any other teenager shouldn?t care. That?s not what I was getting at and I?m quite sure you know that. So honestly, try lightening up a little, instead of being so quick to take offense. [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"]It's not a waste of time to put a bill through when amendments can be added later. When Congress made the amendment saying blacks could vote, white people imposed poll taxes. Congress amended that. White people found millions of ways to keep black people down, but does that make civil right legislation useless? Hardly. If it were ever a waste to pass any legislation that would be amended later, a lot of bills in Congress wouldn't be passed. If it's just a 'waste of time', why have amendments in the first place? [/font][/QUOTE]You and I are going to disagree here there?s no getting around it. Personally I think a bill should be as firmly put together as possible, you seem to see no problem with it not being that way because of amendments that can be added on. There?s nothing to discuss here since I was not saying that every bill had to be perfect either. I was saying that I feel that it?s a waste when things are ?watered? down to get them in because then later it requires more taxpayers money to fix it. It?s a part of the political process that I find annoying and frustrating, nothing more.
[quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"]If they're not lazy, they don't care. And I'm not willing to back down from that. The political involvement in the US is horrendously low, the lowest it's ever been. Why? Because people are either don't care or don't care to do anything about it. I'm probably biased because I'm a teenager, and I can tell you for sure that 95% of teenagers have no idea what the hell is going on in politics, which I find incredibly sad. [/font][/QUOTE]I asked you to stop making assumptions and I'll do it again. Do a little research please, you are again making baseless assumptions as to why people seem to not care or perhaps in the end don't vote. The information isn't that hard to find. This isn't the most current one but it is an example of valid reasons as to why people either don't keep up or in spite of knowing what's going on don't vote: [URL="http://www.census.gov/prod/3/98pubs/cenbr984.pdf"][U]Click[/U][/URL] To give you even more here's a clip from that article: [I]In 1996, for example, slightly more than 1 in 5 nonvoters (22 percent) reported they could not take time off from work or school or were too busy to vote. In 1980, only 8 percent gave this reason.[/I] This may be a decade old, but this is a trend I have seen throughout my life. So to say people don't care is inaccurate and lazy on your part and I will not back down from that. I've been seeing this happen for longer than you have even been alive. Don't think that teenagers who can't even vote are a true indication of whether or not people are lazy.[quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"]Why is ENDA far too weak? The actual content of the legislation? It's pretty straight forward. Do you mean it's weak because so many Congress members aren't willing to vote yes for it, and Bush has already announced that he'll veto it? ENDA was not 'shoved through'. ENDA is thirty years in the making. Multiple delays were made on its latest voting so more debate could follow. I don't think ENDA was 'shoved through' because sponsors of the bill felt it important to get it to pass the House to say something, even if they knew it wouldn't pass the Senate or the president. All civil rights legislation has come in small steps, and I believe that even if this was a tiny step, it was still a step. [/font][/QUOTE]I already provided the answer to that, the bill in it's current form has quite a few loop holes. I already linked to an article showing the potential legal issues with it.[quote name='Aaryanna_Mom;796848]Another thing I hear against this is that the bill had been stripped of actually providing real protection so even those who would supposedly benefit form the bill are against it in it's current form. [URL="http://www.thetaskforce.org/enda07/tools/lambda_legal_analysis.pdf"][U]Details here[/U][/URL] If I understand it correctly, as it stands now there are far too many loop holes, making it rather useless should it actually pass.[/QUOTE]I already know that it's been around for a long time, I say it was shoved through because they changed it to make it more acceptable and baby steps, if taken in the wrong direction take you down instead of up. [QUOTE=Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] When did a civil rights bill ever have a sudden impact of acceptance? Never. That doesn't mean it's important to pursue those types of bills. It's gradual change we're aiming for here. Another pet peeve is people who say we shouldn't pass legislation because it won't have immediate impact or it'll cause too much controversy. Isn't that what progressive legislation and action is there to do? Where would we be now if Brown v. Education hadn't happened? I know court cases are different from legislation, but what I'm trying to say is activist decisions by our branches is what propels the nation forward sometimes. [/font][/QUOTE]You're misquoting me here, I was simply agreeing with Neuvoxraiha that acceptance of change wasn't immediate I did not say it was a reason to not even try. Nor did I say we shouldn't pass it because of immediate effect or controversy, I said we shouldn't pass it because it has too many issues, something that I provided a link to showing the potential legal loopholes. It is a waste of time to put a bill through that would later require doing it again because the first one has enough loopholes to make enforcing it difficult. Or even worse, leaves those who would discriminate with valid reasons to get away with firing someone who is non-heterosexual.
[quote name='Sandy;796832]The Shield Card's effect is permanent, BUT it only protects from Death Cards. So there are a few ways around it.[/QUOTE]Goodness, well that creates quite the dilemma, one that will require careful planning to get around. I'm thinking it's going to make this rather interesting, that's for sure.[quote name='Sandy;796832]Yes, I'm being evil again. XP[/QUOTE]I noticed. You've certainly caused a stir with the latest developments in the game. In many ways.[QUOTE=Sandy']- [B]Encouraging someone[/B'] (1 Life Point) by Aaryanna_Mom, Aaryanna_Mom, Aaryanna_Mom[/quote]Well, looks like I managed to snag all of the life points for that particular action. Also, just to be clear, are there any life points left to be earned? I'm assuming you would tell us, but still I'd like to be sure on that if you don't mind. After all I would need five more to gain another card. Though if you decide that whether or not I want to take that risk is something I must consider then I will have no choice but to accept that answer.
[quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]It's easy to sit back and call Americans homophobic simply because of well publicized cases of homophobia in the workplace, but since anti-discrimination laws are already in effect on a national level, ENDA is completely and utterly pointless. It is ILLEGAL to ask a potential employee their sexual orientation, and those that make it obvious, or even answer questions that could inform the employer of their orientation are just unaware of this fact. In the same vein, it's illegal to discriminate against hiring females, people of a certain religion, or those in a certain age group. As a bisexual female, I manage to get job offers regardless of my orientation, perhaps because I never answer questions during interviews that could tip off my potential boss as to who I might happen to be attracted to.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I am sorry hun, but you are wrong. Twenty states and the District of Columbia already ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. But twenty states is a far cry from[I] all fifty states[/I] so it is perfectly legal in more than half of the states to fire someone because of their sexual orientation. Whether or not ENDA is pointless, well at least in it's current state, is another matter altogether. The bill is flawed in it's current state and needs to be turned down.[quote name='Neuvoxraiha;796750][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]But back to the real topic. You can't pass this bill and expect all Americans to instantly become accepting of non heterosexuals. And you can't protest and demand change, because that just gets the people all riled. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]On this you and I are in complete agreement. Bill or not, people are not going to suddenly be more accepting of non heterosexuals. You can't take something like that and toss it out the window just because of legislation that prevents discrimination.[quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="times new roman"]One of the major arguments I hear against this bill is the issue of gays and lesbians finding their way into showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms of those of the opposite gender. If you were a parent, would you want ANY male in the same bathroom as your daughter? This opens a path for potential pedophiles to share the same bathroom as your 10 year old. Say I'm a hater, but this is potentially possible. This isn't crazy theory, this could very well happen if this bill becomes the law of the land.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]I hear a different argument against this bill and that is the ever so scary thought that it would lead to recognizing same sex marriage. And yes I am being sarcastic here, not at you Neuvoxraiha but those who seem to be afraid of non heterosexuals. Anyway, a White House statement gives the legally dubious argument that ENDA would statutorily recognize state sanctioned same-sex marriages and thereby conflict with the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. Details as to that can be found here: [URL="http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/legislative/sap/110-1/hr3685sap-r.pdf"][U]White House[/U][/URL] I'm not going to get into that argument since it's a separate issue altogether, the one about same sex marriage that is. Another thing I hear against this is that the bill had been stripped of actually providing real protection so even those who would supposedly benefit form the bill are against it in it's current form. [URL="http://www.thetaskforce.org/enda07/tools/lambda_legal_analysis.pdf"][U]Details here[/U][/URL] If I understand it correctly, as it stands now there are far too many loop holes, making it rather useless should it actually pass.[quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"]The public always has access to Congressional bills through the Congress website or just a simple online search, it's just that most people are too lazy to do it. [/font][/QUOTE]I'll thank you to not assume that most people are too lazy. Honestly, that's just rude. They may not be as vocal as the others, but to assume that people are lazy? Far from it, and for you to assume that, is in itself[I] lazy[/I]. Anyway, as much as I am in favor of doing away with this type of discrimination, I'm not sure if this bill is the means since everything I have read indicates that it's far to weak to really do any good. And I really dislike legislation that is shoved through for the sake of getting it there instead of trying to do it right the first time. Though seeing how this has been a long fight, I'm not sure when that will ever happen.
Hmmm... since we are close to the end... I'm going to stay out of this. Now if it's not obvious, just as Shy toyed with time, so have I. Charlotte, Ian and Marta were in my opinion in a separate time stream. By walking thought the lattice arch, Marta and Baby Kenneth ended up back in the time stream that the others are in. I hope that was not too confusing. ;) Now I just hope I earned just one life point!
Raone just watched on as the bickering continued, he had carefully watched each of his brethren and now, as the final moments approached there was little to be said. He knew just which souls belong to which God. Now, it was only a matter of carefully planning and playing out his next moves to ensure that truth would emerge as the victor of the Ragnarok. Raone was close to achieving that goal, he could feel it. But even he was still subject to the whims of fate, to the final moves of his brethren. [center][img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-ian.png[/img] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-charlotte.jpg[/img] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-marta.jpg[/img] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-naomi.png[/img][/center] Marta had wandered off by herself with baby Kenneth in her arms. She did not go too far though, only enough to give both Charlotte and Ian the privacy they required. She certainly wasn't going to stick around while they were being intimate with one another. It made no sense to her but as she stayed in the woods with them, over the next couple of weeks she began to get a clearer picture. Ian, as a result of what he had been given had lost quite a few of his own memories. He still knew his name, he still could remember his childhood, but most of his memories as an adult were gone. Marta smiled at baby Kenneth and tickled his stomach causing him to smile back at her.[I] I wonder if things would have been different if I had children? [/I]There was something unbelievably wonderful about holding the tiny child and each time he smiled at her, she couldn't help but feel a little less bitter, a little less hatred.[I] No wonder mothers are so happy.[/I] She thought as she tickled him again, this time getting an even bigger toothless grin from the child. When Marta judged that enough time had passed, she stood up and started back to where they had been staying. Marta didn't want to walk back too soon, she had done that once and the memory of seeing them together like that still made her feel embarrassed, even though she was an adult and had never been shy about such things. [I]If only things could stay like this,[/I] she thought. It made no sense as to why Jeanne had not found them, she didn't understand why Death had not punished her for running instead of helping her. But something inside her had snapped when Jeanne had killed Ash and she just couldn't do it. "[B]There you are Marta![/B]" Charlotte said as Marta approached the area they were in. "[B]I was about to come looking for you.[/B]" "[B]Thank you for watching Kenneth, though you don't have to give us that much time alone[/B]." Ian smiled at Marta. "[B]You were gone so long that I've already started making dinner.[/B]" "[B]I don't mind.[/B]" Marta said. "[B]Kenneth is a good baby, he rarely cries.[/B]" Marta moved to hand the baby back to Charlotte, not giving their surroundings a second thought as she moved to walk through the lattice door that was a part of an older abandoned garden that they had found. She had done so many times since she had found them. But this time, neither she nor the others noticed the faint glow surround the wooden archway with vines running though it. As Marta stepped through, instead of ending up in front of Charlotte, her and baby Kenneth vanished, leaving Ian and Charlotte staring in horror at where they had just been. [CENTER]************************[/CENTER] Naomi woke up to the smell of blood, her own blood. She was lying in it on the floor of the room she had been in. [I]I'm still alive? [/I]Cautiously she looked around, but Jeanne was no where to be seen. She kept lying on her back, staring at the ceiling of the room she was in. Naomi was still feeling a bit dazed, and oddly, even though her arm and shoulder still ached quite a bit, the pain was nothing like it had been before. She turned to look at her shoulder and arm. To her surprise the wounds were nearly closed. Naomi started to cry with relief. Jeanne it seemed had simply left her to die, not realizing that the power Celesta had given her would eventually heal her.[I] It's a good thing she didn't realize that.[/I] Naomi thought.[I] If she had... she probably would have killed me, to keep the power from working. [/I] She was thinking of getting up when a flash of light startled her. Instinctively she closed her eyes, and then nearly jumped out of her skin when someone spoke. "[B]What in the world? How did we get here?[/B]" The woman's voice said. Alarmed Naomi opened her eyes to look, still too tired to even move. It was the older woman who had been with Jeanne! Marta! And she was holding a baby! [I]Is that the child that Jeanne is trying to kill?[/I] Naomi tried to get up, but she was so tired and the tiny bit of movement she made just made her shoulder and arm hurt. Even if she was healing, it was too soon for her to be able to move on her own again. "[B]What happened to you?[/B]" Marta started to ask her as she came over and knelt next to Naomi on the left side to avoid bumping her injured side. Before Naomi could relply her expression darkened and she spoke again. "[B]Never mind, she shot you, didn't she?[/B]" Marta continued after Naomi nodded in agreement. "[B]I don't understand though, you seem to be healing on your own, how is this possible?[/B]" "[B]I was given the power to heal by the Goddess of Life, Celesta. Fortunately, Jeanne did not realize this and simply left me to die.[/B]" Naomi whispered. Marta just scowled. [I]I was right to leave Jeanne,[/I] she thought. [I]Just as I won't let her harm this child either.[/I] Marta looked back down at Naomi and reached out with her right hand to gently squeeze her left shoulder. "[B]Do you know how long it's been since she left? I can't let her find this child and yet I don't want to leave you here on your own either.[/B]" "[B]I'm sorry, I don't know.[/B]" Naomi struggled to sit up, still feeling weak even though the wounds were now fully closed. "[B]But it's unlikely that she'll return here, at least not for a little while, and once I've recovered I can help you protect the baby. Well if there is any water around that is. [/B]" "[B]Why would water matter?[/B]" Marta asked her. "[B]I don't know, somehow I can control that too.[/B]" Naomi moved until she was leaning back against one of the padded chairs in the room. "[B]If you feel you can't wait, then go, but if you can... Please let me help you. We have to stop the Kaijin and keep Jeanne from harming the baby.[/B]" Marta watched as the wounds on Naomi not only finished closing but the flesh started turning pink and healthy again. Even if she couldn't help with protection, such a powerful healing ability would be useful. "[B]All right, we can rest here for a while. I need to tend to baby Kenneth anyway.[/B]"
Daniel finished talking to Kiva and then turned back to the ongoing battle, the forces in the area were determined to not give up even though they were outnumbered and things had gotten quite heated. [I]We're going to need to do some repairs when we get done here.[/I] He thought as he looked at the readouts of the damage done to the [I]Liberator[/I]. It wasn't enough to interfere with hyperspace, but they had taken quite a bit of punishment in order to shield the transports. "[B]Sir! A number of the transports in the US were shot down while attempting to land.[/B]" Spencer spoke up. "[B]Should I send in a task force to retrieve them sir?[/B]" "[B]Don't break from procedure sub-commander. Taking down the generators for the distortion shields takes priority, any other ships sent into the area would face the same problem with the anti-air craft defenses. Wait until we can simply transport troops directly to the location where they crashed.[/B]" Daniel reminded him even as he gave the go ahead for additional troops to be transported to the former capitol of Australia since the generators to the distortion shields had been destroyed. "[B]Right sir, its just that with it being in their winter season there...[/B]" "[B]I know Spencer, believe me I know, I was stationed on Earth when it was initially taken over. But we won't do them any good if those sent to help get shot down as well. Focus on the task at hand.[/B]" "[B]Sorry sir.[/B]" Daniel just smiled a bit and turned back to what he was doing, most of the space forces were for all intents and purposes dealt with, now it was just a matter of running down the patrols in the sector. As well as another unpleasant task that he was not looking forward to dealing with. Lesera Krales, the director of the facility on Mars. [I]She won't be happy to see me again.[/I] "[B]What's the status for the UK?[/B]" Daniel asked. "[B]The transports landed without incident and they're currently moving to take down the shield generators. There's some jamming going on in the area so at the moment we are unable to contact them.[/B]" Sub-Commander Spencer replied. "[B]Other than the transports that were shot down, the groups in the US are doing well, they estimate that the remaining shields will be down in approximately twenty minutes.[/B]" Daniel just nodded, "[B]Good, once the remaining shields are dealt with we will be moving the [I]Liberator[/I] to Mars.[/B]" "[B]Just what did the Empire have stationed at Mars? Besides something to do with the Messenger Ships that is. I mean it is kind of obvious that there is more to it than that.[/B]" Spencer and quite a few of the bridge crew all turned to look at Daniel, curious as to what had been put in a sector that until recently didn't even belong to the Versilan Empire. Daniel just smiled. "[B]You'll see soon enough, now back to work everyone![/B]" He couldn't help but chuckle just a little bit. This was one thing that he would have loved to see Steven's expression when he found out. Especially when he learned that they took it intact. Even if they couldn't hold the place for long, they only had to keep it long enough to get the information and process down. If only he didn't have to deal with Lesera Krales. Still if anything, that alone was bound to create quite a stir once people realized who she really was. And in a way, that would make it worth while. If only for the shock value. Then before he forgot he pulled up one more bit of information that though personal in nature he wanted to make sure it was looked into, and that was the whereabouts of Sara Sanders, Jason's sister. He had been forced to leave her behind on Earth when he had left for sector one. Last he had heard she was fine, but still if he couldn't do anything to save Jason at the moment, the least he could do was make sure that his sister was alright. [I]I'll need to assign someone to look for her,[/I] he thought. [I]As soon as we get the main sections on Earth dealt with.[/I]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Actually, I think it'd be really freakin' hilarious to see A_M with a mod rod. Every time another thread popped up that reeked of immaturity, she'd smack it down face-first on the floor. :p[/FONT][/QUOTE]Actually, considering a picture that was posted by Deus ex Machina in the New Members thread, I would have no issue over putting a smack down on that post and a temporary ban on the member in question for posting in extremely poor taste. But still in the end... [B]NO[/B]. Honestly though, that kind of thing only proves [I]why[/I] I don't want a job like this. I've heard the joke that Desbreko never gets turned down when asking people to be staff, well I can promise you this, if that were the case... I would be the first because I would not do it. I am not suited for such a thing. And I do [I]not[/I] want my sense of humor to change and find what was posted funny. Ugh. Just thinking of doing it is enough to make me feel sick.
So much distrust, so much contention, it wasn't just the souls who were affected, even the Gods and others who were merely bystanders. If anything, the time for peace was long overdue as the battle dragged on. [I]Such foolishness on Illyria and Paraxis' part. Only by dealing in truth will one find the way.[/I] Raone thought sadly. [CENTER][img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-ian.png[/img] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-charlotte.jpg[/img][/CENTER] "[B]Hurry Charlotte![/B]" Ian urged her, even as he helped her back up after she stumbled and fell to her knees. "[B]That poor boy.[/B]" Charlotte sobbed. "[B]If he hadn't done what he did...[/B]" If he hadn't interfered, that horrible woman would have killed her, but doing so had mostly likely cost him his own life. She had seen the other woman, in a wedding dress no less, shoot him again when Ian had dragged her through the doors and out into the night. "[B]Please Charlotte,[/B]" Ian begged her. "[B]Don't let his sacrifice be in vain! You have to keep running.[/B]" Charlotte nodded. "[B]You're right.[/B]" She got up and did her best to run as fast as she could, but it was hard and tiring. How could they possibly outrun the other two women anyway? Even if she was younger, she was burdened with child. Charlotte just focused on putting one foot in front of the other, doing her best to ignore the horrible feeling that at any moment she would be shot from behind. But as they ran, neither one could hear any signs of pursuit behind them, perhaps they had gone the wrong way? She could only hope so. [I]How did it come to this? Why? Why would anyone want to kill my child? [/I]It was the one thing she did not understand. Her baby was innocent of any wrongdoing, if there was any sin to be had it was her's and not the baby's. "[B]I don't think I can run much longer.[/B]" Charlotte managed to say as they continued. "[B]You won't have to, there's a building right there, we should see if there is anything that can help us since Ash told me it was here.[/B]" Ian explained even as they slowed to a walk as they approached it. A section of the building vanished as they approached and for a brief moment they halted until Charlotte shook her head. "[B]We must enter, that poor boy gave his life so we could get here. There must be something inside.[/B]" She took Ian's hand in her own and walked in. Her eyes immediately drawn to a single column of light in the center, curious she walked over to it and then without knowing why she stood in the light, pulling Ian along. But when she could see again, to her surprise she was on an open platform in the middle of yet another building, one similar to where they had just been. Curious she stepped out of the light and halted when a section of the wall vanished, leading to the outside. But it was not the same place they had just been. Somehow the mysterious light had taken them elsewhere. "[B]Of course![/B]" Ian exclaimed. "[B]He must have known this was here.[/B]" He grabbed Charlotte's hand again since she had let go after pulling him into the light. "[B]We must hurry to put more distance between us and that woman who is trying to kill your child.[/B]" "[B]Thank you Ash,[/B]" Charlotte whispered as her and Ian walked out into the night to hunt for a place to hide from the woman who was hunting them. If where they were was not heaven, and after all she had seen she knew in her heart that it could not be. Charlotte hoped that the poor boy was finally at peace and reunited with the people he cared about.
What do you do when you are sick?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Aaryanna_Mom's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Kam;796265]Mind if I ask what, exactly, your disability is?[/QUOTE]Chronic ITP [a blood disorder] along with arthritis and diabetes. Most of the time medication is all I need, but when certain conditions are met, I'm given a transfusion since otherwise, I can literally bleed to death. Modern medicine keeps it under control most of the time though.[quote name='The13thMan'][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh...maybe you could booze it up. =D[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Beth is right, with the medicine I am on, adding alcohol to the mix would be the same as committing suicide. There is no 'booze' in my home for religious reasons as well. Anyway, I'm doing much better so I no longer feel sick anymore. :catgirl: -
What do you do when you are sick?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Aaryanna_Mom's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Aceburner']Also, It feels weird to prescribe chicken soup to a mom, but on my life the stuff really works.[/QUOTE]Oh I understand what you are saying. I always keep a lot of chicken noodle soup on hand since it's good stuff. This is a little different though and ironically it ties into the thread about blood transfusions. I was required to get one yesterday and whenever that happens it always puts me out of whack for a while. This time I thought I'd try browsing the boards a bit in addition to the other things I do while I wait for the treatments to take full effect. Sometimes I'm required to stay in the hospital as well, though that's even more frustrating since I get tired of needing to go there. And unlike being at home, there really is nothing to do there. -
"[B]You are too quick to assess the situation Paraxis.[/B]" Raone observed. "[B]You would do well to look closer at the words and the actions of your fellow brethren.[/B]" "[B]Don't be such a stuffy fool.[/B]" Bellanna finally spoke up after being quiet the entire time. "[B]You may have the ability to see the truth but the rest of us do not and for Paraxis to idly sit by and allow the others to attempt to slant the game in their favor would be unacceptable.[/B]" "[B]And giving the new soul the desire to kill the baby isn't interference? There is nothing that we do that isn't interfering with both the souls and each other.[/B]" Raone shook his head sadly. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-ash.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Ash didn't know how long he had run or where he was headed, all he knew was that he couldn't stay around anyone. [I]Is this what happened to Jamie? Did something affect him as well?[/I] Ash continued to run until finally he collapsed, too exhausted and out of breath to continue. He just sat on the ground among some trees, too tired to even look up and see if Marta and Jeanne had managed to follow him. Finally he looked up a bit and then back down at his hands before he clenched them tightly into fists. How could he have told Marta that the same sick feeling he had towards wanting to kill Cho was also present but in a different manner towards Jeanne? Ash had never thought much over his laid back lifestyle, but the sheer strength of the desire he had felt had been overwhelming, along with the insidious voice inside his head telling him that he should take what he wanted. [I]What is happening to me?[/I] Ash clutched his hands to his chest and shook. [I]I'd rather die than turn into a monster that would do such things.[/I] But even as he thought it, Ash could feel that resolve crumbling. [I]Is this what it was like for Marta? Did she slowly lose the ability to fight what had happened to her?[/I] Ash finally stood back up and started heading aimlessly through the forest he was in. "[B]I should find a way to lock myself up.[/B]" Ash muttered to himself. "[B]I can't hurt anyone if I can't get to them.[/B]" But the problem was actually finding such a place, so far he had seen no form of jail or prison since he had been dragged into this crazy mess. And even if he did find one, would he still have the will to actually lock himself up when he did? [I]I'd better hurry.[/I] He finally walked free of the forest he was in to find himself standing on the edge of a small rise, off in the distance was a huge building. [I]I guess I'll start there.[/I] He thought even as he headed down the rise.[I] Surely there's something there, even it's just a storage room. [/I] Ash hurried as best he could, still worn out from all the running he had done. Somehow, he got the feeling that if he didn't find a way to isolate himself and soon, it would be too late.
Right now I'm fighting off a fever as well as recovering from a bout of my disability giving me grief, as a result here I am in the middle of the night visiting the boards when normally I would be asleep. But my head is pounding and lying down is very uncomfortable at the moment. Plus I'm not sleepy at all like I normally would be at a time like this. When I'm feeling like this I usually end up curling up in a blanket and watching movies until I finally fall asleep on the sofa or I'm able to finally curl up and sleep on my bed. I also try reading or listening to soft music since it's really hard to not be bored while you're getting better. Still in the end I have more time where I feel completely at odds since it's annoying to not feel well. Anyway, what kinds of things do you all do when you don't feel well?
Jehovah's Witness and Blood Transfusions
Aaryanna_Mom replied to The13thMan's topic in General Discussion
I am not a Jehovah's Witness and I really don't know that much about the religion. But at the same time as my daughter stated, without the technology of blood transfusions I would not be here. I've required them many times in the past couple of years so to not accept a treatment like that confuses me. But then I've always understood, according to my own beliefs, that putting things in God's hands comes after you've done everything you can on your own to help yourself, and that includes medical procedures. Also, how a parent would be okay with not treating their own child is beyond me. No religion is more important in my opinion. If staying true to my beliefs meant allowing my daughter to die, then I guess those beliefs aren't something I should be supporting in the first place. -
[quote name='G/S/B Master']Fred Phelps: Greatest IRL troll in the world.[/QUOTE]If I understand the concept of a troll correctly... I have to agree. Everything I have read on this group indicates that instead of protesting the government directly, they look for the manner that will get the most attention instead. It's a sad day when a family can't mourn the passing of a loved one in peace.
I have to say that I find the whole thing a bit funny now that it's over. To read the main thread, you wouldn't even know that there was a question as to what was going on since it all fits together nicely. And now that it has been done, I like having the intro of the new character instead of instantly going into what Paraxis did to the poor woman. It makes the story flow better in my opinion. Also... Please tell me that you're adding more things for earning points, if I'm left only to stuff that starts with s and ends with an x. I won't be earning a single point here since nice or not, there won't be any of that in my posts period. Even if that means I lose the game.
Well now that a few more people have posted, I'm going to initiate the part involving the former capitol of Australia since that is part of my objective this time around and I'd like to get that part finished before the next part I will be doing in regards to the facility that Kiva's team is capturing comes up. Logically it would make sense for it to happen first. Anyway, I'll have that up in the next day or two. Should be fun. :catgirl:
Well I had to come and see what in the world had my daughter so irritated and now that I've read the post I have to admit that I'm confused here, I thought the reference to Kill Bill was just a joke. I mean I have never seen the movies either. Also, no offense Sandy, but I did not see your post as that way. You implied it, but didn't really clarify that Jeanne was there with the intent to kill the baby, unless one was suppose to have instinctively understood that based on a knowledge of the movies Kill Bill. And if that's the case I disagree with expecting the players to be familiar with a movie in order to follow along. You've lost me at this point hun because if I had been the one to post, I would not have put that connection together either. I'm completely lost now, so please clear this up for me. I can't post again until I know what in the world is going on here. Sorry. [B]EDIT:[/B] Ah I see, in that case she should have her simply snap into the lust to kill, that way she can simply tag it on at the end of the post without the need to make major edits.
[quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To everyone else: Would you want to become a staff member, and if so, which post would you want?[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Absolutely not! As much as I enjoy this site, my values are far too outdated and I'd dread being required to keep up on threads like the self-pleasure one that I wish I had never read. I like visiting and checking out what interests me and to be frank there is a lot that I'm happy to simply stay away from. This is definitely a case where the child is far better suited for the task than the parent when it comes to being the responsible one. Being a moderator would take the fun out of things in my opinion. Well at least for me that is.
[quote name='Fasteriskhead']Regarding Westboro and Phelps having to kick up $11 million, I'm absolutely ecstatic to see these wackos get called on their ****. [/QUOTE]Even if the fine could be considered excessive, I too am glad to see something like this finally happen. It's long overdue really.
[quote name='Sandy']And yes, OB's back up and running, so let's see some action after this break, guys! ;D[/QUOTE]Sorry for the delay in posting. I keep getting side tracked by other things. I have however, finally posted. And I have to say, things are certainly getting interesting with so many souls gone now. It has me wondering just who has any characters left.
I'm not thrilled by the lack of ratings either, in a sense they've been abolished because people are too silly to rate their threads properly. I can understand it and yet at the same time it now leaves me in the position of having to literally look at things to know just what is involved since for the most part I avoid mature stuff. :animesigh Sorry James, I understand why you did it, but that doesn't make it any less annoying to one such as myself who likes to have some idea of just what she is getting into. And Sandy, yes I know, people were guilty of not using it properly. I just find it kind of sad, this is from the standpoint of a parent mind you. Since I dislike not having any means to determine what is going on without needing to look closer. I'll leave it at that since I already understand how the system just did not work here since it's not like movies that are rated. Those are easier since the content isn't up in the air like it is in an rpg.
"[B]It would seem that we are close to revealing more truths.[/B]" Raone observed calmly as he watched the souls who had died. "[B]If you are referring to the truth that one if not more of us are no longer in the game, then you are correct.[/B]" Jachym replied. Raone instead looked over to Paraxis, "[B]I was referring to unexpected elements of the game that were added, instead of the knowledge that others are now scrambling to remain in the game.[/B]" Paraxis merely ignored his knowing look. "[B]You'll see soon enough just what I am referring to Jachym.[/B]" Raone looked at each one there before turning back to the pool. Something was going to change, and soon, he could sense it coming. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-chohee.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-patrick.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] "[B]Kirima.[/B]" Patrick said miserably as Cho pulled him along the hallway towards another one of the platforms where a column of light was still active. "[B]Patrick.[/B]" Cho let go of him when they were just before the light. "[B]Please, pull out of it, it's not your fault. We have to get out of here before the security is triggered again.[/B]" But he was not listening, tears still running down his face. "[B]But she was just a child! What kind of monster would hurt a child?[/B]" "[B]I think it was just the program, if someone was monitoring our progress, they would have seen that we were leaving.[/B]" Cho explained. Confused Patrick finally looked directly at her. "[B]What's a program?[/B]" Cho tried to explain, but if anything Patrick only looked even more confused. Finally, she gave up. "[B]It doesn't matter, we can't change it and we'd better get out of here. I'm sure Kirima wouldn't want you to get hurt either, so please, lets go.[/B]" He reached up, brushing the tears away. "[B]You're right. That's what my mom has always said. She made me promise that if it was her time to go back to heaven, I had to be strong and not be sad.[/B]" He looked away. "[B]I wonder if she recovered or not.[/B]" "[B]Let's find a way out of here so you can find out.[/B]" Cho said as she offered her hand to Patrick. Hesitantly he took it and then both of them stepped into the light. Cho was expecting to return to the floating island, but instead they were in another enclosed area, only this time it was made of a crystal substance, similar to the structure that housed the beams of light that had transported her to different areas. [I]Where are we this time?[/I] She let go of Patrick's hand and walked forward. For once she was not uncomfortable around a male or someone who was younger. Cho turned and looked briefly at Patrick who was merely waiting to see what she did. For whatever reason, either she had the strange power under control, or Patrick's young age was keeping him from being affected. Considering how so far she had not been able to control it, Cho hoped it was because of his age. She could handle being around someone who simply behaved as they normally would. With a smile she turned to face Patrick again. "[B]Well, since we can't go back, we should try to find out where we are.[/B]" She suggested. "[B]Okay.[/B]" Patrick said. "[B]I wonder how Ian and Charlotte are?[/B]" He commented as they left the room to head down the crystal hallway leading upwards. He sighed. "[B]I hope we find them.[/B]" "[B]I'm sure we will.[/B]" Cho commented as she reached for the double set of doors at the end of the hallway. She pushed them open to find themselves in what appeared to be a huge room full of supplies. [I]Are we in a store?[/I] On the other side of the room was yet another set of doors. Encouraged by what she saw, Cho headed towards the next set of doors with Patrick right behind her.
[quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Just as a corollary to this argument...there is a slight difference in the words "theatre" and "theater" in the English language. Theater is the building itself, where people gather and watch performances, movies..etc. Theatre, on the other hand is the performing arts within a theater. Theatre is the performance, theater is the place.[/FONT][/QUOTE]You beat me to it. ;) Since that has always been my understanding of how the words work. Though I have always seen it spelled as Theater regardless of what it was referring to. Anyway, the change is nice and more relaxed. The only thing I think is a bit jarring is the abbreviation used for the entertainment section. AV District just doesn't fit with the casual names the rest have been given. Perhaps it would be better if you fully spelled it out as AudioVisual District instead. Or even Recreation District or Entertainment District.
[quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Also, Nakeisha is too amusing for this to die. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Oh I agree. :catgirl: She's such a fun character, I really enjoy Shy's posts with her. [B]EDIT:[/B] Okay, I've posted the next part of my objective, sorry that took so long.