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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom

  1. Catherine hoped that the Colonel figured out what was going on and soon. If she couldn't find the cause and stop whatever was causing their bodies core temperature to drop, then they would end up like those who had been on the space station. She would have to check, but Catherine was sure that the people on the space station probably had even more supplies for reversing the condition than they did. The fact that they had failed to find a cause and end it did not bode well for their group. [I]I should have told him that we need to leave immediately,[/I] she thought as she approached the doors leading to the engine room. As Catherine entered the room to look for Kendra she made up her mind. As soon as she treated her, she would contact the Colonel and advise him that they should leave at once. But Kendra was no where to be seen, Catherine was about to contact the bridge when she realized that one of the maintenance panels was leaning up against the wall. She thought about it for a moment and then made up her mind, sighing a bit as she did so. "[B]I'd better go and find her.[/B]" She said to herself. "[B]I just hope she's not too far in.[/B]" Catherine pulled out the necessary stuff for the shot, placing it in a small pouch in her shirt before she set the medical kit to the side. It was pointless to drag the entire thing with her when she doubted she would need more than the scanner and the stimulant. Then she got down on her hands and knees and entered the crawlspace. Catherine paused briefly to take note of the schematic indicating the different crawlspaces on the wall just inside the entrance. It was much bigger than she had realized. She sighed again as she looked at the overall map. "[B]This is going to take a while,[/B]" She commented as she started crawling through the tunnel. Then thirty minutes later she began to get alarmed. So far, if her memory served correctly she had gone to each of the major junctions and her calls to Kendra had gone unanswered. [I] Where is she? Did she leave and forget to put the panel back on? [/I]Catherine continued to check each area, slowly making sure she looked into each section. She was about to consider heading back when she finally saw what seemed to be someone lying down at the end of one of the junctions. "[B]Miss Erickson![/B]" She called out, but there was no reply. As quickly as she could she crawled to where Kendra was lying down, moving until she was sitting right next to her. She was still breathing but a quick scan was alarming. "[B]Damn![/B]" Catherine swore as she quickly administered a shot to Kendra. How had she been so affected where the others were not? [I]If I hadn't found her sooner... she would have died! I need to contact the Colonel.[/I] But when she tried to use her communicator to contact the bridge, nothing happened. Catherine fiddled with it for a bit and finally gave up. Getting Kendra taken care of came first. [I]I can contact the Colonel once I get her out of here,[/I] she thought. She turned her attention to Kendra who was starting to come too, waiting patiently for her confused and dazed look to finally become more aware as the stimulants raised her body temperature. "[B]What?[/B]" Kendra stammered, still confused. "[B]Take it easy Miss Erickson. Something is causing everyone's internal body temperature to drop.[/B]" She gently pushed Kendra back down when she struggled to sit up. "[B]Give the stimulant a moment to work, for some reason you were affected more than everyone else was.[/B]" Catherine explained. "[B]Marcus?[/B]" Kendra asked, still struggling to understand just what was going on. "[B]The Colonel? He's fine, as are the others.[/B]" Catherine looked away sadly, "[B]Except for Lt. Vayne, he was killed in some type of accident it seems. Now as soon as you've recovered enough, we need to get out of here.[/B]" She looked back at Kendra who was finally recovered enough to sit up. "[B]I still need to track down what was causing the strange readings in the engines.[/B]" Kendra objected. "[B]No,[/B]" Catherine stated. "[B]Like I said, whatever is affecting everyone is hitting you even more severely. If I hadn't come when I did, you would have died from hypothermia.[/B]" "[B]But...[/B]" "[B]No buts Miss Erickson. You're coming with me to sickbay where I can keep a close eye on you.[/B]" Catherine scanned her again as well as herself. [I]This is not good, even with the stimulants, something is still causing our temperature to drop.[/I] Indicating that whatever was causing it was still around. "[B]All right, lets go.[/B]" She said when Kendra had recovered enough. "[B]The stimulant I gave you will work for now, but there's some better medicine in the sickbay that you need.[/B]" She gave her a look that essentially told Kendra that there would be no discussion over staying or not. "[B]Yes doctor.[/B]" Kendra finally said, even as she started heading back towards the engine room, with Catherine closely behind her.
  2. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']what are your beliefs or superstitions, if any, and what do [I]you[/I] do on Halloween?[/QUOTE]Well to be honest I don't really have any beliefs about Halloween in general. I see it as nothing more than a day for people to not be so serious and just have some fun. It probably helps that I am not superstitious. I was when I was a kid, but as time went by I became less and less convinced in ghosts or other such things. Enough that I've long since left any belief in such things behind. I like to put up decorations on the actual day and hand out candy to the kids who come trick or treating. But perhaps the thing I miss the most is doing school carnivals for Halloween. With each of my children the mothers who were involved in the activities for the school would organize a school wide carnival. Now, they have quit doing much if anything on the Halloween holiday. The classrooms are still decorated and kids come dressed up for school, but no more activities later at night on the Friday closest to the actual holiday. I find it disappointing since the change came from, and I'm sorry to say this, but narrow minded overly religious fanatical parents who made such a fuss that the school's had no choice but to stop doing a lot of the activities that I use to help organize. We've had the same problem with the current ward of the church I am in. Halloween this year was pretty sad actually and all of about 15 kids showed up at my door last night. Usually I get at least a hundred. My only consolation is that other church wards and schools are not cursed with parents who would ruin the fun for everyone. Honestly, it's the first time I've wished some of my neighbors would move and live elsewhere.
  3. All right, and I have posted. ;) I'm sure I don't have to explain why it's so late. I'm just glad to see the site up and running again. Enough that I stayed up a bit later than I normally do since I got caught up in writing the post to get the part in sector thirteen started. Anyway, I'm glad to be back here at OB. :catgirl:
  4. Having the information for sector thirteen would help to give them the same advantage that they had experienced in sector fourteen. Especially since the forces there were much stronger than what they had encountered in sector fourteen. William and the others had been certain that they had more than enough to do the job, but it was better to know in advance if that were really so. Shortly after they had left the previous sector Daniel had contacted Williams as well as some other sources to get any updates that were available. Though a good chunk of the fleet in sector one had left the area, they were positive that they were heading for either sector seven or eight. [I]William was right,[/I] Daniel thought as he reviewed the information in his hand held computer. [I]They did go for sector seven first, instead of sector nine.[/I] He shifted a bit where he was comfortably situated on the sofa in the center of the main room of his quarters. Something that he did not like, having quarters that were in his opinion, excessive. About the only good thing was the level of security it provided. Once those doors were shut he was on his own, leaving him free to go over the rest of the plans for handling sector thirteen as well as to reflect on what Kiva had said. As much as he wanted to follow Kiva?s advice and only have security personnel who cleared all the checks, it just wasn?t possible, there just weren?t enough people who had been completely cleared. And considering how well she rose in the Imperial ranks without being detected, a complete check was not a guarantee that the person was trustworthy. It was something he had discussed at length with William as well as the representatives. Those who?s backgrounds came up clean were needed in leadership positions, like Alexander Franklin. They were being put to use in command positions and even then that wasn?t enough to cover all the more important sections. There was another thing to consider as well, William had gathered information that the High Council wasn?t after his life, but rather they were after him to get to William since it was clear that he was the head of the Resistance now that the previous leader had been arrested. Daniel?s name was back on the top of the list of the most wanted individual in the entire Versilan Empire and the bounty was for a live capture only. No, he wasn?t worried about being killed, the rumors floating around that he was wanted dead were just a rumor and nothing more. He was more worried about falling into either Steven's or Jared's hands. With a sigh he got back up and left his quarters to head back for the bridge. In just a short time they would be arriving at Earth. It had taken them a few days, but everything was in place, the teams to be transported to Kiva?s ship were already standing by and waiting for the word. It would be the first time they would be using the new transport technology developed by Celestia in battle, using the feature that caused the doors to simply appear above the person in question and move down so they did not have to actually walk through the door. It was quicker and would be more effective for a tight transport time since they would have mere seconds to get things done right. Daniel ignored the security following along as he entered the bridge and took his seat. He took a moment to pull everything up, initiate Amber Alert and then once all sections reported in as ready he finally turned to Spencer. ?[B]All right, you know the drill. Once the demolition teams are transported to the [I]Transcendence [/I]you are to exit from hyperspace on the appointed mark.[/B]? ?[B]Right. All secondary military bases on Earth that are not actively protected by distortion shields according to the recon information have been programmed into the targeting computers for the main disruptors. By the time they realize we are there it will be too late to raise the disruptions shields.[/B]? Chris turned to face Daniel, ?[B]It?s a pity that we can?t do the same for the main city in Australia, the United Kingdom and the USA. It would be much simpler if we didn?t need to send down transports to take the former capitol of those countries.[/B]? ?[B]We?ll be to busy taking care of the space forces in this area for that to matter. What will be important is to keep them away from the transports when they launch.[/B]? Daniel turned back to his terminal, it was almost time to send the teams to Kiva. He waited patiently for the right moment and then when it arrived he gave the word. Moments later he got the acknowledgment from the transport room. The teams had been sent. [I]Now it?s our turn. [/I] ?[B]All right people, look lively, this will be a lot harder than the last sector.[/B]? Then on Daniel?s mark they dropped from hyperspace, and like before they did not give the startled space forces a chance to react as the powerful disruptors on the [I]Liberator[/I] opened fire immediately. Strategically taking out military bases before they even knew they were there. And then switching all of their attention on the Battle Ships in the area once the forces on Earth responded and raised the powerful distortion shields. They would not fire on other areas and risk harming the slaves, but military targets were fair game. Daniel looked at the numbers, it wasn?t as much as he would have hoped for, but it was enough to make launching the transports possible. ?[B]Take us closer, use the Liberator as a shield for the transports.[/B]? Daniel ordered, even as he watched the fleet moving to intercept them. It was a pity they would not run. There was a lot of ships, but they couldn?t take the punishment that a flag ship could. ?[B]Understood sir.[/B]? Moments later the[I] Liberator[/I] took the lead, mercilessly pounding on the Battle Ships that were too slow to get out of the way. Daniel watched the progress of the transports sent to first Australia, then the United Kingdom and then finally the one to the USA. He couldn?t help but smile at the thought. It had pained him to be unable to stop the invasion when it happened in the first place and though it was unlikely that they would be able to hold the sector for very long, he would at least be able to offer those who had been enslaved the chance to leave Earth and join the fight. Then once it was clear that the transports had landed safely he turned his attention back to the battle at hand. It would be messy, but it was a done deal. And as soon as Kiva sent him the signal, he'd launch the assault teams to support her and her intended target. The whole reason why they were even in the sector to begin with.
  5. [quote name='indifference;795080][COLOR="Indigo"]Well I'd suggest having my character clobber Matt's [[SIZE="1"]BKstyles[/SIZE]] just for the fun of it but I'm betting that he'd object. :p[/COLOR][/QUOTE][quote name='Aaryanna;795083][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Commander Crystal approves. :p [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE][QUOTE=Rachmaninoff;795099]I vote for picking on Matt as well. :p Just because.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=GuyYouMetOnline;795122]As do I.[/QUOTE]Well then, since the sign up for Vallon Drace says this:[QUOTE=BKstyles'][FONT="Tahoma"][color=darkslategray]Vallon is a glutton for pain and has an exhorbitant withstanding of it. [/FONT'][/color][/quote]I have no choice but to agree. Clobber away Crystia! On a more serious note or at least an attempt to be on topic... In regards to what will happen in sector thirteen, even though I'm sure you all have guessed correctly, I believe the phrase is... Only time will tell. ;)
  6. Raone said nothing when Paraxis returned. He knew why he had gone out to talk to Telumas, he did not need to sense the truth in Paraxis's gaze. He could feel it in the bond between him and his twin... Telumas, the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt was no longer on Earth. Having retreated to her heavenly abode, never again to set foot on mortal soil. It left him in a position he would rather not be, losing one of the few who would be a better choice than the others should he not win. But for the immediate moment, he was now faced with a task even more deplorable. [center][img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-ira.jpg[/img] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-ian.png[/img] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-charlotte.jpg[/img][/center] Ira just watched as Charlotte slept, recovering from being poisoned. She didn't understand how Ian had known what to do, but then she didn't understand why she was still alive either. Twice now she was positive she had died and yet here she was, still alive. [I]Or am I?[/I] Ira wondered. Ira wheeled herself over to what appeared to be a door made of glass leading to a platform looking over the area. Moments later Ian joined her. Charlotte was still sound asleep and neither one of them wanted to wake her up. "[B]Where are we?[/B]" Ira asked in amazement as she looked at the place. "[B]How can this even be possible?[/B]" Ian had no answer, everything was beyond his limited understanding, even more so since he had given up some of his memories to the light. He still knew who he was, but it was if parts of him were missing, parts that he could never recover. Ira looked over to Ian, "[B]I guess you don't know either.[/B]" She sighed. "[B]I've always heard that the afterlife was filled with wonders that one could not comprehend, but until now I did not believe it.[/B]" She looked back out at the islands that appeared to be floating in the sky. "[B]It seems that all of us come from different times, though I know not how such a thing is even possible. Charlotte, Kirima and Patrick. We aren't even from the same country and yet we understood one another.[/B]" Ian walked forward until he was close to the railing and then rested his arms on it as he leaned forward just a tiny bit to look down. "[B]I wish I knew and yet more than anything I would rather return to my family, even if..[/B]" Ian choked on the thought. Returning would not bring Joshua back. "[B]It doesn't matter, if what you two said is correct... then I am dead and cannot return, even if I wish it.[/B]" "[B]I wouldn't be so sure.[/B]" Ira said, causing Ian to give her a startled look. "[B]It stands to reason that if we don't understand what brought us here or how we were able to be revived from death, then surely it is also possible for us to return to our previous lives.[/B]" Ian started to reply but halted at the sound of Charlotte stirring as if she were waking up. "[B]I'll go and check on her.[/B]" He answered the unspoken question in Ira's eyes, turning to walk back into the room and over to where Charlotte was resting. Ira turned to follow him back in when she was startled by an unexpected shift in the platform, causing it to tilt downwards a bit. Before she could register what was happening the chair rolled backwards, slamming into the railing, causing it to tilt even further. Her heart pounding in her chest, Ira tried to maneuver only to cause her chair to tip over, spilling her to the platform's surface.[I] No! Not again![/I] She thought in fear as the platform tilted even more, making it easier for her to see just how high up she really was. If not for the bars of the railing, she would have already fallen. "[B]Ian! Help me![/B]" She cried out, even as she tried to move enough to grab onto the building and pull herself in. But with her legs not working, she couldn't reach. Ira started to cry out again but was halted by the sound of Ian himself appearing. But before he could truly register what was happening or even attempt to help her, the platform broke off and plummeted to the ground, taking Ira with it. The last thing she remembered before she hit the ground was Ian's voice calling out to her as he desperately reached for her hand. And then once again, she was surrounded by darkness, and then, she knew nothing at all. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-deathcard.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-ira.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  7. [quote name='Charles']I download music because I guess I'm human and not a saint in every facet of my life.[/QUOTE]Blunt and to the point, and in a way, respectable since you're not attempting to justify it. ;) When it comes to the downloading debate, those who attempt to justify it as if it's perfectly fine are what I find annoying. Not those like John or yourself who don't. Just those idiots behaving like they are robin hood stealing from the rich and so on. Anyway, I do not download music since I am never at the computer long enough to listen to music if I did. I wouldn't even know where to begin as far as transferring it to a CD and I've no interest in figuring it out. I'm painfully ignorant in this area and really don't care. That and I've been around long enough that I have plenty of records and CD's and I already have a wide selection of music I enjoy listening to. So I don't need nor do I want to download music. I've already got an entire bookshelf, and it's not small, that is full with records, tapes and CD's. And I think it's a given that if it's illegal, it's best to not do it. Especially since it's just not worth the risk. And being underage won't help you either, they'll just go after your parents like they did for a 12 year old girl who was downloading music a few years ago. I remember hearing about that. Though whether or not the charges actually stuck I don't know since I didn't follow up on it.
  8. Well I'm sorry to lose someone from the game, but seeing that Darren is currently without the ability to be online and post in an attempt to earn a life card, it can't be helped I suppose. And since both of his characters were killed, it won't unbalance the game since that is the way it's suppose to work. And since it seems that part of the problem stems from being busy with school... Best of luck with all of your school work Darren. ;) Anyway, now it seems that we will most likely be seeing just what the new twist is that Sandy is talking about. And I need to get a post in, which I plan on doing today. I meant to do it yesterday and just didn't have time. [B]EDIT:[/B] And I have posted. I'll leave the gruesome deaths up to you kids. ;) Since I'd rather not get graphic and descriptive.
  9. Everything was wrapping up nicely, the research facility had been dealt with, the scientists had been detained and the teams sweeping the military outpost were returning with the last of the people who had been stationed there. Other than the Commanding Officer who was being detained on the [I]Liberator[/I], the rest of them had been put on board the transports that had been called in and were now on their way to sector nine to be dealt with. The representatives there would deal with the tedious task of sorting who would be willing to join the New Alliance and those who would simply be detained until the war was over. "[B]Sir, the last of the groups is returning, all personnel as well as the supplies have been retrieved. Unless their is some sort of special shielding, the scans indicate that there is no life left on the surface.[/B]" Spencer turned to face Daniel. "[B]We can begin the razing when you give the orders sir.[/B]" Daniel nodded, "[B]Very well then, on my mark, you are to execute the firing pattern that I have forwarded to you. Leave nothing untouched, not even the research facility that was already dealt with.[/B]" Spencer just gave Daniel an odd look, his eyes reflecting the confusion he had over why they had even bothered to destroy the research facility if they were going to bombard it from orbit. He looked away briefly and then back and Daniel again. "[B]I don't understand sir, why bother wasting the explosives on the research facility when we were going to destroy it from space anyway?[/B]" He finally asked. "[B]It's simple Spencer. True the main objective was to retrieve the scientists as well as the data, but destroying the facility at the ground level was in case we were required to leave before we could finish.[/B]" Daniel stood up and walked over to where Spencer was, standing just behind his chair with his arms clasped behind his back. "[B]The details of the third research project is equally if not more horrifying than that of the other ones. It was decided that making sure that research was halted permanently was the main priority of this attack.[/B]" Daniel just waited for the implication of that to sink in and moments later Spencer's eyes widened slightly. "[B]Something more terrible than the illegal modification's that they did to everyone? I... It's hard to imagine something more horrible than that.[/B]" Spencer turned back to face the terminal in front of him. "[B]I assume that you'll be informing the crew? Of the contents of this research sir?[/B]" "[B]In time Spencer, in time.[/B]" Daniel said. "[B]Now began the razing.[/B]" "[B]Yes sir.[/B]" Daniel turned and walked back to his seat and sat down and then watched on as the powerful lasers of the [I]Liberator[/I] were used to utterly destroy the outpost, the supply buildings, the living accommodation's and then finally to make sure that there was nothing left of the rubble where the research center once stood. "[B]Razing complete sir, your orders?[/B]" "[B]Move us to the border between sector thirteen and fourteen, at these coordinates.[/B]" Daniel forwarded the location to Spencer's terminal. "[B]Once we arrive in a few days, we'll go from there.[/B]" "[B]Understood sir.[/B]" Spencer started issuing orders, aligning the ships together far enough away from the planet so they could make the jump to hyper space. And then once the fleet had made that jump he turned yet again to Daniel. "[B]Earth is next? No offense sir, but wouldn't it be better to deal with sector four or five? There's no advantage to freeing Earth, at least not yet anyway. But seriously sir, defending that sector would be a waste since there's nothing there worth seizing.[/B]" "[B]Don't worry Spencer, you'll see why we are going there in due time.[/B]" Daniel stood up. "[B]In the mean time, maintain our current course and contact me if anything needs to be attended to.[/B]" He turned to leave the bridge just as the security assigned to him was switching teams, putting Greydon Kreid along with the one who had replaced Kade Tyrell as the ones currently assigned to his security. Daniel smiled just a bit when the two fell in place to follow along with him as he headed towards the cells on the [I]Liberator[/I]. "[B]I trust you got enough rest after assisting with the raid of the research facility Kreid?[/B]" Daniel asked as the walked along the corridors of the [I]Liberator[/I]. "[B]Yes sir.[/B]" Kreid replied. "[B]Good and excellent work by the way, it's a pity that we couldn't secure all of the scientists but I suppose that can't be helped.[/B]" Daniel entered the lift that would take them to the floor where the cells were located. "[B]What do you know about interrogations Kreid?[/B]" He turned to look right at him, noting how he seemed slightly surprised by the question and then shrugged before answering. "[B]Not much sir, only that I had no desire to be caught and interrogated myself. I was on the [I]Creator[/I] sir, everyone knows about Commander Jared Scorer. I'd rather die than be touched by him.[/B]" Daniel turned back to the lift door as they arrived. "[B]You're not the only one Kreid.[/B]" "[B]Sir?[/B]" Kreid sounded puzzled as he followed along as Daniel left the lift and headed towards the security point for the cells. "[B]Never mind Kreid, all you need to know is that so long as the New Alliance is in charge, there will be no [I]interrogations[/I], or rather inhumane techniques used to gain information.[/B]" Daniel sighed every so slightly. "[B]Anyway, all I'll need you to do is provide security as always, if the Commander of the outpost gets too unruly all you are to do is simply restrain him, understand?[/B]" He stopped and turned to look at both of them and then continued once they both nodded. Daniel, after briefly greeting the security for the area and finding out which cell the Commander was being held in, turned to head down the corridor and get it over with. It was but a mere formality since without the harsh interrogation techniques, they would learn nothing. But Daniel had no intention of changing that, and neither did Williams or the representatives of the New Alliance. When the time came, he would love nothing better than to scrap all of the interrogation equipment through out the Versilan Empire.
  10. Just to let you know inwardscream and Blayze, I will be posting tomorrow to wrap things up in sector fourteen and move the fleet to the rendezvous point with GuyYouMetOnline's character at the border between sector fourteen and thirteen. If either one of you wish to get a post in first just indicate so here and I'll hold off, otherwise, once I've done that SunfallE has informed me that she will issue new objectives for what's going to happen there. :catgirl:
  11. Well even with knowing what you've pointed out Desbreko, I cannot get it to appear to do anything but spin clockwise. Though my vision is not what it use to be and I still require even more surgeries to correct additional issues. Still, it was an amusing thing to read and if it's accurate at all... being right brained would describe me the best, based on what was on the actual website.
  12. Daniel did his best to not cringe at the destruction they were causing, it was necessary, but it pained him to be fighting against his own people. The force at the research facility had been on the light side with only ten Battle Ships, relying on the system defenses instead of a more prominent space forces presence. But by having the codes to identify them as being safe, they had not been able to get them switched over in enough time to make a difference. Of the Battle Ships defending sector fourteen, four had been utterly destroyed, two disabled, and the remaining four had surrendered when it became apparent they were outmatched. Daniel had already sent teams over to assume command as well as the medical teams out to pick up escape pods and hunt for survivors in the two Battle Ships that they had lost in the battle. He was also having the wreckage of the Messenger Ship for the Elite Specialist checked as well. Daniel knew just how resourceful they could be and he did not want to leave anything to chance. "[B]Sir, the research facility had been destroyed.[/B]" Spencer reported. "[B]They were only able to recover twenty three of the twenty eight scientists working there.[/B]" "[B]I see.[/B]" Daniel sighed inwardly, thinking that it was a good thing William had made sure to send Kiva to retrieve Tessa before the battle began. Losing her expertise would have been a problem. "[B]The teams taking the military outpost have broken in and are storming the place even as we speak. They have yet to find the Commanding officer for the base sir.[/B]" "[B]What about the teams securing the supplies?[/B]" Daniel asked even as he continued to review the reports for the medical teams working to pick up the survivors. "[B]They're still suppressing some resistance but should be finished soon, once they take care of that we can move in and seize the supplies.[/B]" Spencer turned to look at Daniel. "[B]It's pretty much a done deal sir. Once they finish we can start moving all the prisoners to the transports to be sent to sector nine.[/B]" "[B]Excellent, once everyone is clear of the surface we'll finish up by leveling the place entirely.[/B]" Daniel glanced again at yet another report coming in from the medical teams, this time one indicating they had picked up an escape pod in the vicinity of where the Messenger Ship had been. [I]I wonder...[/I] "[B]Do we really want to do that sir? Wouldn't it be better to simply seize the outpost?[/B]" "[B]You have your orders Spencer, let me know when everything is taken care of.[/B]" Daniel ordered. "[B]Yes sir.[/B]" Spencer turned around and continued what he had been doing before. Daniel resisted the urge to sigh. He didn't want to destroy everything, but after discussing it with William and the representatives of the New Alliance, it had been agreed. They didn't have the resources to attempt to maintain or even defend the outpost or the research facility, and leaving them unharmed would only make it easier for the High Council to go back to conducting illegal research by simply taking the place back from the New Alliance. No they were better off leaving sector fourteen out of it and using the resources to maintain sector thirteen once they took it over. Earth along with other resources there could really make a difference. If things went well, they would gain more people willing to fight and another aspect altogether, one that could mean the difference between victory and defeat.
  13. Well it's been a lot of things over the years. Newborn babies definitely keep one awake since they require a lot of care. Though it's been a long time since I've had to deal with that! Sadly, most of the things that keep me up are health related. Most of the time I do just fine, but every now and then my health likes to decide that I don't need sleep.
  14. [quote name='Sandy']I hear you guys, and while I'm not going to change the point system right in the middle of things, there's some relief coming your way soon. ;D And about posts not earning points: Why are they a problem? You guys post to RPGs all the time without getting [I]anything[/I] back, but you don't whine about that! ;P In this game, the more you post, the more chances you have for gaining points. So cease the whining for a moment and just post away! ;D But as said, except something to happen in the near future. There's just one person who needs to get his/her things sorted out before that can happen, though. *glances at him/her expectingly*[/QUOTE]Oh I think it's obvious Sandy... Your bloodthirsty players are whining about not being able to kill! ;) So don't take it too seriously, after all, I've been in one of the previous death card games so I know that getting a death card was automatic instead of something one had to work for. Also... I hope you pm'd the person who needs to do something since I can tell you right now, if it's me... I haven't a clue what you are talking about. lol
  15. Catherine was puzzled by the information that Major James had sent her. It was virtually unheard of for someone to die of hypothermia on a space station. Most back up systems were too well designed for that to have happened, if they failed, it usually resulted in people being frozen, but the scan did not indicate that there was any cellular damage from freezing. The whole thing made no sense whatsoever. In all her time as a doctor, she had never seen a report of someone dying from hypothermia in space, at least not in the manner that the scans indicated. She pulled up the records of previous cases just to be sure, it didn't take long for the computer to search the files and to come back with the answer that there was no match or even cases that were similar.[I] So what could have caused this? [/I]Catherine wondered, even as she reviewed the information once again. But then all thoughts of figuring that out ceased when she glanced up at the readout for Schovick, the one from the health monitor she had placed on her. "[B]Hell![/B]" She swore even as she contacted Colonel DeSouza immediately, opening up channel and flagging it as an emergency. "[B]What seems to be the problem Doctor.[/B]" Colonel DeSouza inquired as he answered the communication. "[B]You've got a problem Colonel, Captain Schovick's health monitor indicates that her core body temperature has dropped several degrees. Please scan everyone immediately.[/B]" Catherine pulled out the small hand held scanner and checked herself while she waited. She winced when she heard DeSouza curse under his breath. [I]Just as I thought, everyone is affected. [/I] Or so it seemed, she would have to check the others on the Argo Navis to be certain. "[B]What's going on Doctor? Everyone's internal temperature is down according to the scanners.[/B]" He sent her the information. "[B]Do you know what's causing it?[/B]" "[B]No, I don't. I need to check the rest of the crew over here, but even I am affected as well, though not as much as you are.[/B]" Catherine shivered slightly at thought. "[B]Each of you should have stimulants in the medical kits in your backpacks. Take some immediately, double the normal dosage, If it doesn't help then my recommendation is for your team to return immediately and put some distance between us and the space station.[/B]" "[B]Understood Doctor. We're about to head up for the Command Center, if it's not working by then, we'll transport back and depart immediately. DeSouza out.[/B]" Catherine opened up the closest storage for the medical supplies and got out the supplies to give herself a shot of the stimulants she had just recommended that the team at the space station use. A short while later, she felt better and the readings indicated that her body temperature had risen back to normal. It was a bit alarming to realize that she hadn't even noticed that her body temperature was off. [I]I'd better go and check on the others[/I], she thought as she grabbed a full medical kit to take with her, more than enough to take care of those on board several times and then some. She looked briefly at the readout for Captain Schovick to see that she must have given herself the shot since her readings had improved. Then she turned and left the sick bay to head for the bridge. Once she took care of the others, she'd start trying to see if she could figure out what was going on.
  16. Oh so many things that make one feel old once you've gotten to my age! Though ironically, all the fuss about turning 50 is so overrated. By the time you get there, it's just another day instead of something so horrible or dramatic! Anyway, the one I remember most was when I was sixteen. You see in my family, all the brunettes start turning gray when they are sixteen. It's not a lot, but it's how it has always happened. And sure enough, shortly after I turned sixteen I got that first gray hair. I was mortified and I quickly pulled it out! I got over it of course and now my hair is pure silver and white, but I still remember that shock of looking in the mirror and seeing my first gray hair, I felt so old! Even though I was only sixteen at the time.
  17. I can safely say that OtakuBoards is the only place I visit online, other than e-mail. For the most part I don't hang out online all that much, I usually check here once a day, but not always. I hadn't even realized that the site was down the other day since it was working when I was logged in the other day. Anyway, I enjoy this place so I intend to keep visiting for some time to come. It's certainly lots of fun. :catgirl:
  18. Daniel was less than thrilled with the events that had occurred last night. It was a simple matter to clean up his quarters and replace the stuff that had been damaged by the blast, but what really concerned him was that someone had the skill to bypass the security required to even get into his quarters. He had no doubt that Kade Tyrell was guilty of weapons smuggling, he had been quick enough to admit it. But he insisted that the attempt to kill him was not connected and Daniel had to agree. Kade Tyrell was a little too foolish, openly bragging to others about his illegal dealings. In the end Daniel found it hard to believe that he was the one responsible. Though he kept that strictly to himself and his second in command Chris Spencer. For one thing, if someone was clever enough to get around the security to get into his quarters, why would they have used something as crude as a timer when there were plenty of sensors that would have detected movement and would only go off when someone was close to the bed or actually sitting on it? Daniel sighed inwardly, he didn't have time for it. Especially since his instincts told him that there was far more going on than a simple attempt on his life. Other than to keep Kade Tyrell locked up there wasn't much else to do. The Resistance may have teamed up with the different sectors to form the New Alliance, but it didn't change the fact that Resistance policy did not allow for standard interrogation techniques. And as long as Daniel was in command, there would be no torture on his ship. Like other things that the Resistance stood for, humane treatment of prisoners that did not include using the powerful disruptors that were horribly painful along with the various drugs the military used, was a must. And though Alexander Franklin had objected, since he was use to what the military always did, Daniel had been firm. Anyone caught torturing a prisoner would be dealt with, to hell with how they were [I]use[/I] to doing things. He would not condone or approve of it. Daniel knew all to well just how horrible interrogations were. "[B]Sir, we're about to emerge from hyperspace in sector fourteen.[/B]" Spencer said urgently. "[B]I still wish I knew how you got your hands on those codes that let us bypass the border defenses.[/B]" Daniel brought his attention back to the present. "[B]Sometimes it's better to not have information of that nature.[/B]" Daniel shook his head as he pulled up the battle screen at his location, checking to make sure that all were ready. Those in sector fourteen were expecting them to arrive, but the codes entered into the system indicated that they had the clearance to be there. By the time they realized that they were hostile, it would be too late. As much as he wanted to give them a chance, it just wasn't possible. Daniel brought up the countdown on the main screen and issued the order to bring everything to Amber Alert. Fifteen minutes later, every section reported in, ready to begin the fight. They had trained and did drills often enough on their journey to the sector, now he had to trust that they really were ready. "[B]All right, on my mark, bring us out of hyperspace. You are to fire at will, use your judgment when selecting targets. Defenses as well as any Elite Specialist in the area take priority. Let the Battle Ships deal with any other ships in the area.[/B]" "[B]Understood sir,[/B]" Spencer replied. Daniel watched the countdown and then pulled up his own section for overriding and putting in commands if need by. "[B]All right this is it gentleman, lets show the High Council that we mean business.... And Mark![/B]" Seconds later the fleet dropped out of hyperspace, right on target. Easily within firing distance of the research center and military outpost on the dead world in that sector. Within a matter of seconds shots were fired as the powerful lasers and disruptors of the Liberator opened fire, taking out the defenses that were closest. Daniel watched as the battle unfolded, as the surprised forces there attempted to respond. The flag ships weren't the most powerful ships in the fleet for nothing and he took advantage of it, issuing orders to direct where the attacks were focusing. Daniel also took up the secondary task of quickly targeting the lone Messenger Ship of an Elite Specialist in the sector, disabling the ship before it could take advantage of it's faster speed to escape the area. And then to utterly destroy it when they attempted to fight back. Thirty minutes later, it was over and as the damage reports began to filter in, Daniel issued the order for the assault transports with the troops, assault and security teams to head for the surface. But not before broadcasting a message demanding their surrender and cooperation. There was no reply of course, no facility that did top research for the High Council would. They would have strict orders to not cooperate in such a situation. Daniel turned his attention back to the damage reports as well as overseeing the launch of the transports. And then it would be necessary to deal with the Battle Ships that had surrendered. Even if the space forces in the area had been dealt with, there was still a lot of work to be done.
  19. I'm going to give this a final nudge since I'm wondering just what happened. In other words, I'd really like an update as to the future of this rpg. :catgirl: Because if enough of us are still interested in playing, I say we trim out those who are obviously not and continue with our adventures. So I'm saying I am still interested... Who else feels the same way that I do?
  20. "[B]Interesting,[/B]" Raone observed, more to himself than to anyone of his brethren. Things had certainly been rather unexpected as the souls wavered from being first kind and then cruel. And then starting over as if locked in a vicious cycle. "[B]And just what do you find interesting?[/B]" Paraxis spoke up. "[B]Wait and see.[/B]" Raone said mysteriously, revealing just what he found to be of interest would only make his strategy for finishing the game easy to decipher. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-chohee.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-jamie.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Cho was not sure what to expect when Jamie simply took her hand without asking and pulled her along through the door. The sight that greeted her eyes was, to be frank, unbelievable. If anything it only confirmed that they were somewhere not of the human world. Her and Jamie were standing on a floating island, one of a chain of five such islands. Both of them turned to look back at the door they had come through but it was gone and only the island was there. It reminded Cho of some of the silly video games that children played. From the trees, to streams of water that flowed to the edge of the islands and dropped into the mists below, to the crystal shaped buildings on each one that looked to be empty. "[B]What kind of place is this? How can this even be possible?[/B]" Jamie wondered as he started looking around, still holding on to Cho's hand tightly. Jamie smiled back at Cho and then stopped when it seemed that she was troubled. "[B]What's the matter? Surely this place is better than where we were before?[/B]" "[B]I don't trust it.[/B]" Cho said. "[B]Remember what the man said about both of us being under some power? Doesn't that bother you?[/B]" For that matter, Cho was wondering why she even felt so calm about being around someone who had forced himself on her. [I]What's wrong with me?[/I] "[B]We'll be careful then,[/B]" Jamie promised her. "[B]I won't let anything happen to you.[/B]" Cho did not answer but instead focused her attention on the first crystal shaped building they were approaching. It seemed to have some sort of mechanism as a section faded to reveal a door leading inside. Hesitantly she went inside with Jamie. In the center there was a column of light going up though an opening in the ceiling. "[B]Oh! I know what that is![/B]" Jamie said. "[B]Well if it's anything like the games I've played.[/B]" He pulled her quickly into the light before she could protest. Seconds later Cho found herself along with Jamie in another crystal building, only larger. "[B]Just as I thought.[/B]" Jamie sounded pleased with himself. "[B]It's a transport, we're probably on the next island. Lets go look for the next building here and see if we can get to the largest island.[/B]" Both of them went outside and sure enough they were now on the second island. Just off in the distance a little bit was what had to be the next crystal building and just past that one could see the shadow of what appeared to be larger crystal buildings on the farthest island in the sky. Both of them started walking towards the other transport point, following the path that was slightly overgrown with plants. They were almost there when a cracking sound could be heard. Cho was the first to see it, the tree that must have been rotten at the core. Without thinking she shoved Jamie out of the way as it fell and then screamed in pain when it landed on her pinning her to the ground. As she lay there on her back, tears running down her face, Cho wondered why she was not dead. Jamie was frantically looking for something to help him pry her loose and it was then that she realized that the tree was partially sitting on some rocks, keeping the full weight of it from crushing her. Though it felt like her left arm was broken. "[B]I've got it![/B]" Jamie finally said triumphantly as he broke off one of the smaller branches and wedged it under the tree where the rocks were. "[B]I'm going to try and move it a bit. You're not pinned too much so see if you can crawl out once I move it.[/B]" Cho just nodded and then when she felt it shift slightly she used her right arm to painfully shift as much as she could, it wasn't much but when Jamie had to put the tree back down since he couldn't keep it up more than a few inches for long, it was still enough, she was free enough that he was able to pull her the rest of the way free. "[B]Now let me tend to that arm,[/B]" Jamie said once he helped her into a position where she was leaning back against another tree. Cho did not expect Jamie to simply put his hands on her arm, but then a warm glow surrounded her arm and moments later it was if she had never been hurt. Puzzled she moved her arm to realize it was not broken anymore. "[B]How?[/B]" She halted at the sight of Jamie cradling his now broken left arm as he took a seat next to her gritting his teeth. "[B]Whoever thought of this healing power really needs to have someone clobber them.[/B]" He smiled at Cho's confused expression. "[B]Just let me rest for a bit, in a while it will heal and then we can continue.[/B]" He leaned over, putting his head on her shoulder and then moments later, he was fast asleep.
  21. My apologies for not posting in so long Sandy... I'll have a post for this tomorrow, Friday to be exact. Things have been a little busy at my house so I've had less time to post. But that's cleared up so I'll definitely be back into the game more. :catgirl:
  22. I'll have the post up tomorrow Beth, I had planned on getting to get to it today but didn't get back to it in time. It should be interesting, I've never written up a battle before so I'm looking forward to it. Also, inwardscream and Blayze, I've been tasked with sending both of you additional information for the attack in sector fourteen. Once I have my post up tomorrow I'll get that sent to both of you. Until I post I won't know what to send since I have several options that I can follow and it will depend on which one I finally decide to go with as to what I send both of you. Otherwise, I would have already sent the pm's.
  23. I've always liked Milky Way candy bars. However, I can't really eat them very often. Sometimes I think my health is determined to drive me nuts. On top of all my other issues I'm also diabetic, so candy is a big no no. I have found some good sugar free ones that I can have that don't give me grief. The raspberry cream savers ones are good and I always have some on hand at my house. I don't' have them very often though. I'm afraid I've gotten to use to not having candy over the years.
  24. [quote name='Metalcore501'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Ok, my parents sorta caught me pleasuring myself :animeshy:and well they say its 'evil' :o but I myself could care less, the point of discussion: what do you think of self pleasure or mastrubation?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]My view? Seeing that I'm a parent myself and that all the responses in here were more than enough to make me cringe... I'm simply going to pretend I never read any of it. :animesigh It would be better than expressing what I really think since I was raised so differently from all of you. I will say one thing though. I can understand why your parents gave you a hard time, really, it's hard to see your children grow up and move into things like this. Especially when you have Christian values that tell you to teach your kids well and stop this kind of behavior. But I'm not interested in derailing the thread. I do agree that it's probably one of the weirdest I've seen since I joined. Though I'm not sure if that's good or bad. lol
  25. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"] internets r srs biznis[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]It took me a moment to even realize what in the world that said! lol And this thread? What a silly joke. ;) However, in the spirit of that joke I'll answer it a little seriously, with things that I've noticed in the time I've been a member here. Things that in my opinion, on some level, do drive others away and potentially kill the Boards so to speak. I'll list them. [LIST] [*]A negative attitude towards imperfect grammar and spelling, even just simple mistakes. [*]A negative attitude towards repeat threads even though they aren't a repeat for the newer members, and failing to realize that even your own views may have changed since the last thread. [*]Idolizing the past and going on as if it's better, whether it's true or not. [*]Harsh criticism towards other members and a lack of tact in one's responses. [*]Whining about problems (oh the irony) instead of finding solutions. [*]Expecting to be entertained instead of doing so yourself. [*]Complaining because the rules are too strict and then turning around and complaining that they aren't strict enough. As if that would somehow make things better. [*]Behaving as if being here longer somehow makes you better than other members. [/LIST] As you can see... I could continue here, but I think that gets the point across. If you see something as negative and fail to see anything positive at all... then really you have no one to blame but yourself. Even most of the responses here have been a whine towards the thread as if it is lame. lol I think only Crystia so far has even gotten into the spirit of this, only reinforcing my impression that people really have been whining like babies around here lately. In the thread about A Change If You Will... Rach put it best really: [INDENT]In other words stop looking for all the negative stuff since I can guarantee you that if that's what your looking for, you'll always find it. Try looking for the fun stuff or creating it yourself. Complaining is easy, putting in effort, well is just that, something that requires more than simply complaining.[/INDENT] It's true really, if you expect things to be bad and you look for it you'll always find it. So my solution? Come in here, whine like a big baby, and [I]get over it[/I]. Then go start a thread, write a story, join an rpg, post in a topic you find interesting. Basically, do something creative and GET INVOLVED! :catgirl: And in the end if I've gotten this wrong, I think everyone here already knows that most if not all Internet jokes go right over my head. ;)
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