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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
Fun! :catgirl: I wasn't sure what to expect. I figured Daego would do something but that wasn't it. Now I imagine that poor Daniel is probably thinking... What the heck? lol Anyway, now I'm curious to know if Kiva actually did overhear that conversation.
All right, I'll be the first one to get this going. After all, I'd like to return to normal. lol [CENTER]*****************************[/CENTER] If someone had told Kathy that joining an online forum would result in her being turned into a man someday, she would have laughed at them. Such things did not happen in real life after all. But as she sat in front of her computer, with her now deeper voice and taller frame, she was far from laughing. [I]How is this even possible? This event, The Great OtakuBoards Bermuda Triangle Mystery, is nothing more than a fun and silly scavenger hunt that two members came up with. [/I] It just didn't seem real, how could it be? For days she ignored it, convinced it was a bad dream that she couldn't seem to wake up from. But as the deadline for when the gender change would be permanent approached, the more real it became.[I] What if I'm stuck like this?[/I] It was a thought she/he did not want to think about. Finally, with a hands that were shaking from nervousness she shot off a pm to the other creator of the event. Kathy had already talked to her daughter. But she had not been able to help her. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, a reply came back. It was short and to the point:[I] All we know is that where the antidote has landed, has something to do with your origins here at OtakuBoards.[/I] Kathy stared at it, as if doing so would somehow make thing clearer, but in the end, she finally closed it and went back to overlooking the contents of the entire boards. [I]My origins? What is that suppose to mean? [/I] Quickly she hunted through her past posts for ones where she had explained what had brought her to OtakuBoards, but each and everyone of them was empty.[I] Now what?[/I] She wondered. Another thought occurred to her and she quickly pulled up the very first post she had made, one in a thread titled "Gay Marriage and President Bush" But once again, there was nothing. Frustrated she resisted the urge to take a hammer to the computer and instead got up and started pacing back and forth. Muttering under her/his breath. [I]Something to do with my origins, if its not my first post, or ones where I explained just who I am or why I joined, then I don't know where to look! [/I] She sat back down as one last thought crossed her mind. [I] What if it's the very first thread I made instead of the first post?[/I] It only took a moment to go into her profile to find the link for posting all the threads she had made. Moments later she had opened up the thread titled "Yellowstone Banner" To her relief, the antidote was there, and before she could wonder just what to do, much in the same way she had been exposed to what caused the change in the first place, simply opening the post exposed her to the cure. Seconds later she was back to normal. Aaryanna_Dad was once again Aaryanna_Mom. With a laugh she sent off a message to the creator of the event letting her know she had found it and then after logging off she turned the computer off. [I]I think I need to stay away from the computer for a while.[/I] She thought. But Kathy knew she would not. [I]I hope the others find the antidote in time. [/I]Then she stood up and went into the kitchen of her tiny home. "[B]What a strange dream![/B]" She said to herself as she started to fix dinner, still not convinced that what had happened was actually real. [CENTER]****************************[/CENTER] And there you have it. I hope that works. :catgirl:
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']I mean it is getting pretty lengthy and I'm thinking that after a certain point it's best to simplify it since it's an article and not a term or research paper in the truest sense of the word. So too much more and I think it would only make it cumbersome and be a bit of a turn off as far as reading it goes.[/QUOTE]I agree completely, and to that effect I removed some of the wordiness if you will, replacing some of the more complex words with something more simple and to the point. Other than a few terms since they fit with what was found so I felt that changing those would have been more confusing in the long run. Anyway, I have made a few changes to the last revision you sent to me Rachmaninoff and now I have done the final phase we were talking about. Once that is done and we go over it once more, it will be time to submit the article to the Otakupedia thread. Excellent work you two. And perfect timing with school starting on Monday. I think that was the best way to go, to put in that extra time so it would be ready before both of you get busy again. :catgirl:
[quote name='Rachmaninoff;786645]It seems that you, me and your mom are the clueless ones. XP LOL! When Aaryanna_Mom and I suggested that we have Kerstin figure out who Daniel was SunfallE was sure, go right ahead. Now I'm thinking that she was probably laughing secretly at how that just played right into what she had in mind. Oh the fun of being predictable! Heh.[/QUOTE]Oh I know I'm clueless. lol But that's okay, I don't mind. And in a way it makes it more fun if you don't guess what's going to happen. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Though how Daniel is gong to fit into that picture is beyond me. XP After all, for all intents and purposes, he's caught. Poor Daniel. >_
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Guys, can we please stop this argument where those who don't believe religious belief is a valid argument for disagreeing with assisted suicide, we get into this in any thread where religious beliefs form one side of an argument. No they can't prove God exists, that's why it's called [I]faith[/I] or [I]belief[/I], but that doesn't make it any less reasonable to them than it is to you. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]You've lost me hun, no one has gone off the deep end as far as arguing over that in this thread yet. So I'm curious as to why you think people are acutally arguing when most if not all of the conversation going on here has been polite.[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]All of you who haven't should go visit an terminal cancer ward some time and ask the people there they're opinion of it. Because right at this moment, not one of us has the right to give an opinion on this subject.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]I would have thought watching her grandmother suffer before she finally passed on was more than enough for SunfallE to give an opinion. She doesn't need to visit a terminally ill patient she knew one personally. And while I'm here, why are some of you trying to deny part of why something like this is such a controversial topic? The belief or not belief aspect? You've honestly lost me here since other than a few comments everyone has rationally explained what they believe and why. You can't toss out an argument saying it's up to God when we die and expect people to say nothing. Or to toss out things about gravity and expect others to accept it as a valid comparison. They are part of what make something like this such a difficult thing to discuss and I for one am not interested in taking the conversation and stagnating it because it brings in aspects that can be problematic. Those issues are core to the problem of assisted suicide in the first place. So I'll be equally as blunt, could you please stop expecting people to pretend they have no belief or disbelief when stating what they think on an opinion? That's equally as annoying as the other part. Anyway... In the end even though I think it's wrong, like many other issues that are controversial, I don't think I have the right to make that decision for someone else. It's up to the person who is suffering in my opinion.
Daniel did not have to wait long, within mere minutes the crew was in place and ready to take off when William contacted him. He had hoped that it was just local law enforcement, and yet, somehow he knew it would not be. Which meant that if they could not get free he would have no choice but to destroy the ship. But to do that he still had to get away from Reflection or else the very city could be damaged by a ship exploding within the atmosphere. And that didn't include any of the stations in orbit around each world. He pulled his thoughts back to what William was saying. "[B]Get clear if you can Daniel, otherwise...[/B]" "[B]I know dammit![/B]" Daniel snarled. "[B]We have to get clear before we can either jump to hyperspace or destroy the [I]Tryst[/I]. If we get free I'll contact you later.[/B]" He terminated the transmission and finished preparing to take off. Seconds later the ships alarm system went off. "[B]Sir! The military is targeting the engines![/B]" "[B]Hell![/B]" Daniel swore even as he bypassed the rest of the procedure for take off, ignoring the damage done to the landing pad they had been on as he brought the engines to full power and took off, initiating evasive maneuvers immediately, heedless of the damage it would cause to the windows of the buildings in the area. For a minute or two he would have a slight advantage since the military would not be able to fire on a moving ship within the atmosphere least they risk hitting the city by missing his ship. But as he left the surface and entered space he swore even more colorfully. The ship after them was none other than the [I]Transcendence[/I], the one ship he could not outrun. Still, even as he took off at full speed, doing his best to dodge any incoming fire, he also started putting in the codes for destroying the ship. Their extra speed might be enough to give him the time to get clear or at the very least destroy the ship. [I]Just a little further[/I], he thought as they pulled free of the stations orbiting around Reflection. But the [I]Transcendence[/I] didn't give him the chance as it closed the gap and fired at the engines. He managed to avoid a few shots before the engines took a direct hit, slowing the ship down. A quick glance at the readout showed that their rear defenses had been severely damaged as well. "[B]Sir![/B]" One of the other officers started to say. "[B]I know! Divert all remaining power to the rear shields! I need a little more time to initiate the self destruct.[/B]" Daniel started making modifications based on the loss of power, wishing that the [I]Tryst[/I] had some form of weapons, not that they would have seriously hurt the [I]Transcendence[/I], but it would have given them something to think about. Giving him those few seconds that he needed to destroy the ship. But before he could finish getting ready, the engines took another hit causing the ship to shudder and then start to slow down as the engines died. Daniel held on as he was nearly thrown from his seat and then took a look at the readout. The [I]Tryst[/I] had been disabled. If he didn't hurry... [I]Damn! [/I] Before he could input the final code the [I]Transcendence[/I] fired again, this time taking advantage of the situation to take out their main power supply without causing it to explode. The ship shuddered again as everything switched to the backup emergency power supply, providing them with nothing more than life support, and far from enough power to self destruct the [I]Tryst[/I]. Daniel tapped into that power to feed it into the sensors as well as to get further reports on the ship. Not only were the engines disabled, but the hull had been severely breached when the power supply had been damaged. Several of the emergency bulkheads had activated, cutting them off from the weapons locker, the escape pods and more importantly, any means to attempt to simply leave the ship without protection. In short, they were trapped, with no way out and no means to kill themselves with. Daniel looked at the sensors, a military assault transport was approaching quickly. He was not surprised, after all, he was on the top of the most wanted list, it made sense that they wanted him alive. The bounty for his capture was only good if he was alive. Daniel switched the sensors off and fed the power into the main computers instead. Leaving barely enough to keep the life support running. He did the only thing left that he could do, he started a massive deletion routine designed to erase all of the data. Then he did the same with his hand held computer. Finished he looked up to see that the others had done the same and were waiting for him to tell them what to do. "[B]An assault transport is on it's way. I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do.[/B]" He looked to each of them, despair and depression weighing heavily on him. He knew the risks and it pained him that he could do nothing to save any of the others. Just as it pained him that he would never see Celestia or Jason, or Sara ever again. As the sound of the assault transport docking with the Tryst was heard, he wondered if he should go and get the locket with his mother's picture in it. But then he simply sat back down at the pilot's seat. There was no point, they wouldn't let him keep it anyway. Seconds later an explosion rocked the ship as the assault team forced their way in. Daniel stood back up and waited, some of the others in the ship might be armed but he was not. If only he had gotten just a tiny bit further, he would have been able to make the jump to hyperspace. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]OOC:[/B] Tag, GuyYouMetOnline
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]It's my birthday tommorrow (today: festivities).[B] None of your birthdays are special enough to warrant a thread[/B], but half because I want to show off and half because I'm conceited, my birthday brings about discussion! I've got a ton of questions, too, to keep things interesting.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Well it is quite late, but Happy Birthday just the same. Also, when you're my age hun, you don't want a thread to remind you of that fact. lol After all I'll be turning 50 next month. I swear, where does the time go? Anyway... [B]1. Do you have any birthday traditions?[/B] Not really, we usually just had some sort of gathering of family and friends. It was always very enjoyable though. [B]2. What was your best birthday present ever? (if you say 'life' I'll slap you!)[/B] How about I slap you instead? One of my best birthday presents was one of my children who was born only a few days after my own birthday, it was very memorable to me and very special. I'll never forget it. [B]3. Has knowing your age ever given you a certain midnset? Did you ever feel like you'd passed a certain rung or like you had to change?[/B] Different mindsets for me never happened due to my age but rather from a switch in my responsibilities. Getting married, having children. Things like that gave me a different mindset, not how old I was. [B]4. What was your favorite birthday?[/B] The one where I was expecting a baby, since it was possible he would be born on the same day I was, though all of those moments were special. When you have a kid that is. Other than that most of them have been about the same, other than one where I was sick and in the hospital recovering from surgery, that was probably the only birthday that I was unhappy about, though many of my friends and family all came to wish me well on my birthday just the same.
I've updated the post with the listed threads, the one on chocolate will be done by 2007DigitalBoy and the one on signature sizes will be done by Premonition. Also, I'll go and hunt down the other threads on what are you reading/now so I can make those a group assignment. I'll be back later to edit that information in.
Writing The Challenge: A Survivor Story [PG
Aaryanna_Mom replied to SunfallE's topic in Creative Works
Oh dear... Poor Sandy! Mobbed by fan girls no less! :catgirl: And I agree with indifference what a fun and wacky dream that was. I certainly enjoyed reading it from the very beginning to the end. And I like how you wrapped it up as well. Seeing that you woke up before it ended, tying it into how the actual Survivor rp went is the perfect ending. I just hope Sandy isn't left in that thread too long! Anyway, fun stuff! :catgirl: -
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Just because I'm anal like that, this article should cover all three(?) threads by that name. I might be writing up something this go-round. I'll let you know what happens. -A[/FONT][/QUOTE]If you think they should, it did not occur to me to have all three done in the same article. I'll leave that up to whoever takes the assignment for that thread.
[quote name='Sirius'][COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Hello, everyone. I'm launching a graphics tournament soon and was wondering if you can run an ad in your digest. Who do I send the image to?[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]It would depend on when you plan on starting the graphics tournament. Right now we are only publishing an edition once a month, so the next edition is not due until the first week of September. If your tournament is going to start next month then by all means send me a banner and I'll include it in the section for Creative Works. :catgirl: Anyway, now I've done some looking for threads and this is what I've found. Keep in mind, you're still free to do something else if you wish. [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57718"][U]Isolated By Anime[/U][/URL] [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57786"][U]What are You Watching/Reading Now?[/U][/URL] [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57742"][U]Mmm, Chocolate [Or: If You Were Chocolate, What Type Would You Be?][/U][/URL] ~2007DigitalBoy [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57798"][U]Another Little OB Survey[/U][/URL] [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57624"][U]Signature Size?[/U][/URL] ~Premonition [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57681"][U]The Challenge: A Survivor Story [PG – LV][/U][/URL] [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57084"][U]Graphic Worm 2007[/U][/URL] [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57478"][U]Sci-Fi Showdown [Duel] - [PG][/U][/URL] ~Aaryanna [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57468"][U]¡The Return of the Padded Room Party ! Everyone Invited! [PG][/U][/URL] ~BKstyles [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57473"][U]What kinds of threads are and are not appropriate for the Adventure Square?[/U][/URL] ~BKstyles That's what I've found so far, but by all means if you see a thread you think deserves a report, even if you don't have time to do it yourself, then post here and mention it.
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]...so this month is it all freelance or what? Any requested articles from the executive producer?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]No, I just haven't had the time to really hunt for threads yet. I plan on doing so tomorrow and posting what I've found, but by all means if you see something that you think would work go ahead and start on it.
I have to say that I like the single thread concept, but then it's because having a directory makes things so easy to find instead of having many different forums, that just seems like it would get chaotic very quickly. If I understand what's being said correctly, allowing more than one thread seems like the better solution or having the main anime forum with the series threads and then a sub forum for stuff that is specific like discussing an episode in depth. But still that just seems pointless if more than one thread was allowed on a series. Though again I don't fully understand how one would be better than the other. But to see lots and lots of sub forums for a specific series or franchise just seems like it would get messy real quick. But then the more centralized format here is easy for me to follow. I understand the concern about being lost in a single thread due to multiple discussions between different people, but it seems to me that having the threads separate and in a different forum would ultimately be just as confusing for keeping track of what's going on. It's just another form of separation that has just as much potential for being confusing as it was when in the same thread. I guess in the end, I just don't see how splitting things up would encourage more discussion, allowing more threads I can see but the other seems to be a bit overboard as far as generating more interest and activity.
Daniel was exhausted as he headed towards the port where the [I]Tryst[/I] was docked. He and Williams had spent the entire weekend attending practically every social function there was. Now that more than half of the High Council had been cleared and some of them were even partially back at their duties, some of the usual gatherings had started up again. And though there was a clear edge of uneasiness people still attended them, desperate for things to return to normal. And that very uneasiness made people even more prone to speak out of turn when they should not have. He along with William had learned more secrets and unusual bits of information over the weekend than he would have ever expected. Thought it had meant attending one function after another with little to no rest. He thought about stopping at the hotel across from the university but changed his mind. If there were any messages there he could access them from the ship and he knew that as tired as he was, if he stopped, he'd be tempted to simply crash there. Something that William had warned him not to do, especially since Kerstin had found out just who he was. If she ever did tell, it would be one of the first places they would look, along with [I]Tryst [/I]that was currently docked at the port. Both places were serving as a decoy instead of a place to operate from. Even his time spent at the [I]Tryst[/I] was brief and no more than was required to maintain the illusion that Daniel Timbers was still on Reflection. He stifled a yawn as he approached the port, by now William would already be back and on board the [I]Astera [/I]waiting for him once he went to the [I]Tryst[/I] and cleaned up and then changed. It was a simple matter to slip out of the ship where the light surveillance of the area would not pick him up, which was a good thing since those who reviewed the surveillance would wonder why Tedric Kavans was leaving the [I]Tryst[/I] when he had no reason to be there. A few minutes later and Daniel was on board and heading for his quarters. It took him little time to take a quick shower to get cleaned up and the cool water helped him to wake up a bit. Then, after taking a moment to get dressed he went over to check and see if there were any messages, it was just a habit really, since Martial Law had been put into place they rarely got any messages at all. So when he realized that there actually was one, he was surprised. Daniel sat down at the desk and opened it up but what he read next caused him to freeze. [I]Hell! Kerstin must have talked! But... Who left the message?[/I] He knew that William had many agents here in sector one, the question was, which one sent them the warning? Quickly he contacted William over at the [I]Astera[/I]. "[B]What's so important that you contacted me Daniel? You of all people know better than to use the communications network to contact the [I]Astera[/I].[/B]" William said with disapproval when he answered. "[B]Check the messages William, we have a problem.[/B]" Daniel said. He waited patiently for William to pull up what he had just read... [INDENT]You have been compromised.[/INDENT] "[B]Damn![/B]" William swore. "[B]Stay put, I need to check something real quick before we make a move.[/B]" "[B]Should I come over there?[/B]" Daniel asked. William shook his head, "[B]No, until I check something you're better off staying inside the ship. Close the doors and activate the anti-transport door shields, depending on the trouble, you'll want to be ready to leave immediately if need be.[/B]" "[B]What good will that do? Neither one of us can outrun the [I]Transcendence[/I][/B]" Daniel pointed out even as he entered the commands that sealed the ship and raised the anti-transport shields. "[B]True, but if it's someone else we can outrun them. It will take time to try and get help from Stevens if it's the local authorities and by then it will be too late, we only need enough time to get clear of the gravitational pull of both planets in order to make the jump to hyperspace.[/B]" Daniel took a deep breath to steady himself, "[B]All right. But hurry, I'm going to go to the bridge and get this ship ready for an immediate departure.[/B]" "[B]You do that,[/B]" Williams said. "[B]I'll contact you as soon as I know more, it won't take long.[/B]" And with that he terminated the transmission. Daniel didn't waste a moment, forgetting that he had yet to finish getting into his disguise as Tedric Kavans, or rather not bothering since if he had been compromised, it wouldn't do him any good. It took him no time at all to get to the bridge of the [I]Tryst[/I] and run through the pre-take off checks. Now, it would only take a matter of seconds to launch the ship and leave. Impatiently he sat down in the pilot's seat and waited for William to contact him.
[quote name='Japan_86'][COLOR="DarkRed"]Then I shall tell you... Charlie's Angels is a group that I started with me, Mei, and Kittylyn, who both are no longer with us because they grew up from this place. Such like Queen Asuka, Babygirl, and Lady Macaiodh. Kittylyn is the blonde, I'm the brunette, and Mei is the red head.Who Charlie is is self explainitory. You see, we are also a otakuboards clique and not to be thought as the girls from the movie. And what of C[SIZE="3"]A[/SIZE]TTITUDE?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Like Desbreko already mentioned, the article is quoting what is actually in the thread. So if we were to add things like that, it wouldn't be subjective anymore since we've be adding things that were not a part of the original thread. The point was to report what others had written. Also... I am sorry, but neither I nor SunfallE who took the time to gather all the information from that thread are aware of the group you are referring to. If you really wanted it included, the best place would be to go and post in the actual thread, but even then, the article here will not change since it was not there at the time it was written. The same goes for cattitude, even if I have heard that phrase before, it's up to the members to write those methods and post in the thread, so this is the wrong place for informing the original poster that they forgot to include them. ;)
[quote name='Japan_86'][COLOR="DarkRed"]You forgot to mention Charlie's Angels[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Perhaps you could be more clear? Left it out of what? I am not sure what you mean by Charlie's Angels. Since I don't see how that TV show or the movie has anything to do with any of the articles in the newspaper.
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Or even sooner, I just took everything you guys sent me and wrote up a rough draft and sent it to both of you. I don't even want to think about how much time I've spent on this so far. XP Anyway, I'm still going to hunt down more stuff, but still even if I find nothing else, we've got more than enough.[/QUOTE]Goodness! You've certainly been busy! And I agree, even if we found nothing else, what we have right now is more than enough. So I say we continue our search for other things to add in, but if we find nothing else by the time both of you start school... Then at that point if you both wish it I'll just go ahead and post it. It's certainly far more than I ever expected. :catgirl: So keep up the good work team!
Alright, our goal is set. And seeing what the two of you have already done I think we'll have no trouble whatsoever meeting it. So our official due date for the finished article is the 24th of this month. :catgirl: Now that we've decided that I already went ahead and sent you what I've gotten done at my end Rachmaninoff. I expect to have more for you in a couple of days. Keep up the good work team. At this rate we may have it done before both of you return to school.
The Sunflowers accept the apology for the delay. ;) As for the topic for the Aces... We assign them the task of writing an article on [B]The Mario Forum[/B].
Good Heavens you two! I was not expecting to see so much already done. And I must say, I'm impressed. What you've found Rachmaninoff will make an excellent article. And like you said Aaryanna, I'll keep my observations to pm's. But so far it looks like the two of you have easily divided this into tasks that suit each one of us so I'll get started on my part today. We want to get it up within a reasonable amount of time since the Aces do have to write a review on it, so I'd like to make sure we do them the courtesy of making sure they have at least a week to do that review. So our goal should be to post the article no later than the 24th of this month since that will give them an entire week to do the review. Just as it gives us two weeks to write up the article. And with that in mind, since I agree with what the two of you said about their topic, I will go and post that right now so they will have the same amount of time we do for writing an article and getting it up in time for us to do a review as well.
Just a quick heads up people, if you have an article ready please get it to me ASAP since I am going to have Aaryanna put up the next edition either tomorrow or Friday. I'm still waiting on the revision to the game threads from you Revelation and the revision on the events threads from you Allamorph. I do have some other material that I've been given, but instead of delaying things further I intend to go ahead and get it up instead of sending those other one's to editors at this point. Anyway, thanks again for all your hard work people. :catgirl:
It didn't take long for Daniel to switch from one persona to another, now that he had two identities to maintain, the doctor had removed the slight modifications that had been done, returning him to what he originally looked like. At first he had objected, until he realized that the other persona, one of a Tedric Kavans just wasn't possible, even with holographic technology. Paranoia was running pretty high and such devices were too easy to detect. Where using clothing, semi permanent makeup as well as keeping the hair color change not only worked well, but made it easy for him to switch and yet not have anyone realize that he was using any more than simple changes like everyone else. It was ironic that in the end he was relying on primitive means of disguise instead of outright changes like he had at first. Daniel Timbers always wore clothing of a wealthy patron attending the University with his reddish brown hair pulled back into a pony tail. Where Tedric Kavans, a ship mechanic working at the port where the ships were docked always wore stained durable overalls and his hair was never pulled back but simply allowed to run wild. Combined with making sure he was always fairly dirty, no one ever talked to him let alone figured out he was the same person. If not for the program that Kerstin had used, Daniel was certain she would have never figured it out. After all there were too many people in the Empire who on some level looked similar. With a sigh Tedric, finished his current job of tuning the hyper drive of a smaller ship for one of the wealthy visitors at Reflection. It hadn't been too hard really, the vibration the owner was complaining about was due to neglect instead of a real issue, it had taken very little to do the regular upkeep that all ships required. He explained it to the owner, handed him the data chip detailing everything that had been done along with the price charged. Then once the appropriate money had been transfered to the main account of the port facility that Tedric worked for, he was on his way back to the [I]Astera[/I] where he and some of his fellow workers for the port stayed when they were off duty. Daniel couldn't help but smile a tiny bit when he got cleaned up and was greeted by a familiar face for a change in the mirror of his quarters on the [I]Astera[/I], if not for the reddish brown hair he would have looked as he always had before this mess. Once again he got into character, putting on slightly better clothing, for Tedric that is, and then snatching a small duffel bag he was off for one of the local bars. Yet another thing that Tedric did, find someplace to get drunk. Though Daniel mostly faked it since in reality he was listening in on all the gossip floating around, though that too was merely for show, the real information came from using a routine when he repaired the ships to hack into their main computer systems, the program was designed to hunt for specific information. So far no one had detected that such a thing was being done, or if they had the program was designed to leave traces that looked like he had simply accessed the wrong section by mistake and went back to the part regarding the engines. Most of the time there was nothing of importance, but since he began working for the port, twice he had gotten his hands on some pretty damming information. All of which he had turned over to Williams. If he wasn't working for the Resistance, the information he had gotten would have fetched a good price on the black market. "[B]Try to not get too drunk this time Tedric,[/B]" one of the port security commented as he approached the gate leaving the area. Tedric pulled himself up a bit straighter, "[B]I do not get drunk, just a bit tipsy.[/B]" "[B]Don't we all?[/B]" The other shot back and then continued when Tedric came fully into the light. "[B]Well now, since when did you ever get cleaned up for anything?[/B]" "[B]Don't blame me if those rich little snobs can't be bothered to keep their ships clean. Besides,[/B]" Tedric said self-importantly, "[B]the ladies don't like it when a guy smells.[/B]" Both security personal started laughing at Tedric, ignoring his offended look. "[B]You have a date? In your dreams![/B]" Tedric just stormed off into the city ignoring the two security guards who were still laughing and making crude jokes as to what type of lady he could get. He mumbled under his breath about stupid ignorant locals until after turning a corner upon which he dropped the act. Continuing until he found a spot where he could quickly change clothing, take a moment to pull his hair back into a pony tail and then assuming the stance of a member of the wealthy, Daniel Timbers continued on his way It didn't take him long to get to the [I]Tryst[/I] since all he did was turn around and head back the way he had come, leaving the duffel bag in a secure location for when Tedric came back from his usual weekend of going from place to place getting drunk and attempting to find a woman to spend the night with. Which was what he would have been doing if he didn't have to attend some silly functions over the weekend with Williams. He just hoped they got the rest of what William was looking for this time. As he approached the gate, this time it was different, a formal nod and greetings were issued as well as wishing him a good evening. No familiarity like there was with Tedric. Daniel simply gave then a tiny absent nod as any wealthy member would and headed for the [I]Tryst[/I]. It was time to go over the latest information he had gotten as well as determine if it was time to finally leave sector one. If he was lucky, the information he had gotten earlier that day would be what they were looking for, saving him from having to attend yet another pointless ball. More than anything Daniel wanted to get the rest of the information that William was looking for and leave. He already knew that the [I]Transcendence[/I] was back in sector one and the longer they stayed, in his opinion, the greater the risk. Just because Kerstin had said nothing so far didn't mean that would change. And it was only a matter of time before their activities were discovered. Daniel just sighed as he entered the [I]Tryst[/I] and went to find William who would be waiting or him.
[quote name='BKstyles;786872][FONT="Tahoma"]We have decided that The Sunflowers shall write an otakupedia article on [b]The Digimon Forum[/b] formerly of Otakuboards.[/FONT][/QUOTE]The Sunflowers formally decline the topic offered by the Aces for the following reason:[quote name='Sandy'][FONT="Century Gothic"]nor can you write about anything that's [B]already covered in Otakupedia[/B']. [/FONT][/quote]There already is an article in Otakupedia about [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/otakupedia/?p=39"][U]The Digimon Forum[/U][/URL] Please give us another topic so we may get this challenge started. Thank you.
Virgins! You're Either Really Smart or Really Dumb
Aaryanna_Mom replied to AzureWolf's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Semjaza']This is honestly the dumbest thread I've ever seen and I run a pretty dumb forum.[/QUOTE]Perhaps, but I do find it a bit interesting. If only because I remember all the hype as a kid that sleeping around meant you were stupid. That only someone who was dumb would have sex if they weren't married, etc. And I have to laugh at the article. If only because I've seen so many variations of it over the years. lol -
Writing The Challenge: A Survivor Story [PG
Aaryanna_Mom replied to SunfallE's topic in Creative Works
Well looks like it was my turn this time. lol Poor Shy, getting clobbered for attempting to help me. If something like this was real, I'd be wondering how I could possibly keep up with you kids. And I do have to admit, I too am curious as to just what we are wanted for. Because with the security immediately firing and so many police coming to the area... one has to wonder. lol Anyway, again, fun stuff and good job at being evil Sandy. ;)