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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom

  1. For some reason this made perfect sense. Though I'm not sure why. Still, based on this clue here: [B] 8 - I’m lost within myself? [/B] The [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=53768"][U]Silver One RPG[/U][/URL] has been found. That would really suck if it was indeed lost. I'd be pretty sad if we couldn't finish this part of the story! Anyway, that was a good one guys, having it lost in the original beginning story that the RPG is a continuation of. :catgirl:
  2. [quote name='The13thMan'][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]And in response to your last paragraph, i disagree. I think it's a huge sacrafice for both of them! I mean... [b]if a woman gets an abortion when the father wants the child she's taking away the man's ability to pass on his genes and have his name live on[/b]. That can be a huge deal. Of course, this is all assuming the woman doesn't or seems like she won't go through any medical complications during pregnancy. If the mother's at risk then i value her life over the "life" of the unborn child.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]There should be more to having a child than a desire to pass one's genes on. I'm going to assume you mean that he wants the opportunity to be a father. Otherwise, for a woman to have a baby just so his 'genes' can be passed on is silly and degrading to the woman in question. As a parent, it's important to take into consideration whether or not you have the time or means to take care of a child. And one would hope that people take that into consideration before getting pregnant. Though I'm sure many do and take precautions to prevent pregnancy. But I'll tell you right here and now, there's nothing worse than forcing motherhood on someone who is not ready. Being a parent is extremely demanding even with a full partner to help with raising the kids. And I've been in both situations, married and divorced. Having kids to raise as a divorced mother is not easy. And I only have one left at home! But remember, though things are changing, more often than not it's the mother who gives up many of her aspirations and dreams to become a mother. It's something I'm happy with but for others it's not so simple. I'm going to throw the ball back into your court guys. If you want to be a father that badly, then you had better be sure she wants to be a mother as well. Not every woman out there wants to have children, it's not the ultimate achievement like it's often portrayed as in religion. So just as someone so crudely put it about not opening one's legs in the first place, I'll be equally as blunt. Don't be so quick to be the guy who[I] is [/I]between said legs.
  3. I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed it James. :catgirl: Everyone put so much work into it. And you can bet there will be another issue. It's going to be posted either this weekend or the first part of next week. We've already got enough material for it. And speaking of that... I need to get some pm's sent to people since I'm running a little behind.
  4. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Feh! Naturally Jared's always going to be having fun when there's an interrogation involved. Though I loved how he was tormenting Blaine with the knowledge that he was no better. I rather liked it that he was in it again, especially after Aaryanna_Mom and I went to such lengths to turn him into a mean little shit. lol[/QUOTE]Agreed, I rather enjoyed that as well. Even if it brought all the implications we were leading to back out into the open. Blaine was anything but nice. lol Also o_O I'm beginning to understand what you meant about Jared being interesting, if he's going to find out what's bothering Kerstin... Ouch!
  5. Now that the ship had finally launched Catherine decided to hunt down Colonel DeSouza. After talking to Vayne and Nakiesha it had occurred to her that in addition to the security measures he had mentioned, it would be a good idea to fit each member with an active health monitor that would send an active feed to the ship at all times. It would be interesting to see if there were any physical changes associated with someone disappearing. Not that she wanted anyone to disappear, but knowing if there was anything going on in that respect could be crucial to figuring out what had happened to those who were missing. "[B]I need to find Colonel DeSouza,[/B]" Catherine mentioned to Nakiesha who was in the process of attempting to find a spot for all of her things in the tiny locker in their shared quarters. Catherine smiled a bit when Nakiesha swore under her breath as it was apparent that there just wasn't going to be room. "[B]Yeah, we really need to go over what Vanye was talking about.[/B]" Nakiesha shot over her shoulder instead of turning to face Catherine. "[B]Now if I can just...[/B]" With a loud crash the things she had been carefully stuffing into her locker came tumbling out onto the floor. She knew she shouldn't but Catherine couldn't quite hide her laughter over Nakiesha's predicament. She had brought way too much stuff. [I]I guess I should help her out a bit.[/I] She thought as Nakiesha turned and gave her a bit of an injured look over her laughter. "[B]Look, I know how it is to want to keep your own personal equipment close at hand instead of down in the cargo hold, so I'm make you a deal.[/B]" Catherine paused as she wondered if it was wise.[I] I suppose I can always revoke it later if she abuses it.[/I] With that decided she continued. Nakiesha just turned to give Catherine her full attention. "[B]Deal?[/B]" "[B]Yes, a deal. As you can see our quarters are right next to sick bay. So instead of storing my own personal equipment here I've stored it in there. However, with such a small crew I've got plenty of storage and I'll let you have one of the cabinets for your things.[/B]" Catherine held up a hand to stay Nakiesha's excited response, "[B]However, in exchange, you have to promise to not modify or change anything without my approval first.[/B]" Catherine couldn't help but laugh again at Nakiesha's slightly offended expression. Finally after thinking it through she stuck out her hand to shake Catherine's "[B]All right, you have a deal![/B]" She turned back and started putting her stuff back into her luggage. "[B]Now show me where that cabinet is![/B]"
  6. [quote name='Darktigerpack17;786175]Parents now and days don't posess the patience to take the time to understand the subculture that their children are into. [/QUOTE]No that's not really true. Perhaps some parents are like that, but not all of them. If anything you could turn around and say the kids lack the patience to try and understand why their parents don't instantly understand the subculture their kids are into. That's really the big problem here. Both sides are instantly saying it's the other who refuses to understand or has no patience when it's both.[quote name='Darktigerpack17''] If you can get your parent to sit down and take a true look into the subculture of Anime, they will be very surprised at what they find. It isnt all porn and violence.[/quote]I agree and at the same time, it would be beneficial for the kids to sit down and watch some of the older cartoon and shows their parents grew up on to understand why the violence, swearing, and such, even if it's minor is so startling and surprising to them.
  7. Oh dear. I don't know whether to laugh or cringe over how accurately that displays Aaryanna. lol And I must say, Sandy is right Beth, you and your dreams! :catgirl: I'll be keeping an eye out to see who wins this challenge. How I managed to not be the first one caught is beyond me. And now that everyone is temporarily cut off from the security that caught Rachmaninoff, there's no telling who will be next. Anyway, fun stuff!
  8. [quote name='Red;786133]I completely agree that moderation is the key. What I don't get is why legality matters, unless you mean with regards to avoiding da fedz. If someone's able to moderate their weed (or another drug, but not the physically addictive ones such as heroin or meth) intake, what makes it any worse than having a few beers every now and then?[/QUOTE]You completely missed my point so I'll say it again:[QUOTE=Aaryanna_Mom']Regardless if something is considered harmless, I've seen many friends lose their jobs after being caught in a random drug screen. At that point, that harmless habit of getting high on the weekends is no longer so harmless anymore. And when you've got a family and kids to support, losing your job is no joke. My opinion on drugs stems from seeing those who were devastated by something they thought was harmless and hurt no one.[/QUOTE]As a parent, doing something that regardless of being considered harmless that can seriously mess up your family, is irresponsible. All I'm saying is like drinking or anything else, it's important to take the possible consequences into account. It's not an issue of a few beers is not any worse, it's an issue of losing one's job for testing positive for something like Weed. I've seen it happen over the years. Perhaps I'm outdated here, but when you decide to bring a kid into this world and raise them, your desire to get drunk or high should never come before their welfare and the welfare of your family as a whole. In other words, until it's legal, it's best to leave it alone in the first place. Regardless of whether or not it's harmless, since right now there are legal repercussions that are not harmless. I'm not arguing against them being made legal, I'm arguing against those who do them and run the risk of messing up their family. The argument over it's no worse than a couple of beers is something I leave up to others. I've no desire to argue for making them legal. ;)
  9. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Well some of my purchases could be considered outrageous since spending over $10,000 for an instrument is expensive. [/QUOTE]Oh not at all. Sure it's expensive but definately worth it. After all before I ended up on disability I spent close to $6,000 on a piano. ;) So I understand perfectly, since if I had the money, there was a Steinway that I would have loved to have gotten. The sound and tone was just too beautiful. But that $70,000 ticket price was way beyond my reach. Still I did get to play on it a bit which was great fun. :catgirl: I would also say spending $300 on a high velocity dryer for Aaryanna's dog since you need it to properly fluff her fur after bathing her. But since it runs about $40 to have someone groom her and SunfallE has done it since we got her, that dryer has more than paid for itself over the years. Since she needs grooming at least once a month.
  10. My views haven't really changed on this. I still think illegal drugs are bad and not worth one's time. I've heard the argument over and over about how one can do them and not be addicted and I'm sure that's true. It doesn't change the fact that many people do become addicted and destroy their lives as well as harm those they love in the process. I've seen people destroy themselves over the hard drugs to the small time stuff such as Weed/pot. Just about anything can be an addiction if it is interfering with your life. From the workaholic to the druggie to one who is drunk all the time. Moderation is the key really. Provided it's legal that is. Regardless if something is considered harmless, I've seen many friends lose their jobs after being caught in a random drug screen. At that point, that harmless habit of getting high on the weekends is no longer so harmless anymore. And when you've got a family and kids to support, losing your job is no joke. My opinion on drugs stems from seeing those who were devastated by something they thought was harmless and hurt no one.
  11. Of all times to lose Beth. Especially since she's written articles and reviews for theOtaku. And currently does small news posts for the main page there. Having her experience would have really helped. Still I do have some experience working with ward newsletters and that includes gathering information for an article. The more difficult the topic the more fun it is to put the pieces together. Doing genealogy is similar as well. So I guess once the Aces gives us a topic. We will give them one as well and get started. I think the only thing I don't like is the possibility of ending up facing you two. It's the nature of the game but still I've been in a team mentality the whole time so that's gonna feel strange if I'm one of the remaining players.
  12. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Understatement of the year. >_< Oh good grief! This is going to get interesting. [/QUOTE]You have no idea. Trust me. o_O Interesting doesn't even begin to cover it. lol Though at the same time I love it since I did not see that coming at all SunfallE. Also, I too have sent you my thoughts on the question you asked. :catgirl: Like Rach which ever way you go I'll stick around too. Though I will say this hint: [spoiler]Sequel's are fun! ^_~ [/spoiler] Especially when they are for something that's been as fun as this is. I know I'd be interested in it.
  13. I am a little unclear as to how this works. If I understand correctly, the Aces will assign us a topic, and I assume that you have to approve it right? And then we will turn around and give them one? Assuming that within say a week both of us will have a topic that we will work on at the same time? And when you say reviews, when those are posted is it a review done by the whole team? As in each team captain will after consulting with their teammates post it to the main thread? Or is each team member expected to post a review separately to this thread? I'm assuming it's one review that we all work on and I post as the team captain. Also, I'm sure I understand you correctly, but by entirety you meant that if we were to win every single Ace would be evicted and vice versa? :animestun
  14. The moment Kerstin and her escort went through the transport door, Daniel couldn't get out of there fast enough. He knew that Kerstin had not told anyone what she had figured out. If she had, there was no way Jared or the others would have allowed her to come here. They would have sent a full squad to arrest him instead. Still, he couldn't help but feel the urge to run or quell the feelings of panic that were making it hard for him to see straight as he headed back to where the Tryst was docked. Of course no one was waiting for him, things were simply running normally like they always were, but he still felt terribly open as he made his way to the ship, half expecting something to happen on his way there. But other than the occasional nod from others who were heading to their own ships nothing happened. It was with great relief that he finally walked up the ramp and into the ship only pausing briefly to greet the member of the crew keeping watch. Daniel didn't waste a moment, immediately finding William who was on the bridge, going over something with his crew. Without hesitation he walked over and placed his hand on William's left shoulder, causing him to turn and look up and Daniel. "[B]I need to talk to you in the conference room immediately.[/B]" Daniel let go and entered the room, only waiting until William had followed and the doors had shut before speaking again. "[B]We have a problem William.[/B]" He took out the sketch and handed it to William who looked at it and then back at Daniel. "[B]Kerstin gave that to me at the beach. Not only did she draw that herself but she's figured out who I am.[/B]" Daniel sat down at the table, hunching over as he ran his hands over his face before looking up and continuing. "[B]She drew that from memory since she saw my locket before Blaine's men destroyed it. When it pulled up Anna's records Kerstin started looking into things, even to the point of running my official picture against my current likeness through a program to see if there were any similarities.[/B]" Daniel sighed, "[B]I'm sure you know about that type of program William, she claims that it showed the probability of Daniel Timbers and Daniel Landers being the same person as ninety eight percent.[/B]" Daniel couldn't help but laugh. "[B]It is true after all, Daniel Timbers doesn't exist! Hell William! She's also convinced that you and the others on the Tryst are not who they claim to be and she's right![/B]" Daniel got back up and started pacing back and forth. "[B]What are we going to do? If she says anything to Jared we're screwed![/B]" "[B]We're not going to do anything.[/B]" William finally spoke up. Daniel shot him an incredulous look. "[B]What? Are you insane?[/B]" "[B]Not at all, it's just that measures for this type of eventually have already been taken. You've been busy so you haven't noticed. That and some of the precautions were done while you were being held by Blaine.[/B]" William explained patiently. "[B]The Tryst is not the only ship I have here capable of outrunning the military, just as the persona's I created are not the only one. If the military finds out we will simply move to a new location and let them find the Tryst. Losing the ship is meaningless. In fact I was already planning on transferring all of the crew to the new location in the next couple of days. We'll still come here from time to time to keep up appearances but that's all.[/B]" Daniel took a deep breath to calm himself. "[B]I see. I hadn't realized. I take it that you have my new persona for me then?[/B]" "[B]Almost, there a few details being finished up, but I'll have that for you shortly.[/B]" Williams smiled a bit. "[B]Trust me Daniel, I already expected something like this to happen. Not this soon but I figured it would, it's not easy to keep things a secret around here.[/B]" Daniel just snorted. "[B]I know. After all Blaine was on to me in less than twenty four hours of our abduction. If Jared and them hadn't shown up when they did... Well lets just say it was about to get very, very ugly. Anyway, I'll go and start getting my things ready to move to the new ship.[/B]" After Daniel left William took a moment to contact someone, issuing the order to expedite things. It wouldn't do to take chances that they didn't need to. If Kerstin had figured things out, there was a good chance that Blaine or Jared had as well, or were close to figuring it out. And that was something that would be disastrous, if he was caught, the damage would be catastrophic. Even more so than if Daniel was.
  15. [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] Ah, I thought you talking about generational differences. :o[/font][/QUOTE]Both actually. Sorry if I wasn't clear. But it's both. One: what's acceptable in one country isn't in another and two: that generational difference is a big factor as well. That's what I was getting at with the example of the Gatchaman anime. Not only was what I considered acceptable different on a generational level but one of a cultural/country level as well. If they were more accepting of violence back in the seventies, I can only imagine that today that acceptance is still totally different, regardless of the generation. Though that's important too. Though I would imagine more so within a given country than between the two.
  16. Well I'm equally as nosy since I'm supremely curious as to what Erica is referring to. And for the life of me, other than the third project in sector fourteen that we never learned what it was, I can't think of anything else that it would be. And now that I've said that, I'm sure I'll find out that I am wrong. lol As for William and Daniel's response, I'll be writing that up shortly. They won't be leaving the sector, but there will be a slight change to make the possibility of Jared finding out and locating them less likely. Or rather it will make him finding out redundant. Though whether or not Jared will isn't my call. Anyway... Once I've done that I'll have finished up my stuff for this round of the story so to speak. So at that point I'll be looking for the next pm from you SunfallE with the details of what's coming up next. :catgirl:
  17. [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] I don't think it's necessarily meaningless. Granted, the media today is more sexual and violent than it was twenty years ago, but the violence/sexuality shown in the US is different from other countries. [/font][/QUOTE]That's what I meant by meaningless. For them it's not the same since what they consider acceptable is different. ^_~
  18. [quote name='Rachmaninoff'] But it's most noticeable when I'm highlighting and tagging text when I'm writing up a rp post. Before, selecting something and highlighting it to add bold tags resulted in it putting you back and the very beginning of your post once you added the tags, so you had to scroll all the time to get back to where you were. Now it just stays put and highlighted so you can apply more than one thing at a time to the same section of text. It's just a whole lot easier and less of a pain. lol That and the silly automatic pop up asking if you want a receipt when you pm someone is gone. I certainly don't miss that at all. It was annoying. [B]EDIT:[/B] Oh and as I'm doing right now, even the option to edit doesn't load the entire post, it pulls up a quicker menu that's easier to use for simple changes. :)[/QUOTE]That's what I like the best as well, when I'm writing up a longer post, it's so much easier. I hadn't realized just how annoying it was for it to go back to the beginning of the post when you were tagging stuff, until it quit doing it. I certainly don't miss that automatic pop up either. And you're quite right about the edit function. It makes fixing a tiny error so much easier and quicker. I know I certainly like it. And the new graphics look great too. :catgirl:
  19. I honestly don't remember, lol. I just don't. I don't even remember if I watched any anime when I was a kid. But I do know that as a parent, especially since the media has so much in it that just wasn't there when I was a kid, whether kids agree or not. It is going to look like garbage to a lot of parents. Because a lot of the innuendos and other stuff just wasn't in television when we were kids. Perhaps it was in Japan, since I can recall a series that was aired in the seventies Gatchaman, though they renamed it to Battle of the Planets. Anyway, it was was pretty violent in it's original form and was extensively changed to match American television. But that is meaningless to a parent who grew up in a country where that wasn't the case. Obviously there needs to be a balance of what you keep your kids from watching, but I'm saying that it's not so black and white as some of you are thinking. Many of you have grown up thinking all the violence, swearing, innuendo and everything else is normal. Keep in mind that for many of your parents... It's not. As for the topic where parents think it's all garbage and porn... That's just silly. If it was porn, many states don't allow it to be openly sold on the shelves. At least that's the case here in Utah. So that woman at the bookstore that my daughter ran into was just ignorant and a bit silly. It is unfortunate that there are a lot of Utahans who are just like her though. And on some level I can even agree, since like any media I am sure there is a lot out there that does have content that a parent would find unacceptable for an underage kid. Once they become an adult though, that's entirely up to them. And in the end, I hate sweeping generalizations of anything, since they are rarely correct. All they do is make you look stupid for saying it.
  20. Thank you everyone who has sent me an article so far. :catgirl: As well as the recommendation for member of the month. What I still need is a recommendation for artist of the month, if you know someone who fits, send me a pm with the information on them. Also, those of you who offered to be editors, speak up and let me know if you have time and I'll get what I have sent off to you so you can get it back to me next week. I also need to know if others have articles that they are finishing up, or reviews and news to submit. Like before, I am not exactly aiming for the first of the month, but I do intend to get it up within the first week, so if you have something for me or are close, just let me know so we can get it into this edition.
  21. Well even if I wasn't calling for an execution, I did enjoy how you did that. lol The fight was completely and totally unexpected. Anyway, I'm curious to see the fight between the two Elite Specialists now. Especially after Kiva gave Kuro no choice by destroying the computer terminals. I'm thinking that with the civilians arriving at the same time, that's going to get quite interesting. :catgirl:
  22. It was surprisingly quiet on Reflection even at the beach where usually there was quite a bit of tourist activity. But ever since all hell had broken lose with Erica's arrest and then the execution of two High Council members had been broadcast. People were not only heading home but many were staying inside as much as possible. Scared of the fallout and of just what would happen in the end. Daniel couldn't blame them, in many ways he felt the same way. He would have never believed that Stevens or the others would actually seize control and actually do something about the illegal modifications as well as Commodore Sandra's father. He was still having a hard time believing everything. He along with Kerstin had been held by Blaine when all that came out and Blaine had not allowed them access to anything while they had been there. Though upon reflection, even if Blaine had told them, Daniel would have never believed him. With a small little laugh he shifted a bit to relieve a sharp rock that he was sitting on as he watched the waves. Even if it was a tad creepy to be pretty much the only person at the beach, it was at least relaxing in a small way. Movement caught his eye as two others were in the area, he had been so caught up in thinking about things that he hadn't noticed them. With a start he realized it was Kerstin with an escort from the Creator. [I]Lovely,[/I] he moved to get up and leave before she noticed him, but it was too late. With a motion to her escort who stayed far enough away to give them room to talk and yet close enough to keep an eye on her, she left him behind and came over to join Daniel who had stood up. She looked almost angry, making Daniel wonder just what was going on, something that she made clear immediately when she snapped at him, making it clear that she was angry. "[B]Why did you lie to me?[/B]" She came to a stop about five feet away, her hands on her hips as she literally glared at him. Daniel froze, wondering and yet the fear that she had figured it out running through his mind at the same time. "[B]I don't understand.[/B]" He finally said, keeping his expression as neutral as possible. She narrowed her eyes and leaned forward just a bit. "[B]Don't play stupid with me Daniel [I]Landers[/I].[/B]" She accused, putting an emphasis on the last name by drawing it out a bit. [I]Hell! How did she figure that out? [/I]Daniel broke out into a cold sweat. Resisting the urge to run, though he couldn't help but glance around nervously to see if there was anyone else from the Creator there. But other than her escort who thankfully was not close enough to hear what she had just said, there was no one. "[B]I really don't know what you're talking about.[/B]" He paused for a moment to attempt to compose himself.[I] Calm, there's no one here from the Creator to arrest you, just her escort.[/I] But how she came to that conclusion eluded him. "[B]Please, it's not funny. I don't want to be mistaken for a known Resistance member.[/B]" Furious Kerstin pulled out a sheet of paper and showed it to him, one with a hand drawn image of his mother. Causing him to give off a tiny start of surprise. [I]Shit! I forgot that she's an artist. She must have remembered the picture from my locket! Hell! [/I] As he stood there, shocked over over the picture, he knew from her expression that nothing he said would convince her other wise. Kerstin just nodded before putting it away. "[B]I thought as much. You do recognize that picture. I have a perfect memory for faces, once I've seen someone I can redraw it from memory.[/B]" She finally looked away, her voice softening just a bit when she continued. "[B]Imagine my surprise when the picture did not match the one in your file but instead pulled up the public records of an Anna Landers.[/B]" She turned back to face him again. "[B]But that still made no sense whatsoever. The records indicated that Daniel Timbers had never been in the same sector as Anna Landers. But you look so similar that I checked with my software for altering appearances, a common thing for artists to do you know. Since I thought perhaps you were related and hiding that fact. It is common knowledge that family of Resistance members are punished for the crimes of their loved ones. Still, even that could not prepare me for the program indicating that the probability of you and the other 'Daniel' being the same person was ninety eight percent![/B]" [I]Damn! She'll never believe me if I try to claim it's just a coincidence. Not after seeing the picture in my locket. [/I] Daniel tried to say something, anything to convince her otherwise, but for once he was speechless. [I]Now what?[/I] [CENTER]-----------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]OOC:[/B] Take it from here Rachmaninoff.
  23. Well, this time around I manged to find this one. [B]9 - Though rarely discussed I?m the top you see, even surpassing the stars.[/B] Of all things to find! [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38909"][U]President Bush[/U] [/URL] Guess that means I'm done until the next round... Unless being lost means I can't find anything! And miss your dinner hun? Oh you! You'd just go and shamelessly beg off of SunfallE! :catgirl:
  24. I apologize for dragging this up again, but you don't understand the complaint Sandy. People are hurt since even though you did not mean it, the statement implied that people attempted to cheat. ;) I'm sure you can understand why that was upsetting. And please Beth is right, don't think we are sore losers. We are not the only ones in the past to post or be frustrated over how a challenge went. And venting that frustration does not equate to wishing to quit. I will admit that this time I was tempted, but you notice I sent you my vote just the same. I've accept that you did not catch a lot of cliches, and so has the other team, though for them that acceptance is easier, they did win after all. ;) Game or not, it is natural to feel upset or frustrated, perhaps you're not use to someone actually voicing that frustration, but I assure you whether or not a person says something they do feel it. I can not speak for my team mates, but for myself, sometimes I have to voice it, in order to see how silly it is and move beyond it. And now that I've said that, please, don't think poorly of us for being into the game enough to get frustrated. If we really didn't care we wouldn't even get upset or feel bad. And we certainly won't move beyond it and send you our votes. Besides, I do have to laugh at how the votes turned out. It seems that our random draw resulted in putting the decision in the Aces hands. Which is fine by me. I hate making those choices anyway. [B]EDIT:[/B] It seems we were responding at the same time. lol ;)
  25. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="goldenrod"]All right, I may not be the team captain, but the pity party ends here. *[B]smacks herself as well as everyone else, [U]especially Rach[/U][/B]* Whether or not cliches were missed or we agree with how things were done is irrelevant. We are the[B][SIZE="3"] Sunflowers[/SIZE][/B] and we'll accept our loss as a team and vote someone out as a team. *[B]glares at everyone[/B]* I am going to vote via a random draw though since I refuse to pick someone. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Even so, you're quite right in saying what you did, smack and all. And please accept my apologies for allowing my frustration to show, it was very immature and childish of me to do so. So I will also do as the rest of you have and send in my vote. It's certainly nothing personal. Besides if any of us did quit then we really would have no honor and that would be unfair to those on the other team who worked hard as well.
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