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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
[quote name='Copycatalyst'] One of the main being that there's just this cliqueishness currently, to the whole thing; I don't know, as much as Aaryana Mom seems like a neat gal. . .I find it kind of weird that she's twice, even 2.5 times higher in age then most OB members. . .This is quite odd and weird to me. I feel like I'm being watched by a mother. . .and everyone accepts this, at a messageboard of mostly 20-somethings or younger? Everyone respects her because she posts wisely; well I think if I was forty I would too, and in fact I think I post intelligently already but it's usually over most peoples' heads, which is fine by me (all the more fun for me). [/QUOTE]Try 49. As for why I'm here? I thought it was obvious. My daughter's a member here as well as some friends from real life. ;) I'm also disabled and for the most part restricted to staying at home. I can't hold down a job or do a lot of the things I use to. So I'm here since I find it interesting. Not to actually watch anyone. Though on some level I do watch my daughter's online activities. One would hope that all parents do that. Perhaps not as much as I do, though that only happens here. I do not visit any other site she is a part of. But one thing I do not do is sit around watching others here, other than to read their posts in topics I find interesting. And I do enjoy the rpg aspect. Though I'm not into video games at all. As for the topic? OB seems more like a community to me. With the younger members, the 20 somethings and those others who are a little older. Along with drama and silliness thrown in there. All of it coming together in a way that's fun.
Thank you very much hun, just trying to figure out so many tags was giving me a headache. And you got it exactly like I was wanting it to be. ^_~[quote name='Shy'][size=1]Anyway, this was a really interesting read. My expectations for an OB newspaper were pretty low, but you totally blew me away. I can't wait to read the next installment, and hopefully I can contribute some articles of my own. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE]Glad to hear it. ;) Though if anyone has suggestions on how to improve it by all means speak up. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked due to not feeling well. So I'd like to make sure there's more involvement from everyone who was interested in being a part of this. So once I finish with the holiday I'll be asking for more articles; reviews; member of the month and artist of the month recommendations as well as more ideas of what to include. The format is by no means set. ^_~
"[COLOR="Red"][B]Well, Mother, don't you have anything to say?[/B][/COLOR]" Mother did indeed have something to say, but she didn't know where to begin. She felt as if someone had tossed ice cold water on her. It just wasn't possible. But obviously it was since here he was in Grape Ape's office no less, dirty and unkempt as well as sporting a beard instead of the clean shaven look that he use to favor. [I]How did he end up with the terrorists? [/I] Mother had long ago resigned herself to the possibility that she would never see him again when he had vanished. With a negligible shake of her head she regained her composure. "[B]Of course I have something to say.[/B]" Mother finally spoke. "[B]You've been missing for so long that everyone thought you were dead! Why did you join the terrorists?[/B]" Grape Ape just continued to look a bit surprised and slightly confused. Mother's file did not mention a missing and presumed dead father. It had just been assumed that he was deceased. At the time when she had joined the CTU it had never crossed Mother's mind to mention it. After all, like her, her father would have never joined the terrorists. [I]Is this because of those strokes he had before he vanished? Or have they somehow brainwashed him? [/I] Mother didn't know what to think. "[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Mother, just what is going on?[/COLOR][/B]" Grape Ape finally spoke up while Terror Stick just kept grinning slyly. "[B]It's simple Grape Ape, this is my father. Samuel. He suffered several strokes about ten years ago and shortly afterwards disappeared. We searched for him but never found him. It was thought that he had wandered off, had another stroke and died. But obviously a body was never found.[/B]" Terror Stick stroked his beard as he spoke. "[COLOR="Red"][B]You see Grape Ape? I do not lie, I was lost in the desert when the terrorists found me. They knew of Mother and wished to use me to kill you. I have patiently waited for the chance to come here and escape.[/B][/COLOR]" "[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Well this is certainly a surprise, but still Terror Stick, if you've been with the terrorists for such a long time I find it hard to believe that you did not have a chance to defect sooner.[/COLOR][/B]" Mother just stared at them for a moment, looking at one and then back at the other until finally her eyes rested on her father. "[B]Terror Stick? What kind of name is that?[/B]" She sighed not sure what to think anymore. "[B]I don't know what to say Grape Ape. As much as I know my father is a good man, he was never the type to grow a beard or not take a bath either.[/B]" She looked away a bit. "[B]I'm sorry Father, but it probably would be best if you get cleaned up and are put in a cell to be debriefed. We need to determine just what they did to you all this time. As well as having the doctor check you as well.[/B]" Mother turned to leave but not before saying one more thing. "[B]I'm sorry Grape Ape, I need some time alone to think about this. All I ask is that you please keep in mind that he's probably not himself anymore.[/B]"
Coffee has never appealed to me. So other than to have it a time or two I've never been one to drink it. But tea?[quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]Whole lotta ice tea gets tossed around in Texas so I drink tons of that. I also brew chai, green, earl grey and random teas that I pick up at the local stores. [/color][/QUOTE]It's just as DeathKnight says. Iced Tea is practically a staple in Texas. At least it was where I was raised. And though it pains me to say it, most of the time it was the only way to drink water since it tastes so terrible down there. You had to turn it into tea! Though now that I'm in Utah I've turned into an Iced Water drinker. The spring water from the surrounding mountains is great stuff and on some levels I prefer it over tea. That and I've had to give up a lot of things that I like. I have to be careful about what I get in any type of tea or any other drink for that matter. I've been reduced to only having it occasionally when I use to always drink it. And when I do I have one it's a type of herbal tea that is either lemon or raspberry flavored.
I have no intention of turning it into a branch of Otakupedia. ;) For the same reasons you just mentioned James. Though I certainly see no problem with articles being adapted to fit Otakupedia. Anyway... I am sorry that I have not gotten this going. I've been having trouble with my health lately so I've been feeling out of it for a while. Some of the articles I have not received yet, however, I already have more than enough for a first edition. I have decided to ask my daughter to do the actual thread with the newspaper since she understands how to do the tags and such far better than I do. So she's going to be our publisher. So you can all expect it up in the next day or two. ;) Also it looks like we will be going with the second banner, so thanks again for all the work in making one for this project. Also, for those articles I didn't get, still send them to me since they can go in the next edition. :catgirl:
[quote name='Retribution'][size=1]I think that's an overstatement. There is nothing wrong with pride and honor at its purest. All this talk about "Pride goeth before the fall" is absolutely ridiculous. Sure, maybe facing insults with a violent threat isn't the best idea, but when The Boss takes this as a serious and personal affront, is it outrageous to think that he'd want to fight? I don't think anyone's really understanding his situation fully (with the exception of Mitch) by just telling him to turn the other cheek. I personally would verbally confront the person/people and ask what all the hate was about. I'd show them how idiotic they were being, and never acknowledge their presence again. Of course, it's pretty tough to find open minded people in the US south. Flee to the north where the [marginally] more sophisticated people live.[/size][/QUOTE]Nonsense, though he may not have intended it The Boss's posts came across as if he was angry enough to pick a fight, something that he has answered well enough to convince me that that is not the case. That's where the jab about pride came in since too often people fall into that line of reasoning and get hurt. The saying exists because it is true. And telling him to turn the other cheek? I assure you I was not saying he wouldn't or shouldn't have the desire to fight. I was pointing out that it's a foolish response to actually do it. This is not just a blind statement. My brother has worked in law enforcement for decades as a sheriff, I've seen and heard quite a few horror stories resulting from domestic violence. It's far from pretty and situations like this can escalate all to easily into something that would be a problem. My values may be different but I find the saying that I have to handle this myself as a man, silly and stupid. (No offense meant The Boss) We are a highly dependent society, we depend upon others for everything we do (food, shelter, jobs, etc) and yet we try to maintain the mentality that certain things can only be solved by ourselves. And to actually do so is admirable. But at the same time, I am saying don't let that same mentality blind you to seeking help when it's appropriate. There is no shame in a situation that requires outside assistance. It does not make one less of a man/human. I've lost count of the times my brother has discussed stuff with me that a simple phone call to the police would have ended it, or at the very least defused the situation. What I don't understand is why people are taking the advice as if we don't understand how The Boss feels. When (and correct me if I'm wrong The Boss) I see someone who is beyond frustrated and yet trying to keep that frustration in. Anyway, I am sorry that your father is so difficult about the relationship. I've never had to face that type of problem, but I have had other things with my older kids that were hard to accept and I honestly wish I could go back and do things differently. Also, thank you for explaining things more clearly. I appreciate it. ;)
Personally I have no issues with Interracial Relationships, but I won't lie. I was raised in an area and time when it was highly frowned upon. That sort of thing is not easy to get over. Just as I was raised to not marry outside of the religion I am in. Now I have to ask, have you actually talked to your father? Has he actually told you that you are dating her just to spite him? This is important since he may just be uncomfortable with it. And without clarification I am not sure if you are saying he only seems that way or if he has actually come out and said this. Now I am going to take to you to task about this bit on pride and honor. Pride and honor are in many ways every bit as stupid as the prejudice being directed towards you and your girlfriend. You mentioned pride for my people, just what does my people mean to you? I sincerely hope you are not talking about being white/black/etc. That's the same reason they are attacking you, implying that your race is not good enough for theirs. You say they are insulting who you are but it sounds like they are making a judgment based on how you appear. That's not the same thing at all. Because if they were to actually know you or be more opening minded, which it sounds like they are not, then they wouldn't say such stupid things or try to break the two of you apart. One final thing even though others have already touched on it. Being too prideful to ask for others to help is a big mistake. You're placing yourself above everyone else instead of looking for a solution. As Rachmaninoff put it, this includes your girlfriend as well and by refusing to look at options you're ignoring her or the potential for things to get out of hand if this person does become more of a problem. I don't know how much of a problem this person is, but if they are threatening you that should not be taken lightly. Pride and honor are also about doing what's best instead of what your emotions are driving you towards. Instead, pride yourself on having the courage to do what's best for both you and your girlfriend, even if that means seeking help.
Court Experience or just support?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]No problem. I already knew where it was, so it wasn't really that difficult for me. (I tend to retain stuff like that....)[/FONT][/QUOTE]Glad to hear that you retain stuff hun. Here's another one to retain. Quite a few of us [I]do not retain stuff[/I], nor does it occur to us to hunt through previous posts. ;) As for the topic, now that you've clarified more I can and will wish you the best of luck. And in spite of what others have said. Do not be mean. Be calm and rational as well as logical. The whole point is to show the judge that you are the one who is best equipped to care for your daughter. Try to state your points as facts instead of accusations against your ex. If at all possible do not resort to personal attacks, even if he does. In the end, if he's vindictive and vicious it will only back fire on him. However I won't lie, some ex's are masters at using the system just to hurt you regardless of what it does to their children. I've been fortunate, my ex has never been like that, ever. But I have friends who are not so lucky. It's a situation that often is unpleasant. But for the sake of your daughter, try to not sink to that level of pettiness. Be firm in simply stating what has happened and why you did not let him take her to Texas for the summer. -
[quote name='Sara'][color=#db2007]Also, Aaryanna_Mom gets a big salute from me for becoming OB's mom. I feel like I played that part for a long time, and it's awesome to have someone else be the kind, responsible one. (Do you like tea? We could do tea some time!)[/color][/QUOTE]I love iced tea. Great stuff. As well as other teas served hot. And thank you. ;) As for meeting people, I could get seriously long winded here since I'd love nothing better than to have a fun get together just to meet people. Anyway, to the list, even though it won't include everyone. [B]indifference and Rachmaninoff[/B] - I put these two together since out of all the members here they are the ones I'm most likely to end up meeting. They live the closest after all. And meeting a fellow musician would be great fun since I've already talked with Rachmaninoff about concerts at BYU and in Salt Lake City that we've attended without realizing that the other one was there. I'm supremely curious since I may have already seen him and not realized it. [B]Desbreko [/B]- I have to meet the person that inspired my daughter, the one who doesn't like boys, to actually create a fan club. [B]James [/B]- That goes without saying since I'd love to meet the person who handles everyone's complaints with such calm, even my own. That and it'd be a great reason to travel to Australia. I've always wanted to go there. [B]Shy [/B]- Again for similar reasons to James. [B]Panda [/B]- For all the times she's been an online mom, helping my daughter with questions when she's needed it. [B]DeathKnight and Charles[/B] - Since both of them have such a fun sense of humor, even if I don't always see it. lol
As much fun as it was to read the part where Kerstin and Daniel got rescued, I'm thinking that the part where Blaine get's nailed is going to be the most gratifying. Especially after Rachmaninoff and I turned him into such a [I]meanie[/I] as my daughter would put it. ;) [B]EDIT:[/B] Good heavens! I just realized that my signature is huge! I really need to fix that somehow. There, that's much better. :)
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="goldenrod"]Don't worry Anomaly, it's especially hard to make a decision like this when everyone has put a lot of effort into their challenges. Which is why I'm a fan of the random draw method, since honestly, how else could I choose when everyone did their best? :( [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Every time I have been required to vote for someone, that is exactly how I have done it. I do not watch survivor shows for the simple reason that all the silly soap opera behind how they choose to vote someone off annoys me. So for this competition I have always drawn names. About the only difference was when the teams were merged into two. I tried to pick the members who had been the least active, even though I knew that school and other things interfered. But in the end, there can only be one so I'll get to work on the draw and send it to you Sandy. As much as I'd like everyone to win, it's just not possible. And both of you did a good job. Anomaly for being to the point with lighthearted comments and KW for doing one that was more of a role play. At least that's how it seemed to me. [B]EDIT:[/B] And done. I've sent you the pm Sandy. Also, those pictures you posted were too funny SunfallE. My daughter has a number of pictures like that on our computer. The one that makes me laugh the most is this one: [URL="http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/4807/threaddirectioncu9.jpg"][B][U]Thread Direction[/U][/B][/URL]
Court Experience or just support?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I'm sorry hun, but without more details than what you've given I can't possibly offer you support. You say you don't know how it came down to this, but as a divorced parent I find that a little hard to believe. Especially if this trip to Texas fell under your ex's rights as a parent to have your daughter with him. I'm sure it's not pleasant to talk about, but just what reason do you have for refusing the trip? And like my daughter already mentioned, not liking your ex or issues between you two is 100% irrelevant. Even if I do not like my ex that does not give me the right to interfere with the relationship between him and my daughter. Anyway, I'd like to see you clear this up, to explain what's going on since without that information, as the others have said, that's the way the law works. Those visitation rights are expected to be followed and if not you have to have a very good reason as to why they are not. -
Alright, so far all the articles I have gotten are wonderful. Great job everyone. Also, due to something that's been stressing me out lately I will be gone for a day or two. I should be back either Monday or first thing Tuesday. Then we can get things rolling so to speak. [CENTER]-------------------------[/CENTER] Okay, sorry for the delay. I've gone ahead and added a poll to the banner request. Just follow the link in my signature. There's are six great banners to choose from. :catgirl: Also, I have several great articles for the first edition. So even if we don't get every area covered, you're all going to love the first edition. I even already have a recommendation for member of the month. If there are any other articles that you want to see or you are working on. I'd like to have everything sent to me this weekend. I'm not too picky about getting it up right on the first, but I do intend to post what I do have before the forth of July next week. Anyway, great work everyone.
Request OtakuBoards Newspaper Banner Request
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Aaryanna_Mom's topic in Creative Works
All right. Thank you so much everyone for all the great banners you made. :catgirl: I've included a poll at the top so it's time to find out which one all of you would like to use. Banner #1 [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b191/Bklynstyles/OBD.png[/IMG] Banner #2 [IMG]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/3185/timesjq3.jpg[/IMG] Banner #3 [IMG]http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/9121/obnewsbannerpx1.jpg[/IMG] Banner #4 [IMG]http://i7.tinypic.com/4mn3gib.png[/IMG] Banner #5 [IMG]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/3548/obnewsdi6.png[/IMG] Banner #6 [IMG]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/7830/newspaper01yc9.png[/IMG] Now just vote for which one you like the best. And thanks again everyone. :catgirl: -
Mother had not intended to come back. Her words of frustration over how certain aspects and predetermined policies were being ignored were exactly how she felt. She did not care if there was a war being fought. Or that spammers were on the loose and that terrorists were attempting to hijack the sister site's founder. Being an agent of the CTU was secondary to being a Mother who still had a daughter she was raising. It was one thing to care for others, to prepare baked goods and to offer advice whenever possible, but neglecting her daughter to deal with issues she should never have had to deal with in the first place was unacceptable. So with a polite nod to Grape Ape who though sad, understood her decision, she had left. It was not like she was leaving them on their own. The CTU had many capable and strong agents who would see to it that the terrorists did not win. And even though she was saddened to learn that Peacock's injury had ended up claiming his life, she went back to what she had always done. Taking care of her daughter. But something had happened to convince her to return and now as she stood before the main entrance of the CTU accompanied by a blonde haired child who looked to be about twelve, she wondered how her daughter had managed to talk her into returning. Though in her heart she knew. Mother's daughter was in many ways far more outspoken and determined than she had ever been. She ignored the surprised looks from the other members of the CTU as she entered the building and immediately headed for Grape Ape's office. Taking a seat along with her daughter across from Grape Ape who was looking at her with a surprised look on his face. "[B]Mother, what can I do for you?[/B]" "[B]It's simple Grape Ape, I wish to return to duty. However I have a condition that must be met.[/B]" Grape Ape could hardly believe it. Mother wanted to return? Surely it was a good sign that they would win the war, they had been losing too many agents lately. "[B]What's the condition?[/B]" Mother reached over and placed her right hand on her daughters left shoulder. "[B]My daughter will be staying with me as well as assisting you with your fight.[/B]" "[B]Mother.[/B]" Grape Ape said reluctantly, "[B]You know that in order to sign up one has to at least be thirteen.[/B]" "[B]Hey![/B]" The girl spoke up. "[B]Use your eyes old man! I'm fifteen![/B]" "[B]Aaryanna,[/B]" Mother said warningly. "[B]Be a little more respectful please.[/B]" "[B]Yes Mom.[/B]" Aaryanna said with a mischievous glance. Mother just sighed. Grape Ape looked to Aaryanna again. "[B]I see, then welcome aboard Aaryanna, what would you like to use as your call sign?[/B]" "[B]I would have thought that was obvious! Fluff![/B]" "[B]Ah... Fluff it is then.[/B]" Grape Ape pulled out a file and made a note of their newest addition. "[B]Well, now that that's settled I'm going to show my daughter around.[/B]" Mother stood up and took Aaryanna with her, tuning out anything else that Grape Ape would have said. "[B]Now I'm afraid you'll have to share a room with me dear since there just isn't enough to go around at the moment.[/B]" Mother was saying. "[B]Yeah, Yeah, I know. I don't suppose we can go and get some dinner first?[/B]" Aaryanna asked wistfully. "[B]I'm kinda hungry.[/B]"
[QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=goldenrod]*laughs* I think its safe to say that anyone would prefer Kiva over Jared. Heh. Still since that particular detail has been given over to Takuya and indifference, you'll all just have to wait and see what happens. Even I don't know what the two of them decided on. ^_~ I've been enjoying the investigation posts since it's still obviously up in the air as to just what will happen, at least as far as Blaine is concerned. Daniel and Kerstin is another matter altogether. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Agreed. And I rather like how Stevens is using the threat of Jared being the one to interrogate the High Council. It's wonderfully ironic in my opinion. But beyond that. Now that indifference's post is up I'm looking forward to Takuya's since I'm assuming it will be the part where Blaine is caught and Daniel and Kerstin are finally found. That and I'm looking forward to seeing all of them working together, Kiva, Daego and Jared. Well at least semi together since I've no idea how Kiva will organize the assault. Regardless I'm definately looking forward to it! :catgirl:
Excellent work team, It's looking like it's going to be a close race. And in a way I find that rather exciting. I think it's sad that only one can be chosen and it's often why I never watch those silly survivor shows since they tend to annoy the heck out of me. In my professional opinion, it was not a simple choice, each contestant had area's where they clearly out did the other. And I'm sure all of you can understand that I feel biased towards our team. On the other hand I can honestly say that it's much closer than people might think. Regardless of silly statements that so and so's was better. In that respect I am not biased at all. As a music teacher I am never biased towards a student when it comes to giving an honest critique and grade of what they did. But since I know people would take it the wrong way or it would be taken as an unfair bias I have no intention of doing so. Other than to say, if you were my student Rach... I'd be very proud of the effort and results you produced. Especially in a medium that you are not comfortable with. That's a lot harder than people think it is. Just like how Sandy couldn't follow the Bye Bye Bye instrumental song and insert the lyrics. If its not something you understand or know how to do, it is extremely frustrating to try to do it in a very short time. So trust me, you've got nothing to be ashamed about. Those raps were very impressive and well done. Anyway, best of luck with your challenge Alexa. I'm positive that you'll do a good job. And since that's about all I can say, I'll stand back and cheer for you. :catgirl:
Mother didn't waste a moment, quickly stepping forward to hand Grape Ape a slip of paper. With all that had happened she couldn't let people's emotions get the better of them. They needed to hear what happened first before making a decision. "[B]I've been meeting with indifference for over a week now. I didn't dare say anything until the traitor was found since I knew that doing so would only make me look guilty when I was not.[/B]" Mother looked around at the rest of the agents. Their expressions one of being stunned over her words. "[B]I told Japan that everyone has good in them even Charlie, this is something that I know is true. And after talking with indifference for over a week I believe that her desire to stop being a terrorist is genuine.[/B]" She looked back at Grape Ape who was still reading the paper she had given him. "[B]Please show that to the others.[/B]" Grape Ape passed it around:[QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Indigo]Mother...I need your help... It's simple really, when I first joined the Final Quest For Glory I was but an excited recruit, eager to do well. But as you have seen the quest for fun has been anything but fun. Instead of attempting to liberate OB the group I once trusted has turned out to be raving lunatics who are willing to do anything to take over OB and turn it into a grounds where they reign as Gods. Debasing the boards with their smell and unholy threads on Porn. At first it seemed so harmless, but the merciless slaughter of Prem and Nonentity, even though I did not care at the time, clearly shows they do not care who stands in their way. And the attempts to assassinate both Dagger and James only showed that one slip and I will be their next target. After all, I did not post in the thread about Hentai, it was so ludicrous, since such an addition would hardly be fun and would exclude a fair number of members. So I implore you Mother...Once we are done trying to find the traitor in our midst, which to the best of Charles/Baby Girl's knowledge is not me, I only just now decided I can no longer side with the terrorists. I wish to defect and become a member of the CTU. If not that at the very least throw me into one of your cells and protect me from being cruelly assassinated by those I once trusted. I await your mercy Mother. ~indifference or as I would prefer to be known...Crystia[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Grape Ape looked at with indifference with distrust. "[B]How do I know you aren't lying?[/B]" "[B]Why don't you ask your mole Gavin? I did my best to convince the others that I'm Not Noruma was the traitor, if that idiot hadn't failed to log off his computer Charlie would have thought I'm Not Noruma was the traitor. Seriously[/B]" indifference said with contempt, "[B]Gavin a terrorist? Not likely.[/B]" "[B]Please,[/B]" Mother pleaded. "[B]indifference has already said she's fine with being put in a cell until we determine if she can be trusted or not. We have to give her a chance.[/B]" "[B]I don't know,[/B]" Grape Ape started to say. indifference tossed her mod rod to Grape Ape who caught it with surprise. "[B]If that won't convince you I don't know what will. If you can't trust me then at least put me in a cell. You can give me my mod rod back when you've decided whether or not to trust me.[/B]" "[B]One other thing, if you do, then I prefer to be called Crystia, indifference the terrorist is no more.[/B]"
[QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][B]Method 3: Have half a brain.[/B] As has been shown time and time again, if you actually use your ****ing head once in a while, you'll have no problems making friends and influencing people. This is the least travelled route for reasons unknown, but you can be pretty sure if you try it you'll become internet famous in no time. There's no prerequisites, but having a screenname that is vaguely ominous sounding usually helps. Also, not resorting to trolling when bored as well - some of our best trolls once used this method, but later joined the dark side (largely cause this method can get shockingly boring if you've got nothing better to do). Chances of moddom are high, but not as high as being a serious jerk. [I]Your mentors[/I]: Aaryanna_Mom, Shy, indifference.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]o_O Well that's something that had never occurred to me. Especially since I don't consider myself famous at all. Rather I think of the forum itself as being famous. Hmmm....as for the other methods. I do have to admit that ten fits my daughter. Her and Aaryanna are inseparable. But then I think it's adorable. lol As for nine. Uh...yeah, seeing what some of you kids used in your pictures, even if it's censored... That is completely and totally not hot. [QUOTE=BKstyles][font=tahoma]In any case, I happen to agree with Des fitting into method four...I mean the dude has a fan club, who even made a website about him, and they sport it proudly in their sigs. In fact he even has a fanboy. I think that's the definition of cult of creepy stalkers :p. *protects self from SunfallE* [/font][/QUOTE]And to think it was my daughters idea to even form the fan club in the first place. But still she's not a creepy stalker I'll have you know. ;)
After forwarding the video that had been waiting for him at the front desk of the hotel he was staying at to Jared, William took his things and went back to his ship. Even though order was being maintained in sector one, there was still incidents of violence and the university campus as well as the hotel were not immune. They were quickly taken care of but still, in the end he decided it would be best to stay on the ship where the security there would keep anyone from bothering him or his crew. William made sure to leave news at the front desk should Jared wish to contact him. As much as he'd rather not, failure to do so would attract far too much attention. In the end he was far more comfortable on his ship than he had ever been at the hotel. The crew had been recalled and due to the chaos, dealing with and sending reports out was fairly easy. There was too much traffic in that respect for anyone to even come close to keeping track of things let along intercept those few encrypted messages. So far what he had learned was that sectors one, five, six, seven, thirteen and fourteen were under control. But the rest had widespread riots that the military was still working to contain. Many citizens were beyond outraged and calling for the execution of the entire High Council. It was not a huge majority, but their protests were only adding to the general unrest. As much as William would have loved to do away with the High Council, he knew how impractical that would be. Without some form of replacement government things would be worse than they had been before. And Martial law never worked for more than a brief period of time. History had proven that. It was always tolerated at first but before long people would rebel against that too. William wondered just how those who lead the various forces intended to actually find out just who was guilty. Even Erica had not been certain. The information she sent him listed those who she suspected, but nothing more. With a sigh he began working through the reports from his agents in regards to Daniel and Kerstin. They were no closer to finding them today than they had been at the beginning. Every lead kept going to something else. And the confusion was making it harder to track Blaine down. William hoped that Blaine had not figured out who Daniel really was. He knew perfectly well that Blaine would simply use Daniel and the potential information he had to wiggle his way out of the trouble he was in. And getting their hands on someone who not only knew who the next leader of the Resistance was as well as the identity of some of their top agents like Kiva, would be too good of a deal for the Military to pass up. If Blaine figured that out...William shook his head. There was nothing he could do about it. He turned his attention back to what he had been sent. [CENTER]-----------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Daniel had been waiting for Blaine to talk to him alone so when his goons showed up midday and took only him to see Blaine, he had not been surprised at all. They took him to the same office where they had first met, forcing him to sit in a lone chair that was facing the desk, Blaine already sitting on the front edge of the desk. His eyes calculating as Daniel was brought into the room. Daniel just said nothing, waiting for Blaine to speak. "[B]I must say Daniel, you're a bit of a mystery. There's nothing in your information or Kerstin's to even indicate that the two of you know each other and yet you persist in enduring punishment on her behalf. I find that rather curious.[/B]" Daniel stayed silent, focusing on keeping his expression as neutral as possible. He didn't know what Blaine was thinking and the last thing he wanted to do was give him any ideas. Blaine tilted his head to the right slightly, "[B]You disappoint me Daniel. Your silence only confirms my guess that there is more going on than what is in your public records.[/B]" Blaine shifted a bit, crossing his legs, his expression taking on a colder feel. "[B]It seems to me that perhaps it would be better if I simply asked Kerstin.[/B]" "[B]Leave her out of it Blaine.[/B]" Daniel snapped. "[B]I would have thought it was obvious that any gentleman would never stoop so low as to harm a woman or to do nothing while some [I]scum[/I] is harming her.[/B]" "[B]Scum is it? Gentleman is it?[/B]" Blaine laughed. "[B]Please tell me that you're not going to fall back on that tired old fashioned drivel to explain your actions.[/B]" Blaine stood up from sitting partially on the desk. Walking over until he was right in front of Daniel, forcing him to look up. "[B]You don't behave like a gentleman Daniel, you behave more like someone who has been entrusted to care for Kerstin. I've dealt with so called gentleman before and not one of them has ever kept interfering to the point where they could not move.[/B]" Blaine leaned forward and down a bit. "[B]You behave as if she is your duty, your responsibility. There are only two type of people who would do as you have, one who really is duty bound due to their oath as an officer in the Military, or one who's status is tied.[/B]" Daniel went cold all over at the mention of an officers oath. If Blaine figured out that he had been in the military... Blaine pulled back and went back over to his desk, taking a moment to pull up a live shot of Kerstin who was still in the room, sitting on the sofa. The huge display on the far wall making it easy to see what was going on in the room. "[B]It's really quite simple Daniel, either you tell me just which it is or I'll get the information from Kerstin.[/B]" He smiled nastily. "[B]I'll even let you watch the fun.[/B]" [I]Gods...What do I tell him?[/I] Daniel wondered. [I]What would he believe? [/I] "[B]You have one minute to decide, I am not a patient man and my men have been longing for a chance to educate Kerstin.[/B]" Daniel froze. [I]Not again...Gods...Not again. [/I] He unconsciously reached up to his pocket that had held his locket with his picture of his mother. The locket that Blaine's goons had destroyed. "[B]It's true.[/B]" He finally said. "[B]I do know who she is. I've known who she is for months, it's part of why William and I chose to attend the university she's at. Kerstin doesn't know who I am though.[/B]" "[B]That still doesn't explain it to my satisfaction Daniel,[/B]" Blaine said. "[B]You'll have to do better than that.[/B]" Daniel looked away, "[B]I thought you knew. William came to Reflection to find someone to tie his status to. To get married if you will. He's had his eye on her since he discovered her art. William's been working up the courage to talk to her.[/B]" Daniel held his breath, wondering if Blaine would even believe him or not. "[B]I still think it's more than that[/B]." Blaine smiled a bit. "[B]If I were to guess, based on your actions, I would think it was you who were interested in her. After all you've gone out of your way to reassure and comfort her. Hardly the actions of someone simply looking out for a woman his best friend is interested in.[/B]" Daniel just clasped his hands together and looked at them, hoping that Blaine really was believing that Daniel liked Kerstin in that manner, even if he did not. "[B]It doesn't matter. I would never stand between my best friend and someone he was interested in.[/B]" "[B]We'll see.[/B]" Blaine replied. "[B]Take him back to their room. Be sure to give him another lesson for Kerstin's benefit though.[/B]" Daniel looked up at Blaine in surprise. [I]What the hell? Why would Kerstin need to see me get tortured again?[/I] But Blaine just smiled smugly at him as his men dragged Daniel to his feet and took him out the door. [I]What is Blaine up to?[/I]
Well I don't know if you all would consider it a group. But I've been part of a choir for quite some time. I rarely sing though as I usually provide the music for the group. Both piano and organ. Over the years we've given quite a few performances. Usually in the winter as we almost always perform part of the Messiah. Ah, I almost forgot, we almost always perform for various holidays as well, like the fourth of July. It's purely for fun of course but I certainly enjoy it.
[quote name='Shy][size=1]The idea of anyone writing [i]anything[/i'] about a Caption Contest thread just blows my mind. Wow.[/size][/quote]Now Shy I'm gonna have to bonk you for that one.The whole point in covering something like that is silly game threads like that are a part of the boards and in their own way fun. That makes them worth mentioning in an article. It's also what news is about, covering what people find interesting, even if you yourself find it tedious or boring. ;) Though I have thought about making a more grand article covering several types of game threads instead of focusing on just one. Kind of a comparison between very silly ones to more thought out ones like the six degrees of Wikipedia. Since obviously some of the games are more interesting than others are. :catgirl:
[QUOTE=Shy][size=1]Is there any meaningful way we could combine this newspaper and Otakupedia? I fear that the OB Newspaper has been at least partially responsible for draining the talent pool for Otakupedia. Both of them seem like worthwhile projects with basically the same goal. Even if we could just retool old newspaper articles into Otakupedia entries that would cool by me. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE]Actually I believe 2007DigitalBoy was already planning on turning around and submitting some of the articles into Otakupedia. ;) So that would work just fine. And once each edition goes up the same can be done for anything else that others think would make a good Otakupedia entry.
Everyone seemed to be stunned, they thought they had found the traitor in Japan but in the end it was her who had been betrayed. Mother knew she wasn't the one to give orders, but the appalling lack of concern or refusal by others to speak up still had her feeling frustrated a bit. Enough that she finally snapped at the others, just a tiny bit. She fixed all of them with a glare even as she moved to put her arm over Japan's shoulders protectively, "[B]What are you waiting for? Get moving and stop Platypus![/B]" But either they were going to already or they didn't hear her as many of them took off before she was even done speaking. Mother sighed and then hugged Japan tightly before letting her go. "[B]It's all right, even if you were a terrorist, it's not your fault. I'm sorry for doubting you.[/B]" "[B]How can you say that?[/B]" Japan asked her, "[B]You seemed so certain before.[/B]" Mother just smiled a bit. "[B]It's simple really, I know that everyone has good in them, even Charles.[/B]" She sighed a bit. "[B]I only hope that eventually he realizes what he's done and puts an end to this foolishness. Besides, even if you were one you're not anymore and that's all that matters.[/B]" Mother walked over and started cleaning up the food that Japan had fixed. A moment later Japan started helping her. "[B]Now, if you'd really like to help out with the cooking dear, I'd be happy to give you cooking lessons.[/B]" "[B]That bad huh?[/B]" Japan said with a laugh. "[B]Well...It's a start.[/B]" Mother wrinkled her nose, "[B]But yeah, it was a little too strong.[/B]" Mother smiled kindly, and then frowned a tiny bit. Even if they figured it out, what was Grape Ape going to do with Platypus when they caught them?[I] Oh honestly! These kids need to grow up and stop all this nonsense! [/I]Then with the ruined food in hand her and Japan headed for the kitchen.
No problem 2007DigitalBoy. Also, I haven't forgotten this. Aaryanna was sick and unfortunately I got it so I've been feeling a little under the weather for the past couple of days. However I am starting to feel better. Also now that I have several articles I'll be sending them to the various editors to look over in the next day or two. And in the next couple of days I'll have the thread on voting for a banner up. I do have one question and this is really directed more towards Revelation. Should I simply include that in this thread? Or can I create a separate one with a poll and everything?