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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
The Inevitable O-Lounge Blondes Vs Brunettes!
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Andrew's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Lady Asphyxia][font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen] I will no doubt do my part for the 'ayran race' and marry a blonde in order to have blonde children and prolong the eventual downfall. [/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE]Not necessary. After all my ex had brown hair, I have dark brown hair and I still had a blonde daughter. :catgirl: I don't know how that works, but Aaryanna's older sister has brown hair where she has blonde. It's a family thing, my sister has blonde hair and she has one daughter with blonde hair and one with brown. Oh and forget the silly idea that blonde's aren't special or unique. I guarantee you, if you have a child like Aaryanna, you'll know exactly what I mean. Stereotyping is pigheaded and stupid, as well as being rude. And Aaryanna is nothing like what people think blonde's are. -
So few were speaking up, it was disheartening. To Mother, it felt as if people were too afraid to speak up, too afraid of the possibility of retribution should their guess be wrong, or correct for that matter. [I]I have to do something, at this rate we won't figure it out. Ploppy's observations were well thought out and yet in spite of that others still refuse to speak up![/I] Mother took a deep breath to steady herself. Most of them didn't understand why she had been so upset over the whole thing, or rather she thought that they were assuming it was due to her inability to believe that someone would be a terrorist. But Mother knew it was more than that, and the knowledge weighed heavily on her heart. [I]I can't let it bother me anymore, [/I]she thought with determination.[I] Even if someone actually thought such a thing was possible, I know that it was not and that's all that matters in the end.[/I] "[B]I have something else to say,[/B]" Mother spoke up. Everyone gave her their attention. "[B]When this first started we all agreed to what Grape Ape suggested, to use questions that would be answered in secret. I suppose he meant to protect the two who were innocent since being considered a traitor, especially when one is not, is a horrible thing to do to someone.[/B]" Mother sighed, clearly distressed, "[B]Even though Grape Ape was planning on revealing who the three suspects were, I honestly think he was hoping to figure it out before it came to this. I believe his intent was to uncover the traitor and protect the identity of the others. I don't know if that's what he really intended or not, but now we'll never find out.[/B]" She took another moment to compose herself and then finally, she said it, "[B]Ploppy is correct, I am suspect number one.[/B]" Mother ignored the startled gasps of surprise, as well as the tears that started running down her face. "[B]I know that I am not a traitor. Just as I know that I could never harm someone else, and it hurts unbearably that anyone could even think that I would. I know that if we do have a traitor, it has to be one of the other two and yet, I still don't want to believe that either one of them would do such a thing.[/B]" Mother sat back down and bent over placing her hands over her face, "[B]I'm sorry, but how can I possibly help decide who the traitor is when I am one of the suspects? It's not fair to the others who are under suspicion, I'll still be your spokesperson, but I can't help you decide who is guilty, you'll have to make that decision without my help.[/B]" At that point Mother couldn't help but cry, all she could think of was what would happen to her daughter if she was falsely accused of being a traitor? Who would take care of her? [I]I'm sorry Grape Ape, but I can't keep this a secret any longer. They have the right to know. [/I]Now she could only hope that if one of the other two really was a traitor, that the others would figure it out.
Even if the false identity that he had created for both Daniel and himself was one of the most detailed and though William had ever done, he was far from thrilled with the attention he was getting do to Kerstin's kidnapping. William knew that Blaine did not like him as well as a number of other powerful businessmen and merchants. Which was why he kept tabs on them to make sure he wasn't caught unaware. But that could not have prepared him for the unexpected, and Daniel getting caught up in the mess with Kerstin was just that. Unexpected. Both of them had been careful to avoid Kerstin since associating with her would have been too obvious, but now that precaution was completely wasted, thanks to Blaine. With all the commotion going on due to the arrest of Erica Kendrick as well as the High Council being put under arrest. Things were going crazy. So far on the home world and Reflection, though tense, things were under control. But William had already gotten word from agents about riots and all sorts of things getting out of hand in other sectors. The military as well as local law enforcement was hard pressed to keep things under control. It was good for the Resistance, but bad for finding Daniel and incidentally Kerstin. William had already gotten intelligence informing him that Kiva had accepted a request from Stevens to locate Kerstin. He just hoped that she did. If Blaine found out who Daniel really was, it would be a disaster. The chances of Kiva finding out was less of a threat since there wasn't a reason to completely investigate Daniel, and even if they did. It would take quite a bit of digging to realize he wasn't who he claimed he was. And even then, they still might not realize it since he had been damn sure to be careful with the details. William just sighed a bit from his vantage point of sitting on the sofa in the suite, even though the news was on, he wasn't really paying attention to it. So far his own agents had failed to turn up any leads, well beyond the ones that Jared had already checked out. William turned the news off, tired of watching it as they were simply rehashing the same questions in regards to whether or not the claims of being modified were true and if they were which High Council members were guilty. At least Erica had gotten what she wanted with her exposure. It made the three attacks he had done look like nothing. He got up and started getting ready to go out. There were things he needed to get taken care of. There was more Erica wanted done and he would do all he could to make sure the rest came to light as well. [CENTER]-----------------------------------[/CENTER] Daniel didn't know what to think. He had expected Blaine to perhaps threaten Darren or William, but he had not expected him to be quite so ruthless and vicious towards him and Kerstin. In a small way Blaine reminded him of Jared, a rather crude reminder since Jared when he put his mind to it was far more cruel, but still, Daniel had been surprised. Though upon reflection he supposed he shouldn't have been. Most people who were willing to go so far as to kidnap and coerce others usually had a mean streak in them, he just hadn't dealt with anyone like that in a while. Not since he had Commanded the Tempest. Daniel could tell that he was confusing Kerstin with how he kept drawing attention to himself in an attempt to keep them from harming her. And when she had tried to get him to explain he had just shrugged it off, refusing to really explain why. Because in a sense he could not. Daniel was sure that they had no privacy, that Blaine or his men could see and hear everything they did. If he explained to Kerstin why he simply took the torture, even Blaine might realize what was going on. After all he knew just how hard it was to break habits from over a decade of serving as a Commander. There were certain things, certain actions that as a Commander, on duty or not, you were required to do it. And protecting civilians was one of them. It didn't matter that Blaine had initially been after Kerstin. Daniel was duty bound to assist her. Even if the High Council had stripped him of his command, they couldn't strip him of his sense of duty. He could not live with himself if he stood by and did nothing while she was getting hurt. Still Daniel knew it was only a matter of time before Blaine put it together. Even though he had been silent, Blaine had given him some very odd looks towards the end of the evening the other day. It was pure speculation, but Daniel was of the mind that Blaine was use to people who didn't resist or try to stop him from hurting someone else, or rather, once they had been tortured a few times, they became passive, doing nothing. In the end, he would give himself away since unless he literally could not move, he knew he would keep trying to protect Kerstin. Daniel only hoped they would be found before Blaine got too suspicious. Because once he did, things really would get ugly. He knew perfectly well that it was possible that Blaine would use disruptor restraints on Kerstin as well. Daniel only hoped that Blaine would misunderstand and think he was trying to protect her for other reasons. Because the last time he had been forced to watch someone else be tortured was when Jared had arranged for his mother to be tortured to death. Daniel honestly didn't know if he could take seeing something like that again. Even if he didn't know Kerstin. Even when he had been a Commander, he had never tortured anyone. He had used drugs, but as far as he was concerned, torture was not only barbaric, but completely unnecessary. Daniel sighed, looking over at the door to the restroom. Once Kerstin was done getting ready, he would do the same. Blaine had made it quite clear that he expected them to be nicely dressed for dinner. Which seemed rather pointless since neither one of them had any interest in being near Blaine for any reason. And it didn't matter how good the food was. Neither one of them had any appetite at all. Daniel sighed again.
Excellent work Rachmaninoff. ;) It's nice and consistent. You really covered the challenge well by not only implying that they needed luck to win but by giving attention to each team member through out the song as well as consistent chorus verses. Using the chorus to reinforce the fact that Sunflowers were better than Aces. Also the intro verse and the closing one was nicely done as well. And I loved the line where you sneaked in the bit about how we clobbered them as Mercenaries with the old team color. Especially since even though I love the new Gold and Sunflower name. I kind of miss our dark Mercenary red since we did so much under that name. :catgirl: I also like how you had just a bit of slang in there but not too much, keeping it from been too steeped in the gangster feel. Just enough to make it rap, but not too much. All in all...great job! I too look forward to the next rap song to counter White's.
I notice that you changed the top banner. I definitely like it better. Especially since it has color where the other didn't. :catgirl: It really makes the word OtakuBoards stick out, which I also like.
Mother waited until Gadget had finished with their observation, she wanted to speak but was hesitant. But when it became obvious after a while that no one else was going to speak up, at least not for a while she became irritated. "[B]I'm sorry if this is going to sound a bit harsh, but I [I]need[/I] to know what people think! Grape Ape has clearly said that he expects a final decision from our spokesperson by Monday morning! I agreed to be the spokesperson for this sad affair but I [I]cannot[/I] agree to decide who the traitor is without your help![/B]" Mother paused for a moment to regain her composure, still sad and even a bit angry that anyone would willingly join the terrorists. "[B]Personally I am terrible at figuring these things out. But out of the three suspects, I do have to agree with Gadget that Suspect #3 seems the most likely. For the same reasons Gadget mentioned.[/B]" Mother shook her head negatively, "[B]But like I said, I'm terrible at figuring these things out. If it is not Suspect #3 then I am at a loss since the other two don't seem like terrorists at all.[/B]" She looked around the room at each and everyone of them before speaking again. "[B]Even if it's only to say you don't know who it is, please, speak up. We cannot afford to be silent at a time like this.[/B]" Mother finished and then waited for someone else to speak.
Well since Aaryanna already covered the dog. ;) I'll cover the cat. This is Alexander: [IMG]http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/8232/alexanderpb4.jpg[/IMG] A Siamese mix that we got from the vets since he was a rescue cat. Ironically Alexander is actually semi-famous and has been on the news here in Utah. Apparently an employee who worked for the city to collect roaming animals was up to no good. He would find a dog or cat roaming, catch them and then go find someone at home and get them to sign a form telling them it was only for having the animal removed from the neighborhood. Turns out that they were signing a form indicating they were the owner and that it was okay to put the animal to sleep, so quite a few people were showing up at the animal shelter looking for their dog or cat that got loose while they were at work only to find out that the shelter had already put their pet down. Alexander was special in that he was tagged by the humane society since he was an adoptee of that program. So when he got loose and was picked up when they went to check for a tag it didn't match with who had signed the papers for him to be put to sleep. That pretty much opened up the whole thing to investigation as well as Alexander being on the news when it was featured. In the end we got him because the original family was moving and couldn't have a pet where they were going to so after the news bit Alexander was handed over to the vet who takes care of Aaryanna since he was a little sick. We saw him since it was the same time we got Aaryanna and we were there for the vet to give her one of her series of shots, in the end we adopted him. And there you have it. ;) Oh and Alexander has turned out to be one of the most expensive pets I've ever had. My ex who has always made sure Aaryanna is taken care of paid for the procedure for him to have both of his back knees fixed since they were horrible arthritic and deformed. That ran the tune of about $1000.00 It was worth it though since now he can get around just fine where before it was starting to reach the point where that poor thing could hardly get around.
The Inevitable O-Lounge Blondes Vs Brunettes!
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Andrew's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='indifference][COLOR=Indigo']As for choosing between them. It's what's under that color and in the space between the ears that matter. [/COLOR][/quote]That about sums it up for me. Besides, unless you plan on using color treatments you'll end up with a type of white, silver or gray in the end anyway. And right now I rather like my combination of silver and white. :catgirl: Though for the record it use to be brown. lol Oh and I never did care which color when I did date. My ex had wavy brown hair when we met, dated and then eventually got married. Though his has turned gray as well. One other thing... there really is only one brunette joke (that I know of) and that is...Why are there so many blonde jokes? So the brunettes have something to talk about. ;) -
Well other than the top banner I think the new look is great. I especially like how the sidebar looks and how the links change to white when you go to click on them. But that top banner? Meh, It just seems so drab and colorless. Though I'm sure that's the point. And I kind of miss the other language where this one seems to be straight English with the words OtakuBoards. Still overall it looks great and the way there is graphics on each section header looks quite nifty.
When Mother got up and started preparing for the day, she first took the time to look at the answers that had been posted. Feeling a little frustrated that other than perhaps one, the others she couldn't tell if they really were a terrorist or not. And since the others had been strangely quiet since the whole thing began she wasn't sure what to think or who to even talk to. So instead she did what she always did, she got breakfast ready and then after cleaning up and preparing things in advance for both lunch and supper she headed back to her room to review the remaining questions left since she would need to post three more later that evening. As she approached her door Mother looked down at the suggestion box that was still there. She figured that there probably wasn't any more questions but she opened it up just the same and took a look. This time there was only one slip of paper, neatly folded up and resting on the bottom of the box. She picked it up, closed the lid to the suggestion box and took it with her into her room. It wasn't until after she closed her door and she had sat down at her desk and pulled out her notebook that she opened the paper to read it. Her right hand ready with her pencil to write down the questions along with the others. For a moment she couldn't believe what was on it. Confused Mother read it yet again. She set her pencil down and grasped the paper with both hands. Holding it steady to make sure there was no mistake. [I]What in the world?[/I] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] Mother had hoped that someone would say something, but it had been instead nearly deathly quiet all day. She was sure people were having conversations out of sight but she had not heard any. In a way she supposed she understood. They, like her, probably didn't want to believe that one of their own was a traitor. Still only one set of questions remained...Mother, from her position of being in front of the bulletin board reached up and pinned the last set in place. [INDENT][B]One[/B] -If you had a choice, wiukd you rather die for a cause, or live to continue the fight? [B]Two[/B] - How do you feel you stand with other members here on the Boards? [B]Three [/B]- What board(s) on OtakuBoards do you visit mostly. And what board(s) do you least visit?[/INDENT]Finished, she hurried back to her room to get some much needed sleep.
[QUOTE=Rachmaninoff]However I have been trying to listen to different rap songs/hip hop/whatever. And yeah, damn if they don't take pretty melodies and ruin them with that horrid chant they call singing. Sorry if that's harsh, but it's hard enough getting to the end of the stupid song let alone thinking about making lyrics to go along with it. >_< [/QUOTE]Don't feel bad. ;) It's certainly not harsh either. lol Just what you think and not all music is for everyone right? Besides...I agree, it's like nails running down a chalkboard isn't it? *shudder* No offense Anomaly. But I do know one thing...I'm glad none of my kids like that music. lol Oh and if you really want to relax, try putting in the Violin Concerto in E minor by Felix Mendelssohn. That's one of my favorites when I'm feeling stressed. And I have SunfallE to thank for it since she's the one that suggested it to me. That or Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2 Both are fantastic. ;) It's a pity you can't go further back into some of the history that's suppose to have influenced Rap such as the Blues or Jazz. That type of music is certainly easier on the ears. lol
Mother had carefully examined the answers to the questions that Grape Ape had posted, she could only hope that the next set of questions would help to making things clearer. She was already in her room and carefully examining the remaining questions. Wondering just which three would be best to put up on the bulletin board. It didn't help that she was feeling under the weather a bit and tired as well. Finally she made her choice, wrote them down on a new piece of paper and then crossed them out in her notebook before putting it away. Then she went out and pinned it up for everyone to see: [INDENT][B]One[/B] - Why did you accept a position inside of the CTU? [B]Two[/B] - Do you regularly spend time in RPs in the Adventure Square? [B]Three[/B] - If you had the choice, would you rather be fresh and clean, or smelly and dirty?[/INDENT] Then, tired both mentally and physically she went back to her room and went to bed.
[quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=goldenrod]o_O Well that was a surprise. I wasn't expecting the torture. >_< Someone needs to kill Blaine. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]The torture was actually my idea. ;) Though Rach agreed to be the one to write it up. And I'll say this much, those two are in for a rough time. At least until Kiva finds them that is. [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=goldenrod'] As for people's responses to the whole affair. I love it! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/quote]You and me both. I've enjoyed all of them. But so far what's surprised me the most is Jared being nice to Darren. o_O It's funny since it seems even he doesn't get it! lol Anyway, fun stuff! :catgirl:
Thank you very much Desbreko. That's exactly what I was referring to and Aaryanna has assured me she will show me how to use the tags. Anyway, I'll put you down as freelance Darren. Also, to help get people started I've complied a list of threads that at least I found interesting that would work for the first edition. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57159]The Anime Feud[/URL] - indifference [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57165]Caption Contest VI[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57084]Graphic Worm 2007[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=56992]Community Anthology Thread [E]-[M][/URL] - 2007DigitalBoy [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57091]The Panopticon [M-LSV][/URL] - BKstyles [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57092]The Panopticon Underground [M-LSV][/URL] - BKstyles [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57245]Let's Talk About Hentai, Baby...[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57026]U.S. Department of Defence's Paranoia Reaches Hilarious Low[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=56770&page=1&pp=15]The Big OtakuBoards Anime Event[/URL] - 2007DigitalBoy I've provided links so all of you can go and look at them. I'd like to see something similar to what DB did with his article that he posted here in the thread. The summary doesn't have to be as long as what he did. But it does make a good reference. Once you've taken a look if you decide to write about one just post here indicating which thread you will report. There's only one thing to watch for and that's the one for The Panopticon. Those two threads are meant to be reported together in one article. The reason being that I understand there's been quite a bit of drama in the underground thread instead of the main thread. So I thought it would be unique from the sense that more action was being seen in the underground thread instead of the main thread. Also the article for The Big OtakuBoards Anime Event is really more of a commentary on how a good event seems to have died. Though if White gets it going again we can always change the article to reflect that. Anyway, by all means if there are other threads you find interesting be sure to let me know or keep them in mind for the next edition. Also, does anyone have any reviews in mind?
William was not surprised by the news of Erica's arrest or the information in the time line that was released. After all she had informed him of her intent as well as sending him the information. Though the time line she had sent him was complete. Where she had left out critical information that would have exposed current resistance members in her own system, she had not done so for him. There were other things in that time line that were equally as startling as the bit about the modifications. Still as the events unfolded and he watched the news as it was broadcast live in his quarters in the hotel across from the university, William had to admit that in the end, exposing herself was far more useful than simply leaving the information for her own faction to find. They would have simply concealed the information and his attempts to release it would have been ignored, much in the same way the release of the information in regards to sector fourteen had been ineffective. It was in short, brilliant. A true indication of how smart Erica really was. There was nothing that she did not use to further the goals of the Resistance, even her own illness as it would prevent them from interrogating her to get the information they wanted. They could ask her questions, but they would not be able to force anything out of her. And using relatives would be next to useless since due to how so many of the betrothals over the centuries had tied so many of the factions together, they'd have to go after more than a third of the families associated with the High Council. And if Erica revealed a few other tidbits that she knew, not one of them would be safe from incrimination. William turned the news off, noticing as he did so that it was close to dinner time. As well as the fact that Daniel had not returned. [I]I wonder what's taking him so long? [/I]Daniel was always punctual and even if he stopped for lunch at the cafeteria there it shouldn't have made him this late. William walked over and opened up the doors to the balcony facing the university. Below on the street was a pair of security officers, their uniforms that of those who served on the flagships. [I]What the hell? [/I] A moment later the chime indicating that someone was at his door sounded. William went to answer it, only to be surprised by another security officer who's insignia indicated that he served on the Creator. [I]Well this is interesting. [/I] It was mildly alarming, though not in a serious manner. If they had figured out who he was they would not have been knocking on his door so to speak. William put on his best vacant smile and spoke. "[B]What can I do for you sir?[/B]" "[B]Are you William Bennits, friend of Daniel Timbers?[/B]" William sighed dramatically, "[B]I am. What's that idiot done this time? He didn't cheat one of your men at poker again did he? I keep telling that idiot that he needs to play fair.[/B]" "[B]Uh, no, it's nothing like that. He is in trouble, but it's not his fault. I need you to come with me please.[/B]" "[B]Just a minute then,[/B]" Williams went over and picked up his small case with all of his id and other cards with his information. [I]What in the world is going on?[/I] "[B]All right,[/B]" he said as he closed the door and followed the man out. "[B]Where are we going? And why did you come to pick me up?[/B]" "[B]To the Creator of course. As for picking you up. My men and I were already in the area so it seemed pointless to transport up and then turn around and contact you and transport back down. Now wait here please.[/B]" He said as he approached the other two security officers. Then he opened up a communication to the Creator and a moment later a transport door opened. "[B]This way please,[/B]" He said motioning for William to go through the door. [I]Just what kind of trouble did you get into Daniel? [/I]William wondered as he stepped through the door. It had to be pretty damn big for them to want him to come on board the Creator to talk to him. [I]Did he cross paths with some of those idiots who think their wealth and power give them the right to do as they please? [/I] Still that wouldn't have involved the military. If that had happened, local law enforcement on Reflection would have dealt with it. No it had to be something else. But as they took him through the corridors of the Creator and to the bridge before finally entering the side observation room, William was still unsure as to just what had happened. But when he saw who was waiting for him it snapped into place. If Jared was involved it had to be connected to Blaine Uratak. But still that didn't explain how Daniel was involved. His agents were the best and there wasn't a contract out on Daniel. There was one for Kerstin though. "[B]Please, take a seat.[/B]" Jared motioned to the one across from him at the conference table. "[B]I'll explain why you are here as well as what happened to Daniel and then I have a number of questions for you.[/B]"
[quote name='Baby Girl][COLOR=darkorchid']I suggest that you all pray. ^_^[/COLOR][/quote]Mother watched what was unfolding with disgust until finally she turned and left as she had work to do. "[B]I will be sure to pray,[/B]" She said to herself as she headed to her room. "[B]If only for the salvation of your poor misguided soul [strike]Charles[/strike]/Baby Girl.[/B]" It took her very little time to get to her room and to open up the suggestion box she had placed there earlier, just outside her door. Inside were a number of folded up papers and she gathered each of them before heading into her room. Mother took a seat at her desk and started reading through them. She could tell already as she carefully copied each one into her prim notebook that it would be a hard choice. Many of them were perfect for her role as spokesperson. Though it still pained her that someone would even think of joining the other side. Nor did she like the idea of trying to figure out just who it was. With a sigh she finally picked three and wrote them up on a separate piece of paper. Then she went back out into the main room where the coffee machine was and pinned it up on the Bulletin board that was there. [INDENT][B]One[/B] - If a comrade was seriously injured in the battlefield, would you take the time to protect that person or leave that person behind and save yourself? [B]Two [/B]- Choose one weapon to use, to fight: a bomb, a bunny rabbit or a knife. [B]Three[/B] - Do you make your bed in the morning?[/INDENT] Mother shivered as she looked at the result. [I]It just can't be true. How could anyone betray us like that?[/I] Then she turned and left, heading back to her room to get ready for bed. But not before she carefully drew a line through the questions she had posted in her notebook. Then she put the rest of the information back into her drawer should she need them for the next set of questions.
[QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Oh, the sticky deal? So then, all of the articles in the newsletter will be contained in one post, separated by subheadings? I'm just trying to get a feel for how this will look on the screen, and whether readers will be able to easily jump from heading to heading if they don't wish to read, say, Creative Works, or if they want to go in a different order. It may be cart before the horse, I know, but....[/FONT][/QUOTE]Revelation is correct, the format I presented earlier was what I had in mind. Though if you want to make suggestions on improving it that would be fine. I also like the idea you had Rach about what they did in the thread directories. I'm sure I could pester my daughter to show me how that is done. Anyway, here's the format with the temporary name until a banner is choosen: [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]OtakuBoards Communiqué[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]Entertainment[/B][INDENT][information here on interesting threads, etc.][/INDENT][B]Community [/B][INDENT][information here on interesting threads, etc.][/INDENT][B]Creative Works. [/B][INDENT][information here on interesting threads, etc.][/INDENT] [B]Members[/B] [INDENT][Member of the Month] [Artist of the Month][/INDENT] [B]Beyond OtakuBoards[/B] [INDENT][News] [Comics][/INDENT] [B]Reviews[/B] [INDENT][movies] [books] [anime, etc][/INDENT] Here's a revised list of people who want to be involved and I am sorry that I seemed to have missed a few the first time. Aaryanna - Entertainment BKstyles - Freelance Peanut - Entertainment Darren - Freelance Rachmaninoff - Freelance Premonition - Gathers Leads indifference - Freelance SunfallE - Community 2007DigitalBoy - Freelance Revelation - Creative works, Editor JJ - Creative Works Sakura - Freelance, Editor Allamorph - Editor Also, I would prefer it if articles are pm'd to me. Or rather the whole content. What you did DB is excellent. But instead of including the whole article I'd rather people just post saying I'll write one about this thread. That way when the time comes the articles will be a surprise for everyone. Except for the editors since I'll simply go on rotation and send each one of you one to look over, improve and send back for the final publishing. Anyway...Looking good everyone. I know my daughter is working on a banner for the paper, so once that's up I'll probably start a thread for people to vote on which one they would like to see. So far all of them look great. :catgirl:
Mother had cheered up, at least a little, but still the idea of someone betraying them weighed heavily on her heart. If only because she knew how terrible it would be to discover that one of her own children had joined their cause. She knew that her children had not, but whoever it was, their mother would be sad to find out. With a sigh she started pacing in her room, back and forth, clearly thinking about what to ask to determine just who the traitor was. "[B]Now, lets see,[/B]" she said out loud to herself. "[B]What type of question would trick a traitor into revealing who they are.[/B]" She held her right hand to her chin, thoughtfully tapping it with her right finger, "[B]I suppose we could ask them how often they take a bath, after all, most terrorists don't take one. If they answered that honestly it would clearly give them away.[/B]" Mother paused and went over to her neatly kept desk and pulled out a notebook, carefully writing down the question in her neat handwriting. She set the notebook back down and continued pacing. "[B]Now what else could we ask?[/B]" She wondered. Mother paused at the window to her room, smiling at the neat garden below. Thinking that perhaps once she had dinner in cooking she could step out and check for weeds. "[B]Oh I know! We could ask them if they like dandelion flowers! A terrorist wouldn't know that dandelion's are weeds and not flowers![/B]" She hurried back over to her desk and wrote that question down as well. She set the notebook back down and glanced at the clock, "[B]Oh dear, if I don't get started dinner will be late![/B]" Mother hurried to the kitchen area, nodding and waving to people as she passed them. [I]I really hope Grape Ape is wrong,[/I] she thought. [I]I hope that the rumor that there is a traitor turns out to be just that, a rumor and nothing more. [/I] Then as she started working on dinner all thoughts of discovering the traitor was put aside as she instead concentrated on making sure to get all the ingredients correct as well as making a variety of things to appeal to everyone, humming while she worked without even realizing that she was doing so.
[B]OCC:[/B] Nope you got things just fine Rach. ^_~ [CENTER]----------------------------[/CENTER] Daniel was not at all surprised at what had happened. After all, when he had served as a Commander in the military he had dealt with scum like Blaine before. None of them had been as wealthy and powerful as Blaine was, but still he knew. The only thing that had surprised him was he hadn't realized just how wealthy William was due to the investments he told him about. Daniel hadn't realized that he had reached the point to attract the attention of some of the more ruthless businessmen. Not that it would have mattered. The method they had used to catch Kerstin and incidentally him was not something he could have really prepared for. About the only good thing was that it was obvious Blaine had already been investigating him and William so the chances of his true identity being discovered was less of an issue. He sighed a bit as he sat up on the bed he had been dumped on. Not sure what to do about Kerstin who was sobbing as if her heart would break. Daniel looked at the disruptor restraints Blaine's goons had put on him. It was a pity he didn't have a hand held computer. Disruptor restraints were primarily used by the military and having been a Commander he knew most of the override codes for unlocking them. It would have been a simple matter to write up a program to transmit the codes and release the locking mechanisms. Daniel looked at the room they had been locked into. It was for all intents and purposes a guest room, with elaborate furnishing. Minus any windows of course and there was the fact that the doors were locked. On the wall to the right, next to the door leading to the bathroom were two panels in the wall that were open, both of them housing clothing. He vaguely recalled something about them changing, but he couldn't recall the specifics. Daniel turned his attention back to Kerstin. He reached over and placed his right hand on her shoulder, intending to attempt to console her. Daniel did not expect her to throw herself at him and hug him tightly while saying I'm sorry over and over again. [I]What is she apologizing for? [/I]Then it hit him. [I]She thinks this is her fault![/I] He pushed her away until she was facing him. "[B]That's enough of that[/B]," he said kindly. "[B]It's not your fault at all.[/B]" She started to protest but he shook his head. "[B]I mean it. If anyone is to blame it's Blaine. Besides, just as he kidnapped you to get to your brother, he would have eventually done the same to get to my best friend as well.[/B]" "[B]I don't understand,[/B]" Kerstin finally said after composing herself a bit. "[B]It's simple, my friend William is an investor, a very wealthy one at that. But he's also fairly new. He only started investing in the past ten years. And though he earned his wealth fairly, there are those out there who think that by virtue of having gotten wealthy first, they should have been the ones to have gotten the profit that William did.[/B]" "[B]But that's absurd![/B]" Kerstin protested. "[B]Of course it is.[/B]" Daniel agreed. "[B]But unfortunately many of the wealthy are elitist snobs who do their best to make sure others stay poor. Not all of them are as ruthless as Blaine, but still the petty bickering, as well as attempts to ruin others is quite common.[/B]" Kerstin looked away, clearly frightened. "[B]What does Blaine intend to do with us?[/B]" Daniel shrugged. "[B]I'm not entirely sure. The only thing I do know is that he's careful to avoid killing anyone. Torture and other forms of coercion are harder to prove. So I would imagine he intends to intimidate your brother as well as my friend.[/B]" Daniel sighed. "[B]It's unfortunate, but those type of tactics work. Especially when it's someone who's powerful enough to have connections with the High Council.[/B]" "[B]He's in for a rude awakening then.[/B]" Kerstin said firmly as she looked back at Daniel. "[B]I know for a fact that it was the High Council that chose my brother for his position, he had no interest in becoming the Shipping Expert. Sandra told me herself that those who objected to Darren as well as Blaine who is trying to have him killed would be dealt with.[/B]" Well that was news to Daniel! Usually there was a lot of politics and scrambling involved in acquiring the position of Shipping Expert. The High Council may have approved the final decision, but it was rare for them to make the appointment themselves! If what Kerstin said was true, then Blaine's days were numbered. [I]I wonder if Blaine has realized this?[/I] He turned his attention back to Kerstin. "[B]Anyway, what we need to do is to hold out until either someone finds us or your brother or my friend gives into the threat from Blaine. It would be best if you do as your told. With in reason of course.[/B]" Kerstin scowled. "[B]I'd rather die than cooperate with Blaine.[/B]" "[B]I understand Kerstin, but believe me, Blaine won't hesitate to torture you as well. Please, at least try to cooperate.[/B]" Kerstin sighed. "[B]Fine, if that's what you think we should do. In which case[/b]" She indicated the clothing, "[b]Both you and I need to change. They said that if I don't, they would do it for me and that if you didn't they'd hurt you again.[/B]" Daniel looked over at the clothing. Not exactly what he would have chosen, but it would do. Though why Blaine would care was beyond him. With a sigh he got up and went over to pick something out. Even if Blaine wasn't anywhere as vicious as Jared had been when he had been interrogated before, Daniel would rather avoid being tortured.
Excellent work sweetheart. ^_~ I love what you did and I agree with what Shy was saying. Sandy will have a hard choice to make since both entries are fun.
This will be completely out of character. But as far as the current discussion goes I am no longer willing to be a part of it. I'm sure for all of you perhaps it's entertaining, but for me? Even if it's in character I no longer wish to be a part of protesting hentai. I'll still follow through on the rest. But I'll leave the protesting the addition of a hentai forum to the rest of you. I'm sorry to whine about it, but to be frank, even in jest that sort of topic just grates on my nerves and my patience in pretending if you will is gone.
[quote name='Charles]Listen Aaryanna_Mom, I have lost no credability; there is simply no way that I am wading through Allamorph's ridiculous post. Allamorph has to learn to be concise with his points; there is no reason why I should have to wade through an essay-length response in order to read and respond to his key points. I simply do not have the time to read a very long post from someone who is not a very good poster to begin with; it would be torture. Perhaps if he quotes himself and bolds the key points, I'll give him a try.[/QUOTE] :animesigh What do they teach kids these days? Allamorph's post doesn't even come close to an essay and took me all of about five minutes to read. And please, even though it's a game there's no need to insult him by saying he's not a good poster.[QUOTE=Charles']Let me put it this way: I do not like Manga, but the inclusion of the Manga Workshop on OtakuBoards has not driven me from the site. There are several forums here that I do not care about--and yet here I am. If somoene does not want to discuss hentai, then I can not say this any more plainly--they do not have to visit the forum. Just because I do not want Manga on OtakuBoards does not mean that I whine and stomp my feet and deprive those of you who do enjoy it from discussing it on OB, like some of the people in this thread.[/quote]In the end both sides are whining and stomping their feet's. Lets not forget that.[QUOTE=Charles]I also do not get this whole "go somewhere else for it!" argument. This is OtakuBoards and I want it here. That is what the suggestions forum is for. I am not suggesting what I want to see on other sites; I am trying to change this site. Also, you are going overboard with what I said. We are not talking about wallpaper-sized signatures; just a healthy increase. You act as if every thread on OtakuBoards gets hundres of replies. Many only go for two, modestly-sized pages. It's not a big deal.[/QUOTE]Why? We go elsewhere for all sorts of services or products. Somewhere you need to draw the line and quit adding things to a site. It makes sense, to keep things from becoming too cluttered. If people really love hentai so much why would they want a site that would barely touch it when they could go to one that specialized in covering it? There's nothing stopping any of you from having a non x rated thread and discussing different shows that you like.[QUOTE=Charles]Very eloquent, young lady. However, before you make "poor" Premonition some kind of martyr, let me ask you something. Did you not private message me, complaining about the language some of the people in a certain RPG were using? And were you aware that after I made my announcement instructing members not to use inappropriate language, Premonition still used it? I was forced to edit out the "f" word, uncensored out of his posts. But, of course, you probably were not aware of that. You were probably not aware that there were deeper reasons for his removal. I'm sorry I'm such a bad guy though! Also, Shy's "dare' is unreasonable. Why use his "dare" as a measuring stick when many here will hesitate to participate in the hentai thread because they are embarrassed due to the backlash here or the simple fact that Shy himself is publicly discouraging numerous members' participation? Lastly, if people did not want hentai on OB, we wouldn't have a thread with over 100 replies already.[/QUOTE]You're right I did complain about that. And no your right I was not aware. But while we are at it. Even though this is suppose to be part of an RPG. My claiming he was slaughtered was meant to be in character. Right now I'm going to go out of character. Even if it's meant to be fun. It has ceased to be fun. We need to declare a winner of this thread and move on. Perhaps it's the topic, perhaps it's because people are coming across as being to serious. Either way. This for me is no longer fun at all. :animesigh
[QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkred][size=1]I don't believe Charles specified just where this hentai would be hosted. He simply said there would be hentai, and he would be fraping to it. I'm sure Charles agrees with this statement.[/color][/size] [color=darkred][size=1] *spank*? Hm... I'll mark that one down as innapropriate touching, madam.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]His post here suggests otherwise:[quote name='Charles] At least they could relieve tension by[B] lusting after fictional cartoons instead of stalking real ones on the Internet[/B]. Furthermore, [B]if you do not want to see the hentai,[/B] then [I]it's not for you.[/I] [B]Do not visit that area of the forums[/B']. Who are you to tell me that I cannot fap while browsing OtakuBoards?[/quote]If he didn't need to have it hosted at OB then why is there a push for it? And if OB was not to host it why would he say if you don't want to see it don't visit that part of the forums? I assure you, I read what was written. It was not a [I]I want to be able to discuss it[/I], it was [I]I want to view it and if you don't like it just stay out of that part of the forums[/I]. So yes he did specify where it would be hosted. As for inappropriate touching. A parent disciplining a child is not inappropriate young man. Though if it makes you feel better I'll contact his parents and have them do it physically instead of a verbal spank via Internet. ;)
All right this is what I have so far for the list of area's people are interested in writing for: [B]Entertainment:[/B] Aaryanna [B]Community:[/B] SunfallE [B]Creative Works:[/B] Revelation JJ [B]Freelance:[/B] indifference [B]Undecided:[/B] 2007DigitalBoy BKstyles Sakura [B]Editor:[/B] Allamorph [B]Members:[/B] Will be done by everyone [B] Beyond OtakuBoards:[/B] Again, can be done by everyone or someone can choose this section [B]Reviews:[/B] Will be done by everyone If I've missed anyone let me know. I put a couple of you as undecided since you've expressed an interest but didn't pick a category. As for your question about a deadline Sakura, since we are still organizing things there isn't one yet. Also two members have expressed an interest in the graphics so I'd like to see what they put up and then work on picking a banner for the paper. Also, there's no need to cut down on what you are writing BKstyles unless you feel it's too long. And Allamorph, if you want to assist as an editor, that would be most helpful. I haven't had a formal English class since before all of you were born. And even when I went back to school to work on a degree in music, I still never took any English classes. So I'm a bit rusty in that respect.
[I]A traitor? How could anyone willingly work for those terrible terrorists?[/I] Mother thought. She had made some nice chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles for the newest recruits but her heart was heavy as she brought them out and set them on the table for the others. In no time all of them were gone but even seeing their happy faces couldn't cheer her up. For in addition to learning there was a traitor she had heard terrible news. "[B]Poor Prem.[/B]" She whispered to herself. "[B]What was that Mother?[/B]" The newest one called Throne asked her. "[B]Haven't you heard? Prem was finally starting to see the light, the foolishness of being a terrorist.[/B]" She choked a bit but continued. "[B]They killed him and fed him to that horrible beast that they freed![/B]" Stunned silence met her words. Mother could see the shock in their eyes. "[B]Now more than ever it's vital that we put an end to their terrorizing ways![/B]" She picked up the empty tray that the cupcakes had been on. "[B]Now if you'll excuse me, I need to clean this up and say a prayer for that poor boy's soul.[/B]" And without a word she left the main room.