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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
[QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkred][size=1] Prem was obviously confused or underneath the influence of some outside force. My assumption will remain nameless. However, you seem to fear the inevitable good times which shall be rolling once we are victorious. Our vision is beautiful, it need not be feared unless you are in fact, anti-fun. And another thing, how would our good James be at fault should an underage person mis-use or lie to him in order to gain access to material otherwise illegal for said individual? It is not James, but the user who is at fault. Should I remind you, aswell, that we do not wish for a haven to store or view hentai, but simply, a place to exclusively discuss it without the threat of 'offending' anyone who would mistakingly click on a thread clearly labeled as a hentai thread. We are actually doing a good thing by simply requesting an area to have these mature discussions. We doubt anyone is going to mistakingly click two or three times, and then just FIND themselves in a hentai lounge. If our demands are met, no one has a chance of being offended, as long as they can properly read.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]I like how you've justified the wanton slaughter of someone trying to think for themselves instead of blindly following along with the majority. The only thing I fear is allowing a mob, yes a mob, to decide for everyone instead of following a more democratic method. You seem to have glossed over my suggestion to vote. Or is that because many in your ranks would be unable to vote due to age restrictions? And correct me if I am wrong but Charles was talking about fraping (and yes I do know what that means) while viewing images. Are you saying his implication that he wanted explicit images to assist him in this respect was but a lie? That all of you merely wanted to discuss it? Please clear up that contradiction since there is a big difference between discussing hentai and hosting actual images of said content.[QUOTE=Nonentity]You act like having a hentai forum forces people to click on it. Do you have 0 free will whatsoever? Do you automatically have to click on the hentai page? Can't you just ignore it and post on in the regular forums? I think it seems awful shallow if you left OB because it had a porn section and you just don't want to be associated with it. I'd go so far as to call you a bad oerson for that, in fact. Yeah, I do kind of think it was ****** up what happened to Prem, especially since he didn't take it lightly, but our group activities and this thread are not to be connected, miss. I belive that's what you call bringing in convenient evidence.[/QUOTE]*spanks* Remember, you legally are not old enough to have a voice here young man. Come back when you are legally old enough to demand Hentai. And leave the name calling out of it. Laws exist for a reason, when you are older feel free to lobby and change the laws so that youngsters such as yourself can demand hentai.
[QUOTE=Charles]Allamorph, I would argue with your post but there is no way I am wading through all of that. If you need to type that much to prove your point, you are obviously making stuff up. Why is it okay that RPGs can feature graphic violence on OtakuBoards, but we shy away from viewing a natural human function that everyone does? It is just a fact of life. Also, someone mentioned that our side of the debate is seeking to exclude people from OtakuBoards by encouraging larger image sizes. On the contrary, this measure would finally give 56k stragglers the incentive to finally get with the times. Furthermore, your side lost complete credibility when Nerdsy said that I am irrelevant. I could post a suggestion about toilet paper and it would get over one-hundred replies and change the boards in some way.[/QUOTE]Just as Nerdsy said that you are irrelevant, you lost creditability by assuming that Allamorph was making things up since he had something to say, instead of taking the time to refute what he wrote. Also there is a big difference between mature RPG (which by the way are rated) And X rated materials that by law cannot be provided to members who are minors. I find it interesting that you would not only force your tastes on others but also require them to upgrade to be able to browse the internet at the same ability you do. Perhaps it is you who needs to get with the times and realize that hentai is not a good choice for OB due to the liability issues as well as driving away other members who have no interest. I fail to see the fun in forcing others to be exposed to a medium they do not enjoy or to have to get better Internet to even browse. And remember kiddies, and I do mean kiddies, there are still millions of people who do not live in big towns. Who do not have things like cable Internet and so forth. Lets not become elitist and arrogant due to having better services. That will only alienate a good number of people instead of making the boards more fun. We should hold a vote, and remember that excludes those who are not legally old enough to even be allowed to view it. And do post that thing about TP, rest assured, I am not swayed by names or the implication that a name somehow makes an idea great. And before anyone else thinks that your group is all for bringing about fun to OB. It seems that poor Prem who was at least willing to question things, to think for himself was ruthlessly slaughtered by your group. I wonder what other poor souls will fall should any of you come into power. And OB become the fun place that you have envisioned.
[QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkred][size=1] In response to a particular challenge, I am here to rally support for a new forum on the OBs concerning Hentai. Don't be shy now, let's talk. [B]What's your favorite hentai title?[/B] Got any particular taste you'd like to discuss? Any voice actor who's particular tone you prefer? Let's get it all out in the open.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]None, I have no favorite hentai title or tastes or voice actors. And considering the age restrictions of such materials, voices such as Nonentity cannot even be considered when deciding whether or not to have hentai at OB. If you are going to rally support please be sure to do so in a more believable fashion. I'm sure James wouldn't like getting in trouble for allowing hentai based on the wishes of underage users who by law aren't allowed to have such materials. By law providing access to minors of adult material could get him in serious trouble. Oh and to be clear, I do not support this.
[QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#5d0b08][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS] But without hentai... what would the world come too :animedepr Besides, what would happen if we [I]didn't [/I] have hentai?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Honestly, all of you are almost acting like no Hentai at OB would mean it would cease to exist. It's ridiculously easy to find on the Internet. Much to the dismay of many parents of young children. We don't need a Hentai section at OB. Following the logic I've seen so far, not including it won't change one's ability to find it one bit. We've already got a good system here and just like someone would need to go to say a Harry Potter Forum for more in depth information or pictures, or one about any other type of topic that isn't really covered here, there's no reason why someone can't go elsewhere for Hentai. Just as many of you are crying about your rights to view what you want, there are those of us who don't want to view such things. And there's nothing stopping any one of you who want it from creating your own forum with Hentai. Just be sure you keep in mind the ramifications of keeping out youngsters as much as possible since such stuff is considered illegal for a minor in many countries. You don't need to change OB to get what you want and you know it. Besides, the advantage of setting up your own site would mean that you'd be able to do whatever you wanted, including allowing bigger signature banners.[quote name='James][font=arial][color=olive]The Anti-Terrorist Unit is failing miserably at the moment; I don't think you guys are going to win this round.[/font'][/color][/quote]*pulls out her paddle* Don't make me spank you young man. [spoiler]I'm kidding. ^_~[/spoiler]
Mother was irritated. After Grape Ape had left she had become suspicious of the meeting, sure that it was a diversion to interfere with them finding the rest of the bombs. And sure enough like always the terrorists were cheating, using underhanded and dirty tactics in an attempt to win the battle. The intelligence they had received indicated that the bombs would be placed in open threads only. But now following some information she had Mother had discovered yet another bomb in yet another closed thread. "[B]Someone needs to march over there and make each and everyone of them take a bath![/B]" She said angrily as she headed back to headquarters to inform them of her discovery. She didn't waste any time, slamming the door shut behind her, startling Peacock who immediately pointed towards Ploppy the Spaceship. "[B]It was his fault! I didn't do it![/B]" "[B]Of course it's not your fault silly![/B]" Mother said with a wave of her hand. "[B]What's got me upset is that those dirty stinking Terrorists are still cheating! Just take a look here![/B]" Mother revealed a bomb in a closed thread: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50513&highlight=advise][B]Advice, please?[/B][/URL] The others just stood there, both appalled at the deceit and amazed at the discovery. "[B]Someone messed up on the intelligence. The bombs aren't just in open threads![/B]" Mother declared. "[B]Peacock![/B]" Peacock jumped. "[B]Yes Mother?[/B]" "[B]Make sure to inform everyone to check everything! We can't afford to miss a bomb! Innocent people will be hurt![/B]" Peacock looked around at everyone, "[B]Well...You heard her! Let no thread go unchecked![/B]" Satisfied, Mother left to go and bake some more. After all she was sure the others would be hungry after they finished searching.
Oh, I agree, it will be fun to see how people react. Though I'm sure William will be more distracted by Daniel's and Kerstin's disappearance. Still I can't wait to see what the rest of you write. Oh and before I forget, the incident I just wrote up happened just before Erica was captured.
[QUOTE=Revelation][size=1][color=#8B008B]Alright, that sounds like a great idea. But what if two members write about the same topic? What then? We can't have two articles about the same topic, so what would happen if that happened? And I'm all for writing for the [B]Creative Works[/B] spot. =][/size][/color][/QUOTE]Once we have a team of choose writers for each section then a good way to avoid writing about the same thing would be for whoever is in the Creative Works section to let the other writers know what they are doing. So if I had an article in mind for the Creative Works, I would pm you to let you know what I had in mind. To make it easier, once we have a staff I was going to draft up a list of who's doing what area, to make it easier to know who to contact for different projects.
Daniel had expected to be dressed down by William. Even though he had been able to leave the ball and avoid Blaine's goons he still had endangered the others by his carelessness. But William had just laughed and laughed at him. Pointing out how if anything, he had made an excellent diversion while he and the other agent had gotten information. It was with great relief that he had switched back to the Daniel persona that William had created for him. Even if Jared investigated or if he ran into Kerstin again, neither one of them would recognize him. It was much easier to disguise one's appearance with their technology than it had been to do so on Earth. Things had gone back to normal and with his schedule it was rare for him to even see Kerstin, so when she had suddenly joined him in the lift instead of being in one of her classes, Daniel had immediately turned around and pretended to enjoy the view. Especially since he knew that Kerstin now had a member of security staying with her at all times. Something that he himself would have done after the incident with Blaine. But the woman didn't make it and Kerstin who after a glance to see that they were headed for the thirtieth floor didn't select another destination. [I]Great.[/I] Daniel thought.[I] Just my luck, she's probably headed to the Cafeteria as well. So much for lunch.[/I] There was no way he was going to stick around if she was there. Let alone actually talk to her. But Kerstin had other ideas, clearly nervous that she had been cut off from her security escort. Daniel had tried teasing her a bit to get her to relax, a tactic that worked until she noticed that the lift had passed the thirtieth floor and was now, according to the indicator, heading for the roof. [I]What the hell? Shit![/I] Daniel thought. Students weren't allowed on the roof and doing so in addition to requiring an access code also required a special data key. The only way they would be heading there is if someone overrode the computers controlling the system. That meant only one thing... "[B]Blaine.[/B]" Daniel said irritated, even as he brushed past Kerstin and started trying to bypass who ever was controlling the lift. But it was too late. [I]Damn William's going to kill me. [/i]He thought. [I]If Blaine's goons don't beat him to it.[/I] "[B]Blaine? What are you talking about?[/B]" Kerstin reached out and grabbed Daniel forcing him to turn and face her. "[B]What's going on?[/B]" "[B]You'll find out.[/B]" Daniel said even as the lift arrived and the doors opened. He moved so that he was between her and the door. Sure enough there was a group already waiting for them, weapons drawn.[I] Hell! [/I] He tried hitting the button to close the doors, but of course nothing happened. "[B]That won't work, don't make us come and get you.[/B]" The one leading them said. Daniel walked out onto the roof with Kerstin clinging to him. There were five of them and without hesitation they moved to separate them. Stopping when Kerstin resisted but not before they took Daniel's student id. One of them took it over to the one in charge. He looked it over and laughed. "[B]Well isn't that just perfect.[/B]" He tucked it into his pocket. "[B]Bring both of them.[/B]" [I]Perfect? What the hell is he talking about?[/I] Daniel wondered as he opened a transport door. But Kerstin who had been quiet finally regained a bit of her courage. "[B]I already told Blaine that I am not interested in working for him.[/B]" She said angrily. "[B]I am not going with you.[/B]" She stopped Daniel who had started to move towards the door. "[B]Fine by me sweetheart,[/B]" The one leading them said even as he looked her over. "[B]I'll just stun you and carry you myself.[/B]" He leered at her. Daniel felt Kerstin stiffen in anger. "[B]Don't,[/B]" he told her. "[B]You'll just make things worse.[/B]" Kerstin started to protest and then changed her mind as the leader raised his weapon a bit. "[B]Fine.[/B]" She said furiously even as she walked though the door still hanging on to Daniel. [I]Lovely,[/I] Daniel thought. [I]If my fake persona doesn't hold up to scrutiny this is going to get ugly. [/I] He winced a bit at the thought since once Jason and Celestia had been captured he had become the most wanted individual in the Versilan Empire. [I]If Blaine finds out...[/I]
[quote name='Shy]Remember that these bombs are placed in [B]OPEN threads only[/B'], so don't bother looking in the anime archives or in locked threads. Once you find a 'bomb' you must deactivate it by revealing its' location in this very thread, RP-style.[/quote]So, oh great leader...why was the last one in a closed thread? :p *pulls out her paddle* I'm looking at you and that no good Charles by the way. ;)
It's good to see you again. I was hoping when I asked Sandy to put you at the end of the list that it would be enough time for you to get back online again. ;) As you can see we are tied and I have faith in the rest of you to put in a good battle. Even if Sandy is giving us weird challenges. lol
Mother wasn't sure just which if any of the clues led her to look in the next location for a bomb, but something was telling her that there was indeed one in the area of the Community Events. After all, what better place to strike than one where all members would gather for special occasions? It was a common terrorist tactic to get as many victims as possible. Sure enough a quick search was done and she found yet another one of the lethal bombs. She rushed back to headquarters with the news. "[B]I have found another one team![/B]" She cried triumphantly! "[B]That's two that we have now dealt with. I know we can find the rest![/B]" Once again she proudly revealed the location of a bomb. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=56770][B]The Big OtakuBoards Anime Event[/B][/URL] Mother smiled mysteriously, "[B]That aspirin worked beautifully, didn't it?[/B]"
Mother heard the rally call as well as the clues for finding the bombs. Carefully she looked at each one until one caught her eye.[quote name='Shy']Pony up information about your profile.[/quote]Confident that a search in regards to the word 'profile' would turn up results she checked and sure enough after diligently searching the results that would have such information she found what she was looking for....With a rush of excitement she ran back to headquarters. "[B]We must never give in to these terrible terrorists! We are far smarter than they will ever be![/B]" She cried startling the others with her announcement. She proudly displayed the location of one of the dreaded bombs: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=51067][B]What does your Screen name signature avi and banner say about you?[/B][/URL] Mother smiled as her teammates cheered. [CENTER]-----------[/CENTER] P.S. For the record, I just died laughing when I saw that picture since I wasn't sure what to look for. lol
[quote name='Nonentity]Out of curiosity, at this point, are we allowed to start submitting articles to [B]Aaryanna_Mom[/B']?[/quote]Yes, by all means do start. Choose an area of the boards or an anime or book or movie to write about. Also if you have an area you are interested in working in post and let us know which area you or anyone else would like to write for.[QUOTE=Revelation][size=1][color=#8B008B]I'm confused about what you want for each category. All it says underneath is [Information about interesting threads, etc.]. I'm not trying to be nitpicky but I'm just a person who likes clarity and I am utterly confused about what you want in the categories. So, clarify please? Also, I'm all for not having a set staff but to avoid confusion and conflict, maybe there should be a sort of agenda or sort of a first-come-first-serve thing, where a member can pick the topic they want to talk about, write out an article, send it to you, and if they can't fulfill the deadline the next person in line or something like that. I just feel that there might need to be some order; maybe there is an order and I just missed it. But that's just my idea. ^_^;;;[/size][/color][/QUOTE]You're not being nitpicky at all. What I mean is threads that in the month we are reporting that had interesting or lively discussions going on. A good example would be [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57169] [U]Don't Put Naps to Sleep: Save Fun on OB![/U][/URL] in the Suggestion & Feedback section of the boards, it generated a lot of interest. So the idea is to report threads that stood out for the month we are reporting. As for not having a set staff, what I'm thinking of is not having just one person per section, but instead allowing a team of two or three. So say if you were interested in working with the sections in the Creative Works area. You would write up an article about interesting threads in that area. And since each area has roughly three sub-sections each person could pick an area or rotate which area they report each month. So I was thinking more along the line of several people sharing an area. As for the reviews on books, movies, anime, games, etc. I was thinking that could be open to all staff. You could choose something and simply post to let the others know that you are working on it. If that's not clear enough or if someone has a better idea just let me know. :catgirl:
[quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink][b]Attention all units! Attention all units! Haswanana is a diversion! We have an intruder, and he is heading for Engel's cell! I repeat, he is heading for Engel's cell![/b'][/color][/quote]Mother heard the announcement on the communicator from her position of being in [B]Grape Ape's[/B] main office. She had been moving to join the others who were confronting [B]Haswanana[/B] who was attempting to secure the release of [B]Engel[/B], but on her way she remembered that the plants needed to be watered. Naturally she stopped to do it. But now it seemed that someone had sneaked into the facility and was heading for the cell where [B]Engel [/B]was being kept. [I]I think not! [/I]She thought even as she set the watering can down and opened the door to head back to the cell. At the end of the hallway, moving away from her was [B]Nonentity[/B], preparing to head around the corner. Obviously the spam attacks by [B]I'm Not Nomura[/B] and [B]Premonition[/B] were but a diversion. Just as the negotiations by[B] Haswanana [/B]were as well. Both of them a tactic to lure members away from the part of the facility where the cell was so that[B] Nonentity[/B] could sneak in. Quickly she picked up the watering can and chucked it, nailing him in the back of his head. Even as she hurried down the corridor to nab him. "[B]OW![/B]" He yelled as he turned to see who it was. Reaching up with both hands to grab where the can had hit him. "[B]What the hell was that for...Damn![/B]" He moved to escape but Mother didn't give him a chance grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt. Pulling back a bit at the smell. [I]Someone needs to teach these terrorists what a bath is. [/I] She thought with disgust. Then an idea hit her. With a smile she dragged him like the naughty child he was to the huge window at the end of the hallway. "[B]What are you doing? This is the third floor![/B]"[B] Nonentity[/B] yelled in panic as she opened the window "[B]Teaching you to take a bath![/B]" Mother replied as she shoved him out the window and into the huge pond in the garden below. "[B]Don't come back until you've taken one![/B]" Then she slammed the window shut and went to get something to get rid of the smell. "[B]Damn if those terrorists don't stink![/B]" She said to herself.
[quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=goldenrod']Oh where to begin...Since I was a complete and total tomboy as a kid, even getting into my first fight before my first birthday. Or so my mom tells me. lol Still considering all the trouble I got into as a kid, I believe her. [/COLOR][/quote]You should, since I remember her telling me about it. As well as many other incidents during your grade school years. ;) Which brings me to another embarrassing moment for myself, again with baby chickens. This time, I was still three, I decided to stuff them in a ketchup bottle. Which was quite different than what all of you are use to. Believe it or not, even though it was a bit of a squeeze they did fit. Fortunately when my mother caught me at it they were able to carefully break the glass container and free the poor things.
[quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink']The terrorist's first move has been brilliantly countered, if I say so myself. We should not let our guards down, though; the rest of the terrorists are sure to be sneakier than 2007Suckitalboy. Despite their smell.[/color][/quote]It seems that [B]2007DigitalBoy [/B]has changed their user name to[B] Nonentity[/B]. Though their spamming efforts are still equally as obvious. ;) Also...*tosses [B]Engel[/B] an aspirin* Quit your whining youngster, you brought this on yourself by poor choices. *leaves*
Strange work experiences... care to share?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Premonition][SIZE=4][CENTER]DOWN WITH THE CTU![/CENTER'][/SIZE][/quote]I must say Nonentity and Premonition. Both of you have quite the strange work experiences, but then so do I. ;) And since mine are more central to being a mother, one of my strangest experiences was when my eldest decided to be helpful and bring the baby to me. He was only three, so he didn't understand why I got alarmed when he brought his baby sister to me by virtue of holding her by the neck and carrying her like that. Fortunately she was unharmed. But boy did that scare the heck out of me. lol -
[QUOTE=James][COLOR=olive][font=arial]On the first point, I just don't know. More restrictions on new members? It's interesting that just after this issue came up recently, where we were talking about OB being too restrictive, some are calling for even more restrictions. That point is just worth bearing in mind. In terms of my thoughts, at this stage I don't know how useful it would be to punish new members because we have a problem with bots. We should be focusing on how to eliminate the bots without restricting new members. Not producing intro threads is probably enough of a restriction. Unfortunately it is very difficult to stop the bots at the point of registration, especially for a mid-to-large sized message board. I am investigating the possibility of upgrading our software to assist with this but at the moment we have to rely on good Moderation - which, thankfully, we have.[/COLOR][/font][/QUOTE]Ah but it's not meant for new members. ;) Still as Desbreko already pointed out there are better solutions once you upgrade so I'm fine with that. The suggestion was based on my limited understanding of how things work. And I do agree, you have an excellent group of dedicated staff members that stay on top of problems. [QUOTE=James][COLOR=olive][font=arial]With the whole email thing, you know, having some email contact with members is great...but I really want to change the way we do that. Generic emails are okay for functional reasons (registration confirmation and such), but I think they are pretty useless for things like birthdays - they are too impersonal and every forum on earth uses them. I'm more interested in sending out email newsletters or something of the like, if we are to go down that route - something written by a human being, at least. When it comes to greetings, I [i]still[/i] want to be able to send a welcome PM to each new member with some basic info about the site and what they can expect. It's the best way to prepare new members for the way the site works rather than them tripping up by creating an intro thread by accident and then learning about it later. The alternative to this would be to include a welcoming message within the registration pages. The newspaper is a good idea but I have yet to see anyone keep a regular newspaper running. If you can do this, I think it would be a good service to the community. And it would be yet another unique way in which members could contribute their own work and ideas. This newspaper, if successful, could end up being used in some sort of email format in the future. There's no reason why it has to be entirely restricted to the forums themselves. If you would like the newspaper to grow to that point, you should definitely try to build something up on OB itself first. [/COLOR][/font][/QUOTE]Personally I agree, a newsletter would be much more fun to do than the simple greetings I was thinking of. And I can guarantee that I'll do my best to keep one going. It is at least something I have experience with as my religion does what is known as a monthly ward letter. I've been involved in that sort of thing for well over a decade. And that includes making sure it's delivered to each person's door. ;) Being part of a team that prepares a ward newsletter each month is where I got the idea from in the first place since it seemed like such an idea would work online as well.
All right here's what we have so far: [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]OtakuBoards Communiqué[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]Entertainment[/B][INDENT][information here on interesting threads, etc.][/INDENT][B]Community [/B][INDENT][information here on interesting threads, etc.][/INDENT][B]Creative Works. [/B][INDENT][information here on interesting threads, etc.][/INDENT] [B]Members[/B] [INDENT][Member of the Month] [Artist of the Month][/INDENT] [B]Beyond OtakuBoards[/B] [INDENT][News] [Comics][/INDENT] [B]Reviews[/B] [INDENT][movies] [books] [anime, etc][/INDENT] Now this is just a general idea, but as you can see stuff for each section of the boards would go into it's respective main title. Since activity varies so much I think using the same header for each section would work. We could even include the names BKstyles mentioned like Lounging Around in the banner for each section. Since I'm of the opinion that breaking it down into each area would make things more complicated than needed. I also like the suggestion that we have more than a main dedicated staff since there are a lot of people who would like to be a part of it and by not having set staff or rather only one person per section it would make it easier if someone ended up too busy one month. Plus there's no reason why more people can't be involved. At least that's my thinking. So each section will be open for several people as well as freelance since I'm sure there might be some who want to contribute and yet not be stuck in the same area the whole time. Or guest writers who contribute occasionally. And with that in mind it has occurred to me that the best way for people to try out is to go and find something that happened last month here on OB and write up a bit about it and submit it. Either to this thread or as a pm. Or if you want to do a review on a book or game or that works too. Or perhaps you know of someone who would make a perfect member of the month or artist of the month. Then we can start with a grand opening of a back issue if you will for the month of May. Now if I've missed anything or you have additional ideas definitely mention them since I'm sure we could do more if we really wanted to. Anyway, I look forward to seeing what all of you contribute.
Goodness, why am I not surprised that Charles is now the leader of a terrorist cell? As for call signs, I suppose the obvious Mother would fit for me. ;)
[I]William's going to clobber me. [/I]Daniel thought as Kerstin practically dragged him out to the floor to dance. If there was one thing that William had told him, it was to not attract attention. And like a complete idiot he had done just that. His original intention had been to go outside on one of the many balconies overlooking the ocean, to get a breath of fresh air since just being in the same room as Jared, no matter how large it was, had him wanting to either run or kill him on the spot. [I]How can William be so damn calm![/I] He thought with real frustration. His expression giving Kerstin the wrong idea. "[B]Oh come now,[/B]" She teased him when he had said next to nothing the entire dance. "[B]I'm not angry with you, honest.[/B]" "[B]I'm sorry,[/B]" Daniel said. "[B]That's not it at all.[/B]" Kerstin just laughed and stopped dancing. "[B]Oh I can guess, to be honest you're not very good at dancing, so lets just go out to the balcony instead?[/B]" Daniel was a bit speechless at how she smoothly switched to taking his right arm in hers and heading towards the balcony. [I]She's nothing like Darren[/I], he thought. Though the one time he had met Darren was when he was keeping him a prisoner. Still everything he had read indicated that Darren was very much a loner. And even he had been able to see that Darren looked far from happy at being here. Both of them were too busy navigating among all the people to realize that others were following them. Or that when they entered the balcony some of them stayed behind, keeping others from entering. "[B]Alright, this better?[/B]" Kerstin asked, waiting for Daniel to nod. "[B]Now since you know about me Drake, how about telling me about yourself? What brings you to Reflection?[/B]" Daniel started to reply and then stopped at the sound of someone approaching. A tall man with dark brown hair along with four other guys had also entered the balcony. "[B]Kerstin Anderson?[/B]" The one with the dark hair asked. Puzzled Kerstin turned to face the person behind her. "[B]Yes?[/B]" "[B]I'd like to have a word with you, if you don't mind.[/B]" He glanced over at Daniel, "[B]Alone if you please.[/B]" Kerstin just narrowed her eyes at two of the men with him as they moved over to where Daniel was, rudely starting to usher him out of the area. "[B]And just who are you?[/B]" "[B]My apologies, I would have thought that you would know me. I am Blaine Uratak.[/B]" Daniel had been allowing the two men to usher him out of the area, that is until Blaine told her who he was.[I] Hell! He's the one who wants Darren dead! [/I] Part of him was torn and he hesitated, causing one of the men to tighten his grip and lean forward to whisper. "[B]Don't make this harder than it has to be.[/B]" He said menacingly even as he started to drag Daniel towards the doors leading back to the ball room. Still Daniel hesitated, he couldn't leave her alone, with Blaine of all people. [I]Where the hell is Jared! I can't get involved in this! [/I] "[B]I don't give a damn who you are,[/B]" Kerstin said. "[B]What I do care about is your appalling lack of manners. I have nothing to talk to you about.[/B]" She moved to join Daniel only to halt when the other two moved to block her. "[B]Get out of my way![/B]" "[B]Now please Miss Anderson, don't be like that. After I took the trouble to come all this way to meet you. All I want is a minute or two of your time and I'll be on my way.[/B]" The men dragging him had Daniel almost to the door when he finally made up his mind. Cursing under his breath as his military training took over and he broke their grip on him with ease, swiftly delivering strong undercuts that sent both of them sprawling, knocked senseless. Daniel assumed his most formal and disapproving stance, one that he had often used when dressing down someone who had failed to follow orders, falling back into his role as a Commander. "[B]That will be quite enough gentlemen,[/B]" he said coldly, ignoring Kerstin's surprised look. "[B]Kerstin has clearly said that she has no interest in talking with you.[/b]" Blaine started to say something but Daniel cut him off. "[b]Even if you are one of the representatives of sector five Blaine that does not give you the power or authority to harass civilians. Do I make myself clear?[/B]" "[B]Who are you to tell me what I can or cannot do?[/B]" Blaine said incredulously. His anger over been dressed down by a mere civilian apparent. "[B]You really are a fool Blaine,[/B]" Another voice said from behind them. "[B]It doesn't matter who he is, Drake is correct. Your position does not give you the right to harass Kerstin.[/B]" The person stepped forward, their face coming into the light. It was Jared. [I]Finally! [/I]Daniel thought with relief. Though it was short lived as he remembered the two men he had clobbered. [I]Hell! If Blaine brings up charges I could be arrested! If that happens they'll find out who I am. I should have left when I could.[/I]
Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion thread
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
Alright Charles, here's the one on the dog. I hope it's what you are looking for. [B]Aaryanna ? The Dog.[/B] Aaryanna is a member in the sense that her owner Bethany when opening her account at OtakuBoards used her name and her pictures for avatars and banners. As well as mentioning her on a regular basis when ever she posts. Never in her wildest doggie dreams did she imagine that it would lead to her being dressed up in silly outfits all for the sake of making equally as silly banners and avatars. Aaryanna has been featured in many forms from simple pictures to pop style to the dreaded outfit with the slogan "my owner is an idiot". [IMG]http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/3112/aaryannaavibydeltanl5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/8357/aaryannabydeltanq2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/2649/popartbichonaviiw2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/7933/popartbichonbannerhw3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/7899/aaryannaavatar01sm1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/5540/aaryannabanner01bh7.jpg[/IMG] Even now as her owner is participating in a Survivor RPG, Bethany has provided links in her signature to an avatar and banner of Aaryanna. If not openly, somewhere a path to pictures of Aaryanna can be found, keeping with her obsession with her. An obsession that Aaryanna tolerates and on some level shares as the two of them are inseparable, even to the point of Bethany holding her in front of her keyboard when she types. -
Sign Up Final Quest for Glory 2--A Shy and Charles Production [PG]
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Charles's topic in Theater
Simple and Easy you say? Sounds like the perfect RPG for me. ;)[QUOTE=Shy][size=1][b]1)[/b] What is your element of power? [b]2)[/b] Who taught you how to ride a bike? [b]3)[/b] When do[/size][/QUOTE]1 - Motherly instinct of course. 2 - My older brother, even though he was put out that my father made him do it. 3 - When do I decide to discipline my children? When they need it of course! Now if you'll excuse me a certain imp is getting into mischief. ;) -
You got Daniel fine as well. ;) Also, after reading what Rachmaninoff put up I've got a fun idea I'd like to do so if you don't mind I'm going to post before you finish indifference. If I don't have it up tonight I most definitely will have it up tomorrow.
If you haven't already read it I'm working with other members to organize an OtakuBoards Newspaper. More information can be found here: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57187][B]Thread[/B][/URL] Now to start with I am looking for a banner, or rather a header if you will, much in the same way that there is one for this thread here: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=35704][B]The DailyOtaku[/B][/URL] I might need more later, but the banner is what I need to start with. Now I don't want the same banner obviously, but I do want something to head the newspaper we are working on. And other than to make sure it doesn't stretch the layout of OB I have no specific requirements. Not even a name since other than the suggestion of OtakuBoards Communiqué we haven't really decided on one. So I'd like to see what type of banner you guys would make, what type of name you think would be most fitting. In the end I will be presenting the results to the community for everyone to vote on which one they like the best. I'd love to see everyone's creativity at work here, since other than to avoid stretching the layout of OB it can be as big or small as you want, can have what every graphics you think convey a newspaper of OB the best. What ever name you think would be most fitting. I really don't want to provide to much in the way of specifics since I'd love to see what you all come up with. Anyway, my thanks in advance to whoever takes up this request. :catgirl: