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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
Wow! You all can certainly get into quite a bit of mischief in just one day. Of all things I did not expect to sign back on and find Lara with a baby and Alden an it. o_O My goodness this has turned out to be quite different than the original Labyrinth that I read. And in a way it's making it harder to want to kill anyone off since I want all of them to get out, well other than Alden and Deoky. Their deaths won't bother me. As for the question about the baby counting as a kill [A cruel thought] I'll have to think on it. But for now, I'm going to go and work on a post. So please hold off as I'll come and edit this or post again when I am done if someone else has posted here. [B]EDIT:[/B] Okay I'm done posting. Since you were talking about character development 2007DigitalBoy I thought it might be interesting to have Eflair nearly kill Deoky. As for the question about the child counting as a kill...I'm still undecided on that one. So what ever you guys want is fine by me.
[quote name='Rachmaninoff]Although things were moving along nicely, from the vantage point of where things were being observed a new set of parameters were being put in place, ones that if certain things did not happen would occur shortly. Several names were moved in position, their status,[B] Possible Termination[/B'], indicating that they would be the first to go.[/quote]Based on this I got the same impression, that those who wait too long to use their switch cards will regret it. But seeing that I just used mine, I think that means I am in the clear. ;) And since yesterday was full of so much fighting and confrontation I decided that this time my post would have none of that. Focusing on them realizing that the traps were slowly becoming more of a problem as well as separating people up some more. So now other than Lara and Eflair, everyone else is off on their own somewhere. So now that just leaves 2007DigitalBoy and Darren to use their cards, before mid-Monday that is.
Lara and Eflair were positive that the traps were resetting themselves and that each time they did so the lapse between when the trap was disabled to being reset kept getting shorter. They along with Clavis had already traversed the enormous chamber many times and other than to briefly run into Andrew and once into Alden they had found nothing, no exit, no Davis and no Deoky. Was it possible that both Davis and Deoky were dead? Even though they had walked around so much there were still areas they had not explored, the place was just too big and the manner of the traps made a logical sweep impossible. "[B]I've had enough.[/B]" Lara finally said. "[B]I don't know about you two, but I've noticed that the traps seem to be resetting themselves even quicker than when we first arrived. If we don't find an exit and soon it won't be long until disarming a trap or avoiding it won't be possible.[/B]" Clavis stopped and turned to address the two, "[B]Unfortunately I've noticed the same thing, we could test it to see if our suspicion is correct. In fact I'll do so right now.[/B]" He went ahead a bit while the other two watched and triggered a trap, one that they already knew how to avoid. In a short time it reset itself with a very audible clicking sound. Then Clavis triggered it again while Lara, who had timed it the first time with her watch, watched to see how quickly it reset. When it did the answer was clear. The trap had taken only half the time it had before! She waited for Clavis to return to where the two of them were standing. "[B]This is bad,[/B]" She said. "[B]It took only half the time it did before. If it's consistently resetting by reducing the time by half it won't be long until we can't avoid any traps. If we don't find Davis and and exit soon, this place is going to kill us.[/B]" "[B]So the voice lied,[/B]" Eflair observed. "[B]It said that to move on we had to eliminate each other. Or it is impatient, unwilling to wait until we kill each other out of despair.[/B]" Lara laughed, "[B]As if! I would never kill someone just to save my own life. The very idea that I would is just sick.[/B]" "[B]I'm not so sure about that though.[/B]" Clavis said surprising both of them. "[B]You've already seen how Deoky can influence another person's mind. I've been extending my power to protect all of you from that. But it is possible that the force responsible for bringing us here could do the same, influence your mind, forcing you to do things you normally would not.[/B]" Lara swallowed hard, "[B]I had no idea. I mean its just so wrong to do that to someone else.[/B]" "[B]It didn't stop them from bringing us here, doing nothing while our friends are caught and killed by the dangers of this place. It is clear that our lives are meaningless to them.[/B]" Eflair said angrily. Clavis opened his mouth to say more but instead was caught in a blue column of light. Both Lara and Eflair didn't have time to realize what was happening until Alden was standing in front of them. "[B]Hell[/B]!" He swore. "[B]The last thing I need is to be stuck with useless baggage![/B]" Without another word he turned and stalked off, leaving the two girls behind. "[B]Well that was rude,[/B]" Lara finally observed once Alden was out of sight. But Eflair was not upset. "[B]We are better off without scum such as him.[/B]" Surprised to hear such harsh words from Elfair, Lara turned back to face her. "[B]How can you say that? Without the weapon he gave me I would have died many times.[/B]" "[B]I've seen his mind, it is full of darkness, corruption and greed. He only saved you so he...[/B]" Eflair stopped as if realizing she had said too much. "[B]So he could what?[/B]" Lara started to get angry when Eflair did not answer her. "[B]Answer me! You've been hiding something from me ever since you came back and found me unconscious and Davis's mind shattered![/B]" But Eflair looked away. "[B]Damn it![/B]" Lara said as she grabbed her, causing her to look at her again. "[B]Stop treating me like I'm a child! You and Clavis have been walking around me as if I was glass that was about to break! What happened?![/B]" Eflair winced, "[B]Both Alden and Deoky took advantage of you when you were helpless to prevent it.[/B]" Shocked Lara let go, stepping back a few feet and then collapsing, sitting hard on the floor. Tears filling her eyes. [I]So that's why Alden called us useless baggage, he already got what he wanted from me.[/I] Distressed Eflair knelt next to her. "[B]I'm sorry. When I healed you I took the memory of what happened from you. I'm so sorry![/B]" She cried. Lara nodded. "[B]I understand.[/B]" Though part of her did not. She stood back up. "[B]Come on. We need to find Clavis.[/B]" It certainly explained a lot. Ever since she had woken up it had felt like there was something missing. Now she knew, though part of her wished that she did not. [CENTER]-------------------------------------[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/530/07uv4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img250.imageshack.us/img250/1891/switchcardbi8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img464.imageshack.us/img464/2127/17yb9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion thread
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
Oh dear, I just realized that Aaryanna did one on me. :animeblus Good heavens! Still it was fun to read, also I was curious about this part in your announcement Charles: [INDENT]P.S. Do the dog next, please (with pics)![/INDENT] Were you serious about that or just kidding? Or were you looking for more to add on to Aaryanna's entry? Anyway, excellent work. I know I've been enjoying the articles as they are added and [B]Deathknight?s Hierarchy of Arguers[/B] was definitely quite funny. I got a good laugh out of that one. :catgirl: -
It had broken Daniel's heart when he had told Sara what had happened. And he understood all too well her anger and despair as they were powerless to do anything about Jason and Celestia. It had also broken his heart when he had informed her that she could not come with them. For not to long after the fall of the base, William had sent him a message explaining that he needed to talk to him immediately. What he had to tell him was not good. William had found out that the High Council had ordered Kiva to bring both of them to sector one and even with the limited scanning he had left Daniel had been able to determine that the Transcendence as well as the Tempest had already left Earth. And in addition to that William had also learned that in about a week both the Creator and the Conqueror would also be returning to sector one. Once the two flagships left William would be able to come and pick him and a few select others up. And then they would head for sector one as well. It was why Sara and Glen could not come. Since the attacks in several sectors the High Council had stepped up security in sector one, scanning everyone who entered the area, looking for modified humans or other members of the lessor races. They were taking no chances. And though the scans were not enough to identify someone, they were enough to determine if one was a Versilan or not. And unlike the military they would not have the clearance to skip being scanned. There just wasn't a way for them to slip both Sara and Glen in. Sara had been furious, but Glen had simply accepted it. But then Daniel had been working with Glen, training him to take over should the need be required. And even though they had to be left behind for now, it wouldn't last forever, even if they couldn't do anything in sector one, there was no reason why later, once things had calmed down that they couldn't go to other sectors. But even though they weren't scanning people in other areas, the security was still high. They would be much safer on Earth. In the end, Daniel had finally left the safe house, transporting down to the storage facility to give Sara time to cool off. It was hard enough knowing that they had taken his only daughter along with Jason. He didn't want to argue with Sara. There was too much to do. William had sent him the details of a fake persona that he would be assuming once he arrived. While they were traveling to sector one, the ships doctor would be permanently altering his hair color as well as slightly modifying his facial features. Enabling him to move around without fear of being recognized. But more importantly, he had to get the information for his new persona down pat, to make sure that he was the person listed. He would have the same first name of Daniel, but other than that, nothing would be the same. Daniel also had to finish preparing everything on Earth for when he and some of the other Versilans left. Even though there wasn't much planned for continuing operations here, he still had to make sure that they were well hidden. Especially Sara since she still had a pretty hefty bounty on her head. Though once he and others escaped he knew perfectly well that the military would assume she had gone with them. Daniel finished making some notes in his hand held computer. Doing his best to not think about Jason and Celestia since he knew perfectly well that their trip to sector one would be far from pleasant.
Well it seems that the next theme is upon us. And this time it looks like one that will be quite different than what we've done before. It also seems that we now have the chance to eliminate three players should we win this round. As much fun as the previous two themes were I'm thinking that this one will be the most fun since once things went from cowboy shows when I was growing up I clearly remember watching Star Trek when it first aired along with quite a few other shows. Space Opera's are definitely my favorite type of show. ;) After all that's exactly what George Lucas was doing with Star Wars too. lol Anyway, it seems that this time we are the proud [COLOR=DarkRed]Merceri[/COLOR] intent on overrunning the [COLOR=Blue]Titanic Army of Humankind[/COLOR] in order to dominate Earth. And our rivals are none other than the greedy [COLOR=Green]Lolloths[/COLOR] and the bloodthirsty [COLOR=DarkOrange]Argrs[/COLOR]. That just begs for us to have a massive invasion fleet for taking control of Earth with our ship the Mercenary being the flagship. With me as your captain and the rest of you as my gallant crew! Intent on thwarting our rivals as well as claiming the prize! I guess the only question is do we want to switch names or do as we have before, keeping them similar and just changing our profiles to match? What ever you guys want to do in that respect is fine by me. You've all done so beautifully working together on this. Just let me know what all of you think and then lets have some more fun! :catgirl:
I'll be including it in my next post since I think that would work the best. And I've even got a good idea as to why both Sara and Glen would have to be left behind. So expect the post either later tonight or tomorrow.
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']oi. Well, after about 15 minutes it declares you 'logged out' so i didn't catch you on the Who's Online list. once again, terribly sorry, though the problem's all fixed now. I really ought to edit that post bigger, though.[/COLOR][/quote]I didn't know that the system would show me as being offline after fifteen minutes. Still, thanks again for fixing it. And yeah, now that the other part is gone your current post is smaller. I'm sure it would be easy to fix though. Now as for how the whole thing is progressing, Good Grief! You guys are brutal! After all that you've put poor Davis through I felt bad that I made it even worse. Though I suppose someone could end up switching Davis with someone else. But still! o_O I can see that this final round is going to be intense! And poor Lara. Attacked twice no less! I knew this would be mature, but I figured it would be like the last one. I was not expecting all these twists and more adult issues like rape and such. As for your post Bethany... I swear, as a parent it never fails to amaze me at how quickly one's kids grow up. :animesigh It will be interesting to see how this plays out and to see who finally makes it to the end. I know I'm looking forward to seeing how this finally gets resolved. :catgirl:
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']lol, already done before you said it. I hadn't known you were postin -- I always open the post reply page and a word document, then just click over and refresh the OB page every couple minutes. Sorry for the confusion. I also moved my post under yours.[/COLOR][/quote]Thank you hun, I appreciate it. :catgirl: Especially since I spent a close to thirty minutes writing that. I don't use word since firefox seems to do the same thing, correcting misspelled words. So I type it up in the reply box. That and I'm a fairly decent speller. So most of the time I don't even need help. ;)
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']eh? I thought it was obvious that Andrew and Clavis were chasing him. After all, what reason did they have for sticking around with the others? It was a time skip, not a time reversal -- I guess it could be a little confusing... [/COLOR][/quote]It wasn't to me, also, since I just spent a fair amount of time working on my post could you please remove your first part about Davis and Deoky? That took me a while to write. :animesigh I mean I assume we were posting at the same time, but your's is one paragraph and removing it won't affect much. The part with Deoky and Davis that is.
Davis had found his mommy, and in doing so part of his mind, but when he opened his eyes and saw where he was, he was clueless. It seemed that something was missing, that he should know this place but he did not. It was not the university that he was attending, it was not his home. How had he gotten here? Davis had left home in order to study that which he loved more than anything, history. No matter where the world was, he was always looking for books to read, things to learn. It was his dream to someday be a professor. Confused he sat down.[I] All right[/I], he thought.[I] Think about this. I left yesterday. [/I]But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't remember. And vaguely underneath he could feel some sort of pain as if he had hit his head on the inside. [I]What's wrong with me?[/I] He did not see the coldly beautiful man approaching him nor did he feel any fear when he realized someone was there. "[B]Who are you? Where is this place? What's going on?[/B]" Davis asked him. The man knelt down in front of him. "[B]Fascinating,[/B]" he said. "[B]I had no idea that Clavis was capable of doing such a thing. I wonder...[/B]" The last thing Deoky had expected was to suddenly sense Davis close to where he was, replacing the spark that had been Alden. Even more curious was that Davis seemed to be partially himself again. Deoky had been unable to resist seeing just what had happened. And when he found Davis sitting on the floor clearly confused he moved in to check things out. He ignored Davis's questions and delved into his mind tracing the paths to see just what Clavis had done. Oh it was fascinating all right. No wonder he had been unable to affect Clavis! But to think that he was capable of this? Deoky smiled. Even if it was contrary to what he normally did, he could see that most of Davis's mind had been repaired. All it would take was a few simple nudges to finish the job. It would be perfect! By restoring the memory of what he had done Deoky would be able to tap into the sheer terror Davis would feel when he not only remembered what he had done but also when he realized that he was in Deoky's clutches as well. It would be well worth the power required since tapping into Davis's terror would more than replace what it would take to finish what Clavis had done. Though he would not have been able to do so if Clavis had not already repaired the more extensive damage. Still... His mind made up Deoky finished what Clavis had done. Restoring Davis's mind. Smiling inwardly as understanding dawned on Davis's face only to be replaced by one of sheer terror. He held him fast with his power and leaned forward to whisper. "[B]I'm far from being done with you.[/B]" He said cruelly, even as he felt his cut heal from the power he was gaining from Davis's fear. "[B]First I'm going to kill all your little friends and then I'm going to slowly tear you to pieces.[/B]" Deoky stood up, leaving Davis sitting on the floor unable to move. It only took a moment for him to find a spot free of the traps. Then he picked Davis up and carried him there, finding a spot to secure him. Making sure he was firmly bound. Then once he had made sure to shield him so that Clavis would not be able to detect where Davis was, he started heading for the others. Now that he had a means to restore himself it was time to deal with those meddling fools. He would no longer have to hold back now that he had Davis.
[quote name='indifference][COLOR=DarkRed']*evil laughter*[/COLOR][/quote]In my opinion, that was by far the cruelest death/deaths in the game so far. Ruthlessly killing both because he didn't want to waste any more power protecting them. And even then to make sure their deaths were painful... *shudder* It will be interesting to see if both Deoky and Clavis survive to the final round since given the chance those two are definitely going to clash. Only unlike the others, Clavis won't be defenseless. And now I'm going to pretend I didn't read that last post. *pinches indifference*
My eyes are going to pop huh? o_O I think I'll just pretend I didn't see the first part of your post indifference. Good grief! I was not expecting something like that. And I'll just leave it at that since this RPG/Game is rated mature. Anyway, Liam is now quite dead and it seems that we only have indifference and Darren left who have yet to use their death cards. It will be interesting to see who is killed off. Especially since we don't know if another dual death card is just waiting to be played.
Eflair was not unhappy when the same blue light that had brought Davis to them took Deoky away. Even though he had saved her life he made her terribly uncomfortable. Unlike Jennifer, Davis and Lara, his thoughts were cold, calculating and his touch on her mind was on some level disturbing. She couldn?t be positive, but she had thought he was speaking to both Davis and Lara separately, and it had worried her since those who were not gifted were terribly venerable to someone who was. It was all too easy to force one?s will on one who was either untrained or had no ability at all. Other than the most basic of communication any further contact with a non telepath was strictly forbidden least one accidentally damage their mind. ?[B]Well if the blue light did the same to Deoky as it did to me, he should be fine.[/B]? Davis was saying. ?[B]We should get going since I don?t trust those doors to hold.[/B]? ?[B]You?re right[/B].? Eflair said turning her attention back to the two who were still with her. They continued through the ancient passageways, relying on Davis who safely took them past the traps that he was familiar with. It took them a while but they finally left and emerged in what had to be part of the space station as the walls and floors was made entirely of metal and the windows clearly showed that they were in space. ?[B]I wish I understood the technology here.?[/B] Davis said. ?[B]As horrible as this place is, I just don?t see how it?s possible for us to go from one environment to the next like this. Either we are in one of the most elaborate holographic programs I have ever seen or they are somehow shifting us through time into different locations.[/B]? ?[B]Does it really matter?[/B]? Lara asked. ?[B]I mean all I care about is leaving this place.[/B]? ?[B]Of course it matters.[/B]? Davis replied. ?[B]If I could figure out what?s happening it just might give me a clue to where the exit is.[/B]? Eflair walked out into the middle of the room heading towards the next area. ?[B]I don?t care how this place works, I just want to go home.[/B]? But just then the floor opened up underneath them and all three with a startled scream dropped and landed hard into what appeared to be nothing more than a huge metal bowl. Before they could wonder what it was, it too dropped and then began to pick up speed as it slid along the slope heading down. The sound of metal screeching filled the air and the three of them hung on for dear life as the metal bowl hit something and dropped down into another passage continuing to slide downwards. Eflair did her best to see what was going on and too her horror in front of them was a room filled with a huge hole that went straight into space. ?[B]Everyone! Lean to the right! Now!?[/B] She moved over pushing both Lara and Davis who after a moment quit resisting. The bowl shifted to the side and then with a horrible sickening sensation it went over the edge sailing towards the other side and just barely catching the edge and continuing down the passage way. After a couple more jumps where they worked together to get the bowl to move, they came to a dead stop as they hit a metal fence across the passageway. The force of their momentum pitched all three of them through the air to land hard into a pool of water in yet another metal room. Davis and Lara were caught unprepared but Eflair was not, with powerful strokes she quickly caught both of them and pulled them back to the surface and over to the edge of the pool, helping them out and onto the walkway before climbing out of the water herself. ?[B]Are you all right?[/B]? Eflair asked them. ?[B]Yes, thank you[/B]? Lara said as she and Davis got up. ?[B]When the floor collapsed I thought all of us were dead for sure![/B]? Davis looked around, other than one door there was nowhere to go. The pool of water was just part of an enclosed room filled with water up to the ledge, it reminded him of some sort of factory. He opened the door and stepped through the other two joining him. But instead of it being in a factory they were up on a ledge with stairs attached to the wall leading down. Far off in the distance he could see several people walking towards another set of doors. He couldn?t be certain, but they looked familiar. ?[B]Tell me if I?m seeing things![/B]? Lara exclaimed. ?[B]But doesn?t that look like Liam and Vanya and Deoky? And who?s that other guy?[/B]? She tried yelling to get their attention, all of them did, but the group couldn?t seem to hear them. ?[B]I don?t understand,[/B]? Eflair said. ?[B]Deoky should be able to hear my thoughts but I can?t reach him.[/B]? A moment later the floor the group was walking on started to collapse revealing pools of a green substance that when a chair fell into it only to vanish meant just one thing. It was acid. ?[B]My god![/B]? Davis said as they started to run down the stairs. ?[B]We?ve got to help them![/B]? Even though he wasn?t sure if he could. They were halfway down the stairs when a horrible high-pitched scream reached them. Horrified they watched the floor under Liam collapse taking him with it as he fell into the green pool. At the bottom of the stairs a walkway ran along the wall and they hurried as fast as they could still yelling to get the attention of Deoky, Vanya and the other guy with them, but even though they had heard Liam die the group couldn?t hear their shouts. Then just as suddenly Davis came to a halt as if he had slammed into an invisible wall and the others slammed into him as well before falling to the walkway. ?[B]No![/B]? Davis howled as he got up and pounded on the invisible wall. Tears streaming down his face. "[B]Let me through damn it![/B]" Once again they heard the soft female computer voice as if out of no where. ?[B]Interfering with another subjects challenge is strictly prohibited.[/B]? ?[B]What the hell? What are you talking about?[/B]? Lara cried as she too pounded on the invisible wall between them and the other group who even though they were now quite close to each other could not seem to hear or see them. Helplessly they watched as the rest of the group, Vanya, Deoky and the unknown man, made it to the door and then left the area where the acid pools beneath the floor was. Then without warning a door materialized in the wall next to them on the walkway. ?[B]Subjects Davis, Lara and Eflair, continue your challenge. Failure to enter the door will result in termination.[/B]? Dully Davis opened the door and stepped through, as did Lara and Eflair. ?[B]I was right,[/B]? Davis said with a sob. ?[B]This is hell.[/B]? [CENTER]-----------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/7128/deathcardzp0.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/7640/04mv1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff'] As for the twist I promised, when the first special card is played you will see just what I had in mind. Let the killing begin! ;)[/quote]Dual Death Cards!? Good grief! o_O I take it that the card Sandy just played is the twist you spoke of? Well that certainly changes the game a bit!
Clavis, Davis and Vanya had not gone very far when a column of blue light appeared out of no where, surrounding Davis before a moment later he vanished. "[B]What trickery is this?[/B]" Clavis demanded as he looked around. "[B]I can't sense him anymore.[/B]" "[B]I would presume it was some sort of transportation beam.[/B]" Vanya mused. "[B]There's no telling where it sent him.[/B]" Vanya sighed. She was beginning to wonder if any of them would make it out of this crazy place alive. [CENTER]-----------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Davis did not get a chance to wonder just what had happened. One moment he had been with Clavis and Vanya and then he had been caught in a flash of blue light. Instinctively he had closed his eyes, attempting to move backwards but the moment the light touched him he couldn't move! But before he could truly panic he felt the light let go and he opened his eyes to find himself facing Jennifer, Eflair, Lara and a young man he had never met before. [I]How did I get here?[/I] It took him a moment to realize that something was off. "[B]Where's Ambellina?[/B]" He asked and then choked a bit when he saw the look in their eyes. As well as Lara as she shook her head, indicating that Alden was gone as well. "[B]I see, both Gustaff and Rebecca didn't make it either.[/B]" Davis turned to ask the young man who he was only to step back in surprise his eyes wide when he spoke directly to him in his mind. "[B][I]I am Deoky Shilos.[/I][/B]" "[B]You're a telepath? Amazing![/B]" Davis said, forgetting for a moment where he was. "[B]I've never met a telepath before![/B]" Davis extended his hand to shake Deoky's. "[B]I'm Davis.[/B]" Deoky returned the hand shake and nodded politely to Davis and then smiled to himself. [I]Perfect,[/I] he thought only to himself. [I]That makes two that I can mold to my will, both Davis and Lara will do nicely.[/I] He cast a reproachful glance at both Jennifer and Eflair. "[B][I]For shame, hiding who you were from one as innocent as him.[/I][/B]" He grinned at Jennifer's look of irritation. "[B]Hiding? What does he mean?[/B]" Davis asked both Jennifer and Eflair. Puzzled as to what Deoky was talking about. "[B][I]Both Eflair and I can speak that way as well.[/I][/B]" Jennifer said,"[B][I]it was not necessary to do so before.[/I][/B]" She cast Deoky a reproachful look as well. "[B][I]Something that this one already knows.[/I][/B]" Deoky just smiled innocently. "[B][I]I did not hide that ability from any of you. But enough of that, we did agree to work together, so lets keep looking for an exit shall we?[/I][/B]" "[B]Yeah, we really need to get out of here.[/B]" Lara spoke up. Davis wasn't listening he was focusing on Deoky. "[B]So you're a telepath huh? I don't suppose you could tell me about it? Well once we get out of here that is.[/B]" "[B][I]But of course.[/I][/B]" Deoky said. Then he spoke to Davis and Davis alone. "[B][I]I promise that unlike the other two, I will not hide anything from you.[/I][/B]" He exerted a bit of his ability to charm others. Just a hint of his power to bend others to his will. He could do so much more once Jennifer and Eflair were dealt with. "[B][I]There is much that I can teach you.[/I][/B]" He smiled at the obvious hunger for knowledge that Davis had. Like Lara who was trusting, he too would be easy to bend to his will. [CENTER]-------------------------------------[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/369/transportcardxe4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/2673/09fc1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkRed]When Sergei had finished explaining all the rumors they had heard Cody piped up. ?[B]I agree with Alexandra,[/B]? he said, earning a grin from her, ?[B]Moebius would never leave and even if he had why would the school announce that he was missing? Something?s wrong.[/B]? ?[B]I think something is wrong too,[/B]? Kathy agreed. ?[B]For the school to decide to announce that he is missing in the middle of the school day no less means the adults are scared.[/B]? ?[B]Yeah, but of what?[/B]? Zeke asked. Bethany shook her head, ?[B]I don?t know, perhaps the student he argued with did something to him? Out of all the names we heard being tossed back and fourth two of them are bullies. Perhaps we should check them out?[/B]? ?[B]Uh Bethany[/B],? Sergei said, ?[B]I doubt they?ll admit to doing anything if we ask them.[/B]? ?[B]We don?t have to ask them, one of them Drake if I remember correctly is in detention for dropping milk all over Mr. Davis. We could sneak into his room at the dorm and look though his stuff.[/B]? The others just stared at her for a moment. ?[B]Don?t you think that?s a bit much?[/B]? Kathy finally asked. Anna shook her head, ?[B]No that?s actually a good idea, even if it will get us into trouble if we?re caught.[/B]? Both Zeke and Cody shot a strange glance at Anna before shrugging and agreeing. ?[B]What if we don?t find anything?[/B]? Zeke asked as they headed towards the boys dorm. ?[B]We could always check his locker at school,[/B]? Alexandra suggested. ?[B]Lets get going then, before that dork is finished with detention then.[/B]? Cody said as he took the lead. Winking at Alexandra and Bethany as he walked past them. Sergei just rolled his eyes and followed along. Not that he didn?t like Zeke, Cody or Anna, but he would have rather been alone with just the others. Dragging his feet he followed them up the outside stairs leading to the top level of the boys dorms and down the hall to where Drake?s room was located. At least they hadn?t run into Shy or the others. Sergei hated it when people read his thoughts. [/COLOR]
They weren't far from the safe house when Daniel sent the others ahead. He needed to take care of something before he saw Sara and Glen. The others weren't happy but they did as they were told. Then once they were out of sight and he found himself a niche that offered some privacy between several tall buildings he pulled out his hand held computer. He didn't dare transport down to the storage facility since the military would be focusing on that area for a while, but when he entered the codes to contact the computers there he got a signal, indicating that they were still functioning. He doubted that the place had been found. Unlike the base there wasn't equipment running all the time so the shields didn't have to hide the same amount of activity. But that was not why he tapped into the computers. Now that the base had been found the military was likely to deal with all the sensors and relays still left on Earth. If he didn't move soon, the ability to send a semi secure transmission wouldn't be possible anymore and he needed to let William know what had happened. Seconds later he had the connection set up, routing it to the relays that were still functioning, sending the message out, hoping that William would reply. If he did not respond he would just send the message since it would be brief and to the point. But he was in luck and a moment later William showed up on the holographic screen that his hand held was projecting. "[B]What is it Daniel?[/B]" "[B]I'm sorry sir, but both Jason and Celestia did not make it out in time.[/B]" "[B]Damn![/B]" William swore. "[B]How did that happen?[/B]" "[B]The military used drones loaded with explosives to tunnel to the base, making four points of entry that they used to transport assault teams down to immediately. When they hit, one of them damaged the computer relays and triggered the third set of security doors, cutting off Celestia and Jason from the transport area.[/B]" "[B]I see, I take it that everyone else got out?[/B]" "[B]No, but those who had critical information did. Most of them have been situated in safe houses for now. What I want to know, is what do you want me to do?[/B]" William looked thoughtful for a moment and then replied, "[B]Sit tight for now. Go as deep as you can and hide. So long as the Transcendence is in that sector I cannot retrieve you or anyone else. It will take some time but I'll start looking into what was done with Jason and Celestia. I'll contact you as soon as I find anything out.[/B]" He terminated the communication. Daniel put the computers in the storage facility back on standby and shut down his hand held computer. Once again making sure no one was around when he emerged from where he had been hiding. Sara and Glen were probably at the safe house by now and if the others hadn't told her what happened yet he would need to do so. He gathered his resolve and headed towards the safe house. He barely noticed his surroundings other than to avoid any troops in the area. Even with the treatment to his eyes hiding their silver color, Daniel couldn't hide the fact that like Celestia and Jason the bounty on his head was quite high. Not as high as theirs was, but still high enough. And like them his was for a live capture only. The military knew he was here and all it would take is just one to spot him. Daniel reached up to feel the picture of his mother on a chain around his neck, reassuring himself that it along with the poison was still in his possession. He hoped that he never had to use it. Then with a turn around a corner he saw the safe house. Daniel swallowed hard and then started heading for the door.
[quote name='DeathKnight][color=crimson']Funnily enough maybe a few of you need to get laid. ;)[/color][/quote]Well seeing that I have children of my own I'd say getting laid is not a problem, at least not for me. And considering the age of some of those who post here, I certainly hope they are not getting laid! :p
[QUOTE=Volume 11]And I was young, but I remember my Dad coming home with a VHS player and a VHS mail order magazine and all of the tapes were around$70-90. I remember not buying any tapes until the late 80s. Do you also remember how not only VHS tapes were expensive, but they didnt get rushed to blockbuster three months after release. It usually took 9 months to a year.[/QUOTE]I remember getting mail order magazines for tapes. As well as how things took from nine months to a year before they hit the shelves. ;) Still being able to watch movies from a tape was the coolest thing ever. lol If anything I think part of the problem is that the market is positively saturated with different series that one can buy. It use to be easy to pick and choose what you liked where now, there are so many things out that I end up ignoring other stuff in favor of only getting what I like best. It's great and at the same time frustrating since it makes it harder for companies to compete and some of them are forced to keep the prices higher than other media like movies just to make ends meet. Since people are far more picky about what they spend their money on. I know I am.
I'm not that familiar with region free dvd's and such, but I do know one thing. If people continue to purchase them, even with poor quality, instead of buying the legally released version. Every purchase made hurts the company bringing it to you legally. In the end, they can never compete with such prices since those who make bootlegs don't have the cost of creating the show, paying for it to be translated, etc. And goodness, I guess all of you are too young to remember that VHS tapes even for a single movie use to cost far more than DVD's do. I remember quite clearly paying close to $70 to get Star Wars on tape when it first came out. As well as paying nearly a thousand dollars to get a VHS player. I think it's great that they are starting to produce thinpacks to make things even more affordable, especially since I am on a fixed income. But in the end, now that DVD's are more established, even for anime, they are a hundred times nicer since they tend to be cheaper and far more durable. And as others have already said, a little patience results in getting them for less than the suggested retail price. That and the one time I ordered something through a seller at Amazon for my daughter, only for it to turn out to be a bootleg with horrible quality convinced me that saving a few dollars wasn't worth it as we ended up buying a better version anyway.
Considering the topic I am a bit surprised to hear some of you referring to online dating as pathetic. For a parent, especially if you know your kid is not giving out personal information, such an environment is far less worrisome than if a child that age was out with a real person on a date. And in many ways there's nothing wrong with kids feeling connected to other kids. Because in the end at this stage it isn't real dating or rather dating that will lead to more adult behavior at this point. Certain things just aren't possible through a computer screen. Moving to the next phase where the kids are a bit older and actually do meet, in many ways chatting online is no different than an older method of getting to know someone who didn't live close, simple letters as well as love letters. There's a certain charm about getting a letter in the mail from a close friend or boyfriend. And finally getting to meet the person or see them again is quite different since at that point, unlike a first date you know from the letters/e-mail/chat a little about the person. There's really no need to bring up the point about lying since as others have said, online or off line, is no guarantee that you are getting the truth. Using a little common sense applies to both situations. If anything knowing someone in real life is a bit more risky since usually the person knows where you live where online you can meet in a public place without ever giving them your address. Online dating as I see it is merely the next phase. We've gone from men raiding other villages to obtain women, to elaborate courtships to arranged marriages and such. The customs of dating have changed quite a bit over the centuries and online dating is in my opinion merely one of the customs for this time and era, especially since the internet became readily accessible to the population.
Wow! That was quick, not only is the first round over, but the next death has already occurred. I must say those transport cards look like fun. And it should be interesting to see what the 'special card' is. I know the creation card surprised me in the last round. Or did it? :p I'm not going to bother saying it wasn't me since I'm sure everyone would just say the same and we'd still not know who got it. Though poor Neheb is now dead. Talk about killer music.
Daniel was in the main transportation area working on the codes for sending people to specific safe houses when the base's alarm sounded. He knew even before he quickly went over to the terminal to switch on the screen for the internal security cameras and to contact the command center just what was wrong. There could be only one reason for the alarm. The attack was either about to begin or was underway. He could only hope that Kiva had been able to do what she planned. To trigger the alarm prematurely giving them more time to evacuate. When he contacted the officer on duty at the Command Center he didn't know what to expect as far as how the attack would be carried out, but when the officer linked him to the data feed showing the four drones headed for the base, even he was chilled by the efficiency of the attack. If the data held true the points of entry had been chosen to enable the assault teams that would be transported down to quickly move in and cut off the escape routes to the transportation area. And the fourth entry point was picked to enable them to quickly cut off anyone trying to escape from the Command Center. Even though the drones were not using any type of stealth systems, without the warning from the power surge, something he knew that drones did not do, the brief time it would have taken them to pinpoint the drones activities would have left them with even less time than they had. They would have had little to no warning at all since a drone at full speed could easily tunnel through the ground at frightening speeds. Daniel continued to watch the progress as well as note how people dropped what they were doing and simply ran. There was no hesitation as they quickly abandoned what they were doing and ran for the transport door that he had opened up permanently. And even though he saw Celestia waiting on Jason as he ran to the conference room and then came back with their hand held computers, they still had enough time to make it to the transportation area. The drones would hit before they could get to his location, but it wouldn't matter. Everyone else of importance was already out when the drones hit, even Sara and Glen as they were currently out on patrol. Once he transported out with Jason and Celestia he would contact them and they would go into hiding. But then something happened that even he could not have foreseen. When the drones exploded the third set of security doors were triggered. Cutting off Celestia's and Jason's path. "[B]Shit![/B]" He swore even as he attempted to access the main Command Center to override the fool who had triggered them. But a split second later the data came back. No one had triggered them, when one of the drones exploded to open an entry hole on the south side, the relay in that area that passed along the orders from the main computers was partially destroyed. The resulting short in that part of the system had triggered the third set of doors. And with the relay damaged, the only way to open the doors would be to do so manually from the Command Center. To his horror he saw Celestia and Jason turn and run for the Command Center. Daniel tried to activated the base's announcement system to tell them to stop but it was not working either. [I]Gods! This can't be happening! [/I]He thought, his mind in shock. Somehow they had realized what had happened, but at the rate the assault teams were now pouring into the base they would be cut off! Even if they got the doors open it would be too late. Desperately Daniel tried to get the doors open, intending to go after them but one of the other officers there grabbed his arm and started pulling him towards the transport door. Daniel pulled free, "[B]Let me go![/B]" He said furiously. But another one along with the first one grabbed him as well. "[B]There's nothing you can do sir! We have to get out of here, the assault teams are almost here![/B]" Daniel lost it, struggling furiously but several of them ganged up on him and dragged him through the transport door, holding him down at the new location until the transportation door closed, cutting them off from the base. Then when he went limp they let go and he fell to his knees. Daniel knew he needed to pull himself together, that he needed to organize those who had managed to escape but the knowledge that both Jason and Celestia had not managed to escape overcame him and he wept, not caring that the others saw him breaking down. He could hear the sounds of activity as the other officers who had escaped took over, implementing the plans he had put in place. But still he could not pull himself together. Sickened by what had just happened.[I] I should have evacuated them,[/I] he thought with despair.[I] It's my fault for not telling anyone what was going to happen.[/I] He choked up even more as another thought crossed his mind. [I]How will I ever explain this to Sara? I failed her. [/I] Daniel looked up when someone touched his shoulder. "[B]We need to go sir, I've already sent everyone to their designated group and safe house.[/B]" Guiltily Daniel looked around to see that nearly everyone was gone.[I] Pull it together fool![/I] He thought. [I]These people need you.[/I] He nodded and got up. He started to apologize but the officer remaining stopped him. "[B]There's no need for that sir. I understand how you feel, I have a daughter myself.[/b]" "[B]All the more reason for me to apologize.[/B]" Daniel asserted and then he sighed. "[B]We need to contact Glen and Sara to let them know what happened.[/B]" "[B]I already did that sir, I didn't explain what happened since there wasn't time, but I did instruct them to meet us at a safe house near where they are patrolling. It's a bit of a walk but we should be able to get there before they do.[/B]" Daniel just nodded and headed towards where the safe house was. Doing his best to keep the tears at bay since a grown man walking though a city sobbing would only attract undue attention.
[quote name='Rachmaninoff'] And seeing that they are now trapped in the conference room...I just don't see a way out for those two.[/quote]Me neither. Good lord! When SunfallE said she would write up the post for her characters I thought she only meant to make the whole thing a bit more dramatic since the fall of the final base on Earth is a pretty big event. I should have realized that she was up to more than just the base falling. So don't feel too bad, I was just as clueless as you were. And now that I know what the rest of my objective is in regards to how the base goes down, I will start working on my post. Poor Daniel, he's going to be pretty unhappy.