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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
?[B]All defense points are coming back as ready sir.[/B]? Tarika Zaidin?s voice carried over the bridge of the [I]Liberator[/I]. ?[B]The Imperial fleet is due to cross the border into sector four in ten minutes.[/B]? ?[B]Understood, go to Amber Alert.[/B]? Commander Spencer ordered. He pulled up the reports on the small monitor built into his chair. They had installed automatic defenses along the border, including some newly developed stations. If they weren?t enough to force the Imperial Fleet to withdraw, they could lose the sector. [I]I hope the new decoy mine system works like they predicted it will.[/I] If it didn?t, they?d have no choice but to withdraw. They lacked the power to take on two flagships. ?[B]The Imperial fleet has been pulled out of hyperspace.[/B]? Spencer smiled. The first part had worked. The new systems were designed to fire on anyone who didn?t have the proper access codes. But stopping two flagships wouldn?t be that easy. If they were lucky, they wouldn?t detect the trap until it was too late. He didn?t think they?d be that lucky though. He watched as the stations launched the mines at the incoming forces. Quite a few of them were decoys meant to give the true mines a better chance at hitting it?s intended target. ?[B]What?s the status on the decoys?[/B]? ?[B]We?ve lost 40 percent of them.[/B]? Zaidin replied. Spencer grimaced as he looked at the readout; they weren?t quite in the best location yet for activating the mines. But if they waited too much longer? They?d lose the chance to use them period. And if the Imperial fleet got through? ?[B]Activate the mines.[/B]? ?[B]Mines activated. Impact in 20 seconds? Sir! They?re pulling back.[/B]? ?[B]Try to boost the speed.[/B]? Spencer resisted the urge to bang his fist on the panel. If they managed to elude the mines... [I]Come on? hit![/I] He urged the dots on the screen representing the mines. One by one the retreating ships took out the approaching mines and decoys. Some were not so lucky as the incoming mines hit their target, destroying a number of the smaller battle ships. Not nearly enough damage was done when the wave was finished. [I]Why are they still retreating?[/I] ?[B]Less than 25% of the mines hit their target sir.[/B]? Zaidin pulled back a bit. ?[B]They?re still retreating.[/B]? She couldn?t hide the surprise from her voice. ?[B]Hyperspace jump detected.[/B]? She swiveled in her chair to face the Commander. ?[B]They actually left.[/B]? ?[B]What?s their destination?[/B]? She turned back, ?[B]Unless they change course, they?re headed for the military base in sector five.[/B]? ?[B]Excellent, begin damage assessment and replacement of the mines and decoys. I doubt they?ll come back to the same spot, but we can?t count on that.[/B]? ?[B]Right.[/B]? Spencer leaned back as he reviewed the battle data again. [I]Why did they retreat so easily?[/I] They hadn?t done anywhere near enough damage to warrant a withdrawal. Had they managed to get a lucky hit on one of the flagships? Though knowing Stevens, he was pretty sure that wouldn?t deter him.
I definitely think voting on people's posts in terms of quality is not a good thing. That seems more like some popularity contest than a true indicator of whether or not someone's post is of a high quality. Many of you certainly don't need any votes to have a reputation. I think you earn that by your actions more than anything. So yes, this is my long winded way of saying I voted against a rating system for posts.
Yes there has been a lot said on this, however, I'm only going to answer the opening post with what I think on the idea in general. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff']Okays Death Penalty, should it be allowed? Is it really our right as humans to decide who lives and who dies? What does everyone think on this subject right now?[/color][/quote]Yes it should be allowed. The problem with the question of deciding who is allowed to decide, is that you're often talking about someone who has already put themselves above that by killing another human being. You can argue it makes us no better or you can argue that it's our responsiblity to deal with those who would treat other's lives in such a calloused manner. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff]Deep thoughts aside right now in New York state we have no death penalty just life imprisionment without parole. Which I guess isn't too bad until you consider that the state is in one of its worst deficites ever. And we have people in State prisons who have willfully murdered showing no remorse. And I'm not talking about killing an adult, I'm talking about murdring babies.[/color][/QUOTE]Beth brought this up already, but life with out parole, isn't. So long as that loophole exists it's not a true solution by any means. Worrying over a deficit is rather pointless since the appeals can result in the death penalty being far more expensive than just locking them away.[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff']But that said I'm torn. Do we really get to play God? What gives us that right? And what ever happened to good old public humiliation and maybe some nice branding?[/color][/quote]As much as it pains me to say it, but playing God is a bit of an evasion of the seriousness of the issue. When someone murders without remorse then accepting the consequences from that action take precedence. Whether it's the death penalty or being locked up for the rest of your life is another matter.
Funtime Thread of Humor and Mirth (and Junk.)
Aaryanna_Mom replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in General Discussion
Ah the mysterious of Math. [CENTER][IMG]http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/4873/chchatheistft4.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] -
I don't really carry stuff in my pockets. I do carry my house keys but that's all. My wallet, medicine and other odds and ends are all in my purse that I carry when I leave the house. As for being in my pants, that's a given. If not regular pants, then the pajama ones that I wear to sleep in.
Illinois House impeaches governor
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in General Discussion
I just read up on how he's boycotting his own trial, instead of going to it and proving he's innocent. The more he protests in this manner, the more it comes across as he somehow thinks he's above the law. It doesn't make him look innocent at all in my opinion. No one is above being tried. -
[OFFICIAL] The OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty of 2008 - Nominations
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Shy's topic in General Discussion
[B]What is it?[/B] Rach & SunfallE’s Love Shack [B]Why is it nifty?[/B] Because turning the title of The Lounge into [B]Rach & SunfallE’s Love Shack[/B] and the description to [I]If this forum’s a rockin’ don’t come a knockin’ [/I]was one of the funniest pranks I’ve ever seen for Valentine’s Day. [B]What is it?[/B] The Caramelldansen Skin [B]Why is it nifty?[/B] It was inspired by the nifty prank Desbreko pulled on OtakuBoards where he turned the boards into a Caramelldansen theme. Though some members were horrified by everyone having a dancing avatar and youtube signatures of the infamous dance on April fool’s day, others found the effects wonderfully fun. [B]What is it?[/B] [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59917"][U] ZOMGERMUFFINS, GUESS WHAT!! [/U][/URL] [B]Why is it nifty?[/B] It’s not often you get to hear about two members getting engaged. So not only are congratulations in order for Indi and Nathan, it was definitely one of the niftiest threads created last year. [B]What is it?[/B] [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58871"][U]Poetry Contest[/U][/URL] [B]Why is it nifty?[/B] Not only did it provide some much needed attention to the Anthology, but it gave anyone a chance to be a part of the fun. [B]What is it?[/B] Controversial Threads [B] Why is it nifty?[/B] Because instead of locking them down, they let everyone have a chance to say what they think on certain issues. We may not always agree but there’s no doubt that anyone can speak up on just about anything. [B]Who is it?[/B] Rachmaninoff [B]Why are they nifty?[/B] He’s nifty for always contributing new threads and comments on nearly everything that passes through The Lounge. Plus he tends to show a degree of patience that even I lack at times, making him, like always, very nifty. [B]Who is it?[/B] Newbies [B]Why are they nifty?[/B] It’s not that hard to see why members like Sabrina, Monarck & chibi-master liven up the boards with their contributions. All of those new members constantly keep the boards alive. [B]Who is it?[/B] Allamorph [B]Why are they nifty?[/B] Allamorph is nifty because he’ll try to tell you otherwise when he’s helpful, friendly and fun to talk to. Plus, he’s the resident Basement Cat here at OtakuBoards. I'll be back with more if I think of any. -
As far as I can tell, the characterization and portrayal of them seemed to work rather well. The only question I have, and I'm sure it's something that given time would be explained, is how does having weapons and clothing with them work with the shape shifting aspect? Anyway, other than that it was a short, entertaining read.
[quote name='Raiha][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Precisely. Although theoretically the egg would have to be fertilized to be a chicken, so if the egg did come first, the rooster would've technically had to come first. Haha, I'm so witty.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]And rosters don't lay eggs so by that argument you need a chicken to even lay the egg for the roster to fertilize. So you're back to square one. If religion is accurate, it would make sense that both the roster and the chicken/hen were created at the same time. But that's an opinion only, I've heard both arguments for this and in the end, part of me doesn't really care. Though I rather like Vicky's answer. Chicken does indeed come before egg... =P
Interesting feature. If anything it made me more aware of my own post count. I'm kind of indifferent to the idea, neither for nor against, if that even makes sense. I do think it's nice how you took the time to give people an option though. And I am curious about what the titles are, if only to see what they are.
[B]Your name:[/B] Davos Frost [B]Your age:[/B] 70 [B]Your connection to the Almagest or Achard family:[/B] There is no connection to either family though over the years she has met many of them. [B]Your portrait:[/B] [URL="http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/121/siefbx1.jpg"]Davos[/URL] [B]Your occupation/location:[/B] Frost is the current Sief for the Church of the Phoenix. She is, of course, located at their headquarters on the Island Citadel. [B]Your story:[/B] Davos grew up in the church as both of her parents were members. She started out as a Priestess and then later was appointed as a High Priestess by the current Sief. Highly intelligent and well educated she possesses the knack of knowing when to act and when to wait and these qualities later led to her becoming the next Sief when she turned 40. Since then she has continued to lead the church and is highly involved in international politics as well as expanding the church?s charity efforts around the New Globe. Though she is often criticized for not doing enough to expand the Church?s influence, Davos is unfailing fair and hardworking, earning her the respect of most of her peers. She is most loved for her refusal to tolerate any member using the church?s influence for personal gain instead of upholding the teachings of the Phoenix Goddess. Davos believes, like many members, that to do so violates the very core of the Church?s beliefs. As a result she has made many enemies over the years by summarily expulsing anyone found guilty of such crimes against the Church and the people.
I can perhaps understand wanting to promote changes in fishing or to keep species from being literally driven extinct. But I just don't see how a name change is going to do that. This just seems like a complete and total waste of time. That and I don't need someone using an absurd name change to educate my kids or anyone else's for that matter. If they want real change, it takes more than simply altering the name. Or I could just go with Allamorph's bit in all caps... It's rather fitting.
This cake...isn't a lie, unfortunately.
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Sangome's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]I advocate they both be neutered immediately for the good of mankind and their children be taken away, brainwashed to forget their past and be given new, more normal names.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]I'm not going to comment on the first part. However, part of the second (minus the brainwashing) has occurred. [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28655143/"][U]Nazi-named children taken from parents[/U][/URL] I'd like to feel sorry for the parents, but considering the names they gave their kids to begin with, I find it hard to actually do so. -
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT="Arial"]Since I don't usually keep up with these things, can someone tell me if we've done the super-event deal for the Bush and Clinton inaugurations also? I don't care about starting any right vs left stuff; I just wanna know why the frill we're spending so much money. :p[/FONT][/QUOTE]My understanding, besides the obvious that previous ones were not so expensive, is that part of the cost is coming from Obama's desire to make it more accessible to the public than it normally would. Something I read about here: [URL="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2009/01/13/2009-01-13_obamas_inauguration_is_most_expensive_ev.html"][U]Article[/U][/URL]
Alright my last post is up. I believe Indi will be doing a bit with her character but I'm completely finished. It took a while to finally get to this point, but I had a good time working with all of you. Till the next adventure right? ;)
[CENTER][IMG]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2357/kathykf5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h167/Desbreko_Fanclub/VBO/indiavi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It was harder to get anywhere without Viktor to help. Natalia was tired and worn out and though Jeff wasn't saying anything it was clear that he was struggling. He had already lost a lot of blood before the others came along. The temporary treatment had helped, but she could see that all the activity had gotten it started again. She was beginning to question if it would have been better to go back up the stairs inside the ship instead, even with the risk of running into Samantha. Natalia could see the opening in the hull just ahead but Jeff stumbled and they were forced to halt. She helped him sit down and lean back against the outside of the ship. "[B]Sorry about that.[/B]" He apologized. "[B]I'm feeling a little dizzy, just give me a moment and I'll be able to continue.[/B]" "[B]You're not up to it and you know it Jeff.[/B]" Natalia stood back up. "[B]You keep going like this and you really will die.[/B]" She overrode him when he started to protest. "[B]I'm going to go ahead to the shuttle bay and get some more medical supplies from the one we were in when the ship crashed. I can test the communication system to see if it's been restored so I can get you some help.[/B]" "[B]Natalia...[/B]" "[B]You should keep trying to raise them with your headset. If I'm lucky there will be crew there, if I'm not, I can at least get you some supplies before I search the ship for survivors.[/B]" She could feel tears forming and she brushed them out of her eyes angrily. "[B]Don't be an idiot. Once Viktor catches up with Katelyn they'll come this way too and she has some stuff in that little backpack of hers.[/B]" He pulled out the headset and smiled wanly. "[B]Alright, I'll wait here. Save the sightseeing for later though.[/B]" The joke was hollow but she forced herself to laugh a little at it anyway. She didn't trust herself to say anything else as she turned to hurry for the shuttle bay. She heard him tell her to be careful and she glanced back briefly and simply nodded. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. The trip should have been a throughly boring affair. A pointless cruise with space for the scenery. How had they ended up caught up in this disaster? Just thinking about it was enough to make her head spin. She had been happy to leave home and now, she'd give anything to be back there. Natalia would even tolerate her cold and indifferent family. She wondered if they would even notice that she was gone. Natalia finally made it to the opening only to realize it was up too high for her to reach. Would she have to backtrack after all? She choked back the tears and kept going since the opening was huge and she couldn't see all of it. It was possible that further on she could get inside. It took her a moment to realize that one of the humming noises she was hearing wasn't coming from the ship. Puzzled she turned to look and then just stared. As far as she knew, the Von Braun didn't have any land vehicles at all. They were closing on her location quickly and a moment later it hit her. [I]We're not alone.[/I] Oddly, she felt calm, even though a part of her mind was telling her to panic. She didn't know if it was because she was exhausted or not, but all she could seem to do was just stand there and stare. They were close enough that even if she ran, she couldn't get back to Jeff before they arrived. All she could do was hope they understood her so she could get him some aid.
I have started my post and should get it up tomorrow. I believe Indi has another one after that and Darren has yet to put his in. Unless that last post of his was intended to be his final one? Anyway, I should have mine up tomorrow evening.
Atheists Send a Message, on 800 Buses
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]I'm really religious and yet I giggled when I saw the slogans. XD I don't see anything wrong with it. I think, if anything, that religious people can look at them and try to lighten up a little. It's too easy to take everything seriously. [/FONT][/QUOTE]I agree. I did laugh at the one about sleeping in on Sundays. Since so many religious put a lot of money and time into advertising so to speak. I have no problem with the other side of the belief or non-belief doing the same. Especially when the message is as cleverly done as these are. -
It's not so much busy as I've had to adapt to new medications that give me grief and still do. I'll try to get a post in this week since I do want to see this wrap up. It's been too much fun to let it die when it's so close. And I do want to see the rest of what Allamorph and Indi are doing. Also, I agree with Beth Allamorph. That post showing how your team works was definitely very nifty. I enjoyed reading that.
I'll have my last one up as soon as Sabrina posts. My understanding from Aaryanna is that she wanted to do it that way. I'm not sure what she has in mind but I can easily guess so I'm already working on how to do my final post as it were. It's definitely an interesting spot to wrap things up. Perhaps in the future we can revisit this and deal with the next part of the story. I know I'd like to find out what happens with Natalia after being abducted. o_O
Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men... Not.
Aaryanna_Mom replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in General Discussion
Hearing news like that is always sad. I see this in two ways. The first, I hope they were mentally insane or something like that, still tragic, but easier to understand. The other, I hold to my religious beliefs, which means taking the cowards way out by committing suicide only resulted in them receiving judgment sooner than later. Either way, I'll be praying for those who lost loved ones. -
The last week has seen us getting a lot of snow. Since I did not have to travel anywhere this Christmas I did not mind it. Whether or not we'll get snow on Christmas varies so much that it's not unusual for us to not get anything on the actual holiday.
His views and beliefs aren't an issue, but the inflammatory remarks are uncalled for and decidedly unchristian in my opinion. If not for that, I would have no issue with the choice. However it's been made so unless they try to sneak some of that into the inauguration I'm not going to worry over it.
I think the idea sounds like a lot of fun, but I'm not sure if I'm interested or not. Or better put, I am, I just don't know if it's going to be feasible with my plans for the next year. I'll wait until you all get closer to launching this and then decide. If I don't, feel free to use my character from before if you wish.
This cake...isn't a lie, unfortunately.
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Sangome's topic in General Discussion
I find it sad actually. Using one's children to get attention for yourself. With names like that, no matter how much they claim otherwise, it's totally a [I]look at me[/I] stunt.