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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom

  1. I've no idea what to expect either. I am glad things are going to be moving along soon and at the same time I wish I had gotten the chance to debate. But since things were cut abruptly and the losing teams won't be punished I suppose it's fair. Especially since they were being denied the next two chances to earn points that depending on how the others did could have put them in the lead. In the end I hope it is something that's not only fun and requires more teamwork but has a good pace. Not too quick but yet not as long as the debates turned out to be.
  2. Daniel finished going over the reports of activity in both the US and Europe. In the past week since William had arranged the disaster in sector six he had managed to create quite a bit of trouble for the invading force. The removal of humans had dropped by half as transports were diverted to assist with sector six and best of all the reinforcements had not arrived. However, the military was fairly efficient and William had already informed him that once they finished repairing the ships they would be sending about half of the troops who would arrive in about a week. Sara had mentioned raiding the troop facilities and if he was going to do so it would be best to make that strike before the other troops arrived. It had taken some time and working together with those in the base in Europe, but it had finally been arranged, in just a few days they would be striking close to twenty locations in rapid succession. At the same time a wave of strikes to disable facilities that had been taken over or were currently being built would also be done to serve as a distraction. Getting into the troop barracks would be easy since they only had very basic shielding to prevent transport doors from being opened inside their barracks. Earth did not have the technology to disrupt simple shielding, but he did. It wasn't the best but it would serve it's purpose since he did not intend to actually transport them directly in but rather the agents were going to use it to collapse a tiny section of the field just big enough for them to literally slip in. The entry points had already been determined. Once inside they would swiftly disable the computers by virtue of using disruptor's to destroy them while another part of the team secured the storage facility. Then the moment the computers went down everything would be transported using the newest movement aspect to do away with the need to physically move the supplies. And finally a small charge taken from the supplies would be used to destroy the storage facility making it difficult for them to determine just what was taken. Daniel was only sorry they didn't have enough people to do more than twenty raids, or enough storage for the equipment they were going to steal since the scanners on the ships would easily be able to pick them up unless it was shielded, and the only two locations with shielding that good was the bases. He paused what he was doing when a chime indicated someone was at the door to the side room. He opened it to let in one of his top operatives. "[B]I take it everything is ready?[/B]" He asked him. "[B]Yes sir, the only thing that needs to be done is to brief Sara as to which team she will be on.[/B]" "[B]She will be on your team.[/B]" Daniel responded. "[B]Sir, if I may.[/B]" He looked questioningly at Daniel. "[B]I know what you are thinking, she lacks military training and experience, but she's every bit as good if not better at hand to hand combat and stealth techniques than anyone here. Something that Kim verified for herself.[/B]" He bowed before replied, "[B]My apologies sir, I hadn't realized that. If she's that good then the only way to get better is through actual experience.[/B]" Daniel nodded, "[B]Correct and she has been following through on her given tasks and reading through the requirements as to how our chain of command works. I don't expect her to be a problem. However, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that she would be better suited to the part of your team that secures the supplies.[/B]" The man smiled, "[B]No sir, as any new recruit would be given the same starting position. I'll finish getting ready then.[/B]" He nodded again and left. Daniel waited until he had left before going back to what he had been working on. Sara was currently out on patrol, he would brief her when she returned since the operation wasn't due to happen just yet. He sighed as he wondered how Kim was doing. A quick look at the date showed that she had been gone for three weeks. He wondered if she was even still alive at this point. Daniel had checked the records for wanted criminals and though her name had been removed it didn't specify whether or not she still lived. He stopped what he was doing for a moment and placed his elbows on the edge of the table and then placed his head in his hands, covering his face with his palms. "[B]You're probably dead,[/B]" he said to himself, choking on the words. He took a deep breath and let it out, he didn't have time to worry about her. He sat back up and started working on things to finish getting ready for the raids, but in the back of his mind, the thought that she really was dead still haunted him. Especially since he knew that most people simply did not last more than a few weeks, the combination of drugs and torture was that effective. It was rare for someone to be able to hold out. No matter how determined you were, everyone always broke, he knew. From personal experience from when he had been required to interrogate criminals to being interrogated by Jared when he had been stripped of his command and declared a traitor. It was only a matter of time.
  3. [quote name='Anomaly][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Trebuchet MS]What's your favourite type of music? Band? Song of the moment?[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Well my favorite music is classical piano and organ. As far as bands go I've always loved Huey Lewis, Chicago (when Peter Cetera was part of the group) and even some of Van Halen's music. I was always partial to the song Jump by them. And I love the song Power of Love by Huey Lewis. And the You're the inspiration by Chicago was always one of my favorites as well. I couldn't say about more current stuff since I don't listen to the radio very often. But I do like pulling out the stuff I have on DVD's to listen to on occasion. :catgirl:
  4. I like the pictures too. And I also like the idea of other people using pictures, though I wouldn't have a clue as to where one would get pictures. Still I hope you use more of them SunfallE, especially since the one showing what the High Council's building and surrounding city looked like was pretty nifty looking. :catgirl:
  5. When he got the report from William, it was so surprising that Daniel read it again to make sure he wasn?t misreading what he sent. He knew about the planet in question and just how much was kept on hand for both civilians and the military. The whole planet, though small, was nothing but a giant warehouse. Before he had ended up in the resistance, he had stopped to re-supply there on his way to sector fourteen when he still commanded the Tempest. The sheer amount of food supplies, extra crystals for their technology along with military goods, including explosives, made it a prime target for illegal smuggling and as a result there was a permanent space station along with an extensive military presence both on the ground and in space to maintain order. For William to have done what he did meant that he most likely had agents in that area for years. Daniel just shook his head in disbelief. This was far more than a simple run. The brief records William had sent showing what the shock wave from destroying the crystals had done to both the space station and the fleet that had been heading to Earth with reinforcements was astonishing. The amount of trouble this was going to cause could only be good for the resistance. It was a pity that Stevens would not be held responsible. Even Daniel knew enough about the higher levels of command to realize that the person responsible for maintaining order within the ground troops was separate from the space forces. It would still force Stevens to divert the reinforcements to that area instead of Earth though. Not to mention it was the perfect opportunity to set in motion some plans he had already been working on to raid the facilities here on Earth. All he needed to do was wait a day or two in case some of the forces here were diverted to sector six, though he doubted they would be. Sara would be pleased since she had been despondent when he had simply listened to her suggestion on stealing supplies and dismissed her. But then he had already been considering the idea and his top agents had yet to finish working out a plan for actually doing so. He pulled up the information that had been presented to him if he was going to actually do it he needed to get started. [CENTER]-------------[/CENTER] Kim had barely been brought to the interrogation room and strapped in when Stevens console chimed indicating there was a priority message for him. Crystal who was in the process of actually walking over to Kim to administer the drugs paused and turned towards Stevens. One did not interrupt an interrogation without good reason and Kim wondered just what in the world could be so important that they would actually contact Stevens. Though she couldn?t hear what was being said to Stevens, there was no missing his irritated expression or his sudden outburst. ?[B]They did what?[/B]? Stevens snapped. ?[B]When did this happen?[/B]? Again Kim could not hear what was being said, but it didn?t matter. Anything that upset Stevens could only be a good thing. She smiled and snickered, a move that caused Stevens to briefly glance at her and then back to who ever he was talking to. ?[B]I?ll be right there.[/B]? Stevens said. He closed the transmission and turned to Crystal. ?[B]I?m leaving you in charge of today?s session. Check in with me when you are finished.[/B]? Crystal nodded at Stevens who got up and started to head for the door. Crystal turned and went back to her usual spot that she stayed in while Stevens interrogated her. Kim didn?t know what had happened, but she couldn?t resist taunting Stevens. ?[B]I thought I told you not to bore me Stevens.[/B]? She smiled when he hesitated and looked at her. ?[B]Running away before you?re even finished? Not only are you a poor interrogator, but a lousy Fleet Admiral as well.[/B]? Kim giggled when Stevens clenched his hands in anger, raising the right one slightly as if he was thinking of actually hitting her. ?[B]That?s right! Show me just how powerful you are, hitting a defenseless woman is about all you?re good for.[/B]? She paused and sighed dramatically when he did nothing. ?[B]As I thought, even when tied down a mere woman is more than you can handle. You may as well go run home to mommy, at least she is capable enough to serve as a member of the High Council.[/B]? Kim laughed mockingly at Stevens when he merely looked away and left the interrogation room. When she was finished she turned her attention back to Crystal and smiled at her. Taunting Stevens had been juvenile and childish... and yet so satisfying as well. If only she could find out what had happened. ?[B]So miss doctor turned commander, are you going to desert me as well?[/B]? She asked not really expecting Crystal to answer. If there was one thing she had learned, unlike Stevens, Crystal simply ignored taunts or jabs as if they hadn?t even been spoken. Something that held true as Crystal merely ignored her and came over to administer the shot.
  6. [quote name='Panda']Honesty one thing that does scare me as a woman is the thought of childbirth. I'm not going ot have children and this is one of the reasons why. The thought of the pain is scary to me. There are so many horror stories of women dying, how horrible the pain is, complications and such that the thought of giving birth to a child is quite frightening to me.[/quote]I?ve heard that from others before, and though the pain is not what I would have thought of, one of my children was a very difficult childbirth, something that modern medicine kept from being a real issue. So I can easily see why it would frighten others. But at the same time, just as there are so many horror stories there are quite a few of what a wonderful experience it is as well and I honestly can?t imagine my life without my children. ;) As for my own fears, for a while I was terrified of losing my vision, though again modern medicine has changed that and it is no longer a fear. As a woman, my other fear is to be unable to take care of myself or my kids, because having given birth to them I feel like what type of person would I be if I couldn?t even take care of them? And I'm sure all parents share the fear of something bad happening to them that you couldn't prevent. Other fears unrelated to being a woman would be hospitals. I go when needed, but having nearly died in one due to complications from my last surgery I find going there distasteful in spite of all the good they do.
  7. [quote name='James][font=arial']And guys...honestly, it's just a discussion. No need for personal attacks. How passionate you are about the subject is irrelevant; it is always important to treat others with respect. Please don't forget that.[/font][/quote]I agree with you completely. And having said that if any of my remarks were taken as an insult then I apologize as that was not my intent. ;) I am quite serious in my belief that illegal drugs are that way for a good reason. And as I already mentioned before, I have seen the negative effects. And the idea that any parent would consider it okay to get high when they still have children living with them who are not adults horrifies me. I cannot understand how anyone who has kids would even consider doing something so potentially foolhardy. That to me is a blatant show of irresponsibility. It's bad enough to even take other legal medications that could interfere with taking care of one's kids let alone illegal ones. Oh and one other thing in regards to being part if anime rpg's, Mafia was a game, Survivor is based off of a tv show and Silver One is a Sci fi story, not one of those were anime in nature. And as for being old enough to be someone's mother... Goodness, that's just to funny, since I often hear the complaint that adults don't care about kids these days when the reason I joined in the first place was because my daughter is a member here. Getting older doesn't mean you don't have an interest in the world around you. ;) And being narrow-minded? That's completely subjective hun. And depending on people's point of view, could be taken either way. Because in the end, all of us are narrow-minded in how we have our own opinion on things. And there's nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone.
  8. You seem to be good at only pointing out the positives of the drug instead of pointing out the potential problems, which are more likely to be the reason why it is not legal. Lets start here with the article you yourself linked to: [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LSD ]Wikipedia[/URL] [INDENT][B]Physical dangers[/B] Although LSD is generally considered nontoxic, it may temporarily impair the ability to make sensible judgments and understand common dangers, thus making the user susceptible to accidents and personal injury. [/INDENT] Not very promising when it?s not even being used for a medical reason. It?s one thing to accept danger when you have the possible payoff of good benefits. But to take something that impairs ones ability for no good reason is foolish.[INDENT]Prior to October 6th, 1966, LSD was available legally in the United States as an experimental psychiatric drug. (LSD "apostle" Al Hubbard actively promoted the drug between the 1950s and the 1970s and introduced thousands of people to it.) The US Federal Government classified it as a Schedule I drug according to the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. As such, the Drug Enforcement Administration holds that LSD meets the following three criteria: it is deemed to have a high potential for abuse; it has no legitimate medical use in treatment; and there is a lack of accepted safety for its use under medical supervision. (LSD prohibition does not make an exception for religious use.) [/INDENT] The key point being that it has no legitimate medical use and therefore no reason to be legalized. Especially when you take the rest of the info from the site you feel so highly about into account: [URL=http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_basics.shtml]Erowid[/URL] [INDENT][B]Duration[/B] The primary effects of LSD last for 6-8 hours.. For many people there is an additional period of time (2-6 hrs) where it is difficult to go to sleep and there is definitely a noticeable difference from everyday reality, but which is not strong enough to be considered 'tripping'.[/INDENT] Hardly something to ignore when you read the next part as to how this makes a person incapable of being in control of their own thoughts. And it?s still fairly useless as far as medical purposes go. [INDENT][B]PROBLEMS[/B] LSD can precipitate strong, temporary changes in an individual's experience of life and reality. Even in low doses, it is a powerful psychoactive that can be significantly affected by experiences, set and setting. Recent experiences, especially strong ones, can have a substantial effect on a trip. Physically or psychologically unsettling events in the days before an LSD trip can blossom into more serious distress and trauma while tripping. It is important to be prepared for the possibility of encountering difficult or frightening mental states. There are many ways of minimizing possible dangers and trauma: by making sure to have others around for first time or high dose experiences, choosing carefully when and where to use a substance, taking a little time to prepare mentally for an experience with LSD by relaxing, having an intent for the experience, or by incorporating comforting and calming ritual into the preparation (clean the house, adjust the lighting, choose music that will go with the sort of experience you're looking for,etc) Using a 'sitter', a sober friend who's job it is to watch out for you while you're tirpping can go a long way toward easing anxiety and ensuring that someone will be able to deal with any situation that might arise. It's amazing how confusing a ringing phone or a cop at the door can be if you're on LSD. Read up on the Psychedelic Crisis FAQ so you and your friends will have some idea what to do if things get difficult.[/INDENT] And even more importantly, if the person on it is out of touch with reality, what's to stop them from doing dangerous things like driving? Or how about holding down a job or other responsibilities if one has a family or children? The fact that it affects the mind so profoundly is a warning in itself that taking it is extremely foolish. And there are other issues to consider as well. [INDENT]· Do not operate heavy machinery. Do Not Drive. · Individuals currently in the midst of emotional or psychological upheaval in their everyday lives should be careful about choosing to use strong psychedelics such as LSD as they can trigger even more difficulty. · Individuals with a family history of schizophrenia or early onset mental illness should be extremely careful because LSD is known to trigger latent psychological and mental problems. · LSD can cause uterine contractions and is probably better avoided by women who are pregnant.[/INDENT] Whether or not someone can overdose on LSD is irrelevant, the whole reason it is illegal is it serves no real purpose other than for people to get high and literally be out of their mind. Something that economically would be detrimental if it became legal and therefore readily accessible to the general population. It?s dangerous in that it has potentially negative effects on one's work and social life as well as the very real one of the person hurting themselves or others while they are in that state of being disconnected so to speak. Some of the other references in this thread are probably more towards other substances that have even greater dangers as far as dying from an overdoes, etc. But still in the end, there is no good reason to legalize such a useless substance. If it were really so wonderful and beneficial it would have probably stayed legal instead of being changed to an illegal status. Harm is not limited to the physical side of drug use only and that seems to be something you are either unwilling to accept or for whatever reason cannot or won?t see. And to be blunt, you come across as someone who is simply justifying their own use of an illegal substance. A state of denial if you will.
  9. [B]OCC:[/B] Once again we are being moved ahead several days. Per SunfallE?s direction so this is at least three days after Jared finished with Darren. [CENTER]-------------------------------[/CENTER] Kim just sighed when they brought her back to her cell. The break from being interrogated had been far to brief and Crystal?s newest combination of drugs along with the disruptor's was leaving her with moments where she couldn?t be sure if she was merely thinking or speaking. She curled up on her right side facing the wall of the cell. If she was speaking, then it was only a matter of time until Stevens got what he wanted as she couldn?t stop the thoughts of what he wanted to know from coming to the surface. If they were just thoughts, he had a long way to go. [I]Pity I can?t tell for sure,[/I] she thought. Stevens had seemed a bit exasperated with her so if she was lucky she hadn?t said a thing. She giggled a bit feeling rather hysterical. Why was she even trying? It was getting harder and harder to feel any desire to hold on. Why not tell them what they wanted so they would just end it? But even as thought crossed her mind she knew she would not. It was pointless really, but she couldn?t live with herself if she didn?t fight as hard as she could for Daniel?s sake. [I]Can?t live with myself?[/I] She laughed out loud at the sheer irony. A laugh that turned into a sob as tears ran down her cheeks. [I]Who am I kidding? I will never see any of them again. Even if he wanted to, there?s no way he could get me out of here[/I]. Kim thought with despair. [I]The only thing I can do is delay them as much as possible. [/I]She chuckled in a lighting quick change of mood, something that was all too prevalent these days.[I] At least annoying Stevens is fun.[/I] She thought. The sound of the cell door opening was not enough to convince her to move, after all, it would only be Crystal coming to force nutrients into her yet again. Something she always did every day. Though Kim had quit responding to her questions. After all why should she help Crystal keep her alive? [CENTER]-------------------------------[/CENTER] It had been at least three days since Daniel gave Celestia and Jason the information on how to modify the signal security, though he did not tell them why. In this area it was easy to take care of things since simply telling them it came from William was enough to end any questions. He was not a programmer so he knew they would save any questions for William. Though William had warned him that even with the change it couldn?t guarantee that what the Elite Specialist was up to wouldn?t work. It would greatly decrease the chance of the disruption leading them right to both bases, but it just wasn?t possible to make sure something like that still wouldn?t happen. To their credit, in addition to the work William had sent them they had gotten everything written and running. It was a credit to how hard working they really were that they could implement things so quickly. Jason and Celestia made more of a difference than either one of them realized. Daniel closed down his workstation in the side room he was using as his office. He had other problems to think about. Even though destroying new construction was working well in both the U.S. and Europe. Once the troop reinforcements arrived, it would become much harder, and it didn?t help that within a few weeks their supplies for such activities would run dry. He did have another source, but he hated to dip into it so soon. He got up and left, heading towards the mess hall to grab something to eat, still deep in thought. In addition to the lack of supplies, Daniel was concerned about just what was on Mars. He had been trying to think of what would justify a Class X shield and yet he still couldn?t think of a single thing. Mars was a good location for building underground caverns for all sorts of things like growing the Crystals and such, but if that were the case, why use a Class X shield? A good stealth shield would have easily done the job. No, there had to be something else on Mars, or rather more than just underground caverns for something like growing Crystals. Daniel absently mindedly grabbed some sandwiches and took them over to an empty table and sat down.[I] All right, think idiot. What would you use a Class X shield for? I certainly wouldn?t use it to hide building underground caverns for Crystals, unless I had a good reason to believe that such a facility would be sabotaged.[/I] He paused for a moment. [I]Now that?s a thought, if we knew something was being built on Mars, it?s a given that we would have made sure to destroy it, especially since until the invasion there wasn?t enough of a military presence to stop us. [/I] He started tapping his right fingers on the table, not even fully aware that he was doing so. [I]William has confirmed that they built a research facility in sector fourteen where the previous resistance base use to be, what if they are building a top-level military outpost on Mars? Installing equipment of that nature could justify a Class X shield, especially if they were planning on doing weapons research. That would require installing equipment equal to what could be found on the Catalyst. [/I] Daniel finished the sandwiches and got up to head back to his office. [I]I should talk to William about this. If they are doing anything like that, it would mean that the High Council is planning on making sector thirteen the focal point for eventually taking over the rest of the sectors that have been mapped for conquest. If that?s true, there is probably already quite the military presence on Mars, something that would have been easy to hide from class B sensors. [/I]Quickly he went to his office and sent out the signal to talk to William, he could wait as long as it took for him to reply, especially since once the Elite Specialist was done, he wouldn't be able to talk to him so easily anymore.
  10. [quote name='Rachmaninoff]On another note, I'm looking forward to what William is up to that will upset Stevens. And it goes without saying that I hope it upsets Jared too. :p[/QUOTE]I'll second that.[QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']No worries, both of you will find out soon enough as that particular event is coming up within the next couple of days as far as the story goes. ^_~ [/COLOR][/quote]The next couple of days? If you haven't already decided how to do it. I'd love to work the part where Stevens finds out into a post where he is interrogating Kim. Especially since she's currently recovering in sickbay so it would give her a better incentive to keep resisting since she's feeling pretty despondent at the moment. Something I was planning on addressing in my next post. But if she sees Stevens losing control enough to be upset it would definitely make her day. Let me know because I would love to have her annoy the heck out of Stevens. And her taunting him because he's upset is the perfect opportunity.
  11. Hmm?And here I said I was finished, but I guess I?m not. [quote name='James][font=arial]I think the question is really more specifically about whether or not people will tolerate drug use in any form (even if it responsible use is factored into the equation). There are some people who will disapprove of drugs and alcohol regardless, but there are others (like me) who feel that it comes down to the individual and the specific circumstances.[/font][/QUOTE]As much as I disapprove of drug and alcohol use, I want people to understand that I do not advocate removing alcohol altogether. And even drugs if properly used, as there are lots of over the counter medications one can get as well as prescriptions that are also beneficial as well. [QUOTE=James][font=arial']Also it depends how far you take the word "drug". I assume you mean "illegal drugs". But even legal drugs - probably most commonly legal drugs - can cause huge negative impacts on society. I'd venture to say that alcohol has been a factor in far more domestic violence than any hard illegal drug, for example. So there are various ways to look at the issue.[/font][/quote]I completely and totally agree, some of the very drugs I take for my health are a double edged deal in that they can have a very negative effect and often have. Though that sort of ties into why I agree with certain drugs being illegal. To the best of my understanding, most of them have side effects and issues that even a trained professional is uncomfortable with the idea of dispensing them to a patient. Something my own doctor has mentioned in regards to the push to legalize some of the illegal drugs for medical purposes. I haven?t read up on it in a while, so I don?t know if it was later proven wrong. But I do remember reading that it was believed that alcohol as well as illegal drugs was a contributing factor to battering. That certain individuals were just fine with their spouse and children unless they became drunk or high. I remember the report indicating that for some who abused others, they only did so when other outside influences were present. Though I also remember it stating that plenty of such abusers did so without any drugs or alcohol in their system. The easiest way for me to follow this is to have faith that officials are at least doing their best to keep things that are not safe out of the average person?s grasp. I know the system is not perfect, but if they were to turn around and legalize something like Marijuana I would not fight it. Because if I am honest, I don?t know enough to make that call. Though I wouldn?t let anyone smoke that on my property regardless of the law. But then I don?t allow smoking or drinking either.
  12. TherapySessions you listed sites that you consider to be reputable, something that is still subjective, as you believe the facts they present are actually true. You are accusing Rachmaninoff of looking through rose tinted glasses when you yourself are doing the same thing. Instead of assuming others are lying, take the time to look up medical reports on the research done about the negative effects of illegal drugs, indifference already provided two links to that effect. You are consistently taking the stance of you are right and everyone else is wrong. Rachmaninoff does not need to disprove what you are saying; any kid with a simple search on the Internet can find information that contradicts what you are saying. Only instead of insisting on arguing he wisely saw that the two of you disagree and left it at that. You keep saying psychedelic drugs are safe, why don?t you tell us which drugs are and give us some actual medical facts instead of linking to a page full of people who have used LSD telling us how much it ?Opened up my mind and heart to the world.? Hardly what one would consider scientific proof that such things are not harmful. Or a creditable source of information for that matter either. Take the rose tinted glasses off your own eyes hun and start researching instead of giving us the stance that it causes spiritual experiences or changes someone for the better. Or saying it is beneficial for the medial field when you yourself are not a doctor. It?s pointless to debate something with someone who keeps insisting news reports are full of nothing but misinformation and lies. You have already decided that you are correct. And I see Rachmaninoff?s point in that it?s a waste of time to even debate this. I for one do not agree with illegal drugs. I?ve been around long enough to have seen quite a few news reports in my time, specials and documentaries on the negative effects, in addition to seeing what it has done to friends and their families. Regardless of the information present in either the news or medical reports. One thing is crystal clear to me and that is illegal drugs need to stay illegal. One other thing, like Rachmaninoff, I too am finished with this discussion. It is not my job to look up the information for someone when it is so easy to find. It's simple, I do not agree with illegal drugs. And I've yet to see anything in this thread that would change my mind.
  13. Daniel was about to finish up for the day since Sara had not returned yet. It was late enough that it was likely she had not found the person she had told him would make a good member of the resistance. Not that it mattered, she was still handling her assignments with a much better frame of mind and calmness even after her initial display of anger upon learning that Kim had been captured. And though she had been bitterly disappointed to learn that there was no plan to rescue Kim, Sara had still continued to gather the necessary reconnaissance information for each U.S. city that he sent her to. Things had changed so drastically since the invasion, that Daniel had finally turned the smaller side conference room into an office of sorts, there were just to many reports and details to deal with that required secrecy for him to stay out in the main Command Center. Even now he was dealing with a report that had come from the Elite Specialist through their relay system. Confirming his suspicion that they had not left the sector. Unlike others who laughed at Stevens being made the new Fleet Admiral, he knew better. He had worked with him briefly before he had been assigned his own command and it hadn?t taken long for him to realize that Stevens was very smart. In fact it worried him that Stevens had been put in charge since he was in Daniel?s opinion a bigger threat than the High Council. Charming, charismatic and with a knack of knowing how to find other?s weaknesses, he was someone that shouldn?t be underestimated. Something that the report from the Catalyst confirmed as it was Stevens who had issued the order for them to search for and to destroy the relays. Though until they found the first control station the Catalyst had not been aware of them being separated from the actual relay equipment. That had actually been Celestia?s idea as she had maintained that it would make the signals even harder to detect. And by doing so it had made it possible to have even more relays as a control station could handle the input from three relays. Taking the initial set up of five relays up to fifteen controlled by five different control stations. It would take the destruction of three control stations to plus at least ten of the relays to take down the system completely. Something that Celestia knew as she and Jason had written the program to accommodate the separation of the control station and the actual relays. The whole system had made their communications not only impossible to trace but to hack into as well. Daniel sighed, once the Catalyst was done that would end, even Stevens had estimated correctly that they had to have at least five relays, though he couldn?t have know what they had done since as far as Daniel knew separating the equipment had never been done before. He made a note of the data Kiva had sent about the signal security since it had never occurred to him that destroying all of them at once would create a disruption that was traceable, once again it chilled him to realize just how much of a disaster it would have been if someone other than Kiva had been sent to sector thirteen. Daniel quickly sent the information to William, including the startling discovery of Class X shielding on Mars. There was no telling how long ships using full stealth systems had been coming into sector thirteen to Mars. And even he couldn?t think of a reason for using such an expensive method of shielding. Just what in the world is on Mars? Once again, Daniel was willing to bet that Stevens was behind it. But damn if he still didn?t have a clue as to what he was up to. Still he sent the information to William, he might know what was going on. Then like he always did he deleted the report,after he transferred the details about the modification Kiva had suggested to his handheld first. He had already told William that he intended to tell Jason and Celestia the he had sent the information about improving the system in that manner. Finally finished, Daniel turned off his workstation, stood up and stretched as a yawn caught up to him. And if not for yet another chime indicating that Sara had returned with the person she was looking for, he would have gone to bed. Instead he headed to the briefing room where Sara had taken this Glen to. Minutes later he entered the room, and after introducing himself he immediately launched into who he was and why he was on Earth. But more importantly on how if he decided to join he would be modified like Sara so that he could actually be able to fight. Something that he could see puzzled Glen as he finally spoke. ?[B]Modified? Just what do you mean by modified?[/B]? Glen asked Daniel. Sara snickered, ?[B]I could show him if you want Daniel, I?m sure having his butt kicked by me would be more than enough for an explanation.[/B]? Daniel just fixed Sara with a stern glance, ?[B]That will not be required Sara,[/B]? he turned back to Glenn. ?[B]Its really simple, we can change your genetics to better match our speed and strength in addition to increasing your lifespan to match ours as my race lives around 300 years.[/B]? ?[B]Three hundred years?[/B]? Glen asked incredulously. ?[B]That?s not possible.[/B]? Daniel clasped his hands behind his back staying in the same position of standing at the head of the table that both Sara and Glen were sitting at, [I]well this is interesting[/I], he thought. [I]Maybe I should let Sara trounce him.[/I] ?[B]Oh and how do you figure that? You?ve already seen for your own eyes that our technology is vastly superior to yours; even your own race had started to begin mapping the genetics of your people. What makes you think we haven?t already done this?[/B]? Daniel smiled before continuing, ?[B]How about you undergo the process and see for yourself if I am telling the truth or not?[/B]? He watched as Glen thought about what he said, he could be wrong but he got the impression that Glen had already decided to join. ?[B]What if I change my mind? Won?t that put you at risk since I know the general area of where your base is?[/B]? Glen finally asked. ?[B]What are you talking about? Didn?t Sara tell you? Our transportation technology is nothing like the silly science fiction shows you grew up with. The range is great enough that you could be on Mars or even somewhere deep within your own moon. If you thought we were located in Denver Colorado, you are mistaken.[/B]? Daniel replied. ?[B]All right, I?ll do it then.[/B]? Daniel turned to Sara, ?[B]For now I want the two of you to get some rest. I?ve already moved the person in the quarters next to yours Sara,[/B]? he tossed her the card key. ?[B]Go ahead and show him where it is and then report to the doctor first thing tomorrow morning.[/B]? He waited for the two of them to leave before heading for his own quarters for the night.
  14. Daniel sat down after ending the transmission with William. For a moment he looked ancient and tired instead of the more youthful man that he really was. He looked at the screen on the console in the small room, the report from Jason and Celestia?s last attempt at hacking still up. He may not have been a programmer, but he knew what they had done was very clever. The military, especially when a fleet was coordinating operations had a system of updates that the ships used to keep in contact. On a regular basis requests for information were sent to whichever ship was leading the group and based on your security level, a report or rather update was sent back. The network was supposed to be secure and to the best of Daniel?s knowledge it was. But Jason and Celestia had designed a program that went inside a transmission that looked like a request for an update. Once it was in the system it would appear to fade as if the transmission was lost when instead it would send out several programs designed to gather information and then return to them via the response system. It would go from ship to ship before finally attaching itself to outgoing updates meant for the network on Earth where they would collect the program along with the information in it. So far it had been extremely useful, they had even managed to get into the systems of the Conqueror, though most of the programs had been detected and stopped. Still some of them had gotten through. The only exception was the Catalyst. Any time Jason tried to program it to go there, the security caught it. They had been working on variations of the program and until the Catalyst disappeared, every single one had failed. He wondered if the Elite Specialist Kiva had noticed the attempt. Though he would be surprised if she hadn?t. She was too damn good at her job. If she had not been an agent, the fight would have been over already. He would have never known what an Elite Specialist was capable of doing until it was too late. He had been very careful to avoid using any information that could place her position in jeopardy since he knew full well how difficult getting that position must have been. And some of the information she had sent him had amazed him. Even when he had been a Commander he had not had access to some of what she had sent. But the rest he had been able to use to minimize the damage and continue the fight against the invasion. Without it more than just one base would have been found and destroyed. That and Williams fanatical devotion to keeping things on a need to know basis. Other wise if the information about the bases had been in the computer system, an Elite Specialist who was not an agent would have hacked the system and launched assault teams at the same time on all of the bases within days of them arriving. He had known they were good, but until now he had never really seen it. And it was chilling to realize that the reports of their expertise was not a rumor. Daniel shut the terminal down. He had already sent out the information for the next wave of attacks. Europe was doing better, but their constant harassment of the troops and construction was going better than he had expected. And so far it looked like the humans had no interest in turning in Jason, Celestia or Sara. A huge percentage of the reports being given to the Empire were actually outright misdirection by people who were furious over what had happened. He still had an agent keeping an eye on what the Empire got incase a real tip came in. So he could make sure no one was in a city where they had been reported as being seen. He sighed and got up to head for his quarters. If only they could have found information on Kim. Not knowing how she was doing really hurt, something that he had not expected. He kept thinking of the time they had served together on the Tempest, to the time they spent together working on Earth, to the way she would sneak in a kiss on his cheek under the guise of them pretending to be married before the invasion. It had only been a little over a week, but to him it felt like an eternity since she had been taken. [CENTER]-------------------[/CENTER] Even though they had finished hours ago and brought her back to her cell, Kim still hurt like hell. It hadn?t been so bad at first, but each day it became harder and harder to resist. So far she had managed to say next to nothing by working around the compulsion to tell the truth by actually telling the truth but not all of it. It wasn?t easy, and knowing what was going to happen didn?t help either. Crystal had been clear on the day she had first been taken to the Tempest. The drug would suppress her own natural ability to produce chemicals to numb the pain; it would be designed to keep her from passing out. And then she had gone on to explain how every day the dose would slowly be increased as her tolerance to it increased. Or even switched to something new to confuse both her body and mind. Right now Kim wasn?t sure who was more heartless, Crystal and her matter of fact way of explaining what would happen or Stevens for actually following through on it. She had been hit by a disruptor blast before, but the disruptor's for torturing prisoners were different. They weren?t designed to destroy or stun, but to stimulate the nerves on a frequency that was painful. And the drugs given to her by Crystal made sure she felt every single second of it. Kim chuckled to herself as she shifted on her bed to lie on her back to ease a sensitive spot on her right side. She sighed. At least getting under Steven?s skin was entertaining. Even if he was now the Fleet Admiral it didn?t change the fact that in some areas he was still a fool. And irritating him had become the highlight of her days, even if she was having a hard time remembering them, she was fairly certain only four had passed since he started torturing her, but right now with the hang over from the drugs and pain she couldn?t be sure. Still if she had her timing correct it had been a week since she had been caught, more than enough time for Daniel to make most of her information useless. Not that she?d quit resisting of course. She had meant it when she said she?d rather die than help someone like him. She resisted the urge to laugh and closed her eyes. Soon Crystal would show up to force nutrients into her to make sure she stayed healthy enough for being interrogated. Moment?s later in spite of the pain, Kim?s exhaustion caught up to her and she fell asleep.
  15. I must say that I'm impressed with both debaters in how they have addressed the issue and have been very polite about it. Right now I'm not sure who Sandy will choose since both of them have been convincing with their statements and arguments. I'm looking forward to the closing statement since I already know that Aaryanna's been working hard on it. :catgirl: She's even making me think twice about my own stance of being against abortion. Though I actually do not think it shouldn't be llegal. I just think that from a religious standpoint it's murder.
  16. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']I mean do people really believe firearms are that necessary that placing limits on what kind of guns can be bought will completely strip away their ability to feel safe ? Do people really need handguns and automatic rifles and pistols to protect themselves and their homes ?[/SIZE][/quote]I agree with you, guns do not make you safe and the feeling that they do is an illusion for most cases. When I was married my husband did have rifles that were used for hunting, but since I got divorced and he took them with him, I have never gotten a gun to replace it since I feel they solve nothing. And before Aaryanna was born one my neighbors lost a son when he found it and accidentally shot himself. It was so horribly sad and unnecessary. I can understand the need for the law to have them and I even support my brother who has them in his home as well. But then he spent his whole life working as a Sheriff so on some levels it was expected. But even he would turn around and tell you that for most people having a gun is a liability instead of increasing your safety as so many people have no real training in using them and storing them safely.
  17. When the door to her cell opened Kim knew that it was finally time. She did not bother to resist, she could not stop them, she refused to be dragged and instead walked though the corridors of the Conqueror with her head held high. But her confidant stride was but a mask to cover the intense feelings she had been running though the past couple of days. From a fierce determination to hold out to a horrible fear of what was going to happen, she was bordering on hysterics, wanting to cry one moment and laugh the next. But when they finally took her inside the interrogation room she was shocked by what she saw. Not the equipment since she was well acquainted with it, she had overseen interrogations herself when she had been the Sub-Commander of the Tempest. Though she had relied on drugs instead of outright torture. It was not the presence of Commander Crystal who unless she was mistaken looked a bit pained. No what grabbed her attention was the presence of Stevens. Kim had not seen him for years; she knew he was a candidate for the High Council. But what she had not known was that he was the Fleet Admiral. It had to be a new position since the last update the resistance had gotten just over a month ago still had him listed as being a Commodore. But there was no mistaking the cut of his uniform along with the symbols indicating his rank. Even with the blue and silver of a candidate, it was unmistakable. Kim burst into fits of laughter; she couldn?t help herself, the idea that the High Council would promote such an obvious flirt as Stevens to the position of Fleet Admiral was too much. Even when he tried to talk to her she continued to laugh it was just so ironic to think that one such as he would be put into a position of authority. Unless you counted how he was known for tumbling into bed with anything that had two legs and was attractive. It was rumored that he got what he wanted by sleeping around more than from any real talent. Or from his connection of being from one of the families that ruled the Versilan Empire. Finally with tears streaming down her face Kim regained her composure. She had been laughing so hysterically that she had hardly noticed when they had placed her in the chair in the middle of the room and strapped her down. She could hardly move but didn?t care. Now that she had stopped laughing Stevens spoke. ?[B]It?s been a long time Kim, I?m relieved to see that you still have a sense of humor. Even if I fail to see what is funny about your position.[/B]? Kim snorted, ?[B]I was laughing at your position as well as mine.[/B]? She snickered a bit more. ?[B]To think that the High Council is so desperate that they actually made you the Fleet Admiral. So tell me Stevens? How many people did you have to sleep with to get that rank? It certainly wasn?t due to any talent on your part.[/B]? She smiled inwardly at the flash of irritation in Stevens?s eyes before he responded. ?[B]I see so it?s going to be like that is it? Pity, I had hoped for more from you than that Kim.[/B]? She watched as he got up and walked over to where she was strapped down. And then shivered a bit as he walked around the chair, casually running his right forefinger along her right shoulder and along her back as he circled around till he was facing her again and then grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him as he leaned over. ?[B]It really is a pity, you were showing so much promise for one so young. And yet you threw it away to follow that softhearted fool Daniel.[/B]? He let go of her and walked back over to sit down behind the desk with all the controls for operating the disruptors in the chair she was strapped to. Kim snickered yet again. ?[B]Still so predictable Stevens, blaming other men for your own inability to get what you want. Even if Daniel weren?t around for me to follow as you put it, I would rather die than serve or assist one such as you. And it?s so like you to make assumptions as to why I left the military. But then you always were an overconfident fool.[/B]? Stevens smiled innocently, ?[B]Ah but I do know why you left. It was no secret that you cared for Daniel, even to the point that you contacted others to talk to them when you found out about his mother?s execution.[/B]? He smiled at her tiny start of surprise. ?[B]We may not know who you contacted since the program written by Celestia erased the databanks of the Tempest when all of you were spirited away by the resistance, but I?m sure I can convince you to fill me in on that detail, as well as many others.[/B]? Kim shrugged as best as she could with the restraints. ?[B]You can try.[/B]? And then she smirked at him. ?[B]Do your best, after all you finally have my undivided attention. So do try to not bore me to tears like you?ve always done in the past.[/B]? Kim chuckled at Stevens as yet another flash of irritation crossed his face. Then it was his turn to smile as he began to turn on the equipment, which in turn started to send a slight vibration through the chair she was strapped to as the disruptors began to power up. Kim shivered as he motioned to Commander Crystal who came over and administered a shot. It was going to be a very long day.
  18. It had been several days since the base in Australia had been destroyed and now yet another flagship had arrived at Earth. Daniel had already contacted William to update him as to what had happened. He had gotten little to no sleep as he had worked frantically to make sure people were moved to the safe houses in addition to trying to figure out what had gone wrong. Both Jason and Celestia were equally as tired having worked non-stop to rewrite the routines to accommodate the loss of the equipment in Australia. Without the receiver in the base it had been necessary to change how the sensors relayed the information. But more importantly, Daniel had not been able to confirm if Kim had been captured or not. He had finally tracked down the night officer who had been there it had broken his heart to hear how she had insisted on staying to manually oversee the security doors to help as many people escape as possible. And the night officer had at least been able to confirm that Kim had destroyed her handheld computer. But then he had followed her orders and left. Daniel could only assume that she had also destroyed the bases computers as well. But whether or not she had been killed or captured was unknown. Daniel sighed to himself as he left the command center and entered the small conference room, regardless of what had happened he still had to continue the harassment of the new measures being put in place. He quickly sent out the orders to the operatives working in the US, confirming the next set of targets to be taken care of. Even if it only slowed them down, every little bit helped, he only hoped that what William was working on would work out. Daniel was about to sign out when another message came in. Even though it showed how good an agent she really was, it still chilled him to realize how easily she could hack into their computer system. He could only imagine how hard it must be to play such a double-edged role, especially at such a high level within the Versilan government. And though he was glad to get the update he was less than thrilled to learn that Kim was onboard the Conqueror. He forwarded the information to William and then removed all traces of the report from the computer system. He really hated this part, knowing things that the others did not. Daniel got up and left he had a lot of work to do, having interrogated traitors himself when he was still a commander he knew perfectly well that Kim would eventually tell them what she knew. He had to be quick if he was going to get things changed to minimize the damage. [CENTER]------------[/CENTER] Kim sighed as she was moved to yet another holding cell. Only this time she knew that the next time they came for her it wouldn?t be to move her to yet another cell. Commander Crystal, unlike the others had been forward and blunt with her when she had been on the Tempest. She had never met her but she finally remembered her. She had been the doctor serving on the Crimson, Kim had never met her but she had heard of her. She had explained while Alex had been treating her, she could save herself a lot of trouble by simply telling them what they wanted to know or she could make things harder on herself. Her blunt and matter of fact way of simply explaining what would happen had been chilling. Not that she would cooperate, after all, the longer she held out, the longer Daniel would have to make the information she had useless. Kim curled up on her side on the bed in the cell, she wondered who she would be dealing with, besides Commander Crystal that is. She sighed yet again. Not that it mattered, she?d find out all too soon.
  19. [quote name='Anomaly][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Ahaha. I don't know if picking me is such a good idea for this round - I won't be on much during the weekend. but if you'd like, I can try and pound out some sort of argument. Aaryanna, what do you think? If you have more time, I'll gladly give this round to you - I'd hate for us to lose a round because I of not knowing how much time I'll be online.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]If time is going to be an issue for this round then if the two of you decide to switch who will take this debate I am fine with that decision. If time is an issue for both of you due to things like homework and such I'll take care of it even though its a side I don't agree with except in a few cases where abortion is a sad necessity.
  20. When Kim had finally come to she had not been surprised to find herself being transported to one of the ships orbiting Earth. She did not know which one and she did not bother to speak to find out. And when the squad that had been sent to escort her realized she was awake, they had no trouble at all taking advantage of her helpless state with her hands bound behind her back and her feet hobbled to prevent movement. But when she didn?t respond to their jeers or even when they tossed her around like a punching bag, the leader of the squad finally stepped in and stopped things before they got out of hand. Then they took her to a holding cell and once they removed the restraints they simply tossed her in and closed the door behind her. After taking a moment to wash the blood off her face from where she had been hit by pieces of the door exploding inward Kim sat on the bed and then finally moved to a resting position, as she was feeling sick to her stomach. It had been hours since she had anything to eat and the throbbing pain in her head along with being beaten up and what could only be the after effects of being stunned, she was surprised she wasn?t feeling worse. Kim couldn?t help herself, she laughed a bit, once they got started, how she felt now would be nothing. She wanted to cry, but couldn?t. She had hoped it would never come to this, and now that it had she wasn?t sure what to think, she had no illusions. Even if she didn?t know the exact location of the bases, there were plenty of other things she knew that the Empire did not. The question was how long could she keep what little she knew to herself? She almost started crying when the door opened yet again, but when she saw who it was she froze in shock. Another squad had come to get her only it was one from the Tempest. [I]What the hell?[/I] And among them the young man who had served under her now wearing the rank that she had once worn, that of a Sub-Commander. She didn?t know what to say and the uneasy look in their eyes tore at her. After all to them she had turned traitor, she had turned her back on them. Unlike the previous squad they were gentle when they rebound her and helped her stand up to leave the cell. Nothing was said the entire trip, no jeering, no abuse, just a horrible uncomfortable silence as they first took her to the shuttle and then over to the Tempest. But what was worse was walking through the corridors of the battleship she had once served on; seeing the shocked expressions of the crew she had once helped command. And when they finally put her in a new holding cell and removed the restraints, before leaving the new Sub-Commander leaned forward and whispered the words I?m sorry, before he too turned and left. Leaving her to wonder why she had been moved in the fist place. It made no sense and she wondered why they even bothered. Kim was fairly certain that she had been aboard the Creator before so why they moved her from the flagship to the Tempest was a mystery, unless they intended to take her back to sector one. In which case moving her would make sense, as the flagship would be staying at Earth. And then as if to add insult to injury the door opened to admit the ships doctor Alex who along with another woman, wearing the uniform and insignia indicating she was the Commander of the Tempest entered the room. Alex was carrying the necessary medical equipment to treat her injuries and she was positive she had seen the other woman but she could not remember where. Kim nearly laughed out loud. It was just so ironic that they were going to treat her only to turn around and torture her. She focused on the woman instead of Alex. Waiting for her to say something.
  21. [quote name='Anomaly][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I'm very pro-choice, and so I'd debate this too if you wanted. But you're ready to go already so you can definitely have this round =3 We should probably PM some argument ideas back and forth - do you want to do that or do you need help?[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Actually since Sandy has stated that the rules of the debate only allow one player to participate, unless I am mistaken, working together on it would not be allowed. So for this round I chose you Anomaly to represent the Mercenaries. ;) We'll be cheering for you from the sidelines.
  22. [quote name='Anomaly][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Well hey - all the teams had to send somebody, so it can't be that bad, right? xD[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]I don't know about that. This is certainly ironic since I was predicting Sandy was going to switch teams around on us. I can guarantee you that I'll certainly do my best as your new team captain and as soon as my daughter gets home I'll ask her to make me a matching avatar and I'll use the banner once she modifies it as well. Goodness I'm not sure where to start though, lets see...obviously my daughter knows me already so I'll repost my introduction from when this first started: [INDENT]Now on to the introduction: Though I currently live in Utah I?m from a very small town east of Dallas Texas known as Mt. Pleasant Texas. I moved to Utah shortly after I got married since my husband took a job offer here when he graduated from college. I?m a great fan of music having studied and played both the Piano and the Organ since I was a little girl and it?s something I still do as I teach both Piano and Organ to a number of children in my Church Ward. I love nature in that any chance to go on a drive and visit different areas such as lakes, waterfalls, national parks, etc. I take. I never get tired of seeing God?s creations. Which brings up another aspect of who I am. Even though I am very religious I believe that all religions have some form of truth in them and I love getting to know people of different faiths and walks of life. The things I like to do are sewing, crafts, scrap booking, reading and spending time with my friends. And lastly, though far from being the least, I love being a Mom, my older children may have moved on, but I love having my youngest one Aaryanna still at home. Words can?t even begin to describe how much I love my daughter. Oh and I love being a grandmother as one of my oldest has two children. My only regret is that they don?t live close so I have to make due with pictures of those cute little kids. [/INDENT] Now as for our current challenge. To be honest I tend to be more against abortion instead of for it. I don't know what your stand on it is Anomaly but if you are against it as well then Aaryanna would make a good choice to represent us this round as I know my daughter is very much pro-choice and would argue it well. So what are your thoughts on this change and new challenge?
  23. This is for my previous team Sandy:[quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial][spoiler]I hear the sound of a paddle being unsheathed. (Equips Kathy with [U]Amulet of Pain[/U]: all spanks now deal +4 pain damage, and paddled target receives additional -1 repect points per spank.)[/spoiler'][/FONT][/quote]And I hope you'll forgive me Team Argo for now supporting my new team. Especially since Sandy put me on the same one as my own daughter. And since we are debating against my former team now, as soon as I've had the chance to talk to both of them [my daughter still being in school at the moment] I'll let you know who will be debating this round.
  24. [quote name='Shy][size=1]If the volunteering member is removed, we'll be without our fearless leader![/size][/QUOTE]That is actually part of why I think I should volunteer since I know that you can and would effectively lead the team if I was gone. :catgirl: [QUOTE=Shy][size=1']Anyway, it's just something to consider. If Allamorph won't have the time this week to be very active, then I'm willing to go in his place. I'll leave the final decision up to our captain, though. She hasn't failed us yet.[/size][/quote]The other teams are comfortably leaving their captain out of the volunteer process so I say we don't take the comfortable approach and see where it gets us. I just hope I don't look back at this post and think I shouldn't have done so. I haven't a clue what Sandy is going to do and I wonder if we are worrying too much. So I will send my pm and volunteer and see what happens. I thank you for the vote of confidence, even after we lost the last round. So lets come in first this time. :catgirl: [spoiler]pulls out her paddle for spanking in case Sandy does try to make her betray her team![/spoiler]
  25. Well we have not heard from Allamorph yet and unless one of you really wants to be the one, I will volunteer for our team. Part of me is curious, part of me is nervous about what Sandy has in mind and part of me wants to be the one to find out just what he really has up his sleeve. So let me know what the two of you think.
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