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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
Yes Another Shooting [Not In A School]
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in General Discussion
Lately it seems like these sorts of things keep happening closer and closer to where I live. It's very hard for me to comprehend at times since this sort of thing didn't happen when I was a kid. At least where I lived that is. And from my viewpoint the world just keeps getting more and more violent. I agree that the system here in the US is severely lacking in some areas, but at the same time that's also an excuse as well. Even though there are terrible cases and we can say that society failed them. On some level, especially if there isn't a clear case of mental issues. In the end the person still chooses to pull the trigger. They still choose to go to the place and take their weapons with them. It was sickening to watch the news last night and yet not know for hours what had truly happened. And then when they finally did tell us, I felt so bad for the poor families that lost loved ones. I can also understand your sentiment Sandy about living somewhere more peaceful, because when I first moved to Utah, that's exactly what it was like and for the first twenty years or so that I did, it was wonderful to live in such a low crime area. Something that sadly is no longer true anymore. -
The OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty of 2006 (Final)
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Shy's topic in General Discussion
Congratulations to everyone. :catgirl: And the manner in how the winners was displayed is in itself very nifty. And though I don't feel very nifty, thank you to everyone who nominated me and to those who actually chose me as well. If someone had told me a year ago that I would not only join an anime site but be voted nifty by the members, I would have never believed them. The real truth is that the entire community here is what's nifty, every single one of you. :catgirl: -
No hard feelings on my part. Considering that I've never tried to write a screenplay, I kept getting frustrated by my lack of ideas. I finally did think of one and even that took me forever to write. Plus Ezekiel was busy with college work and I'm sure Shy is working on the Nifty Fifty results, making it harder since so many of us had other obligations that interfered. In the end, in spite of how things went I think we did a good job and put forth a good effort. :catgirl: And I had fun so that's what really matters. The last challenge frustrated me to no end. This time even though we didn't win I wasn't as frustrated. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] [QUOTE=Sandy][B]Important:[/B] for the next challenge, I need [B]one volunteer from each team[/B]. Make the decision between your team and then the person volunteering should send me a PM about it. After I get each team's volunteer, the fourth challenge will commence. ;D[/QUOTE]Why do I feel like we might be sending someone to be sacrificed here? And why do I wonder if he?s going to take those volunteers and switch the teams they are on or something along that nature? SunfallE has already asked the question about the Team Captain as I was wondering the same thing. So once that is answered we have to decide who the poor victim will be. o_O
When Kim entered the base in Australia she immediately headed towards the command center at the other end of the actual base. She sent another message to the agents telling them to start the new mission to check for the relay that could have malfunctioned when the fleet arrived. Kim had her suspicions about what happened. She was thinking that one of them was simply off, but not enough to effect normal operations. Which would explain why it only happened when the fleet arrived. With such heavy sensor activity a miss-calibration would show up. Which would also explain why it was the only time it had happened since other than the fleet there wasn?t anything else that would register as heavy activity. She entered the command center, which was mostly empty due to it being nighttime. She checked in briefly with the officer on duty and then went straight to the receiving equipment for the sensors to check it. Kim stopped for a moment when a chime indicated an incoming transmission from one of the field agents. ?[B]Sub-Commander, I found the problem.[/B]? ?[B]What was it?[/B]? Kim asked him. ?[B]The relay here was slightly out of synch, something that were we on a more advanced world would have shown up immediately. But since the activity here is low key, it wasn?t until the fleet arrived that the data feed was active enough for it to even register.[/B]? ?[B]Good work, fix it and then let me know when you are finished.[/B]? Kim closed the connection; she smiled to herself, relieved that that the problem had been so simple. She would have been surprised if any of the equipment had any real issues since even though it was only grade B it had been in excellent condition when they were installed on Earth. Kim continued working on the equipment, humming to herself without even realizing that she was doing so. Nor did she notice when the officer on duty smiled to himself when he realized what she was doing. Kim paused for a moment to look at the time. Only two hours had passed since she arrived and she was already done checking the equipment. As she had thought it was fine. She moved to one of the workstations and pulled up recent reports, as the second in command of the resistance forces on Earth it was also her duty to check their progress. Kim had barely started reading through the reports when the intruder alarm went off, startling her with its harsh siren and the switch to red lighting through out the base.[I] What the hell? [/I]She thought as she quickly accessed the system to see where it had been triggered. As she pulled up the data feed from the security cameras a chill ran down her spine. Not far from the main transportation area was an assault team swiftly moving through the base. Cutting down anyone in their path. In spite of her mind being in shock, Kim?s training took over and she swiftly closed the security doors even as she changed the alert to one of an emergency evacuation. There was no way they could stand up to an assault team. They were heavily armed and the lighter disruptor weapons they had would have no effect on the body armor they were wearing. The night officer grabbed Kim's tunic. ?[B]Sub-Commander! What are you waiting for? Come on! We have to get to the emergency transportation exits before they break through the security doors and block our path![/B]? He tried to drag Kim from her chair. Kim pulled free and turned to face him. ?[B]Someone has to manually operate the security doors or we?ll cut off those who are trying to escape.[/B]? Kim also had her own orders to take care of she had to trigger the small explosives that would destroy the computer systems. Something that she couldn?t do immediately or she would lose the data feed from the cameras showing her the assault teams progress. ?[B]But Sub-Commander![/B]? ?[B]You have your orders, evacuate![/B]? Kim snarled at him in anger. She turned back to the workstation to see that the squad had already blown their way through the first set of security doors. Swiftly she brought up the other views of the emergency transport doors on both sides of the base, to her relief personal were already exiting through the doors, some of them still in their nightclothes. Kim pulled out her handheld computer and set it on the floor, then she took her small disruptor and set it to overload. She ducked behind the computer terminal and then seconds later it exploded destroying both the weapon and the handheld computer. It was useless to her at this point as the natural shielding of the base would prevent any transportation doors from opening other than in the three designated spots, the original room and the two emergency ones. It would not work in the Command Center. Also unlike the operatives here at this base, like Daniel she had one of the only handheld computers with the program that would open the door to all three bases. She didn?t know how they found this one, but Kim sure as hell wasn?t going to let them get a hold of her handheld computer. That would be total disaster. Besides all she had to do was get to one of the emergency transport doors and she could find a way to contact Daniel who could arrange to pick her up. If she actually could get out in time that is. ?[B]Sub-Commander![/B]? Kim turned to see that the night officer was still there. ?[B]Why are you still here? I told you to leave immediately![/B]? He came over to her and grabbed her front tunic. ?[B]I can?t leave you here![/B]? Kim pulled free and shoved him towards the door. ?[B]You idiot! You can and you must leave me. I will follow when I can, I have my own orders to follow.[/B]? She turned her back on them and immediately went back to the computer system to check what was happening. She winced when she saw that in that brief time frame they had already broken through the third set of doors. It was for her and the idiot who had stayed, too late. Though he had at least finally left to try and get there. If he was lucky, he just might make it. Kim checked to see if the emergency disaster alarm was being sent to the other two bases, but other than to know it was working, she couldn?t verify if the signal was actually being received or not and she did not have the time to waste on trying to contact them personally. Unless the Empire was also jamming transmissions in this area, the others would already be aware that something had gone terribly wrong and contacting them would waste precious time. In what seemed like a split moment of eternity her mind raced with all the questions as to how in the world this had happened. To how they had found them, to how they had entered the base without them even being aware that they had been found. Kim wondered if they would ever find out as she triggered the fifth and final set of security doors as the team blew their way through the fourth set. Then something caught her eye, two of those who were part of the assault team did not fit, a tall woman equipped with an ML-SS.7 as well as another one with various heavier weaponry. Both of them were wearing combat armor that to Kim?s trained eye was vastly superior to what the troops were wearing. At that point it hit her like a hard punch to the stomach. One of them had to be the Elite Specialist. All that work setting things up and in no time at all they had already found one of their bases. Kim felt sick. Now that Kim was the only one left in the Command Center. She pulled up the screen and input the codes for destroying the computer. It was not possible to destroy the base and the assault team with it; they had not installed that type of self-destruct system. The only thing she could do was destroy the computers and keep them from seizing the information in them. As the assault squad began to break through the final security doors, Kim triggered the charges. A moment later after feeling the vibration though the base as the main computer banks were destroyed, all the screens in the Command Center went blank. She stood up and turned to face the door, resigned to what would happen next. She had no means to take her own life to prevent being captured. Kim had used her disruptor to completely destroy her handheld computer, resulting in its destruction as well. She did not know the exact location of the bases so any form of drugs or torture would be useless. Though they did not know that. And Daniel often left her out of the loop as to how things were going. Something that now upon reflection she was glad he had insisted on. Her only regret was that she would probably never see Daniel, Jason, Celestia or Sara again. Then the time for regrets was over, the door to the command center blew inwards as the assault team destroyed the door. Part of it in spite of her instinctively raising her hands to shield herself hit her on the head, sending her tumbling head over heels to rest on her back stunned. She could taste blood in her mouth and as her vision began to fade the last thing she saw before she passed out was the woman with the ML-SS.7 trained on her approaching. [CENTER]-------------[/CENTER] [B]OCC:[/B] I hope that works Takuya, let me know if I need to fix anything.
"[B]So everything checks out at that location?[/B]? Daniel said to Kim who was talking to him from their base located in Europe. ?[B]Yes, it took a couple of days since the part of the code with the base?s location is encrypted, but our agents on the surface checked the actual units and all of them are working perfectly.[/B]? Kim replied. ?[B]As soon as I finish here I?ll be leaving for the one that?s located over in Australia. I?ve gone ahead and sent messages to the agents in the various cities of that country to go ahead and check the equipment that?s not in the base so hopefully I?ll have all of them checked out within the next couple of days. I doubt it?s the receiving equipment in the actual base but I'll check it out just the same. Anyway, just a second and I?ll send you the report of everything we did here.[/B]? Daniel waited patiently for her to send him the information as soon as she was done he would give her the report on how Sara was doing since he knew she would want to know. It had only been a few days, but she had been doing exactly as she was told, going and getting the information from her section and returning immediately. Kim would be pleased to hear that. The chime sounded indicating the file she had sent had arrived. Daniel checked it briefly to make sure everything was there before turning back to talk with Kim. ?[B]Good job. If any of the units are not working properly it has to be one of the ones over in Australia[/B].? Daniel replied. ?[B]Agreed, everything else is working perfectly, all the necessary security protocols are in place and for the most part everyone is accounted for that should be. Before I go, how is Sara doing?[/B]? Daniel smiled. ?[B]She?s doing just fine. She was disappointed that you were gone when she got back, and I?m sure she?s looking forward to your return.[/B]? Kim smiled. ?[B]She?s a good kid. Anyway, I?d better get going since I?d like to get this done and over with. See you in a few days.[/B]? She ended the transmission and got up to leave the command center of the base in Europe. The day was still young for her and though it would be night in Australia, she wanted to get started as soon as possible. A brief moment to check with the person in charge of that base to go over the results of her check and then she was through the transportation door to the facility in Australia.
After reading your last post indifference... *[B]pinches indifference[/B]* You're not suppose to make us feel sorry for Jared! He's the villian! Though I do have to admit, that's one sad background, it would explain why he behaves the way he does. He still needs to die though. :p
[quote name='Mythologicly']No you dont get it. I diddn't go to curch and on top of that I diddn't know about any and frist you would have to know about a charity to go to it. And even if I did how was i going to get there drive in the car we diddn't have or should I use money to ride the bus but isnt that the money for dinner so we can eat.[/quote]Hun, it?s ridiculously easy to ask around and find out about charities in your area, saying you don?t know just shows that the person is unwilling to make an effort to find out. And it?s pretty common knowledge that all sorts of religions provide assistance to their members as well as other non-members. Everything I am hearing from you is a justification of stealing instead of someone trying to find solutions. Even saying you have no car is an excuse, especially if you belong to any type of religion, as often there are members who will help you go and get the food you need to feed your family. Something I have done myself when a poor family needed food, the church could help but the mother had no way to go and pick it up. Stop making excuses when even your ability to be online gives you access to charity websites in your area, local news stations often list them along with their phone numbers on their sites. You can even call your city government, their number is always in the phone book, and they will direct you to whatever programs are out there in your area. Rachmaninoff is right about how it?s rare for people to get turned down. There are charities out there that will give you food for a week, no questions asked, a couple times a year. And after that there are others you can apply for to get more.
[center][size=6][b]THE GOLDEN FLEECE[/b][/size][/center] [indent][i]Cast of Characters:[/i] [b]ZEKE ELL[/b]: female; mid-20?s, athletic, heroic, attractive, leader; broadsword (Ezekiel) [b]SHAI[/b]: male; mid-20?s, tall, slim, reticent; longsword (Shy, duh.) [b]ALLAM ORF[/b]: male; early 20?s, friendly, awkward, eccentric; short sword (Guess who.) [b]MOTHER[/b]: female; 50?s, wise mentor, young-at-heart (I wonder.) [b]KALON[/b]: female; 6, calm, rose-eyed, insomniac; MOTHER?s assistant (Hmmm.) [b]DIANA[/b]: female; beautiful, powerful, evil arch-villain[/indent] Scene: TAVERN ? INTERIOR ? LATE AFTERNOON. (On a quiet afternoon ZEKE and SHAI are seated against the wall of an especially dirty tavern. Each has a partially filled mug in front of them, and there are several bottles on the table between them.) ZEKE: This sucks. SHAI: (After each line, Zeke pauses, as if waiting for SHAI to speak. SHAI says nothing, continuing to drink, stare at the table or out the nearby window, sigh, etc.) ZEKE: I don?t believe this. How did this happen? One minute you?re a hero, and towns are chanting your name in the streets as you pass through, and the next you?re washed out, bumming around taverns looking for work. You save towns and fight off goblins and trolls and the Gods know what other dark beasts, and you go out to kill this golem? SHAI: It was the wrong golem. ZEKE: And how were we supposed to know? The villagers sure didn?t tell us. SHAI: They were dead when we returned. ZEKE: They should have told us! SHAI: We went over this last week. And the week before. I don?t think you?ve stopped talking about this for five months. ZEKE: And? Nothing?s changed since then. SHAI: Not even our purse. (The two fall silent, and the sound of children?s voices is heard from outside.) SHAI: We need money. We?re not going to be able to sustain ourselves for much longer like this. ZEKE: (ZEKE is distracted by the voices outside and ignores SHY.) SHAI: (Checks contents of purse) I think we have enough left for about a week?s worth of food. ZEKE: Times are tough all over. We should consider ourselves lucky to have anything to eat with the way things are... SHAI: We might stretch it almost two weeks if we lay off the alcohol. ZEKE: (Shushes SHAI) VOICE OVER: ODD MAN (V.O.): Oh, jays, not that one. CHILD 1 (V.O.): But why not? ODD MAN (V.O.): Because it?s bloody and morbid and depressing. Anyone who?s gone after it has died. CUT: TAVERN ? EXTERIOR (ODD MAN sits in a chair on the tavern?s porch, surrounded by about a dozen children.) CHILD 2: How come? CHILD 3: Because it can make you rich, dummy. It has to be guarded by something. ODD MAN: Thank you. You must have heard this one already. Okay, then, I guess I?ll tell it. (shifts in seat) So. As the young master so eloquently put it, the Golden Fleece can make you rich. CHILD 1: How? ODD MAN: Because it?s magic. Magic things do stuff like that. Anyway, this wool was enchanted long ago by a powerful sorceress to make any man that possessed it wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. No one is entirely sure why she did this, for she was a very cruel and spiteful sorceress, like most sorceresses are, and this seemed to many to be a very benevolent thing to do. Personally, I believe it was because she knew humankind too well, and foresaw that such a powerful, desirable item would cause much fighting and bloodshed, which she obviously enjoyed, being a sorceress and what. But we?ll never know, because ironically she was killed by a powerful demon shortly after finishing the enchantment, who took the Fleece for themself. CHILD 4: That?s funny. ODD MAN: (withering glance) No, it isn?t. Many years passed, and the fleece fell to many owner's, each using its power for their own greedy purposes. An item that could do so much good was in reality being used for evil. Death, pain and destruction would follow the item wherever it went, and a dark age soon followed in our homeland. It was in the dark of night, years ago, a brave young lass stole the fleece! Unlike those who had tried to use the fleece only for themselves, she was pure of heart, and vowed to rid the world of it once and for all.The girl had made a deal with Diana, a beautiful guardian of Earthly treasures, promising that the fleece would be safe from harm, and brighter days would reach our shores. Unfortunately, Diana was really a serpent in disguise! Rather than protect the fleece she hoarded it, hiding it away on a far away island. While she uses the fleece to feed her thrist for wealth, we continue to suffer and starve. The story goes that many heroes have attempted to journey to this far away island, but none survive the perilous trip. CHILD 2: How you know? Have you ever gone there? ODD MAN: No. It?s far too perilous. CHILD 5: What was the name of the island? ODD MAN: Funny, I actually remember that part. The Fleece was hidden on? (ODD MAN is interrupted by the sound of various mothers calling their children home to dinner. The children leave, mumbling and grousing about not finishing the story.) That?s fine. We can finish later. That?s actually about it, really. (ODD MAN sits back in his chair and looks out into space.) CUT: TAVERN ? INTERIOR ZEKE: Did you hear that guy out there? SHAI: (Again, SHAI does not respond to ZEKE?s lines.) ZEKE: He was talking about the Golden Fleece just now. I?ve read about it in Birchdale Hall?s records once. It?s supposed to be able to grant unending wealth. I wonder if the man knows anything?.(trails off) SHAI: It?s a legend, Zeke. ZEKE: Legends start for a reason, Shy. I want to talk to that man. (ZEKE exits the tavern with SHAI reluctantly following.) CUT: TAVERN, EXTERIOR (ZEKE and SHY exit the tavern and stand on its porch. ZEKE looks around and sees ODD MAN seated near the porch's edge to her left; she approaches him.) ZEKE: Hi. How's the evening been out here? ODD MAN: Quite pleasurable, actually. Much nicer than being indoors eavesdropping. ZEKE: (starts visibly) I'm very sorry; how did you? ODD MAN: I'm a children's storyteller and a deck ornament. I don't get talked to by many that go in there. (gestures to the tavern) Much less so when they've just exited. ZEKE: (slightly stunned) Oh. I see. ODD MAN: So, what brings you out here to me, away from your Water of Life? ZEKE: (recovering) Umm, we heard you talking about the Golden Fleece, and we? SHAI: You. ZEKE: ?I wanted to find out how much you know about it. ODD MAN: And so he's just along for the ride. (BEAT) I know a bit more than what you would have heard from the story. I can tell you, naturally, but it?ll cost you. ZEKE: How much? (SHAI makes a disapproving gesture of sorts.) ODD MAN: About half an hour or so. Think you can spare it? (ZEKE and SHAI exchange glances) ZEKE: Sure, I guess. ODD MAN: Well then. I would prefer to discuss this elsewhere?say, my living room. No need to have any other eavesdroppers getting interested and randomly questing and getting themselves killed off and what. (rises) Shall we? (ODD MAN begins walking down the town?s street, followed by SHAI and ZEKE.) CUT. SCENE: STREET ? LATE AFTERNOON (The street is almost empty; only ODD MAN, with ZEKE and SHAI following, are seen out walking. Ahead on the left is a grand, stately manor with a well-kept lawn and garden, drawing the eye?s attention.) ODD MAN: (genially) My humble residence is just ahead. (ZEKE and SHAI make various approving comments) ODD MAN: Wrong side of the road. I live over there. (ODD MAN gestures to the right, where a mediocre house is now noticed. Nothing is exceptionally wrong with the house or the yard around it, but it is in no way impressive.) ZEKE: Oh. Sorry. ODD MAN: Yeah, yeah; don?t rub it in. (The trio enters the yard; ODD MAN unlocks the front door and they go inside.) CUT: ODD MAN?S HOUSE ? INTERIOR ? FRONT ROOM (The interior of the house is cluttered with various important and unimportant looking items. Movement is not entirely restricted, but ZEKE and SHAI stop beside some tables with pottery on them. A dark grey CAT sits unnoticed on a bookshelf against the wall left of the front door. ODD MAN begins making his way to the right side of the room.) ODD MAN: Give me a second; I need to find something. Oh, and watch out for that vase. (ZEKE turns to look for the object in question and knocks a tall clay vessel to the floor; the vessel shatters.) ZEKE: Oh! I?m so sorry. (begins gathering pieces together) ODD MAN: (Returning with scrolls under his arm) Don?t worry about it. I can replace that thing any time. It was the vase I was worried about. (moves expensive-looking vase to the center of the table SHAI is standing by, then begins walking backwards towards side opposite the front door) Now, if you?ll just follow me, we?ll get? (ODD MAN crashes to the floor mid-sentence and almost immediately jumps up again.) Okay, who put that blasted pile of books there?! CAT: You did?yesterday, in fact. ODD MAN: Bosh. I would have remembered. CAT: You usually don?t. (ODD MAN harrumphs) ZEKE: (incredulously) You have a talking cat? ODD MAN: Surely that doesn?t surprise you. You must see a great number of strange beasts every day; you are heroes, right? ZEKE: Right. SHAI: Ummm?. ODD MAN: (gives SHAI a penetrating look) ?yeah. We?ll have to work on that. Anyway, yes, I have a talking cat. He calls himself Tristan. I don?t know why he stays here, honestly, but I enjoy the company?. CAT/TRISTAN: (aside) He needs looking after. ODD MAN: ?well, mostly. (glares at TRISTAN) ZEKE: A pleasure to meet you. I am Zeke, and this is my partner, Shai. We are adventurers, and it so happens that we?re currently looking for work. ODD MAN: Really? Excellent; I had hoped as much. Now, on to this Fleece business?that is, if we can stay upright long enough to reach my living room. (begins moving towards the back again) TRISTAN: (coughs) Forgetting something, aren?t you? ODD MAN: (checking scrolls) No, I don?t believe so. TRISTAN: (sighs) Your name? ODD MAN: (stops in sudden realization) Oh! Of course. How presumptuous of me. I am Allam. Allam Orf. ZEKE: Again, a pleasure, sir. ALLAM: Likewise. So then. Shall we try this again? (They pick their way to the other side of the room and enter ALLAM?s living room. TRISTAN jumps down from the bookcase and follows.) CUT: ODD MAN?S HOUSE ? INTERIOR ? BACK ROOM (The room is much cleaner than the previous one: there are several chairs placed around it, and a rug covers most of the floor. ALLAM, ZEKE, and SHAI enter and sit, ZEKE and SHAI facing ALLAM, who has a small table beside his chair; he places the scrolls he is carrying on it and begins to look through them.) ALLAM: So, you?re heroes out of work, and you?re interested in the Golden Fleece. ZEKE: Yes. You said you knew of it? ALLAM: I know much about it: where it came from, what it does, what it looks like, what you?d probably run into getting there, etc. ZEKE: And you can tell us where to find it? ALLAM: Ehh?not really. SHAI: But I heard you start to tell the children the island?s name. ALLAM: That?s true. But that?s all I know. I?ve been studying the Fleece for some time now, and the island it?s on isn?t on any sea charts I?ve been able to find. SHAI: Then we?ve wasted our time coming here. (rises) ALLAM: Not entirely. Please, sit back down. (SHAI sits) I don?t know where the island is, but I know the person who hid it there, and where she lives. ZEKE: Really? Who is it? ALLAM: Mother. (small pause, as ZEKE and SHAI process this statement) ZEKE: So, the person that hid the Golden Fleece on a faraway island beyond multiple dangerous beasts and things was your mother? ALLAM: Heh, no. That?s her name. That?s who she is. Mother. You see, people nowadays have very peculiar names?. ZEKE: Oh. I see. ALLAM: She is very old, and very wise. She actually parented an entire race of people ? the Oranians. They were a very noble race of people, and learned many things at an early age. ZEKE: What happened to them? ALLAM: Dunno. I know they helped Mother hide the fleece, but there?s not much record of them. They kind of passed out of knowledge gradually, and no one?s heard of them in a while. TRISTAN: Allam. The point, if you please. ALLAM: Sorry. Essentially, if we want to find the Fleece, we?ll have to see her first. SHAI: We? ALLAM: Yes. I know where to find her, and I have a ship to get us there, which conveniently docked here last night, so I might as well go along. Besides, the crew knows me, so it?ll be easier than if you had to spend a long, arduous journey gaining their trust, and what. SHAI: Fine. But will the cat be coming too? TRISTAN: I?d rather not. Sea spray makes my fur terribly sticky. SHAI: Good. It?s bad luck to have a black cat around. ALLAM and TRISTAN (unison): Gee, thanks. ALLAM: (coughs) So if we set sail tomorrow, we should make it to Mother?s home in about two days. ZEKE: Sounds good. ALLAM: All right, I?ll see you tomorrow, then. Please don?t break anything on your way out. Oh, and here. (withdraws small bag from his shirt and tosses to ZEKE) There?s enough for two rooms at the Inn in there, or one really nice one. Whichever you prefer. (smirks) ZEKE: (catches bag) (surprised) Thank you. (ZEKE and SHAI exit ALLAM?s house) TRISTAN: So what was all that fuss about the scrolls earlier? ALLAM: Oh, these? Two of them are sea charts I?ll be needing. TRISTAN: And the others? ALLAM: (begins tossing scrolls into his fireplace) Oh, some twit in another town wanted me to distribute some of his romance novels around. Bloody lot of rubbish. CUT. SCENE: PORT ? DAY (ZEKE and SHAI enter the PORT. There are two ships currently moored in view: one is rather impressive, while the other looks a bit weather beaten and much the worse for wear. A crew is bustling over the former, loading some boxes onto it and preparing it for launch, and there are a few men on the latter. ZEKE and SHAI, obviously remembering the houses from the previous day, stand and try to decide which ship they should be looking at. ALLAM comes up behind them.) ALLAM: We?re almost ready to set off. I just had to purchase some provisions, or I would have been here sooner. Come aboard. ZEKE: Of course. Which one is yours? ALLAM: Oh. The nice one, actually. I prefer to spend more money on a ship than a house, since houses generally don?t get battered by angry waves. SHAI: A trait for which we shall be quite thankful, I?m sure. ALLAM: Mmm. Well, let?s go. (ALLAM, ZEKE, and SHAI board the ship.) INTERCUT: Ship leaving port; various shots of the ship sailing: flybys, close-ups of the three main characters doing things on the ship. (The first day of sailing is clear until evening, when a small, vicious squall comes up, battering the ship and her crew, and lasting until around noon the next day. Shortly after the weather clears up, a coastline comes into view, and the ship heads for it.) CUT: MOTHER?S GARDEN ? DAY (MOTHER is sitting in her private garden in the center of her home, reading a scroll. A low table stands beside her. MOTHER sets down the scroll and claps her hands to summon her assistant.) KALON: (entering garden) What is it, Mother? MOTHER: We will be having guests shortly?three of them. Please prepare some refreshments for them. KALON: At once, Mother. (MOTHER picks up the scroll she had been reading and goes back to it, poring over the details of the Golden Fleece, certain that those who are coming will be searching for it. How does she know? Well, she just does. She always does. It is what makes her MOTHER.) (KALON enters the garden with a tray of food and lays it out on one side of the table. She exits and returns with refreshments, and then sets up three chairs so they are facing MOTHER on the other side of the table where the food is.) KALON: Anything else, Mother? MOTHER: Thank you child. Go and rest for a moment, and then let our guests in. (KALON leaves the garden and goes back into the main part of the home. About ten minutes later the sounds of someone requesting an entrance can be heard. MOTHER smiles to herself and puts the scroll she was reading out of sight. KALON enters the garden with three tired and worn travelers behind her; they are ALLAM, ZEKE, and SHAI) KALON: Mother, these people wish to speak with you. MOTHER: Please, have a seat, you must be tired from your journey. (The three travelers sit down in the chairs across from MOTHER.) MOTHER: Take a moment to refresh yourself and then we will speak. (turns to KALON) Go and get the memory plates please. KALON: At once Mother. (exits) (ALLAM starts to speak, but MOTHER raises her hand for silence.) MOTHER: I know why you are here, Allam, Zeke and Shai (she ignores their startled looks) You wish for me to aid you in your quest for the Golden Fleece. However, to do that you must first pass a test, one to prove you are capable of the task before you. Once you are done with the refreshments I will explain your test. But not one moment before that, so please enjoy what my assistant Kalon has prepared for you. SHAI (TO ALLAM): Why does she try to test us? What does she have to do with the fleece? ALLAM: In her years she has seen many heroes try to reach the shores that hold the fleece. All have failed. She is merely trying to protect us. ZEKE: Protect us from what? ALLAM: Diana... (The three travelers continue to whisper among themselves, and then finally take some of the food. They hesitate at first and then dig in once they realize just how hungry they are. When they are almost finished, KALON returns with nine stone plates about a foot in diameter and places them on the ground next to MOTHER. KALON then puts away the remaining food and trays, and when she is done she moves the small table and places the nine stones on the floor between MOTHER and the visitors in a three by three grid, neatly laid out and face down, so that what is on the other side cannot be seen. She then moves to stand next to MOTHER.) MOTHER: Now, this test is called concentration. Each plate has an image painted on the other side. You must match the image with its corresponding twin. ALLAM: But?. MOTHER: Yes, Allam? ALLAM: There are nine plates; won?t you need an even number of plates if we are going to be matching them up? MOTHER: (chuckles) Correct. However, in this test you must name the image of the extra stone plate in the middle; you do not have to match up the other pairs. But to do that you cannot turn over even one of the stone plates. ZEKE, SHAI, and ALLAM (unison): What? MOTHER: You have ten minutes. (She motions to KALON, who turns an hour glass over to start the sands.) Now the key to solving this puzzle is this: those stone plates are a mirror of yourself, Allam. (SHAI and ZEKE turn to ALLAM who fidgets in his chair.) ALLAM: Don?t look at me like that! I don?t know what it is! SHAI: Well, figure it out then. You?re the one who said we needed Mother?s help. ZEKE: Come on, Allam, surely you can figure this out. ALLAM: No one said you two couldn?t help either. (he looks pleadingly towards Mother) MOTHER: That is correct, anyone can tell me the answer. (Several minutes pass as the three of them argue among themselves as to who should know what the answer is.) ALLAM: Enough! I can?t think! (ZEKE and SHAI fall silent.) ALLAM: (thinking aloud) Okay, so this is a mirror of me, but I don?t see how Mother could have had my image painted or etched into the stone plates so quickly?. Wait a minute?a Mirror? A mirror reflects your face and form! If the stone plates are a mirror of me, they must show parts of me! What do I have two of, but only one of that would be seen in a mirror?. (starts tapping his fingers together) Think! Think! (The sands in the hourglass are almost gone.) ALLAM: (stands up excitedly) I have it! I have two hands, two ears, two eyes, two nostrils and only one mouth! The image on the center stone plate is a mouth! MOTHER: (smiling) That is correct. (MOTHER gets up and walks over and turns over the plates, showing images of two ears, two nostrils, two hands, two eyes, and in the center one mouth.) MOTHER: Tomorrow my assistant and I will accompany you on your journey for the Golden Fleece. (The three adventurers cheer excitedly.) MOTHER (continuing): You may rest here until then. Kalon, please show our guests to their rooms. KALON: Of course, Mother. (KALON exits, with the three travelers in tow. MOTHER smiles to herself and goes back to reading her scroll) ALLAM (off camera): Why did she pick me? CUT. SCENE: MOTHER?S ISLAND ? DAY (ZEKE, SHAI, MOTHER, KALON, and ALLAM are heading down to the waiting ship. The camera draws closer, and conversation can be heard.) ZEKE: This is going wonderfully, Shai. We?ll be rich soon! (pauses, sobers, turns to ALLAM) So, what kind of sea creatures are we going to be attacked by? ALLAM: None, unless there are a few creatures I don?t know about. I made them up to scare the children. We really have a straight sail to the island now. ZEKE: So the Fleece is just sitting there unguarded, then? MOTHER: No, certainly not! There are creatures on the island protecting the Fleece. However, you must hurry and sail quickly; there is another who seeks the artifact as well. And their intentions are not pure. (ZEKE and SHAI nod seriously.) ALLAM: Oh yippee. ZEKE (ignoring ALLAM): What kind of creatures are there? MOTHER: Of the natural ones, there are lions and tigers. ALLAM: Any bears? MOTHER: (looks at ALLAM curiously) No. There are no bears. ALLAM: Pity. SHAI: (also looks at ALLAM curiously) You are very strange. ALLAM: (sighs) Yeah. Yeah, I know. (BEAT) ZEKE: You said ?of the natural ones?. Do you mean that there are unnatural things there as well? MOTHER: Yes. Unfortunately, you must find out for yourselves; I cannot tell you, for I did not oversee their placement there, and it has been long since I have needed to remember it. (ALL look at MOTHER apprehensively; they board the ship and sail away from MOTHER?s house.) INTERCUT: Various scenes of the ship sailing onwardly. You know the drill. DON LAFONTAINE (V.O.): And so our heroes press onwards to their goal. MOTHER guided them on their way towards the island, allowing ALLAM to steer carefully around the submerged reefs and sunken ships. There were, in fact, sea creatures that ALLAM had not known about? CUT: Various scenes of ALL fighting off sea serpents. LAFONTAINE (V.O.): ?but they proved to be no match for our heroes. CUT: Shots of ZEKE and SHAI decapitating serpents, ALLAM raining arrows from the crow?s nest into a serpent?s head, KALON fiercely defending MOTHER with ALLAM?s sword as vehemently as a rose-eyed six-year-old girl can (which can be pretty nasty), etc. BACK TO INTERCUT LAFONTAINE (V.O.): After what seems like months of arduous sailing, through storms and beasts, their destination finally appears on the horizon. The heroes row ashore cautiously. CUT: THE ISLE OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE ? DAY (A small boat comes to shore; ALLAM?s ship is seen farther out in deep water. When the boat stops, ALL get out.) SHAI: This is it, then. Our quest for the Fleece is almost over. MOTHER: This way. INTERCUT: Various shots of ALL walking guardedly through the island?s dim forests. (ZEKE is in the lead, followed by KALON and MOTHER, with ALLAM and SHAI at the rear of the party. They encounter no opposition, and eventually reach the mouth of a large cavern. There are statues on either side of the mouth, and the inside looks to be lined with massive chiseled stones.) MOTHER: We?re here. ALLAM: That was easy. ZEKE: Yes. Much too easy. Stay on your guard. (ALL venture inside.) CUT: CLIFFSIDE - EXTERIOR (Overlooking the shore of the island is DIANA, a beautiful, dark-haired woman staring down at the approaching heroes from one of its' many high cliffs.) DIANA: She returns. CUT: GOLDEN FLEECE CAVERN ? INTERIOR (The inside of the cavern is a large hall; numerous other halls branch off from it, but MOTHER indicates that the way lies forward. As the party continues onward, ALLAM gradually moves up to the front alongside ZEKE; SHAI remains with KALON and MOTHER.) ZEKE: What do you want, Allam? ALLAM: I just felt I needed to be up here checking for traps. Shai is a much better fighter than I am, so Mother is better left in his guard. ZEKE: Ah. You think the cavern might be trap-ridden? (ALLAM makes a sudden spastic gesture, but ZEKE fails to notice; a stone sinks beneath her foot.) ALLAM: In a word, yes. (Doors slide up into the walls, and numerous skeletal warriors begin charging the party.) ZEKE: Defend yourselves! SHAI: Protect Mother! ALLAM: Why do we have to kill things that are bloody dead?! (A moderately long fight scene ensues; the heroes are split apart, but they do not falter, and eventually the skeletal ranks are reduced to almost nothing. ZEKE, SHAI, and ALLAM are finishing off the last few warriors when SHAI spots a lone skeletal archer across the room. The archer aims at MOTHER) SHAI: NO! (The archer fires a single bolt with deadly accuracy; the three heroes are too far away to do anything, and MOTHER has no time to get out of the way. Suddenly, KALON dashes in front of MOTHER and jumps, intercepting the arrow directly in her chest. SHAI roars and charges at the warrior, cleaving him in two. ALLAM catches KALON and struggles to put his now turbulent emotions into words.) ALLAM: (thickly) Dammit. I was just starting to like having you around, too. (Mother wipes several tears from her eyes, taking a moment to compose herself before continuing onward. The other heroes seem shocked.) ZEKE: ...Mother? SHAI: What is wrong with her? Does she not even bother to mourn the dead? MOTHER: I can hear you! I have seen many young heroes fall in my stead, and I will take none of it anymore. Our trials are not over yet. She knows we're here! SHAI: The woman you gave the fleece to? She must be 100 years old by now! MOTHER: I'm sorry, Shai. Perhaps you don't understand how much this meant to Kalon, and to myself... (Allam is visibly shaken by Mother's determination.) ALLAM: Mother speaks the truth. We need to be more careful, and get the fleece as fast as we can. (Reluctantly, they leave Kalon behind as they journey deeper and deeper into the cave.) FADE OUT: SCENE: INTERIOR: TREASURE ROOM. NIGHT. (The remaining four enter an elaborate and beautiful hall, decorated with golden statues, plates, jewels and fine silks. The hall seems to go on for eternity, and is dimly lit by a series of torches attached to the walls.) ALLAM: My goodness. The stories are true! MOTHER: It looks as if she's been busy all these years. Let's find the fleece. ZEKE: Right. (They begin turning the treasure room upside down, searching frantically for the fleece. Allam grabs hold of a nearby torch.) SHAI: Imagine, so many treasures in one place. We could spend a lifetime raiding this place for gold. ALLAM (To Shai): All this gold will bring is a lifetime of pain. (Allam motions towards Mother, who is holding a golden doll and crying.) SHAI: I suppose so. The fleece will be more than enough. If we can only find it. DIANA (Off camera): You need look no longer. (The group looks towards the entrance of the room, shocked to see Diana standing there with a sword in one hand and the GOLDEN FLEECE in another. She is wearing midnight black armor.) DIANA: I'm right here. MOTHER: DIANA! ZEKE: Diana? This woman can't be much older than I am? MOTHER: Only a snake shedding their skin. DIANA: Hm. I see the years have not been as kind to you. Whatever happened to the young girl who traded the fleece for a life of prosperity? MOTHER: Liar... DIANA: Prosperity only comes to those who earn it. (Shai raises his bow, preparing to fire on Diana) SHAI: That's our plan, exactly, actually. DIANA: A bow and arrow?! Ha! I hope you have learned to wield it better than your last encounter... (Diana points her sword towards Zeke) DIANA: ...I think I will kill you first. You will envy your young, dead friend when I'm through with you. (Zeke motions towards Allam) ZEKE: Now! (Allam extends his torch to the tip of Shai's arrow, lighting it aflame as he launches it directly into Diana's face!) DIANA: ARGH! (Diana collapses to the ground, screaming in pain as her clothing begins to catch on fire. She drops the fleece, and the Mother grabs it as they flee the cave.) MOTHER: I see the years have not changed her at all! SCENE: EXTERIOR. CLIFFSIDE. EXOTIC MEDITERRANEAN ISLAND. NIGHT. (A powerful storm rages across the sky as our heroes are being pursued by Diana (now scarred on her face) down the cliff and towards the shore. Running at incredible speed, Diana rushes towards the group. ZEKE, attempting to buy some time, engages in a swordfight with Diana while the rest of the group wait for an opportune moment to strike.) DIANA: May the gods punish you for what you have done to me! Return the fleece! ZEKE: Never! (Diana strikes at Zeke with her sword, only narrowly missing her head by a few centimeters.) DIANA: I demand you return what is rightfully mine. (Diana then shrieks as SHAI (mid-20?s, thin and tall, silent) and ALLAM (early-20?s, awkward, friendly) launch a volley of ARROWS into the back of her back.) SHAI: You know nothing of what is right, beast! (Zeke slashes across Diana?s chest, shredding her SILVER ARMOR and forcing her ever closer to a deadly fate below. Upon impact this armor glows as brightly as the sun, forcing Zeke to cover her eyes.) DIANA: ARGH!! (When the light fades Diana?s appearance has changed from a beautiful woman to that of a frail, undead husk of a human being. The four Argonauts are shocked by this horrific new form she has taken. Mother seems especially frustrated by his appearance. She is clutching the golden fleece tightly.) MOTHER: No more trickery, Diana! Now we can see you for what you truly are ? a monster! SHAI: Mother, look out! (Suddenly a BOLT OF LIGHTNING crashes into the side of the cliff, causing Mother to lose her footing for a moment and nearly slip off into the murky water below. Allam quickly rushes to Mother?s aid, dropping his bow and pulling her to safety.) MOTHER: Thank you for saving me, Allam! ALLAM: Anytime, Mum. (Diana takes a step back from Zeke and leaps into the air with supernatural strength, over to Mother and Allam! Shai attempts to strike Diana as she lands, but she dodges the arrow and swiftly strikes him in the face with the hilt of the blade, knocking him to the ground.) ZEKE: My love, no! (Zeke rushes to Shai?s side.) DIANA: ?MONSTER!?? MOTHER: How about now? Now would be a good time! (Diana?s eyes glow a fiery red as she prepares to strike the two unarmed heroes.) ALLAM: Err? um? (Thinking quickly Allam grabs the fleece from Mother and hurls it at Diana, completely shrouding her in it. With her vision obscured, Diana drops her weapon and struggles to remove the fleece. Unfortunately for her, she cannot escape. The more she struggles, the tighter the fleece wraps around her face!) ALLAM: The fleece! MOTHER: It?s binding her! (Diana begins ripping pieces off of the fleece, tearing it apart to free herself.) ALLAM: But not for much longer! DIANA: Such? humiliation... at the hands of mortals! (Zeke grabs Diana?s sword from the ground and rushes towards the fiend.) ZEKE: Humiliation is the least of your concerns, Diana! (Without hesitation Zeke decapitates Diana from behind, knocking the beast?s head off of the cliff and into the dark oceanic depths. The headless body drops to ground, lifeless, but still clutching tightly onto the fleece. Breathing heavily, Zeke leans onto Diana?s sword as she kneels.) ZEKE: It?s? over... I think? it?s over. (Shai stands up slowly, rubbing his head.) SHAI: You mean we did it? (He comes to Zeke?s side, holding onto her shoulder tenderly.) ALLAM: Actually, erh? MOTHER: --WE did it. Now we can return the fleece to our home, right where it belongs! SHAI: Agreed. Now we can finally free our home of the curse, and return to-- ALLAM: No! I did it! (Everyone pauses for a moment, and stares at Allam curiously.) ZEKE: Pardon? MOTHER: Huh? ALLAM: You see.. Zeke was knocked to the floor, and SHAI got smashed in the head. I was the one who thought to use the fleece to blind Diana. SHAI: Oh brother! ALLAM: If I didn?t act so quickly, we?d all be fish food by now. ZEKE: I don?t think handing the monster EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTED counts as bravery in any capacity, Allam. (Zeke and Shai let out a laugh as they embrace one another tightly. Embarrassed, Allam walks away from the edge of the cliff with Mother following closely behind. ) ALLAM: How dare they say that about me. I?m a hero, too. (Mother tugs at the back of Allam?s shirt, causing him to turn around.) ALLAM: What do you want? (Mother gives Allam a warm hug.) MOTHER: Don?t be bothered by what the others have to say. You?ll always be my hero. (Allam grins.) ALLAM: Well, hm? I guess that?s a start. Maybe next time they can save the day.
[quote name='DaSilva']I've felt a certain way for a while and I just wanted to know what you guys think of my opinion on death. Whenever someone I know has a friend or family member that dies, I couldn't care less. Sure I feel sorry for my friend, but I didn't know the person who died. Why should I care? Thousands (or millions, I dunno) of people die every day that I don't know, and I don't care. Why should this case be any different? My friends see it as me acting heartless, but I see it as being realistic. What do you guys think?[/quote]You're not suppose to care about the person who died, especially since it's usually someone you don't know. What you [I]are[/I] supposed to care about is your friend who is affected by the loss. You've missed the whole point in even feeling sorry about the situation in the first place. If you really feel nothing or could care less that your friends lost someone they love, then they are correct you are heartless. Realistically it's not possible to really care for someone you don't know dying. It[I] is[/I] realistic to feel bad for your friend and to offer them your condolences for [I]their[/I] loss. Telling them you couldn't care less or why should you care just shows how much you don't care for [I]them[/I], not the person who died.
[QUOTE=Shy][size=1]Yeah, I can try and ty it together somehow, but I won't have a chance to do so until the morning. I apologize for not having more time this weekend. If nothing is up by the morning I will try my best to piece it together. Thank you again everyone for all of the hard work you have put into this challenge. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] Wouldn't posting it tomorrow mean we lose since it will be Sunday? If you can send me the instructions on how to use the code I can do that and post the story. I have several hours available now that my daughter has posted her team's entry and I booted her off the computer. ;) [B]EDIT:[/B] All right our submisison is up. I bridged the two parts together with a tiny snippet since being a short film/retelling it fits the format Sandy is expecting just fine. Good work everyone! :catgirl:
[QUOTE=Shy][size=1]When you post the final story I can just edit your post to include the first background, or PM you with the information on how to post it yourself. Personally that one was my favorite as well, but I wanted to give us some options. I'm liking what I've seen so far. Let me know if there is anything else I can do. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE]Which ever method is the easiest. As for the script. Other than a tiny bit to indicate the group is outside, kind of like the fade to black or what ever it's called as it switches, or a few references to battles on their way out like Allamorph did with part of the journey, I'm thinking that we are pretty much done. So do we want to tie the latest bit Allamorph formatted with the ending that you wrote Shy? And if so did you want me to try and help with that? I'm not sure what to write but I'll give it a shot.
[QUOTE=Ezekiel][SIZE=1]I also prefer the first background, I think it has more of an adventure feel to it than the others. Also, guys, I feel really lame about not helping on this one. College has eaten up so much of my time I haven't been able to sit and write things. I'm really sorry ):.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]Don't be. ;) Even if we wish otherwise, regular life comes first. As for the story, I finally got my part finished and sent it to you guys. Perhaps a few more fight scenes and I think we'll be ready. I don't know what you've all have done but either one before the three get to Mother or one on the way to getting the prize, I'm assuming Kalon doesn't make it out. I'll be back again later today to check on how we are doing.
Personally I like the first one you presented Shy, the one that's a brown color since it would go nicley with our orange banner. ;) But at the same time all of them look nice so anyone of them would work in my opinion.
Kim watched as Sara walked through the transportation door. Once she was gone she turned and left to go and report to Daniel. Now that everyone had been sent there was nothing left for her to do. It didn?t take long for her to find Daniel. ?[B]Ah Kim, I take it that all of them have been sent?[/B]? ?[B]Yes, Sara just left.[/B]? ?[B]Good, as much as I would have rather kept her here it?s important to get her working as soon as possible.[/B]? Kim sighed as she sat down at her seat next to Daniel?s in the Command Center. ?[B]I know, the practical side of me agrees with you and the other side does not. If she can?t learn to be more cautious after what happened the last time, then no amount of time will help.[/B]? Daniel smiled a bit. ?[B]I think she?ll do just fine. You?ve told me yourself that as far as training goes she?s only inexperienced. And in the end all that training she?s done for their style of hand-to-hand combat is bound to help. Even though she screwed up based on what she told me she actually hurt Jared. Just think of how effective an agent she will be if she keeps her temper under control. And the way she thought about torturing the other one and yet didn?t follow through is more than enough to tell me that she?s not going to just fly into a rage and attack the troops.[/B]? ?[B]I know. And in a sense I can understand how she feels. If I had the chance I?d be tempted to take Jared out myself. But to be honest, I?d rather die than be near that sick bastard.[/B]? Daniel kept his opinion on that to himself. He understood Sara?s anger all too well. And only his resolve to help the resistance after the damage he had done when he was a Commander in the military kept him from going on a hunt to eliminate Jared. ?[B]On a more important matter Kim I want you to take a look at this.[/B]? He pulled up some sensor data to show her. ?[B]I?m not sure what you want me to see.[/B]? Kim finally said after looking at it for several minutes. ?[B]It?s this right here,[/b]? he indicated when the fleet arrived. ?[b]It?s not that long but there?s a tiny bit of activity that seems off, as if one of the units is malfunctioning and out of synch.[/B]? ?[B]I see. I?m going to be leaving this evening to check the other bases, did you want me to check the equipment at each one to make sure it?s properly calibrated?[/B]? ?[B]Yes. Even if you don?t know the precise location of the base in relation to the actual equipment, you should be able to determine which one needs to be checked. If it?s sending the data to the base and it?s off, I understand it will make things easier to track.[/B]? ?[B]I see, so what you?re saying is that when it recorded the higher activity, some of the information was not following the preset signal leap interval and was sending something when it shouldn?t have been. But if one were off it would be child?s play to determine which signal went where. If that?s the case, that?s bad, it could eventually lead to them tracking our location.[/B]? ?[B]Exactly. And once you?ve checked out the one in Europe you can then check the one in Australia.[/B]? Daniel said. ?[B]All right, it shouldn?t take more than a couple of days for me to check both locations[/B].? Kim smiled. ?[B]Even if I don?t know their exact location. You and William are so secretive about everything.[/B]? ?[B]I know, but it?s necessary since humans have no resistance to the truth drugs the military will use.[/B]? "[B]But I'm not human.[/B]" Kim laughed. ?[B]I?m just teasing you Daniel. I understand the reason.[/B]? She got up to leave. ?[B]If I?m going to leave tonight I should start by checking the relay?s here first. Just to make sure.[/B]?
[QUOTE=Allamorph]Actually, I was just going to have me take Shy and Zeke to meet up with you, since, although I know quite a lot about the artifact itself, you'll be the one who knows its actual location. I kind of view the relationship as one where I have the knowledge and you have the wisdom. E.g.: I know when we're going to get into something, but you know how to get out of it, which is why we need you along. But yeah, the first part of the journey would be to find you. And we'd be going by sea. I think. At any rate, I'll pick up where I left off, and when you're satisfied with what you have I'll see how I can tie it in. 'Zat work?[/QUOTE]I should have been clearer, I was talking about the actual meeting and not the journey to get to my location. So I was going to start off a bit from the prospective of my character realizing you had arrived and giving you a little bit of a hard time before agreeing to go with you. ;) I've been working on it, but I keep re-writing parts since I don't like how it's turning out. I'm hoping to have it ready later today so I can send it to everyone.
I think I understand what you both wrote, it seems like Allamorph wrote the beginning where you wrote the ending Shy. Now all we need is something to go inbetween. I don't have time at the moment, but I'll be back online later tonight. Since I have an idea on how to write up the scene where they end up with my character.
When the first report came in about the transport ship loading up humans Daniel knew something was wrong. It didn?t take long for that feeling to become worse as report after report poured in that it was happening all around the world. He got up and went to the side room off of the main command center and secured the door and then the transmission he sent out. A moment later William answered. ?[B]Ah Daniel, I was expecting you to contact me.[/B]? ?[B]We have a serious problem here William.[/B]? ?[B]I know one of my top hackers back in sector one just sent me a report. I?ll be blunt and too the point here, over half of Earth?s population has been slated to be dispersed among all of the sectors.[/B]? ?[B]What for?[/B]? ?[B]The High Council has been hiding it, but apparently the birth rate has been horribly low among the conquered races in the past couple of hundred years. Not enough to draw attention, but enough that the Empire is on the verge of a major labor shortage. I?ll send you the figures, it?s a pity we didn?t learn about this sooner, but now that they?ve started invading Earth the information is useless.[/B]? Daniel sat down, stunned at the news. ?[B]I had no idea, I mean I knew they were rushing things, but it never occurred to me that it was anything but greed on the High Council?s end.[/B]? ?[B]It?s a pity Earth has such a high population, the High Council has bought enough time to remedy the situation, especially if their secret research works out.[/B]? ?[B]Secret research?[/B]? Daniel asked confused as to what William was referring to. ?[B]Ah right, I hadn?t informed you yet. I came across some information on a project being carried out in Sector fourteen. I couldn?t get all the specifics, but they?ve been gathering humans to test them on how to genetically alter them so they will live close to three hundred years like we do but without giving them any of the additional benefits like our superior strength, vision and immune system. I understand that Commander Crystal has already sent nearly a thousand humans to Sector fourteen for the research. The only thing is there is other research that they are doing that I couldn?t get any information on.[/B]? ?[B]If there really is a shortage, extending their lifespan would end it.[/B]? Daniel shook his head. ?[B]That?s terrible, altering them only to keep them enslaved longer.[/B]? ?[B]I agree, anyway, I can?t keep this line open for long, the Creator is already trying to hack it. I?ve sent you what you need to know along with the data. I?ve got something else I?m checking into that if it pans out will make a huge difference. And it goes without saying Commander,[/B]? William said going formal on Daniel. ?[B]You Kim, Jason, Celestia and Sara must not fall into the Empire?s hands. Take whatever means required to avoid that, especially if you know those hands will belong to Jared.[/B]? William ended the transmission. Daniel took a moment to read through the information William had sent him. A moment to commit it to memory and then he deleted it from the system. No one else needed to know what he had just been told. Not even Kim.
[quote name='Ezekiel][SIZE=1]While I agree with what you've said for the most part, Miss Kathy, I really don't think we should go for a modern angle on this. Fantastic Adventure just doesn't seem modern and putting this in that setting would take away from the fantasy element. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]I understand what you are saying. ;) I was concerned since my mind was coming up blank and we are running out of time here. [QUOTE=Ezekiel][SIZE=1']Like I say, these are just ideas, but I'm getting twitchy about the fact that we've only got a few days left and we don't have anything substantial to work a screenplay from. [/SIZE][/quote]I like those ideas actually and I share your concern. If you are working on some dialogue sketching Allamporh let me know how I can help.
[QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Yeah, a retelling would be nice, but also rather intricate and time-consuming. I'd honestly prefer a sort of adaptation, or an alteration, [/FONT][/QUOTE]I?m thinking at this stage it might be better if we simplified things a little, changed it to a quest for treasure, but not necessarily that of what our team is named after, but rather that we as modern day adventurers think of ourselves as being like Jason and the Argounauts. To the point that we have codenames based on that epic adventure. Because I?m running into blank walls over trying to adapt Jason and the Argonauts. [though that could be due my recovering from a nasty sinus infection along with the headaches to go with it] The beginning could run along the lines of a tiny flash back of a party of adventurers realizing they were after the same treasure and that only together could they achieve the goal and to actually escape with the prize. The climax could be along the lines of Kalon dying in the latest treasure hunt, which could be all sorts of things from seeking out a coveted treasure to discovering a lost world. I know that?s a bit clichéd, but we could work our own personalities into the overall story to make it more fresh. And then the ending would be our team achieving their goal and in some way dedicating their success to their fallen comrade Kalon. Any thoughts on this?
It didn?t take long for Daniel to get Sara to tell him what happened. She was so racked with pain and depression over what had happened that she couldn?t even look him in the eyes. Daniel listened, as she spared no detail as to how she had tried to attack the civilian from behind once the disruptor had failed her. Or how she had started to torture him to get information but then knocked him out when she couldn?t follow through with her threats. He listened as she went into great detail as to how her own desire to kill Jared resulted in not only jeopardizing Kim?s safety but Jason?s as well since Jared now knew he was on Earth. Sara paused for a moment to regain her composure before finishing but it didn?t help, tears began to flow down her face as she finally looked at Daniel. ?[B]I failed everyone, especially Kim who trusted me to help her.[/B]? Daniel walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, he reached over and took Sara?s hands in his own. ?[B]You?re right, you did mess up. You failed to follow orders and you overestimated your own abilities.[/B]? Daniel said. When Sara tried to pull her hands free he refused to let go. ?[B]But the important thing is you did not fail into Jared?s hands nor did Kim. Even if we lost the chance to use the new movement feature in the transportation as a surprise tactic, it still served its purpose in that it saved your life.[/B]? ?[B]But...[/B]? Sara started to protest. ?[B]I won?t deny that your actions today were foolish, and I am going to take you off active duty for a while so you can recover and get some more training in before we send you out in the field again. It won?t be too long since the modifications have set well enough that in less than four days you will be completely healed.[/B]? Sara didn?t even protest she just nodded her head in agreement. At least training would be better than being locked up for disobeying orders. And to heal in only four days? She would believe it when she saw it. ?[B]I understand, and I promise that I won?t attempt to go after Jared by myself again.[/B]? ?[B]Sara,[/B]? Daniel in a more serious tone of voice. ?[B]I don?t expect you to never go after Jared, but I do want you to understand what you are up against.[/B]? He handed her a data chip. ?[B]I noticed that you were searching the database for information on Jared and myself as well as your brother.[/B]? Sara looked startled but said nothing. ?[B]I locked out the information since I did not want to frighten you, but now I believe you need to know so you never underestimate Jared again. What is on that chip is not for the faint of heart. Nor should someone who is as kind and gentle as you are have to see such things. But if you are going to kill Jared, you cannot do so without understanding how evil he really is.[/B]? Daniel stated. He could see the confusion in Sara?s eyes and he sighed inwardly at what he had given her. The record of his mother?s death was ugly, brutal and terrible. And the details of what had happened to him when Jared tortured him were equally as horrible. ?[B]When you deal with darkness, you must understand it first. You must conquer your own feelings that would take that darkness into your own soul. It is something my mother use to tell me when I was a child. If you are going to protect those who can not protect themselves, you must be willing to take the darkness of those who harm others into you and yet not become one with it. You must separate yourself from your anger and your rage. I did not understand her at the time but I believe she was saying you must stay true to yourself and if dealing with Jared means you cannot do that, then it is a task that is not meant for you.[/B]? Daniel finally let go of her hands. Sara did not respond and Daniel did not press her. ?[B]You need to rest some more, but first I?ll let Jason and Celestia know you are awake as they are worried sick about you.[/B]? Daniel got up to leave, ?[B]If you have any questions about the information on the chip I gave you be sure to ask me.[/B]? He leaned over and gently kissed her on the forehead. ?[B]You need to be more careful for my sake as well, remember by your Earth customs, should Jason and Celestia get married, that would make Jason my son-in-law and I would feel the same about you as well. All of us would be hurt if something were to happen to you. Killing Jared is not worth losing anyone over.[/B]? Daniel smiled kindly and then left Sara to think about what he had said.
Goodness I haven?t seen Jason and the Argonauts since it came out in 1963. And I never got around to watching the version done in 2000 by Hallmark. So I?ll have to see if I can find a way to either read up on it or watch the show again.
Kim wanted to follow the medical crew into the infirmary when they rushed in with Sara, but the doctor was firm, kicking her out into the waiting room. Other than a few words from Sara about being sorry for trying to take them on instead of calling her, Kim didn?t know what had happened, or how Sara had run into Jared and another officer. And when Daniel, Celestia and Jason showed up she held up her hands motioning for silence when all three of them spoke at once. ?[B]I don?t know that happened. The only thing I do know is that it appears that she fought Jared and another officer and lost.[/B]? She ignored Jason?s look of panic and grabbed him when he attempted to bypass her and enter sickbay. ?[B]Let me go Kim![/B]? He said as he struggled to pull free of her grasp. ?[B]The doctor ordered us to wait right here, and since Jared was preparing to transport to the Crimson and take Sara with him when I arrived, I?m positive she will recover. Remember Jason, the High Council wants her alive.[/B]? Kim waited until Jason stopped struggling before she let him go. ?[B]I?m truly sorry Jason, I don?t know why they were there. The section she was checking was not where the explosives were being placed, I can only assume that they were looking for something in the computer system of the airport. It was a miscalculation on my part as I thought that no one would be in that section, other than the normal personal of the airport.[/B]? Jason hesitated and then finally spoke up, ?[B]So that?s why you requested an emergency transport using the new movement ability. To keep Jared from escaping to the Crimson with Sara.[/B]? ?[B]Correct, it was the only way to get her since she couldn?t move on her own. And I?m sure Jared would not have stood by and let me pick her up and walk through a transportation door.[/B]? Kim moved to stop Jason from barging into the sickbay when she saw his expression upon realizing what she had just said. But it was unnecessary as the doctor came out to address them. ?[B]Sara is going to be fine. However you will have to wait to question her as I?ve given her a sedative.[/B]? The doctor paused and when no one voiced a question they continued. ?[B]I have both good news and bad news. The bad news is that the damage is fairly extensive. Who ever beat her up continued do so long after she lost the ability to fight back. She has quite a few internal and external injuries and broken bones as well.[/B]? The doctor handed Kim a chip. ?[B]The initial scan showing everything is on that. Now the good news is that her modification has set well enough that she will not only heal quickly, but there will be no permanent side effects. In that respect she is lucky, she will regain her original strength and unlike regular humans, the injuries will not trouble her once they?ve healed completely. Something that will take between two to four days.[/B]? The doctor smiled. ?[B]Not that we couldn?t have fixed them if she hadn?t been modified, it would have just taken a lot longer. Now I know you are eager to see her and you can through the observation window if you choose, but I will not wake her for any reason. The damage to her nerves was causing her considerable pain and I want that part of her healing to happen while she is sedated.[/B]? The doctor fixed both Kim and Daniel with a stern look as if daring them to object. ?[B]Very well Doctor,[/B]? Daniel said,"[B]but the moment she is awake and able to speak I want to know about it.[/B]? ?[B]You will, I?ve left orders on her file to that effect. If you wish to observe her though the window just talk to my assistant. Now if you?ll excuse me I have work to do.[/B]? The doctor turned and head back into the sickbay. ?[B]I have to get back to the command center and finish coordinating the other teams.[/B]? Daniel said before turning and leaving. ?[B]I need to do the same.[/B]? Kim said. ?[B]I?ll come back later to check on how she?s doing.[/B]? Kim left both Jason and Celestia standing in the waiting room to head towards the command center to assist Daniel. [I]I really hope she didn?t do what she mumbled to me before the medical team came to get her.[/I] She thought. [I]Because if she did?[/I]Kim swore under her breath. [I]I?ll smack her myself once she recovers! [/I]
Well even if we came in second, we may not gain a member, but we won?t have to vote anyone out either. I was going on the premise that we would take second and therefore would not be faced with voting out another member. I feel bad enough for doing it the first time around. At least Sandy clarified that not all of the challenges would be based on speed, because to tell the truth I would have no interest in continuing at that point. This round excluded so many people and on some level I?m actually annoyed over it. And it didn?t help that the whole time I was working on it I[I] knew [/I]I had an unfair advantage over my daughter who was at school as well as other people who were at work. I like to win fairly; this doesn't feel like a victory at all. And yes I?ll admit that I feel like I cheated since I could work on it while others couldn?t. But at the same time since I could see that another member of the other team was on I didn?t want to let the rest of you down when I could do something. I think I?ll end this since I?m getting annoyed again. :animesigh
[quote name='Sandy][FONT=Century Gothic]In any case, there are a lot of things attributed to this game, but "fairness" isn't one of them, and I hope I have never given the allusion that it would be.[/FONT][/QUOTE]I am not saying that you gave the impression that it would be fair and in all honesty that?s unavoidable since each of us have team members that do better than others at certain things. [QUOTE=Sandy][FONT=Century Gothic']If it's any consolation, the future challenges won't be based on speed.[/FONT][/quote]It is because truthfully, if all of the challenges were as ?[I]unfair?[/I] as this last one was, I would have no interest in being a part of it because at that point it becomes irritating and frustrating instead of fun.
I have posted the answer in the main thread and I hope I got it right. I also apologize for the complaint since even though I wish for us to win, there's no getting around the fact that I felt it was completely unfair to a good number of the people involved in this RPG. :animesigh