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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom

  1. I do not want to vote out another member of the team so I hope I found all of the correct threads as I did not search the part Shy had already done. Here are the threads: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=1129]Dragon Tournement[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=5619]Alien vs Predator RPG (play) [/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=8360]Raven: part one [/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=20742]Waking Life: Face The Beginning [/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=24404]A new person [/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=29515]Trigun 2: War of the Titans [/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=32428]Super Teens. [/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39756]Uncommon Pair (A Sweetreyes and Raiha Production) [/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=41036 ]O Fortuna [/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46498]Kill Game [M - VLS] [/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50669]Ancient Battle...M-(LVS) [/URL] And the word I came up with is [B]OTAKU AWARDS[/B] I must have stared at those letters for over thirty minutes since in my vocabulary, Otaku is not a word. And it took looking at the site and seeing the words OtakuBoards for me to realize what the answer most likely was. Now, I hate to do this Sandy, but I?m going to give you a complaint about this round. I realize you spent a lot of time thinking of this challenge and in setting it up. But it was horribly unfair to the other players who unlike myself have jobs and school and other commitments. I am disabled and other than doctor?s appointments and occasionally getting out I am homebound due to my health. It was unfair towards everyone here, including my own daughter who is currently at school at this very moment. I?m sorry to say that since I thought the whole concept was rather clever and fun to actually do.
  2. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]To be fair AM all that statistic proves is that America has a considerable foreign populace, as by that same token does the Republic of Ireland (approximately 10%). So while I accept that maybe 99% of Americans vehemently disagree with sites like Godhatesfags, the site is American in origin. It wasn?t my intention to paint all Americans with the same brush, but there is a general perception outside of the United States, whether it is correct or not, that the southern states of the U.S. are home to extremists on this and other issues. I?m not saying other countries don?t have to deal with these kinds of people (France for instance has a severe problems with racism), I?m just saying that there is a perception that America has a higher percentage of them than other countries, and sites like Godhatesfags from Kansas don?t exactly challenge that perception. I am however glad to see that it may be an incorrect perception if places like Utah which would typically be considered prime red-neck country are less extremist than perceived.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]My point was that though the site may be hosted in America since I would imagine that when you host a website it is in your own country and not another, but still I was trying to say was that where it was hosted was meaningless as the people who started it may or may not even be American, the same for any type of site hosted in another country, such intolerance is not limited to one place and to assume that other Americans think the same due to a site that was hosted by someone living here was inaccurate. And even then whether or not they are American doesn?t really matter since an intolerant person is a fool in my opinion, regardless of what country they are from. You?re focusing on the fact that the person who hosted the site lives in America and the truth is anyone here can host a site and yet their views will not reflect what people really think. I believe you understand what I was getting at so I?ll leave it at that. I personally think it?s kind of sad that others will look at a site and assume that because some idiot over here posted it we must all be like that. I did not explain my point very well the first time so I hope that clears up what I was trying to say.
  3. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Alex come on, most of the garbage comes from the U.S. and if you're honest enough you'll admit it. I probably could have phrased what I said a little more tactfully, and it did come out a little more preachy than intended, but I still stand by the fact that most of these sites and their proliferaters are American in origin.[/SIZE] [/QUOTE]Gavin based on the Census done in 2000 in the USA which measured a population of 281.4 million, 31.1 million of whom were foreign born. This does not include others who were born to foreign parents and are considered citizens due to being born in the US. It's inaccurate to say most of the garbage came from the US. Being in America does not automically mean the garbage started here. So lets drop the sweeping generalization that implys this sort of garbage started here and only here. I don't deny that there are a lot intolerant people here, I use to be one of them myself. But there are plenty of Americans who have no trouble with it at all. Even here in Utah over 35% of the population voted against a measure to deny gay marriage.
  4. The first thing that came to Daniel?s attention was a report from the night crew that they had lost visual contact with the Catalyst during the night, something that resolved itself when it appeared on the scanners several hours later as it briefly left Earth?s orbit and then returned. He had barely read through the information when yet another report came in from the commander of the second base. He read through the report feeling older by the minute. If the destruction of the transportation facility wasn?t enough, the utter destruction and slaughter of the personal at one of the nuclear facilities that he had agents in was. There was no question in his mind. Earth was going to be taken over within the next month if the military followed the standard time table that they had used for past invasions. Daniel got up and left for the private room just off the main command center. He needed to prepare a report to send to William. He was running out of time if he wanted to get Jason, Celestia and Sara to safety. Once the world was invaded the military presence would be a problem while things were being set up for Versilan rule. He sent off a message to Kim for her to join him immediately and then he began to prepare the message for William. He left nothing out, not even sparing his own harsh criticism of his decision to allow agents to volunteer to stay at the military bases. A decision that had now claimed the lives of two Versilans along with a dozen Earthlings when the base had been destroyed by the Catalyst. The fact that the base had been utterly destroyed and that the nuclear weapons were gone was more than enough to prove that only the Catalyst could have done it. Though he was surprised by their action in taking the weapons. As well as Jared?s action in allowing the humans to evacuate, the transportation facility before it was blown up. That had never concerned the High Council before. It was good from the standpoint that destroying the weapons would have resulted in radiation contamination, but still, just what was the High Council up to? Daniel finished up the report and sent it off to William. Then he sent out a warning to all the agents in the bases, explaining what had happened, telling them that the weapons were not worth dying for. Now if the humans will actually leave. He had no doubt that the Versilans would but the humans? It would feel like they abandoned their duty and some of them were only potential recruits and had not agreed to follow orders yet. He could only hope they would listen and leave. Then he began to work on their newest task to attempt to slow down the invasion. Celestia and Jason had worked hard since the Facility was blown up to make tracking the transportation doors more precise since other than to know one had been used, you couldn?t pinpoint where it had gone unless more than one transport had been done in the same area within a certain time frame. Now they could, though the radius was horribly wide at nearly one hundred miles. Still if they were targeting transportation the easiest thing to do would be to send agents to the only facility within the radius. Once there the scanners would be able to pick up the stealth shields used to keep the resistance from simply transporting them into space. Ideally it would be best if they could seize the explosives for them to use at a later date. Realistically he only expected them to be able eliminate the agent putting them in place. Something that with only three ships staying around Earth would slow them down until more people were sent. There had been a fourth ship for a very short time, but it had not stayed for very long. And it was a simple transport ship, which could be a problem if it had brought more military personal for both the Crimson and the Tempest. He finished up the details of the missions and sent it to all the bases. Now all they had to do was wait for the military to make the first move.
  5. [QUOTE=Shy][size=1]We put forth a very strong effort, and in spite of everything I'm happy with the names and the banners. It's a shame one of us will be voted out, as I think all of us were very effective as a group. Hopefully there will be no hard feelings, either. -Shy[/size] :whoops:[/QUOTE]There won't be on my part should I be the one to go. And since that is a part of the game I will send my vote even though I don't feel like voting anyone out. :animecry: At least we know we pulled through and that it was not from a lack of effort. Everyone did a great job in my opinion.
  6. A meeting between those three? Now that should be interesting. I'll help set the meeting up with the instructions you gave me Beth. I should have the post reflecting that up either tonight or tomorrow. And I can't wait for the next part to start, even though I've got a good idea as to what it will be. Still I'm looking foward to seeing how you actually write it. :catgirl:
  7. [CENTER][COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1]Formerly team [B]Adam[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/AzureImi/teamargo2_1.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]Kathy ~ Allamorph ~ Ezekiel ~ Kalon ~ Shy[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE=4]We are Team [B]Argo[/B][/SIZE] [INDENT][INDENT][SIZE=3]Our color is[B] orange[/B][/SIZE][/INDENT] [/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT] [INDENT][SIZE=4]and[B] Kathy[/B] is our proud captain![/SIZE][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][RIGHT][SIZE=5][B]Go![/B][/SIZE][/RIGHT][/COLOR]
  8. And our entry is up! I'm glad I got online this morning since I was not expecting a deadline based on European time, and I usually sign on in the evenings. Either way as shy put it... [B]GO! [/B]
  9. [QUOTE=James][font=arial]I've contracted someone to develop Otakupedia for me (on the technological side anyway) so hopefully that'll be ready before too long. The address will probably be [url]www.otakuboards.com/otakupedia[/url] or something like that. And of course, we will have a front page link to the site. I do kind of like the idea of a forum category for Otakupedia though, but I just think it would become too difficult to manage with threads.[/font][/QUOTE]That's good to hear. :catgirl: And that's really what I was driving at, and having a link to it on the page would work just as well, especially if it's easier to do it that way instead of using threads. I honestly don't understand that side of it. Either way I'll be glad to see the otakupedia once it?s in the new format. It's definitely been fun to read.
  10. [quote name='Adahn] [font=Tahoma]I must be [i]remarkably[/i] poor at communicating my ideas. I will do my best, [i]again[/i'], to make them clear. Perhaps I will use simpler words.[/font][/quote]I?m going to step in here and put my two cents in since I believe you are missing the point young man. The problem as I see it is not in putting things simpler and implying that the others here are too stupid to understand what you meant but rather in your failure to take the opportunity to realize that these people have given you an opportunity to clarify what you mean. One of my English teachers one told me that if a reader is writing back to you it indicates several things, one you have their interest and two if they are complaining, they are giving you valuable information to look at what you have done and see if your presentation is flawed. You might be thinking, ?[I]but I was clear they just don?t get it[/I]? but the truth is, if you were that clear you would not keep having this same thing happen in your threads. And in the end it?s not a bad thing. But you tend to respond with the underlying tones of[I] if you weren?t so stupid you would understand me.[/I] Whether or not that is your intent it is the impression I get when I read your responses. [quote name='Adahn][font=Tahoma'] I took his comment as a veiled insult, and replied to it in that way. If it was not, he is welcome to clear that up, and I will apologize for my mistake. [/font][/quote]Here?s the thing hun, you assumed that this was his intent and even then it was not necessary to respond to it in kind if indeed it was. The response was just fine without the tacked on part about DeadSeraphim needing to be civil when at that point you were not being civil either. As the saying goes, just because someone starts a fight you don?t need to be the one to finish it. Also you seemed to have missed what Rachmaninoff was saying here as well: [quote name='Rachmaninoff']As for the topic, it is an interesting idea to see what others consider an ideal topic, but as far as actually applying guidelines? Personally I think it would cause more strife than good especially since the Otaku Lounge already has a good format going. One that encourages people to be a part of things without worrying whether or not they?ve met some guideline. Besides the standard one of readable posts and avoiding spam. But those apply to the whole site and not just this section.[/quote] [QUOTE=Adahn][font=Tahoma]I will say this again, and if you still don't understand, I will say it more. I have [u]no intention[/u] of changing any rules. The guidelines are [u]only[/u] for those who want to talk about them. They are [u]only[/u] a tool for putting together one's thoughts and ideas into a form useful to those who want to create a thread that they think may be interesting. In reality, my idea limits nothing, and changes nothing. It is only a way to talk about what people like, and use that information to create some more topics that people might like. Talking like this[/font][font=Tahoma] is really hard, but if it helped you to understand better what I was saying, please tell me. If I have to, I'll write like this all the time so there won't be so many people who don't get what I'm talking about. *wipes sweat due to the effort from forehead* [/font][/QUOTE] Note he said ?[I]as for the topic, it is an interesting idea to see what others consider an ideal topic.[/I]? Then he moves on to say that beyond that it wouldn?t work as actual guidelines, he did not say that your thread was saying it had to be a guideline, only that beyond the actual thread it wouldn?t really work. And isn?t that the whole idea of topics? To go beyond the box so to speak? He took your idea, said it was interesting but not practical beyond this thread. He also issued you a challenge in clarifying what you consider ideal and deep. Don?t return others interest in your topics with thinly veiled disdain over what you seem to perceive as an inability in them to understand you. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, but that is how you come accross. And as my teacher in English would have said, you just flunked, re-write it again. As for the actual topic, I agree with Rachmaninoff, it is interesting, but it would not work very well beyond the thread. And yes I know that's not your intent. And other than to say that, I've no interest in discussing what an ideal topic would be since what I would consider ideal would not be the same as what you or other people here consider ideal.
  11. [QUOTE=kalon]Why [i]shouldn't[/i] we be [u]Team Argo[/u]? We are, if you all will allow me to disgustingly philosohpical for a moment, on a quest, not for Golden Fleece, but for winning the game and title of OtakuBoards Survivor. The Argo was a strong ship and allowed for a successful journey. It was built with the help of Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategic war. Our team leader [b]Kathy[/b] seems like a wise person to me, and aren't we going to to be fighting it out for the winning position? I think Argo fits, I like it, and I don't think anyone should doubt why it's a good name for us.[/QUOTE]At this point I am in agreement, it does fit us, even if I don't feel particularly wise. ;) At this point we probably should decide which flag we like and go from there since we haven't come up with a second one that everyone likes. And out of the original two I liked the first one the best.
  12. I don?t completely understand the layout, but now that things are actually being changed I do have a suggestion. I propose that another section be added. One that is for Otakupedia, a section that is solely for the history of the boards. It is nicely tucked into the Otaku Lounge at the moment, but combined with the idea that Sandy presented about The OtakuBoards Records, I was thinking that the two threads along with two threads for members to input suggestions would make a good section. I suppose if you created it the current Otakupedia thread and the one for suggestions could simply be moved over to it. I don't know what name to use other than the Otakupedia and OtakuRecords, but if I understand correctly, even though the whole idea is to make things simpler it seems that something like this more than stands on its own and needs it?s own spot. And perhaps having it?s own section would keep it in the mind of other members as it would establish it as a more permanent feature of the boards. And seeing that Charles put so much work into getting the idea off the ground, I?m thinking he would be the perfect person for the job of keeping it updated. I hope I made sense with my idea.
  13. I don?t know what to say about the concern in regards to our team name. I?ve never tried to come up with a name so I keep drawing a blank. Or rather mine seem a bit less catchy like Team Eternal Unity. So unless we agree on a change perhaps we should stick with the first choice? [B]What superpower would you most like to have?[/B] When I was younger I wanted to be able to fly. I still do. If you were to add in being able to survive without oxygen, that would be perfect as I?d fly up and take a look at the world from above. [B]A fun trip I took.[/B] Hmmm?there have been so many, but last year my brother celebrated his 30th wedding anniversary by having a shotgun wedding. Until he retired he was a sheriff and his former buddies got together along with the current authorities to set it up so they could have empty shotguns and do the whole thing as if it was real. What made it even more fun is his kids planned it so other than my brother and his wife, (who did not know about it) pretty much the whole town was in on it, (they live in a very small town) the surprised look on their faces was priceless since they knew we would be celebrating it but not that it would be done in a shotgun style. Everyone had a great time. [B]Do you play/enjoy video games?[/B] Sadly no, they look like great fun too since I?ve seen my daughter playing them. But with my vision, my hand and eye coordination is not up to the task. And since I?ve never really played them I don?t miss it.
  14. [quote name='Rachmaninoff][Is in shock over having spent nearly two hours writing a post of that nature, and is even more in shock over the fact that it was fun'] :animestun[/quote]I feel the same way about the fact that I enjoyed reading it. :animeblus I don't think I could do a character like Jared. I don't know how you do that Crystia. I know he's not real, but just the thought of meeting someone like that is enough to give me the shivers. Especially with all the things he did in the first story arch. I'm just holding my breath waiting for the next time he nails someone. Anyway...I've put up my part in relation to your objective Mariskah. If I got part of it wrong let me know and I'll change it. ;)
  15. Kim finished gathering some data once the final charge had been used at the Denver Transportation facility and then she pulled back to the point where she had transported to the location. A quick look and sweep with her scanner showed that no one was near; she activated the transportation door and quickly returned to the base. She had barely returned to the base when Sara immediately confronted her. ?[B]Kim, I heard about what happened from Daniel. I was coming to talk with you anyway since the doctor gave me this.[/B]? She handed Kim a data chip. Kim inserted it into her handheld device and read through the doctor?s report. Even though it had only been just over a week, the genetics had settled into place, she would still have some trouble adapting for the next couple of weeks while she got use to being stronger and her reflexes faster, but other than to monitor her for any unexpected changes, the enhancement on the doctor?s side was done. ?[B]I?m tired of sitting here in the base playing it safe Kim. Daniel was talking to both Jason and Celestia about improving the scanning for the transportation door. He wants to try and at least slow the Crimson down if possible. If what he says about them targeting military and transportation is true then delaying them gives us more time to finish getting the safe houses set up before they invade my world. I want to help you stop them.[/B]? Speechless Kim just looked at Sara, gauging the seriousness she saw in her eyes. On the one hand, Sara was trained in Marital Arts giving her an edge over the other recruits that had been modified. And that training had made her very observant as well, even more so than some of the recruits they had picked up from the military here on Earth. But then the Versilan Empire also wanted her; Sara had a huge bounty on her head. And when she had been the Sub-Commander of the Tempest, she remembered all to well how the officers and crew always checked the wanted list since they could collect on a bounty so long as it did not interfere with their duties. It wouldn?t be an issue if they had the smaller holographic equipment, but it was low on the priority list. Getting the grade B sensor equipment had been far more important, along with other computer equipment for the bases. So other than more simple modifications like dying your hair, she would be easy to identify. ?[B]I?m serious Kim,[/B]? Sara said when she didn?t respond. ?[B]Earth is my world and I can?t sit still and do nothing! I?ll still keep learning the language and anything else you think I need to know, but damnit! I want to help![/B]? ?[B]Okay,[/B]? Kim said, ?[B]But on one condition.[/B]? ?[B]And that would be?[/B]? ?[B]You?ll work with me and you have to promise to do exactly as I tell you. No ifs ands or buts on this. I don?t want you questioning the tasks I give you when you lack the training to understand them, got it?[/B]? ?[B]Okay, I understand,[/B]? Sara smiled. ?[B]Even I know that I lack your training Kim.[/B]? ?[B]Good, so long as that?s not a problem I?ll talk to Daniel about it. Besides, after what the doctor said it?s time to start your training anyway and including reconnaissance is something that will benefit you in the long run. Now you first order is to read this.[/B]? Kim took the chip she had given her as she had added a report from her handheld device to it while she was talking to Sara and gave it back to her. ?[B]I?ve included the basic welcome package that all military recruits get, some of it won?t apply since we are not the military, but it will explain how I do things and how our structure of command works. Get working on that immediately along with your language lessons.[/B]? Kim then turned her back on Sara and headed to the command center. She smiled inwardly, now the fun part of arguing with Daniel over it was coming. She missed the days when she had argued and teased him while serving as his Sub-Commander. He was so cute when he got that serious look on his face over an issue they didn't agree on. Kim sighed, now if only she could get him to realize how much she cared for him.
  16. Those flags are beautiful. I like the background of the first one the best and the border of the second one the best, in addition to the color of the font in the second one. I?m sorry if that makes me sound indecisive. But it?s hard to chose between the two. I don?t really have time for the questions right now so I?ll answer those tomorrow if that?s all right with everyone. Allamorph, I know exactly what you mean when it comes to the name part. I remember all too well as a child how it was yes ma?am and yes sir, calling an adult by their first name earned a well deserved smack from my parents for being disrespectful. I?ve gotten use to the other way for the simple reason that up here in Utah, Mormons tend to use the title Brother or sister so and so. They just tag their last name in that spot. And even us old folk outright use each other?s names. At least with those people we do know. Anyway, in the end since I think adding my last name in here would be confusing, I?m not sure what to tell you other than your polite and gentlemanly behavior has in my opinion given you the right to use my first name. Not that I think you needed to earn it mind you, I just understand where you are coming from in that respect. Though I suppose you could just use the abbrevation of my user name A_Mom for short, that would work too. ;)
  17. Time for more questions? [B] What would be your preferred method of world domination?[/B] Well besides the obvious of not wishing to dominate, I?d use love and peace, a tactic of having everyone love each other to the point that they can?t fight with one another anymore. Whether or not it will work is another story. [B] What sort of design elements would you like to see in our flag?[/B] As much as I love pictures, with such a small banner I?m thinking something abstract would look better. Abstract and yet simple. And I?m all for the orange color. [B]What board games or card games are your favorites?[/B] I don?t play them very often, but I do enjoy scrabble and upwords. I don?t really play any card games. So don?t feel bad Allamorph, I don?t even know how to play bridge! [B] What is your favorite color?[/B] I always hate this question, for the simple reason that there are so many colors that I do like! I love the deep purples in flowers, the soft pinks in roses, the cool greens of the plants, the soft blue of the sky, the list just goes on and on. If I had to pick a color, I would say a type of off white, because when you are decorating, anything goes with off white! Then I can change my decorations or blankets on my bed to match whatever color I?m into at the moment. As for another question, I?ll have to think about that.
  18. [QUOTE=Adahn][size=2][color=black]A large number of people who grew up learning that homosexuality was a mental disorder also grew up during a time when blacks were widely considered sub-human. It's been 34 years since 1973, when the American Psychiatric Association decided homosexuality was no longer a mental disorder. This surely is something important and interesting to consider, but if it is such a large detractor to gay marriage, why have I never heard of it being brought up as a valid reason to oppose gay marriage?[/size] [size=2][color=#000000][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000]People's opinions change, and I think that enough time has passed for homosexuality being viewed as a mental disorder to be a thing of the past. I may be wrong in this, because I didn't live in that time, but I still think that if Christianity were to cease its fierce opposition to gay marriage, all other reasons to oppose gay marriage would have an insignificant ability to stop it from being legalized.[/color][/size][size=2][/size] [/color][/QUOTE]What I was trying to originally say was that Christian values were not the only reason why people opposed homosexuality, it is perhaps the most compelling one, but even still a lot of people I know still think of it as a disorder as well as being a sin. I think we are at a phase where Christianity is taking its place as a means to oppose those who are gay. Where before it was considered more of a disease and something to pity instead of being a grave sin. My whole point to begin with is that there is the implication that Christian values are the only reason why people object to it. I do not think that is what you meant, but the conversation was resolving around it and I remember a time when I actually believed it was a mental disorder. And even to this day I still struggle with accepting that it is not and with the aspect of it being a sin. Indifference nailed it on the head completely, a lot of people involved in politics grew up thinking it was a disorder, and when that was thrown out they grabbed on to the sin aspect to keep their fear of those who are gay in check. Having been put on the spot that it wasn?t a mental disorder they could rally the people using the sin tactic, something that upon reflection I find a bit disgusting. So in the end I was merely trying to say that even though it?s not used anymore, it doesn?t change the fact that some of us think that way. It?s not easy to drop things you?ve learned as a kid, or to accept something you do not agree with. Or as some would put it, learn to be tolerant. To accept that it?s not your place to make other?s choices for them. Retribution: indifference is again right, I really do not care what it?s called, and Civil Union is simply the first term I thought of. I?m thinking along the lines of granting the same rights and benefits that all married couples get. Whether or not they call it marriage or not is merely semantics in my opinion. Giving them the same benefits is what I consider to be important.
  19. I?m going to have to go against the grain a little here as I think there is a gross misunderstanding in regards to homosexuality and the objection to it lying solely in a religious aspect. Until in 1973 when the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the Sexual Deviancy section of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, many of the adults [myself included] who oppose gay marriage were raised with the belief that homosexuality was a mental disorder, not just something that was a sin due to their religious beliefs. And even that change was seen as a political one due to pressure from activist gay groups, and not one of a scientific nature. It wasn?t until around 1992 that the World Health Organization ceased to classify homosexuality as a mental disorder something that was followed by the United Kingdom in 1994. So though many religions do not approve of it due to it being considered a sin. Many of us were raised and taught that it was a mental disorder, one that needed treatment not legalizing marriage to support a mental disorder. Now for how I feel on this subject, I do not support gay marriage. However before you take that the wrong way, I do not support it from a religious standpoint, one where those who are gay cannot be married in the church. I do support allowing civil unions done by our government, since I firmly believe that religion and state should stay separate and there is no reason to deny them the benefits of health and insurance and rights that come from such a union. And on that same tangent, if a religion decides to support and allow it, I would not object to that either since in the end it?s not my place to judge them. That is God?s task, not mine.
  20. Oh my, first of all this is going to be so much fun. :catgirl: And I admire Sandy?s work in putting this together in the first place. Now on to the introduction: Though I currently live in Utah I?m from a very small town east of Dallas Texas known as Mt. Pleasant Texas. I moved to Utah shortly after I got married since my husband took a job offer here when he graduated from college. I?m a great fan of music having studied and played both the Piano and the Organ since I was a little girl and it?s something I still do as I teach both Piano and Organ to a number of children in my Church Ward. I love nature in that any chance to go on a drive and visit different areas such as lakes, waterfalls, national parks, etc. I take. I never get tired of seeing God?s creations. Which brings up another aspect of who I am. Even though I am very religious I believe that all religions have some form of truth in them and I love getting to know people of different faiths and walks of life. The things I like to do are sewing, crafts, scrap booking, reading and spending time with my friends. And lastly, though far from being the least, I love being a Mom, my older children may have moved on, but I love having my youngest one Aaryanna still at home. Words can?t even begin to describe how much I love my daughter. Oh and I love being a grandmother as one of my oldest has two children. My only regret is that they don?t live close so I have to make due with pictures of those cute little kids. Now as for the team Captain, I?m not only surprised to be nominated, but grateful as well. I was thinking of nominating Shy due to their excellent work as an Event Master. If chosen, I will certainly do my best and seeing that I?ll have such talented people to represent, it will be fun. And if the rest of you agree I do accept. Out of all the colors mentioned so far, I like the Dark Orange, though green and orchid are nice as well. I?m not good at doing graphics but I?ll certainly try though I?m thinking Ezekiel would do a far better job. As for a name I rather like The Argonauts or Team Argo. I also like the other suggestion of The Family or The Siblings. Lets see now as for the questions? [B]What do you do for fun outside of the Internet?[/B] [Points to hobbies] Though recently my favorite thing is watching Murder She Wrote with Angela Lansbury. [B]What is your favorite season, and why?[/B] Goodness, there are so many different things I love in each season. But in the end my favorite is spring. I just love watching everything turn green, the flowers coming up to bloom for the first time. It?s a season I never get tired of. And the getting out into the yard to garden as well is equally as fun. [B]Are there any odd tricks you?ve discovered you can pull off?[/B] Hmmm? well I suppose you could say I can raise only one nostril of my nose in the same way someone can lift just one eyebrow. It?s something I would do when I dressed up as a witch for the Halloween parties for the kids at school. Just for the funny face aspect. They seemed to enjoy it. [B] If you could take a trip to any one place in the world, where would you want to go and why?[/B] I would want to go up in a space shuttle and see the world from above. I grew up first on western shows and then on space shows such as Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica [not to be mistaken for that overdramatic soap opera currently running on the sci-fi channel] So for me to finally see our world from space would be the ultimate trip of a lifetime. [B] What is your Residual Self Image (RSI)?[/B] At the risk of sounding boring, I never thought of myself as looking any different than the gray-haired woman that I am. [B] What is your favorite animal?[/B] I love all sorts of animals, but seeing that my daughter has a dog currently, one that is quite the affectionate breed, my current favorite animal would be dogs. And finally my own question: [B] What is your favorite type of book and why?[/B] Mine is a combination of romance, fantasy and science fiction. I love happy endings; I love exploring worlds that could never exist in our own. And being able to explore our universe before our technology advances to that point makes for an enjoyable experience when it comes to reading.
  21. When Daniel realized that there was a priority message for him the very next day after the Elite Specialist?s ship had arrived, he got up and left the command center and went to the same private room he had dragged Kim into the other day. He secured the room and pulled up the message, expecting it to be from William. To his surprise it was a message from one of their top agents working within the Military. Usually such messages went to William and not to him. It didn?t take long for him to realize why he was getting the message and when he did, he went cold all over from the implication. The actual report was not the problem; it was how the information had been left. The Elite Specialist who had turned out to actually be a member of the resistance, something he had not been aware of, had not only found their sensor equipment but had already hacked into the main computers without them even noticing. He felt unsettled and sick to his stomach. If it had been regular Elite Specialist they would have never even known someone had already accessed their system. It would have been a total disaster. Now more than ever Daniel understood just why William was so fanatical about not sharing information you did not need to know. The actual location of this base along with the other two they had built were not in the main computer system, but unfortunately, all the secret military bases that belonged to the various governments here on Earth that he had agents in were listed in the main computer. The damage was done, this Kiva would have no choice but to reveal that information, he had already put out the alert to everyone due to the three ships. It was a good thing he did as most of the agents were prepared to make a run for it if necessary. He made a note to recall over half of them since he could do so on the pretense that they were needed elsewhere, there was certainly plenty of things to be done. They had three up-to-date bases built but the safe houses and other areas were not finished. So pulling that many agents in would not be questioned. [I]God what a mess, [/I]he thought. All that work securing personal into positions of the military here on Earth was going to go up in smoke. The best he could do would be to make sure none of his people got caught in the crossfire. Having them be prepared to avert destruction would only put Kiva?s position in jeopardy and even he was smart enough to realize that losing access to some of the more primitive weapons was not worth losing one in her position. Daniel spent another minute transferring the data to his handheld computer and making sure it was encrypted. He was careful to not transfer the information about Kiva, that type of information was always deleted immediately. And once he was done, he did so immediately in the main computer as well, other than William no one else would be given the information he had just gotten. He resisted the urge to shudder. Just thinking about how much of a disaster that could have been?was something he didn?t want to think about.
  22. [QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray] I don't think talking about how big someone's breasts will be and whether or not menstruation is a disease is the center of this argument. Talking about the physical pains is very relevant. Nitpicking the specifics? Feh. Hardly a core. :rolleyes: And now they're talking about what the difference between removing arms/legs is to removing nipple buds and a uterus. [/color] [color=dimgray]I'm irritated that you didn't read my earlier posts before replying to my most recent one. I already adressed this specific issue, as it was the main idea of my argument. [/color][/QUOTE]Only the first part was directed at you, the rest was directed at society as a whole. And absurd as the argument is, that is how people think about it, the argument, if you do this, then the next thing they will do is this, like the absurd comparison to removing one's arms/legs. They are overblown examples, but they are concerns. The other specifics as to whether or not menstruation is a disease is something that I see as a personal opinion instead of being a relevant point in this discussion. But unfortunately, to the person who brought it up it is relevant as they see it that way. The problem is the assumption that others see this as well, when none of us really know for sure how the parents really feel. As for the last, I was not clear enough it pointing out that only the first paragraph applied to your post and the rest did not. So I was not trying to irritate you as I did read your earlier posts. ;) EDIT: My point about lobbying for changes was to improve the state and federal aid people can get. For example if a family's income is not enough the state will pay for part of their care. But to qualify they have to be at a poverty level; it?s very unrealistic and a lot of families that need help don?t get it. I was not saying congress should make the decision, only that we need to make getting financial help to care for these children more reasonable. I'm on disability myself so I know what a pain it is to get help for treatments.
  23. Things were about to happen, Kim could feel it, like the calm before a storm. First the Crimson had arrived and then shortly after it the Tempest. Still other than to orbit the planet and to occasionally pick up the energy signature indicating that a transportation door had been used, it had been quiet. Even Sara had finally come around and though she was less than thrilled at having to wait for the first part of the modifications to be finished before she could begin her training in the Versilan?s style of combat, she was taking her assignment to go through the course on learning their language seriously. Showing the same amount of dedication to it that she did to her martial arts skills. Being able to fit her with a permanent translator wasn?t possible and using one at all would make her stand out on other worlds. Unless something interfered, the course designed to help her learn it quickly would be done in a few weeks, just in time to start her new training, as the modifications would be finished at that point. Kim finished taking a shower and getting dressed, there were still other resistance recruits to train that had finished being modified, but first she needed to check in with Daniel. He was probably with Celestia and Jason who had been working like crazy to improve the shielding and to find any flaws in the program. The last thing they needed was to have the Crimson or the Tempest figure out where they were. She had barely walked into the command center when Daniel about snatched her and pulled her into another room to talk with her privately. ?[B]What is it Daniel?[/B]? But he didn?t answer; instead he turned on a workstation in the room and pulled up an image of the ships in orbit, the image of [I]three[/I] ships. And before she could ask about the third ship he magnified the view to show her just what the ship was. ?[B]Oh my God,[/B]? Kim said. ?[B]They?ve called in an Elite Specialist.[/B]? ?[B]They just arrived a few minutes ago. You?re the only one I?ve told. The humans won?t understand what a problem this is.[/B]? ?[B]Problem? Good lord that?s putting it mildly! For them to be here means either the invasion is about to happen or they know that we are here.[/B]? Kim said with a shiver. Elite Specialists were the best; so good that often the only way to escape them was to run. And unless you were in one of the ships the resistance had that could outrun them, they would catch you as they had the fastest ships in the fleet. She had worked with one before when she was still a Sub-Commander. They put her skills to shame when it came to covert operations. ?[B]I know, and other than the one message I still don?t know when William will return. If they manage to find us, I don?t think they will, but still, if they do, we?ll have to find somewhere else to hide on Earth. And we?d better hope they aren?t as ruthless as some of the other Elite Specialists I?ve seen in action.[/B]? Kim sat down in the nearest chair, holding her head between her hands. She sighed, ?[B]This is a problem we do not need.[/B]? ?[B]I know, but nonetheless, they are here. I want you to gather everyone together and review the emergency evacuation plans. I don?t want someone left behind in the confusion should making a run for it become necessary.[/B]? Kim got up, ?[B]I?ll get started on it immediately then.[/B]?
  24. [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray]All these specifics on removing breasts and uteruses is a bit juvenile and pointless. And I'm not calling you out on this- [b]everyone[/b'] who has been discussing this in depth should stop. It's going around in ****ing circles and if you haven't realized that, take it from me. [/color][/quote]Hun, I disagree with you, going in circles is pointless, but the points being brought up are not. They are the very core to this argument in that such drastic measures were used. It?s not so much an argument as to whether or not the parents made the right decision, but one that if we aren?t careful it will open up the doors to others doing the same thing, but for the wrong reasons. Not all mentally challenged children are as severe as this girl is, but the fear is that people will start doing things like this to them to make caring for them easier. It?s an ethical question that at this time doesn?t have an answer. I do not condemn the parents because as a parent I know that raising kids is never easy. What I would condemn is a society that did not question the procedure to ensure that it wasn?t not being used as an easy out for someone in that situation. I would also condemn a society that makes getting help when you have a child with special needs, nearly impossible, as the costs are so expensive. If we are really so bothered by their decision a better course of action would be to lobby for better programs and care for these children, something that can make a difference. Pointing fingers at someone who already made a difficult and hard decision changes nothing and that truly makes us look juvenile and really is pointless.
  25. I think this section of the FAQ answers your question hun: [INDENT]Do you want to become a moderator? The best avenue to take is ?don?t call us, we?ll call you.? Asking for a moderation position, no matter how persistent you are, will not enhance your chances of joining our staff. Post counts or join dates are not factors in determining staff. High quality posters are assigned staff positions if the need for their services is required.[/INDENT]
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