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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
human cloning(Debate help.)
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Cicatrice Du Adieu's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='lostvoice']He's not a good teacher, ok? In fact if I knew he was the debate teacher I wouldn't have joined. If it helps the paper he gave us with the topics said: Should human cloning be banned? We're acually writing nine persuasiv e essays for this ****ing class. I'm way behind.[/quote]I see, so this is actually a paper and not a debate. I?m going to be a bit mean here and your following post here will explain why: [QUOTE=lostvoice]Wow! Sorry if that was any trouble. I feel dumb! :animeshy: :animeswea Anyway any supporting details for no? I need three. Most likley something easy to grasp.[/QUOTE]The idea of writing a persuasive essay is for [I]you[/I] to present your own thoughts on the matter, not the ideas or supporting details of others. If we give you several valid reasons and the supporting details as well, then your paper is no longer your own. You yourself said that you are neutral so pick a side and then choose some reasons as to why. [quote name='lostvoice']no in betweens I'm afraid. I'm either for it all together or against it, for this paper.[/quote]Then make an in-between. Take points and argue that you can?t be all for it or against it. A stance that says if I had to choose I would be for or against and say why . If you lack the information to make these choices, then use the Internet to look up information on the pros and cons of human cloning. Don?t ask for a few points and details and then present it to the teacher. It will look sloppy and you will have learned next to nothing. That?s all the advise I have to offer you since in all honesty this thread looks more like an attempt to get us to do your homework for you, instead of a discussion on human cloning. And before you get upset over what I have said, this is the very same advice I have given my own children when they were stumped on a homework assignment. And it would be the same if your assignment was for a debate and not a paper as well. The time you have spent on this thread is time that could have already been used to look up the information and start choosing your points. -
[QUOTE=Tekkaman][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]I gotta ask the question: 'Who the hell is smart enough to pull that off?'[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Not that i'm saying that you're not telling the truth [color=indigo]Aaryanna_Mom[/color], but who thinks that far ahead? Who been in watching, reviewing, and documenting all of us? Who's been doing all of this reasearch in order to confuse us; plotting Sakura's murder with the intent that we'd all be at each others throats?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]I ask again, 'Who?'[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]This is getting damn frusterating, not knowing who the hell is killing us; every time I think I get closer to finding out who the Mafia is, I get pushed back further from the truth.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE]Hmmm, am I the only one who loves to watch murder mystery shows? It?s a fairly common theme for a killer to plan ahead and then to leave clues that would incriminate someone else. Anyway? The Mafia can only win if each and every one of us is dead. Plain and simple, the first murder is the hardest to determine, and the one that is most likely more random as far as reasoning goes. After all, someone has to go first right? Then if no one is hanged, I?m assuming the Mafia wouldn?t be so foolish as to kill off one of their own members, well they are one step closer to winning at that point. Even more so if we hang the wrong person as we have then done their work for them. So at this point, to win the battle it would make sense to pick someone one who has made statements that could point towards other people who are not the killer. It could just be a coincidence, but if they are truly clever, that is probably part of how they came to that decision. I could easily get off into different possibilities, but I?m going to stick with this one. [quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial]All right then, [COLOR=DarkRed]Aaryanna_Mom[/COLOR], so who do [I]you[/I] suspect of Mafia-ness at this point? You've got a good defense, yippee-yippee-YEE-haw, but what [I]else[/I] have you got swirling around in that motherly noggin' of yours? For that matter, has anyone besides [COLOR=DarkRed]T-Man[/COLOR] got someone specific they're mulling over? 'Cause I've got nothing here. Absolutely Jack Dit. [size=1][I]Help![/I][/size'][/FONT][/quote]Right now I am more concerned about those who have hardly said a word. I understand that others are playing using AIM or MSN or the pm system. But at the same time, since I have not really gotten to chat with them I feel as if I don?t have a line as to what they are like. So it makes me uneasy in that I have nothing to base my opinion of them on. And using chat software is difficult as I have yet to figure out how to set the font to a size that is easier to read. And if the conversation is quick, the moving text is just unreadable to me. And I mean that literally. I?m sorry if people think I?m nitpicking on that, but I really cannot keep up very well. Anyway, in the end I think we are being hampered by our desire to only convict the Mafia and not someone who is innocent. Since unlike the Mafia we only want to stop them, not kill off our neighbors in the process.
Hmmm? and here I thought I was clear with my original post. So I?ll try it again since your logic is faulty Tekkaman. I?ll start with my statement that you seem to believe is actual proof. [INDENT]And even if I were to declare that I?m a townsperson and cannot lie, the mafia, detective and priest can so I could easily be one of them as they are allowed to lie.[/INDENT] Let?s put this into a scenario to better understand why I said it. For starters I?ll outright say it.[B] I am a townsperson and cannot lie.[/B] But wait! There?s a problem with that statement. Even though a townsperson cannot lie the mafia, detective and priest can. So by making that statement you and anyone else can say [I]but if you aren?t a townsperson you could lie and claim you are[/I]! So in the end it?s a stance that cannot be defended. I know that I am a townsperson. But how do I prove it? It?s not a lack of defense but rather an inability to provide a solid defense, or the recognition that a simple statement is not a defense at all, just a statement. It is not a statement of guilt but one of honesty. [quote name='Tekkaman][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Now whether i'm going below the belt or not for attacking [color=indigo]Aaryanna_Mom[/color] because she's a mother, she's nice, and because she's fairly new; as i've previously stated, I have evidence this time. It all starts with [color=indigo]Sakura[/color]'s last post.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote]Murder and crime does not respect any profession or boundaries. So being a mother doesn?t automatically make me innocent. I am, but not because I am a mom. ;) As for the part about Sakura?s post, it is not evidence against me, but rather in indication of how clever the Mafia really are. Just as I thought you were the killer for being so vocal and random, you now think I am one of the members of the Mafia and that I am trying to silence a member. But have you even considered that it is nothing more than a clever ploy to place suspicion elsewhere? A truly clever criminal would not be so foolish as to incriminate themselves when they can use past conversations to point the finger elsewhere. I can just imagine the conversation? [I]Mafia:[/I] Sakura suggested Aaryanna_Mom is the killer. So lets kill Sakura as the first suspect will be the person Sakura suggested is the Mafia. [quote name='Tekkaman][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray] Instead of defending yourself?' Now normally, I would blow that statement off and think that she could be either [color=indigo]Priest, Detective, or Mafia[/color]. But, because [color=indigo]Sakura[/color] posted about [color=indigo]Aaryanna_Mom[/color] last and got the axe, does anyone think that she, [color=indigo]Aaryanna_Mom[/color], is covering her tracks? I believe she could be Mafia because of this.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] Very obvious if you stop and think about it. I did not blow off her suggestion I merely pointed out how I could not prove otherwise. I know that I am innocent, and I sincerely hope we figure this out before it?s too late. Right now the Mafia is winning. Two of us are dead and it?s only a matter of time until they get everyone. Don't believe me? Just wait and see, if I am not hanged by the town for a murder I did not commit, the Mafia will see to it that I too will die if we don't stop them first.
[quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1]Though I have to admit, the idea that the Community Events would become a non-stop Otaku Idol is a bit disturbing, the idea of an Event Master is someone who is capable of crafting different types of events, rather than just overseeing ideas submitted by other people. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]Ah, but why can't the event master do both? That was the gist of my idea to begin with. That the events members come up with are in addition to what the event master has already prepared. Why should something that is supposed to include the entire community be limited by requiring its creation to rest solely on one person? [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1']I'm not saying I'm against members being able to submit events, quite the contrary, as I had a lot of fun with the Scavenger Hunt event, but I believe that events should first and foremost be designed by the EM.[/SIZE][/quote]Why? Does being an event master somehow make them more creative than other members? Although the requirements are simpler since a member doesn?t have to create an event to report a bad post, but don?t they also help out the moderators on a regular basis as well by doing so? That?s really the whole point I?m trying to make here. Including the members in the process, or rather not excluding them from having the chance to participate. The event master is the person who oversees and runs the events and in most cases prepares them as well but I still think it?s a good idea to be more proactive about encouraging members to be a part of that process.
Actually, it?s not at all uncommon for those who are the guilty party to get the others riled up by throwing out accusations left and right. I don?t know the name for it, but some people enjoy creating situations where they can enjoy the ensuing chaos. So in that respect Tekkaman has really put themselves in the spotlight by being too random in their accusations and then shrugging it off as a simply means to drag the killer into light. And yet I wonder if the first person they accused was going to be hanged, if they would do anything to stop it? After all they knew their accusation was only to get the real killer to come forward. And as Sakura said, they then fell back on the poor me stance in that now you think I?m guilty and joked about saying they did indeed kill Delta. A joke that was then quickly followed up by this statement: [quote name='Tekkaman][color=#696969][font=Century Gothic][size=2]If I do - in fact - get hung on my 22nd birthday tomorrow, i'm going to be really upset. :animesmil [/color][/size'][/font][/quote]Which is really a form of emotional blackmail designed to make you feel sorry for them. So now I?m back to wondering if Tekkaman really is the killer after all.
[QUOTE=Katana][size=1][color=royalblue]In defense of White, I will say this: If we were in a coutroom for roleplay purposes, and able to spew out accusations and the like, then things would get [i]really[/i] ugly [i]really[/i] quickly. The last thing we really need is a [i]Tekkaman[/i] v. [i]Boo[/i] battle. (History textbooks can do this to you.) ...My train of thought just crashed into the side of the mountain. o_O[/color][/size][/QUOTE]I'm not really criticizing White here, nor am I encouraging others to fight. ;) I think Allamorph understood what I was getting at. The need to avoid placing what's going on out of the public's view as it is a [I]community event[/I] after all. And though Tekkaman?s rather melodramatic flair for posting may have irritated a few people or came across as fighting, I always got the impression that they were trying to get into the game and not necessarily start a fight with Boo. I found the whole thing rather comical and even outright laughed at a few of their statements. Because I knew they weren?t being serious other than to get into the game so to speak.
[quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial]When I see the lack of posting, I see players who are trying to 'figure out' who the Mafia could be while at the same time trying not to inadvertently incriminate themselves or make themselves a mark for the Mafia in the next round. [/FONT][/QUOTE]Actually what I think you are seeing is the result of this:[QUOTE=White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma][CENTER][i]And now, I leave it up to you guys to discuss for three days who you think the Mafia is. You can use the underground, PM system or whatever you like. But what I suggest you do is add everyone playing on AIM and/or MSN and talk to them whenever they come online. Cheers![/i][/CENTER][/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Not that I?m trying to pick on you or anything White, but this sort of gave the impression that we were suppose to talk in private instead of out in the open. As a result very few posts have gone up and on some level I?m finding the whole process a bit confusing. We are supposed to be in a courtroom right? Why aren?t we posting melodramatic accusations back and forth as towns people would do if given the chance? The idea of pm?s seems counter productive to what?s supposed to be a community event. I can understand the need for them when it comes to votes and the mafia saying who they choose to kill and who the priest chose to bless. But in the end the rest of it needs to be out in the open and not in pm?s or on some separate chatting service. A few people have taken the initiative like Tekkaman and Allamorph, and have tried to drag people out into the open. And I agree with it. The secret nature of not posting has me feeling like other members aren?t even around or participating in the event. It also feels like its dragging this out longer than necessary and at the same time has me feeling like I?m not even playing a game. Anyway, sorry if I sound harsh, that?s not my intent. I think it?s a great idea, but at the moment it seems to lack a bit of cohesiveness in that we are all off on our own little tangents instead of being part of a group event.
[quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Crystal got up to leave but turned to say one more thing before leaving, ?[B]Personally, I believe a quick execution would have been kinder than what he has endured today.[/B']? On that cryptic note she left.[/COLOR][/quote]o_O Well you certainly don?t pull any punches. And that last statement is so true. Poor Daniel. No wonder the others were referring to Jared as a mean little shit and that he needs to die. I think I?ll second that statement. Since you are going to be starting your RPG based on this soon I?m wondering how that?s going to work as you?ve got all of them in quite the predicament at the moment. Goodness I don?t know what else to say at this point. And I?m wondering just where you intend to go with the storyline at this point. I will say that you?ve certainly established Jared?s personality as a cruel villain with that last chapter. With him enjoying what he did to both Daniel and his mother. Makes me glad he?s not real. Anyway, you bum! Post so I can find out what happens next. If this were a book, there?s no way I?d be setting it down after what I just read!
[quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Over the past week, I've noticed a certain...reluctance to post on the part of the players. It seems to me that all involved are more concerned with surviving to the end of the game than with actually rooting out the Mafia, suggesting that the players consider Mafia a win/lose game. If we assume that suggestion to be true, then in all likelihood little personal grudges are allowed into the situation, and now the murder(s) may have underlying motives. As I was doing my thinking, I stumbled across a few items that may support [COLOR=DarkRed]Tekkaman[/COLOR']'s theory.[/FONT][/quote]I?m not sure if I can agree with the statement that a lack of involvement indicates a desire to survive. A person has been cruelly murdered and though survival is on our minds, I would imagine that the shock of seeing a fellow townsperson dead has rendered some people speechless as they just cannot imagine anyone having a motive for killing Delta. Boo may have had a dislike for aspects of the graphics tournament, but Delta as you can see here: [QUOTE=Delta][COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]My dear fellows, things are getting pretty boring around here. I propose we take on a new project. No, it's not another tournament; it's something that will be useful not only to us but to other members as well. A series of tutorials for those who wish to learn and are interested in graphic design is what I have in mind. The essentials (making borders, image extraction, etcetera) will be covered first and then perhaps we could move on to more advanced and specific subjects like rendering objects from scratch. Time to do a little public service.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Was all for helping graphic artists improve their skills so I find it hard to believe that Boo who put forth suggestions as you can see here: [quote name='Boo][size=1']What if you try gathering the tutorials to unleash a bunch them at one time and request an announcement for the whole idea? >:3[/size][/quote]In the very same project would then turn around and murder someone who they themselves supported in their endeavors. Boo?s objections in the graphics contest were too spread out and not directly solely at a single member so I feel that the evidence is a bit too flimsy for a guilty verdict.
Thanks, I read through the thread, but I must have been day dreaming or something as I just wasn't putting the dots together. Sorry about that. :animeswea
As a parent I can tell you that on some level your parents are going to be disappointed that you lied to them. I don?t know what the legal limit for smoking is where you live, but in the USA it?s 18, so you?ve been engaging in an activity that is illegal. Not that you need me to tell you that. But to a parent it reflects on you or rather you feel it does that you were too clueless or lacked the necessary parenting skill to keep your kids from making what you perceive as bad choices. Anyway, what I am getting at here is there are two choices I can suggest. You could wait until you are 18 and then either apologize to your parents about lying to them and fess up. Or you could tell them now instead of waiting. I think if it were me I would think about how understanding my parents would be. If you think they wouldn?t then it might be best to wait. Or simply not say anything at all. Most of all I would make sure you at least include some form of apology for deceiving them when they do find out. Whether it?s through you telling them or them seeing you smoke. They may not accept it very well, but later once things calm down you will be able to say hey, I know you are disappointed in me, and I already said I was sorry, so lets put this behind us. I may be unrealistic, but I know it drives me a bit nuts when a kid does something and instead of just fessing up and apologizing, they just justify it and blame someone else. Maybe other parents are different, but I?ve always appreciated honesty. It doesn?t mean they still didn?t get grounded though. I was just more lenient on the time they were grounded for the offense. ;)
[QUOTE=James][font=arial]In order to run an event, we need to essentially turn the member into a Moderator. Event Masters have the ability to delete posts/threads, to close threads and to create sticky threads. If we make these changes to each member to runs an event, it might get a bit messy. Perhaps a good compromise would be to have the member work with the Event Master - the Event Master could implement the member's idea and the member could write up the thread and be involved in any judging or key decision making. This would occur on an event-by-event basis I guess.[/font][/QUOTE]Ah, I didn?t know that being a moderator would be required. So I can certainly understand why you would suggest this. I don?t understand how that works and my suggestion definitely did not include making others into moderators just so they could run an event. I am in agreement with what others have said in regards to the game threads that pop up in the Otaku Lounge section of the boards. They are silly and fun, but in no way are they truly an event. They take no effort to start and I?ve noticed that since they have no real structure to them that they often end up closed for that very same reason. [quote name='James][font=arial']Basically the idea is to have one large event occurring at a time. We can create links to the event (or different parts of it) from the OtakuBoards home page.[/font][/quote]I definitely agree with this as well. Just looking at the current events shows how having more than one running affects the other. Even though Gavin took the time to redo his event, it still has not gained any support and I suspect part of that is due to members already being committed to another event. So having more than one event sort of defeats the purpose a little in it divides the members interests instead of getting all of them together in one big event. [QUOTE=John] Since James seems to have the intent of sticking to his philosophy of one large event at a time (something which I agree with), and I don't think it's a great idea to let members start and run events by themselves, I think the best idea for gathering member input on creating events is to simply put more emphasis on the fact that if you've got an idea for an event, then hey, share it with the EM. If they like it, they can let you be the main tool in its construction, just like White in the Scavenger Hunt. And simply making a thread on possible events would be a great thing. We'd get greater productivity, event refinement, and much more member inclusiveness, but not at the cost of structure or officiality. Everyone wins.[/QUOTE]I like this idea as well. Although I knew what I wanted to suggest I wasn?t sure how it would work. And I can see what you mean. It?s part of why I suggested the event had to be approved, or it would have created chaos by just letting members start events without any form of supervision. Anyway, I?m glad the suggestion was so well received. And I love the suggestions by everyone else since there are aspects of how the boards are run that I am not familiar with and that helped to clear up any flaws with my original suggestion. I really appreciate it as it helps to clarify what I was trying to say. Or rather it helps to take the original suggestion and turn it into something that could actually work. So thank you. :catgirl:
I'm a bit confused as to what we are supposed to be doing as well. Do all three accusations need to be up before we discuss among ourselves who we think it is? In all honesty I'm completely clueless as to what I'm suppose to be doing at this point. I understand the general premises of the game, but I don't understand what the structure or approach should be when it comes down to it. :animeswea
Genealogy is like a second job for a lot of LDS members and as a result the church has a wonderful site where you can access all of the records they have for free. It?s a great place to start as the site has the largest collection of free family history, family tree and genealogy records in the world. Here?s the link: [URL=http://www.familysearch.org/][U]Genealogy[/U][/URL] Hope that helps. :catgirl:
In light of the current event to choose a new Event Master and everything I have read from the actual events to the concerns from the various members as to the type of events that were created. I have decided to voice my opinion or rather suggestion in regards to this whole affair. I?ve been putting a lot of thought into it and it occurred to me that simply choosing a new Event Master is not enough as it seems to me that even this lacks a certain amount of inclusiveness as far as the entire member base goes. Because in the end it?s still down to the actual Event Master to come up with an idea and then prepare it and present it to the community. My suggestion is that instead of putting this responsibility solely on the Event Master, that instead it also be placed on the actual members as well. Now I?m not talking about making other members an Event Master, rather I?m talking about creating some type of thread where people can put forth their suggestions for an event. Kind of like the Avatar submission thread in that members can contribute, and yet what they suggest still has to be approved by the Event Master. I suppose a good place for such a thread would be in the actual Community Events section of the boards. Then if an event a member proposes, [I]and by proposes I mean the member in question would essentially run the event and thus prepare everything for it[/I], was approved it would be run by the member who proposed it and the Event Master would essentially keep an eye on it and offer advice when needed. Personally I think such a system would open up OtakuBoards to a wide variety of events instead of expecting the Event Master to come up with everything and also run all of the events as well. They would still run events of course, but members would have the chance to also run events as well. I mean no offense to the current Event Master or to those who are applying, but my past experience as homeroom mother for my children?s grade school classes has taught me a very valuable lesson. That working alone can be detrimental to your creativity. Because you end up working with what you yourself are familiar with. I say my experience as a homeroom mother helped because often there were anywhere from three to as many as six of us charged with this duty and we worked together to organize and prepare the activities for the holidays for the kids at school. And often we would take our ideas and then turn around and ask the kids for what they would like to do and in many instances, their ideas were better than what we had come up with. Anyway, I hope I am making sense with this. And I hope no one takes offense, as I am not trying to imply that one person can?t do it, only that by opening it up to the whole community, we would see more variety in the actual events. Thank you for taking the time to read this. :)
o_O Well he certainly didn?t waste any time in going after Daniel. Guilty until proven innocent huh? And I see you wrote it from the prospective of Jared enjoying torturing him. Ouch! And telling Daniel he has no use for his mother. At this point I?m going to guess that the ?video? in question is of her [spoiler]execution.[/spoiler] And I?m also going to guess that it?s not very nice either. I?m not sure I want to find out either! Though I kid, as I?ve come far enough that I really do want to know, even if it?s not very nice. ;)
[CENTER][B]Don?t Leave Me [/B] It was supposed to be the happiest moment of her life. One of white lace, roses, and promises yet to come. Instead it was a moment of promises that would go unfulfilled as the car burst into flames. [I]I?ll join you soon my love[/I], she thought as she walked into the flames. [I]Wait for me[/I]?[/CENTER]
[QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial][I]Gracías, señora.[/I] Though I don't actually prepare the bird myself (I consider it somewhat insulting to cook under someone else's roof unless invited), I shall certainly offer your tips to whomever I can. I'm sure they will be proven against my rather...particular pallete. Once again, thank you. -A[/FONT][/QUOTE]Your welcome. ;) I can certainly understand where you are coming from. As much as I loved my mother when she was still around, she couldn't cook a turkey to save her life. My father was the one who always did the cooking. He was rather fond of his food and he did an excellent job preparing it.[quote name='only1specialed][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Impact]This thread is like so 2 days ago.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]Perhaps, but it's still fun to hear about how others celebrate Thanksgiving. As for the turkey side, my family also prepares it for Christmas day so it's something we have as part of our feast for both holidays. [quote name='taperson']Did you have any idea the number of people who eat out right after holidays? It's crazy.[/quote]Goodness, I wouldn't say it's crazy, rather that its absolutely wonderful to let someone else do the cooking after spending several days preparing a huge feast for family and friends. I've done it plenty of times in the past. Especially on the two days of crazy shopping after Thanksgiving. It's nice with all the hustle and bustle to simply pick something up on the way home. Because at that point its nice to not even have to fight the fridge to get the leftovers out, fix a plate and then to refit everything back in the fridge. ;) I leave that to the hungry teenagers and the more energetic friends and family who visit as well.
[quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']Thanks, I hadn?t noticed that. So I went back and completely re-wrote that section. So let me know what you think. ^_~ [/COLOR][/quote]That?s definitely much better. Also, why do I get the feeling you are about to off another poor character? [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ryan paused for a minute and then continued, ?[B]Do you wish me to carry out the execution here? Or do you want her sent to you to be disposed of?[/B]? Jared smiled, oh was this going to be fun. ?[B]I want you to execute her for me. Here?s what I want you to do.[/B]? Jared explained in further detail.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]I?m assuming he?s referring to [spoiler]Daniel?s mother. Just as I?m assuming that the other person he was referring to was Daniel himself.[/spoiler] It will be interesting to see what you actually did. I can?t imagine it being any other characters, but I could be wrong, and I?m not sure I really want to know what Jared thinks will be fun about it. Anyway, now that I?ve read quite a bit about your story I?m going to attempt to offer some advice as now I feel I?ve got more of a handle on your style of writing. I?ll start with the possible improvements first. To start with the thing I notice the most as far as improvements go is the lack of description and details surrounding the story as a whole. They are there, but not enough to help me clearly paint a picture of where they are. However, you have provided enough that it does give a starting point for the reader to on some level to see it with their minds eye so to speak. So though I think it could be improved, I don?t think it distracts too much from the overall story. I just think some more descriptions would be helpful. Also, there tends to be a distinct lack of descriptions as far as the characters go. Not so much in how they look, but rather in the unconscious gestures they would do. For example, the most recent chapter where Jared kissed Celestia, I would imagine she might have unconsciously gripped the blankets on the bed tightly, or reached up to instinctively push Jared away. Things that would help to indicate her state of mind when ever Jared is around. To point out another example, would be when both Celestia and Jason first met again. You had written in how she was startled enough that she literally fell off the bed. That?s the sort of thing I am referring to. Now for the stuff I think you do a good job with already. ;) First of all the thing I like the most about your writing style is how you focus in on how the characters are feeling. In fact so far I think your strongest point is in connecting with how the characters would think and feel in such situations. So in that respect, several of them feel very real as you read about them. I also like the style where on some level you know what?s going to happen because even though the other characters don?t, you don?t hide what the other side is doing. Like the recent chapter, you?ve let the reader in on upcoming events, even when it?s obvious that the event is most likely going to include the death of another character. Instead of leaving us in the dark, you?ve instead put things on edge in the sense that though we know something bad is going to happen, we don?t know exactly how it?s going to happen. And the references from other characters as to how Jared likes to amuse himself gives a sense of doom in that I suspect that what is going to happen next isn?t going to be pretty. I also like how on some level you seem to be aware of being too clichéd with your writing. Nathan comes to mind when I think of that. You could have easily written something that allowed all of them to escape and yet you did not. You built the story up to that point only to have the escape not succeed. I do sense some upcoming obvious moments, I suspect that Celestia is [spoiler]actually Daniel?s daughter, though if I?m wrong I?m going to feel silly. [/spoiler] But I?m also getting the feeling that there are going to be some very unpleasant moments to counter that obvious event. Anyway, overall I?ve certainly enjoyed reading your story and when it comes to the end, well right now you?re making it look like it?s not going to be happy in any respect. So I?m very curious to see how you resolve it. Or don?t as I seem to remember hints at the beginning of the thread as to how they were hoping this was the second segment where a character needed to die, and right now I?m assuming it?s safe to say that they were referring to Jared. So my last thoughts for you?Post so I can find out! :catgirl:
[quote name='White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma] We will take some time to vote Guilty or Innocent, and if the person is found innocent, the town will hang them and go to sleep. :)[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Is that a typo? The part where "if the person is found innocent, the town will hang them and go to sleep." Sorry, but you've lost me, are you saying the person who accused them will be hanged instead of the accused since the they were found to be innocent? Sorry to be a bother, but you've lost me. :animeswea
[QUOTE=Sakura][COLOR=Purple]I'm just randomly throwing this out, but what about thinking of perhaps Aaryanna_Mom? She's new to the game and seems quite innocent and friendly to all, putting up good points against others as suspects. No one would suspect her so she'd be the perfect culprit. I dunno, but I am starting to think it may be Tekkaman or Aaryanna_Mom.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Fair enough since in all honesty each and everyone of us are suspects. And being new means my personality is less known and I have fewer posts that could incriminate me as well. So it would put me in the position of one who wouldn?t be suspected. And even if I were to declare that I?m a townsperson and cannot lie, the mafia, detective and priest can so I could easily be one of them as they are allowed to lie. I have no defense for that other than what I have just said. I could declare it wasn?t me from the standpoint of knowing it is not, but again that reasoning falls apart due to my possibility of being one of those who can lie. Tekkaman?s posts do give a slant that would seem to make them the most likely candidate, but at the same time the killer could be the calm, reasonable friendly one just as you have stated. Which sort of puts me back at square one of wondering if Tekkaman is perhaps too obvious. Only time will tell.
[quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial']I hate turkey. Sue me, but I hate the stuff. It's always terribly dry and lacking in the 'Succulent Falvor' department, which is one of the big reasons we eat in the South. I always have chicken, 'cause I know how to make some tasty stuff there.[/FONT][/quote]I would hardly sue you, but I would ask just how you cook your turkey and offer some advise. ;) Turkey has always been a pain to properly prepare so that it?s loaded with lots of flavor and nice and juicy. There are some easy tricks that if you haven?t tried them yet, I would highly recommend. First of all you really want to use one of those oven bags you can buy that you put the turkey in. They are easy to use and the bag does two nifty things for you. First it locks in the moisture, thus reducing the dried out factor. And then the bag causes the turkey to cook quickly. So a twenty-pound turkey is done in about three hours. Also, most people put the turkey in with the breast facing up. Even though they have one of those little red things that pop out. You really want to cook it with the breast facing down. The white meat is usually what dries out the easiest and by cooking it like that; all the juices soak the white meat while it is cooking. It?s a totally different experience when you do it that way. ;) As for flavor, that?s harder to give advice on since people vary on what they enjoy. Personally I like using a combination of mandarin oranges, apricots and different peppers, onion powder and a touch of garlic powder. You grind up the fruit and layer it on top and then just sprinkle the other spices on top. You can even add in a little brown sugar if you wish. It?s good either way though; even without any spices it?s fairly tasty. Anyway, I didn?t mean to go on for so long. I?ve just had quite a bit of practice when it comes to making turkey. ;) And I hate to see someone give up on a wonderful dish when a different cooking method can make a huge difference. At least I assume it does as the turkey I make usually gets eaten pretty quickly. And yesterday was no exception.
[quote name='John'] Also, remember not to put too much stock in the "guilty dog barks first" argument. Someone's got to cast the first accusation, after all.[/quote]I withdraw that observation since as you've so clearly pointed out, such a premise is flawed. Someone does have to speak up first or else the murder would never be resolved. However, since my previous points still show a clear tendency towards murder and that they would enjoy it. I still believe that Tekkaman is the most likely culprit in this case.
Ah I see, very well then, I propose that the killer is most likely Tekkaman. Based on this post here:[QUOTE=Tekkaman][font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=gray]As i've clearly stated in [color=indigo]post #7[/color], [color=indigo]Sandy[/color], using random characters to kill off other random characters - with no regard for morals or another's life - is fun! [color=indigo]=][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=gray]too bad that writing about it with fictional characters is as far as it goes...[/color][/size][/font] [left][font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=indigo]*Evil Laughter*[/color][/size][/font][/left][/QUOTE]And this post here: [quote name='Tekkaman][font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=gray]So... Is evil a full-time job? I think I would kick arse in that field.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote]It is obvious that killing others and creating chaos from doing so is something they clearly enjoy. Tekkaman even expresses regret that it?s too bad it?s only fictional. So it seems clear to me that it would take very little for them to move into the realm of really killing someone off. Just for the sheer enjoyment. Also it's a common tactic for the killer to immediately point fingers at other people to divert attention from the fact that they are the killer. So I argue that their posts were merely a practice run for the real deal. And that this post: [quote name='Tekkaman][font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#808080]The killer is MistressRoxie.[/font][/size'][/color][/quote]Is proof that they are the killer as they were the first one to speak up and claim that they knew who the killer was. ~I hope I got that right, if not tell me and I'll edit it. :animeswea
I?m feeling a bit like I?m out of the loop here. I still don?t know how to get others AIM accounts. To make things simple I will be borrowing my daughters AIM account for this event, which is AaryannaBichon. She tells me that she mainly uses MSN anyway. So I?ll try to get on when I can. I would prefer PM?s though because my vision requires making the text larger so if lots of stuff is going on like I?ve seen my daughter do when she?s talking to people, I would have a hard time keeping up. Also, are we suppose to post who we think the killer is here in the underground thread? Or in the main one. I?m a bit confused on that aspect.