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O.o Where will you hide, when the zombies attack?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to YoukaiAlchemist's topic in General Discussion
Personally I?m just glad Zombies really don?t exist. I?ve never cared for movies with those creepy things in them. And I?ve no interest in fighting them either. So assuming we had the technology when said event happened. I?d just hide out in space since Zombies can?t fly. No way those things are getting me up in a space station or at a base on the moon. ;) Oh and about this comment: [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Also, -1 for whichever admin lacked the sense of humour to leave the previous posts between me and Alan up.[/size][/quote]I offer a ?2 score for you for adding posts with absolute gibberish in them and then complaining when they are removed. You may have thought they were funny, and perhaps they were. But honestly hun, I didn?t have a clue as to what you were even trying to say, let alone if it was actually funny. :animesigh -
[QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Celestia had been confused and drifted in and out of sleep for what seemed like an eternity. When she finally started feeling more awake she overheard some of the medical personal speaking. Shortly after her and Jason had been brought on board they had been subjected to some type of forced language program to teach them the Versilan?s language.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Excellent work on the current chapter. Just a suggestion on the sentence regarding Celestia, the wording is a bit confusing, as saying she [I]had been confused[/I] doesn?t explain [I]why she was confused[/I]. So I?m thinking it could use some work or rewording to clarify it. Also when you say forced language program? Are you referring to some type of enhanced or perhaps speed learning? Forced just doesn?t really seem to make sense here.
[quote name='White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma] But what I suggest you do is add everyone playing on AIM and/or MSN and talk to them whenever they come online. Cheers![/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Hmmm, that's a bit of a problem since I never use those services. So I'll have to look into getting one. And with Thanksgiving being tomorrow I'm going to be busy preparing dinner and other stuff. So I'll do my best to get an AIM or MSN account. Which one would be better? Or rather which one is used the most by those who are part of this? Is it possible to request members to send you their information for either AIM or MSN and then you could add it to the opening post? Or is the information already available somewhere and I'm just missing it? :animeswea
[quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue'] Fair warning though, things are going to get a little more serious from now on. [/COLOR][/quote]Poor Nathan. I was afraid you were going to do something like that. I just wasn?t sure if Jared was going to catch him or if you were going to kill him off, or if you were going to find some other way for them to escape. *Pinches Beth* I guess I?m just a sucker for the more happy go lucky story where everyone survives and the bad guy is taken care of. Though I suppose that must be for a later chapter right? ;) I was thinking that a miraculous escape was what I would have liked to see, and at the same time I was thinking that having them actually manage to escape after the ship had been destroyed would have been far to predictable and clichéd. And now that Jared knows Nathan was a member of the resistance well based on what you wrote in a previous chapter: [quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']He was just glad that no one had discovered that he had erased the files and made it look like someone else was Daniel?s father. He had taken the file of an officer who knew Anna who had died during a skirmish between the military and the resistance and placed his information in the files indicating he had been the genetic donor and was therefore Daniel?s father. Nathan was pretty sure Anna knew, but she had never disputed the records and kept the fact that Daniel was his son a secret. His only regret if he should die was that he wouldn?t get the chance to tell Anna how sorry he was for lying to her all these years.[/COLOR][/quote]I just know Jared is going to find out. After all if they question Daniel?s mother and use drugs, she knows the truth. So should I now be saying poor Daniel & Anna? Especially since you?ve been painting a picture of a government that has no mercy towards people who know members of the resistance? Anyway, that was certainly a very long chapter. I really liked how you went through several of the main characters giving the reader a glance into what each of them was thinking before getting to the main event of this chapter. It definitely gave a sense of impending doom. Especially the part where Jared was feeling rather smug with himself, at that point I had no doubt that things were going to go horribly wrong for Nathan, Jason and Celestia. So keep up the good work. ;)
Quite the interesting chapter that one. Poor Jason. And I?m curious to see how you write the next part as here:[quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']It would only fool them briefly but it would last long enough for them to be picked up by the ship waiting for them and make their escape. [/COLOR][/quote]The ship in question has already been destroyed. So I?m curious to see how you resolve this. Also, I sense a foreshadowing here: [quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]For them to have known the precise location and time they would be arriving in sector fourteen meant it could only be one of ten people who had that information. Eleven if you included Nathan. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]As Nathan is listed as one of the few who could be involved and you?ve also stated this: [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']Still the chance to catch a resistance member was in itself quite thrilling. He hadn?t had the pleasure of a full interrogation in a long time. Jared smiled. He would find the traitor and when he was finished with them, they would beg him to kill them. [/COLOR][/quote]Considering how you are developing Jared?s character I feel sorry for Nathan already. Don?t keep me waiting too long! I?m wishing this was a book I had in my hands so I could continue reading and didn?t have to wait. ;)
I hope I word this right seeing that I?m new to this sort of thing online. But I?ll do my best. ;) I read through all the events and in all honesty the only one that caught my interest was White?s event. Primarily because it reminded me of the game I use to play in High School, but also because I?ve been glancing at the signups for RPG?s and checking out the actual RPG?s out of curiosity. And in comparison the event White planned was nice and simple and didn?t require any background or experience in that respect. I don?t think you need experience, but it was less intimidating so to speak. It gives the player a chance to be part of something without needing to create elaborate characters or settings. And yet it looks like it will be quite fun. Gavin, I honestly had a hard time reading yours for the same reason Boo already mentioned. And the new background is a definite improvement. I have issues with my vision; hurray for being able to change the font size on computers :) Otherwise it would have been unreadable for me and when that happens, I just move on. I think your event is wonderfully structured and yet at the same time it feels overwhelming to one who simply has no RPG/event experience. It comes across as something that only one who is experienced would enjoy playing. That and I haven?t been to school since before some of the people on this forum were born and I never was very good with poetry to begin with. Sandy, I think your event is nicely done as well. The idea of secretly competing against other players in a lethal labyrinth has a nice mysterious air to it. The only thing I didn?t care for was the idea of everyone controlling the characters. Mind you I understand why and it suits the games, but my lack of experience in any form of role-play is something I felt would make me easy to detect among the other players. Unlike the Mafia event where the hundreds of hours of watching cop shows is likely to help me out in being believable. Beyond that I wouldn?t know what to suggest as I think all three have done an excellent job in creating their events. And both Gavin's and Sandy's are something that perhaps I would find interesting after I had gotten my feet wet so to speak. As they are interesting, but not in what I would consider a more broad sense. I hope this makes sense, but White's event seems to accommodate all levels of members where the others seem to be more for those who have been here a while. Or rather those who have some RPG experience under their belt.
I couldn?t say one way or the other when it comes to junk food tasting different. It?s all changed so much over the years that I hardly recognize it anymore. At one time I might have found it annoying, but now that my health can no longer tolerate it I like the changes as it means foods that I completely avoided before I can now have in moderation. I agree with what others are saying about there being far more junk food than healthy in the stores. That is something that regardless of how the junk food may taste, has not changed one bit in the past couple of decades. If nothing else, there are even more choices when it comes to junk food than their use to be. Pity we don?t really have what the title ?The Health Food Epidemic? implies, as I see no such thing when I go to the store. I see instead an epidemic of even more junk food with lots of new fancy labels about not having certain types of harmful substances in them, but still junk food. And some of the more healthy foods have outright disappeared from the shelves to make room for the new junk food. It?s like instead of actually putting real health food on the shelves they are instead putting the new junk food up in it?s place.
If only our own medical technology was good enough to repair such damage as you?ve described. But I digress.. I liked the little bit how Kim was chuckling to herself about arguing with Daniel over authorizing part of his treatment. Very little information and yet it effectively implied either a close friendship or more personal relationship. So post some more so I can find out just which one it is. ;)
Well I?ve never tried to be a part of one of these events/RPG?s before so I think I?ll give it a try and at least apply. This reminds me a bit of some of the cops and robbers games we use to play when I was in high school with secret notes and such through out the week. ;) [b]Why do you think being Mafia would be the best?[/b] Who doesn?t want to play the bad guy? Especially when in real life the idea of killing someone is something you would never do. That?s the very magic of any form of make believe, pretending to be something you are not. [b]Why do you think being Townspeople would be the best?[/b] It?s a great way to try out a real life murder/mystery without any true danger. It?s also a good chance to see if you are clever enough to stop the killers before you are the next victim. [b]Have you played a version of Mafia before?[/b] [b]If so, did you like it?[/b] I would assume not as the game I was referring to from my high school days was similar, but quite different than what you?ve posted. [b]If not, why do you want to try it?[/b] Because I am curious to see if it?s as much fun and entertaining as the game I played with secret notes being passed around and such. This seems like it would be a variation of it only it?s all done online instead of on the school grounds. Anyway, I assume that's what's needed for a sign up? If I missed anything just let me know and I'll edit my post. :catgirl:
[quote name='Hanabishi Recca']Well, I think its offensive to some people because they take it seriously and to others it just the opposite (Or take it alittle less serious than the other). I (Personally) could find something offensive in this thread if I really wanted to. The thing is that I don't exactly care about what other people think (Thats another thing that has to do with it).[/quote]The thing that?s ironic about the whole humor thing, is I use to be rather uptight and strict when it came to religion and it took having one of my older children moving out and then pretty much never speaking to me again for me to realize it. At that point I realized that taking religion too seriously in that respect is a big mistake. Mind you I?m not talking about deliberate attempts to provoke or make fun of religion or outright nasty attacks, but on the ones where they just poke fun at it in a more light hearted way. Believe me one of my oldest sons has a very interesting sense of humor when it comes to religion. Something that I'm only now appreciating. Anyway... I?m secure enough in my belief in God that even if someone is making fun of it in a harmful way, it doesn?t really affect me. And unless they are coming to my home and constantly pushing their mockery in my face or finding other ways to cause harm to me, there isn?t any time that it should affect or bother me. In all honesty I feel bad for them that they even feel the need to mock or make fun of others due to their religious beliefs or for any other reason for that matter. And I think it?s equally as sad when those who are religious get all upset and actually attack others over religion. So in the end, I think it's great that you don't let it get to you. ;)
[quote name='The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I think the main misunderstanding here is that people think that i over reacted to his original comment, when i didn't. All i did was tell him it was innapropriate. I don't even think the guy apologized or even said anything else past that. [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] Perhaps if you hadn?t added this: [QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Edit: I went back and looked at Deathdude's post and i gotta say, i'm actually a bit angry now. Name calling is so ********** immature, man. In all honesty, i'd probalby punch you in the face for saying something like that to me in person. It's little pricks like you that don't belong in a place like OB. Grow a brain, buddy. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]People might not think you overreacted. And [I]you[/I] didn?t apologize either, so that?s kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. I do agree that the potential for offending someone when it comes to religious jokes is a real issue, but at the same time, if no disrespect is intended then I really don?t see the problem. And to be frank I haven?t seen anything like that in this thread so far.
[B]1. What religion are you CURRENTLY following? If you don't have one, then why?[/B] Well currently I am a member of the Mormon Church. I?ve been a member for over forty years. So it?s more than just a current trend for me. ;) [B]2. Why do you follow that religion? Parents, personal reasons, etc?[/B] Initially I became a member because my parents converted to it when I was a child. And to be honest I didn?t really care since at that age church was just that, time you spent going to some form of chapel to show your devotion to God. [B]3. Do you ever feel that people often critisize you because of these beliefs?[/B] Right now no one gives me any grief over my beliefs. When my family first joined we did have many relatives who took it as a sign of us becoming lost sheep so to speak, and to this day, many of them will not speak to me or any of my family that joined the church. [B]4. This one may spark a little bit of arguing: Do you believe that your religion is the [I]one true religion?[/I] If so provide evidence.[/B] Obviously on some level I do. However, the idea of calling only one religion the true religion is something that I do not completely agree with. I?m more inclined to believe that all religions have some form of truth in them. I guess you could say I just don?t believe that God would be so petty as to punish good people just because they don?t belong to the same church. [quote name='Esther][SIZE=1]Honey, we want the best for our youth. We want to guide them into a better LDS member lifestyle, but today's generation seems to goof around way too much. Perhaps that's why you're overseer's didn't take your questions as serious as they should have? And if you don't mind me asking, which questions were these exactly?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1']My friend's (an atheist) parents brushed aside his non-belief as a teenage phase. I guess I can see where the adult would see non-belief as teenage rebellion/angst, but on some level, you've got to take the kid seriously.[/size][/quote]Retribution is correct. Even if it is teenage rebellion/angst, it is a mistake on the adult?s part to not take their questions seriously. It?s all to easy to dismiss our children when they are in this stage when in reality the fact that they are even asking questions shows that on some level they are searching for the answers. I speak from experience as I alienated some of my older children by not taking them seriously and it is something that I regret. It is also part of why I respect Aaryanna?s choices, as I do not want to make the same mistake with her. Especially since I feel that by not taking her seriously, I am in fact doing far more harm than her not attending church ever will. I guess it?s my age speaking as well as I?ve seen countless families torn apart by parents who refused to accept or respect their children?s choices in life. If God Himself saw fit to give us free will, then we must do the same for our children. Lead by example and by answering their questions to the best of our ability, but most importantly, not brushing them off or alienating them when they make choices we do not agree with. In all honesty, when the subject of my daughters supposed disrespect or bad behavior is brought up I remind the members that their own behavior was just as disrespectful if not more than hers. [quote name='Esther][SIZE=1']Well is that her sole income? Or does she have a side job of some sort?[/SIZE][/quote]I believe my daughter answered this very well already, but I?ll add my two cents as well. Whether or not I have another job is irrelevant. Indifference brought up a good point as well in comparing it to how taxes are done. I have always paid it because that is what the bishop has told me to do, but I admit that I wouldn?t mind getting some clarification on this issue from the leaders of the church as it is a bit confusing that one bishop would say pay and another don?t pay. Perhaps it is because the other mothers have other issues as well. But without any form of clarification I have no way of knowing. I do not have a problem with paying the tithing, but it does bother me that her question was brushed off as being disrespectful. It is in my opinion a valid question and even a simple I don?t know from our current bishop would have been a better answer. [quote name='Esther][SIZE=1']Well, America is supposably the best country in the world where everyone is equal and you can get a job no matter what. But still, have you ever seen a woman/colored president? Of course not, but that doesn't make you want to stop being American does it?[/SIZE][/quote]Hun, don?t mince words. Being Mormon is not about equal opportunity in that respect. The fact that women do not hold the priesthood or positions like the men do is something that we choose to follow. So to turn around and try to make our youth think it?s something it?s not is doing them a disservice. I have run into many woman pastors from other religions that were in my opinion just as capable and deserving as any man. Why our religion chooses to deny women that position is something I do not understand. And for me that is just fine. The point I believe my daughter was making was why were they trying to convince her that it is equal in that respect when it is in fact not equal? Again this is something where telling her she was disrespectful was out of line. The person teaching the lesson used a poor choice of words in indicating that we are all equal. Perhaps he meant in the eyes of God, but instead of trying to clarify that statement, he instead took her question as a personal insult to his teaching methods. (yet another member who I have argued with as they came over to visit and tried to give me an earful over my daughters supposed behavior :rolleyes: ) [quote name='Esther][SIZE=1']This is why science and religious theory can never come together. If you ever take any sort of scientific theory and put it along with religion, especially Christianity and the story of Adam and Eve well.. it gets really ugly and it comes out making no sense. So if you don't believe in the story of Adam and Eve, then so be it.[/SIZE][/quote]I?ve always thought that on some level science and religion really aren?t at odds. To me God already has all of this knowledge and the confusion comes from our side of the discussion. Our scientific knowledge is far from complete so it only makes sense to me that it?s going to get ugly and make no sense when we compare the two. We have yet to unlock the secrets. I think one side insisting the other is wrong when in reality we both lack the knowledge or understanding to be able to say the other is wrong causes the problem. And now that this post has gotten horribly long I think I?ll end it here.
Lovesick teen kills mother of three
Aaryanna_Mom replied to vegeta rocker's topic in General Discussion
The thing I dislike about stories like this is that you never get enough facts to really know what has happened. And I know from seeing my friends have bad things happen in their lives, that the media is always puts it in the worst possible light. Deliberately wording things to make headlines and sell newspapers. Part of me wants to slap the girl silly for what she did and another part of me wonders what happened in her life that led up to it. For all I know I need to slap her parents or someone else silly. That?s why I hate reading about things like this. The media is making her look like she did this over being denied sex, but I would honestly be surprised if that was all there was to it. There has never been a time when either my own kids have had troubles or someone else?s kids where it was over one thing. Taking the time to find out why always led to other problems and issues that the kid had been worrying over. I just wish someone had realized it in time to stop her from doing what she did. I?ll leave it at that, as all the speculating in the world isn?t going to tell me what happened. And that?s the other reason I hate stories like that, the media often never bothers to follow up on it again since the part about a kid having been driven to such a thing isn?t anywhere as eye catching as the first article so they often don?t bother to tell you that the person had been abused, or had other bad things going on. Sensationalism sells unfortunately. -
So I was right! Daniel was going to be one of the characters. By the way, I like the new characters you?ve added. :catgirl: Right now I'm getting the impression that the two I will be seeing more of are both Daniel and Kim. Anyway, just some quick proofreading. If you take a look at these two sentences...[quote name='SunfallE][color=royalblue']The ships gunner took aim and fired scoring direct hits to the engine room? A number of other area are seriously damaged and are being evacuated until the integrity of the ship in that area can be tested.[/color][/quote]The only things I noticed that were a bit off were these two sentences. After the word fired a comma would help to give it a necessary pause as it seems a bit off. Also I think you might want to have areas instead of just area. Anyway, be sure to post again soon. Especially now that as one would put it, the plot has thickened. ;)
Gender segregated classrooms? Yay or Nay?
Aaryanna_Mom replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I disagree with the principal behind separating the students for many reasons. Primarily because unless our children begin to learn together, there is little hope that they will ever learn to live together. About the only separation I agree with is what some schools have done where some of the classes are offered as a girls only or boys only, but the student can only have two or three of their total classes an all one gender type of class. The reasoning was that for classes they were struggling in the removal of distractions could potentially help them to learn better. But by not separating them completely they still get the necessary socializing that later on will prepare them for a world that is not separated by gender. I have no problem with that type of system, but to completely do away with the other gender like they do at an all boys or all girls school is something I do not agree with. -
[quote name='Sandy][B]Aaryanna_Mom[/B], please read my other posts following the one you quoted. They'll give you more insight on what I think and why.[/QUOTE] I did read your posts. And in most of them you keep coming back to the same point of Americans are warmongers and arrogant or something along those lines. This quote here:[QUOTE=Sandy']There's always an option for war. It's called "peace". Yes, I'm naïve that way.[/quote] Seems to imply that we have no interest in peace where I?m trying to say that peace isn?t always a solution. My daughter already pointed this out, but you can?t make someone else play nice and form a peace treaty if they don?t want to. And I for one have no interest in expecting my government to back down just because the solution turns out to not be peaceful. [QUOTE=Sandy]To cut the sarcasm, there can be no justification for slaughtering innocent civilians and destroying whole cities. It's barbaric, inhumane and against the laws of every nation in the world. It's insane that some of you people actually thought [I]your nation[/I] had/has the right to do that, and [I]your nation[/I] alone. Talking about American arrogancy... My point here is that if the US wants a nuclear arms free world, they will have to start with themselves and not point fingers. It's not like the country can afford to go into yet another war.[/QUOTE]No justification? This is part of why I gave you a hard time. No one is blameless when it comes to these conflicts. There are people on both sides of the fence who are wrong, so trying to claim it?s American arrogance is itself a form of arrogance as you are implying that we are solely to blame for the problems caused by some of the more recent conflicts. [QUOTE=Sandy]I'm condemning the act, not the person. Or in this case, the [I]thought[/I] of an act. However, if you Americans make yourselves look like a bunch of warmongers as a [I]nation[/I], can you blame [I]me[/I] for it? [I]//snip//[/I] If you say I'm condemning a whole nation for the acts of few, then remember that your nation is destroying entire civilizations for the acts of few.[/QUOTE]See what I mean? You keep coming back to blaming America for the events that happened. It?s not as clear-cut as that and that?s why I was giving you a hard time. Even the so-called war on terrorism isn?t as easy to define. I can understand that you find the actions of America frustrating, believe me, many of us do as well as many decisions regarding the issues in Iraq and other things were made without giving the local citizen a voice in the decision process. Maybe it?s not your intent, but you are coming across as if you are angry at America as if we are to blame for all the problems going on. I may not understand you correctly, and if that is so I?m sorry. Anyway, I still think people are worrying over North Korea too much.
I really don?t see a current threat. I see a potential threat, but not one that needs immediate attention. And from their standpoint other countries asking them to stop developing nuclear capabilities are the threat. I don?t think we are at the point where such drastic measures of preparing to go to war are necessary. There are still avenues to be taken and I?d rather wait and see if any success comes out of that before I start lobbying for attacking North Korea. [QUOTE=Sandy]Honestly, I'm many times more worried about the amount of nuclear weapons that USA has in stock than whatever North Korea has. [B]Popquiz:[/B] What country is the [I]only one[/I] in the history of Earth to ever use a nuclear weapon against another nation? Pot calling the kettle black here...[/QUOTE]And I?m honestly surprised you are making the USA out to be this horrible monster that will use a nuclear weapon anytime something doesn?t go the way they want. Of course people are concerned about a nuclear bomb being used because from that incident of the US bombing another country, it has shown just how terrible and destructive weapons of war really are. The people of that time did, after much deliberation, made a decision that they felt would end the war and the pointless killing going on as a result. It?s easy to claim they were wrong or they were monsters, when you and I were not around and were not experiencing the terrible problems caused by the senseless war. Before you start slinging stones in our direction, stop and take a look at history and realize how many conflicts there has been where nuclear weapons were not used when they could have been used. A nuclear bomb has not been used on another country for over sixty years. If the USA was really so power hungry as you seem to be implying, we would have been using such methods on a regular basis. Also you are forgetting that both the United Kingdom and Canada assisted the United States when it came to designing and actually building the first atomic bombs. It was not some secret thing the US was doing by itself. Other countries knew of it and actively supported developing the weapons in question. If they really felt so strongly against them, they would have never assisted with their development in the first place.
Well since I?m rather fond of nature photos, so far I?ve been sticking with pictures of waterfalls or like what I have now?Autumn Leaves. Although I do like some anime, I just don?t feel the desire to have characters as my avatar or signature. The custom title was actually inspired by what DeadSeraphim said when they responded to my request for a new banner: [quote name='DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]For the records kids, it's spelt 'mum' and we're going into Spring. ;)[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Before I didn?t know what to put there but that got me to thinking about what I?ve been called for quite some time now, so I figured the Mom?Mum?Mother, etc. really fits as it?s who I am. ;) The brief quote about the leaves is just a reflection of how I see autumn. I really enjoy the change, as all the falls colors are just so beautiful. That and I was happy to finally figure out how to use the tags for different colors for the text. :catgirl:
This latest chapter with Nathan is giving the impression that things are going to get interesting again. I?m getting the feeling that you are setting it up for a major change in the storyline. So be sure to post again soon so I can find out if my hunch is correct! Oh and though I never saw the chapter without the additional conversation between Celestia and Jason, I agree with the others as leaving such an important thing up in the air would be very annoying in a real relationship. Anyway, keep up the good work! And like I already said, post! :catgirl:
[quote name='DarkFactor']When is it okay to censor? never.[/quote]Actually I would have said it was wrong to not have the right to censor things. Censorship doesn't mean you can't have something, only that there are limits on who can see it or buy it. Like Rated R movies. You have to be 18 to see them. I think people confuse the word censor with banning. Censor can simply mean it?s limited like I just mentioned with movies, where banned means you can?t see or listen to the show or music at all. Definitely not the same thing. Anyway? As a parent I?m 100% for censorship. I think things would be utter chaos without it. But at the same time I can see where it needs to be a matter of choosing what level of censorship you actually need. So in that respect I think it?s good that movies, and other things are labeled to help consumers make smart choices. The thing that cracks me up is to hear kids these days complain about what they cut out in shows and on the radio and such. But only because a lot of the violence, profanity and outright shock tactics that you see these days for the most part didn?t exist in shows when I was a kid. Just go and take a look at some of the older stuff like the original Bewitched, the Dick Van Dyke show Gilligan?s Island and others. I just find it supremely ironic to hear complaints about censorship when what is allowed in shows and music has expanded greatly.
[quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']*pinches indifference* Don?t scare her away! ^_~ [/COLOR][/quote]I?m not that easy to scare away. ;) Still after reading the latest chapter, I see what indifference means. I know I for one am not interested in all the details surrounding issues like rape. I don?t really care for implied either, but it is a reality I suppose. I feel like saying what have I got myself into? You?ve gotten me a bit sucked into the storyline in that I want to see how you resolve it, but now I?m a bit nervous about what Jared is going to do. And on the other hand, having never read a story where the guy gets harassed, that too has my interest as it's just not something I read or hear about. Perhaps I should pinch you Beth, for getting me caught up in your story! :p
[quote name='Retribution][size=1']When I realized her only legitimate reason for supporting capital punishment was the fact the current laws were inadequate. I told her to fight for more stringent laws to try to counter one of her points.[/size][/quote]Well I certainly didn?t take any offense at the implication if that?s what people are wondering. ;) To be honest, another reason is that I just don?t have the time or the energy to really get involved in politics anymore. So I tend to pick the things that interest me the most and leave the rest alone. And I?m not just saying that. Most of the people who know me personally understand this. I?ve had to give up a lot of things since my health made me disabled. I use to be far more active in a lot of things than I am now and it?s only my desire to see positive changes that keep me involved at all. I?m sure you could list lots of easy ways for one to be involved, but I no longer have the same drive and interest that I use to. I?m sure I?m not the only one who goes through times of feeling more inclined to be actively involved and times of feeling more inclined to not be more involved in politics.
Well before I got married, I was paid to play the organ for church services. It wasn?t a lot but it did give me pocket money which was nice. Then when I got married, especially since we had our first kid shortly after the event, my husband was the one who worked while attending college. So I was a stay at home mom and didn?t work. Though I did my best to help make ends meet by spend lots of hours in the summer canning goods and other stuff to make our money go farther. I also did a lot of sewing and made most of our blankets by quilting. Then when I got divorced, I got child support and alimony. Though at that time I only had one kid still at home. I also started teaching piano lessons and selling Avon to help make ends meet. I considered getting a regular job, but a few years after getting divorced I started having major issues with my health. I had enough issues that I finally applied for disability. I nearly lost my vision waiting for the approval as I needed surgery on both of my eyes to repair damage that had been done. Fortunately I got it in time as then the insurance that came with it paid for the much needed surgery. Now I live on disability and the child support that I get for Aaryanna, though that mostly goes for what ever expenses she may have. And to be frank, even though I do not get along with my ex, he has always provided for the children. And he has always done more than the law requires. It is he who got Aaryanna her Bichon and pretty much pays for all of the expenses related to that cute little fur ball.
[quote name='Retribution][size=1]So wait... you honestly think this man should be given the death penalty because of killing people while driving drunk?[/size][/QUOTE]Someone already pointed this out, but it seems you missed this part of my post: [QUOTE=Aaryanna_Mom] And just to be clear, I?m not implying that drunk drivers should get the death penalty, only that the laws regarding such offenses should be far stricter than they currently are.[/QUOTE]I included that as I do not think drunk driving should get the death penalty. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1']And it sounds like you should be fighting for more stringent laws, not for killing criminals.[/size][/quote]Also, I do support more stringent laws. Any time I have the chance to vote for a change or to voice my opinion on making the laws more strict, I do. But in spite of that support many crimes like murder are given far lighter sentences than the crime warrants. And many of the changes I voted for were not passed. Or the ones I opposed were passed. For example, recently the state of Utah lessoned the charges that can be brought against someone for animal cruelty. Their reasoning, it?s just an animal and jailing someone for hurting an animal is a waste of the taxpayers money. I opposed this change, but it happened anyway. The previous penalty was a fine and up to three months in jail. Now it?s still a fine, but less than before and no jail time. After seeing some of the cruelty I can?t understand how they would think it?s okay just because the one being neglected or beaten is an animal. But that?s another debate altogether. I support the death penalty because our current system is flawed, but I also support making it a better system to protect the innocent by having stricter laws in place. Like the drunk driving, I always support movements to make the penalty for that crime more severe. Not the death penalty, but much stricter. I also support doing away with some of the plea bargaining that happens letting convicted murderers get lighter sentences, especially when it?s a second offence. To the best of my ability I support changes that would improve our law system. To be frank, working to remove the death penalty seems like a waste of my time as I feel that at present it is better served by working towards improving current laws. Perhaps when they are improved I'll get the chance to then support removing the death penalty as it will no longer be needed. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1]I can definitely understand yours and indifference's point of views on the subject, but having grown up in a country that doesn't execute it's capital offenders, I guess I just can't see any truly valid reason to kill anyone no matter how horrific their crimes. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]I understand as I grew up in a state where it was considered normal to have the death penalty, so it?s hard to imagine not having it. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1']It's in those kinds of situations that I think the scumbag lawyer who was able to free his client should be thrown into prison with him, anyone who'll risk public safety for money should be imprisoned, no ifs, ands or buts.[/SIZE][/quote]If you were my own kid, I?d hug you for that statement. ;) Lawyers are another topic altogether and I?ll just leave it at that so I don?t get too far off topic.
Congress Passes Detainee Interrogation Bill
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Retribution's topic in General Discussion
I don?t even know where to begin when it comes to how much Bush has been a horrible disappointment as a president. It just saddens me that he has sunk to this level by blatantly allowing the torture of suspected terrorists. Such a move can cause nothing but problems. I don?t follow the news as well as I should, but to find out that all along they really have been using torture is sickening. And for them to turn around and alter the law to justify that horrible act instead of apologizing for the horrendous behavior is a betrayal of the American people who choose him as a president. And to those he is suppose to represent. Bush needs to be removed from office and then tried for the crimes against those people as he knew what was happening and instead of stopping them from breaking the Geneva convention he encouraged it and made it so they won?t be persecuted for doing so. It?s wrong and he knows it. I feel as if he has thrust our nation back into the dark ages with some of his foolish actions.