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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom

  1. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']Your story and dozens of other like it indifference are the very reason I support life without parole sentences in the first place. When it comes to offenders like the person who killed your brother, those who intentionally take life without any remorse and then are released from prison having served a pathetically short sentence for a terrible crime should not have such leniency given to them. They should be locked into a small cell for the rest of their miserable life and let out for only the briefest times as law allows, they are scum, but as Alex has pointed out, it takes years for someone to actually be executed after their crime has been committed. With an entire-life sentence, the day they go into prison, that's it, no getting out until you go into the ground.[/SIZE][/quote]Stories like indifference are exactly why I have support the death penalty, because over the years, time and time again I keep hearing about such dangerous criminals being let back out only to kill and harm again. And yet on the other hand, if our system was to shape up and at least try to do a better job of keeping them off the streets then I would have no problem with doing away with the death penalty. My sole desire is to see that such people never harm anyone again. So in that respect you and I agree, they need to be locked into a small cell for the rest of their lives. I know our system is not perfect and I know that they are making improvements, but it just gets old seeing the same thing happening again and again. As it really feels like a horrible betrayal of one?s trust in the justice system to protect you. As for what happened to SunfallE?s brother, I remember that all to well. In spite of the fact that before her brother and the other girl were killed, the first three accidents where he had already killed, they still gave him a small 5-15 year sentence and within just three years he was out and driving drunk again. It was maddening to see yet another failure of the justice system to keep someone dangerous off of the streets. And when I say he was driving drunk again, within three months of being released, he was caught driving drunk yet again as it was in the papers. And even though he didn?t kill or cause an accident that time, they still only jailed him for a short period of time. I don?t know if there has been more incidents, but that fool should be behind bars for life after killing five people, not free to keep committing the same crime. Anyway, like indifference, should they improve the laws and start doing a better job of keeping such criminals off of the streets, then I too have no problem with the death penalty being removed. And just to be clear, I?m not implying that drunk drivers should get the death penalty, only that the laws regarding such offenses should be far stricter than they currently are.
  2. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]For the records kids, it's spelt 'mum' and we're going into Spring. ;)[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]Thank you. I like the orange border you put on it. And if it's spring for you then I take it you are in a country like Australia instead of the US? Anyway, thanks again I appreciate it. :catgirl:
  3. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']Lethal injection is actually the most sadistic of all executions in my mind, at least of modern ones, the LI actually stops your lungs before it stops your heart, while paralysing you, ergo you actually suffocate to death without being able to alert people to your predicament. Now regardless of a person's crime, suffocating them while they're paralysed is a really screwed up way to kill anyone.[/SIZE][/quote]Just to clear up any misunderstanding in regards to how lethal injection actually works, read this: [INDENT] [SIZE=1] When this method is used, the condemned person is usually bound to a gurney and a member of the execution team positions several heart monitors on this skin. Two needles (one is a back-up) are then inserted into usable veins, usually in the inmates arms. Long tubes connect the needle through a hole in a cement block wall to several intravenous drips. The first is a harmless saline solution that is started immediately. Then, the inmate is injected with sodium thiopental - an anesthetic, which puts the inmate to sleep. Next flows pavulon or pancuronium bromide, which paralyzes the entire muscle system and stops the inmate's breathing. Finally, the flow of potassium chloride stops the heart. Death results from anesthetic overdose and respiratory and cardiac arrest while the condemned person is unconscious.[/SIZE][/INDENT] So as barbaric as it may sound the person is put to sleep first and is not awake for the rest of the procedure. It?s part of why lethal injection was used as a method as putting them to sleep first was considered more humane than other methods like using a firing squad, gas or electrocution.
  4. I'd like to request a new avatar and banner. With fall going into full swing I thought it would be nice to have fall colors for a change. I'd like the same type as I have now with a black border with the inner white border. Though with it being an autumn banner if you think an inner color border would look better that would be fine too. Once again I have permission from SunfallE to use her pictures so here are the links. I'd like this one for my banner: [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/25671354/?qo=14&q=by%3Asunfalle&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps][U]Banner[/U][/URL] And I'd like this one to be used for my Avatar: [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/25830516/?qo=10&q=by%3Asunfalle&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps][U]Avatar[/U][/URL] I really like how the banner has Mom on it so I'd like to have that again this time around. Thanks in advance to who ever helps me with this. :catgirl:
  5. I haven?t watched the show, but I can certainly see why people would actually watch it. People who prey on young teenagers or any young child are sick and I can imagine that it must be very satisfying to see some of them being arrested for it. Every predator taken off the streets is one less that I have to worry about. I don?t know if it?s necessary to embarrass them on national TV, but I have no objection to them being caught. I find it hard to feel sorry for them when they know what they are doing is against the law. If they weren?t trying to molest children in the first place they wouldn?t even be caught. It?s interesting that many will cry about entrapment, never mind the fact that many of them are planning on entrapping the child in question and doing as they please with them. Very hypocritical if you ask me. On the predators part that is.
  6. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']So it's right for the government to disapprove and punish those who take lives, but then take a life to deal justice? Does anyone see the contradiction?[/size][/quote]I think we are all agreed that it?s wrong to take a life. However, at the same time by refusing to punish those who do we are indirectly saying it?s okay for them to kill others. Somewhere you have to set your foot down and say no, and it doesn?t necessarily have to be the Death Penalty. Life without Parole is one option. However?[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I'm pretty sure the punishment is life without parole, but I might be wrong. Either way, they must be doing something right; they have less violent crime (homicides, primarily). That also proves that the Death Penalty is not a deterrent. Coming up with a viable solution? It's called life without parole, and we have that in the States already. I'm also a bit confused by the last sentence... until our law changes to make murder get life without parole, you support the death penalty? Why?[/size][/QUOTE] Even when a sentence specifically denies the possibility of parole, government officials have the power to grant amnesty or reprieves, or commute a sentence to time served. So no it is not completely a life without parole type of deal. Which is where my objection comes in. Most of the time it is a done deal, but there are still convicted murders being released back into society and that is what I disapprove of. Life without parole should be just that. To quote an example, a study of twenty Oregon murders released on Parole in 1979 found that one committed a homicide within five years of being released. Another study found that out of 11,404 people originally convicted of murder and released during 1965 and 1974, 34 were returned to prison for committing a criminal homicide during the first year they had been released. Until we clean up the system to prevent murderers from being released back on the streets I will continue to support the Death Penalty. I?ve already mentioned before that it?s not a perfect system, but if we are going to do away with the Death Penalty we need to fix our current laws first. A criminal who has been executed for their crimes can?t be released back into society where they can once again kill another human being. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']So it doesn't strike you as hypocritical when a mother tells her child not to hit people with sticks, but when the child does so, that mother hits him with a stick to punish?[/size][/quote]It would depend on their intent. If the child is hitting others with no good reason (self-defense, etc) then I see no contradiction in punishing a child for hurting others. What method a parent takes is up to them obviously and I?ve always preferred to ground or take away privileges for a brief time. If the parent is hitting the kid for no good reason then yes it?s hypocritical to hit a child who has done nothing that warrants punishment. Sometimes a kid doesn't understand the concept that doing something can hurt. Like telling them to not touch a hot stove, some times it takes getting burned to realize that the parent isn't just being mean, but that it really does hurt when you touch the stove or get hit by a stick.
  7. Excellent chapter. The way you had Briana and Aries arguing really fit how you?ve been describing their characters. Both of them really fit your personality by the way. :p The only thing that seems off is how in the world did Alan manage to fall into the pond? Unless you intend to cover that in the next chapter, in which case I?ll just wait to read and find out! ;) Oh and great job on your new avatar and banner, very cute! :catgirl:
  8. [quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Jared felt a thrill of excitement, he was glad to be back.....If Jason had not recovered, well, Jared would have made sure he never made another mistake again.....Not to mention the other devices he kept for when he had company.....Jared smiled to himself; he would never let Jason go, [I]ever[/I'].[/COLOR][/quote]I think I?m beginning to see more of why the others were referring to Jared as being mean. Definitely quite the stalker that one. I think it would be terrible in real life, but it?s interesting to read about in a fictional story. Creepy but interesting. Makes me glad your story is rated PG-13, though considering that most PG-13 movies are far worse than rated R ones use to be I?m not sure if I?m comforted by that fact. :animesigh Anyway, keep up the good work, it definitely is starting to get more interesting. I'm tempted to demand the other source as now you have me curious as to how Jason reacts to Jared's return. ;)
  9. [quote name='DeathKnight][color=crimson']Information about the death penalty in Texas: Since 1976 Texas has killed 376 people (four times higher than the next state) and has 400 people on death row. Uh, I'm not really sure why Texas has such a high number to be honest. I'm sure there's something more to it than bloodlust. ;P[/color][/quote] Interesting that you would mention Texas. Perhaps that is part of why I support the Death Penalty as though I?ve lived most of my life in Utah, I was originally born and raised in East Texas, so the idea of the Death Penalty is something that until I grew older I assumed was normal everywhere. Like most kids do, until they grow up and learn about other states and countries that is. And since I have relatives all across that state I still hear about the changes going on in regards to that policy. If anyone wants to know more just check out this website: [URL=http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/stat/deathrow.htm ] [U]Death Penalty in Texas[/U][/URL] [QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]If someone killed someone then get the death penalty they aren't only hurting the person who commited the crime. Their hurting their family, their friends, and everyone around them. If you killed someone do you think that you would derserve the death penalty? I think that you have to take these things personally for you to get the real answer out of you. I mean, saying that you make one mistake (Worse than your others) then your WHOLE life is ruined. How would you feel?[/QUOTE]Hun, stop and think about what you just said. The person hurting others is the [I]one who got the death penalty for what they did[/I]. They and no one else hurt their family, their friends and even innocent strangers around them. Say someone shots one of your family members and kills them, if they get the death penalty it does not mean [I]you[/I] are hurting their loved ones, it means[I] they hurt them[/I] by killing [I]your loved one[/I]. As much as it would hurt, if one of my own children did something horrible enough to get the Death Penalty, if it was appropriate, I would be upset, but I would not try to save them. Hopefully I never have to face that issue, but I can only imagine how hard it must be to realize that someone you knew and loved would do something that could warrant being given the Death Penalty. Every criminal is someone?s sister, brother or spouse or kid. They don?t just magically appear from under a rock somewhere. And if they are committing heinous crimes why should society pay to keep them fed and clothed and then eventually release them back into mainstream society to potentially hurt even more innocent people? I hear the argument on how its wrong to take a life and yet we shy away from punishing those who do, or even making sure they can?t ever do so again. I think part of the problem with crimes is that people know that they won?t be punished severely. Or even if they commit murder there is a chance they will be back on the streets again. I hear others say how other countries don?t have the law, but they don?t bother to explain what a punishment is for say murder. Do they let them out? Or is it a life sentence? It?s easy to say the Death Penalty is wrong without bothering to come up with a more viable solution. And until our law changes to make the punishment more fitting for the crime, and by fitting I mean murder gets life without parole, then I think the law should stay.
  10. [quote name='Retribution][size=1'] Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, especially when there's no cut and dry answer.[/size][/quote]That?s a good spot to wrap it up in my opinion. ;) It really is an issue that doesn?t have a good cut and dry answer. And I think both of us have good points even though our opinion differs. Also as much as I?ve enjoyed discussing it with you I am going to be gone for the next week so I won?t be around to continue the discussion. Though if it?s still going when I get back I may re-join the discussion at that point. Thanks for the responses to my points Retribution, I enjoyed discussing it with you. :)
  11. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']When people want the death penalty, they usually want that murderer to suffer. In any event, the death penalty is oftentimes both justice and revenge. It's technical courtroom "justice," and at the same time usually sought out of desire for revenge. It is sought after much deliberation, but that doesn't mean the decision isn't borne out of anger and desire for revenge.[/size][/quote]I do not agree. The death penalty is something that when you consider how many crimes that have happened and how many people have been murdered, doesn?t happen very often. The percentage is very low of people who are actually put to death. I think you are still missing my point here. If I truly wanted revenge and wanted them to suffer I would want them to be in jail forever knowing that they could never be free or I would desire that they suffer great pain before dying. It?s not the same thing at all. If such a decision was allowed to happen solely due to anger and a desire for revenge, we would see it a lot more than we do. The death penalty is something that is only for severe crimes and even what happened at the school is unlikely to even be considered for such a sentence. [quote name='Retribution][size=1]My argument stands if you think about it from the perspective of death penalty for revenge. If the death penalty is sought out of revenge, that is wrong. It is pointless from that perspective to kill a murderer just because your loved one is dead.[/size][/QUOTE]The person who makes this choice of giving a death sentence is not the family or person who lost the loved one. Even if they wished it they are not the one?s allowed to make such a decision. This is done to keep decisions from being made based on a desire for revenge. So how is it revenge when the due process of the justice system decides a person?s crimes are severe enough to warrant the death penalty? You make it sound like the average person can simply demand such a sentence when in fact the law prevents it from happening unless the crime is considered severe enough, and even then that?s no guarantee that the person will get such a sentence. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Pardon me when you said [/size][/quote][quote=Aaryanna_Mom] So even if there isn?t a Hell and such I still support dealing with them and that includes the Death penalty.[/quote][quote=retribution][size=1]Bloodlust may have been strong, but from the above quote, I gathered that you were for the death penalty as a means of vengeance. I don't think I made any huge leap of logic there.[/size][/QUOTE]By saying I support the death penalty I am saying I support the law as it has been decided by the majority. Vengeance is often a desire for punishment that is outside of the law, a desire to see them suffer no matter what. On the same side of this statement, even if I disagree and a jury finds a person innocent of wrong doing, I support that as well. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1']You have to understand how contradictory your points of view are. On the one hand, you are fervently opposed to wishing a murderer the worst, yet on the other hand, you firmly support the law and whatever comes with it. Please understand that the death penalty is most often a tool of revenge under the guise of a necessary tool, without which society crumbles. That being said, the death penalty exists only to kill murderers; and you support that. But you said...[/size][/quote]I can see that you don?t understand what I am saying. I am not talking about just murders here, I think wishing pain on anyone is wrong. Regardless of the crime. But at the same time that does not include being a pacifist to the point that you are unwilling to uphold laws to protect the innocent. Yes the death penalty can been seen as a tool for revenge, but it is still not the same as wanting to hurt someone just because they hurt others. Where is the contradiction in upholding the law and yet not because you want people who hurt others to suffer? You do it because it is a necessary evil. Dealing with stuff that you wish didn?t happen or didn?t exist. On some level you can?t avoid a bit of contradiction here as punishing criminals in any form is revenge for what they have done. The whole point is to not take it into your own hands and to uphold a system of justice so that everyone is treated as equal as possible when being tried for crimes. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]But she still supports that institution, no matter what she feels. It does not change the fact that the death penalty exists as a means of vengeance. And it certainly does not mean it is necessary. [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cb/Death_Penalty_World_Map.png][b]Most of Europe[/b][/url] has done away with it (as well as the right to bear arms, but that's another debate) and they're doing fine. Of course she feels satisfied with the death penalty. If she were not satisfied, she would not support it.[/size][/QUOTE]Am I satisfied with it? No, I think that there are better methods out there, but until those changes are made I can and will support the current system. How many things do you support even though you are not 100% satisfied with it? It?s an imperfect system that I?m sure we will eventually do away with. Perhaps I should have been clearer on this as I would have no problem with it being removed altogether. I could perhaps have also been clearer in that when I say hurting others is wrong, I am talking more along the lines of torturing them when there is no reason for the pain other than the satisfaction of seeing the other person suffer. A good way to put it would be if I was the one stopping the person shooting others, I would aim for a quick kill instead of blowing off their knee caps first. Oh and I'm not getting too far off topic here am I? If so just tell me and I'll quit. :animeswea
  12. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]You support the death penality, yet you disapprove of us wanting him to suffer? Aren't both an exercise of vengeance? The victims are already dead, what good will it do to kill Kimveer as well, save satisfying our desire to see him meet the same fate? It seems to me you can't tell us that wishing for another's suffering is wrong, but turn around and support killing him when the only thing it does is satisfy your bloodlust.[/size][/QUOTE]There is a very fine line between wanting someone to suffer because of their crimes and dealing justice for the crime. In one you want him to suffer since others have suffered pain due to their actions. The other, you are dealing out punishment not revenge. Law is required to avoid chaos. The death penalty is something that is usually decided after a trial and after much deliberation, it is not a spur of the moment deal nor a ?I want them to die a horrible, painful death.? sort of deal. If you are to follow the logic you are presenting then following up on any crime is pointless as the deed in question is over with. In this case it means people are dead and others are hurt. If he had survived would we have let him go? No, he would be in jail and the legal process of prosecuting him would have begun. You have misunderstood me if you think my supporting the Death Penalty is some sort of bloodlust on my part. You have also misunderstood me if you think I disapprove of you or anyone else for wanting him to suffer. My point was that on a personal level I think it is wrong to deliberately inflict pain just for the sheer purpose of causing pain. It would be more accurate to say that I find such an attitude sad. I have lost loved ones in my life so I know how hard it is to lose someone you care for, especially when the foolish actions of another person is to blame. Perhaps the best way to describe my attitude would be I support the law when it comes to dealing with crimes and if the process leads to the people deciding on a Death Penalty sentence, then I support that decision. In all honesty I wish we didn?t need laws, but events like what happened at the school make them necessary. Part of why I support it is I have lived long enough to see that there are some who no matter what you do or how you try to help them, they insist on hurting others and breaking the law.
  13. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]This concept never really made sense to me. We're not allowed to want this person to suffer however temporarily, but God's allowed to damn them to Hell, where they're doomed to burn in a lake of flame for eternity. I think it's a comparatively small and meek request to want this guy to reap what he sowed for a few minutes when their destination would be eternal suffering. I wish he just commited suicide and removed his sorry genes from the human pool instead of taking others with him. People, if you hate the world, just kill yourself and die quietly.[/size][/QUOTE]Fair enough. Sometimes I?m tempted to want them to suffer, but in the end I feel like on some level it makes me no better than they are. So even if there isn?t a Hell and such I still support dealing with them and that includes the Death penalty. In some respects I do feel that we are too kind when people who do what they did are simply put in jail and then later released. Crimes like that deserve a more severe punishment to keep it from happening again. As much as I disapprove of suicide, I have to agree. But only if the person is actually planning on killing others as well. Other wise if someone hates the world that much, they need to seek help. After all we don?t know why they hate the world.
  14. [quote name='indifference][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]As for Aaryanna_Mom, take pity on her and give her the link to where the rest is posted so she doesn?t have to wait. Though the format here is much easier to read and even though it?s been awhile since I?ve read it I know that for myself I?d rather wait and read it with the improvements as it?s easier to follow. So keep up the good work.[/COLOR'] ;)[/quote]Well if the format is improved, then I do not mind waiting. Now as for the story, I see that you are starting to build more upon Jared?s personality, I am beginning to see more of how he seems to enjoy toying with others. And I liked the bit where Celestia was thinking about how she had come up with her ideas and the technology. It gives the story a bit more backbone as now you have some history as to how things got to where they are now. I also liked the hint about Nathan and how he looked so similar. I know that if a Daniel enters the scene it will most likely be someone from the other world that Celestia has actually met. In fact I?m getting some ideas as to what you might have done and I?m now curious to see if any of my ideas are right. So keep posting! :catgirl: Oh and by the way, your new banner and avatar is adorable. That's the same game that Aaryanna has been playing right?
  15. I?m sure that there are those who will disagree with this, but wishing pain and death on others and wanting revenge is wrong. You don?t do to a mad rabid dog what it did to you. You kill it with a clean quick shot and put it out of it?s misery or you risk catching the very disease you just got rid of. The type of person who does this sort of thing is sick. Which is why we have laws to deal justice to such people. You can feel free to disagree with me, but through the years I?ve watched people lose loved ones to disease, drunk drivers and all sorts of different things and in each and everyone of them. Those who desired revenge were in the end destroyed by that desire. It tore apart marriages drove some to suicide, and just made things worse in the end. So though I am glad he is gone as he will no longer be able to hurt anyone, I do not wish that his death was painful. I am a Christian and based on my beliefs, God will take care of the rest.
  16. Without a doubt the inventions I am most grateful for are the Washing Machine, The dryer and the Dishwasher. I just love having those around to make my work that much easier. Though now that I have only one kid at home and she?s pretty good at doing her own laundry and such they don?t get used as much anymore. Still I can?t imagine trying to work in doing all of that by hand as well as all the other stuff mom?s need to do.
  17. Seeing that this is the first and only online place I?ve ever joined (besides e-mail) I was clueless as to how one goes about choosing a name. So since my daughter is a member I finally settled on her user name followed up with the _Mom part as I?m her mother. I?ve been called mom for so long that the idea of having a different name just seems strange. And even if I did try to change it, I wouldn?t even know what to change it too. :animesigh
  18. Alright I?ll bite. I?ve never really done these quiz things before so I finally did. After being pestered by my daughter to give it a try that is. ;) So here is my results: [B][SIZE=3]Encouraging Visionary[/SIZE][/B] [URL=http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=pLulweNwFLrZsWe-FP-ADCCD-ab83&u=b47754a81de9][U]Results[/U][/URL] And here?s the Personality chart results: [B]Very High:[/B] Confidence 82, Extroversion 92, Trust in others 96, Femininity 96, Authoritarianism 86 & Aesthetic 88 [B]Medium/somewhat high:[/B] Empathy 74, Agency 60 & Earthy/Imaginative (right in the middle at 50) [B]Low:[/B] Attention to style 22, Spontaneity 10, Masculinity 26 & Openness 22 Over all it seemed fairly accurate. Looks like I need to work on being more open to new experiences though.
  19. [quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']Thank you. ^_~ As for your assumption about the RPG, you are correct. It is the area where people get together to do stories where they all take part in it. Seeing how much you yourself love to read you might actually enjoy being in one. I?ve got plenty of characters in mind so you?re welcome to be a part of it when I start mine. Though truthfully it?s going to be a while as I still haven?t finished working out some of the details with indifference yet. [/COLOR][/quote]Well that?s certainly an interesting idea. It just seems so weird as I?ve never done anything like that or even attempted to write stories as you have done here. I think my writing skills are rather lacking as well. I?ll certainly think about it though. And since you?re not ready anyway I can pester you with more questions when I see you again. As for the story, good job with the chapter. I?m starting to feel sorry for poor Jason. So like indifference mentioned earlier?keep the chapters coming. After all, unlike some of your other readers I have not read the previous version so I?m still in the dark here!
  20. [quote name='Sojiro47']Anyway, I was wondering who the most important person in your life was, and why.[/quote]For me it would be more accurate to say most important persons in my life. And for me that would be my children. As cheesy as it will sound I love them dearly and their happiness and success is important to me as it warms my heart to see them doing well. Just as it breaks my heart to see them struggle. They are so important because I cannot imagine my life without them. All the years of tears, laughter and joy are something that are a part of who I am as my experiences with them shaped my character over the past thirty years. So in a sense I would not be who I am without them.
  21. [quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue'] Though I suppose that?s because I?ve seen your own little Bichon do the same. With my clean laundry no less! ^_~ [/COLOR][/quote]So she likes to play in your clean laundry too. ;) She?s such a funny little dog. I really like how you are weaving a bit of her personality into your story. And I too hope you are still working on it as even though it was a bit shocking to see you write about a villain who is quite cruel, I find I am curious to see what happens next. Excellent work sweetie. ;)
  22. Good to see you still working on this. Now that things are starting to calm down a tiny bit the story is progressing nicely. As for this bit: [quote name='Mariskah][COLOR=Navy']I?m going to nominate indifference for the role of playing Jared. Not that I think she?s sadistic or a mean little shit, but I have seen her post as a villain before and let me tell you. I was ready to run the other way. Made me glad her character wasn?t real. ^_~ [/COLOR][/quote]Now that I?ve seen a little more I?ll second that statement. Even though I don?t fully appreciate the sadistic and mean statement yet. I feel like I?m out of the loop here. As for the current chapter, I like the character Crystal. The others have seemed a bit ruthless so I think she makes a nice addition as she seems more like a kind sort even if she follows orders she doesn?t like. And the introduction of Nathan was fun too. I like the style of writing where the person reading it knows what is going on but the characters do not. I?m not sure if I?m wording this correctly, but sometimes having it known that someone is part of a resistance is instead of being obvious, gives it a good suspense in that you start to wonder if the other characters, like Jared, suspect them. Anyway, keep up the good work. Oh and if you don?t mind, I?ll be asking you a little more as to what you mean by RPG. I?m assuming it?s the section where people get together to do stories, but I?ve never done that sort of thing so I?m not entirely clear on it.
  23. To be honest I haven?t even read this manga. But Mariskah showed me the art book and I have to agree, it?s beautiful. The way the author uses flowers in it is just gorgeous. I?m not really into manga, but I find that I am curious to see what this one is about as the artwork has such a beautiful and graceful look to it. So I guess I?ll have to ask either Mariskah or SunfallE to loan me their books to this series. :animesmil That and indifference's description has me curious as well.
  24. Oh my, where to begin. [quote name='DaSilva]As for the method in which I obtained the phone, its not really illegal, so I will say how. I was just walking through the school parking lot yesterday, and there was this thing. Not a physical thing. It was more like a feeling. I looked around, and there it was, beckoning to me. I picked it up, and pocketed it. You see, I didn't steal it, it called to me. I swear. It needed a good home.[/QUOTE]Lame strike number one. A thief claiming he is not a thief. I do believe that?s what?s known as denial. [QUOTE=DaSilva]Well I later found out who's phone it was. Its the douche-bag captain of the wrestling teams. I actually had given serious consideration to turning the thing in, but karma had caught up to him for being a d*ck to everybody. I don't wanna mess with karma.[/QUOTE]Enter lame justification for being a thief or rather to somehow believe one isn?t a thief when they are.[QUOTE=DaSilva]That's one interpretation. Another is that karma is paying me back for the **** that I have to put up with.[/QUOTE]Even more lame justifications. [QUOTE=DaSilva]And I have no need to redeem myself from karma. I have done nothing wrong.[/QUOTE]The classic criminal statement, I have done no wrong. When the reality is that if they hadn?t done anything wrong they wouldn?t even need to attempt to defend their wrong doings. [QUOTE=Mariskah][COLOR=Navy] Obviously they do need another conscience since it seems they lack one to begin with. :p [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Sure they have one and it?s telling them, gimme, gimme, gimme since I think I?m better than the person I took it from.[QUOTE=Mariskah][COLOR=Navy'] You never know, it might even earn you a little respect as well. Though at the moment you?re on the minus side in that department with all your justifications as to why you can keep the phone and that you did nothing wrong.[/COLOR][/quote]I?d say they are in the subzero level when it comes to the respect issue. This whole thing is making me think they are the perfect person to trust in my home no less. [/sarcasm][QUOTE=Corey][size=1]I'm a firm believer in the right of salvage (or 'finders keepers' if you prefer). If someone is stupid enough to lose something of value, why should they have it returned? Being a good citizen is good and all, but I still think you should keep the crappy, damage prone 'Razr'.[/size][/QUOTE]Even more lame justifications. And by the way, try reading up on the right of salvage, you?ll find that it wouldn?t apply in a situation like this other than being a lame excuse to steal from someone else. And ignoring all the posts in-between as this is getting pretty long. [quote name='DaSilva']I would just like everyone to know that John either called the wrong school, or he is lying about calling in the first place. The vice principal, in charge of the discipline "Mr. Adams" has made no comment to me about anything. Nor has anyone else. I would also like to point out that I am clever enough to cover my tracks, otherwise I would never have made this thread. Next is the fact that I found the code, and I gave the phone to a dear friend of mine, that doesn't have enough money to get any type of phone, let alone a Razr. I never said that I was going to keep the phone. My full intent was to be charitable about the whole thing anyway, but only to those who deserve it. Not to some high class asshole who has backup phones. Yeah, that's right, he refers to it as backup phones. He came to school today with a Motorola Sliver. And lastly, I would like to say that John, you are so screwed. Rats are at the bottom of the chain in my book, but definitely at the top of my black list. You are ******d.[/quote]Enter lame posturing of said criminal who even if he was in trouble would never admit to it. And even if you didn?t get in trouble, everyone here knows what a lame uncharitable thief you really are.[QUOTE=Red 6][COLOR=Sienna]This has to be a joke. The guy found a phone on the ground - on the friggin ground. From what I can tell, the guy who the phone belongs too is a dick who probably threw the phone away deliberatly because he had a new one. It's not 'crime' it's 'I found a ****ing phone on the ground... suh-weet.' Come on people, leave DaSilva alone... BTW, I don't buy the "I phoned his high-school" **** for a minute, but it would be REALLY, REALLY funny if it actually happened... Mostly because you'd have to be a major dick to actually do it. I'm talking Dean Wormer-class asshole. Seriously, not cool.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Sure he found it on the ground and then he found out that it belonged to someone else. Honestly what kind of thinking is this? Until you ask the person you don?t know if they threw it away or not. It?s just another justification regardless of the semantics people are throwing out to justify stealing. As for leaving him alone? Get serious. The major dick as you put is the person who finds it acceptable to take what they know is not theirs. Calling those who turn them in a dick is what's really lame. If I knew his school or parents number I would call them myself and turn him in. If he were my own kid he?d be in big trouble for taking the phone and giving it away once they knew it was not theirs. Especially since they did know who it belongs to. It?s not like they turned it in to lost and found and then were allowed to keep it because no one showed up to claim it.
  25. Let?s see, religion? I guess I would have to say I?m Mormon as it is the faith I currently belong too. But you?re poll is confusing as we are also considered Christians as well. So do I make two choices? Oh and by the way, you spelled Mormon wrong. ;) Now I?ve been a member of this religion for a very long time and now that I am older I am finding that although I still believe and attend church I am no longer as devoted as I once was. Why? Because being too strict about religion has resulted in alienating some of my children, something I wish I could go back and change since now I realized that no religion is worth alienating your kids over. Especially when they are good kids who for their own reasons are not religious like you are. So though I still consider myself a member of the Mormon church, which by the way if you are being correct is actually the LDS church and Mormon is just what other?s call it as that?s more of a nickname and not the actual name of the church. Anyway, what I was saying is that on some level though I still believe I am not so certain that my way is the only way. In fact I?m probably quite sure of it not being the only way. [QUOTE=Fasteriskhead][SIZE=1]1. Certainty is the essence of religion. 1a. "Certainty" means something given which first makes possible an understanding of the world as such. 1b. As given, certainty cannot be "chosen" because it itself is what first creates a basis for choice. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]If you don?t mind my saying so, you are quite long winded. You remind me of my philosophy teacher from back in High School. But I?ll take a swing at it just the same and I?ll probably misunderstand you as much as I did him. ;) All right, number one. Of course certainty is the essence of religion. In a world of uncertainty people want something that is. Something that no matter what happens can not be effected or changed by the real world. So the idea that something greater than us has already determined the world gives people the idea that they have a choice as the more difficult aspects have already been taken care of. They don?t chose to be a part of the religion it was already waiting for them. Or so the idea goes. [QUOTE=Fasteriskhead][SIZE=1]2. Something taken as certain can, in an abstract way, be [i]admitted[/i] as up to speculation, but cannot [I]actually[/I] be doubted because it itself provides the basis for doubting. 2a. Certainty cannot be doubted - it can only be violently forced out in such a way that the world is thrown into a kind of chaos, an abyss.[/size][/quote]Naturally, if certainty could be doubted then it wouldn?t be certain right? But at the same time you still have to wonder if that certainty is in fact the genuine article so to speak, thus in some ways religion though considered a certainty is in fact the very essence of doubt as it is not tangible on a level that we can comprehend. So we must question if our certainty is in fact that which is certain. [QUOTE=Fasteriskhead][SIZE=1]3. Believing - that is, making a justified estimate about a state of affairs in the world - has nothing to do with certainty, although beliefs are originally grounded in certainty. 3a. Religions are thus not belief systems in this sense, per 1. 3b. Ditto for value systems.[/size][/quote]Actually in that respect I believe you are wrong. Believing is the very first step in determining if something is indeed certain. Regardless of what we are talking about at some point something has to be real to you and that is where belief comes in. You can argue that this is more of a state of mind, but without the belief, nothing is certain or real. Now whether or not the belief is true is another matter. Which makes religion very much a system of belief instead of certainty. Unless you are referring to what indifference meant about the certainty that you will find religion in the world as it is so prevalent in so many forms. [QUOTE=Fasteriskhead][SIZE=1]4. Interpretations of religions as systems of beliefs (or of values) miss the more fundamental meaning of religion as certainty. 4a. These interpretations, by examining a constantly shifting set of beliefs/values, are also incapable of discussing in an explicit way the certainty upon which their own understanding of such beliefs, or any other, is based. 4aa. Religion itself thus becomes obscured, and certainty is understood only in terms of more beliefs among others. 4ab. Increasingly improved sets of beliefs and values are sought, the idea being to create the most "ideal" religion (read: system of beliefs/values). Religion is now understood mainly as a useful vehicle for personal and cultural goals.[/size][/quote]Not necessarily, rather they question the reality of whether or not religions are in fact a certainty. Said interpretations will not change the reality of it being a certainty or not, but they are interesting in that instead of following a belief they are trying to determine if said certainty really is real. I think your last point is probably the most accurate as right now the main focus of religion is the tampering done by men who use such tools to further their own agenda. They raise the question that if religion is certain, why would it suddenly change? Thus proving even more that religion is not a certainty. At least not in the same way that more tangible items are. Like the before mentioned proof that a house exists. [quote name='Fasteriskhead][SIZE=1]5. Is there a [I]danger[/I'] in the fact that religion, i.e. certainty, is not recognized or understood in an explicit way?[/SIZE][/quote]Why would their be a danger? If something is not certain or is not really provable as certain why is their a danger? There is no danger in questioning the belief that religion is a certainty. In many ways I think it is. But I?ve been around long enough to have many beliefs turn out to not be as certain as I once thought they were. So why would I have to go on the basis that religion is a certainty when it is not provable? Other than it?s prevalent and many people think it is. I find it ironic that people can be so firm in their certainty that it does exist when in fact it is not a provable or very certain fact. One would think that all the wars fought in the name of religion over the centuries would be an indicator that it is not certain as the argument over who is right continues. Something that is certain would have no argument as it would just exist and be a certain way regardless of our arguments to the contrary. Anyway, if I have misunderstood you, by all means clarify, but to be honest, you are a difficult person to follow when you post.
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