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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom

  1. I can see how they would consider doing this to make the books easier for children to handle, but when it comes to that sort of thing, as a parent, we always stuck with a regular dictionary. Other than Aaryanna, most kids that I know (including my other children) in that age bracket never bothered to use a dictionary anyway. Usually they come and ask [I]you[/I] what a word means so having a smaller dictionary is a waste of money. However, for a school environment, it would make sense for them to have that available for students. Some of the word changes fit and some are odd though.
  2. I'm on disability, so naturally the increase in prices and current economic troubles have forced me to cut back. It's nothing new since the constant increase in living costs is always more than any increase in what little money I do get. Ironically, many stores this year are having extensive pre-Christmas sales this year in an attempt to draw consumers out to do shopping. As a result, I've had an easier time this year than I normally do. It is nice since it made my holiday shopping much easier this year, but it does trouble me to see those kind of clearance sales now instead of after the holiday season is over with.
  3. That's excellent news. Best wishes and congratulations to you both. :catgirl:
  4. Just to be clear on my post. What I said about Jeff's security is completely up to Shy to decide. I'm going on how Indi indicated in her post that Samantha had denied him access. So I thought that would be fun to toss in there, as an option. The same with the keys, since I'm thinking of how some things can be accessed by the right key if say the power is out. Seems that emergency exits would fall under that category, in my opinion. Anyway, anyone is free to show up, whether it be the others looking for them, or trouble that the pair would rather not see is up to all of you.
  5. [CENTER][IMG]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2357/kathykf5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h167/Desbreko_Fanclub/VBO/indiavi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Natalia was startled when Jeff actually laughed a bit once Arthur was gone. He grimaced in pain before choking and then getting it under control. She was wondering what could possibly be funny when he looked to her and spoke. ?[B]Sorry, it?s just that when Samantha ordered us into the shuttle, she locked the door and overrode my security clearance.[/B]? ?[B]I don?t understand.[/B]? Jeff smiled faintly, ?[B]everything on the Von Braun is connected to the main computer system that runs it. The easiest way to do that would be to just revoke my clearance completely.[/B]? Natalia just stared at him. She knew how things worked for the Casino but not for something like the Von Braun. ?[B]So you?re saying your pass won?t work?[/B]? ?[B]I don?t know. But it is possible.[/B]? He closed his eyes, all traces of humor gone. ?[B]Other than a few areas of the ship, I have access to everything. It takes more time to simply limit just one area.[/B]? He sighed as he tried to get comfortable again and then gave up. Jeff looked down at his blood soaked tunic and then back to her. ?[B]If she didn?t, pass or not I?ll be able to enter my code manually, but if she did and he understands security procedures, he might come back.[/B]? Natalia shuddered, ?[B]Why? I don?t understand.[/B]? ?[B]Because he doesn?t know that Samantha took my keys.[/B]? Jeff said simply. Natalia?s mouth opened to form an O. ?[B]Ah I see.[/B]? She shuddered, ?[B]what a mess. If it works, he?s likely to cause problems, if it doesn?t?[/B]? ?[B]Exactly.[/B]? Jeff said grimly. ?[B]I?m sure I don?t need to tell you what he really is.[/B]? ?[B]No, you don?t.[/B]? ?[B]You know, any other time and I?d be laughing over the irony of this situation[/B],? He grinned again faintly. ?[B]Here we are, locked up by the person I?m supposed to be protecting, and robbed by another who I should be arresting if possible[/B].? Natalia watched as he leaned back, resting his head against the canister before closing his eyes. [I]He?s so pale, at this rate?[/I] She shoved the thought aside and then froze when she realized he was missing the headset he always wore. ?[B]Where?s your headset?[/B]? ?[B]It fell off when Samantha shot me.[/B]? He opened his eyes. ?[B]I don?t know where it is, but I wasn?t picking anything up anyway.[/B]? ?[B]So? If there are other survivors, they?ll probably try to raise people as soon as possible.[/B]? Natalia crouched down to look under the canister. It was hard to see in the dim lighting but there did seem to be a small shadow further back. ?[B]I think I see it,[/B]? She said as she tried to maneuver so she could reach for it. Infuriatingly, it was just out of reach. Without thinking she cursed colorfully as she pulled back and then took her shoe off so she could try to catch it with her foot. It took her a moment to shift around so she could try to reach it with her foot, and then with a grin of triumph she grabbed it with her toes and pulled it out. Natalia ignored Jeff?s amused look as she put her shoe back on after handing it to him. ?[B]There?s still no response.[/B]? ?[B]Show me how it works,[/B]? Natalia ordered. ?[B]You shouldn?t be moving.[/B]? She paid attention as he explained it to her and then fell silent at the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. She couldn?t stop the cold shiver than ran through her. What it if was one of them returning? [I]Hell. [/I]
  6. From what I've seen over the years, it honestly looks like nothing more than the latest attention seeking phase that kids go through. I've yet to see any kid who claims to be emo that actually has [I]real [/I]genuine problems. It's been mentioned before, but the ones who do... don't bring attention to themselves like that. So my opinion of emo is... I see it as a phase that hopefully they'll grow out of.
  7. Congratulations hun. Both names are quite pretty so I'd be hard pressed to choose either one. Perhaps you could do like ChibiHorsewoman suggested and have one as the name and the other as a middle name. When you finally do decide, I'd be curious to know what you finally chose. :catgirl:
  8. Well I can't say I didn't set myself up for that. I didn't get a chance to talk to Crystia, but I was hoping she'd bust Samantha, not get caught. o_O This is not a complaint though and it did make for an interesting surprise when I read the post. That Samantha just gets more and more vicious with each post. Anyway, feel free to include my character in your post Shy, if I do post, it will be nothing but conversation since Natalia has no means for removing those cuffs. And it seems that Jeff doesn't either since Samantha took his keys and his weapon. So unless someone comes along, it seems that they're stuck there.
  9. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I have a solid three-page list of music I would like over the course of the next few years, and it's always subject to change. ~snip~ Come to think of it, I should throw together a list of books I want to own. Hmm.[/FONT][/QUOTE]Music and books are always good, and often what I mention when my kids ask me what I'd like to receive for Christmas. This year will most likely be the same.[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Since I don't see a reason to try and accrue any other entertainment stuff if I'm not going to use it for ages, I won't be asking for much else. Ultimately, it's just nice stuff to have, and I can't really ever feel the same way about movies/shows/video games as I do about music. The other things are merely time-killers, I guess.[/FONT][/QUOTE]And here I thought you would have liked series like Agatha Christie's Poirot or Midsomer Murders. I have some of the sets from these series and they just seem like shows that you would enjoy. Though maybe you do and you're just not interested in having them around to re-watch at some point.
  10. [quote name='Neko'][SIZE="1"]I am 18 years old, a normal college student, and damn near failed economics. Present your case thusly.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]My case in this matter would be to tell you to look around and read up on things instead of asking others here to explain it to you. The problem with going to someone else is that no matter how hard they try, their view will be skewered to some extent. There are plenty of sites out there, and by sites I mean going straight to the source such as government sites (see there's my personal slant/skewered view that I was just talking about, I'll take official sources over word of mouth/opinion any day) or other sites/articles that explain the differences in taxes and other aspects that effect the economy. It requires more work than reading our posts, but in the long run, you'll learn a whole lot more than if you simply take our word for it. And in my opinion, you'll be better informed in the process.
  11. [quote name='Kaimaster']Obama Won! Now Pray Harder Than You Ever Pray Before Cause Armageddon Is Near Than Ever Before![/QUOTE]Why? What makes you think that gaining a Democratic president could trigger Armageddon? As a Christian myself, I question whether or not you have a clue what you are even talking about. Unless this is another one of those Internet jokes you kids love to pull. :animesigh
  12. James wasn?t looking forward to his meeting with a couple of the Council members. It had been the right thing to do, to hand control back over to the Council, but damn if he didn?t have times that he wanted to strangle some of them. With their self important agendas and inability to see that the pointless civil war was doing far more harm than good. He agreed that the demands given by the other side were to unrealistic, but they had been unwilling to even talk to the others, to try and hash out a compromise. It didn?t matter if the slaves were inferior or not, what did matter is that their own people were leaning towards abolishing that practice. He ignored the glances in his direction as he strolled through the Council building, his steps unnaturally loud since so many of the social functions that were normally held had been canceled. It was almost eerie to see the building so empty when it should have been busy with the day to day traffic of events, meetings and research. Even the tours from other sectors, where parents and schools brought the children to see the capitol had ceased. It felt strangely odd that there were no longer any children around at all. Not even from local schools and citizens since all activities like that had been put on hold until further notice. James paused at the huge massive doors leading into one of the smaller meeting chambers. He took a deep breath and then approached, the doors opening immediately. He didn?t wait for them to close as he moved to the end of the circular table and waited for the trio sitting there to motion for him to take a seat. ?[B]Thank you for coming Commander, we know your time is limited.[/B]? James just waited for them to continue, saying nothing. The meeting was just a formality really; sometimes he wondered why they bothered when their decisions were unlikely to change, no matter what he said. ?[B]We?ve read your reports and wonder if you could explain to us how Daniel Landers is managing to effectively resist interrogation. Based on previous records, this shouldn?t be happening.[/B]? James smiled. ?[B]I would have thought that was obvious, unlike last time, he is not being interrogated by Scorer, and this time he really has nothing to lose.[/B]? ?[B]You are aware of who is coming to be reassigned to you correct?[/B]? One of them pointed out. ?[B]Of course I am, just as I?m also aware that your own orders would prohibit me from using them in that manner.[/B]? James kept his face emotionless. ?[B]I have had those two under my command before and I?m also aware of the delicate nature of securing their cooperation. I?ve already explained that it?s a method I do not intend to use.[/B]? ?[B]And if ordered to do so.[/B]? ?[B]I would ask you to consider which is more important, keeping a valuable resource intact or potentially destroying it for information that may not exist.[/B]? He sighed slightly. ?[B]It is true that Landers is one of the only members who we know has worked extensively with their elusive leader William, but that doesn?t mean the information he has is of any value.[/B]? He waited patiently for the rebuttal that any information was of use, sure enough it came. Though not quite what he was expecting. ?[B]Then perhaps you could explain to us why you think we should continue shielding those two from standard procedure.[/B]? James leaned back, ?[B]If you really want to do that, then you should be talking to Commander Matheson since she?s more qualified to determine if they would be able to handle the stress without snapping. Or perhaps you should be questioning the other Council members who ordered that they be sent back to the capitol for their own protection. Even if one of them is half Versilan, it doesn?t change the fact that genetically, those of the lesser races are more fragile.?[/B] He leaned forward a bit. ?[B]I?m more concerned with your apparent dismissal of the concerns that I have gotten from my agents. There is quite a bit of unrest and general distaste for how this war is dragging out. Worrying over how I carry out this interrogation is a waste of time. What I have in mind is a little less direct, but it will have the desired results.[/B]? Why are they unwilling to see it? Why were they worrying over the interrogation instead of the more important reports that indicated a serious level of unrest among the general population? He would get the information out of Landers, he just wasn?t going to directly involve Lander?s daughter since letting him see she was there was more than enough. ?[B]Very well, you have one month to wrap things up before the case is handed over to someone else.[/B]? James inclined his head respectfully. ?[B]Thank you. You won?t be disappointed. One other thing, once I am done, I wish to keep Landers alive instead of executing him.[/B]? ?[B]What purpose would that serve?[/B]? James smiled, ?[B]I would have thought that was obvious. With the way Commander Scorer vanished, it?s clear we have Resistance Cells here. Keeping him alive as bait will potentially help us to eliminate those cells. It will also serve as an incentive for the two slaves being sent here and should negotiations ever be opened up with the New Alliance, he would be a valuable bargaining tool.[/B]? Their look of distaste over that was obvious and James moved to head it off. ?[B]Don?t let your personal feelings over his treason get in the way.[/B]? He said coldly. ?[B]If you look at it objectively, you know I?m right. He?s far more valuable alive.[/B]? There was a heavy silence and then he waited while they whispered among themselves for a moment. ?[B]Very well, that too is acceptable. You?re dismissed.[/B]? James stood up and bowed deeply before turning and leaving. It was a bit disappointing that they had simply brushed over his concerns about the growing unrest among the people, but at least he had gotten what he wanted for the rest. He just hoped that their refusal to address the other didn?t end up blowing up in their faces.
  13. [CENTER][IMG]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2357/kathykf5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h167/Desbreko_Fanclub/VBO/indiavi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Physically Natalia felt fine other than some aches and bruises that were forming. Mentally however, she wasn?t so sure, no matter how hard she tried; she could still the faint shivers and feelings of fear. Unless they managed to find a way to contact Earth, they were stuck on the planet they had crash landed on. Everywhere they went, the damage to the ship was extensive. There seemed to be some survivors but for the most part it was as if the ship was a giant tomb. She was right behind Jeff when he suddenly came to a halt. His startled look alarmed her to no end. ?[B]What is it? What?s wrong?[/B]? ?[B]I know where she is.[/B]? ?[B]Samantha?[/B]? He nodded. ?[B]If you think about it she has to have headed for that sealed deck that no one seems to know anything about.[/B]? Natalia went cold all over. Of course, where else would she be? She had been rambling on about some mission and the Shirota strain. Why else would an entire deck be sealed if it didn?t hold whatever was necessary for her to complete that mission? ?[B]Oh my God, so that?s what this trip was for.[/B]? Natalia could stop herself form shaking. ?[B]We have to stop her![/B]? She didn?t know what was in that deck, but it could only be some type of weapon. It was all perfectly clear in her mind. The ship hadn?t malfunctioned; they were off course on purpose. She jumped when Jeff turned and gripped both of her shoulders. ?[B]Stop her, what are you talking about?[/B]? He realized that he was shaking her a bit and let go. ?[B]We don?t even know what her mission is.[/B]? ?[B]Yes we do, at least some of us do.[/B]? She took everything she had learned at the outpost and quickly condensed it into a short summary. She fought the urge to laugh hysterically over the irony of her manager meetings and the ability to quickly recant something coming in handy. ?[B]Are you trying to tell me that all those conspiracy theories about the Great Disaster are actually true?[/B]? His expression wavered between accepting and outright dismissing it. ?[B]I don?t know, but I do know what I saw and you heard what she said.[/B]? Natalia said grimly. ?[B]Obviously she believed it and if you think about it, how do you sneak a weapon capable of destroying a threat to the human race into their borders?[/B]? ?[B]You use a decoy?[/B]? He grimaced in distaste. ?[B]I hope to hell you?re wrong.[/B]? ?[B]That deck is more than big enough to hold something and at this point I doubt its luggage or spare parts.[/B]? Natalia said icily. ?[B]Also, even if she?s not heading there, if there is some form of weapon, what if it?s been damaged by the crash?[/B]? ?[B]Hell![/B]? He turned and started running and then frowned at Natalia when he saw she was coming along. ?[B]What are you doing? You?re not even armed. Go and help the passengers.[/B]? ?[B]I don?t need to be armed to help you by keeping watch.[/B]? Natalia reached out and grabbed his sleeve, forcing him to stop. ?[B]If you rush in there and she sees you first? Do you really think she wouldn?t hesitate to shoot you in the back?[/B]? ?[B]I can?t let you?[/B]? ?[B]Yes you can,[/B]? Natalia tried to smile and failed. ?[B]I?ll follow along anyway.[/B]? She pointed out. Training or not, she was observant and unless he found some of the ship?s security to help him out? ?[B]Fine, but you have to do as I tell you, no questions asked.[/B]? He gave her a long hard look. Natalia nodded. ?[B]Understood.[/B]?
  14. I leave for a week and it's like everyone posts. o_O I have gotten caught up but it will take me a little time to get a post in. It seems as if the situation just blew up in their faces so to speak. I figured the ship was going to crash, I just didn't expect it to be quite that crazy. [B]EDIT:[/B] And posted, sorry for the delay. I hope you don't mind what I tossed in there, in regards to what Natalia thinks is going on. Obviously I have no idea, but that's what she is thinking.
  15. Alright, I'm back and I'm caught up on what's going on. So I'll work on getting a post done in the next couple of days. It is interesting to finally see the direction that's being taken in regards to Jared's interrogation. For some reason I feel like I've either seen it before or read something that used isolation as a means to get information. I can't seem to pin down where or when though. I don't know which is worse really. The mental approach or the physical one. I do agree with what the others have said in regards to Major Sewall being creepy based on how you've portrayed them Allamorph. That clinical detachment he seems to have, which is lending to the air of excitement he is showing over breaking someone, and incidentally verifying his theory as to how the mind works, is in itself a tad morbid. And distinctly chilling in it's own right. o_O [B]EDIT:[/B] And done. Sorry about the delay. I got busy with Halloween and other things upon my return from my trip. It is good to be back though.
  16. Before I say who I will vote for or who I think will win, I find all the snipping in regards to the polling both sad and amusing. I don't have to point to who implied it, but as a Republican (who gets polled regularly by the way) on disability/welfare, I find the ignorant assumption that we are 'overlooked' ill informed. Or wishful thinking or being snide and snarky just for the sake of doing so. (also known as trolling I believe) Now in regards to the actual election, normally I would vote Republican, but to be frank, the last eight years has been painful to watch and I'm not sure I want to see it again. I don't really like Obama any better, but I'm just plain sick and tired of how things have been going. All of the economic turmoil has hit those of us on fixed incomes really hard so I, along with many other Republicans, will end up voting for Obama simply to put an end to the Republican influence that we once supported. My faith in their ability to lead effectively is pretty much gone at this point.
  17. I'll have to read that post when I get back from being out of town James. I already told Indi, but I'll be out of town from the 21st to the 28th. So I won't be posting anything until I get back. I might have Internet access where I'm going, but I'm visiting family so I doubt I'll spend any time online.
  18. Beth is already aware of this, but I'll be out of town from the 21st to the 28th. So I won't be posting anything until I get back. I might have Internet access where I'm going, but I'm visiting family so I doubt I'll spend any time online.
  19. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Yeah, I just thought Kathy's post ended in a very unnerving way. I really got that physical creepy feeling from it almost.[/font][/QUOTE]Glad to hear it since that's what I was aiming for. I know Sabrina was edging more towards Jeff, but I thought it would be fun to include [I]both[/I] of them. Indi was fine with that when I asked her about it on AIM. I have no idea if that's true or not, but considering what they found there, I'm inclined to believe someone is up to no good too, that's a pretty startling secret to stumble upon after all. Though who knows? When you consider how advanced the Von Braun is, it could literally be anyone.
  20. [CENTER][IMG]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2357/kathykf5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] If it wasn?t one thing, it was another. Natalia had managed to get back to the Von Braun with the others, no one had reported her missing and after stopping at her quarters to get cleaned up she had joined the others at Viktor Ivanov?s quarters. It would have been more enjoyable if it hadn?t been totally obvious that people were desperately trying to relax. The conversation, jokes and laughter reminded her of people at the casino who were on the verge of losing everything. Finally, she had been unable to stand it and took her leave to head back to her own quarters for the night. The sooner the trip was over and they were back on Earth the better. She was almost there when it hit her that she didn?t have the slim wallet that she kept in her dress pocket. In fact, now that she thought about it, she hadn?t seen it since she got back to the Von Braun. [I]I need to find that.[/I] [CENTER]*********************** [IMG]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2357/kathykf5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h167/Desbreko_Fanclub/VBO/indiavi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/8936/avatar21crewxq4.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Hours later, Natalia had not found it. She had looked at the Casino, checked with Viktor and retraced her steps since she returned to?[I] Of course! [/I]If it wasn?t at the space station or anywhere else, the only other place it could be was on the escape pod. Natalia grabbed her ID tag and dashed out of her quarters to head for the level where the shuttles and other ships attached to the Von Braun would be. [I]They?ll know something is up if anyone finds that in the pod.[/I] It didn?t take her long to get there and only a few minutes to wait for the corridor closest to where the pod was docked to be clear. Natalia snuck in quickly. Sure enough the small thin wallet was halfway down the side of the seat she had been sitting in. She stuffed it into her pocket and exited the escape pod. She had barely left where it was docked when the lights changed to a deep red. Natalia froze in place. [I]Did someone see me?[/I] Her heart began to race. [I]No, that can?t be right, can it? [/I]All sorts of wild ideas ran through her head. They knew they had returned - they knew they had seen those aliens that they shouldn?t have seen? Each thought was more absurd than the last and yet she felt the urge to panic anyway. For the longest moment she couldn?t even move. It took the sounds of someone approaching to snap her out of it, but before she could think to do more than take a single step, two people came hurrying around the corner. [I]Oh hell![/I] Of all the people to run into, why did it have to be Ms. Wells and her personal security? If the others were right about their conspiracy theories? Natalia jumped when Ms Wells grasped her arm gently. ?[B]There?s no need to worry,[/B]? She smiled at her. ?[B]It?s just a precaution.[/B]? [I]Precaution? What is she talking about?[/I] Natalia looked from Ms. Wells to her escort. Unlike the calm expression Ms. Wells had, his told a different story. Something was obviously bugging him. ?[B]I uh?[/B]? She stammered. ?[B]Just follow the emergency evacuation instructions and you?ll be fine,[/B]? he told her gruffly before moving to go around her. Ms Wells rolled her eyes. ?[B]You really need to work on your people skills Jeff.[/B]? She took Natalia?s arm in hers. ?[B]Ignore him, we?ll be checking out the shuttles so just come with us.[/B]? ?[B]But?[/B]? ?[B]No buts. You won?t get in the way and I?ll feel better knowing you got to the right one,[/B]? she smiled reassuringly at Natalia again, ?[B]okay?[/B]? Natalia looked over to see her security scowling slightly in her direction. ?[B]I guess.[/B]? She finally stammered, uncertain how to extract herself from the situation. ?[B]Good,[/B]? Ms. Wells said brightly. ?[B]Now, let?s get going.[/B]?
  21. ?[B]It?s been a long time Daniel,[/B]? James stood up and walked around the desk until Daniel was forced to look up from where he was sitting. It was a shame really, to see what he had become; he had had high hopes for him at one point. ?[B]Not long enough.[/B]? Daniel shot back grimly. James leaned back, sitting on the edge of his desk. ?[B]I had hoped you?d be reasonable about this. I can?t change your sentence but I can make the process easier if you allow me to do so.[/B]? Daniel snorted. ?[B]Just get it over with and spare me the hypocritical nonsense.[/B]? ?[B]Think about this carefully before you decide. If you refuse to cooperate, you won?t be the only one affected.[/B]? That was a decision he personally disagreed with, but it wasn?t up to him to decide. ?[B]Don?t you think it?s a bit late for that?[/B]? Daniel leaned forward as much as he could without triggering a response from the two versilan?s escorting him. ?[B]No matter how you dress it up, I know perfectly well that you?ll use any and all means to get what you want.[/B]? ?[B]I can at least make sure you don?t have to deal with certain individuals.[/B]? James pointed out. ?[B]I would have thought that would appeal to you.[/B]? But Daniel just smirked in response. ?[B]Well now, that would be interesting and I might even consider it,[/B]? he paused for effect, ?[B]if only the person I?d rather not see was actually around.[/B]? [I]So they do have him... [/I]That took care of one question that James had for Daniel, to confirm whether or not the New Alliance had Commander Scorer or not. Their own intelligence on that matter had been rather sketchy and unreliable. It was but one of many things they would get out of Daniel Landers before they were done. And though he hated to do it? ?[B]What about people you do want to see?[/B]? Daniel stiffened and went silent for a brief moment. James just waited to see if he would respond or not. He didn?t need to say who he was referring to. It was unlikely that anything would happen to the pair but using their presence would have the desired psychological effect. ?[B]I told you to just get it over with.[/B]? Daniel finally replied, his expression so stiff that it was almost unreadable. ?[B]I find your attempts to play the so called nice and caring party laughable.[/B]? ?[B]Oh I make no claims to being nice.[/B]? James stood up. ?[B]Offering leniency extends only to the methods used, and does not include opting out of the follow up drugs used to verify the accuracy of your statements.[/B]? He nodded to the two guards. ?[B]Prepare him.[/B]? He watched as they pulled him to his feet and then left the room. James sat back down at his desk; it would take them a little time to set things up. Just enough time for him to see if anything needed his attention before he got started.
  22. Determining if one?s sexuality is wrong skirts the issue in my opinion. This may have originally been about whether or not you think it?s wrong, but that scratches the surface of a far more complex issue. At its core I have come to see it more as a civil rights issue where my religious beliefs have no place. This is not something I say lightly either since it took me far too long to realize and recognize it. There have been a lot of cases that denied rights or separated individuals that were incorrect and faulty. For example, women?s rights, black?s rights, etc. All of these addressed unfair discrimination. To start with as it?s been mentioned, homosexuality has long since been removed from the list of mental disorders. This was done back in the early seventies if I remember correctly. So that moves it completely into the realm of disagreeing with it based on religious beliefs that on some level, have no place here. I think many people forget that even their ability to disagree or fight it are rights that at one time they themselves did not share. Like the right to vote for women. So I see this as one of the next steps or rather next battles that must be fought to remove discrimination. I find it interesting that people currently enjoying rights that they at one time did not, turn around and use those same rights to block others from similar rights, marriage being one of the most fiercely opposed. So though I see it wrong morally based on my religious beliefs, I refuse to allow that to make up my mind for me. After all, those same beliefs use to strip blacks of rights within the church, like the ability to hold positions of leadership, and that has been proven to be wrong.
  23. [quote name='James;822461][font=franklin gothic medium]The problem here isn't the free market system, it's simply that America made a big mistake by deregulating its banking system to the extent that it has.[/font][/QUOTE]I have to wonder how many people really see that, I honestly do. You can't change things like that and expect people to be sensible. If they were, regulations/laws wouldn't be necessary in the first place.[quote name='Allamorph;822547][FONT=Arial']I sincerely maintain that it is not the government's responsibility to rescue any failing company, whether it be local, state-wide, nation-wide, private, or corporate.[/FONT][/quote]And I would sincerely maintain that it is their responsiblity to protect the rest of the public from the reckless behavior said companies and individuals engaged in. It's important to realize just who is really being bailed out here.[QUOTE=Nathan'][FONT="Arial"]The problem with allowing them to just go bankrupt is at this point, the problem is big enough that the fall out will affect thousands of Americans both money and job wise who had nothing to do with it. I strongly dislike bail outs in any form, however I think it has become a necessary evil at this point. [/FONT][/QUOTE]Exactly. You have to look beyond who created the mess and see what will happen if you don't step in to minimize the damage. Now I hope you'll forgive me if this was already touched on, but as one who has lived through every single bail out listed in that document that Sabrina linked to, I can tell you right now that the reason the government does them is they work. Plus as James already pointed out, this is far more than bailing out a failing company, this is dealing with quite a few irresponsible every day Americans as well. I know people who have already lost their homes to this mess and I can't find it within myself to feel sorry for them since many of them were living beyond their means. Homes they couldn't really afford, loans they couldn't really afford, etc. With the increase in living and things like gas, the increase has seen people losing everything. They got hit with the reality that you can't keep extending your credit if you don't have sufficient cash flow to keep up with it. Regulations on loans and other things have become far more lenient over the decades, creating an atmosphere that allowed all parties to be irresponsible. The fact that it will require so much money to fix is just staggering. The only complaint I will have is if this goes through and nothing is done to tighten up the regulations that were relaxed in the first place.
  24. Let see, my signature is just my usual love of beautiful nature scenes. In this case a waterfall in TN. The bit underneath it are people on the boards who's sense of humor, intelligence and maturity all remind me of my daughter. Thus it is my [I]adoption[/I] list since they remind me of her. The title is simply who I am and have been for quite some time and the avatar is merely an extension of the signature. Not much else too it really.
  25. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial][I]Someone[/I] woke up on the sarcastic side of the bed this morning. :p[/FONT][/QUOTE]You could say that. Anyway, change the markings to a mixed Siamese cat and you'd be looking at our cat Alexander. Why he loves anything with power running through it I'll never know. [CENTER] [IMG]http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/9/8/lightdieturd128654068331945627.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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